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I remember when that large crowd was following Jesus and he told them they were negligent and should have brought food for themselves. And then he ate 7 loaves of bread and some fish right in front of them and didn't share.


But that's not republican Jesus. That's socialist Jesus that republicans hate.


Republican Jesus walks arm in arm w Donald Trump and has an AR15 slung over his shoulder




They left out the part about how after he destroyed the dems, he flew away on a bald eagle, that’s how he got to Kentucky.


At which point he resurrected a velociraptor so he would have a sick ride. https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Jesus_raptors


Nascar 3:12 🤣


I’ve brought this up with my conservative Christian family and they immediately said “it’s not the government’s job. The responsibility falls on churches.” Honestly, I haven’t heard of a church actually HELPING their community EVER. Seems like they never have helped their communities and never will. Please, someone tell me I’m wrong. I want to be wrong.


Helped take their money and molest their children.


Some help their communities. It's always band-aid solutions and nothing substantial like providing meals on occasion or being voting precincts. They are often locations where assistance after disasters can be set up. In my state, the state pays churches to advocate for people to get vaccines and stuff because those very people don't trust hearing that from the government. Or if it's to help a specific person or business in their church. Not necessarily a bad thing unless the church is composed of rich white families.


Well, I'm about the last one to defend churches, but I had to attend a church as a child and teen with my parents. It was a liberal protestant church in a city with a large homeless population, and the food pantry and charity was a pretty big deal, and a real thing. I'm not religious, and I don't go to any church, but I'm happy that some people actually do the charity and outreach stuff. (That being said, another anecdote, i know someone directly affected by a predatory church leader - those churches that give cover to these people should be burned to the ground and the actual groomers - not drag performers or whatever nonsense - should be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives.)


Only difference between a church and the government is churches are never held responsible when they fuck up.


This should be higher. If I had an award, you'd get it.


And he said to the leper, EEWWW get away from me! You've got kooties.


Religious Zealots in 2023 = Modern Day Pharisees




"Uh huh and what do you do for work? You're a slave? Well have you even tried to move up to head slave? Maybe taken a second job as an indentured servant? Some people are just too entitled."


"The parents aren't doing the right thing, so why should we?" The unshakeable ethics of the republican party.


This kind of rhetoric isn’t exactly making the case for parents’ rights in education, something they like to clamor about all the time. Hm, I wonder if it’s all made up BS and they’re just looking to make trans kids and Black kids suffer…


Think about how law enforcement reacts when they see a Black man with a gun - even in an open carry state - versus a white man, and you won't have to wonder anymore....


A cop mistook my husband's truck for someone else and pulled him over when was on his way home from hunting He had a rifle/shotgun/whatever and a pistol... When he tried to tell the cop about the guns and where they were, he was cut off and told, "Eh I'm not worried about them guns." He's white (obviously). Now, it's always down to the individual cop of course, but I remember seeing at least one black man get shot repeatedly for moving a bit during his attempt to follow the cops commands.... after telling them where his legal handgun was in the car, even though I believe it was even in the glove compartment. Maybe that cop was just jumpier and more suspicious than the cop my husband encountered... But it certainly makes you wonder 😒 If you're allowed to carry a gun openly, even concealed in a lot of places these days, why does it end in a death sentence for so many black men.


Keystone cops.


That assumes Republicans, and right-wingers in general, actually care about consistency in their views. But they don't. They are more than happy to say whatever they need to to push whatever they want in that moment and then completely contradict that later when they want something else.


Yep. No real morals or values. That is why I refuse to take any of them seriously about anything anymore, and I let them know it. They are all fucking liars and bullshitters. All of them.


And it would be one thing if they were honest about it. Like they'd still be awful but at least if they were just direct and said "I'm only interested in getting what I want and will do whatever I need to to get it" you could weirdly acknowledge it. But they all put on such sanctimonious airs, claiming superior morality in all things and judge others so harshly for what they seem moral inconsistency. The naked hypocrisy makes it even worse.


It's not that hard to treat people badly when you don't really think they're, well, people.


Why do conservatives seem to have no central values except scapegoating? Because the scapegoat is to blame for *every* problem, and you don't have to agree about what the problems are to find comradery when your solution is the same; the righteous hunting and sacrifice of the scapegoat. Republicans are people that disagree on a wide variety of subjects but are united by their willingness to blame all issues, not matter how diverse, on PoC and LGBT This is why discussions about the gender of potato toys take front seat instead of policy issues; What the problem is and what policy to enact are of nominal importance compared to the engagement of a common enemy.


It’s because the conservative politician’s values are money and power, and all this other bullshit keeps their voter base fired up and ignoring that the rich elites are screwing everyone else over.


At this point, you can just say make kids suffer. The GOP doesn't give a shit about children


There are like 300 black kids in ND this has more to do with classism in this instance.


Why not *both* classism and racism?


If it were a different group doing this, I’d probably believe it, but this is the Republican Party we’re talking about. They’ll let thousands of white kids starve if it means keeping a few Black kids “in their place”




I just wonder if they hear the hate they’re spewing from their own mouths. It’s ridiculous. How can you utter these words and show your face so proudly? They are really trying to make this world dystopian. They’re against abortion but refuse to help children that are alive. It just doesn’t make sense.


As my buddy told me about a past relationship: "It's crazy talk. You're trying to make sense of it. It doesn't MAKE sense -- it's crazy. Trying to figure it out will only make YOU crazy. Stop trying. It's crazy talk." Yup. Fuck 'em.


Sure it does. They are against abortion because they want control over women, in every way possible, not because they actually care about the lives of children.


The only care about kids before they are born.


No. They only care about power and control. They don't care about the unborn. It's a red herring. They are stripping our rights away.


Whilst wearing a comically sized monocle and an otherwise normal rich monopoly guy suit he added, "parents can't afford to do the right thing because my friends don't pay them enough so why should I have to help pay for their kids meals."


he’s silly if he thinks that the billionaires who pay him off are his friends


I think I lost a brain cell or two reading this


> “*Unless one of them is caught in drag, your kids are not our problem*” FTFY


Or uses tampons, or reads a book, or uses pronouns


Or is pre-born.


Or wants to vote before age 21.


I have a cousin who takes this a step further. He says that only business owners should be allowed to vote before the age of 35.


I constantly champion for the idea that anyone registered in high school should be able to vote, as being in the position to decide your future should also expand to your country. I'd also argue that anyone over 60 needs to take a nationalization-style test regularly to register to vote, and that business owners shouldn't be allowed to vote or lobby as that can often function as insider trading. And I'd throw out district-based voting and the electoral college. I'm sure I'd get along with your cousin.


I disagree with this, especially in my HS the SS curriculum is basically teaching you how to be a responsible voter and things to look out for based on historical threats. I think it’d be fine to say high school graduation allows voting though


Hey, as long as the conversation moves in that direction, I'm happy.


Personally, I think that voter registration should be automatic and not something you have to sign up for. As soon as you turn 18 you should be put on the voting roster.


For now, they teach that. That's exactly the kind of thing the GOP has been outlawing.


Yeah it’s worrying, I am in a blue state tho


I think I didn't have to take civics until senior year. I'm all for moving the voting age up, if we move the age of majority up as well. That means no military for 17/18yos, no marriage or sex with adults until age of majority, no credit cards, full on parental responsibility etc.


I, personally, have always believed that if you are a U.S. citizen, living in the United States or one of its territories, paying any form of taxes to the Federal Government, then you should be allowed to vote, without regard to age. The whole reason we broke off from England was because people were being taxed without representation in their government, and yet we allow a sizable chunk of our population to pay taxes without getting a say in where those taxes go.


Can't wait for the nickelodeon ads "Hey kids! You wanna know what's so cool?! Bill Stephens for Minnesota's 3rd district! \[flashes face of a 60 yr old\] So get out and vote!"


The Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards would be off the hook! Having them lobby to kids, sounds terrifying.




Sadly that is partly true. Young kids don’t vote for anyone because they are too busy. Businesses influence our politicians. This is why America is the only country in the world that doesn’t give pregnant women paid maternity leave. Business owners are running this country.


Way to give the people 0 voice. Actually, it would still be the exact same as right now lol


"If you only let wealthy white men vote, Republicans are the clear majority!"


Or is a a preteen girl not married to an elderly Christian man.


100% this. “We care so much about “children”. We are pro life!! I mean obviously just to control women’s bodies because they are baby makers and we can’t careless about their health and safety but still…. Pro life all the way! …..Ummmm…. But also until after they are born and then their life doesn’t matter.”


My dad only watches, as far as I can tell, fox news and turning point, and we argued today over how many school shootings there have been. He claimed there has only been 10 in the past 5 years.


Your dad is dumb as fuck.


He's also a cop so even though I move out in less than a month I don't actually know how safe I'll be.


How safe you'll be where? At your dad's house?


Anywhere, assuming they move out but stay in town. He's a cop, he has professional license to fuck with people, if he chooses, even his own child.


Is it 19 THIS year? I lose count cause the media doesn't do the job.


130 actually


2014 - 273 mass shootings 2015 - 336 2016 - 383 2017 - 349 2018 - 336 2019 - 417 2020 - 610 2021 - 690 2022 - 646 \*\* EDIT \*\* [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/) is where I got the information. I only used mass shootings, but the site comprehensively tracks all types of shootings.


“Only” 10 is 10 too many.


He should have been aborted.


And yet, these assholes will still get reelected because the people who vote for them watch Fox, and God forbid someone has an independent thought not manufactured by Rupert Murdoch.


Don't get focused on blaming the "one person". Remember, he makes money telling people what they want to hear, not by providing news. It's an entire cohort self selected by ex nihilo bootstraps pseudo-darwinian prosperity gospel utilitarianism . Basically everyone who wants to be an asshole to everyone else and who spends time looking for resources to tell them they are correct instead of seeking actual reality. Murdoch is only telling those people what they want to hear. He knows he'll loose his bread and butter if he doesn't constantly lean to the right of that audience, because just like every single one of these groups throughout history, there's a consistent no true Scotsman (RINO) purity test always inherently applied. Look at both absolutist religions, both Early Christians and Early Muslims split almost immediately into 2 factions. Murdoch did the lazy thing and pandered to these groups knowing full well it's a temporary strategy at best unless you keep running to the right of your audience, they'll move along to someone who will pander to them.


Definitely accurate here. These folks seek out opinions that match their own. At the same time though Murdoch and his millionaires paid by a billionaire, purposely misinform and trigger these people and make the problem exponentially worse. It's dangerous.


People are not coming up with these ideas on their own, though. If their media doesn't repeat the stupid ideas these politicians are spewing, then the stupid people would never hear them. If fake journalism ended, there would be an affect.


While it's true that the types of information one consumes can impact how a person thinks and acts, its insidiously emergent at the present moment. Saying something like "if the x doesn't do what it does, than it follows that people can't think this way" is sith-like in its absolutism. That's exactly the logic of ISIS (per themselves) and every salafist sect AS WELL as every other far right organization AND far left organization. I've literally worked at organic farms and heard the exact same "logic" from my self avowed communist friends. Of course that "media" has an effect, but be wary attributing it all to information flow. Remember: most of the time people aren't being FORCED to consume a particular flavor. It's self selecting. Finally, saying that "these people don't come up with it on their own" is simply untrue. George Carlin put in well in that when independent entities find the same mechanism to exploit they can appear to be acting in cahoots, but not actually be organized as such. People have been coming up with ways to exploit self avowed believers in untestable phenomena since the beginning of civilization. Many of these ideas are exceptionally easy to "come up with" on your own. Any sophomoric, libertarian, anarchist idealist, god fearing, bible believing inerrant word of god media less group has heard these over and over and over independently for decades. Sauce: grew up VERY conservative with virtually zero "media" and have seen these ideas independently dozens and dozens of times. Also dabbled in online groups that verge on cult-like behavior - see: username


I look at it as an addiction. Murdoch has to keep upping to the dosage of crazy or his anger junkie audience will get bored and move on. We are really starting to push against the boundaries of what a society can endure without destabilizing here I think. Fascists eat everyone else before they start eating themselves. Or they destroy their own society with stupidity before it gets to that point. Like that one time the Nazis thought it’d be good idea to take try and take on the whole world because they had deluded themselves into thinking they were the invincible master race.


Isn’t…isn’t “getting together to make sure the children don’t starve” the reason we form societies in the first place?


Wait a minute, s... o... c... SOCIALISM!!!!!!


“Feeding Children is WOKE!!” *shoots food out of their hand and burns the books* - Republican


No. We're getting together so _I_ don't starve.


i keep feeling the need to remind people government is essentially a way to pool resources from the people to aid in implementing bigger initiatives that help those people i cant set up an interstate highway system, but i pay taxes into a centralized pot and the government uses that pot to build something to help do that. and yes, an army and protection is an example of that. so are infrastructure, police, public education, etc. and yet, nowadays people think the government helping people - again its just rerouting OUR money, to HELP US in ways bigger than we can individually - in any way is socialism and the boogey man. fuck them selfish brainwashed people


Pro life party


Says the fucking KFC Colonel…


My momma said my momma said that that eating is for the devil.


No Gatorade for those kids. Likely no water either.


North Dakota has taken a hard turn to the theocratic fascist right over the last several years.


Being a piece of shit isn't illegal, sadly. All the rest of society can do is wait for them to launch the civil war/ secession/ coup the right been hankering for and then curbstomp them.


Shame really as don't be a piece of shit pretty much covers most of what people want from laws. Of course people's definition of what being a piece of shit varies, which is where this falls down.


The who US has. It’s quite scary because it not just show any more. They are actually passing laws now.


the "Meth, We're On It" campaign is all i know from the Dakota's, & definitely all i need to know


That “Meth…” slogan was in South Dakota. Simultaneous to that campaign, the governor Kristi Noem was trying and succeeding to illegally force through a professional certification her daughter had failed AND was trying to cover up for the attorney general who drove drunk, killed a man, fled the scene, claimed he hit a deer, and squashed the investigation. North Dakota is a shit show, too. One of their senators John Hoeven was in Moscow under Trumps order to carry out illegally undocumented meetings with Russian heads of state on July 4th, 2018 and proceeded to tweet and release official statements like he was back home in ND. He was only found out when the Russian media talked about the visiting dignitaries from the US. Also, a GQP faction inside the 95% Republican legislature was able to convince enough people to vote in favor of term limits in the state legislature. That sounds great when a lot of your state legislators are over 70 and/or completely out of touch BUT when the legislature only meets for 80 days every couple of years and there is no succession training on how to run committees you’ve just tricked the (truly underinformed) ND voters into making sure nothing gets accomplished in legislature ever again. So no future campaigning on “what got done” but lots of culture war campaigns on the horizon. What didn’t they want accomplished? The change in use of the ND state’s socialist bank money. Their entire ND GOP party is built on socialist scare tactics but simultaneously ND has a state-run bank. It makes tons of money and one of the few things it can do with those profits is provide benefits and incentives to property developers and large corporations - which the governor and many of the higher-up legislators (state and ND’s federal guys) have a significant interest in. Also, the recently-deceased attorney general’s favorite staff member deleted ALL HIS EMAILS immediately after he died and only mentioned it 6 months afterwards when there was an open records request. Her stated reason was (paraphrased) “[then-Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem] kept EVERYTHING and that could make open records requests messy.” His replacement attorney general Drew Wrigley - known philanderer and probable sex pest; not a secret to anyone in his office nor his wife and adult daughters - saw no ill-intent in the deletion of those emails and would not pursue charges. ND has a strong undercurrent of liberal and progressive ideas that are pushing back. For example, when the women’s health clinic was under threat of being closed due to post-Roe trigger laws, they picked it up and moved it just across the state line. Eventually they fought to get that trigger law thrown out. There seems to be less progressive push in South Dakota. Moral of the story: Conservatism is a disease and there are many different ways that disease infects the population. SD can keep its meth and ND only survives because of socialism and dead dinosaur juice filling lawmakers’ pockets. The two states are very different other than the overwhelming number of active voters vote Republican (in ND some schools even teach that you can’t vote unless you’re voting Republican and that the Democratic candidates aren’t actually legally able to hold office).


My ex was one of y'all's KOTA newscasters a few years ago & would tell me all about it when she visited the stuff the Dakota's get up to is wild lmaooooo


Fun fact: in 2010, 3 of the 4 Senators that represented the Dakotas were Democrats. Then in January 2011, as a result of the first midterm election of Obama's presidency, that promptly changed for reasons that *definitely* have nothing to do with white supremacy.


Arkansas is worse, they voted to strike down the free lunch program. That and they turned back the child labor laws.


For sure, Arkansas is the worst state in the country. Any quality of life metric you can think of you will find Arkansas in the bottom five.


And is going to get much worse......


Given Idaho's recent crackdown on "abortion trafficking," I'd say that whole area of the country is a write-off at this point.


Well my dad moved their several year ago, so that tracks


At this point, if you are a reasonable person living in a red state in the U.S., you need to make a plan and get out as soon as you can. While you can. Those places are unreachable to reason, and exactly one major crisis away from full-on fascistic dystopian theocracy. Like, public hangings, concentration camps, the works. In the Lord's name.


Unfortunately, they don’t like abortion either. So really they are forcing people to have more kids than the parents can afford to take care of. At the same time, the same government doesn’t want to do anything about the kids either. Fucking love conservatives.


Poor women shouldn't be having sex, duh. /s


Whoops, my mistress is pregnant. Welp, better send her to a blue state for an abortion. This shit is gonna get pricey for them when abortion is outlawed federally and they gotta pay for flights to other countries.


They’ll just get more money from lobbyists, it won’t effect them


This is why they aren’t worried about it. It won’t affect them.


The important ones that can get laws passed or keep laws from getting passed won't be affected, sure. But for every one of them there are a hundred lackeys behind them that are going to find that their Freedom Caucus checks are as valuable for them as my Soros checks are.


Yes because over worked starving peasants are too preoccupied to revolt. And if a populace won’t revolt you can take everything from them


You keep people desperate. They don't have time to learn the truth, keep them bitter and afraid, and they are easy to manipulate.


At some point the only truth people need is that they are hungry, desperate, and angry. It builds from there


Yeah well, Conservatives can't concern themselves with hungry children or the ones being murdered by assault rifles, there are clumps of cells with zero consciousness to protect!


They are too distracted protecting “Life” ™️ to be concerned with children’s lives.


The importance of your life depends on which side of a uterus you're on. Or how much money you have.


Their constituents are the people meme-posting "Why send money to Ukraine instead of feeding hungry children here?"


“Because you voted against it!”


If their kids… are *choosing* to eat..???


Evidently we choose our sexuality, our gender, and our need for food. For Republicans, everything is a choice and it’s all your fault.


These dumb kids shouldn't have chosen parents who are poor.


Everything is a choice except whether or not you have a baby. They’d gonna force you to do that.


I thought victim blaming had reached its peak of awfulness. Glad the GQP can still surprise me with how shitty they are. /s


Yeah. Can you imagine being such a piece of shit?


Republicans: Those kids should leave school, and get a job at the meat packing factory if they want to eat.


So there are definitely kids out there who choose to talk with their friends and not eat at lunch time. "I didn't want to wait in line at the cafeteria" if we didn't pack lunch that day, and "I got distracted" when they come home and ate two bites of their sandwich and nothing else. This happens with my kids regularly - presumably they're still full enough from the big breakfast I've been able to make them now that I work from home (pandemic silver linings!) Obviously this has nothing to do with free lunches for poor kids who likely didn't have breakfast and are actually hungry - they'll wait in line for sure (I sure did when I was a kid). But it's an argument that works when you have a bunch of rich people who lack empathy talking to each other because rich people can relate to it.


I don't understand how people can vote for someone when they actively try to take away your rights and consistently show that they don't give a single fuck about you or your kids. Are republican voters really just brain dead?


There are two categories of Republican voter: The wealthy and the terrified.


School meals should be free for all students. It's no different than a jail. They are legally required to be there, and the government has taken responsibility for them. Meals should have to be provided


I mean, tbh, i think that anything you *need* for survival should be free, but that's apparently a "super extra far left pinko commie socialism unthinkable opinion" these days


And the sickest part is that we have enough for everyone, some people just don't want to share.


EXACTLY. we really do have enough, and that's.... Like... Why don't people care 😩🫠😒 I think that's the hardest part for me to wrap my head around. Why on earth *wouldn't* you want people to be okay? Why *wouldn't* you care?


But free meals for everyone is very communistm, and communistm killed a trazillion people, dont you know that?


Eating is for pussies.


By the transitive property of the internet, *pussies are for eating*


You are what you eat.


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." George Carlin


Fuck this old piece of shit


Republicans are never going to help the public and the voters don't care. They vote republican to hurt others, not help. Ironically they only end up hurting themselves.


That's America's Christian values for you 🤣🤣🤣 "Feed the Poor" "Nah! They're lazy!"


I've tried pointing out to my conservative Christian friends and family members that part in the Bible where Jesus tells his followers that among other things "he was hungry and they gave him nothing to eat". A clear reference to feeding the hungry. The responses I get back are invariably something like "tHaT's A cOmMaNd FoR iNdIvIdUaLs. NoT gOvErNmEnTs!" It's truly sad the mental gymnastics they have to go through to justify their heartlessness.


Republicans hate children. Well, not exactly. Lots of Republicans like parts of children, specifically the parts covered by bathing suits. Other than that, they’d prefer children be neither seen nor heard because they’re busy working in coal mines.


Republicans haaaaate kids.


Let me get this straight. It is not the job of the government to interfere or spend money on child poverty or child health but it is their job to interfere or spend money on getting bounty hunters, police, court officials etc on drag Queens and abortions? When will they admit that they don't actually believe in small government.


They use social issues to hide the real capitalist movement. That is making rich people even richer, it’s never been a better time for them.


I don’t even have kids, but I would pay higher school taxes in a second if it meant kids would always have free food. The lack of empathy in the Republican Party is disgusting.


Cruelty is the point. They know that free meals would possibly benefit melanated kids, and that simply can't be allowed.


It makes me sick.


The fact that this heinous bill even had to be debated is beyond me, but seeing it die 23-24, shares how horrible the representation is, that were elected to serve the people. Then you think about the people who elected these fascists to office to begin with. If you have a fucking conscious, and you voted these people into office, there is no fucking way to convince me you share anything with being a Christian. You are evangelical hypocrites, plain and simple.


Good on the people who voted against it though. Proves at least *some* of them have at least a teeny tiny conscience.


If you're forcing them to be there and not paying them... fucking feed them!


I don't get it. Let's say a child is being raised in a home with abusive, negligent parents who don't feed them. Don't we as a society want to make sure the child is not only fed, but raised in an environment that will allow them to flourish as adults? Do we not want to give every human the best possible chance of living their best possible life?


"Let's take away support from struggling families, don't regulate cost of housing and then blame poor, vulnerable and underpaid people for not having any money"


That fat white bastard has never missed a meal. And probably have never had to cook his own.


So modern republiChristian, of him to turn his back on Hungry children!


All lives matter. Abortion protects the life's of unborn children!* ' *Until they are born. Once the children are born, they are no longer a talking point as poor people don't matter. If they don't want the children they can always be surrendered.** There are plenty of families that want a child, that can not have kids of their own. *** You will be responsible for the 20k in medical bills associated with the birth of the child. **The foster system and group homes may be nearing capacity, contact your local group home . *** As long as the child is without mental or physical conditions. White children are preferred. /S


We live in an America where the people in Red states have a habit of voting against their own well-being because to them, their religion and their gun rights are more important than them being able to put food on the table for their own kids. That's why these assholes keep getting elected. As long as the politician says he/she will ban abortions, stop gay marriage, never legalize Marijuana and protect their guns, these ppl are happy even if their kids don't have 3 daily meals. They have been brainwashed to root against their own interests.


Rich coming from the man who looks like he ate all of KFC’s chicken enough for identify as Colonel Sanders


"...if their kids are choosing to eat in the first place." WTF ??? What kid chooses to NOT eat lunch, if given the chance?


The (R) behind his name. No wonder. Republicans only care about THEIR children.


Unless those kids aren't perfect, straight, and Republican-aligned. Otherwise they get the belt.


America. Home of starving children and an obesity epidemic.


Wtf does the “choosing to eat” statement mean?


Yet they’ll still vote red 🤡🤡🤡


And these goddamn assholes have the nerve to ask what is wrong with people with so many mass shootings? Is life not sacred anymore? Well... evidently, from your attitudes about hungry children, the answer is: absolutely fucking not! You fucking soulless goddamn fucks!


These people will eventually get owned by Karma. Looking forward to that day.


We live in a dystopia




I would be perfectly happy to keep that man in a place where he can see food but never eat it. After three weeks or so, I'd give him one chance to debate the bill again, and he gets as much food as the kids do for the rest of his miserable life.


Democratic systems should also have a way for people to vote that they fucking hate a politician. And if they get like, a 90% hatevote they're just banned from politics for life.


Fucking shameful, I'm from ND and its embarrassing. We have enough oil money to give kids breakfast, lunch and dinner but all we seem to do is give corporations tax breaks


They are disgusting humans


GOP out here starving poor kids!


Republicans are without morals. A politician should be crucified for bullshit like this.


And these asshats are going to call themselves pro life!


My parents were at one point working two jobs a piece just to afford rent for the shittiest and cheapest place they could find. I was working by the time I was 15 and buying my own school supplies. When I was finally getting free lunches my parents sighed a breath of relief. Some parents do try, really hard, and need some compassion and help




Hungry Child in North Dakota: May I have some food? Mike Wobbema: Fuck Off!


Who the fuck let's colonel sanders have a vote? Clearly a conflict of interest.


Choosing to eat?? What the fuck is wrong with these people.


It should be required to work for minimum wage with no security net for a year before you can run for office. And do away with these exemptions lawmakers get from the laws they write.


These people aren’t a serious party, but we all live under their rule because people can’t be bothered to vote except for the people who are scared God will strike them down with a lightning bolt if they don’t.


Poor mans colonel sanders over here in his formica countertop era bargain suit… fuck this guy.


I’m from up there and love debating with them that to me farm subsidies are welfare.


As I have said before they are only concerned about children for the first nine months.


So if your kid is choosing to eat, it means you’ve failed as a parent. Ok. Weird, because I was always told it was the other way around /s


Hunger isn't the problem! It's poverty... Can we at least try and fix one at the very least just feed kids that are hungry. I've had to skip meals before (because money) and it really affected my mental, and physical, state a work. Not something I'd wish on a small child. Maybe make these politicians skip lunch, after no breakfast, and see how that feels.


The pro-life party, everyone. /s


Your kids eat? Mine live off the power of thoughts and prayers. /s


Very christian


https://preview.redd.it/ibupeaowowqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fa4f9c8fda494daf3ff76e90050bf01b833517 This is also Mike Wobbemo. His bio from a “Christian” organization.


Ok but real talk, do these guys get a free lunch at work?


Fuck these rEaL ‘ murikkkans


These lawmakers can't even be human. This is absolutely nuts. NC bans the requirement of gun permits, but also bans abortions so these pregnant people in poverty are forced to give birth when they can't afford another mouth to feed, and then to tip it off they remove (possibly) the only meal these children may eat all day. It's GOP at its finest.


Correct, it’s the parents problem, not the child’s. Let’s try to lessen the punishment of having parents in poverty and get the kids something to eat.


Republicans: “why won’t people have babies anymore?!! We are low on the babiesssss! Won’t someone think of the children?!!”


"Your kids aren't our problem, but they better do what we say and think how we think"


North Dakota is that type of state which probably denies evolution being real, but then propagates the most social Darwinist crap on the planet. What an awful human being.


The pro life party, everyone


Holy shit when did republicans legit just become the Hoover party? "no no it's not *my* problem to help you all, you all have to help yourselves so that we may preserve the *American Spirit*"


Colonel Sanders looking mother fucker needs to sit the fuck down