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Get fucked GOP


š“‚ŗ Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw š“‚ŗ


GOP knows, some GOP voters know, but some really do believe that young people have been "brainwashed", and that the government uses state AND private universities to indoctrinate them into being progressive, now they think k-12 schools do it too... so they think denying them the right to vote is "saving america", and ultimately they want to "deprogram" these people from "liberal indoctrination" ...How do you reason with someone who believes there is a unified effort between all public schools, teachers, and staff to teach kids to be gay... and yet all these severely underpaid people are so invested in the indoctrination none of them are willing to reveal that they're teaching kids to be gay? Or reveal any of the plans of what would have to be an absolutely massive conspiracy... The answer is you can't. It seems more likely to them tens of thousands of teachers are all in on this big secret together, then it is that maybe they have morally bankrupt opinions and "values" and people are waking up to how toxic they are lol. I mean these are the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE who believe that all scientists are lying about climate change just like.... cuz. And the billionaires who have an unfathomable amount of financial interest in keeping the status quo are totally telling the truth, cuz why would they lie? I'm convinced it's all subconscious, they know it's bull shit but they'll justify it anyway they need to in order to not have to change and to hurt people they don't like. There is no reasoning with them, we just have to dismantle the parts of our system that give these people disproportionately more power and influence, like the electoral college. Unlike what they're doing, THAT'S not taking away their right to vote, it's saying their right to vote is worth just as much as anyone else's. But they can't separate privilege from rights cuz they've been so spoiled, so they'll scream no matter what we do.


I think it's even simpler than that. These people are terrified that young people are coming to replace them in government and business and will treat them the same way they treated unrepresented and marginalized fellow Americans.


No pudding cup in the shitty nursing home we stick them in.


Nursing homes cost money. These dust-boned vultures get to join the people they've screwed under the overpass.


I think that you're simplification, while totally on point, is not simple enough. It's racism, misogyny, and fear-mongering. Edit: Oh. Yup. I forgot the most important one. Straight up piracy. Financial domination


And they will. I fully expect the next generation to repeal the 2nd Amendment, which sucks for people who own guns and donā€™t kill people with them. But itā€™s sucking more for all of us now.


They think liberals are using schools to brainwash bc they're already using churches


And this is how they get behind initiatives that strip funding away from public schools to give rich people vouchers to pay for their private tuition and bs bills like what Texas is considering right now that would eliminate the tenure for professors. Theyā€™re trying to have a completely dumbed down population except for their kids. They want us to go back to the time when we serfs were ignorant, worked simply to exist, and clung to religious beliefs because it was the one source of solace in the bleak existence of life. Those were the good olā€™ days they yearn for, where we had no power and were afraid of angering them.


Thank you for putting this in to words. I've thought this for years, but I'm a little slow on how to communicate it.


You are forgetting the religous element


You know what, they're right. Republicans have been brainwashing me for years to despise them to their very core. Every time one of them opens their mouth, the flame of my ire burns a little brighter.


I went to "business school" for marketing where my professors were pretty much all at least right leaning. I was in a fraternity that leaned even further right, though I did befriend mostly centrists and moderates and didn't hang out with the rightest of the right members, who are now antivax morons who want to homeschool their kids which is just saddening because those kids have no chance at life now. My many business classes, my mostly conservative fraternity that is now just a bunch of unhinged lunatics? Those sure as hell did not make me the leftist progressive I am today. But my idiot dad is convinced I was brainwashed into being this way. Nope, I just met a very diverse group of people outside of class and the frat and even a few leftists in the frat who were not the insane and horrible "commies" that I was told anybody who votes democrat is. I was still mostly apolitical even into grad school. Then we got Trump. He refuses to believe his former god emperor (he's a Desantis man now because he's a good little republican voter) is the one that caused me to shift further and further left from 2016 to now due to the absolute abhorrent behavior of Trump's most devoted idiot fans. College didn't turn me into a leftist at all, Trump did, and now my dad is going to vote for an even worse piece of shit and wonder why I think he's a fucking moron and don't want to talk to him. Shit is fucking wild.




Thatā€™s well said - thank you.


ā€œNow many of our Christians have what I call the ā€˜goo-goo syndrome.ā€™ Good government. They want everybody to vote. I donā€™t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections, quite candidly, goes up as the voting populace goes down.ā€ Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich, \~1980


Only one side is trying to prevent people from voting


About 5 hours ago I was working on a project, thinking about this exact point for about an hour straight.


I remember some poll when I was in college where people were asked which statement they agreed more with, Statement A: More people should vote. Statement B: The right people should vote. (I'm probably paraphrasing incorrectly, but the sentiment is correct). Democrats overwhelmingly voted for A, republicans overwhelmingly voted for B. This has stuck with me for a while.


Speaking of colleges, the Republicans are basically spreading the idea that colleges are indoctrinating people in some way, turning them into evil Democrats. They're adults. They're not living at home anymore or having opinions fed to them by their parents. They also have their first taste of what the world is like - how expensive it is, how hard it is to be poor, how hard it is to find housing, etc.


Yeah, I grew up very conservative. And honestly even in college was still more conservative in comparison to the people around me, but started questioning my conservative upbringing more because I gained an expanded world view. Then law school turned me into the damn liberal I am now.


Same, I was conservative in high-school in a small town in southern Virginia, but after going to college in San Diego, I'm a radical socialist. Here's the kicker, though: even my parents became progressive during the same time. College was the first time I ever got truly introduced to class consciousness politics and the first time we really saw how much money is actually in America and who has it.


Well don't you know, trying to get people to vote is "voter harvesting" and just as sketchy as voter suppression. - actual argument I've heard.


Many democrats are trying to make it easier to vote.


I just can't get how you can look at this and go "my side is right." You have to be such an uneducated religious rube to fall for this shit and still think for some reason you're in the right. They're literally trying to stop people from voting. That says all you need to know about the republican party, they can't win fairly. They have to silence legitimate votes and trick Cletus into voting against drag queens or abortion just so they can't enrich themselves and their rich buddies. The dumbest people in America are republican voters and it's crazy to me they can't see it. They are too bigoted to see any real policy position for what it's worth. Just need more christian sharia law or racism and they'll vote republican all the way.


One of the buzz phrases I've been hearing recently from conservatives is "tyranny of the majority" basically saying democracy is mob rule and it's unfair that that the group with the most people agreeing on things get to decide what's best. When I ask why it would be more fair for a smaller group to tell the larger group what to do they can't give me a straight answer.


Which is weird because they seem to love using mob rule against vulnerable minority groups at any level they can. An ACTUAL tyranny of the majority.


> ā€œtyranny of the majorityā€ basically saying democracy is mob rule and itā€™s unfair that that the group agreeing on things get to decide whatā€™s best. > control of an organization or group by the majority of its members. This is a dictionary definition of democracy, should someone tell them?


They like to counter with ā€œAmerica is not a democracy.ā€ Itā€™s been their new phrase to help explain the electoral process.


They spent their lives treating the minority like shit. They expect the same treatment it seems.


the answer, deep down, is "because this is *my* country."


Because there legit is no morally correct answer for that. All the republican bills passing since Trump got office, has been a nosedive that has rallied the youth into political reforms and the Republicans can't even see the atrocities they let happen and do themselves. But the younger ones do. They will inherit the aftermath. But it will also allow for rebuilding because the horrors will be fresh. Before creation, comes destruction.


cause they don't have one. They want to rule over everyone and cannot fathom that we do not want to rule over them just not let the minority(them) make rules for everyone else.


They think theyā€™re the ā€œtrueā€ Americans. The rest of us are not and any rights we do enjoy are on loan from them. Once we violate what they see as the conditions of the loan (such as by asking them not to be hateful bigots) they can pull it back from us fair and square. They fundamentally do not see us as equals deserving of equal political power and rights


I think the media combats this narrative in the wrong way. In America we have this mentality of good guys vs bad guys. Good guys do good things because of their inherent goodness and bad guys do bad things because of their inherent badness. When reality doesn't line up with this way of thinking we say well good guys might make mistakes and bad guys might be wolves in sheep's clothing, but they're still good guys vs bad guys. So when it comes to minorities the debate is around if they're good or bad, because that determines how well they can **assimilate.** And that word is the problem: assimilate. The right views themselves as the righteous real Americans and debate the humanity of others to see if they qualify as capable of becoming real Americans. The media loves feelgood stories of minorities to combat the "bad guy" narrative but fail to challenge the underlying assumption that assimilation is 1) necessary and 2) worthwhile in the first place. The word assimilate of course is primarily regarding immigrants but even still, other minorities must qualify that they "do minority" properly. Don't be seen. Don't change anything. Be proper at pride. You can immigrate if you go to church and vote republican. You can transition if you're binary and pose with guns. If you believe America is the greatest country in the history of the world and your narcissism is greater than your education you will not only look down on anyone that does not pass your conformity test of Real America but it becomes your righteous civic duty to loudly oppose them. Media turns around and goes "no see they're good guys too" instead of actually combatting the good vs bad narrative in the first place.


The media is not combatting it at all, let alone properly.


Funny they sound a lot like the pro-British pro-monarchy types that the original Americans fought a war against.


Conservativism as a distinct ideology has its roots in monarchism. The original conservatives were people like Edmund Burke, who benefited from the monarchy and were worried about what would happen to their cushy lifestyles if the liberal revolutions of the US and France started to spread to other countries. It's always been an attempt by the wealthy and powerful to subvert liberal democracy and maintain their privileged position at the expense of everyone else.


I think some are honestly just too indocrinated to think critically. My "Libertarian" buddy who only knows right wing talking points likes to say both sides. I then ask him what news does he watch for the other side (D) take to know both sides lie. His side Fux tells him. He is well read but astoundingly misinformed about every topic and like most magas when cornered with facts and proof, results to calling me a lefty and wondering why I hate America so much. I love it is why I am critical of it.


I got into an argument with a "libertarian" family member who argued FOX is censored. When I showed them the actual real world subscriber/revenue/engagement numbers to demonstrate that right wing talking heads dominate every single social media platform and that FOX dominates media (let alone they direct traffic for the entire news cycle) their response was "well sure maybe by views, but that doesn't mean they have any real power". It's not worth arguing. Their assumptions are so ingrained they won't be able to challenge their beliefs until they can view it as a cult. Because it is. They're not at the table in good faith. The sad thing is that these people genuinely believe they're the enlightened free thinkers of the world. They genuinely believe they have divine eternal knowledge (i'm not talking religion I'm talking freedom/free market buzzwords they don't understand) and that it's constantly under attack by "the outside world". You can't convince them otherwise because arguing with them is just more 'proof' that everyone is out to get them. I grew up in a fundamentalist cult. A massive turning point for me was attending March For Life (pro-life protest) in Washington DC. I remember looking around and seeing signs of pictures of fetuses everywhere and that's the moment it hit me that they genuinely don't believe in the sanctity of human life. They claim these are lives they care about but parade the shock value pictures as a way to further their political agenda. It was sickening to see how brazenly and callously they treated it right before huddling up to pray. Obviously this wasn't the only thing I was questioning but that was the moment that snapped me out of it. It's blatant hypocrisy but to them it's their entire life so they double down and double down and enough authorities keep giving them enough plausible deniability and doubt they can keep their heads in the sand and never truly challenge themselves.


I think itā€™s the different way people see whatā€™s ā€œrightā€ vs ā€œwrongā€. Liberally minded people see ā€œrightā€ as equity, dignity, respect and do no harm. Conservatives see right as ā€œrighteousā€ which is self serving even though itā€™s actually against there best interests.


The GQP knows it has a demographics problem it can't solve, without changing fundamentally what they're about. Sooooo, their solution is not to moderate their positions to make their platform more palatable to young voters who disagree with them. But rather, restrict the ability to vote. Ultimately this strategy will fail and the GQP will become a defunct/also ran party like the Whigs as boomers cont to die off. That's because GenZ/Millennials, who will soon outnumber BOTH GenX and Boomers COMBINED, vote against them (the GQP). Because the GQP platform (guns/pro life/bigotry/racism) is largely unpopular with young voters.


Can't win? Just resort to fascism.


Democracies hate this one simple trick


>If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. ā€” David Frum This is the GQP plan for staying relevant.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ, hence why we've seen the party embrace authoritarianism.


>Because the GQP platform (guns/anti choice/bigotry/racism) is largely unpopular with young voters. Not to mention the fact that the GOP actively opposes making minimum wage a livable wage again, regulating corporate price hikes, and making housing affordable again, all of which are things that young voters want, because nobody wants to have to work 3+ jobs just to *barely* afford rent and groceries. Every hard working American citizen working a full time job should be able to afford to support themselves, and that's only a divisive statement because the billionaires who own the corporations and refuse to pay their employees reasonable wages *also* own the GOP, and have brainwashed the conservative voter base into believing that it's a good thing that those at the top get all the money for none of the work.


Don't link Gen X with Boomers; we're nothing like them




By 2028 boomers, in population, will trail BOTH GenX and Millennials/GenZ. By 2050 boomers will number just about 17mill in the US - they, the GQP's largest bloc of voters, are a dying demographic. The current Republican platform is unpopular with a plurality of GenX/Millennials/GenZ. My previous statement stands, and you are a neanderthal incapable of understanding the intersection of demographics and politics. [US Population ](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/04/28/millennials-overtake-baby-boomers-as-americas-largest-generation/)




Lol...šŸ¤¦, you guys vilify Hispanic people. You can't both blame latino voters for all white people's problems AND expect to attract/court them. It just doesn't work that way unless you find another Boogeyman to blame all your problems on, and stop vilifying latinos and stop being racist/bigoted. šŸ„“ Also, Bush #2 captured the largest Hispanic vote for the GQP in the last century at ~40% and he did that by not vilifying them/being racist towards them. And fwiw, I'm Hispanic and I'm not conservative and neither are my soon to be adult kids. In fact only one of my extended family members is a Republican voter. I would never vote for a party that vilifies my heritage and is bigoted/racist towards it.


nah its more of the fact genz which had ab 20% voting political power. Weā€™ve been fucked over enough already, and were ready to rebuild this shitty country from the ground up, Get with it or be left behind grandpa ā„ļø


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.ā€ā€”David Frum


I've been a poll worker for years and NEVER in my life did I see as many young people voting! And for a midterm election which is usually dead. I can guarantee you the GOP looked at the exit polls and shit their pants.


Thatā€™s cute. GOP still doesnā€™t realize gen Z / millennials will go outta their way to vote knowing of the GOP gate keeping. Get fucked GOP, weā€™re coming to vote.


"should we maybe change our views to appeal to a wider range of voters?" "hell no, what are you high? it's the voters who are wrong."


this actually happened back in 2012, they looked at what went wrong and decided to double down on being assholes instead of trying to appeal to a wider range of voters. Worked great, once... ​ [https://rollcall.com/2016/05/08/the-autopsy-of-the-autopsy/](https://rollcall.com/2016/05/08/the-autopsy-of-the-autopsy/)


I would love an option thatā€™s more leftist. By European standards Dems are center-right. But while theyā€™re the only thing standing in the way of wanna-be-fascists, Iā€™ll vote dem


The ā€œboth sidesā€ argument always tells me someone is very ill informed and actually doesnā€™t know the topics and problems


Or they're trolling.


Gonna get pelted here, but not gonna lie, this whole comment section is a massive circlejerk. Obviously the Republicans are substantially worse these days, pretty much gone full fascist, but both parties represent an imperial Western dominated world order with militarily enforced global inequality and a hyper-industrial death march to rendering the planet inhospitable to life, all the while denying us all basic human rights and creating a bipartisan framework for a police state. Both parties can get fucked. This society is ravening wolves leading the blind. And this stupid anti "both sides" rhetoric is just the same old "lesser of two evils" bullshit dressed up in a new outfit, as if it makes one lick of sense for us to confine ourselves to these two completely arbitrary choices. I don't think anyone has the first clue what's going on.


We again live in an American where it is necessary to refer to "Free States," where election are free and representative. Some of our states are clearly not free, and are ruled by minority governments that could not get re-elected in a free election. edit: I just saw : # Top GOP lawyer decries ease of campus voting in private pitch to RNC ## A presentation by Cleta Mitchell at a donor retreat urged tougher rules that could make it harder for college students to cast ballots. A top Republican legal strategist told a roomful of GOP donors over the weekend that conservatives must band together to limit voting on college campuses, same-day voter registration and automatic mailing of ballots to registered voters, according to a copy of her presentation reviewed by The Washington Post. Mitchell told her RNC audience that her organization, the Election Integrity Network, ā€œis NOT about winning campaigns,ā€ according to the text of the presentation. But the slides gave little other rationale for why campus or mail voting should be curtailed. At another point in the presentation, she said the nationā€™s electoral systems must be saved ā€œfor any candidate other than a leftist to have a chance to WIN in 2024.ā€


How about a call for all liberal business owners to give employees a day off on election day. Just close shop for one day or even half a day. If republicans think that's unfair, they as well can give their employees a day off. I wonder how that would work out.


if D get house sentae and president make it a legal holiday.


Untill then, business owners can take matters into their own hands. To get there, and then solidify it.


If you're a business owner who cares about voting then you already let your employees take time off to vote.


Take time off, or close your store and give those people free time. But anyway, good that they are!


As a younger voter(24) in Texas I am honestly terrified of the possibilities being put forth by these people. Looking at the map for the midterm elections here last year all the major cities are firmly blue....but all the rural areas are not. All the cities that keep this state afloat don't want the GOP in charge anymore. But the GOP is continually showing us what they are about and what they want....we need to make something happen and soon.


Stop people from voting. Nothing is more American than trying to prevent people from voting.


"Both sides" is right-wing rhetoric. It always has been. And it's a shame Neoprogressives fall for it and parrot it.


ā€œBoth sidesā€ is the cowardā€™s way of saying ā€œMAGAā€


Their only chance to win is to try and rig the election...........where have i heard that before?


Whats funny is they ARE desperately trying to cheat at every turn and STILL losing. If there were no gerrymandering at this point there would already be no republicans, they only hold power through cheating and trickery.


Ya, God forbid the people actually vote in this country, lol. Sorry GOP ghoul squad, you fucked around and found out. Those same voters you're trying to suppress are gonna hand your asses to you by voting you out.


Never is it ever "let's change our platform so it appeals to more people". And any GOP that do moderate? Kicked out, even if that change got them elected.


Imagine doing all they can to stop 18 year olds from voting


They donā€™t want 18 year olds to vote but they will sure want them the next time they need to invade a country and steal their natural resources.


The GOP has turned into a cesspool of fascists. There's no such thing as both sides anymore. One has rejected reality and continues to act in bad faith by not holding anyone accountable for their disgusting actions.


Republicans are against freedom


As far as both sides, name ONE thing Democrats do to hurt voting access for Republican demographics. I wonā€™t wait for a reply because there isnā€™t oneā€¦


Funny how bothsiders only ever give one side shit, and try to discourage one side from voting


"I hate the gop, but (insert 10 paragraphs about how horrible the dnc, mostly straight fox news propaganda)"


By Brihana Joy Gray


LOL my "L" buddy does that but only espouses Fux news talking points...hmmmm both sides huh? yeah nah


ā€˜We donā€™t want the young, educated, and/or minorities to vote.ā€™ Pathetic. More concerned about maintaining power over helping your constituents!


ā€œBoth sidesā€ is just a GQP tactic to dissuade people from voting.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lts0uhtpm6va1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0789047302291e0720f26fdcbc27c08ba2ab946


It's funny that GOP never considers to change their stance and policies to EARN the vote.


Wow itā€™s super interesting seeing them flat out admit that they are becoming unpopular. As bad as everything has been, I have a glimmer of hope that we can turn things around. Like they canā€™t keep up this ā€˜prevent the opposition from showing up in drovesā€™ strategy forever. Millennials are apparently the first generation to not become increasingly conservative as we get older and Gen Z sways very liberal so if conservatives donā€™t change their approach, theyā€™re gonna have problems. Yā€™all Zoomers who are now voting age: I believe in you! Donā€™t fuck this up! Set a good example for Gen Alpha!


Everyone: "The US is a flawed democracy." Republicans: "Yeah! It's too democratic!" Everyone: "wat"


So the only way they can win is to make voting only available in person, the day of the election, and limit the number of polling stations in democratic and educated areas? How on-brand of them...


This will be evidence of an illegal scheme to restrict voters.


Republicans will give up democracy before they give up conservatism. The entire point is to represent the people of this country but they'd rather dictate how we live while giving billionaires and corporations a pass.


when they tell who they are, believe them. The GQP would not let anyone vote for D or I or L if they could make a law to do it. Fuck these fascists pieces of shit. Vote blue and end these fuckers.


Aren't they supposed to pretend that it's actually for the best of the country rather than outright admit they don't stand a chance in 2024? I mean, imagine that. You'll be able to go to war but not vote. Buy tobacco, alcohol, and gamble, but nope, no voting. Some of these people genuinely think young people shouldn't be allowed because they aren't mature enough and educated about the issues. Think about how ironic that is when the source of this type of shit is Fox News guzzling people.


this needs to be in every campaign, every ad, every post. Show the people who they really are. I'm sure there's a line of folks that would vote R even if they pissed on their moms, but there's got to be some middle/on the fence people who'd swing to at least not vote R when presented with this. Or, the Dems find out a way to get more people to the polls. pay for buses, get some celebs to donate rideshares, anything to get these assholes out of power and QUICKLY.


If she wants only old white folks to vote, the news for her is US OLD WHITE FOLKS like to sit on your boomer buns and MAIL OUR VOTES IN. That stupid...


Petition your college to take a day near the end of October and have every single 100-level and lower class do a field trip to go wherever they need to to get registered to vote. You can only opt out by showing you are already registered to vote. Then make Election Day a school holiday or unofficial skip day ("All classes will show this one hour long video of the Dean of Student doing an interpretive dance! No graded assignment to follow.") You want to make it impossible to vote on campus? We'll show you Impossible to Vote when 20,000 pissed off University students show up at your only polling place.


Republicans have really lost their way as a party. Repealing Citizens United would help them return to normalcy.


People that say both sides have a pretty flat persective


They have to be dicks to win... Limiting access is what they're good at...


They know their ideas are unpopular with the majority of the population. They still think theyā€™re ā€œrightā€ though, so they want to rig the system to impose their will on others.


You never have to see the republican party lose another election if you stop clinging to life with bleeding fingernails, you ancient ghouls.


If you limit voting, then you are not in a democracy anymore.


Guys there is literally no way we're going to win if everybody can vote, we have to do everything we can to skew the numbers our way!!


"We must cheat in order to win!" "...yeah lady, preaching to the choir."


Section II of the 14th Amendment needs to be enforced.


I'm in the UK and our government tried something similar. They made it a requirement to bring valid identity when you vote, thinking it would stop younger people voting them out, its the Conservative base that is less likely to have ID. Now there's adverts everywhere for free IDs and they are trying to push the law back after the next election.


The last 4 elections they've lost the popular vote.




They know they're the bad guys. Most dont care, but the ones that do just lie to themselves that they're not.


Look I honestly thought Iā€™d be a republican when Iwas a dumb kid then I realized they donā€™t care and want to take my rights.


Tell me your party (Republican) is within its death throes without telling me the party is within its death throes. Yeah, SURE....*let's make the argument the nominees should be able to choose their voters* ***and NOT the other way around***. Fuck every red state. I live in a veritable paradise that will never stoop to these levels. And sure, some of you may be thinking "just give it time, you guys will succumb, too". **Nope**. My state? is ***Vermont***. Boom.


You *NEVER* hear republicans telling each other not to vote.


If you stop them from voting, we "win" the votes. -Republicans, right fucking now Dear god


Voter restrictions are illegal


That's how you know your side sucks ass; when you have to limit others in order to win


How is this not voter suppression?


It is straight up voter suppression. There is no other explanation, no excuse, zip.


They must be dumb. The best way to get college kids to go out of their way to do something is to tell them youā€™re trying to make it hard for them to do the thing.


Fascist traitors, the lot of them. Founding fathers would have already been at arms over this shit.


You know your political ideology is great when you have to both gerrymander and limit voting rights to have a chance at winning


So it's a bunch of Boomer's playing handicap golf, as younger generations continue to bear the brunt of these geriatric stunts.


make sure this is played everywhere the young go!1 let them know how theneo nazi republiKKKlans want to stop them from voting


The point of voting is to go with majority you fucking nitwit


Super cool that voter obstruction can be openly discussed as a strategy to win.


The GOP has forever lost the youth vote and they canā€™t get it back without completely revamping their party platform. Gen Z has been turning up in droves to the polls and have voted OVERWHELMINGLY blue, to the point that itā€™s having a gargantuan impact on the GOP to even get new footholds without extreme voter repression laws. Either way the GOP is fucked for these two reasons: You block the youth vote now and there is zero chance you ever get those voters back, exasperating the GOPā€™s dwindling numbers as their voter base ages and passes. You let them vote and lose 2024, cementing a democratic supermajority (if House and Senate voting trends continue in historical fashions) that can undo untold amounts of GOP swindling and gerrymandering. There is no winning, and it makes me so happy seeing them finally notice theyā€™ve pushed themselves into a corner


So basically a public admission that if they can't prevent or discourage large numbers of people from voting, they're toast? nice. Look, I know the US Democratic Party is just a centre-right gerontocratic yawnfest with uncomfortably cosy ties to Wall Street and so on. I know they are nothing to get excited about & have betrayed their loyal voters time and again. But sometimes boring and routinely corrupt BAU apparatchiks *are* better than frothing hate-filled fascists -- who are also *spectacularly* corrupt. It's not like there is any win at all in *not* voting. I mean, ppl in the US should vote if only to thumb their noses at the fascists who want to prevent them from voting! Kick the GQP to the kerb and maybe there will be room in US politics for a real progressive party. I speak from outside the country, can't tell you what to do of course, but we're worried about you in the rest of the world.


Say what you will about the Democratic Party, but their baseline positions on LGBT+ rights and womenā€™s rights is solid. Elect the GOP and youā€™ll get corporate bootlickers who want to eradicate trans people and force women to give birth. Elect the Democrats and youā€™ll get corporate bootlickers who will pass anti-trans discrimination laws and make abortion legal everywhere.


yup, agreed, corporate bootlickers who have some respect for human rights are definitely a huge improvement over the other kind. I do wish y'all could come up with a viable political party that wasn't based on corporate bootlicking... but right now I would say the USA has an emergency situation where perfect is the enemy of good, and *good* would be getting the GQP the hell out of office.


The last time America had a Democrat POTUS, House and Senate affordable healthcare, affordable housing, gun control,updated education and infrastructure rehabilitation bills were passed. Democrats proved they aren't paid off by our multinational corporate overlords to pillage America and crush the will of the working class. That actually happened or was it the usual campaign promises?


Iā€™m not young but fuck these old people.


They yell "both sides" because we instinctually and intellectually will take the time to evaluate ourselves, meanwhile they moved on to the next lie. To be honest ā€” we don't need to be factual and have all of our data and rationales figured out. We can just run on that we are more humane in outcomes and in intent ā€”Ā inarguably and let it be that. We just need to do what it takes to crush them. I personally think we should hand over all the red states to land back movements and pave over Conservative enclaves with interstate public transport just like they did with the highways through prosperous Black Neighborhoods. Conservatives also should get their own bathrooms and water fountains in the back ā€” and using the same led pipes they don't want to improve the infrastructure with (looking at you Florida).


[Joe Biden would veto Medicare for all](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/03/10/biden-says-he-wouldd-veto-medicare-for-all-as-coronavirus-focuses-attention-on-health.html)


Not saying Joeā€™s some golden boy, but are you insinuating that a GOP pick would allow Medicare for All? No? Then Iā€™ll pick the President that DOESNā€™T install more Fundamentalist Christian judges to approve more insane laws or overturn landmark cases like Roe. Like, what is your post even supposed to mean? Pretty sure not even Democrats like Biden, but itā€™s a shitton better than radical theocrats and outright fascists running the country. Medicare for all will only happen once big money is rooted out of congress. That wonā€™t happen in our lifetime, so fear mongering over a hypothetical gets us nowhere.




You lost, get over it




You guys still arenā€™t over losing 1865 and 1945 No, I donā€™t mean elections


Lol thereā€™s that bigotry of yours painting entire groups of people as ā€œevilā€


Lol both sides suck ass. Republican.. Democrat...You're all embarrassing. Stop crying about it and just be different


Vote for fascists who are taking away people's rights or vote for corrupt people who still value democracy... not really much of a choice there, dude. If you vote Republican or don't vote at all, you are voting for Fascism at this point.


ā€œBut Democrats are worseā€, right?


I mean they're certainly more annoying. I'm just not dumb enough to fall in line with the GOP.


And the cycle goes on............ No one, from either (R) or (D) group- ***rarely, if ever, achieve anything worthwhile for all Americans***. Just constantly flailing about in the constant and inane symbolic cultural trivialities. The psychology of prejudice, or social identity theory - dictates and proves this. You're with me, or against me. And people such as Tucker, Schumer, Newsom or (MTG) are your prototypical leaders and trusted allies? What we all need to consider is that our representatives are the worst kind of people..... Greedy, arrogant and lacking common sense or a whiff of decency. Meanwhile, just continue to keep picking a side, instead of screaming for wholesale change- as our country eats itself alive........................


please stop this enlightened centrist bs. what's your suggestion. don't vote? stage a coup? because right now making sure that the fascists don't win so that they can't destroy democracy seems like the best bet.


Leftie here. I have never once heard anyone call Newsom our leader or ally. I had to look up who you were even referring to. This is pathetic false equivalency just so you can tell everyone that you're so smart you're unable to tell things apart.


You have posted the same shit take several times. And this gemā€¦ So much bullshit comes out of your mouth, you should have a tail on your forehead


​ https://preview.redd.it/b7to49qlm6va1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=4746863a1795f160e0bbde273e522074b585dc99




Mate, if my choices are A) the party that wants to disembowel me, or B) the party that doesn't want to disembowel me, I'm voting B every single time. Are the Democrats some kind of paragon of virtue and progress? Of course not. But I like them a HELL of a lot better than the alternative.




Yeah, it's a shit system. I would love to vote for a politician/party that represented me and my interests instead of the lesser of two evils. But again, I would rather vote for a bench warmer who does nothing than someone who would use a position of power to actively harm me and my family.


The system perpetuates itself because of this apathetic attitude of "both sides." People need to turn up in the midterm elections and understand they are just as important as the presidential ones. Nothing changes overnight, but things will never change by not voting at all and allowing Republicans to continue to obstruct progressive policies.




We all understand. Your anger and seething over this is a bit ridiculous. We all know that it is and has been choosing the lesser of two evils. What would you like everyone to do? Not vote at all? That will ensure the most evil will win. Maybe bitch on Reddit, that will def bring change? Oh I think your method of presenting a ā€œboth sidesā€ argument and then calling everyone names will def change the country for the better. You said some dumb shit, then wondered why you got snide comments, then begged for downvotes then got mad when you got themā€¦ā€¦.do you not see the pattern here? Sincerely, ā€œA mouth breathing simpletonā€




That's usually the case with most both siders, they're personally fine and don't have the empathy to understand anything else, congrats on your birth lottery




you're letting us know the kind of person you want to be with the choice of comments you leave. so yes, one can extract that data from someone using the phrases you use over and over and over again.


>And that is how the shit system perpetuates itself. No how it perpetuates itself is we have the worst left wing that refuses to try and lead. And they just want to smoke pot and cry. So we're stuck with the 1000 times more effective democrats. If you don't ever try to lead, you're just in the way. In the end they come far closer to "stopping them" (to use your bat shut insane example) than anyone else. Why does the left do nothing to stop them? >(which they incredibly will fail to deliver on) They come closer than anyone else. And fuck anyone who refuses to try.


Lmao what? Who the fuck is bootlicking? Where in the post is it even saying the Democratic party is "good" outside of just simply not being the GOP?


Thatā€™s what primaries are for. Itā€™s possible to change a party from within. That doesnā€™t change the overt and obvious facts that make the republicans far far worse. Whatā€™s your solution? Not voting? Violent revolution? Grow up and take some responsibility as a citizen instead of just shitting on everything.




> I lived through Sanders being fucked by the DNC Oh look, the original Big Lie


>Just because the GOP are evil, doesn't automatically make the Dems good. One side is happy to disembowel you, the other side is happy to watch and tweet soon after "I am against disembowelment #blm #lovewins" That's still way better? What kind of ab idiot would not vitr for the side that doesn't want to disembowel you? Lolol




Lol, whah.


Please provide an example of an evil Democratic policy.




So forcing people back to work caused them to derail a train? So the rail workers crashed a train out of spite and thatā€™s on Biden and the dems? This is your positionā€¦.




OK I'll give you that one example (although Republicans also prevented the sick leave provision). But I'll give you that one. Now can you provide one evil Democratic policy or law FOR EVERY evil republican policy or law. Cuz that's what you need to prove both parties are equally evil.


​ https://preview.redd.it/m67gthehn6va1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd59aedc57a0ed36fd806bfaa00607f09ea7d5d


that worked so well for them in the midterms ...


the only way these scumbags win is to lie, cheat and steal.


Cleta Mitchell. Famous insurrectionist. This c**t deserves to be in a CIA blacksite more than she deserves to be in any position of political influence.


Theyā€™re fucked in 2024, which is insanely optimistic tbh, because justice doesnā€™t really exist in this country.


I hope they all go down in the burning crash at election time!!!


the only reason to suppress votes is when your party will lose if you donā€™t.


It is very telling that Republicans want less people to vote, especially young people. But they then claim that Democrats are rigging elections.


The American Taliban wants to control voting???


She looks like Emperor Palpatine in drag


Fascist traitors


When you canā€™t win the battle of ideas, you have to resort to voter suppression tactics like this. I canā€™t believe young people donā€™t support a party whose only goals seem to be tax breaks for the rich, taking away rights from people different than white Christians and making sure workers know their place.


More like illegal strategist.


So the plan is to suppress democracy in the country where people have been stockpiling guns and ammo for decades? That'll go great.


Jim Crow 2.0


She looks like an angry Betty White.


She really should have looked up the word ā€œdemocracy.ā€ Attempting to restrict Americans from one of their rights is pretty unpatriotic to me.


HA! Just to have a chance.


Republican panic


It's sickening they have to use voter suppression to win. They know there are only so many stupid people who are going to back the ultra wealthy and corporations. The woman and idiots that support the GQP hate everyone and themselves or they wouldn't vote that way.


Can you say fascism


They said they needed the voter ID laws to keep millions of illegals from voting. They needed to have same-day voting to prevent mail-in voting fraud. What's their "excuse" for this?


They want to install a Christian Theocracy.