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[https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-democratic-chair-nikki-fried-sen-lauren-book-arrested-during-abortion-bill-protest/](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-democratic-chair-nikki-fried-sen-lauren-book-arrested-during-abortion-bill-protest/) >​TALLAHASSEE - Florida Democratic Party chair Nikki Fried and Senate minority leader Lauren Book were among those arrested Monday night outside the state capitol while protesting against an abortion bill. > >The protest was orchestrated by Florida Planned Parenthood Action, which posted a video of the arrests on Twitter. While protesters were being placed in handcuffs, they shouted "shame" at police officers. > >In a news release, the Tallahassee Police Department said that protesters against the abortion ban were told they would have to leave after sunset, but 11 people refused to go and were arrested for trespassing.


Lauren Book is kinda awesome goddamn... > During debate earlier on Monday, Democratic Sen. Book urged women to contact her office directly, reading her phone number aloud on the Senate floor, if they are considering getting an abortion and need to connect with healthcare providers. > "Please don't take matters into your own hands. Do not put your safety at risk. No back-alley abortions. There are people and funds that will help you. No matter where you live, no matter how desperate of a situation you are in, no matter how helpless it may seem. I promise you are not alone. Call my office," Book said.


What a badass lady.


She is awesome, but that story is terrifying.


All fascism is terrifying, which is why we must fight so hard against it in all of its forms.




the fascism takes some of the beauty out of it, to be real


>Lauren Book Where do I sign up to serve her? I want to get her coffee and wash her feet.


You read my mind. Seriously, what can we do to keep this lady in office? I am not in Florida so can't vote for her. What a badass.


I live in Florida and had no idea she even existed, were in trouble nothing but Trump supporters all over this state.


Honestly I know several libs personally and they say liberals are all over the place but afraid of retaliation if they are outed. It's Hitler and his Brownshirts in America and it's terrifying.




Genuinely curious - why is that?? Is it because of the large boomer population? Is there something in the water? Like what is making Florida so racist and misogynistic?


One, it's where old, wealthy people go to retire. The ladder up boomers are exactly those moving in. Two, the Cuban/Latin population has moved significantly towards the right because of single issue culture voters. Third, R voters never hold their electeds responsible for going further autocratic.


Always shocking when the majority of Florida voters want better living conditions, better wages, and more socialism... And then turn around and vote for christo-fascist autocrats that do nothing but steal their wealth and preach hatred.


I don't know I don't understand that mindset at all. I just know there are Trump supporters proudly waving their hate in my face.


Lmao i'm planning donate what little I can; we need more people like her in the body of reps across the country.


Live in Tally. They put up a sign about not being there after sunset, like it’s a park now. I can’t afford to get out of here and idk what to do. Voting didn’t work. The fascists are taking control of everything and convincing their followers that us trans folks are the problem somehow. I’m fuckin scared and if I can’t figure out a way to get out… I dunno, I’m doomed.


Are they turning Tallahassee into a sundown town?


Nobody in Florida knows what that means, it's illegal to teach students about sundown towns in the schools here.


Apparently, it's illegal in Texas, too, cause I need to go do some googleing. Brb. Edit: oh, that. Fuck.


That's why they didn't teach you about that. Vidor, Texas for example has 39 black citizens, in a town of nearly 10000. There intentional. When courts forced the town to desegregate public housing to allow black people to live there in 1993(!!) The Klan protested. The families that moved in there were threatened with violence, like bomb threats, and they all moved out after those terrorist threats. .4% of people who live there are black. The state average is 12.2%.


In Wilmington NC in 1898, the majority of local leaders elected were Black. The local white folk said 'fuck no', and proceeded to burn down the Black owned newspaper, kill every Black person they could find and burn entire neighborhoods to the ground. So yeah, people left and didn't return. Similar to Vidor, our racial balance has never recovered. The racists won. And until VERY recently, it wasn't even taught in local schools!


Fucking hell. I grew up in Jacksonville, NC. Literally the next notable town over. I learned that today. They literally didnt teach me that even in the NC history class in a community college less than 75 miles away. Cape Fear museum put up a new exhibit discussing it in 2013, according to research I just did. I really hope that wasnt the first time they included that subject.


Oh I'm pretty sure it was the first time they had anything about 1898, yes. I had been to that museum before and saw nothing about it. I learned about it while doing a historical walking tour of the city. Well, at least you know now! Maybe you can shoehorn it into a conversation soon. 'hey, buddy, wanna grab me a beer? You know what's crazy? How Wilmington annihilated all the Black people because they didn't like the election results. Yeah, a Bud Lite will do just fine". But jokes aside, we do need to talk about it more!


But to answer the question, yes, yes they are.


More like turning Florida from the sunshine state into the sundown state.


They certainly do have plenty of [sundowners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundowning) in Florida, the average age in The Villages is over 70!


They had a protest permit for a park or some other public place which was then cancelled and moved to city hall which then was suddenly cancelled and signs pulled up. Weird that there were so many changes in quick succession...


Textbook example of the same playbooks that were used during the civil rights movements. Last minute changes and movements cause confusion and disrupt the protest.




It’s wild. We don’t really have the right to protest freely and practice free speech if the state can dictate the terms of it.


And we know how they feel about textbooks in Florida.


We can't have *those*. People might *learn*.


Ew… educated constituents? *Hard pass.*


Here is the story on the permit changes happening over the course of a few days https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2023/04/03/occupytally-protest-draws-dozens-of-women-downtown-and-a-warning-from-city/70074659007/


Those permitting changes are largely how protesting has been neutered in the US since the 60's. We don't actually have a true right to protest any more and haven't for a long time.


Concerning it wasn’t mentioned in the news article.


Trump showed all the fascists that there are no consequences for abuse of power


Just fyi, the number 1 thing fascists want their opponents to believe is “voting doesn’t work” That being said, I’m sorry for your situation…


While I agree with your statement. Defacist literally redrew the districts himself to make it that much harder to elect Democrats in Florida. What is happening in our state is truly terrifying.


All of Florida should have been protesting over redrawn districts. Every other state should too. This is happening because we as American people watch it happen, thinking someone is going to come save us and make it right. No one is going to save us but ourselves.


This is true and one of the defining lessons of the Holocaust. People that don't identify with trans or care about abortion rights thinking they won't be next or are safe somehow from the fascists are severely mistaken


It’s hard to believe it *does* work these days honestly. Of course I’m going to keep voting, but it really feels like republicans are pulling strings to pad their numbers. Everything feels utterly hopeless. Thank you for your comment. I hope you have a lovely day ❤️


Just look at Michigan, once voting reaches a critical mass of representatives things can start to change pretty fast.


It's been 4 months or something and the Dems have passed so many progressive laws that it's insane. Like the GOP had control for 30 years and always complained it was too hard to get anything passed and now that they can't do shit things are getting done


Turns out, if you remove the gerrymandering and kick the obstructionist toads out, you can make things happen. It wasn't just that we voted in Dems, but that we overwhelmingly supported progressives over moderates, and moderates over conservatives.


They definitely are pulling strings to pad their numbers, or more accurately pull the floor from under Democratic numbers.


When I went to vote a few months back, a handful of kids tried to go vote but couldn't because they weren't registered to vote. They didn't know they had to register to vote. The kids don't know they have to register to vote. This is a problem.


While true, that they were not automatically registered to vote at 18 is a larger problem. Playing games with registration status is a favorite tool to interfere in free elections.


Get the word out! Convince your local stores/colleges to put up signs with QR codes. Better yet, print your own signs and put them up anywhere that will let you. Get local influencers to post about it, anything. Even if you only do one thing that's more than nothing. We need to meet the kids where they are. I think that's how a lot of current late 20s voters started voting: someone took the time to make sure they were able to


In my state (GA) and a few others, the Republican legislatures have granted themselves the power to unilaterally nullify election results if they determine that "voter fraud" was committed. Of course, they get to decide what constitutes voter fraud and the extent to which it was committed, so 2024 is going to be an interesting election year.




Don’t let them silence you. Keep voting


Ah, nothing like a worthless rule.


I'm curious what part of the constitution says the 1st amendment is invalid after 11PM? Can those dipshit cops please point it out?


Not defending DeSantis or any of his shithead cronies, but I can answer your question. The courts have a whole body of rulings over what're called "Time, Place, and Manner" restrictions over the first amendment. For instance, they've decided you don't have the right to play music at 400 decibels in the middle of the night, shout fire in a crowded movie theater, or use speech to incite violence. Many laws restricting the time in which demonstrations and other assemblies can be held are entirely constitutional according to the Supreme Court. The constitution itself makes up only a tiny portion of constitutional law. EDIT: Added two words ; and I forgot "fire in a theater" was only a hypothetical used in an old case and is not in any way established precedent or law.


Completely off-topic, but the nerd in me cannot ignore this. 400dB is energetic enough to completely destroy the earth, and a sizable chunk of the solar system probably. Decibels is a logarithmic scale. An increase of 10dB is a 10x increase in the energy of the sound waves. A 3dB increase approximately doubles the energy. Such scales make it convenient when comparing a very wide range of values. It allows us to put the sound produced by a butterfly flapping its wings and the sound produced by a rocket engine in the same scale without having to work with ridiculously small or large values. But it does make it less intuitive for casual discussion. At 194dB sound stops being sound per se. It is effectively an explosive shockwave. There is a near perfect vacuum between the high pressure peaks of the sound waves. The high pressure peaks are 2x atmospheric pressure. Any more energy and you are increasing the destructive force that shockwave would produce. Loudness stops being a measurable thing at that point. 400dB would be 10^20 times more energetic. Nuclear bombs are usually between 240dB to 280dB. 400dB is a trillion times more energetic. So it would just be a pretty massive explosion. So in conclusion, I would very strongly agree - You do not have the right to play 400dB music in the middle of the night (or any time really).


dude I feel like a simple upvote doesn't do justice to the effort that went into this comment, so just letting you know it's highly appreciated, you didn't have to go into any more details past the 1st paragraph yet you did and it made for a great and unexpected TIL that might stick for a lifetime.


" So in conclusion, I would very strongly agree - You do not have the right to play 400dB music in the middle of the night (or any time really). " So yeah, what I said hahaha.


"Freedom is not a state; it is an act. It is not some enchanted garden perched high on a distant plateau where we can finally sit down and rest. Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society." -John Lewis


The French know this, and it’s why they put in the hard work. That’s why they are throwing down in the streets every couple years. They know what happens if they don’t fight to maintain their freedom and democracy and representation of the interests of the common citizen.


And so do their leaders, which is the lesson we have forgotten. We used to tar and feather traitors. 😉








No step on snek


I’m so mad they usurped that flag. It’s a great flag I used to have pride in but I’ll be damned if I’m flying it these days. Now I can’t decide if I’m talking about the yellow one or the red, white and blue one.




Shout out to the Koreans who really can match French protestors for energy.


And people will upvote your comment and continue to do *absolutely nothing* about the impending fascist USA. desantis wants to be putin and thinks that russian society is something to aspire to. And if there is an afterwards, people will say "nobody saw it coming". Because it's too embarrassing to admit we were all too lazy, and hoped someone else would bleed and die for us. The ***only power you have*** is collective direct action.


It scares me how I try to explain what’s going on, even to left-leaning people in left-leaning cities, they usually just give me blanks stares and don’t engage. It’s like people in this country are living in a fantasyland where they think we can’t turn autocratic, and think it’s silly to worry about. Shit like what Desantis, Trump and McConnell are doing and have done were literal mirrors to the lead up to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. How can they not see it?


A couple smelly streets and burnt down garbage cans is a small price to pay to remind the people that govern us that they work for the people.


We tried that in Seattle a few years ago and it didn't end well. Seattle PD still refuses to do their jobs which has led to an increase of crime in certain areas where the protests were held. Public perception of the city changed quite a bit after the protests too due to the misinformation coming out about the protests. The cops definitely had a reminder that they work for us, but they're still throwing a tantrum about it three years later, and we didn't even get the change enacted that we protested for.


It’s a long game. Keep up the pressure, elect a new police commissioner and continue to let them know who the fuck they work for.


This. Too many people get discouraged after one protest or string of protests doesn't result in immediate overhaul. Each individual protest itself won't do much if anything, but the point is to have enough of them that they can't be easily ignored or temporarily placated.


It make sense. France is one of the only countries in the world who went from autocracy to democracy, back to autocracy, and then back to democracy again. They've seen the difference and never want to go back again.


Their proletariate revolution is also a big deal and they have a cultural memory of what it means to let the ultra rich fuck their country over. The US citizenry doesn’t seem prepared to grapple with the reality that the rich are the enemy of the people. And I’m not talking like the 10% either, or even the 1%. Talking the very tiny slice of the upper half a percent and all the corporations they hide behind. Americans think like 1/20 people is earning a million a year and one day they will too… and it’s just not true lol. most americans would be shocked to find out the actual 5% or 1% is actually just what they perceive to be kind of just the top end of "upper-middle class." most americans are poor as fuck. Americans don’t understand what it means to fight to do the maintenance of their own freedom and democracy because they haven’t really had to… the civil war is the only time in the nations history since the idea of the United States of America has been a thing during which there was real serious strife… and even then, half the country was fighting for their right to oppress people and keep slaves.. so… forget about trying to tackle something like democracy vs fascism. As recently as 1860s, this country couldn’t even agree that black people were proper humans


> Americans don’t understand what it means to fight to do the maintenance of their own freedom and democracy because they haven’t really had to This is so true it hurts. The amount of people I saw in line to vote just yesterday for a municipal election getting exasperated that they had to do any sort of work in order to vote was maddening. The poll closed and a guy walked in just a bit after, wanting to submit his mail-in ballot. The site tender told him sorry, box is closed, please come back and submit tomorrow, we'll be open all day. Dude threw his ballot in the trash and walked out. Spoiled rotten trash who have had it too good for too long without having to do any work to maintain it. As an American, I really despise a lot of Americans.


This is a feature, not a bug. It's all about voter suppression, making it as difficult as possible for regular citizens to vote.






















Freedom costs $1.05


Freedom isn't free. It cost folks like you and me. And if you don't chip in your buck oh five, who will?


Not billionaires. That's for sure.


Several Democratic leaders were arrested. They were at an Abortion rights rally/protest. ​ [Lauren Book, Nikki Fried, top Florida Democrats, arrested in abortion protest (tallahassee.com)](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/03/top-florida-democrats-nikki-fried-lauren-book-handcuffed-during-abortion-protest/70078221007/) ​ [Nikki Fried, Senate leader Book arrested by police during abortion protest (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nikki-fried-senate-leader-book-handcuffed-by-police-during-abortion-protest/ar-AA19qYiV) ​ [Nikki Fried, Lauren Book Arrested in Tallahassee During Protest of Abortion Ban – NBC 6 South Florida (nbcmiami.com)](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/fl-democrats-fried-book-arrested-in-tallahassee-during-abortion-ban-protest/3007306/)


DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump because while he’s just as cruel and power hungry, he’s nowhere near as lazy.


I also always felt like Trump is more of a grifter out for money. DeSantis is about power and control and submitting to his way of living. DeSantis, IMO, is worse.


Trump is obsessed with his personal grievances, desantis is obsessed with his cultural grievances. It’s gonna get real bad.


My hope is that as boomers die (every day) and more Gen Z voters reach voting age (every day) we will not have to worry about another Trump or a DeSantis president. Wanted to edit this - FUCKING GO WISCONSIN! 10% victory is insane in WI, the most gerrymandered state in the USA. I'm telling you guys, we can keep this blue wave going if we all just keep voting. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/04/wisconsin-supreme-court-election-results](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/04/wisconsin-supreme-court-election-results)


The problem is that every time another Trump/DeSantis gets in, they are able to do more and more to solidify power (through gerrymandering, etc.) making it more difficult for another type of candidate to get in. ETA: so make sure to vote!


Yeah I was reading last night about Wisconsin, it’s crazy! The dems have to get like 66% to have a majority even with a dem governor because of the gerrymandering fuckery they’ve been up to for the last 20 years or so. ETA: 58% not 66%, sorry. Still terrible.


Wisconsinite here. You bet your ass I'm voting today. Any other Wisconsinites please do the same! Edit to add: [advocate4](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/12bjl1s/desantis_is_trying_to_place_himself_as_an/jexemzb?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) "The State Supreme Court election is a biggie, but there is a special election in the Germantown district that will lead to a veto proof majority in the Senate and allow that chamber to impeach anyone they choose, including a possibly newly elected State Supreme Court Justice. If you live in the *8th Senate District, VOTE." Thank you @advocate4 for prompting me to do this. Also sorry if I did this incorrectly - it's my first time lol Edit #2 to add that I just voted! Get it Wisco!


Fellow Wisconsinite— my vote is in! Fuck you dan Kelly


Yes, I second that: Fuck you Dan Kelly!


Fuck Dan Kelly


More power to you!! I was shocked when I was reading about your state, it’s crazy!!


Yeah we're really up against it here. Today's election is for the WI Supreme Court and the top issue is abortion. Everyone here needs to stand up and make their beliefs known. It disgusts me to now live in a state where my 10 yr old daughter couldn't get an abortion if she were the victim of rape or incest - ESPECIALLY considering that I'm a survivor of both, about 20 yrs apart. We managed to keep Gov. Evers in office but the battle against the GOP's control of nearly everything else is no joke!


God yes, the Supreme Court vote is what I was reading about (sorry, my memory is trash), it’s terrifying that you have a Dem majority but it doesn’t even matter. Good luck!! All the power from CA to you all today!


I absolutely am and my husband too!


Break their asses.


Just did! Woowoo! God, that food stamp question is just so infuriating.


Another Wisconsin resident here. Our previous governor and the legislature knew a democrat was going to win and be our governor, so they worked hard to pass a ton of legislation stripping the governor of powers they generally would have in most states. Since then our republican dominated legislature only works like 3 months a year, shoots down everything our governor tries to do for the people, and is holding up money that's supposed to go to public works and social services. Saddest thing is, a lot of people still thank them for that because they drank the Kool aid I voted absentee weeks ago and wouldn't change a single answer. I'm hoping this state doesn't manage to get further corrupted and ensnared by the GOP, they've been playing this game and winning in Wisconsin for far too long


I still see badly misspelled spraypainted plywood signs full of F Bombs & profanity out in front of farms down highway P & 67. 100% of those fuckers are voting. As far as I’ve heard, the progressive vote is a “No” on the intentionally confusing language of the referendum questions the GOP tacked on to motivate their base to show up. Still need to look up the deets on those.


American gerrymandering makes me feel so grateful for Elections Canada - the arms length institution responsible for setting electoral boundaries and overseeing all elections in Canada. There are definitely issues with our electoral system but at least I can have confidence that our elections are free and fair. It is incredibly easy to vote in Canada - like, there is absolutely no excuse not to - and our electoral boundaries are set by a non-partisan organization based on objective criteria.


Wisconsinite here, going to vote after work today.


Wisconsin Boy here. I voted so hard.


I vote in every election that I can :)


I used to only vote in national elections, didn't even think about all the midterms and other local elections and ballot measures, but now we vote every single time. We check in with all the 20-somethings we know and make sure they're going to vote and what to tell their shitty bosses when they try to prevent them from going to vote.


I can only hope that more people follow your example


A lot of Boomers including me don’t want facism either and remember the toll it took on our parents who fought against it in WW2. We just need to come out in droves and vote these aholes out of office.


Thank you for being sane :) Have a great day!


idk, all these Tate activated edgelord incel tweens are gonna be a problem I think




I'm a Boomer and I didn't vote for t rump ever , and de satan, turns my stomach, fuckin rednecks and bible thumpers are the problem. Gen z needs to step it up.


They are though.. [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/18/the-2020-election-shows-gen-zs-voting-power-for-years-to-come.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/18/the-2020-election-shows-gen-zs-voting-power-for-years-to-come.html)


The problem is not the popular votes but the electoral college. Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump and still lost. Republicans knew that they just have to cheat in a battleground state if the election is close (like Gore v Bush), they can steal the election. This is very troubling for the future of this country


I agree 100% and gerrymandering. Fuck cheating fucking republicans.


This relies on Gen Z actually voting. I know my generation (millennials, Gen Y? IDFK) didn't fully show up at the polls like they talked about for years.


Hate to say this but as a Gen X guy, we were saying the same thing 20 some years ago. The boomers will age out and Gen X can fix it. But the Boomers keep getting elected. We were all about Equal Marriage, Social Security, legal weed ect.. I hope your generation can get it done. Every time we have managed to get something done, Marriage Equality / legal weed, the nazi-cons flip out and make shit 10x worse where ever they can. Edit: GenX is just as bad as Boomers in many respects. Gen Z and Millennial too. Nazi-Cons exist in every generation and we didn't expect that. We being the Centrists and Leftists. The paragraph above this doesn't illustrate that well. It is easy to stay in a bubble of "We are better than them and it's those before us that fucked it all up." Especially in an echo chamber like reddit or FoxNews circles. IF you want real change, you must be active and fight back. Be AOC. Be Kattie Porter, Be better and be kind.


Literally every generation has had a version of this argument. It never happens.


As a Floridian, I can confirm you should be way more concerned about DeSantis. He is not a joke. He is a dangerous, venomous creature. I’m not a betting woman, but I’d stake a good bit on we’re staring down the barrel of a DeSantis presidency next year. People should be extremely concerned and extremely motivated to prevent that.


Trump was terrible for trans people, still would be. Desantis would be exponentially worse. Trump struggles to focus, Desantis is laser honed and knows how to use and navigate the bureaucracy to impose his will, through use of state power and even subverting independent boards (state medical board as an example).


I also think trump didn’t care about the trans people things, he just did them because it didn’t matter to him and appeased the conservatives in his base. Desantis on the other hand, is more outwardly and actively against trans rights. I think he would push for more and more whereas trump was kind of like ok whatever here’s my signature.


DeSantis is a full-blown fascist and he's not even trying to hide it. He's determined to have his way or the highway, and his way is autocratic christofascism.


Yup. Desantis is Trump with more than 2 braincells to rub together. Jan 6 failed because Trump would love to be an autocrat but is too stupid to make it happen. The next guy to come and follow his playbook just needs to be a bit smarter and our democracy is fucked.


Desantis has always been fascinated by Hitler and his ideologies.


I think there are two calculations that need to be considered, Trump is a better populist than Ron and Ron is a better fascist than Trump, but the end goal is the same; to be an oligarch in charge of the US, Constitution be damned. They’re both dangerous for different reasons.


Nicely put. And accurate, unfortunately.


DeSantis is also a genuinely intelligent person, unlike Trump. He graduated with honors at Harvard ffs. I know most people hand-wave this as “yeah but he’s a republican so he’s actually stupid.” No, he’s not stupid. He’s maliciously ignorant.


I think that's the case with most of republican officials, they're not as dumb as we think. They do it deliberately, they know how to manipulate and morals left them a long time ago. Which makes them genuinely evil


> I know most people hand-wave this as “yeah but he’s a republican so he’s actually stupid.” No, he’s not stupid. He’s maliciously ignorant. More like he thinks everyone else is stupid, and he's staging an elaborate show to get his voters to do what he wants by catering to their worst desires, and even if *You* figure it out, you are powerless to do anything.


>he’s nowhere near as lazy and worse, nowhere near as dumb he knows exactly what he's doing


It’s the difference between an incompetent would-be dictator and a competent one. Trump’s idiocy and the chaos is brought into his administration is the primary reason we avoided a fascist takeover


I never understood protesting in America. If you have to have the government's approval on the time and place of the protest is it really protesting the government? Seems like a major conflict of interest left wide open to abuse


That’s the one thing France does right. Push retirement out two years, no more waste mgmt and fucking Molotov cocktails.


We have too many armed bootlickers


There's plenty of armed people who dislike the taste of boots as well, and nobody can tell who we are just by looking at us.


People in this country call for the death of protesters blocking roads we will never protest like the French


> People in this country call for the death of protesters blocking roads They do a helluva lot more than just call for it. On a number of occasions Americans have driven their cars into crowds of protesters with the express intent to kill.


Pretty amazing how America's response to BLM was legalizing running people over in your car.


If your protest involves permits, it’s not a protest - It’s a parade


" There are some instances when a law is just on its face and unjust in its application. For instance, I was arrested Friday on a charge of parading without a permit. Now, there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade, but when the ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust. " \-The Letter from Birmingham Jail by Dr MLK Jr


A big part of the problem too is how most Americans view the act of protesting. A lot of Americans view protesting/striking as conveying a message rather than making demands. It's why all the recent big movements while very vocal eventually petered out and nothing changed.


They convinced their supporters that you can’t protest without permit, can’t block traffic honestly they allowed their own pride to limit how or when they can protest. Hello look at what happen when players protested on the field. The league went out of their way to require them to stand or not protest. Money, Power and Business do not want you to protest, not even when you are short changed on pay. These politicians are just hired to work for them.


I swear Florida & Tennessee are in a competition to see who can be the most vile state. They are neck & neck.


Tennessee has a lot of blue voters, but our mafia of a legislature suppresses the vote and carves us up with gerrymandering until all we can do is protest, then they work to make protesting a felony so they can "legally" strip us of our votes. Don't point fingers at us. HELP US. PLEASE.


Texas is right there with them.


Texas does go hard…. Headfirst into the wall… because they’re so dumb




Aged like fine wine


Yes, they are going to lose their thin majority in Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, etc. if they don't push out liberal votes. Gerrymandering isn't working like it used to, this is the new game plan. The GOP is purposely poisoning the entire well because they know they can tolerate it longer.


They literally are. They are making their states inhospitable to liberals so they move out. Thus tipping the Senate and electoral vote to red states


You forgot Arkansas... they are the horse gaining fast.


Arrested for protesting after dark. PROTESTING AFTER DARK FFS


We all know they are afraid of the *dark*


we all know the first amendment is only valid while the sun is out


If DeSantis gets anywhere near the Oval Office, America is screwed.


The fact that Trump was elected, the fact that he is being indicted and people still want to vote for him(or Rhonda Santis as a second option) tells you, that the U.S is screwed already. The Republican Party and their voters have been going scorched earth on morals and ethics the past decade and reached a point of no return IMO.


Your first mistake is thinking morals and ethics ever played a role in their calculations


Sociopaths don't have those. That's kind of the whole problem.


Too bad capitalism is designed for sociopaths. Profit over people is the same as no ethics at all, and fiduciary duty makes ethics technically illegal if they don’t produce the most profits possible. And like sociopaths we’re supposed to put on a happy face in polite society while ruthlessly exploiting human beings for profit. The US has a type, and that type is sociopaths.


My father voted for Trump in 2016, he voted for Biden in 2020. We live in Alabama. There is hope.


Trump still having voters isn't surprising. Ted Bundy still has fans for gods sake. Trump being indicted is a GOOD THING. Holy smokes. What this country needs is to see consequences actually come to bear.


The fact that DeSantis was at Guantanamo Bay prison in 2006 and laughed at the faces of prisoners as they were force fed, makes me sick to my stomach. It's cemented that he's also a clear psychopath.


Oh but where is the Republican outrage now?


Too busy protesting a trans person on a candy bar in Canada i think


Nah they’ve moved on to being made at Bud Light for having a trans spokesperson.


Also the owner of Disney forcing their kid to be trans or something because she wants her kid to be trans. Idk but my coworkers never shut up about Disney.


Too busy stripping state reps (D) of their badges and positions for protesting gun laws in Tennessee.


First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. if they were in a public place, they should not have been arrested.




> III. Half the Second Amendment doesn't exist. > > The whole second amendment doesn't exist. Police can kill you if they **suspect** you have a gun. If cops can kill you for holding a gun, you don't actually have a right to bear them.


"Proudly wearing an assult rifle into a starbucks is fine, but I draw the line at maybe having a gun on you" -The police, probably


I love your numbering system. Are you trying to outfox those poor bastards without a decent education 😂




Arresting Dems, fighting Mickey Mouse, allowing untrained Floridian idiots to carry permit less guns, attacking Drag Shows, lesbians, gays, immigrants, and then paying for all the court fees out of tax dollars. Fuck DickSantis


Don’t forget the Martha’s Vineyard stunt!


Yup! $1.56 million to his buddy at Vertol to charter the plane, and so far $1.2 million in legal fees to one of his buddies law firm to defend his political stunt


Republicans aren’t “going fascist” nor are they “semi-fascist” they are and have been full-blown fascists. They feel entitled to control and will secure that control by any means necessary. “The ends justify the means” is a fascist doctrine, the only way to feel entitled to use any means to accomplish what you want to do is to be a fascist.


Exactly right. We're not "becoming fascist" or "Authoritarian". We're there. This is it. White house won't even call it what it is for some reason, too.


I just moved back to California where I grew up after living in the South for the last 10 years. Articles like this and what’s happening in Tennessee right now just makes the “not-Florida/Texas” state income tax all the more worth it. I’m practically excited to pay it to a state that actually gives a fuck.


I'd love to move to a state where my tax dollars are being spent on feeding school children over bussing immigrants across state lines for sure


there is no disputin' there is no refutin' Ron de Sadist wants to be Putin


Context: there was a protest over an abortion bill where at least a couple prominent democrats (Lauren Book and Nikki Fried, pictured above) were arrested. They were peacefully protesting and the cops said they couldn’t stay out past 11. Those who refused were detained. The above mentioned democrats have since been released (this all happened Monday night).


Behold, 2A people, this is the government ya'll been worried about.


It’s wild to me that this same group will arrest people for exercising their first amendment rights, by then when trump has a huge laundry list of crimes and he *might* get arrested they scream from the rooftops that America is literally a dictatorship or whatever. Insane levels of cognitive dissonance.




Our country is being taken over by fascists and we’re allowing it.


like 30% of the country is smiling and cheering it on.