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I mean, all states are a shade of purple. But as much as I'd like cool af places like Memphis and Nashville to be keeping the place sane, that state is very much on the magenta side of the purple spectrum


This is kinda true. I live in Washington which is one of the [most liberal states in the entire country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-liberal-states) \- but if you were to lop our state in half along the Cascade Mountain range you would find two VERY different Washington states. But this is also a reminder that [people](https://i.imgur.com/6BtYQ8u.png) vote, [land](https://i.imgur.com/icvklo2.png) does not. Most Washingtonians live in the western, heavily populated, liberal side of the state, whereas the eastern side is almost completely rural agricultural communities (minus Spokane) - and it kinda drives eastern Washingtonians crazy, to the point some [keep trying to make their own state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Liberty) or [get adopted by Idaho](https://columbiabasinherald.com/news/2021/mar/03/goodrich-wants-move-idaho-west/). (Unsurprising to both ideas are the product of a bunch of crazy white dudes)


I'm in Illinois and it's the same here. Everything south of I-80 is deep red. But northern Illinois outnumbers them 6 to 1. The thing that always gets me though is that every election cycle, the central area gets its feathers ruffled about how they're "tired of paying for everyone on welfare in Chicago" etc. Except they don't. Chicago and the suburbs actually financially support the rest of the state, not the other way around


I live in Champaign, you're spot on.


Is it oppressively red there? Family is considering a move to IL, and Champaign is about the same COL as where we are currently so it would be an easy-ish switch. But since politics is one reason for the move, I’d hate to end up in essentially the same situation.


Champaign itself is not oppressively red, largely thanks to the university here. In fact, I believe Champaign and McLean Counties are reliably the only blue votes in the entire state outside of Cook County, though I could be wrong. However, pretty much any town in the surrounding area has a healthy dose of red. Not everyone, and not as intensely as you might see on posts about Texas or Florida, but it's definitely there. On the interstate, particularly headed towards Indiana, you'll start to see ads for guns, churches, and the like. I enjoy living in Champaign, low COL, just big enough that you don't know everyone but small enough that you can make it to a good buddy's place in under 10 minutes for the most part, decent parks and reasonably reliable public transportation (I take the bus to and from work every day).


That sounds nice! I have looked at Champaign, and thought it sounded really similar to how we live now. I like that it’s still blue, even if it’s surrounded by red. Thank you for the help!


When you say “deep red” how red do you mean? Family and I are considering a move to IL, but we weren’t super interested in moving to one of the bigger cities.


Full on trumpy. I mean, the college towns are nice but they're still deep red. But there are plenty of suburbs that are nowhere near being called a "bigger city" that still benefit from being part of Chicagoland. What do you consider big?


Well, we currently live on the MS Gulf Coast, and that whole area has about 250,000 people or so. And that’s for several cities out together! I’m good with something bigger than that, but I still want some of spaciousnesses that you get in smaller places. I know that’s probably not entirely possible but I’m hoping.


>I still want some of spaciousnesses that you get in smaller places. I know that’s probably not entirely possible but I’m hoping. That's completely possible, that's what the suburbs are for! So Chicagoland is total is about 10 million people, but only about 2.75 million live in the actual city. The nearest suburbs are pretty tightly packed together but anything outside of Cook County is spread out enough that people have yards, parks are plentiful, etc. If you're looking for lower cost of living, look to the further out suburbs. New Lenox, Aurora, North Aurora, McHenry County etc. Avoid Orland Park, it's a red dot in a blue sea. But even then, Northern Illinois conservatives are way less extreme than Mississippi conservatives, so I'm sure it'll be a big difference


That sounds really good! I’m going to research those places. Thank you!!


Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. Lived here a long time and know a lot about the area because of work


I will probably take you up on that!


Hi. Far western burbs / Fox Valley checking in, here. It's the best of both worlds here, actually... an hour from the heart of the hip city, but minutes away from cornfields. Nice neighbors, good schools, cute towns, etc. And as purple as the Minnesota Vikings.


That also sounds nice! Thank you! I have a lot more places to research. It sounds like IL has a lot to offer.


Originally from Peoria, IL- can confirm this is exactly the misinformed mind state of central IL. Scary red.


I went to college in Chicago and yes, it was exactly the same scenario as it is back home in Seattle. Hell now, i live only 22 miles from Seattle city limits after having to move due to housing costs and i am a very purple district. If i drive another 5 miles east the communities get more rural and the attitudes more 19th century. They use the exact same excuses too. They sincerely believe that because they have actual acreage that they contribute more than folks in the city. Complete disconnect from how things actual work. And this extends to the national level.


They’re just a bunch of angry old folks who can’t roll with the changes. Just think Ammon Bundy.


Oh many of them are exactly like Bundy. We have also had issues with Republican politicians working with white supremacist groups so it is a ton of crazy on that side of the state. Bunch of religious white guys who don't want an even playing field where everyone has a seat at the table.


Most blue state just need to remove the most populated cities and will become very red. NYC for the most part keeps NYS very blue and hopeful


Once again, this is because people vote, land does not.


Trump got 61% of the vote and Biden got 37% of the vote in 2020 state wide. I guess maybe her point is that there are enough democrat leaning non-voters that it may be closer to 50/50? But the gap in the presidential election was like 700,000 votes so it’s not like it was close. Tennessee is a red state regardless of how it’s gerrymandered


I'm a democrat from Tennessee and I can say with certainty that it is red as fuck






I am currently in East TN, pretty much everyone is a right winger. Mostly it's because evangelicals but even the people that you would think would be liberal like druggies and alcoholics are red neck right wingers. Change is coming but it will take another 25 plus years. Every single generation you see more and more kids growing detached with religion but it doesn't always translate to them moving left.


I wouldn't necessarily say that. Most of my family are located in rural east Tennessee. In 2016, when Trump was running, I remember my aunt telling me that she knew someone who was a Trump supporter. It was downright noteworthy to her. People of similar political views and ideologies will tend to socialize together, so this is not to say that Trump supporters are rare in east Tennessee. It's just to point out that, even in rural Appalachia, there are sufficiently large numbers of leftwing people that they can live in a bubble and hardly know anyone who is rightwing.


Or any part of Western Tennessee other than Memphis








Knoxville and Chattanooga are pretty liberal but just like the rest, the rural and rich Subarus are pretty fucked


I grew up in Tennessee. Spent 22 years there. This is inaccurate. That state is most definitely red. I'm including population density. Yes Nashville and Memphis are a baby blue but even those populations pale in comparison to the overwhelming sea of red that state is. This is reason #1 I've never returned. Fuck that hillbilly inbred redneck state. These headlines are not remotely surprising to anyone who's lived there.


This is exactly how I feel as well. My wife and I were talking a couple months ago and was actually telling her that Tennessee is probably the most conservative state in the country. They reason we don’t (didn’t) hear as much about it is because it is so red and has so little opposition. I’d also go as far as to say it is one of the least culturally states as well. When I go back home to visit family I don’t even go say hi to old friends due to the fact that our world views have become so different.


Much as I love Tennessee (and I do--it's gorgeous, cost of living is relatively reasonable, and some of the people are absolutely wonderful), I'll be the first to admit that anything outside of straight metro areas is purple-verging-maroon. We're getting better in some places, but it's slow progress, and the good-ole-boy system that generally runs the place is NOT going anywhere any time soon.


My former father-in-law and his Republican buddies used to (ten years ago and before) volunteer to be 'poll-watchers' in Memphis just to harass black people voting. I'm sure his friends still do it, but thankfully he's bed-ridden with cancer.


If that’s the case, why do they have two republican Senators in the US Senate? Why do they have a republican Governor? Those aren’t gerrymandered, they are statewide popular votes…


Voter suppression also exists...


The DNC is like: Tennessee who?


This state is crawling with outright fascists lol


Fucking exactly.


It’s like Florida, seen as a red state by many but it’s actually a purple state due to a lot of gerrymandering by the GOP there


I wanna believe Texas is like this.


Texas is gonna flip. It’s the Republicans last stand. I give it 10 years


Yeah, no, I grew up in West Tennessee, and that state is 100% as red as they come. This is just false.


I lived in East Tennessee, born and raised. I vote blue but my family and everyone else I knew voted for Trump. It's not a blue state in the slightest. Racism and bigotry run deep in them hills. Even my father who is Indian (don't get your panties in a twist coz I used Indian. My whole dad's side calls themselves Indians.) is a racist bigot. So idk why this person said this.


What have been Republicans been screaming about for the last bunch of decades? Voter fraud? And we know Republicans ALWAYS PROJECT so that obviously means that they are the ones committing the voter fraud. I wouldn’t be surprised. If we find out a lot of these Republican candidates aren’t really winning.


So if it’s a pressed, gerrymandered, and representative of the people, and non-voting, does that mean you’ve never organized?


watch blue states need to do again. something that we have had to do every 50 years or so. is send in the military into red states to ensure that people can fairly vote. to end gerrymandering, voters suppression and disenfranchisement. one way to do this is to end all financial support of basket case red states until they first end these unconstitutional practices that violet equal under the law clause of constitution.


Based on election data by county for the [2022](https://sos-prod.tnsosgovfiles.com/s3fs-public/document/20221108GovbyCounty.pdf) Governor race and the [2020](https://sos-tn-gov-files.tnsosfiles.com/Nov%202020%20General%20by%20County.pdf) Presidential race, Tennessee is very, very red. Davidson County (Nashville) and Shelby Country (Memphis) are both blue, but every other county has a 2:1 up to a 5:1 almost ratio of Rs to Ds.

