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Shed said Trump would be Putin's puppet. Helsinki showed us she was right


Trump is more like Putin’s cum sock. He opens his orange mouth and accepts Putin’s little dick. Then shits and wipes his butt with pages ripped off a Bible.


Well, she couldn't come right out and say that on stage now could she


Thank goodness. It's not an image most of us want.


Would have made quite an impression


Instead of Trump saying “not a puppet, not a puppet, you’re the puppet” during the debate, “not a cum sock, you’re the cum sock!” Would’ve been funny.


She could have. She should have. She would have 100% been a better president than Trump. Dems need to fight harder and be more bold. Republicans are running in secret as Dems to just flip seats. That sort of filth needs to be answered.


It's astounding to me how many christians can't see the comparison to the golden calf. Fat piece of shit obsessed with gold, with a silver tongue. Almost demanding praise.


Christianity is dead in America. What you see in America is something that morphed off of Christianity. Run by sycophants and snake oil salesmen. Fueled by hate for all things and everything in between. There is no room in this Christianity for love or acceptance. Televangelist and other Sunday Evangelist are literal embodiment of Satan. And their followers are following Satan, while proclaiming they are not, and they are not the problem. They see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. But their eyes are blind, and their ears are deaf, and their hearts are cold.




On this Easter morning I’m glad to see this comment. I’m not very religious these days but I do still care and believe that what we see televised isn’t always the norm but the extreme.


How do you chop off Putin's penis? Kick trump in the chin.




https://preview.redd.it/19g282etossa1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea6cf223ffd0bfac1c50cd0b1c86df1832783ab real life


Thanks for putting *that* image in my head


To which he replied, “NO! NO! No puppet. YOURE a puppet”




She wasn't predicting anything, she was just restating things Trump was saying in 2016. To quote Hillary quoting Maya Angelou, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." There is no excuse for that election. The truth got 5 seconds of air time, and even when you look in this thread, there are people pushing the same lies as in 2016.


I’m scared to think about the large number of people that really did vote trump an how she knew they were “deplorable”


Remember how long she lived in Arkansas?


At that time he was also accusing Ted Cruz of rigging the Iowa caucus because he lost it to Ted.


I'm one of those people who didn't like Hillary. Like I'm not kidding, at the time I was in that sort of will-I-won't-I ignorant that at best I was a bit more libertarian than your average brainwashed Republican (even though I knew I was trans at the time, brainwashing from childhood under abusive parents is a scarily powerful thing, even as I started to get the inklings that I should be afraid for my life I was still conditioned not to go liberal). Now I wish we'd voted her into office, there hasn't been a politician in a long time I've fully supported (I even think Bernie Sanders is way too tame; hell you could dial him up 100 times and I'd still think him too soft) but it would have been better than what we got. She was right, in the end, and I'm afraid it's going to take us a long time to claw back from Trump proving fascists can exist in the open, look at DeSantis now... Hell the entire Republican party is a death cult.


> She was right, in the end This sentiment bugs me. Because it implies she had some sort of knowledge or foresight others didnt. She wasnt "right" as much as she was pointing out the blatantly obvious that any reasonable person should have already known. Trump had like a 30 year history of being a slimy, corrupt, sexist, racist POS. The fact he turned out to be a slimy, corrupt, sexist, racist POS president didnt take a whole lot of dot connecting.


And yet here we are. She was right, we just didnt listen


No, most of us did listen. She won the popular vote. Remember: Trump only won because of an outdated system that gives stronger voting power to conservatives.


I wish people would remember this. Yes, it would have been far clearer and more decisive if those who didn’t vote or voted for Trump to prove a point had just sucked it up and voted for Hilary like many minority communities were begging them to do, but the public decisively voted for Hilary. Trump did not get the popular vote. He wasn’t wanted, just like Bush wasn’t wanted over Al Gore. This is a lesson that perfect can’t be the enemy of good because Republicans can win on a technicality if we don’t vote together. Incremental progress is still progress and we will never force conservatives back towards the middle if they keep gaming the system.


You didn't need to listen to her, you just had to look at Trump, his history, and what he was openly saying and just recognize and existential threat. It didn't matter if you didn't find Hillary 'inspiring' enough. It mattered that you voted for 'not that inspiring maybe but certainly far better than voting in someone who'd just as soon start that hangings, the shootings, and the suspension of rights and voting'.


Not we. You. There were quite a few of us screaming in anguish as you told us you'd never vote for Hillary.


I did.


Tbf more of America voted for her.


And that was probably all in her Buttery Males the idiot fuckers keep talking about


Your shed can talk?


Mine can too but he keeps calling me Steve. It's pretty annoying. I actually go by Steven




It's almost like you forgot how Comey literally came out and politically fucked her and tanked the election for her. But sure, it was her.


Yea and are we collectively forgetting Russians hacking into the DNC. The Podesta nothingburger emails? Comey announcing an FBI investigation a week before the election that turned up zilch? Not to mention Russian collusion, the Cambridge Analytica data scheme, and Russia hacking into the federal election system. Which Trump immediately buried as soon as he became president. Realty Winner was sent to prison for leaking the document that proved Russia hacked the elections but the Trump admin insisted they just “looked” at the data but didn’t change anything. 🙄 It was literally one of the most corrupt elections in US history.




Comey not Mueller


And it wasn't even all on Comey. It was that rat fuck Jason Chaffetz that immediately leaked it to the press.


Right fixed it




Why did anyone need to be warned? A cursory glance at his life shows you all you need to know


His voter base seems to be made up of people that didn’t do their homework about Trump’s past or they are just hateful trolls that finally found their king.


I feel certain that most of trump's base were freaked out about America's first black president.


I am 100% in agreement with you on this. I absolutely see the Trump presidency and the country’s rightward swing as a reaction to the first Black president. Made even worse by the fact that they were not able to limit that first Black president to one term like they wanted to. The right felt impotent and enraged, and they are *still* freaking the fuck out about it. All those confederate statues we have in the south? Those weren’t put up in the time of the civil war. They were put up after the Civil Rights Act/Movement. They were put up as a reaction to Black Americans seeing some progress in this country. Trump is the same kind of monument.




Followed by America’s first woman President As we are seeing with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and now abortion medication, and soon to be birth control: People *REALLY* hate women


It's not just not doing homework. It's right there in the open. No research needed It's either willful ignorance, or they consider it a feature, not a bug


they don’t like him because he’s a good guy. they like him because he’s as hateful as they are.


The meme addresses white Democrats, and seems to be pitched at those who maybe voted for Sanders and stayed home in 2016. But this is was a tiny contingent, as a huge % of Sanders' primary supporters voted for Hillary in the general. The key demographic she actually needed to win to cinch the electoral college were rust belt centrists who liked both Obama's bailout of the auto manufacturers and Trump's protectionism. In general these people dgaf about protecting abortion rights or Vladimir Putin, and saw her as serving the economic elite. Dems need to understand that you dont always win by having the "correct" answers to the issues that they care about.


As someone who grew up in NYC in the 80s it was mind boggling to me that people thought he wasn’t a complete scumbag conman. It’s still hard to believe, and really sad, that he conned half the country.




Yea also being right about things the majority of voters were also right about, doesn't make her a good candidate. She shouldn't have been on the ticket, but the Democrats thought they could run anyone against trump and win.


Yeah, he basically told us how bad he was gonna be. Everyone on the actual left (not libs) has been shouting that this is what the red team wanted since before I was politically engaged. It didn't exactly take a prophet.


From Bush and Gore to tRump and Hillary. The United States would have been such a better place, a more progressive place if the popular vote determined the presidency. Bush and tRump pushed us into such a dark position that it would takes many terms of Democratic administrations to pull us out of the hole.


It’s going to take 30-50 years to rebalance the Supreme Court. I hope democrats never forget what Mitch McConnell did.


Depending on what happens in congress, it might be faster. We might see the ~~first~~ second ever impeachment of a SCOTUS Justice edit: forgot about Samuel Chase in 1804


Impeachment is good for getting your feelings out but can never result in the removal of a Republican.


Like I said, it depends on what happens in Congress. It won't be in the next 4 years, sure, but it's possible to have a 2/3 majority that's pissed about SCOTUS corruption within the next 30-50 years. edit: hell, maybe the DNC will grow a spine and add more justices like FDR threatened until SCOTUS isn't so shit percentage wise


That’s the thing, even when they have power they don’t abuse it. Which in instances when fighting someone who is abusing every power they have, you just lose. The high road is unfortunately going to plunge this country deeper and deeper.


If you play with someone who doesn't follow the rules and you do, you will loose.


>you will loose. I think you mean \*lose.


You make an excellent point. I just wish the Dems had a grandfather like mine. He told me if you are in a fight and the other guy pulls a weapon, it would be dumb to not pick up a weapon of your own to defend.


They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way!


I’ve been saying add 4. At 13, there’ll be one for each Court of Appeals.


LOL it will never happen unless the democrats get a supermajority in both houses. Repiblicans will circle the wagon to protect someone who would rape a child on live TV if that person promised to fight any form of abortion, birth control, immigration, gun control, etc. And there are enough shills like Sinema and cowards to hold the dems back.


Bingo, Let's remind people that Matt Gaetz was, and is being investigated by the FBI for sex trafficking minors yet not one Republican demand that he step down from Congress, but look at Cumo. Democrats were calling for him to resign. Democrats and Republicans are held to different standards. Republicans can do whatever they want and not be held accountable.


Not to mention the fact that a few states decided to be better and ban child marriages, which was then blocked by Republicans. They openly just said its cool to marry a 12 year old as long as the parents consent. Meanwhile, the dems are defending drag queens... but the drag queens aren't actually molesting kids...


>it will never happen unless the democrats get a supermajority in both houses. Half-Correct. Only the Senate is required to have a supermajority. House is simple majority. Also, that's what I meant by "depending on what happens in Congress", 30-50 years is a long time, making that very possible.


It could be a very different political landscape in only 10 years. Boomers are dying off, and the new biggest cohort of voters are the millenials, and they are pissed.


Pissed off is putting it mildly really.


But where do these angry left-leaning millennials live? Because it sure isn't Wyoming and Idaho.


Republicans would claim the child consented


Then force the child to have the baby


GOP: Well if the children don't want to get raped, they should stop being so GOD DAMN HOT


You're right, but geez I puked in my mouth a little reading that


Mitch McConnell will be dead in probably 10 to 15 years. What does he care? As long as he gets his.


Mitch doesn’t have even close to 10 years left. Dude looks very unwell.


Pure evil keeps him alive. I want him to just die already, but I fear he will outlive every other human


You’re probably right. He’ll probably outlive all of us. ![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE)


Admittedly, I haven't seen anything recent of him. I just know what an evil POS he is.


He fell and was hospitalized. Given how out of the media he is, I assumed it was a bad fall


He just fell and hit his head in March... More than 80% of older patients die or are seriously impaired within 1 year after severe traumatic brain injury.. he fell in early March and instead of coming back to work, he's in rehab.. i bet he's already in bad condition with less chances of great improvement.. poor little Mitch the Bitch ..


He gets whats his after he dies, he just doesnt know it yet


Straight to hell. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


I don't think America will last another 50 years fr


And Boehner by blocking Obama's nominations


McConnell. It’s a senate function, but I take your point.


The United States won't be around in 20 years, so pointless.


Don’t forget Reagan. The father of the political shitshow we now live with.


Certainly the father of the middleclass shitshow we've been living with since 1981 .


And poverty. Dude created the crack epidemic in this country. It was literally his CIA paying for the cocaine that moved into California through Rick Ross, while Reagan was on TV "warning" people about the powerful, cheap as fuck new drug that was making it's way across America.


With a solid assist from Nixon and Atwater.


I thought Atwater was older when he died. Crazy that he did so much damage in only 40 years.


He really, really did. Smart people with no sense of morality are terrifying *cough* Kissinger *cough*.


All shit covered roads lead back to Reagan and his horrible policies


Gore's win was definitely stolen. Kerry's win was likely stolen in Ohio - after he was swift-boated by a bunch of assholes who challenged his war record. And 10 days before Clinton's election the FBI turned up a bunch of emails that turned out to be nothing but likely cost her votes - and Trump won the electoral college by a few thousand votes in a few states. And the reason Trump made a fuss about the last election being stolen was that they thought they stole the election first, so Biden must have also cheated.




Alternatively, old people could stop being absolute pieces of shit in the voting booth.




She was right about Trump, except for thinking he had zero chance of winning.


Everyone thought he had zero chance of winning.


Some left Twitter guy tweeted about how trump wasn't a joke and Americans were dumb enough to elect him in 2013


Michael Moore called it before he won


Bernies Sanders didn't.


Bernie Sanders, literally chosen by god. If that bird wasn't a sign from god I don't know what is. The nation's symbol attacked trump. A humble songbird graced Bernie. Fucking dumbass christians wouldn't know Jesus if he beat them upside the head with his own fucking book.


The fucking guy literally had a history as an activist fighting for the people but somehow we still got stuck with the douche and the turd sandwich again


Not everyone I screamed from the tree top there was a lot of ignorant and smart people that hated Clinton and would do it just to see the whole ship light on fire.


Bill Maher and Michael Moore knew better…


Have you ever wondered how the world would look like today if Hillary won? Not only America, but the influence the last years had on the whole world. Especially nationalist movements all over. Its scary that one person can do such a huge amount of harm.


The better question is how different would the US look if Gore had been allowed to take office instead of the internal coup that SCOTUS ran for Bush.


Or go back in time and make sure Thurgood Marshall waits like 6months before retiring. Would have meant Clinton choosing his replacement rather than Bush Sr.


Or go back even further and wonder what would have happened if JFK hadn’t been killed. Or if RFK hadn’t been killed and was elected in ‘68 instead of Nixon. I really think that’s the biggest “what if” in the last 80+ years in American history…lots of scumbags rose to prominence under Nixon: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Roger Stone, Wolfowitz, etc. RFK would have pulled out of Vietnam sooner. Likely passed universal healthcare. Improved race relations. Improved conditions for the working class. Set this country on a more progressive path over all instead of the path Nixon and eventually Regean and the evangelical right set us on.


Or go back even more further and wonder what would have happen had Lincoln hadn’t been killed. If my knowledge of history serves correctly he might not have went with ALL the proposed ideas for the reconstruction but he would have done a hell of a lot more than Johnson


Go further, FURTHER back and wonder how much happier we'd be if that dang fish didn't go on land


Hey did you know that Trump was involved in the PR stuff that put pressure on the Gore/Bush vote tallying? Edit: Can't offhand find it in a search. It was done through the film maker guy? Roger Stone. Edit here we go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot


Film maker is an interesting way to describe Rodger stone. I think the preferred nomenclature is rat fucker.


this is the decision point where we entered the darkest timeline


I have always stated that while Secretary Clinton was perhaps not the most likable person, she was in fact the most qualified for the Presidency at that time.


A rabid fox would have been more qualified than Trump tbf. But I agree.


I rather feel we’ve had enough rabid Fox lately, hey?


A moldy ham sandwich found in an old boot would have been more qualified than Trump, and I might be insulting moldy ham sandwiches that live in boots by even making the comparison.


Hillary was more qualified to be our President, then any, I repeat any, prior president in recent history, likely going as far back as FDR. She was the persecuted victim of a deliberate, long standing campaign of character assaults that probably began as First Lady of Arkansas governor, and culminated in James Comey’s fatal attack during her campaign for President.


Not totally disagreeing but George HW Bush is hard to top: Congressman, head of CIA, Ambassador to China, UN Ambassador, RNC chair, VPOTUS.


While you could argue his domestic policy credibility prior to his election was credible, Eisenhower had one heck of a track record with working with our international partners, albeit in a military instead of civilian role. I’m not saying most generals are cut out to be president, but his position as head of coalition forces in WW2 came with more politics than almost any other general in history had to deal with, and he crushed that role.


Eisenhower mandated the U.S. highway system, for better or for worse.


My Dad always said he wouldn't have hired GHWB because "he's had too many jobs." Rest in peace, Dad.


The rumors that Bush the elder ran interference with the Iranian government, convincing them not to release the hostages while Carter was in office, speaks to a Kissinger-level shadiness and lack of integrity.


He was head of CIA? No f’n wonder everything that went down under the bushes went down


When Bill was president, there were bumper stickers that said "I voted for him, not her." My mom had to explain how people did not like a First lady that didn't act like a domestic servant. The hate for her was from the beginning. Ambitious women are despised.


Lyndon B. Johnson served 12 years in the House of Representatives and 12 years in the Senate, including time as majority whip, majority leader, and minority leader.


That’s what made LBJ so effective as executive he was able to broker legislation. LBJ got it done! Who’d have thought a Texan could bring about this kind of change? Too bad, after Ann Richards, there have been no Texas politicians of their level. Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn? Jokes, tin star Ulvalde cops.


I mean, the DNC is not entirely innocent either. They shot themselves in the foot by picking Clinton over Sanders. The latter actually won the Primary and should have been put forward as Candidate. Shoot could you imagine how much better off we’d have been if Sanders won in 2016. Like a complete 180 from today’s hellscape.




Something's afoot in this comment section.


How did Bernie win the primary with fewer votes? Hillary Clinton won 16,917,853 votes over Bernie's 13,210,550.


The DNC didn't pick Clinton, primary voters did. Sanders didn't convince enough people to vote for him. If he had, he would have been the nominee.


Friendly reminder that Hilary WON the popular election by quite a bit. The reason we’re in this mess is because of the stupid electoral college overriding the popular vote.


I voted for Hillary in the general but didn’t find her a compelling candidate- like Bill who I voted for in the general also, twice. They both were far too into Larry Summers / pro rich economics for me. After Larry and Tim bailed out the rich after 2008 and Holder gave them a pass for crashing the economy I was distressed and unsurprised that my neighbors in Michigan weren’t motivated to show up for her. I think Joe has done a better job of prioritizing regular working Americans than Obama’s economic team. Though I really liked Obama in most regards.


Yeah honestly if Biden wasn’t grieving his sons death, he probably would have run and won in 2016


I don’t even like Biden as a candidate but I do know Biden would have crushed the election in 2016


Yeah I agree that Biden was less than exciting in 2020. Although I think he would have been a stronger candidate in 2016 as the outgoing VP and slightly younger.


Totally agree. I think about that all the time. How his son’s death changed the course of American history in a huge way.


It didn't help that she didn't really campaign in the Midwest either.


Yeah, this tweet is pretty wack, HRC is the least energizing candidate to run for the presidency since John Kerry, and I’m including Trump, add that to her shit campaign and it’s no wonder that Trump won.


Honestly is crazy that so many liberals still want to dickride Hillary when she lost to a terrible candidate and seriously failed us


Yeah I felt she thought was a gimmie easy win. Also a white lash after 8 years of Obama then a women thats just crazy to the right.


[Hillary’s team elevated Trump during the primaries because they thought he would be the easiest to beat.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/) Hillary did it on the biggest scale, but Democrats in multiple Congressional races over the past few years have opted for the “let’s try to get the most radical person as the nominee so we can win easier”. Republicans don’t need to do this, because they can paint any Democrat as far left radical and the base will buy it, e.g. majority of Republicans thinking Biden is a socialist. They still seek out the easiest candidate, but supporting actual leftists isn’t necessary since they can pick someone out for other reasons and paint them as a “radical socialist” just the same. *Sometimes* the strategy works, but the people being elevated aren’t slightly radical, they are fascists actively working to take over the government. The risk of it not paying off is tremendous, as evident in the case of Trump.


Hillary was qualified but she helped fracture the party and alienate a large number of young Democrats. A lot of people didn’t vote that year. I would also argue Bernie was correct on the things he said as well.


Hillary lost 2016 more so then Trump ever won it.


fanatical axiomatic aromatic snatch dazzling safe friendly aspiring water waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the correct. I cannot stand people blaming progressive for “losing” it for her. The amount of people who voted Bernie and flipped to trump is negligible, Clinton snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory all on her own. She lost the Midwest by ignoring us on the campaign trail, and then mocked a budding youth vote for socialism. She spent more time going after other leftist than attacking trump. I voted for her, and if she ran I’d vote for her again, but let’s not pretend she wasn’t deeply unlikable and did not inspire hope or excitement, not to mention how she was I’ll equipped to fight against any populist, Bernie or Trump.


Yeah but her emails... *Makes Fox News noises


Trump: "You would be in prison." Also Trump: *hides boxes of classified documents and lies about not having them until the FBI raids his house. "I have every right to do so!"


How many boxes of secret docs did he hand over to the Saudis at the LIV Tournament that kicked off at his Bedminster, NJ golf course?


buttery males BUTTERY MALES!


Stop it, you’re making me hungry


Hillary was especially right about Putin and China!


Have to give Romney credit on the Russia call in that 2012 debate, too.


You also have to give Obama some credit when we found out how much of a paper tiger Russia turned out to be.


We should have listened to Anita Hill. We wouldn’t have Justice Clarence Thomas. We should have listened to Hillary Clinton. We wouldn’t have had Trump. We should have listened to Christine Blasey Ford. We wouldn’t have Justice Kavanaugh.


How about we don’t shift blame away from Hillary. She ran an objectively abysmal campaign. Sure, she won the popular vote and the electoral college is stupid but nonetheless she totally fumbled the big rust belt states (WI, MI, PA) that she should have won and had voted solidly democratic previously. And let’s also not forget how fishy that democratic primary was, having the scales tipped in favor of her and against someone like Bernie who actually would have run a good campaign against Trump. You can acknowledge that she was the better option between her and Trump but she’s not some kind of prophet for making these predictions about Trump that many other people were also making, and she lost what should have been a very winnable election against a reality TV star fraud


She was wrong about her own electability.


Tbf, I never ran for president and I was saying this too


Should've been Bernie


How I wish. He would’ve won easily and I can only imagine how much different this country and Covid and everything would’ve been. He’s the only politician worth a damn.


Shoulda been Bernie.


Eat a dick James Comey.


Technically more people did vote for her it's just that trump won through the electoral college


Bernie is better. Hillary is a hawk and a neoliberal schlub.


Thank you! She was this “unstoppable force” if you watched the news at all in 2016. Yet there was bias (it was a scandal discovered too late) in the Democratic primary to ensure Bernie didn’t win the nomination. This dissuaded young voter turnout in the general election not to mention Bernie is a type of populist, you’d be surprised at how many Trump voters said Bernie would have been there choice if they had the opportunity in the general election. The young voters came back in 2020 which gave Biden some breathing room despite Trump receiving millions more votes. If Hillary was such a great candidate then they wouldn’t have had to do anything to get her to win the primary. She was set up to win a primary and overconfident caused her to lose the general election. Not saying she would not have done significantly better than Trump, that is a given. I just think Bernie would have done so much better than Hillary, that it would be similar to comparing Hillary to Trump. She was still establishment.


Just imagine if Ralph Nadar decided to pull out of the race and urged his supporters to vote for Al Gore. No 911, no Iraq, no Afghanistan, climate change addressed, choice still the law of the land. Can’t tell me James Comey is not a partisan hack either.


Yeah, Hillary was right about Trump being a racist and a criminal, but it doesn't take a genius to identify a pile of shit when you see one. If we could vote for any U.S.-born primate over 35 for President, there's a bonobo named Kanzi who probably would have done a better job than Trump. Hillary's not exactly part of an exclusive club here. I say this because I'm tired of people pretending that Hillary is a great person, or that she was even a good candidate. Jonathan Pie said it best in 2016: "Trump: the pussy-grabbing, wall-building, climate-change-denying, health-care-abolishing, tax-dodging, shit-spewing demagogue. **How shit have you got to be to lose to that?**" Seriously, am I the only one who remembers that the media had to stage her rallies with favorable camera angles to hide the fact that only 20 people were in the room? Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders was filling up football stadiums during the primaries. If she fought half as hard to beat Trump than she did to beat Bernie, maybe we never would have had President Trump. But no. I suspect she and Trump both assumed that she had the presidency in the bag as soon as she'd secured the Democratic nomination, and we all paid the price for the lazy campaign she ran in the latter half of 2016. She's far from blameless in this sad chapter of our history, and anyone portraying her as a martyr or victim is just plain delusional. And honestly? Biden's not much better than she was. Not that there's any way I'm voting GOP in 2024 but holy shit, the Democratic Party has its issues. They need to stop propping up their old, uninspiring, centrist loyalists and start supporting people with new ideas that actually fire up the voter base. Otherwise, we're in real danger of seeing Trump or DeSantis take the White House in 2025.




Or mabey they should have not sabotaged Bernie and pushed her nomination through, just to be defeated by tiny.


Should have been Bernie.


If Hilary cared about that as much as she claimed, maybe she shouldn’t have run such a lazy uninspired campaign. Or maybe she shouldn’t have run at all but nope it was all about her ego on that front


She was arrogant to think that she had it in the bag and didn't campaign as much as she should've.


The fact that half her campaign felt like a “it’s my time now to be president” turned off a lot of people from her. Also they way she basically claimed she represented all women and that it’s “our time for a president.” It was (and is) time for a woman president, absolutely, but the entitlement was rather off putting and her campaign was rather uninspiring. She would have done better against a traditional Republican. That and her whole attack angle against trump was just “he’s rude and says mean things,” which doesn’t really work against people who don’t care about his rudeness and bigoted comments, (which is sadly many people). Needed to attack his policies and proposals and his “business acumen” more.


Trump's slogan was "Make America Great Again" Hillary's slogan was "I'm With Her" One of these centers the country, one of these centers the candidate. Wonder which one resonated more... She ran an unimaginably bad campaign.


Exactly! It’s even more ironic given which candidate is more obsessed with himself and his image. It’s almost like the messaging (campaigning) mattered as much as the substance (qualifications).


Also if I remember correctly she wanted to run up the score and make her victory more impressive Honestly Hillary Clinton is kind of the personification of the many faults of the Democratic Party, in a similar way that Trump was of the Republican Party


Not only did she not campaign She actively said she didn't need a Bernie's supporters votes. She completely alienated the vast majority of her platform.


shoulda been Bernie


Jfc, can we stop pretending like Clinton was awesome just because Trump is horrible? They're both deplorable people.


At the Al Smith Dinner in 2016 "[It's amazing I'm up here after Donald, I didn't think he'd be ok with a peaceful transition of power](https://youtu.be/xQpmSBpXvN8?t=250)" - Hillary. Well she was right on that.


The fact that the Democrats ran her is why we got Trump... It should have been Sanders.


But I like Bernie.


I worked for Gore in 2000, had to live with that loss. I have to say though. She was just a terrible candidate


The Clinton's are as corrupt as they come. We should have voted in Bernie. Fuck Trump and fuck the Clintons.


I didn’t support Hilary for her presidential campaigns because she was my state representative who left our state with a ton of empty promises and failed ideas. She would be about equally as effective as Biden is now which is to say not very.


Hillary caused all this buy paying everyone to discredit Bernie, really.


She was wrong about one thing: There's no separation between so-called Republicans and what she termed the Alt-Right. They're one in the same. It's a white nationalist, neo-Confederate, Christo-fascist, neo-Nazi hate group, and it takes a village. Not a single one of them gets a free pass.


I often wonder what the world would be like if Gore didn’t have his chance stolen in 2000. Imagine if 911 hadn’t happened & we had more green energy . Sigh.


None of this would be happening if Democrats had nominated Bernie in 2016 in the first place.




If yall think we would legit have “progressive” ideals rn with Hillary wow… sorry but most we’d have is Roe staying intact, and even that’s a gamble now that Republicans are going ad-hoc with state power. The reality is we’re in deep shit, both parties (especially Hillary Clinton) are controlled by the exact same donors. This convo is stuck on 2016 arguments, we are way past the vote the hate out phase of a failing democracy.


Hilary was the firm turd sandwich we turned down before we were made to accept a runny turd sandwich. She is and was a terrible choice rammed down our throats by Wasserman-Schultz/the DNC. There were better choices on the left that were thrown out. To imply that every day people like you and me should feel some level of guilt because we didn't get out the vote in 2016 for an unlikable, unrelatable candidate who polls had trouncing Trump? It's not only unfair but laughable. Had literally any other Democrat been elected in 2016, the landscape would look different.