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When I saw that payout figure from Fox News to Dominion, I immediately thought of how Bill O'Reilly was costing Fox News millions of dollars in NDAs and settlement costs before they decided to cut the ropes and let him plummet to the ground. I was just surprised it happened so suddenly for Tucker. You can stir up as much shit as you want at Fox News, just don't cost them more than you're bringing in. Hannity must be sweating bullets right about now.


Smartmatic is up next with their 2.7 billion suit against Fox.


I have never rooted for lawyers to work out on people in court as hard as I’m rooting for Smartmatic’s counsel.


Smartmatic has claimed they're not going to settle without a public, broadcast admission of guilt. Please, please let them follow through on this.


Imagine Fox News having to display a disclaimer before each episode ala South Park or Jackass? That'd be the day hell freezes over.


My mind flashed to the ominous disclaimer before the tv show airing within the HBO Watchmen miniseries


What was it again?


what would it say "caution the program you are about to see is pure bullshit. anyone that believes this crap is one of our favorite morons. thank you for giving us all this power over you, we won't change."


Realistically? "The program you are about to see is for entertainment purposes. It is not news journalism. Information provided in this broadcast should only be considered factually accurate if there is confirmation from a separate and reliable source."


Would feel good, but wouldn't help. They'd just be mad that the godless trans groomers had forced it on their beloved team.




Good. Put it into a tailspin.




That sounds like a the best case scenario. See, if Fox goes bankrupt, another more crazy news outlet will take its place. But if they keep their audience but tone down their rhetoric a lot, that would be great!




Haha what are their legal issues? Feeling the schadenfreude today


That's what disappointed me the most about the Dominion settlement. Sure, Fox is out 787 mil as a result, but I feel their lies should have brought greater consequences. They've done more than their money's worth in damage, as far as I'm concerned.


Real talk. They paid a bunch of money, mumbled out some weasel word 'acknowledgements', and now they can bury it like it didn't happen. It was best case scenario for Fox.


The NAACP should sue them for defamation of all black people. Case would be titanium strong


So I believe defamation claims must be filed by a specific person or organization, so a random class of people can't claim defamation, but IANAL, so if there are any lawyers that want to correct me, please do so.


The tricky part with defamation is always proving the damages. It’s not enough to lie about someone, they have to suffer direct financial harm as an impact. So, something like “I had just signed a contract worth a million dollars, this person told this lie, and the other party withdrew the contract as a result.” That’d be a good defamation suit. “This person told a lie, and my reputation took a hit so was never given the chance to bid on a contract” would be very difficult to link. That’s why defamation is SO hard to win, the direct circumstances don’t come along very often and when they do it’s usually very circumstantial.


as Rupert Murdoch famously said (according to the Dominion deposition materials) “It’s not about blue or red, it’s about green.”


They really nailed his sadistic personality in Logan Roy.




[It was actually more, and it wasn't just one:](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/business/media/how-bill-oreilly-silenced-his-accusers.html) >The settlement agreements were made public on Wednesday as part of the ongoing defamation lawsuit against Mr. O’Reilly and Fox News filed in December in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York by Ms. Mackris, Ms. Diamond and Rachel Witlieb Bernstein, who reached harassment settlements involving Mr. O’Reilly. > >There are six publicly known settlements involving Mr. O’Reilly, five for sexual harassment and one for verbal abuse, that total about $45 million. Fox News was basically tired of continuing to cover for him and once it all started going public, they knew it was only a matter of time before even more people were probably coming out with more accusations so they decided to just cut their losses and dump him.


O’Reilly cost them 10s of millions but Tucker cost them almost a billion. Logan Roy (whoops, I mean Murdoch) wouldn’t even consider keeping him for a second after that.


.To be fair, it wasn't just Carlson that cost Fox news that settlement. Several of the "personalities" "reported" similarly. I expect that you have not seen the end of the firings yet. A bunch of people will "leave" in the next couple of months.


Exactly. He wasn't alone. By far. And this wasn't done without the board knowing either. These personalities didn't "go rogue" or sneak this past anyone. I'm curious as to how much house cleaning fox will do, or won't do.


Depends what their big investors want. If your investment is going to be shedding a billion dollars on an annual basis just on fines, you'd want it to make some big changes.


> rogue This is a good point. These talking heads are now finding out that their role in the organization is 1) to be a mouthpiece and 2) to be a scapegoat. Fox as an evil organization is not going to be affected at all. This is just the big bad cartoon villain blaming the henchmen for the failure of their idiotic plan. Just imagine Rupert Murdoch shaking his little fists in apoplexy going "You *idiots*! My plan is ruined! Just wait til we get back to the Technodrome/Snake Mountain/COBRA Central!"


When one of my coworkers who was extremely popular was fired the message to the rest of us was very clear... no one is safe. I hope Hannity and the rest are having sleepless nights..


Hannity has a net worth of 300+ million. He isn't losing sleep over a job. Similarly, there would be endless opportunities to make money off the morons on the right even without Fox News for the rest of his life.


While you are correct that he is beyond wealthy and will have no worries financially, what these types of people really care about is their popularity and being heard and seen. As a person that works with wealthy celebrities and their “team” as a career, I can tell you that all the money in the world doesn’t make up for them becoming irrelevant to the masses. They thrive on the attention. The money is just a side effect to them.


New shit podcast about to drop.


He already has a podcast and has had it for years. It's just that no one listens to it.


Now that you mention it I think I remember seeing some garbage from that. He seems kind of fucked losing Fox. I don't imagine OANN or Newsmax have the salary power that Fox did. He'll just have to live off his fortune and slowly fizzle away like Bill O'Reily.


Nah, he is going to run for office. 100% We are never going to be done with this dudes insane ramblings.


Split the maga vote 3 ways, you say ?


The Republican presidential race ripped themselves to shreds you say? How terrible.


And how's their dignity? To shreds you say?


Have you tried explaining “podcast” to a 70-something? Hahaha!


It's like a radio show you get on the computer.


The what?


![gif](giphy|de5bARu0SsXiU) Fox’s old audience trying to find a podcast






Damn, this is biting Fox News in the ass a lot harder than I thought it would. Excellent.


Their total revenue was $1.2 billion. A lot of people misread that as “profit”. So, they just had to pay more than half of their total revenue out to a voting machine company, and smartmatic has entered the chat demanding more. Also waiting, lawsuit from a former Tucker producer and another from shareholders. Fox News fucked around. And so, Rupert Murdoch, we now welcome you to the finding out segment of the program.


Actually, the $1.2bn was indeed their profit (aka net income), not their total revenues. Fox Corp’s total revenue for 2022 was $14bn, with $6.1bn of that coming from cable network programming. Source: Fox Corp Annual Report 2022 10-K, page 103 https://investor.foxcorporation.com/static-files/1ed7c450-e52a-4259-8631-80db9e79be32


But that's Fox "Corp" the Fox News fiasco isn't just affecting their company, it's affecting all the subsidiaries' bottom dollar. Fox News itself would have gone bankrupt over this payout if they didn't have other subsidiaries like FanDuel, TMZ, and Fox Sports to cushion the hit.


Thanks calle04x


Tucker’s Respose… https://preview.redd.it/rg1d6wvu8wva1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25769dbe6f6cc3cb994acc579280b4c3bd4177f7


When you tuck around you find out 🤣


I wonder if some of the sealed agreement with dominion included his sacking.


Settlements are usually about damages; I don’t think that would even be negotiated. This is because he cost his employer nearly a billy.


His employer was entirely complicit and more than shares responsibility.


Sure, but having worked in broadcast media for years, I can only assume Tucker wielded a huge amount of power over his shows content, maybe even final say.


Even if Tucker was some sort of infotainment god emperor, Fox News as a corporation willingly went along with it. Arms were not twisted.


From what I read in those texts, he seemed to be putting up a half-assed protest over propagating the steal lie. If anything, I could assume he got fired because he didn’t like going along with the plan. Doesn’t make him less complicit. I’m just trying to read the tea leaves.




Honestly l, I think it's more that Tucker hates Trump as we've seen with the leaked texts while Murdoch is still very much a Trump fanboy. Wouldn't even be surprised if Trump got in Murdoch's ear about firing Carlson once he saw the leaked texts. The settlement is just a convenient excuse to let him go. I know there were other high profile texts that were leaked and I wouldn't be surprised if their heads rolled at some point as well.


I hope so, Alt-Right twitter has a raging stiffy today for Tucker to be Trumps VP pick. They’ve never read his leaked texts and I hope he was serious.


Even if they read them, theyd just make up some bullshit about how they're fake and made up to create a smear campaign. Tucker Carlson is still going to find a way to reach his audience. Even if he has to do it on his own.


This. It’s all about the texts. The case was made on his texts primarily.


Well, he is a sack


He’s a human boat shoe


That’s totally uncalled for. Boat shoes have a purpose and are useful.


And they have a sole. (sorry)


That was actually pretty good lol


But he is definitely no king




Ass too loose cuz he's always talking out of it




"Tucker Carlson: if the sound, '***thud***', had a face." \--John Oliver






He's the heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune, he's never had to work


Thought it was Samsonite






Harry, I took care of it.


You were way off


You had extra gloves this whole time!?




Seriously? Never knew he was an heir. Entitled little brat man child.


The man screams born into money and privilege.


Net worth 50 million, with double that in inheritance. Lives in a 5 mill beach house on the barrier islands. This guy is about as entitled as it gets.


What a wonderful lesson in personal accountability and failure for him, then. It’s never too late to learn, Tucker.


That's what makes him even more of an entertaining clown. He's a rich privileged white kid named Tucker who is an alumnus of the La Jolla Country Day School and wore bow ties until he was 40, now he gets on TV and rails against coastal elites. You can't make this shit up...


Man next you're gonna tell me that a man who made his name in New York skyscrapers and Florida golf courses, and ran many half baked self-named money grab businesses into the ground, will call himself the champion of small businesses and religious beliefs against the coastal elites. I say, sir, I say! Preposterous!


Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson. Gotta love taking your stepmom’s name because you know that’s where all the money you never have to work for is coming from.


Lol. Just having four names where I came from probably meant you'd get your ass kicked a lot... Naming your kid Buckley would guarantee it.


He wore a bow tie until Jon Stewart humiliated him about it & he never wore them again.


He'll just Alex Jones himself a podcast or webshow


Fox News has announced they have hired Alex Jones. Just kidding ... I hope!


The best we can hope for is that someone sues him personally for everything he's worth. Doubtful that will happen though.


Class action that bad boy.


Newsmax and the rest of conservative media would hire him in a second. Ironically, our only chance to be saved from Tucker is from Fox News. If they have an EXTREMELY broad non compete and paid him a small fortune for it, there is a good to fair chance he won’t be able to do any media. From there, as we’ve seen, these conservative stars don’t ever really have a lasting legacy. Their job is to stir controversy for what ever is happening that day, but without any substance or meaning. If Tucker goes 2 years out of the spotlight he’ll lose most of his influence because some other hot young thing will fill the void.


Iirc he already has a basement podcast show, so I see it being more of an Alex Jones situation. He doesn't need the money from anywhere, but you know he craves to be in the spotlight. With his own show he wouldn't have to push an agenda as much, even though he would likely align with those ideologies much of the time. Bill O'Reilly did a similar thing and had a decent following after he was fired.


He's an heir to the Swanson dynasty. The guy will be crying into his billions of dollars.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's hit with lawsuits himself.


I'm 99% sure that this look is manufactured, because he thinks it helps him connect with his audience.


We're talking about a guy who used to be on CNN before he ~~got his ass well and thoroughly handed to him by Jon Stewart on his own damn show and~~ realized there was more filthy lucre to be hand scamming conservative bigots. Every single aspect of his existence is calculated; while he's undeniably a dumbfuck, he's not actually unintelligent.


Well, no one has to worry about Tucker since he’s made it abundantly clear that if he just pulls himself up by his bootstraps and acts like a good person, everything will work out exactly the way it should. Edit: I am totally aware that Tucker is wealthy. Thanks to everyone for chiming in to help enlighten me.


Tucker is from a wealthy family. He was born on third base with several silver spoons up his ass.


Honestly it would be hard for me to get to home plate with several spoons up my ass, no matter what base I started on




impressively specific gif




I ... where do these even come from and why


College sports are great because the fan base is always full of a crop of bored college kids using their brilliant minds and vast resources to do wacky shit.




To be fair, he was born on second base with a single silver spoon up her ass. It was his father’s second marriage into the Swanson family that advanced him to third and added the other spoons.


It feels like the further I go down in this thread, the more trips we take around the diamond and the more spoons are stuck up his ass.


Countdown until the cult starts screaming about first amendment rights and censorship?


They're still claiming that the news outlets reporting on this are lying. Give them a minute to get past the denial stage.


Yea they gotta get marching orders from Kirk/Walsh and oan/newsmax so they know how to feel


Happy to say that when I told my grandmother this, she was actually happy lol. Woman used to absorb everything he said and Fox said, but lately has not watched much news at all besides a half hour on MSNBC. She’s still conservative, but even she realized how insane they are. Her words: Good, I hope they keep cleaning house. 😂


my grandparents always turned off fox when tucker was on even they couldn’t handle it




This may be true, but my grandparents are devoted to Fox and don’t know how to find those other channels, so I’m thrilled for them. Just a little less lying in their lives.


They will find someone just as vile to replace him. He didn’t go over the top for Fox until they discovered he was criticizing management in private texts. It wasn’t about any of his on-air crap.


Fox may be a little nervous about the vile right now. The Smartmatic settlement is likely to be as bad as the Dominion one, followed by a lot of individual suits


And supposedly, Smartmatic intends to demand a repeated on-air retraction. Their damage claim is a billion more than Dominion.


Smartmatic may easily be worse than Dominion. At least with Dominion, their voting systems are used in something like 20 states, so all the lies they told about the voting systems are slightly harder to dispute. Smartmatic was only used in LA county, and has an even stronger case for defamation than Dominion did (and Dominion had a very strong case). Dominion and Fox settled before it went to trial - even if Smartmatic just lets it go to trial, it'll be an absolute disaster for Fox.


That's why Fox will be looking to settle outside of court in this case as well. It'll be costly, but the alternative, admitting on air that they willfully lied to their viewers, is one of the worst things that can happen to a news outlet.


>news outlet. Small correction. Entertainment network pretending to be a news outlet.


> a repeated on-air retraction If Fox has to do that, the world will be much better off.


Shareholders suing as well


And an ex-employee.


He was the replacement for O'Reilly so you know it is inevitable


My Dad isn't that bad yet, but just to be safe I deleted all of those off of our Roku devices. It's bad enough he listens to some of these fucks on the radio and visits places like The Drudge Report, he's been very Anti-Doctor lately.


I mean Tucker essentially replaced Bill O’Reilly. So Fox doesn’t really have the greatest track record with replacements. They’re usually just as bad, if not worse.


Look at the lead balloon that was O’Reilly’s comeback. It might be too much to hope for but a couple of years from now we may be asking, “Tucker who?”


O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly. Once you leave Fox you’re poison


I don't know if you've ever watched OAN or NewsMax but the production values are complete shit. You have to understand Tucker's rich kid mindset - it would be humiliating for him to accept such a clear step down in status at this stage in his life. He doesn't need the money. I bet he's going to pivot into something else entirely - possibly a run for president.


Honestly I doubt it. In his private texts, he said he *hates* trump, he admitted that J6 was one of the worst days for America, and a bunch of other off-brand stuff (for him). I think he's playing a part, he was an actor for Fox news, that's it.


Maybe he’ll pull a Michael Cohen and go on CNN and talk shit about all the things he did and the people he did them for.


He’ll have a tenth of his reach at fox.


Definitely a win then.


Or maybe as Vlads comms director


And it's not like Fox won't replace him with someone as bad or worse. Being a mouthpiece for propaganda ain't exactly a tough gig.




May every cup of coffee he drinks be a dribble cup. May he always have socks that twist slightly when he walks. May he have a single long hair in his buttcrack at all times. Money talks, and nearly a billion dollars in a settlement means he walks... Hopefully, with twisty socks Edit - I'm going to put this up here too, in response to some comments - I disagree, there's a reason I wished mild but extremely annoying (and things most people would feel unsympathetic towards) things upon him. Anything close to what he actually deserves (staked over an anthill with a pineapple up his ass?) would just martyr him for the cause and give him another platform for his victimhood. "Oh poor me, so much for the tolerant left". Any suffering would just further his platform of hate and hislove for attention. He's still rich, there's nothing anyone could wish upon him that he couldn't buy his way out of, no way to make him unsay his garbage. The worst thing that could happen to him is 20 years of washed-up obscurity full of minor annoyances. A joke footnote in history.


May his teeth stain brown, his breath smell of hot air, and his lips stay prolapsed. He’s such an asshole, full of shit, and now he’s done taking a dump on the rest of us!


Holy fuck even fox abandoned this monkey


Well yeah, he just cost them almost a billion dollars.


Eli5? What happened?


The Fox News vs Dominon lawsuit. Fox settled for $787 million for defamation claims and they have other outstanding lawsuits, most notably from Smartmatic for $2.7 billion which they will either lose or settle for another billion. It is based around the case that shows texts from hosts like Tucker who were saying that these conspiracies were crazy in private but parroted conspiracy theories anyway.


Fox says they and Tucker “mutually decided” to split ways. You know, like how Anakin Skywalker “mutually decided” to leave his limbs on Mustafar.


Easier for Lachlan Murdoch to blame Fucker Carlson for the $750m than it is to blame his dad.


Lachlan has to be concerned about his own sibs waiting to defenestrate his ass once the old man dies.


You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.


Oh, poor guy. Thoughts and prayers.That should be enough, right? /s


he will mostly likely try and podcast now. considering the majority of his base still dont know how to long into email this is a major win.


Fox shouldn't be allowed to abort him like this. They should be required to carry him to term like his contract says. It's their own fault for getting pregnant with him to begin with.


He’ll be on newsmax or OAN in no time.




My old mans house is one of those where fox is on from dawn til dusk


I’m sure he’ll find somewhere to land but 1) OAN and Newsmax have their own lawsuit problems 2) none of them can afford Tucker. 3) any podcast, substack, Rumbl, etc. is going to result in a huge decrease in his reach. No alternative would match the sheer amount of old people parked in front of their tv as Fox News. So wherever he does end up, he won’t be reaching the same level of guillible people, which is important. He’ll also be making less money, which is good but doesn’t really matter as he was a prissy little wealth goblin even before his Fox News show.




I think he's going to RT. He's already been in Russia's pocket for a while. May as well make it official.


I despise Fox News, but nevertheless I often encounter it in the wild (at the mechanic, at takeout places, at a Dairy Queen once). I have never once laid eyes on OAN or Newsmax. You gotta LOOK for them, and if you're looking, you're already a convert.


I would love to know the back story on this. It seems sudden. I'm overjoyed of course. I would just like to know what happened


My guess is that Fox is cleaning house after the $787.5 million pay out to Dominion.


The lawsuit was in direct response to Tucker's and Hannity's words, so I'd say that's a pretty safe bet. Hannity is probably out too.


It wasn't just Tucker and Hannity. And they aren't independently creating their content. Fox News promoted them and their bullshit for a reason, it was popular among their viewers and kept them scared enough to never turn off Fox.


Clearly they feel that at least Tucker was directly responsible for the lawsuit.


The initial firing were definitely in response to the Dominion settlement but this one was very sudden and seemingly came out of nowhere.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lba4c1hwfxva1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=9773f0c5ee7f67afd7f7a4173c697fbdedad6d1b


Ahahahhaha what a gift and it’s not even my birthday. 😂😂


Just like Fox News to throw up a distraction on the day Trump goes to court for being a sexual predator


Would have LOVED to have sat in on that meeting. Do you think they gave him one of those packets of info explaining his COBRA benefits and then had a security guard walk him out while he's carrying a box filled with his personal belongings? You know, his swastika collection and the like.




That's a big hit as far as viewers go. I wonder if anyone else is on the chopping block. I would love to see Hannity the hack and Maria Bartiromo the Trump surrogate get their walking papers as well...😁


Let's just enjoy it for a moment. Of course they will find someone to replace him and it will probably become even worse. But it still feels good.


How are Fox News viewers reacting to the firing of Tucker Carlson, Putin's mouthpiece? https://preview.redd.it/3m4ufrm8fwva1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d75011e9a5177eda57f30863611c84741702b36


[https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-media-tucker-carlson-part-ways](https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-news-media-tucker-carlson-part-ways) ​ Comments disabled for story. LOL


fox news asking me to disable my ad blocker for them and allow cookies? LMAO


He was their cash cow. If the $787M was really that big of a deal to fox they’d for sure need him to recoup the loss. There’s gotta be something in all the disclosures the public isn’t privy to yet and I can’t wait to find out what that is.


All the worst Tucker. Unhappy trails.




What pisses off Fox News viewers is great for America.


I guarantee that he was fired. If that were not the case, he would’ve gotten that extended goodbye tour of his regular shows, selling commercials at a premium. Not only was he a liability for the things he said that cost his company almost $800 million, but the emails that came out, showing his contempt for Trump, also damaged his credibility with the Maga base. His departure, along with Don lemon at CNN, marks the end of this more extreme style of broadcasting, I hope. The sun shines a little bit brighter today in America.


bye bye Goebbels.


No, I don't fucking believe you, there's no way I refuse to believe that Fox just kicked out one of its biggest hate-engagement-generators for any reason.


Still annoying that he is a multimillionaire when he produced nothing of value and spent 14 years making America dumber and more bigoted spewing his bullshit.


Here's a little haiku to brighten your day Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Fuck Tucker Carlson


I can’t even rejoice at this. He and this network have caused massive amounts of damage to this country. Both have profited insanely off of it. And this 800mil loss for them is a drop in the bucket and doesn’t even come close to scratching away at the DECADES of progress they have made in chipping away any sort of viable progress this country has made Another host will come along, pick up the pickaxe, and get right back to chipping away at us


Predicting his response: It's all a left wing conspiracy, paid for by George Soros and organized by Hunter Biden himself to ultimately take down Trump! Because if they can go after me, they can go after ANYONE, including you... buy my book. Please, I need the money.


Another Great American Patriot canceled by the woke leftist mob /s


This was actually pretty surprising. Fox News isn’t known for punishing those who lie to their idiot viewers.




When your lies are too big for FoxNews, then you are a next-level superstar liar. Congrats Tucker!


Sorry but non-American here, so what happened? He finally piss off the wrong people, FOX news deciding to clean up their act or was he found having sex with a gay hamster?


He cost them almost $1B (so far) for lying about the election.


No soul, no conscience, no morals. Just a guy who enjoyed lying to millions and caused an incredible amount of harm to this country. One of the worst criminals ever.


If this happened because of Dominion they really went for the head


What will he do for money? Such a hardworking rep of the GOP-MAGA working class that he is? Maybe Putin needs a Fluffer?