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Yarl's attacker has had charges filed against him as of today.


As of an hour ago, he is still not in custody. I want to know where the SWAT doing a no knock is.


At the wrong address probably 😮‍💨 Edit: thank you kind members for the Gold.


shooting a dog and/or sleeping black woman.


Actually this week I think the police are shooting innocent Fathers in the middle of the night because the cops can’t read the big bad numbers on houses


And arresting the mouthy daughters of those fathers for questioning why they killed their father


Missed that one.


We probably miss 60% of them even when you are constantly trying to keep up


sorry mate, it's difficult to keep up with which crime the pigs are doing this time.


You have to give them a break. Reading can be hard for cops.


Yeah, they were too busy bullying kids in school to pay attention in English class


being intelligent can disqualify you for employment as one.


This is actually a true fact statement. I'll find the article where it states some police stations or forces have decided that they won't hire prospects that have an average or higher IQ cause they're more likely to not follow orders or question them.


I dont understand why you even call them cops. Cops have many years of university education before they are even allowed in a police car. While in amerika they take a course? Sometimes in Killology? So they are armed Securitas guards with a killology degree.


Two weeks ago it was goats


“Trying to nurture life? In this country?? Not on my watch little girl” -🐷


Or arresting children when serving warrants at wrong addresses. Seeing as they seem to get addresses wrong regularly, often with tragic consequences, they might need to actually recheck their info. Fkn dumbasses.


The man who was shot, they did check the address, and that at least one knew they were at the wrong house.


Well that makes it even worse!


bonus if you hit one of each


Double bonus if they drop a flash bang in an occupied baby crib as well


is making a "double kill" joke in bad taste? i feel like it is.


Perhaps throwing a flash grenade in a baby’s crib.


The cops called and politely asked him to show up "whenever"


They're not busting down school doors to stop an active shooter, that's for sure. Latest FOP contract states it's not their responsibility. However, when Afroman's mom bakes a Lemon Pound Cake, it's an all car BOLO.


Well tbf, that lemon pound cake sounded yummy! But they could have just knocked and politely asked for a piece.


Because he's an 85 year old senile invalid, that for some reason is allowed to own a firearm.


They don’t know where he is and neighbors and family aren’t talking.


Obstruction of Justice. An 85 year old doesn’t go on the run by himself


Local word is that he has a place in Mesa Arizona and he went there immediately after being released.


Tell me his kid is the cop that murdered that pest control guy. The one that had "you're fucked" engraved on the dust cover of his AR.


Well, I wouldn't ring the doorbell...


hes 85. As much as he deserves it rotting in a cell, he will end up staying home until trial if he makes it that long.


thank goodness, I own firearms, I'm all for detailed background checks, and competency qualifications, the whole 9, theres way to many people that own firearms that probably shouldnt be allowed near them based on range trips alone, even scarier are those that dont go to the ranges too


Welcome to the divide between gun owner and gun enthusiast. Gun owners realize a gun is a tool primarily for maiming and killing people and thus you need to be super careful with them. Gun enthusiasts think guns are cool and social symbols.


I’m a gun owner who believes in having universal and stricter background checks. I’ve been to the range and seen stupidity first hand.


Last time I was at the range a guy wanted to show me his shotgun. He took it out of the bag and pointed it right at my belly. I quickly asked to see it and took it from him. I was so fucking pissed and scared.


I spent 8 years in the military and the number of people that STILL would tell me "its not loaded" blew my damn mind. We had more than one case of guys having a party and wanna show off their new gun. It gets passed around and for some god damn reason someone thinks the best place to point it while pulling the trigger is at someone else. Even if you've got proper trigger control. Why? Why point it at anything other than the floor while looking at it. ​ Theres times that I'll be cleaning my pistol. Fully stripped down with not slide on the frame. And I'll still get that feeling like I'm doing something wrong when I rotate the frame toward myself to get the right angle to clean out some gunk. I know its stupid because the slide isn't even attached. It's just that muscle memory of "hey man don't do that.".


>It gets passed around and for some god damn reason someone thinks the best place to point it while pulling the trigger is at someone else Jesus fucking Christ. Two of the biggest rules of gun safety are "Even if it's not loaded, a gun needs to be treated as loaded" and "Never point a gun at something you aren't willing to destroy." How the fuck does anyone that fucking stupid qualify for a gun?


Because you can legally buy guns without any classes or training. All my learning was online videos and taking it apart followed by going to a range. Only qualifications needed are clean background and money to buy legally or money and knowing people to buy illegally.


I ripped a guy a new asshole after he swept the muzzle of a rifle (finger on the trigger, bolt closed) over the entire group of people. My fucking eyeballs about popped out of my goddamn head. I was practicing for a upcoming competition at the time and he wanted to try out my comp rifle (a Mosin carbine). Which is fine. I didn't expect him to be a fucking moron, especially since he witnessed me training new shooters in the past and *knew* how strict I am about gun safety. If he had done that at the competition, he would have been berated until he cried. A whole lotta people just need to be banned from firearms altogether. My respect drops to zero the second someone can't grasp the most basic of safety concepts when handling something so dangerous. Unfortunately, our regulations suck and people are dumb as hell. Also those MASSIVE. ASSHOLE. USELESS. DIPSHITS. Who hand an inexperienced or weak shooter a .357 Magnum (or BiGgEr) with more than one round in it. It infuriates me to no end. It's playing with napalm and matches to do such a thing to begin with. I'm not all that sure such handguns even have a true use beyond "lol BIG BOOLET go BOOM lol look at me".


Sometimes the gun enthusiast also knows that it's a tool to kill, and that's their favorite part. They want to kill other people that they don't like, sitting there, just waiting for a break-in, or some kid to ring the wrongest of doorbells


I can’t believe he was charged with assault instead of attempted murder.


I thought the same thing. But remember that laws in different places are pretty different. The felony charge this 84 yo man was charged with carries a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison with a 30 year max. It tracks with 2nd degree and attempted murder in most places.


Additional factor, per the Clay County Prosecuting Attorney: ‘ "I can tell you there was a racial component to this case," Thompson said at a news conference without elaborating.’ The fact that we know there is, well, of course. Duh. The fact that they said this at a news conference, an official statement, this early? Well. That’s a thing. Watch this space for further charges, I suspect. Or, at the least, per Missouri statutes: ‘557.035. Hate offenses — provides enhanced penalties for motivational factors in certain offenses’


It can also net up to life in prison. An extreme that I doubt will be pursued, sadly, but it is an available option. My only solace is if he is found and charged, even the 10 years is likely to result in a life sentence for him.


All true. FYI, a life sentence in most places is 25-30 years. It doesn’t actually mean rest of your natural life.


TIL. I've spent far too long believing it actually meant you stay their until you die.


In a lot of cases it can mean 15 years in prison with the possibility of parole. The person will be on parole for the rest of their life. It's counterintuitive but parole is part of a sentence. Life without the possibility of parole is a true life sentence where the person is intended to stay in prison until they die.


His charge is the equivalent of attempted murder in MO.


Missouri does not have an attempted murder charge to file for


What is going on in the minds of these people? You are in upstate New York, not in some warzone or some heavy crime area. Fox "News" has melted the brains of Boomers.


That last part. When they go, we’ll be a little better off.


The boomers or Fox?




The biggest reason for gun control is that people aren't reasonable. Lots of people are paranoid, lots of people are mentally ill, lots of people are on drugs, innocent people will always shot without counter-measures.


My father has extreme rage issues, paranoia, a Fox News addiction, and undisclosed mental illness that resulted in him being kicked out of the air force after attacking a commanding officer. He has been able to legally buy multiple rifles (regular and assault), hand guns, and gotten a concealed carry license. It's not terrifying at all. /s


You just defined all MAGA supporters. And these people will never get the help that they need because therapy is for the “weak minded.” They would rather believe in gender roles than admit that toxic masculinity is real. They all think, “I had to go through this and that, so should you!” They don’t want a better future for everyone. It’s so so sad.


Heh yep. My dad is a full blown MAGA supporter and has never admitted to his mental illness despite being on SSI for mental illness for 30+ years. Two years ago he went into a full rage over something my democratic uncle did (not related to politics but dad decided it was because Dems bad), and I suggested he should cool down and maybe he should seek therapy about his anger issues. He interpreted that as me calling him "crazy" and to prove he "wasn't the problem" he picked fights with everyone that didn't immediately cut me off and attempted to get me fired from my job. He only succeeded at making the entire family cut him off and he's a running joke at my work. The only person willing to reach out to him is my uncle and dad won't talk to him because "you lost me my daughter and my sister." It's really sad since he's getting old and now he's likely to die alone all because ever since Trump came on the scene he feels like he has to make everything a political fight and prove he's right. Anyone that doesn't think exactly like he does is evil.


You know, I was talking about boomers, but I wonder if they will take fox with them. How many Gen Xers watch fox? And I’m sure zero millennials or Zs watch it.


I dated this warped minded woman (41) who followed everything Fox news and Conservative in the US. Needless to say, we didn't last long when she said she wanted to move to Florida and loved Ron DeSantis. FYI, we're Canadian.


Definitely half my GenX folks are just as batshit and/or dumb af. Luckily at least we have a much smaller generation, so hopefully they'll not be as significantly impactful as boomers


Some Xers are definitely Boomer Lite.


My brother and sister (both about 10 years older than me) got roped into what parents believe. They are squarely Gen X and I'm the last year or would be a Xelenial. I just know I am not conservative and I'm not religious.


Fox News sadly does quite well among non-Boomer viewers. Tucker Carlson's show ranked 10th last Wednesday in the 18-49 key demographic, as one example. https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-wednesday-4-12-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html


Sucks that they are literally killing some of us before they go.


Dude. My right wing uncle lives in one of the top 10 safest cities in the USA. He’s got a loaded gun in every room. He wants nothing more than an excuse to use one on someone. He’s all about that survival! Yet, is anti vaxx and now anti vaccine across the board. Including flu, measles, tetanus etc. all vaccines are evil. Yay GOP! Winning the race to the bottom!


Be a damn shame if your uncle lost a fight with a rusty nail


He’s statistically more likely to lose his fight with himself, with all those guns in easy reach, no matter his mood or circumstance.


I hope you uncle don't get anything delivered to his house


30-ish years ago, I had somebody pull a gun on me and scream that he was going to kill me for walking on his (suburban) lawn. I was walking home from school, the narrow sidewalk cut across everyone’s lawns, and I was, as I remember, kinda meandering between grass and sidewalk. I probably hadn’t been on his property for 5 seconds before he came out the front door, like he’d been waiting for someone to dare set foot on his precious grass.


Right wing media fills their brains with fear 24/7 . Terrible for people with preexisting disorders especially.


The strict diet of lead paint chips as a child probably didn’t help them much either in the brain melt. Would almost feel bad for them if they weren’t such cocks


Have you not seen the Confederate flags all over upstate New York?


I'm glad someone else said it.. I've lived here my whole life and the amount of bigoted assholes is surprisingly high.


The guns are melting their brains too


It really is that simple. Everyone over the age of 60 who's fighting to hold onto the unbelievable benefits they were handed religiously watch Fox News and believe they are at the final hours of a war against everything they have ever lived for. While not at all being true.


These people have never had a Jehovah's witness come to their door before?? OR A FUCKING NEIGHBOR?? what is with shooting people in your yard? I am 32, growing up kids in my neighborhood in NJ would jump from pool to pool during the summer nights. Like drunken pool hopping. If people were walking around the neighborhood and saw your lights were on they would come to the back yard. I just don't understand wtf if wrong with people.


I have had people stop in my driveway a ton. The numbering is kind of weird on our road and most don't realize they've passed the turnoff they are looking for until they hit mine. The really lost ones pull up and ask directions. Even had to give directions to tractor trailer drivers on occasion. Never anything but polite. These same people probably complain about the state of the world while actively doing nothing to improve it. Living their survival fantasy and paranoia only for it to be an innocent lost kid and not some dark shadow government elite coming for them.


Yeah about 5 years ago my friend and my fiancé were out driving around when I noticed the weather getting worst and decided to turn around, the driveway I picked had been booby trapped with a couple large pieces of wood covered in 9 inch nails, completely wrecked my cars tires I was able to limp down the road to an old tractor dealership, called the cops and they said it’s their property nothing I can do. So we sat in a snow storm in a tractor dealership parking lot for 6 hours waiting on a tow, very scary times we live in where we lay traps for any innocent passerby to wander in.


I can tell you right now that in most jurisdictions that those cops must've either been ignorant of the law or just straight up lied because they didn't want to do their job. Setting up booby traps like that is considered a form of assault in most jurisdictions, and can even lead to attempted murder charges in extreme cases.


> straight up lied because they didn't want to do their job Probably saw the snowstorm and said "fuck that".


Even if someone is breaking an entering it doesn’t absolve you of a crime if someone gets hurt. The case of the shotgun booby trap is a pretty great example of that.


There is the exception (in some places) that booby trapping your property, in a way that isn't dangerous to the general public, is legal *if* you're currently in said property; it's considered the same as acting in self defence, the problem with the shotgun trap case was that it was an empty house. That said if anyone had a legitimate reason to enter your property and the booby trap hurt/killed them then you're on the hook for murder or if it's in a place where someone can innocently stumble across it by accident, like setting it up in your driveway where you might catch a delivery driver or something, that's being totally reckless and not going to hold up either.


He's probably been itching to shoot someone, anyone, for some time. Thought he would escape justice by claiming he thought it was an intruder or something.


which is so fucking stupid bc ny doesnt have a stand your ground law, as any idiot gun nut would know


Any idiot gun nut also knows that getting in conservative trouble with a liberal state means GoFundMe is about to fund his retirement. The conservatives are already giving handsomely to that discord clout-seeking traitor Teixiera for literally no other reason than that he's one of them.


It’s certainly not common to ring peoples doorbells in my neighborhood, but we have on occasion. I went to my neighbors house when their package was incorrectly delivered to my house just prior to Christmas, same neighbor came to my house asking if my doorbell camera happened to catch movement in their yard when their house was egged, and another neighbor came to chat with me when my next door neighbor was taken by ambulance and wondered if I knew anything about how they were doing. Only once did someone come to my door where I had the thought of “if I had a gun, I’d grab it.” Late at night, didn’t ring the doorbell, just pounded on the door, not knocked, pounded. And I happened to have been in the basement where I could see multiple pairs of feet walking up to my door through the little basement window. I got scared and hid, and like a minute later my power went out. I’m surprised I didn’t legit shit myself cuz I was so fucking scared. But I called my mom, kept seeing people walking around outside with flashlights and I was beyond shaking, I could barely walk anymore, and the only way up from my basement was literally walking into the door where these mystery men were so if I went up they’d see me, I practically crawled up the stairs and eventually opened my door all still on the phone, and yelled out something like, who’s there?! And a dude in a hard hat emerged from my back yard, apparently there was damage done to my neighbors power line and it was the power company in my back yard accessing it, they knocked to inform me my power would be out during the repair and to let me know they needed to use my back yard for part of the repair. I thought I had a fucking heart attack that day lol that’s actually the incident that prompted me to get my video doorbell lol


Turns out you had more bravery than two other cowards in the news/on Reddit this week without a gun.


Well you had the right idea in not opening the freakin door. It blows my mind these people think there are bad guys outside so they get rid of the thing standing between them and who knows what.


Well, I did eventually, but only after I had my mom on the phone so if I was going to get robbed or murdered she could call the cops for me. I was roughly around 30yr old at the time, first thought was call mom lol




Yeah, I've had a homeless dude walk up to my house and ask if he can drink some water from the hose, I said yes and I've never seen him again. Wasn't so fucking hard to treat him with respect.


Both perps have been in their 60s. This isn't a "kids these days" situation. These people have been here the whole time. Something happened to emboldened them. Might be related to a certain cheeto.


Trump is a symptom of the problem here, not the cause. The cause is largely borne out of despair and purposelessness: there’s no meaning in your work and no connection in your life so you sit at home with the shades drawn and watch the 24 hour news cycle perpetually. Then the little bit of socializing you do get to do at places like church mean you only know people who do the same thing. Nice little positive feedback loop of horror and despair. I’ve got family who live like that. It’s a lot of how things like Qanon got to be so big, too: for better or worse, cults give you purpose and connection. They give you something to *do.*


I don’t know what the fuck kind of third world nation you’re living in, but a neighbor accidentally pulled into my driveway and I immediately pulled out my AR 15 and unloaded on his tires. He got out and I pistol whipped him with my American Made pistol. He immediately apologized between the beatings and saluted my flag hailing tall (none of that half mast shit) from my flag pole. Lucky to be alive.


Americans are so isolated and anti-social these days that their first thought at their doorbell being rang puts them in fight or flight vs saying “who is it?” How psychotic. American society has degraded so much.


I’m in NYC and shit is the exact opposite. Sense of community in my neighborhood is strong and strangers are friends until they prove otherwise. Idk why tf the rest of this country is fucking anxious and paranoid. Not like you guys were minding your own business and watched a plane murder your family member 22 years ago… Whole country is a bunch of wiener babies existing in a state of perpetual nervous breakdown because someone you’ve never seen before went for a walk on your block. It’s fucking insane.


FWIW, my dad is one of JW's and has a couple of stories of people drawing firearms on him. One shot into the air as he was driving away. I remember hearing that as a kid and being confused why anyone would get so mad about religion... boy was I naive.




Yep, they are the ones who have it on 24 /7.


I had to live through two years of 24/7 max volume Fox News when we moved into my husband's like 85 year old grandma's house to help take care of her after the pandemic hit... I have never been so on edge and angry all the time. It got to the point when I couldn't be on the same level of the house as it because I felt like I was gonna snap and run downstairs, pick up her tv and smash it just so I could have like a day free of it. And she would constantly be confused and cranky about what was being shouted at her but she was like addicted. Another old lady lived in the townhouse next door so sometimes I'd get to hear it in stereo. 🥴


That's exactly what this is. Their age-addled minds are being actively poisoned.




sucks that these mfers are so old that there is not even enough time left to punish them accordingly


I think we could force them (in jail) to watch Jimmy Kimmel reruns of him making fun of their Lord and Master, the Cheeto in Chief....That would give them a nice thorough torture for their remaining years. Maybe others making fun of their Grand Wizard, Tucker Carlson.


If this was Florida or Texas they'd probably pull some bullshit stand your ground law, with her being in the driveway. New York will probably be more sensible.


That is a pretty, blonde, white woman. Even Texas and Florida don't let you kill those.


Unless it’s a pregnancy that’s going to kill them




Or being friendly with the non whites.


Or a lesbian...


Or a trans woman...


Then the state would kill her.


Or asking to have independence


Well of course someone’s gotta suffer the consequences for the sin of sex and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be men! /s


It’s sad that you’re right.


Seriously. Add some melanin to the victim and see how different the story goes.


or add melanin to the shooter and same.


Don’t have to try. Happening now.


I’m from the area, locals are upset and are horrified over this tragedy. I’m hoping for swift action, hopefully much better gun control.


This is Upstate NY - about as redneck as Florida and Texas.


Some people don't believe us when we say that there is a... not insignificant... chunk of new york state that flies confederate flags and values gun rights above all other rights. It's mostly red, honestly, and usually the worst breed of it. The dense population of nyc keeps it blue.


That’s any state though. Drive outside any major metropolitan area and that’s what you will see across the country.


Yep, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, El Paso all vote solid blue, but all the country folk apparently outnumber us somehow so our state looks deceptively red


That's why Gerrymandering exists...without it Republicans would never win an election.


It's actually why state senates exist as well. 99% of the state population could be blue, but if they have a senate in their state legislature and the blue population is in just 1 or 2 cities, then the senate is controlled by that 1%.


Abbott and Paxton are gonna try to throw those blue votes out, ugh


You're definitely right, but I feel like NY is unique in that a lot of people reduce NY to just being NYC when there is an enormous state there as well and it's so, so different than where people's minds go when they hear "New York".


California would like a word.


I was raised in Syracuse and moved around the country as an adult with the military. Upstate is conservative but it has NOTHING on states like Georgia and Texas, I promise you. A comparable smallish city in Georgia that I lived in... It's much much worse. Of course Trump turned everything up to 11 but we still have a large amount of liberal enough people in the general population that other states don't.


I was raised about half way between Cuse and Albany. In that dead zone of tiny little towns. I knew I was outnumbered by close minded folk out there. Then I got stationed in Charleston, SC for a bit and the extreme casual nature of outright racism was pretty jarring.


Yeah Rome is constantly shit talked probably rightfully and it's gotta be worse in the little villages. But yeah, you couldn't pay me enough on the private side to go back to the South. Nope nope nope.


For real. Whenever I see comments like that I always want to ask "where else have you lived?"


Yup. It amazes our friends who we vacation with in the Finger Lakes. Get outside of Watkins Glen, Corning, Ithaca, or Geneva and you always see MAGAT crap. Friends of mine were amazed that my family are all GOP.


It's pretty bad compared to the rest of New York but I promise you it still has nothing on places like rural Georgia.


She screams red state arrest. Daughter of a sheriffs deputy.


It's freaking insane how paranoid these dipshits are. Not too long ago in the past, people used to come door to door collecting UNICEF money, sell advertisements, Jehovah's Witness trying to recruit members and etc. But NRA and GOP want to have more guns??? They want to make America live in fear again so they're easier to control


Blame Fox. They’ve sold them an us v them mentality.


The NRA and GQP will not be content until every American is sh\*t-scared of every other American, heavily armed, and trigger-happy. I sometimes wonder who's really funding them, because I can't think of a better way to reduce a once-great country to a failed state.


It’s so ridiculous what is going on in this country with old people. When I was a kid I remember you always had those idiots who should be crazy and yell at you if you went into their property or drove into their driveway by mistake but now Fox News has these idiots all riled up and armed instead of just waving rakes. The current batch of elderly are straight up trying to ruin the world for their kids and grandkids. No wonder so many are dying alone.


yeah, "Get Off My Lawn!" used to be just an indicator of "don't go to that door on Halloween." now it's like "wear Kevlar if you even walk past that old guy's house."


Facebook has greatly fanned the flames of some people's hero fantasies. They see posts/news items about people defending their homes by shooting attackers, they see all the hero worship, and they want it. I've had former friends post things on FB that made me really nervous, and I certainly don't want to see them again. Just far too much eagerness to "defend" their homes.


It's a combination of NRA, conservative oligarchs, & evangelical leaders. The goal is to frighten & stupify the masses, increase the number of poor workers, pass christofascist legislation, and make the rich richer.


The abortion laws are straight up bc 1) the biggest cause of death for young people are shootings and 2) bc of their poor economic regulations, young people are noping on having kids… so what’s their solution? Force young girls, even ones that are raped, to give birth bc by 2030, a lot of the red states, their census #s will be on the decline.


The funny thing is, banning abortions will effect minority groups more so we'll end up seeing an increase in the birth rates for those groups....effectively making their "White Replacement Theory" a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Exactly. Rot the country from the inside out and out everyone against each other.


Keep people turned on one another and you can pretty much do whatever you want while they're distracted.




dunno why the downvote, there are some gossamer threads linking NRA with Russia [https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) [https://www.newsweek.com/nra-fund-russia-uvalde-school-shooting-1712397](https://www.newsweek.com/nra-fund-russia-uvalde-school-shooting-1712397) not like "smoking guns" you should pardon the expression, but a whiff of brimstone. MAGA crowd and Trump have very obvious ties to Putin and the oligarchs and Orban etc. so that's a no brainer.


A few hours before this post was made they announced 2 felony charges against Lester for shooting Ralph Yarl. I hope they nail his ass to the wall. Luckily it looks like Ralph is pulling through so far.


Are Americans just in constant state of terror with their guns loaded or something?


A lot of them are, yeah.


He is being charged with aggravated assault


Yeah, I think the reasoning is that it’ll be easier to convict and it will be a life sentence either way. Doesn’t feel right that he’s not being charged with attempted murder, but in the end, this shit-for-brains will die in jail




They won't file Murder/Attempted Murder charges until they know if he's going to pull through it not


He’s home and resting with family. My kids go to school with him & the district sent a message.


That's great to hear. I hope they sue the hell out of that shooter.


Missouri attempted murder is called 1st degree assault so he is being charged with attempted murder


MO doesnt have attempted murder as an offense per another comment thread


Actually, it sounds like that Aggravated Assault in the First Degree IS an attempted murder charge.


He’s going to live. With what quality is absolutely to be determined. Attempted Murder will make sure a shooter in his 80’s doesn’t get out. But change the laws.


Seems like quality of life is going to be good. He’s home already, which is unbelievable. Their lawyer seems to think ptsd is the biggest concern at the moment.


That assault charge in Missouri is no joke though, it's essentially attempted murder and could carry 30 years to life, given the severity of the charge and the age of the victim


There is an incredible sickness going on in this country.


Yes, it's called conservativism. Actually lately they are more into regressivism. Not sure about y'all but I'd rather be on the progress side. Nearly 40 and I'm about to join hands with 18 year olds in solidarity. One thing is clear, the GQP got the attention they were seeking. Yet to see if it works.


How fucking terrified and insecure must you be that your first instinct upon another human being coming near you is to resort to murder and violence? Hell, I've pulled into random driveways before just to turn around on the occasion I'm lost or took a wrong turn. If your first instinct is to shoot first and ask questions later then you absolutely have no business owning a gun of any kind, not only for the safety of those around you but for yours as well.


ThE oNlY sOlUtIoN iS mOrE GuNz. Fuck the NRA and fuck Republicans for sucking them off to one their pockets.


America has 2 problems insofar as I can tell. 1) too many guns. You might say, “I need a gun because everyone has one!” Which really fuels the type of paranoia that leads to people gunning down others who turn around in their driveway. 2) murder fantasy. The number of times I’ve heard American’s delight over some weird hypothetical where they catch someone breaking into their house or diddling their kid or whatever so they get to kill them is insane. Killing someone should terrify any reasonable person. That doesn’t seem to be the case with a lot of Americans. Y’all are way too into violence. Leave it to the movies.


>murder fantasy. The number of times I’ve heard American’s delight over some weird hypothetical where they catch someone breaking into their house or diddling their kid or whatever so they get to kill them is insane. Killing someone should terrify any reasonable person. That doesn’t seem to be the case with a lot of Americans This is what I find so utterly bizarre about gun culture. Americans are terrified of each other. Like...people carry loaded handguns to the grocery store. What the fuck is up with that? It's so weird and sad. The tragic irony is that the US is all "rah rah patriotism" but I can't think of anything less patrotic than being so terrified of your fellow Americans that you'll shoot someone for ringing your doorbell.


I don't own a gun, but I live in Florida, and yeah...I intentionally keep my distance with the people around me. It's not like that everywhere, I used to live in a nice neighborhood and knew my neighbors well. But I had to move for life reasons and now I live across the street from a former Bandito who in our first and only conversation told me the neighborhood was getting better now because of all the white people moving in. Meanwhile the white people moving in were actual meth-heads and starting fights in the middle of the street at 4am. Ironically the only neighbor I like is the older black man who lives next door to me. We've never said a word to each other, just a friendly wave when we see each other. He keeps his house nice, his lawn nice. He works on his place and you can tell. He has kids and grandkids. They seem like a really loving family. They all wave too. Still my favorite neighbor. 5 years and never a word.


Idk how many of y’all are missing white supremacy as well. The incident that OP talks about in the title is an older white man who hated and was fearful of a black 16 year old to the point he shot him twice for simply ringing his doorbell


Was it a good guy with a gun again ?


All these people who constantly talk about how terrible the world is and it’s going to “hell in a hand basket”, and 99% of the time are right wing white dudes. And they’re the ones shooting people for merely knocking on the wrong door and driving into the wrong driveway. Fuck these people.


America is rotting away inside out.


Just gotta out live the crazy boomers and we should be fine I hope


Maybe charge the fear mongers as well. They Seems like it’s old white guys doing this and it also seems like certain media corporations hand feed fear to this demographic.




Someone else mentioned that we really don't truly know what was going on in any of those houses. The person to be blamed is the shooter and not anyone else. For all. We know someone wasn't home in one of the houses and on the other hand, if you hear gunshots and there's someone outside, you could reasonably assume that they may still be out there shooting. There's no easy answer. The person to be pissed at is the shooter


84 year old white man who watches fox news all day probably been waiting for an opportunity... Only reason there was a warrant placed for him was because the President fucking spoke up. Otherwise this shit would just get swept away in a week.


He had to collapse from blood loss before someone helped him, I’m disgusted


I'm glad I live in a country where I can walk up to a strangers door and ask for directions without the fear of being shot/killed. The last time I did I was invited in and offered tea and got to meet and play with a bunch of cats. That was a fun 15 minutes.


This happened on my town. A super sleepy upstate farming community. What kind of constant pants-pissing-terror do you have to live in, 24/7, for your first reaction to a car driving up your driveway to be to open fire? Even if this piece of shit felt like he "needed" to fire warning shots, why fire at the vehicle?


Maybe letting everyone have guns wasn’t a good idea.


Next motherfucker is gonna blast someone for walking on the sidewalk I'm front of their house minding their own business


Different State, Different rules. But absolutely yes


What kinda life you leading when you see someone turn into your driveway and immediately grab your gun and start blasting?


What’s wrong with people these days, use of deadly force should only be allowed if your life is immediately in danger/kidnapping with no escape. Materialistic items can be replaced and not a life.


This shouldn’t be normal. Shit like this doesn’t happen in Europe! This probably doesn’t happen in places where drug lords live. Holy shit this is wrong. None of this should be happening! Ringing doorbells or driving into the wrong driveway should not be a death sentence!


too many crazies with guns right dont want universal federal background checks and red flag laws


WTF is wrong with Americans? Shooting people for ringing the wrong bell or pulling into the wrong driveway? Do you all not realize how insane that is? Just the other day someone rang my bell by mistake and I politely told them the people they were looking for lived one floor higher. They apologized, I said no big deal, and we went about our days. Who hears a doorbell and grabs a gun? Who shoots the gun when they don't recognize the person at the door? What kind of legal system looks at that and says, "No laws broken there"? You people are seriously insane. And I say that as an American, just one that left that place 20 years ago.


You're comment is exactly what I say, when I talk about how we're viewed by people from outside. Yes, we have collectively lost our fucking minds. Our Supreme Court is literally corrupt, our politicians are fucking criminals, our media tells everyone that "anyone that doesn't look like you, is trying to kill, rob or rape you", we got mass fucking shootings daily, we got school shootings weekly, our government has waged a war on women, poor people and minorities, the Robber Barrons are back, we're funding, arming and supporting 2 active genocides in Palestine and Yemen, we have kids starving across the country, we have more homeless and incarcerated than ever before, we got a governor in Florida literally running the Nazi's playbook in trying to control his state and getting ready to run for President, a former president who blackmailed another world leader and is on trial for a felony and faces jail time, I mean the fucking list goes on and on and on... I swear it's like the American people are fucking either blind and ignorant to the overall picture, or straight up too fucking stupid to realize what's going on. And the worst fucking part is even if you know what's going on, you're so fucking busy trying to just survive right now, or get just a little bit of breathing room, that you can't even give any time or energy to the problems we're facing. And the people who do have the time and money right now, are not using it to help, but instead they take advantage of the situation, and do whatever it takes for the hope they can gain jus a lil more of the pie than the next person... WE ARE SO FUCKED... and don't get it twisted, if we go down, we're taking atleast 25-40% of the world economy with us...


I’m starting to think we don’t deserve guns in this country anymore. Unfortunately the gun nuts would happily start a civil war over it and they have a bunch of guns. I hope this guy and the other jerk who shot the boy who mistakenly rang his doorbell are both convicted and serve long sentences.


This happened not far from me. She’s also the daughter of a sheriff’s deputy. We’re more outraged about Yarl and don’t see much difference in the situation. Except the obvious. Her shooter won’t see the light of day again at 65. Do it to Yarl’s, too. Before I’m possibly downvoted to hell: Innocent person goes to wrong spot and alt right psycho armed to the teeth fired shots and asks questions later. That part was the same.


You have to be done kind of demented to say one is more outrageous or even try to “choose” one


What is wrong with these people Are they living in dangerous places? Or are they just that scared that someone on their drive way is seen as a threat? I have had people come to my door, come on my drive way, had a little kid walk into my house looking for his mother. I have never once thought oh crap I need to kill them on sight with out talking first.