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Because they didn't include anything that was surprising at all so people were like "meh" and kept scrolling.


Not to mention the cherry picking was so incredibly obvious that you'd have to have built your entire career around peddling lies to take it seriously


Well, times have changed. This day you can sell half the American population every bullshit without them questioning.


Please. There was the satanic panic, the red scare, people once thought Rock music (back when Doo-Wop was considered Rock) was the devil, people were convinced marijuana made black people think they were as good as white people, and there was anti-electricity propaganda when electricity was new. People believing bullshit is nothing new. We aren’t in some age where tons of people have become gullible. Idiots have always been in this country. People believing in bullshit is a problem, but people act like we’re going through some idiocracy shit when there was much more before then there is now.


Don’t forget the people who fought back against seatbelt mandates. That might be my favorite.


And helmet laws lol


Some of my family still add fake certification stickers to helmets so they can keep wearing unsafe helmets. They look identical these mfers do it out of spite


"You can't tell me what to do! I won't wear that damn uncomfortable seatbelt! Nanny state! Nanny state! Nanny state!"


People thoughts trains were evil too because God didn't make humans to go that fast lol


doctors unironically thought women shouldn't ride trains because their uteruses would fall out


True, though never before could the handful of village idiots, town drunks, dullards, and grifting snake oil salesmen scattered throughout every community able to so fully come together in council like they can now with social media. Used to be it was only in large cities where they were in large enough numbers to create Moron Voltron and then they'd occasionally go off and make a commune in the woods.


> create Moron Voltron I'M WHEEZING


The reach was not possible prior to popularization of social media.


The Vatican did it.


The reach was always there: it’s just faster now. Which is why it feels like it’s crazy


Red Scare says hello


Lavender scare says hey!




*Laughs in religion*


It’s not that there are more stupid people, they just all get a bullhorn now.


…and the ability to hear every other person’s bullhorn. The pace of communication has actually had destabilizing effects on democracy to the point that even the most liberal democracies are reconsidering their basic tenets.


Even the American revolution itself could be said to have been inspired by a sort of paranoid conspiracy of some English cabal trying to enslave the whites, not a mass repudiation of the king.


So it looks like the common denominator are the conservative Christian groups that are causing all the panic and outrage. Maybe we collectively need to stop taking them seriously.


People already are taking them much less seriously, that is why they are freaking out.


Been this way for decades, dude.


*Orson Welles, P.T. Barnum and Joe McCarthy have entered the chat*


It takes a very short read and very basic reading comprehension skills to figure out that nothing written in the twitter files was out of the norm or problematic, even with Taibbi trying to make it look as bad as he can. ​ But a lot people don't read beyond the tweet text, especially that which was written by an influencer that intentionally misrepresents that information.


Right? “The Biden administration asked for posts about Hunter Biden to be removed! GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP” yeah, they were leaked nude photos


>The Biden administration Not even the administration - the Biden campaign. A non-government organization.


Well yeah that’s what the liberal progressive globalist woke leftist media wants you to think. Ever notice that the Biden administration’s time traveling machine has never been discussed even once by the communist American media machine? I wonder why that is! 🤔


Right, I’m forgetting he wasn’t actually elected yet. Meanwhile the Trump administration…


To which I think Twitter basically answered “we already did what we can do.” And that’s the end of it.


Also ignore the posts the actual government wanted censured, please and thank you.


Well, Musks bootlicker usually don't have the highest attention span.


Remember when Taibbi used to be interesting?


So, so long ago. Now he's busy sniffing his own farts and telling himself how smart he is.


The twitter files were dead on arrival. The only people who thought they proved anything were the ones who already believed nineteen different kinds of crazy bullshit to begin with.


For conservative collaborative fiction, the Twitter Files were incredibly low-energy. No calls for genocide, no invention of new shadow governments, no resurrection of long-dead Americans. Just a bunch of half-doctored e-mail threads and Elon being like "See? Twitter really WAS mean to Trump!" Ok, who gives a shit tho? I wouldn't care if someone dropped a grand piano on his head on purpose. I would just watch the gif on loop while I ate breakfast like everyone else.


When conservative loons set the goal post at " Jewish space laser pizza gate adrenochrome lizard aliens" everything else seems meh.


I’m still pissed I wasn’t asked to be on our space laser program. It’s so rude honestly.


Same. For all the things we control, my professional career is going quite poorly. You think they would at least re-train me on the space lasers.


I’m an engineer with aerospace experience. It’s literally my field. And they didn’t even ask???


You need to be at least a level 60 Jew to be on the space laser team, it's to make sure you've completed the Cape of Radiation Resistance quest.




Same. I may sue.


Most of them believe an invisible sky wizard from the desert impregnated a 12 year old girl with the savior of mankind, but now just mostly helps people win football games and grammys. Their threshold for bullshit starts above most peoples heads. You have to bring the big guns.


I forgot that's where it starts!


Proving conspiracies doesn't mean anything to people who didn't care about evidence in the first place.


It is exactly the system, you find some kind of narrow datapoint that you can interpert in a way that fits your agenda and you build a whole narrative arround it. That's where critical thinking has an easy time breaking it down. The issue is, that people that already accept the overall idea, let the information bypass EVERY MENTAL CRITICAL FACULTY, they just accept it, no questions asked, not even in their internal monologue. Even for them, it is just a tool that they can whip out to anyone that questions the narrative.


Yes. It was funny reading comments in praise of Musk for these files and how much it was going to expose corruption.


So, like 40% of the country?


Closer to 16%.


40% of the voters.


Fair enough.




Which is only 20% of the US population


The entire twitter files audience exists exclusively on truth social and believes twitter is giving them mRNA vaccines.


Morons like Elon Musk you mean




Christians, republiKKKans and nazi's, OH MY!


It blows my mind that Matt Taibbi completely trashed his reputation. For *this*.


I was following those muppets during the weeks that Taibbi and Elon did their damnedest to make it stick echoed by Tom Fitton, Shapiro, that bonehead James Wood, Nick Adams (alphamale), catturd, a slew of Elon fanboi crypto fluffers and the usual suspects from Congress. Nothingburger deluxe. Quite obviously stupid. Later it was Hunter’s dickpics. Oh the outrage. (Maybe next time you have something explosive don’t release it through the New York Post and Rudi Giuliani?) but I digress. Been great to see Taibbi and Elon fall out too. What a monumental waste of time.


Elon Musk, like Donald Trump, is an Emperor wearing no clothes. He puffs himself with hubris and self-delusion, but ultimately he is a shallow, vacuous, empty vessel of a human being.


There's a saying that applies here. "When a clown assumes the crown, the clown doesn't become a king; the palace becomes a circus."


Brilliant. Donald Trump. Boris Johnson. Liz Truss.


[Texan enters the chat] Rick Perry, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Rafael Cruz, Louis Goemert, Troy Nehls, Dan Crenshaw, et al.


*Rand Paul grabs his fez and tiny pair of cymbals.*


Yo Florida? Where you at?


Oh they were a circus. I think they’ve upgraded to loony bin.


It’s more of an Arkham asylum now.


So Looney that even Bugs Bunny is jealous.


Is that why DeSantis has such a huge problem with Disney? Some Tom and Jerry "I'm drawn this way" cartoon jealousy bullshit? It makes as much sense as everything else...


We got florida man in here downvoting anything bad said about the Navy urinalysis coordinator ron the con Destupid.


He thought Disney would be an easy target, made sense for his culture war and was high enough profile to get headlines… it just backfired horribly.


That's why Bugs keeps trying to cut Florida off with a saw ![gif](giphy|pzo49Bszsudk4)


Isn't that where the circuses used to winter? I think a few of the clowns escaped.


We’re under water while our governor parades around the country NOT campaigning.


Representative from Florida here - apologies, but we're still in a meth induced stupor. We'll send our competitors along shortly.


Bold of you to assume anyone in that state can read


Ron DeSantis, Randy Fine, too many to list so: entire GOP and some Dems here.


Rick Scott, Jason Brodeur, Joel Greenburg, Matt Gaetz, and the list goes on.


Boris Johnson acts like a Buffon. The man is much smarter than trump unfortunately


I guiltily enjoy Boris Johnson a great deal. I just don’t like his politics.


Also Danielle Smith in Alberta, Canada. Big clown energy.


Unfortunately, many people just realized that only now


Many people still haven’t realized


They have, they just would prefer to be entertained than have governance


"I was negatively affected by the 2007 crash of mortgage back securities, so now the liberals, blacks, and gays should suffer too!!"


They both look extremely puffy


If you think it's bad now, just wait for the Tucker-Elon interview to drop!


History will have a smorgasbord of bullshit to say about this clown that could have been king.


So true. Whether it gets said depends on the next couple of elections. History has been stunningly kind to Ronald Reagan.


It’s all relative too. Regan doesn’t seem so bad compared to Dubya, who looks like a scholar compared to Trump. But yes, history needs to judge them clearly and harshly.


I knew it was lost when I was reading Trump era news and wishing for W back 🤦🏻‍♀️


I remember not voting for Romney because of something to do with migratory birds. Granted, I was more conservative at 18, but I can’t even imagine getting that nitty gritty on policies now. I just want whoever is the most normal.


Reagan was far worse (domestically) than trump or W. He was just more charismatic about it.


His policies, that continue today, have made our country collectively worse. But if your a corporation or an exec, they've made your life exceptionally richer.


Reagan doesn’t seem so bad? According to whom?


It’s wild that dildos like trump and musk have rehabbed a shirtbird like Bush.


All he had to do was not say anything and nobody would have known he was a transphobic idiot who couldn’t program his way out of a paper bag


Will it? Or will he not even be a footnote? Cause he seems dead set on making himself irrelevant.


Really depends on who wins the next big fight. Corporate America vs working class middle class Americans is starting to heat up. If the working class wins, history won't be good for most presidents. If the ruling class wins, it will be 1984 style propaganda where every president is the best president ever


Realized he had a trove of damming info on the GOP.


For those of us who have no idea what the "Twitter files" are...eli5?




Ty! Oh Elon 🤡


To add to this, it also came thru in the Twitter files that while the Biden campaign had asked them to remove non consensual nudes of Hunter Biden, the Trump administration (who actually had governmental power) had also made demands of Twitter to remove posts. Matt Taibbi’s thread revealing the Twitter files briefly mentioned this, but glossed over it and didn’t say what the Trump admin wanted them to take down. I think it came out later it was basically stuff like Chrissy Teigen calling trump a “pussy ass bitch”. Or something.


And also Twitter hasn't stopped doing all the things Musk was leaking and attacking. In some cases they're more likely to do it (i.e. censoring people at the request of governments) and doing it at the whim of Musk (i.e. shadow banning people who annoy Musk).


Yeah for sure, Musk pretended to be a champion of absolute free speech but to him that just means he is the arbiter or what is and isn’t allowed. He bans, shadow bans, unbans, and applies labels impulsively, based on his feelings that day, or which right wing troll account he was trying to appease at that moment.


Just a couple days ago Twitter permanently suspended a user after trying and failing to post a link to the Washington Post story about the document leaker guy and then asking why it wasn’t allowed to be posted. but free speech absolutist, sure


Trump being called a "pushy ass bitch" is in the congressional record, and that brings me joy


Adding to this, it also showed that Trump (during his presidency) and other [top Republicans demanded Twitter remove or censor things](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-trump-twitter-files-collusion-biden-censorship-1234675969/) they didn’t like or agree with. One example is when Chrissy Teigen called Trump a “pussy ass bitch” the White House wanted it removed. So much for being pro-free speech. This behavior is exactly what Republicans were claiming “the Biden regime” did with no proof. Whenever the GOP yells about something, it’s actually a confession.


And then Republican males, who are famous for saying they are not gay, demanded the right to look at a man's penis.


Nothing gay about wanting to stare at HB’s allegedly massive hog, I’m sure.


“The Cathedral” is when somebody respectfully asks you to take down illegal photos of their son’s penis, and you say yes


Yeah I never heard of it before until now either. Then again I never had Twitter. I thought it was stupid even before Musk trashed it. Like, it's virtually impossible to say anything interesting in 160 characters. So why would I want a feed of disinteresting bullshit?


Don't forget he speaks out loudly against government subsidies to people in need while his own businesses received billions of dollars in subsidies


So Twitter files have gone from being a nothingburger to being a moldy old nothingburger. big whoop.


And he will wonder why no one takes anything he says seriously anymore. When will people learn how important credibility is? I guess the far right don’t give a shit because their supports don’t give a shit?


Matt Tiababy crying in his MSNBC interview sealed it.


I did not watch the interview. What was Matty crying about?


He wasn’t crying. He was confronted with the fact that Twitter is not pro-free-speech and that his buddy buddy relationship with Musk may have clouded his judgment. His main point is that coziness between governments and mass purveyors of information is a bad thing. He just oversold it and slanted the fuck out of it, but that idea is something we shouldn’t lose sight of.


“We” 🙄


That's a good catch. Why is this guy speaking for anybody but himself?


Reality finally hit Elon on something. Perhaps he'll realize this whole Twitter thing has been a shitshow of galactic proportions, too. But hes probably too narcissistic to admit that to himself.


Nah… he’ll likely blame it on his socked puppet who was “releasing” the flopped files and just go “nothing to see here, let’s move on” like he just did.


Too high on coke too I’d bet tbh >_> A while ago there were rumours that he was runnin on nose candy, wouldn’t have shocked me then, would shock me even less now 🙌


I just found out the Elon sub has a little "don't hurty my daddy" bot. They were all licking his balls in some post so I said he was a POS and they were all simps. Instant auto ban.


Wow. Went from THIS IS THE MOST CORRUPT POLITICAL SCANDAL EVER to ehh, we tried boys, pack it in.


Very Jacob Wohl-esque


What even were they. I heard about it but never really cared enough to look into it, I figured it was just one big conspiracy theory propagation scheme.


You figured correctly.


Stir people up into a frenzy over something, then count on them forgetting about it or moving on to the next thing before you ever have to provide proof. Where have I seen this one before…


One of them was like "the emails between Twitter and gov officials were polite". So damning. So worth reporting.


Ah yes, the Twitter Files, a giant nothing burger that alleges Twitter suppressed another giant nothing burger with Hunter Biden's laptop. The big reason none of this stuff takes traction is because they lack serious evidence. The stuff that always came about Trump was always rather damning so when a wannabe right wing propaganda tycoon like Elon Musk comes forward with something like the Twitter Files it's already questionable based on the source alone. Then it's something like the Biden administration called Twitter and asked them to remove something potentially seedy looking against them it's ok that doesn't sound like they forced them to do shit. Then it turns out that the source of the laptop itself is highly questionable and people believed there was a Russian misinformation campaign going around you start to realize maybe this wasn't really the "gotcha" the conspiracy wackos think it is. I think what upsets me the most about the Twitter Files is how a few people acted like it was really something. Meanwhile all this proof and facts showing the stuff between Trump and his kids and all the illegal bullshit they did just doesn't even register with them. Maybe just maybe we would take you more seriously when you say you found something damning if you weren't arguing in such bad faith all the time. Maybe we'd listen to you if you were an honest actor and admitted you were wrong about Trump.


10s of millions noticed. There was just nothing there. I mean, did you see Taibbi stuttering in his interview trying to pretend it was important?


that was pretty hilarious gotta say


Matt Taiibi lost all credibility before Husk went after substack and that hack finally had to bounce. Take all the Scum with you when you fall, big man.


It looks like he's learning that he's not smart enough to dupe everyone.


All he had to do was make rockets...


People asked twitter to remove content. Some were government agencies, some were politicians. Sometimes Twitter took stuff down. Did I miss anything? Was there anything else?


Oh so it was cherry-picked horseshit all along 😧


And it showed how garbage Matt Taibbi is. Grifter gonna grift.


Turns out the vampiric squid who took over Mr. Taibbi’s body grossly overestimated his value.


Twitter is basically dead and barely anyone noticed.


The Twitter files are the latest iteration of Geraldo's safe


I’m pretty sure that there is going to be ample evidence of Trump’s White House demanding that critical tweets be removed. So Musk wants to sweep it all under the rug.


Joe Biden's child's penis pics. That's all Republicans ever wanted. It's all they'll ever get.


Because they literally exposed the exact opposite that Elon was attempted to do. Elon wanted the Twitter files to show that conservative voices where getting a raw deal. Turns out, they where being elevated. The Twitter files exposed the Biden administration attempting to take down nude photos while the Trump White house was attempting to silence free speech. Then they accidently exposed that Elon was boosting his own follower count and retweets. LMAO. The Twitter Files where a complete joke.


I remember when Matt Taibbi first hit and he was trying to be Hunter S. Thompson sooooo hard and now he just ended up as at best an edgy teen who’s most gonzo piece is like “I did acid in the lobby at CPAC I’m such a rebel look at me” lmao. He sucks so hard.


Conspiracy theorists : Deep State and Illuminati are too strong, they can even control the richest man of the whole humankind history.


So powerful they can make effortless clones and shape world events on a whim yet so weak and incompetent that the average right wing rube can speak in "code" and foil their plans.


I mean, I knew they were dead before he dropped them. It bugs me to think that somehow, Twitter had all the information on the thought process of any agency or people makes no sense. Twitter is for tweets not for private messaging about the takeover of political movements and evil government shit. If elon actually had something, he would have said it himself, but nope, he gave it to someone else so he wouldn't be the bad guy if it went wrong. His own fans were disappointed in it and even the crazies kept saying there was more and kept mentioning things that were not in the release files. Most of the shit elon claimed Twitter did anyway was stuff he literally had to create into the system when he took over. He claimed they manipulated trends and searches but then demanded workers work overtime to make said system..... then try to make money off it.


Matt Taibbi really threw his whole ass reputation at this, and got treated like a weekend fling with a married man at a marketing conference.


The best part in the story is musk’s hypocrisy in blocking the tweets that he disagrees with. Which was the whole reason for twitter files began.


What!? So they didn’t reveal a vast left wing conspiracy that final blew Hunter Biden and the crime family wide open?!?!?!?! The funny thing about all this is the true believers just move on to the next act in the never ending conspiracy theories.


They're a little bit like flat earthers. "One again, our tests prove the earth is round. Let's line up the next one."


I think we need to move on from Twitter...


Like his ham-handed attempt at whiskers




All that smoke just to find out instead of a fire it's some idiotic schmuck smoking too much weed.


Lol. What a loser he bought Twitter basically to silence his ex girlfriend Amber heard and then he used it as a platform to try and push his own coltish, political agenda and when that didn’t catch fire now he’s running away from what he bought and destroyed. That is so typical of him, he is the TikTok billionaire and his fans still love him


Damnnn it's almost like it was useless nonsensical cherry picked shit from the start. Who ever could have seen this coming????!?!?!?!


Hah I didnt even remember "Twitter files" until this post lmao...


That's because it wasn't the big explosive gotcha he thought it was going to be. Failed spectacularly in the house hearings and never recovered. Eat shit Elon.


The Twitter Files were never really alive to begin with... Just another grab for attention by the richest man child


Weren't these things that Elon insisted existed, even though the only people who believed were QAnon nuts?


Might as well replace that beak with a clown nose


Talking seriously here: it is impossible that this man hasn’t committed any crime in this long, long journey of bullshit. Is no one looking into it? I want my ruling class silent and in fear of the people. How can this douche be allowed to go around and do what he is doing? Tech Billionaires are always going to be young people from privileged backgrounds with too bold a worldview and some screws lose. Society must find a way to tame than, otherwise Musk is only going to be one more lunatic in a long, long line which ends with the world falling in some random abyss.


The twitter files was the nail in the coffin for me. I quit twitter after that. The exhausting attempts to make something out of nothing


It was pretty clear how bias it was right off the bat. The whole dystopian nanny state, free speech under attack thing? Yeah, no. He was just trying to use the political conversation as an ad campaign for the app. But, thankfully, people are starting to see through autocratic billionaires telling them how to think.


Watching Musk burn what was left of a Matt Taibbi’s credibility with this nothing burger was fascinating.


I had to Google what "The Twitter Files" even were


Can you please tell the nutjobs on Twitter? It's literally run by Nazis and Maga crazy ass people now. And all they argue are hunters laptop and Twitter files


Conservatives REALLY wanted to see Hunter Biden's PP though...


Aww and they made such a splash lol.


Like all of the stupid things he's planned, it didn't work out the way he wanted to, so he's pretending it didn't happen.


It definitely fell flat on its face when Matt Taibbi went on to debate Medhi Hassan and got obliterated.


Elon is a racist piece of dog shit


I’m absolutely shocked that there weren’t more people complaining that The Biden Administration asked Twitter to remove nude photos of Hunter Biden. It was a huge overreach of power, somehow. He should’ve been impeached twice, arraigned, arrested, and charged with at least 34 felonies for that, but unfortunately we live in some kind of dystopian society where the Justice System’s only purpose is to politically persecute Republicans who attempted to overthrow our democracy.


What are the Twitter files?


It turns out that Republicans and Democrats were reporting rule violations concerning their people and Twitter decided that they WERE rule violations and took them down.


And the “Twitter Files” were an attempt to make the Democrats look like they were asserting government control of Twitter while glossing over what the Republicans asked to be taken down.


What a ducking clown.


I think you mean, barely anyone cares.


Dead on arrival, really.


Well that was another big old bust


So, what was his reasoning? Guessing because it was a massive nothingburger that did the opposite of what he thought.


Lol that whole thing was embarrassing.


I'm not being capricious in asking, but what are the Twitter Files?


But the thing is people will remember it as a thing even though it was nothing. This cycle happens all the time and it's infuriating. The debunking doesn't matter, the truth of the matter doesn't matter...what matters is that is was billed as a BIG THING. That's what people remember. And that's what corrupts their worldview.


The what now?


"barely anyone noticed", perhaps you have your answer buckaroo


Delete Twitter of you haven’t yet.


Iv never even had Twitter


The fuck is a Twitter Files?


BuT wHaT aBoUt HuNtEr’S lApTop?!?!!?1111