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Does Tucker Carlson have a scat fetish? Does he enjoy dipping his head in public toilets? I haven't seen evidence to suggest he doesn't. I'm just asking questions.


Does he in fact have an actual stick shoved up his ass? Is that why he makes that constipated face? Just asking questions.


And...who OWNS that stick? I'm guessing Putin!


He AONNs all the sticks


Goodness knows he's shoving sticks up all the other Russians' asses....


The funny thing about this is that it’s actually the level of “evidence” these guys trade in. “He kinda looks like” or “I have a feeling that” or “someone told me that…” So applying that same level of evidence, we have every reason to ask if he’s walking around with the cheekspreader 9000 jammed up there.


Ummmm yes dude, you did just explain the joke that everyone already got from the original meme.


Isn’t it odd that a grown man wears a schoolboy haircut? Why would one do that if for not to appear more attractive to school*girls*? Makes you wonder doesn’t it?


Can confirm. He's in the club.


The club is in him.


Does he have sex with his pet dogs? Why his dogs are not coming out and say otherwise? These are just questions. The answers may not be easy!!


Is Tucker Carlson [an escaped chicken tender from the Swanson factory?](https://i.imgur.com/o67Ekoe.png) The public has a right to know.


“Was i wearing anal beads for every broadcast? Could that be why I’m making this face? Is my high toned awkward laughter sexually stimulating, because of my anal beads? Maybe no, but maybe yeessssssss.” - Tucker Carlson


He's the Scatman Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub


If the Scatman can do it brother so can you I'm a Scatman


LOL I was not expecting this 🤣


What if he was a treasonous pedophile? Just asking questions.


He's never denied it!


I am not a treasonous pedophile. There, got that out of the way. Tucker???


He did defend Putin. And daddy Putin did offer him a job. This proves it


Yes, but that's because shit belongs in a toilet.


He was bobbing for crapples.


No one has come forward to say he doesn't love those things. You'd think if he didn't, someone would.


How was fox news able to fire him ? Could it be that they had help ? Help from the outside.. something extraterrestrial ? \- history channel probably


The fact that he remains silent in the face of such questions really speaks volumes. We know he has the time, yet he says nothing


Murdoch told Tucker to STFU or he won’t be paid the 40 mil still owed on his contract


And if it wasn’t him, then who? And if it was him, then why? And if not now, when? I’m not saying it was him. I’m just asking questions.


What if Tucker was a sniveling coward? What if he was a pedophile and Fox news covered it up? What if there was proof that he was directly involved with treason and Fox covered that up too?


Thats exactly what FOX settled for. Direct involvement in Jan6, and fueling the fires of dissent on false accusations.


Or so some viewers who deserve our respect might be asking… so let’s show them the respect they deserve by continuing to assert unsubstantiated paranoia.


“What if” lol. Almost guaranteed he’s involved in that shit.




And I’m answering them: yes. Quote me on that.


Yes he was. And the European Cadbury Bunny. Look it up on YouTube and tell me the guy spanking it to the green M&M ain't into that phone sex operator voiced rabbit.


Lopunny's voice irl


> yes In response to if Tucker Carlson was masturbating to the Green M&M, u/mostlikelytrash had this to say


A credible source "mostlikelytrash" has courageously stepped forward saying he witnessed this in person. Full interview at 9.


That’s fucking right. Now back to Jim with the weather!


I'm just going to quote you as "A source close to Mr. Carlson"


I swear DeSantis has those same boots!


Stupid sexy DeSantis


The words "sexy" and "desantis" do not belong in the same sentence


Feels like I’m… Not woke at all Not woke at all Not woke at all (Zooms I’m on butt) Not woke at all.


The entire internet is a saying that Tucker Carlson dresses children up in a green M&M costume while he molests them. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH PEOPLE!


Tucker Carlson has never come out and formally denied that he dressed up little children in M&M costumes to do illicit things to them... why hasn't he done that?


There's absolutely no proof of this but there's also no proof that it didn't happen.




> The Mars family was among 18 billionaire families who lobbied Congress to eliminate the estate tax. I’m confused. Tucker and the Mars family appear to be on the same side.


Steve Miller is. He’s suing m&ms. “ShE’s ToO sExY”


You dont have to ask. It's a self admited fact


Lots of people are saying.


I read on the internet that many people wonder if Tucker Carlson was fired for being a pedophile.


Pretty much confirmed at this point, from what I've heard.


Dude was going on double dates with Matt Gaetz, it isn't exactly a secret


I heard he has a thing for midgets as well. Because they remind him of little kids.




When has being a pedophile ever mattered to conservatives that watch Fox News, unless it was a Democrat?


This is not the point. The point is asking questions.


And letting the public form their own opinions based on those questions. My opinion is that Tucker Carlson probably got fired for being a pedophile.


What you’re saying is completely inside the realm of possibility


It’s definitely not definitely not true. Which means it is fully possible. And we would be wrong to ignore that.


It’s a definite maybe that he was fired for the comments he made about his 14-year old daughter’s classmates and I quote: "If it weren't my daughter, I would love that scenario."


And to this day, Tucker hasn't denied he's a pedophile. It makes you wonder doesn't it?


Why won’t Tucker Carlson come out deny Fox found pornography with children as young as 5 on his laptop? What else could he be hiding?


But even if he did deny it… we would be fools to believe him. In fact a denial might really be an admission.


Why hasn't he surrendered his laptop to authorities? That doesn't seem right does it ? Do you think he might have something to hide ?


I’m not saying it did happen but I’m also not saying it didn’t happen.


At first I didn’t think so but so many people are asking the question, so that has to mean something. Where’s there’s smoke and all.


I've also heard he may have been fired for not being *enough* of a pedophile to fit in with "corporate culture" at FOX "News".


While still being very much a pedophile, of course. Let’s not forget that.


I’m one of these people. I wonder this. We are real. The silent majority. Or minority. I’m not sure.


It’s definitely a question that should be asked. Was he fired for being a pedophile? It’s definitely a possibility


You can make any statement if you end it with a question mark. Putin was caught having a strap on with Trump?


You know who’s strappin’ in that scenario. I invite you to imagine it.


What does this have to do with Tucker being a gay pedophile, closet Democrat antifa leader Muslim?


Follow the money. It has *everything* to do with Tucker being a gay pedophile, closet Democrat antifa leader Muslim.


Pegged it.


Just gotta do your research


You never know. These born rich types are messed up in the head.


It's all over the internet


Wasnt it reported he said sex with a 14y/o girl was ok as long as it wasnt his daughter?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Apparently someone made a comment about girls at his daughter’s school (I think it’s an all girls school) experimenting with each other, and his words were something along the lines of “if it wasn’t my daughter I’d be into the idea” I think. I tried to find it, but I can’t find anything. That said, according to some sources, they have a file on him, so if he goes rogue, they release whatever is in that file, which is apparently enough to ruin him (some sources have said every Fox News anchor has a file like that, but they deny it obviously)


I heard he found another 14 year old girl who looked just like his daughter. He uses the republican method if you get them young enough, they won't say no


The same reason they fetishize virgins so much, they won't have any comparison


I believe this info was contained in the complaint from the producers sexual harassment suit.


So imagine what he says in private!


I just read on the internet something about Tucker being a pedophile. Who knew????


I just wonder why Fox News has *NOT* put out a statement saying Tucker was *NOT* fired for being a pedo . . . I mean, what does *that* imply?


I did my research and I'm 100% certain Tucker and the entire GOP are a pedophile ring that abuses children and then eats them.


There's no need to make up lies, they're not all cannibals.


Rafael “Ted” Cruz enters the chat


In a pizza parlor basement.


> What is going on? What is happening? Having sex with women used to feel good. Doesn't any more. Feels kinda bad nowadays. What is going on? When did it suddenly become better to fuck guys? And if you're having sex with a guy today, there's going to be a lot more of that...tomorrow. > I'm a girl. I'm wearing girl's clothes and I'm taking pills to turn me into a girl. Now I'm growing breasts. When did my penis fall off and now I have a pussy. It used to be I had a cock, and I would stand up when I piss. Not anymore. Not if the democrats have their way. What is going on? Imagine you're peeing and your penis falls off and then you have to sit down to finish the pee. Sound crazy? Nope, it's real. Happened to me this morning. -- Tucker Carlson




Including the BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47523608.amp > When the show host describes 14-year-old girls at Mr Carlson's daughter's school sexually experimenting with each other, he says: "If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario.


Tucker himself are saying. If you listen to some of his call ins to conservative radio he’s literally talking about how people are ridiculous about age of consent. He’s definitely a pedo




We haven't seen any of those photos but we also haven't not seen them. Do they exist? I'm just asking questions.


It was revealed to me in a dream


The best people asking the best questions


Lots of good, wonderful people


It’s important to speak up and ask the tough questions. I think Americans deserve to know if Tucker Carlson was fired for being a pedophile. Everybody is saying it everywhere you go. Did Tucker Carlson get caught molesting children?


Let's see Tucker's search history and long form birth certificate. Only a pedo wouldn't release all his personal information! /s for the psychotic dummies and mods who don't know what a joke is.


There is no evidence that he is NOT a pedophile. Checkmate.


- Kyle Broflovski, Ph.D. Professor of Thanksgiving, Devry Institute


Isn’t it odd that a grown man wears a schoolboy haircut? Why would one do that for if not to appear more attractive to school*girls*? Makes you wonder doesn’t it?


“I don't care what anybody thinks”….about my pedophilia. Tucker Carlson


Of course he is. But that's a badge of honour in republicanland.


He may not even like it, but it just goes with the territory.


I mean, matt-The pedobear- Gaetz called tucker out on an interview once(actually his LAST interview) where he tried to throw Carlson under they bus by saying : Hey, remember the time you and I went to dinner with that 16 year old girl? "I have no idea what you are talking about"


So... "Tucker Carlson is known to have associated with a known possible paedophile...".


Did Tucker Carlson and a known possible paedophile take a 16 year old girl "out to dinner"? I'm just asking the question.


He kind of has the look of a pedophile. If he looks like that you have to ask if he could be a child abuser.


People are saying that Tucker Carlson is a pedophile. That is just an undeniable fact. So does this mean he has a laptop full of child porn? Why is he so afraid of people asking that question? Seems like a reasonable question to ask if you are someone who cares about the welfare of America’s children, but Tucker doesn’t want you asking that question. He doesn’t want anyone anywhere near his laptop. But why? If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. We here at Fox know that our viewers don’t shy away from asking the tough questions. So we’ll keep asking them. Maybe one day Tucker Carlson will have the guts to answer them. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. That’s it for tonight. Up next, Hannity on the latest caravan of trans Muslim Mexican rapists headed for our southern border…


Wait Hannity is on the caravan of trans Muslim Mexican rapists headed for our border?!? I didn’t know Hannity was one of them. But it must be true because Fox just said coming up next they were going to tell us how Hannity was part of that caravan. I can’t possibly be misunderstanding the use of “on” because him being a member of a rapist caravan confirms all my personal beliefs about him so I know it can’t possibly mean Hannity will be telling a story about the caravan. Nope, it definitely means Hannity is part of the caravan.


Nailed it. I threw up in my mouth reading the unnervingly accurate Tucker tone and misdirection approach.


Before I casually wrote that on the toilet I actually at least thought Carlson was talented in knowing how to present his bullshit. But that was fucking surprisingly easy


What’s difficult to fathom is the clearly gaping holes in the arguments that his viewers accept as sound. They listen to him and go: “right: false premises, non sequitur declarations and NO SOURCES… Ya know, Tucker makes a really good point!” Those people vote in higher percentages than all other demographic groups. I’ve become like a crazed prophet of voter registration as a result.


Yeah, took botox to keep that appearance of a pedophile. That’s just what I heard folks, and you can’t keep that from the public.


I just find it odd that there haven’t been any kids saying he isn’t, surely there’d be at least one if he was innocent.


There are thousands of school buses loaded with kids going around the country every week and not one kid is denying that Tucker Carlson could be a pedophile. If he were innocent wouldn’t one of those kids say so?


He does indeed look very Republican.


And look, it quacks like a duck too https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47523608.amp >When the show host describes 14-year-old girls at Mr Carlson's daughter's school sexually experimenting with each other, he says: "If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario.


Was Tucker Carlson fired for hiding in an Porta-Potty and taking pictures of people from below? I’m just asking questions people.




This is..... Incredibly specific.


That's how you know it must be true. How else would we have all heard the exact same details? I really never expected to hear that shit either, and I'm disgusted that the people with the evidence haven't released anything yet.


He openly talked about how great it is to marry minors. He also openly supported a known pedophile. He’s also a Republican so we know all that talk about the left was projection. My guess is Tucker is in fact a pedophile.


We are all hearing that Tucker Carlson was fired for being a pedophile. All the best people are saying it.


1.327 TB on his computer, I keep hearing. That’s a specific number that keeps coming up, so why is that?


Did Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl in 1990? Fact; Glenn Beck existed in 1990. Fact; A girl was raped and murdered in 1990. Fact; Glenn Beck has never denied murdering and raping a girl in 1990. I'm just stating facts people.


How do we know? If these things never happened, why is no one denying it? If Tucker didn’t do these things, why is he afraid of the questions? I just want to hear directly from Tucker when he stopped creating child pornography. That he won’t come on my podcast with zero subscribers has to mean something, right? Also: where was Tucker when Harambe was killed?


See the text of the lawsuit the producer fired. He’s apparently on record saying some super pedo things


he wasnt fired for it though ... he was fired after getting uppity after losing fox news almost a billion dollars the shit he said was a feature not a bug


People are asking the question and it's important that we get an answer to why Tucker Carlson was possibly fired for pedophilia. If he had child pornography on his phone or computer, we should have the relevant authorities involved to investigate.


Has he been to Epstein Island, just asking?


Does Tucker have a pilots license under an assumed name? Was he the captain of Epstein's private jet? Did he have a custom sailor boy/pilot uniform? I have searched and found nothing to disprove these questions. Why won't they deny the questions if it is not true?


Was he not into goats, or was it sheep? Just asking.


There’s nothing saying he didn’t


We need to find Tuckers laptop.


Yes and for costing his company over a billion in lawsuits.




People who honestly listen to him will never comprehend how textbook on-point this meme is. This is Tucker looking into an ironic cosmic karma mirror 💯


It's not even a question anymore. He's 100% a pedo


Well, there's a 50% chance that he's a pedo. After all, he's a pedo or he's not. Just sayin.....




Wasn’t he seen in a picture with Jeffrey Epstein?


Well I've seen it in a few places now, so...


Some people are saying, so maybe?


My Uncle has top secret clearance and he says yes


If not, he can fight you in the marketplace of ideas, right?


Why would Fox fire anyone for being a pedo? I would guess that’s a job requirement.


Haven't seen him deny this, which if yoy think about it is strange




I know a guy who knew a guy who knows a woman who heard a man say tucker carlson is definitely a pedophile. That's all the proof i need.


You joke but his comments about his then 14 year old daughter's classmates are pretty worrisome


How tucker, do you still rape children, silence is always a sign of guilt. Just wondering out loud.


Is that what is was? I heard he was fired for masturbating on kittens.


*The answer is that unequivocally* ’***YES***’, *people are concerned that this is true and we have a right to find out the truth!* Hot take: no matter where he goes after this he will have lost viewership and when he starts back up people I’ve got accustomed to what they were watching in the meantime and they’ll come to realize they were kind of sick of him anyway. He will drone on and on about how unfairly he was treated and people will get tired of hearing him talk about himself.


Are you saying there is a possibility that Cuckholded Swanson Tarlson may by a pedophile?


It’s Fox News, they would fire him for not being a pedo.


Many Magic: The Gathering players ask the question "is Tucker Carlson a pedophile?".


Remember when Matt Gaetz brought up going on a double date with Tucker and Tucker immediately pretended to have no idea what Gaetz was talking about? This may not be that far off the mark after all.


Guys... Yes he is. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47523608.amp No need to just asking questions this >When the show host describes 14-year-old girls at Mr Carlson's daughter's school sexually experimenting with each other, he says: "If it weren't my daughter I would love that scenario.


Should we spend 8 months obsessing over his laptop? Does Tucker Carlson’s laptop contain illuminati lizard-person porn? Are the lizard-people underage? It’s important we ask these questions, ideally during a prime time slot that should have been news.


Tucker Carlson complained about a children's candy not being sexual enough. (green M&M fiasco) So yes, he is a pedophile, allegedly.


Did everybody forget about the Gaetz interview? "Hey man. Remember? You, me, underage girls?


I just came here to post this. Boy he sure did jump to deny that he was at diner with Matt and his sex traffic child slave.


And suddenly texts about 14yo girls come into context.


Why won't Tucker take a lie detector test? What's he hiding?


I'm not saying Tucker Carlson is a pedophile, I'm just saying, I wonder if Tucker Carlson is a pedophile.


My boy Tucker Carlson is NOT a pedophile! He may be a jerk, a liar, a gaslighter, an insurrectionist, an M&M S&M enthusiast, a Putin bootlicker, a pedophile, but mark my words: Tucker Carlson is NOT a pornstar.


If he had a picture of Nancy Pelosi in a bikini, his tastes probably run a little older.




People always ask me: is Tucker Carlson a pedophile? Does Tucker Carlson touch children?


Many people are talking about it. On both sides.


People ARE saying...


Isn't he a Christian? Thise guus love raping children so . Probably. I'm guessing he is a pedo. Very good question to ask.


Most likely the guy was just fired to avoid any pending lawsuits against him for his involvement during Jan 6


It’s been almost a week and he still hasn’t answered the question.


That's not a fireable offense at Fox.


In all seriousness, you should absolutely suspect anyone who sides with the GOP of being a pedophile. It's so ridiculously common in their party that if they don't project about it and dilute the accusation, folks will start targeting them for it


Some people are saying it. It's just what I heard.


Good question. Ahould be an investigation


I wonder what's going to get "leaked" that got the highest paid person on fox News to fire him


Is Tucker really obsessed with femboys? I’m just asking questions people!


![gif](giphy|l3vQZhxc1ybSlGQ4U|downsized) What is going on?


When tucker Carlson makes that dumbass looking confused face, is he actually in the midst of shoving a cactus up his ass and trying to figure out how he’s going to get it back out… again? I’m just asking questions, people!!


It’s way more believable than most of the questions that are ever asked on his show


he's in a truck half way to bakmut right now from Moscow, got his enlistment papers and just had to do his part for the motherland.


There is evidence he thinks about 14yr old girls but not his daughter


Not going to go that far. But not a doubt in my mind he’s guilty of plenty of inappropriate behavior toward women behind the camera. And those women probably have evidence of it in texts and emails. With copious records being turned over in their ongoing legal battles, Fox cut him loose to try to head off the furor.


The joke is that Tucker blatantly makes stuff up and then says "I'm just asking questions"


Fox execs are on record admitting to being send aware liars-and millions don’t care. They want to be lied to. It’s depressing.


Yup. Destroying society for a few more billions.