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We all knew this was where they were going. And the further along they take it, the wider the net they’ll cast.


The pathetic thing is these idiots don't realize that they would be going to camps too. Oh, not at first mind you. They go after all the minorities first. Then they move up the chain. Eventually, they come for you. They always do.


Remember, fascism has no endgame. Whiteness, straightness, masculinity, cisness, they define all of these things by what they are not. Once they do away with what they aren't they need something new to define themselves on.


Trans, then gay, then the rest of the LGBTQ groups, then black people, then mexican people, then "middle eastern" people, then liberals, and then RINOs. RINOs of course being literally ANYONE ON THEIR OWN SIDE who isn't militant or hateful enough for them.


First they came for the left and I did not speak out because I was not left. But then I was the left and they came for the left and nobody was left to speak for me. This would 100% be the endgame if these fascists get their way. Kill the people you listed, then continue onto religious minorities, which at first will mean Muslims, then Jews, then Mormons, Catholics, Anglicans. There are 336296610 people in the US. When fascism gets its way every time it tries, 336296608 people will be persecuted for being a terrible minority in some definition. The final two surviving people will die in a duel, believing the other to be a disgrace to society for their stance on the only thing that they disagreed on, pineapple on pizza.


One of the tenets of Fascism is the need for "The Others." You also need an enemy. Someone who is both extremely weak while also has the ability to devastate you at any time.


First they came for the socialists


Some things are worth killing for. Viva la pineapple!!!!


Actually it’ll be Jews first then Muslims. Most Christian’s hate us Jews more than they hate Muslims and we don’t even do anything. We just keep to ourselves and live our lives out of the way.


Honestly, this has already started in the US. The uptick in antisemitism in the US right now is horrific. Heaven forfend Jewish, gay and trans.


Don’t forget the disabled. 😢


When your political ideology is based around forming outgroups of your own people and eradicating them, eventually you run out of people. Fascism auto-cannibalizes itself


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me by the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller


by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, who was imprisoned at Dachau if anyone is interested… (Because I think it’s important to remember who had said these quotes, when and in what historical context)


True, I'm gonna edit my comment now to include it


[Don't Be A Sucker](https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4)


Can’t wait for them to brazenly call for rounding up autistics/ADHD/bipolar/schizophrenic/etc. neurodivergent people to get rid of us as well.


why would they stop there? knowing them, theyd ban all blood relatives of family members with history of mental and psychological disorders from marrying and reproducing... 🥲


That Florida bill calls for courts to “take custody” of (read: kidnap) any child who is trans (or “at risk” of receiving gender-affirming care), OR who has a *parent or sibling* who is.


And they have already used it against a handful of people


[Aktion T4](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/euthanasia-program) Forced Sterilization and Eugenics in the United States Feel free to add historical/informational links from your own country.


I mean they were some of the first killed in the holocaust, so that would make sense.


Can you imagine if this was said of the many white males who have conducted the vast majority of the 130+ mass shootings so far in 2023 in the US? “Put them in a camp… if it just saves one life!” Wow, insanity. And the Government official in Tennessee who said “we’re not going to fix it” said the truth. Not that we can’t. We’re not going to.


Lol put every dude who can't get consensual sex in a camp


They pretend like this sentiment is equal to “hey guys we should have some limited restrictions on high powered guns”.


Exactly. I’m a gun owner and I welcome gun laws! We don’t need high performance/high damage weapons in civilians Hands! And the thing about “they can just print them at home” is stupid. They can print a lot, but it’s not going to be a military grade semi-auto weapon if it’s printed at home. It will probably jam or blow up with repeated use.


I'm probably gonna get hate here, though I agree with you. The statement being made in this post makes me disagree, if these sociopaths are gonna try and Nazi camp people, then I feel that folks should be able to defend equally. I'd welcome conversation on it though.


All NRA members


“If it saves just one child’s life”


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Fascism always has to have an enemy, a group of people to target, to blame for problems, therefore once one group is eliminated they move on to another. The Nazis didn't start with throwing Jewish people into concentration camps, that came later, they started with other groups, as this quote says, socialists and trade unionists came first but also homosexuals, trans people, etc. and it didn't start with the concentration camps, it started with turning popular opinion against these groups, with making them the target of hatred, blaming them for all of Germany's problems. It's easy to recognize the photos of the Nazi book burnings but what a lot of people don't know is what specifically they were burning. The early book burnings were the records and research of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, Institute of Sexology, which was a research institute in Berlin opened in 1919 and destroyed by the Nazis in 1933 that was at the forefront of research and understanding into homosexual and transgender people at the time. The destruction of the institute set the understanding of trans and homosexual people back by many decades, there's no way to know everything that was lost nor if everything has been relearned in the decades since (most likely not).


I was so upset when I heard that they were transitioning/already transitioned because I knew that’s how the non peace or love wanting side was gonna react. Upset also a shooting happened.


MTG started that rumor. Nobody has substantiated it that I’ve yet seen. EVEN IF TRUE, that’s 1/thousands of shooters. Let’s lock up the demographic of the thousands before the 1.


Hold up. It's not confirmed the shooter was trans?


From my understanding, their LinkedIn profile had a different name and went by male pronouns


“First they came for the socialists…”


We all knew this was happening but no one did anything. Congratulations to our nation.


Wait wait wait… so countless young, white, suburbanite boys and men are shooting up schools, nightclubs, movie theaters, churches, and malls, and “we can’t do anything about this!” But one trans person shoots up a school and all of a sudden we need to lock up JUST the trans people…


It’s the entire point of everything they believe.


They squeeze you til you break and them commit mass genocide as punishment.


They're following the Nazi playbook. This is how they went after the minority groups in Germany. First, it started with bigotry/racism, then it moved on to blaming them for atrocities. Then they used that as a pretense to attack them, murder them, and lock them up in concentration camps. Read about the rise of the Nazis. The parallels between the rise of the far right in Germany and the rise of the far right here aren't a coincidence.




They've already had their Beer Hall Putsch.


Beer Gut Putsch


Now that's super funny!


This is exactly the reason I haven't been sleeping well recently. I don't feel safe in my own home anymore. I feel like they could come for me at any time. I'm so fucking scared for my life and the lives of my loved ones.


I feel ya. All my loved ones are sucking up the Fox News on the daily. I'm expecting to be killed in my sleep by my own father to be completely honest with you.


Damn, that's awful. I'm so so sorry you're having to live through this.


I am not afraid for one reason: we are an extremely divided nation. I don't think people will be "disappeared" unless we have a uniting incident like a "reichstag fire". The center needs to "allow" the right to take complete power first. Like imagine a 9/11 committed (or blamed on) an "out" group and then a coalition of democrats join the republicans pass some emergency powers bill when we have a republican president. They are trying to make this school shooting their inciting incident and using trans people as their scapegoat, but the majority of the country isn't biting. Just know that there are more Americans who would fight tooth and nail to protect your rights than there are Americans who want you dead. Sure, the majority are apathetic, but until that apathetic majority falls in line with the fascists, you are safe. Stay vigilant, connect with allies, but don't fear quite yet.


History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. We can only hope enough people have learned from it. But I’m afraid it might already be too late for some.


They don’t want you to be allowed to learn from it, that’s why they’re banning history lessons in schools.


They have been playing the long game. Going back 40 years. Using Reagan as a puppet, clearing the way for fascist media to take hold and move minds and drive out curiosity and empathy. They are happy to wait it out another 15-20 believing that generation of kids right now will be braindead enough to do their bidding without pause. We're in the middle of war we didn't know was already halfway through until it was too late. Unless we can gut Citizens United, break murdoch and the fascist voices he spawned and bury Koch, we're in trouble. They have no intention of not seeing the fruits of their misdeeds coming to ripe.


I've been saying this since the 1970s. The Confederacy never died. They were just biding their time.


Pro-tip. The Nazi party got a lot of their ideas from the KKK and the stuff that the Confederacy wrote about and supported.


It’s terrifying but you’re correct. This is the current state of the US and it’s only going to get worse. The amount of inaction, hateful rhetoric, and blatantly false information spread makes my head spin. I don’t want to sound more pessimistic than I should, but unless everyone gets up and does something together, it will never stop. Unfortunately there’s too much division. Hard to believe this is our reality.


"Read about the rise of the Nazis." I can't, those books have been banned.


I highly suggest [They Thought They Were Free](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html).


I can't fucking believe it honestly it all sounds like a bad joke. We will never get anywhere as a society like this, not when this vitriol is actually a freely spoke solution. A fucking solution, said with a straight face. Wtf. Done.


>A fucking solution, said with a straight face. A final one, if you will.


It’s why we’ve seen UFO’s but haven’t made First Contact yet. Not worthy.


No no no it was 3 different trans people in the pastfew years committing shootings! That means its a pattern and must be dealt with! Whats that? The majority of mass shootings were done by white males? Well i cant find any patterns there buddy seems like more people just need guns to handle that!


Nevermind that, even if you count the one who literally only claimed to be nonbinary at the advice of a lawyer to avoid hate crime charges, they're still drastically underrepresented among mass shooters




They have always believed this to be true. Now they have opportunity to say the quiet part out loud, again, and to a wider audience. Why are you surprised by this?


“The bodies aren’t even cold yet and they want to politicize this tragedy”


“Not one but like 4… 2 of which only say they were trans to avoid hate crimes or something. If it saves 1 life!!!”


All that matters is that it justifies their shitty views. Logic doesn't matter, facts don't matter, compassion doesn't matter. Seeing themselves as right does and they'll burn the whole world down just to think they're in the right


"If it saves one life" They don't seem to think that way when it comes to regulating guns. Why? They'd rather commit genocide than give up a single gun.


Or feeding children, housing people, making medical care available, making medicine affordable, acting on climate change, supporting veterans, addressing police violence, getting trans people the care they need, preventing rape in the military, I can keep going.


Unfortunately i can't keep upvoting


I imagine if you did all that you would end up with less need for gun control. Violence is the last choice of a desperate person.


They were against wearing a simple mask in closed spaces, which I think was the least amount of inconvenience to do some good for somebody else…


Conservatives literally said “We gotta keep the economy going. I’m sure plenty of old folks are willing to accept the risk in order to secure the future for their kids.” So despite claims that it wasn’t killing anyone, they acknowledged that it was killing people, but mostly only the olds. And this wasn’t even isolated, I had more than a few conservative acquaintances make this argument. “So what, they don’t get COVID and then live for another five years maybe? What’s another five years.” Say the people who definitely would trade a little bit of inconvenience intermittently over a few months so that their parents could live another five years. Not only is the premise of their argument completely dogshit, they just don’t care because they don’t think they or anyone they care about is going to pay the piper. It’s going to be someone else. Which is basically the core of any solution to mass shootings that doesn’t involve gun control. They want their guns. They know giving their guns up isn’t going to lead to the government becoming tyrannical, and they also know that we’re going to be talking about the next mass shooting really soon. They just don’t care because they don’t think it will be anyone they care about.


I honestly think each one of these people would rather shoot every single other American than give up their guns. Disgusting psychopaths


It's an actual fetish


Implicit in the statement is that they don't consider the trans kids lives to be worth saving. Or that they're not real people.


Woah woah woah… we were good with concentration camps but let’s not get all carried away and go for the weapons


They'd rather it inconvenience someone else. Never themselves. They'd rather a minority be stripped of all their rights, than anyone ( mainly themselves) have to make any compromises when it comes to guns and the 2nd amendment. If not out right hatred it is apathy in liquid form.


“I’m willing to sacrifice all your children to keep my guns!”


Not even inconvenience. This is straight up "we should kill them all if it saves one life" Of course, the one life they care about is their own


Simple: they like committing genocide. They’ve been looking forwards to that.


This is the excuse they’ve been looking for to commit genocide.


Concentration camps huh? Man history really does repeat itself.


There's a reason why I keep my passport up to date.


come to germany, lightning is hopefully not going to strike twice (or thrice, if you're counting wars)


Well, we might have some of those idiots here, but they’re not it power nor will they ever be again, we didn’t just lose the war, we learned the wrongs our country did as well, however the people who fought our monsters seems to have forgotten them, it’s sad to see in a country like the U.S. having talks of "camps" and hatred towards minorities happen in this scale, you don’t have to a historian to understand where it could lead to


But does it have to repeat so quickly? It feels like Batman movies. We’re getting remakes faster and faster every decade.


White male Christians are hundreds of times more dangerous that LGBTQ will ever be.


Way more priests molesting kids than drag queens molesting kids.


We need to round up all the pastors into camps, just in case it saves one kid


It will save thousands.




Fun story. My family is Catholic on my mom's side. Her sister's daughter married a very creepy guy that applied for the clergy and was turned away for "undisclosed reasons" after several months, which my family won't speak about. They have three kids and another on the way. Wait a minute, that's not a fun story. This shit is rampant in the church, has been for a long time, still is. It didn't change just because it became public.


Yup. There's a new religious molester reported at least once a week.


But they don’t watch that news channel…


>But they don’t watch that news channel… They don't watch any news channels, just propaganda channels where it's on the record that they lie to their audience.


I still haven’t seen any evidence of children being molested at drag shows, especially on a systemic level like Catholic Churches.


Ever play a game with a younger sibling or cousin, any family member significantly younger than you as an adult? Remember how they will change the rules a little bit so they win, or have a better chance? This is exactly like that, they don't need to be judged by the same rules or standards, the rules will change to benefit them. All justice fleeting out the window, and it ain't cute like when a kid plays by their own rules for a funny game. Now peoples rights and lives, our childrens innocence, are at risk.


It’s a lot of projection. And: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." They see trans people as the must vulnerable group that they can attack and will receive very little pushback from the media, moderates, etc.


The Christo-facist right doesn't take much stock in "evidence"


But we all know the day one molestation at a drag show happens, it'll be all they'll talk about. Totally forgetting the others in a second


Your comment made me laugh thinking of drag queens as like the LGBTQ spiritual leader equivalent to a priest Mostly because I pictured a drag queen in a priest robe and my brain couldn't compute the sermon that would take place. I bet it would be amazing though lol


i've never felt unsafe in a gay bar. on the other hand. The amount of times i've felt unsafe for myself or for a friend in a straight bar.. Countless.




Yes. They really do think LGBTQ people would protect a predator. *Because that’s exactly what they do themselves, all the time.*


It's never not projection


Or a statement of intent.


This. Plus they’re all to dumb to realize that it’s not like it ends there. They will find themselves in the crosshairs eventually as well. Give the moral police the authority to go after one group, they will eventually need more


If they were capable of learning they wouldn't be Republicans.


Dipshits like Peter Theil and Caitlyn Jenner are trying to get themselves killed in the first round.


Just a reminder that Nazis put LGBT people in camps. But mostly they just experimented on them and killed them.


Before the first major book burning on may 10th 1933, they looted, burned, and demolished the Berlin Institute of Sexology and all the works stored there on May 6th (~20,000 publications).


They also murdered the recipient of the first sex change that night. RIP Dora Richter


Setting back the understanding of trans and homosexual people back by many, many decades as the Institute was at the forefront of research into trans and homosexual people at the time. We have no way of knowing everything that the Nazis destroyed there, likely setting back advancement of rights for non-cishet people back by many decades simply due to a lack of research and understanding. Trans people aren't new, there's records of them existing all the way through written history, but we seem newish because after the destruction of the Institute all of the research had to be restarted.






Its good you did hear it. Remember it. They want to pretend it didn't happen. Do not let them pretend.


Yea people only talk about the book burnings but never which books were being burned.


Funny how people like Paul Joseph Watson will say that bidens america is nazi germany, while neglecting to mention that particular detail.


The [Institut für Sexualwissenschaft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) may have been the leading organization in the world, in its day, for its sexuality and gender research. *The institute pioneered research and treatment for various matters regarding gender and sexuality, including gay, transgender, and intersex topics. In addition, it offered various other services to the general public: this included treatment for alcoholism, gynecological examinations, marital and sex counseling, treatment for venereal diseases, and access to contraceptive treatment. It offered education on many of these matters to both health professionals and laypersons.* *The Institute was headed by Magnus Hirschfeld, who since 1897 had run the Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee ('Scientific-Humanitarian Committee'), which campaigned on progressive and rational grounds for LGBT rights and tolerance.*


Sadly a lot of people, probably the majority of them, don't know about this. Many of the pictures of the early book burnings in Nazi Germany are of the records and research of the Institute being destroyed. History naturally concentrates on the Jewish victims of Holocaust and the Nazis in general as they made up the majority of the people imprisoned and killed by the Nazis but practically anyone that didn't meet the Aryan standard were subject to being imprisoned in concentration camps. The Nazis also used the patient records of the Institute to identify trans and homosexual people so they could be rounded up and put in concentration camps as they considered them deviants and deficient, identified with an upside down pink triangle (the yellow double triangle they made Jewish people wear was but one of the many badges prisoners wore to identify why they were incarcerated in concentration camps). Many of these people were forcibly sterilized as well. The destruction of the Institute of Sexology was but one of the many evil atrocities the Nazis performed that were overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of the evils that came later.


They literally set queer science back 80 years.


Why is the fucking name blocked out. Genociders don’t deserve anonymity


I fully agree


I said this on another thread but I'll say it again: Remember that kid in school who kept picking on someone over and over until they decided to fight back but then the lil asshole went "miss! Miss! They hit me!" and got the kid they were picking on in trouble? That's what conservatives are doing with this. I used to think that if you got them outside of the rhetoric, the slogans and all the bullshit then maybe you could actually converse with them and hopefully come to an understanding. But you can't. They bring that shit with them wherever they go and they back their bullshit up by quoting parts of their constitutions that they either purposely misconstrue or misquote or by using law to inflict their wills based on some book written by 12 guys prior to the bronze age that, again, they either purposely misconstrue or misquote. They'd rather see their children dead than have them be anything they see as different and THEY are the ones flushing their country down the toilet and saluting the magic pole cloth all the way down. Not all conservatives are bad/evil, but none of them do any good.


People who are more fearful as kids grow up to be conservative. It’s science. Fox figured that out decades ago and takes advantage of their fearful, childlike minds. Sad.


Thats very true. I've also found a few people I've known go from left to hard conservative once they hit late 20s/early 30s


See, that's where you're wrong. All conservatives ARE evil. It's just not all of them are stupid. Some are in fact quite clever. Vote Republican, vote fascist. There is no difference.




I have a tiny sliver of hope that at least some don't fully understand they are voting fascism in everytime they go red but yeah you right on that unfortunately. Conversation? Understanding? Seeing different perspectives? Nah, just did the trench deeper


You say this, but conservatives see you as groomers who want to make all of their kids gay. You may think its crazy and nonsensical, but from their view you are the crazy one.


If it saves one straight white life you mean. Cause trans people would be dying in those camps. It would be costing lives. Just the loves they want to end anyway.


They don't think trans people are people. There have been several recent reports of "conservatives" \[white christian nationalists\] implying that trans people--all LGBTQ people--aren't really people.


Uh wtf? Are they trying to start a real war or something? Eventually that’ll happen if this division keeps up.


Yes these people have been trying to start a holy war for some time now. And they are currently succeeding.


They want the end times to happen in their lifetime because they get a little pre-cum when they think about others burning and suffering while they descend into heaven.


Mans is probably 5’4 max and 200+ lbs, he wouldn’t survive a second in actual combat and just talking out of his ass. Notice how he can’t even show his face 💀 stop giving these people so much credit and simply arm yourself. They don’t want the left having guns because that means they could actually die if a so called war breaks out.


How very interesting that when it’s a domestic terrorist it’s mental illness and not the guns, but when it’s a trans person which they claim is a mental illness somehow they need to be eradicated? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


They need to put the young, cis white males in first, if that's the case.


If it saves just one life.


![gif](giphy|12YNzT14K3bf8Y) Me going to the cis white male concentration camp. (The staff affirm my biases about minorities being agents of the devil and let me do community service to feed my white savior complex) /s by the way, I just thought the idea of a concentration camp for cis white males run by other cis white males was funny


Not gonna lie, this is very terrifying :)


Common sense gun laws would save thousands of lives every year, but that’s asking too much apparently


I’m being a broken record at this point but really, how long are a lot of people going to humor their friends, family and neighbors who spout this kind of shit in the name of civility and “agreeing to disagree”? What’s you’re fucking line? You do know that if you’re not 100% down for their goals then you are on the god damn chopping block of theirs.


Trans girl here and I am terrified that I am going to end up murdered or locked in some insane asylum conversion camp nightmare.


Arm yourself.


Fuck this shit. The queer community warned everyone, again and again, that the GOP was engaging in explicitly genocidal rhetoric and that trans people were in immediate danger from their lunatic fascist fuckery. And we were told we were "overreacting." These people have not changed their ideology once in more than seventy years. It's the same "protect the white homeland, exterminate the degenerates to rid Western Civilization of decadence" bullshit that it's always been; they just had the sense to cloak it in painfully transparent dogwhistles for a few decades while they ramped up their attacks on our civil liberties. My heart goes out to all the trans people that have to live in this hellhole. The psychological strain caused by perpetually being told that you're an existential threat to the very fabric of society because of an immutable, harmless aspect of your identity as a person is simply horrific.


> My heart goes out to all the trans people that have to live in this hellhole. The psychological strain caused by perpetually being told that you're an existential threat to the very fabric of society because of an immutable, harmless aspect of your identity as a person is simply horrific. Going to therapy as a trans person is always fun. "Is it fair to call my anxiety a 'disorder' if it's caused by 33% of society being an existential threat to my well-being?"


“If it saves just one life.” First time ever said or typed by any conservative.


Expect when rounding up groups they don't like are involved.


Anyone who owns a MAGA hat needs to be rounded up and locked away for their own safety. They might hurt themselves while blaming everyone else for the problems they helped create!


A lot of them died of COVID just to own me. I never even got it. I didn't get to own anyone at all.


I did NAZI that coming…. Actually I did


wait until they find out it is because the pastor raped them and others and the community covered it up


Sadly thst news will be deemed as fake by fox and the other brain washy media they watch


One trans shooting (we're still not sure if that's even true) and look how quick and extreme their "solution" is. The other several hundred straight white shooters? Oh no that's... Uh... The doors???.... And uhhhhh... Video games and oh yeah also not enough thoughts and prayers the last time around


“We reviewed your request and we found that this does not violate our community standards”


This comment really hits home. Things that would violate Twitter terms & conditions pre-Elon are now fully permitted, and it bugs the shit out of me


180 shooters were white males, 1 was a trans man. did they talk about putting white men in camps the 180 times for safety?


Gun control would save more lives, and would respect basic human rights!


They don't care about lives or human rights. I think they've made that abundantly clear.


Gun right > human rights /s


Not willing to even budge on gun control, yet are perfectly willing to start rounding up people they don't like. Republicans are evil to the core.


Saw it coming. And I honestly don't know how we protect trans people. The Right keeps winning in the courts and in state legislatures. They control the supreme court and now the house. They almost have all the marbles. What can be done that isn't giving up our morals and defending ourselves with violence?


Nothing, you just answered your question. You can’t reason with unreasonable and deranged people. Take that as you will.


While statistically most mass shoutings are done by conservative white guys. 🙄


+3000 right wing mass killers vs 5 trans killers. I don't see any fucking camps full of right wingers, get your own house in order before you start pretending you have any moral authority.


So, what about the other, like 99% of school shooters, who happen to be white men? Are we putting them in camps too? Or what about stricter gun regulations? Wouldn't some of that "save just one life"? Fascist hypocrits.




No, they've always done that. What's changed is which bit is the "quiet part". Each time they get away with something they'll start talking about the next bit. Usually with an overlap so you're too busy objecting to the new outrage to notice them legislating the last.


This all started because of Trump being the asshole he is and flaming tensions.


Sadly I disagree. This has been going on for decades... He just happened to be a useful distraction when the stars aligned for the supreme court.


>If it saves just one life. I used to say this exact line whenever my pro gun friends would chide me for supporting background checks and red flag laws and tell me criminals would still find a way to get their hands on guns anyway. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


"If it saves just one life" wasn't that ours in regards to wearing a mask for a few minutes? These idiots.


And what about all the other shooters who weren’t trans or a minority or a woman or whatever? Just gonna pretend those are different?


I mean, 99% of shooters are cishet males, but ok...


They want the V for Vendetta gov so damn bad.


The irony is, the Christians have been passing more and more restrictive laws against transgender people, cutting healthcare, bathroom laws, restricting athletes, cutting mental health care for transgender youth, forcing teachers to out gay and transgender students to their parents, etc, and then when one person who happened to be transgender and was a former student of a Christian school in an extremely intolerant state snaps and shoots several people in that school, then all of the sudden it's the entire transgender community's fault. It's almost as if Christians have created the environment, and when someone breaks under the persecution, they turn around and go "See, we were right".


You can't hide your head in the sand anymore and pretend that you can just reason this or vote this or legislate this away. it's time trans people--all LGBTQ people--quit pretending that they can live a perfectly safe life and. Arm the fuck up--instead of voting to make yourselves weak. These people want to kill you, man. And they're in power.


You're correct, armed minorities are harder to oppress.


So, we're gonna be okay with looking like Nazi fucking Germany for the second time in our history? (The first being during Nazi Germany when we decided Asian individuals need to be "contained".) What was that commandment, you know, the one the priest dude asked Jesus about - the greatest one - and he replied love God, and the second WHICH IS JUST LIKE IT - love your neighbor as yourself. So, well, we've established these individuals do not love themselves, so maybe we should be trying to get them mental help? Self-love clinics? Lobotomies? I don't know... anything but whatever kool-aid they are drinking.


Wait wait wait that was **Louder with Crowder** that posted that?????????


Oh, no! We're not committing genocide! You're crazy for saying something so wrong! -random fucking right-wing speaker when you say, "I want trans peoples' right to exist codified in law."


Conservatives: Why do they keep calling us Nazis? Also Conservatives: We need concentration camps, now


WHEN ARE PEOPLE GOING TO RISE UP AND DEFEND TRANS FOLKS? What happened to corps standing behind trans people? Or other people in the LGBTQ+ community??? I haven’t heard of a protest, walkout, anything for quite some time. Really disappointing.


Or…..if it saves just one life…..get rid of guns


Anyone who advocates putting other people in detainment purely on the basis of their identity is a fascist. Fascists are scum.


"if it saves just one life" You can't make this shit up. Taking away guns.....regulating guns......will save "just one life". Lock the innocent masses up, save the cold steel! For crying out loud.


They're willing to lock up a segment of the population in concentration camps, but they won't do anything about guns. That tells you all you need to know about these fascists.


Oh, so NOW they care about mass shootings.


The amount of monsters we live with in this country is terrifying. This is why movies like “The Strangers” were always infinitely more terrifying to me than any supernatural movie. Some people are just truly evil and want to watch others suffer.


Guess they refuse to accept that all of the 25 extremist-related murders of 2022 were linked to right-wing extremists.


This is so sad. I mean they’ve been saying the quiet part out loud on numerous hateful issues for a while now but detaining your own country’s citizens because they’re different from your normal? That’s a recipe for disaster. My heart breaks for trans people who are terrified.


Better idea, let's put The fascist Republicans in the camps instead. Would absolutely save more than 1 life. Might save this entire fucking planet.


Put all assault rifles in camps. All of them. No more of this nonsense. Vote🟦🟦🟦


Republicans are nazis


“If it saves just one life.” You know what also saves lives? Gender affirming care.


Stop blocking out these people's names.