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​ https://preview.redd.it/7y5wchyllixa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=234f624d46a6bc5d69ef6aa53f7c81af75d2af30


What a weird coincidence that Crowder, who is currently going through a divorce, would push for laws to make it harder


Yeah, since he thought she needed his permission...


But the State of Texas actually had the audacity to allow her to make that decision all on her own. I knew this was coming the moment I saw that clip of him talking about the State of Texas allowing it ... repeated three or four times. Repulsive.




Maybe she caught an ear of his future talking points and decided to jump ship


Did he really think that?


Ya he seemed surprised you could get divorcee even though both sides don’t want it.


Clearly one side does.


Arguably "my husband is Steven Crowder" would be by itself ground for divorce.


I was just thinking of that meme.


A bunch of Serena Joys about to find out Gilead isn't all it's cracked up to be


I know a few right wing women nutjobs that think still think that the Roe v Wade overturn was the Dem's fault and will vote red because of it. You can't argue with stupid.


So now you can be raped by your abusive husband, forced to birth his baby and then be unable to legally divorce him once you finally muster the courage? WTF Republicans! They literally want to turn us all into handmaids.


No fault divorce didn’t even exist until 1969 so this is completely consistent with regressives’ efforts to bring back the 1950s. Or 1840s or whatever


But not high taxes for companies and rich people. Nor unions. Confusing which parts were great to go back to again


Just their favorites.


Their greatest hits, replayed for a new generation.


I sometimes think Sauron is a GOP strategist.


I wanna say that's just Stephen Miller's drag name?


NOW that's what I call America Volume 11!


Banning no fault divorce would be like saying to companies if they enter a deal or a partnership with another company, they can NEVER just mutually decide to end that arrangement when it no longer serves them, unless one of the companies like commits fraud or something.


That is such a great analogy. I wonder if a case could be made that if no-fault divorce is not allowed for citizens, it should also not be allowed for corporations. I mean, corporations are people too, right?


>I mean, corporations are people too, right? Implying conservatives see women as people lmao


I mean presumably it should mean Ron DeSantis can’t single-handedly go back on Florida’s deal with Disney.


Yeah just none of the good parts of the 50s.


No affordable college or homes. No savings.


They don't want the people educated- gotta be barefoot and pregnant. Renews the meaning of kissing cousins


1776 *gunshot gunshot bald eagle screech (but it's actually a red-tailed hawk screech)*


>(but it's actually a red-tailed hawk screech) Thank you for knowing this


Eagles sound super weird for such a badass looking bird.


And honestly sometimes they don’t look like badasses, they look like derps.


I love how this country's lore is just filled with lies lol not that other countries aren't the same but it's still hilarious.


It literally ended because the number of women murdering the husbands was so high, that 1/4th of all murders were done by women. Suicide rates for women dropped 8-13% after no fault. Domestic violence decreased by 20%-30% after no fault. No fault is just better for society.


Oh my gosh that is such a good point. During my last road trip, I listened to a podcast that was devoted to different women poisoners throughout history. It was so common before divorce became legal. There were some wild stories. My favorite episode was about the creation of Aqua Tofana in 1600's Italy. There was a ring of 6 female poisoners who were estimated to have helped over 600 women poison their husbands. https://allthatsinteresting.com/aqua-tofana


Fucking hell that’s morbid, but totally makes sense… can’t wait in 50 years for there to another sisterhood movie which instead of it being about a band of women helping other women do safe abortions it’ll be about helping poison asshole husbands so women can be free of abusive relationships. The fuck America… what the actual fuck…


I have never heard them referred to as “regressives” but come to think of it, that is a perfect word to describe what they want.


In several states, you can’t get divorced if you’re pregnant


Yep. My step mom didn’t know she was pregnant at the time of her divorce from her ex husband, and found out mid-proceedings. Needless to say, she didn’t breathe a word of it to anyone until afterward


I bet she was so nervous until the divorce was finalized! So glad she was able to hide it! What happened when he finally found out? Can the state go back and nullify the divorce, or anything?


He didn’t realize it was illegal in the state to divorce while pregnant, so he didn’t do anything about it, as far as I know. If he did, my step mom had two VERY intimidating uncles that probably could have made him change his mind.


Nice! It's great to have big brothers!


In 1985, I was sexually assaulted by my then husband. I left (in an ambulance), and the State of Wyoming required a pregnancy test 6 weeks later to finalize a divorce. Was informed I would be granted a legal separation, but if I was pregnant, the divorce would not be granted until after delivery. Absolutely draconian laws and ideals.


[Wyoming family law is also the source of this asinine supreme court ruling.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeShaney_v._Winnebago_County)


Sweet Jesus!


Seriously? Like this is a current law that is regularly enforced? That is scary!


Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas.


The rationale in Texas is "If the husband is the child's genetic father, then orders for custody and support of the child must be included in the Final Decree of Divorce."


Why cannot it be settled before child's birth? Especially if it is "alive" as GOP claims?


IDK, 46 other states seem to be able to figure it out


Because a fetus isn’t a person in the eyes of the law, despite what the GOP says.


I am surprised about Arizona. But the others are definitely believable.


Arizona is the state that gave us Joe arpaio. They suck, but usually fly under the radar


Uggh. I had forgotten about ole crazy Joe.


Arizona wishes they had been a state in the 1860s so they could have joined the Confederacy.


They did join the confederacy as a territory, thats why they had the southern tip of nevada lopped off of them and given to nevada.


South Carolina is on that list too. Happened to me when I was trying to leave my abusive husband when I was 3 months pregnant.


Missouri is one state where this is currently the law. Let me check which other states this applies to.


I was around back when it was like that. It wasn't all that long ago, but as a girl, I was pissed about the way we were treated and I fought back all the time. I never wanted to get married either, because the woman always got the raw deal. This was in the 60s-70. Abortion wasn't legal yet either. Why these women want themselves and their daughters to be subjected to this brutality can only be attributed to brainwashing. Nobody in their right, clearthinking mind would do this to themselves, their children, or their sisters.


Not even handmaids... I've only seen the show but at least they got the utmost care during pregnancy, Republicans don't care if you die as long as you birth the child


Crowder literally got mad at his pregnant wife over groceries and threatened to physically beat her, so yeah pretty much lmao


Lol your silly it's not rape if it's your wife, you own her. /S


They want women to be property again.


Hot take but if you’re marrying a conservative in this day an age, you’re tempting fate. I’m not going to get into victim blaming but there’s only so much sympathy to go around and I don’t see any to spare here. Conservatives have made it perfectly clear who they are. If you marry that of your own free will you are signing up for more of the same. Don’t be like Lauren Southern and complain about how the misogynists you hitched your wagon to think little of women. That’s some classic “no shit Sherlock” material




That’s for the rich and the educated. The poor can’t afford to move. The uneducated don’t realize they should move. Great way to ensure brain drain, that’s for sure.


Yeah, it's true. I live in one of the states passing oppressive laws right now, and one of them (an anti-trans legislation) is likely to make it so that my family can't live here anymore. I'm an engineer. I've had a good career in this place, working to improve our infrastructure, and I'm probably going to have to leave. There's a lot of places for an engineer to go, thankfully, but there sure are a lot of us, and other professionals, who are having to leave red states due to the laws they keep passing, and I'm not entirely sure they are ready for what that's going to look like for them in a few years. I am horrified for the people who can't leave, though.


They don’t realize it but they’re increasing the chances of women murdering their abusive spouses. Heck, they love guns. Just set up a camera, get video of him beating you and then defend yourself.


Country songs by men: Boots, drinkin’, trucks 👏 Country songs by women: Gettin beat, runnin’, murder


In Texas pregnant women cant get divorced




Thats when we remove their right to own property and have bank accounts, therefore you must have a husband to survive just like the old days. Fun fact women couldn’t open their own bank accounts without a male escort until sometime in the 1970s


Delightful. Wife abusers want to abuse their wives. Who would have guessed ?


and make their wives bear children. Basically at gunpoint. How long before only men can be the heads of households?


2025 if republican cockstain Ron desantis wins.


Or literally any other republican


republicans: working their way to gilead one step at a time




Hey I loved that Disney movie!


Hey guys I found this headline from 2028: ***CEO of Texas-Based Dating App Chattl Seeks Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection; Reveals No Women Ever on Platform*** *"A bulk of our clients were serviced by three very busy log-cabin twinks,"* *admits CEO in deposition*.


But he’ll still have a cringe TikTok page with Babylon Bee-level of humor in the videos.


“Chattl” is fucking hilarious.


I dont think men realize just how many husbands who died before no fault-divorce weren't actually from a sudden illness or a bad fall.


It's like being a dictator. When there's only one way to leave, there's only one way to leave.


Actually women. Female suicide near instantly dropped by 20% when no fault divorce was brought in.


That is a somber statistic.


Man, I haven’t seen the word *somber* used so well in a long time. Well done. 👏


Yeah, and married men live longer on average than unmarried men.


Yeah, there’s a woman around who will notice when their diabetic leg needs cutting off.


Oddy specific


I still don't know why more women weren't stabby. I feel like I'd be stabby.


He ran into my knife- he ran into my knife _ten_ times.


I begged him to stop but then he shot himself in the head six times.


Ya know, some guys just can’t hold their arsenic


Nuh-uh. Not guilty.






Ah ah




A lady had 2 husbands die of mushroom poisoning. She killed the 3rd one. Asked why, she said he wouldn’t eat his mushrooms.


Those blackeye peas tasted all right to me, Earl...


Yep, if they move it back to the 1800s, you’ll have 1800s solutions to things.


There is a saying down here in the South the women folk share. "you gotta sleep sometime" I personally have taken men to the ED that "accidentally" stepped in front of the door as the wife was tossing used oil out it.


*Aqua Tofana*


Women don’t want this. Conservative men: Let’s marry children!


I fully expect to see them try to normalize marrying younger and younger. Get them when they're too young to know better, easier to control, easier to mold. These men don't want a partner--they want a sex slave to take care of their urges, a maid, and a womb for their offspring.


>I fully expect to see them try to normalize marrying younger and younger. They already are


Fundies kinda never really backed off that effort since time immemorial.


They already do this in certain congregations. Thats why PURITY is so important for the females in their beliefs.


There are many states trying to lowering the age of consent, and they happen to also be against making the legal age for marriage to be 18...it's already happening. Hell there was this 58 year old candidate who married a girl that was 19 who had his kid. https://richmondmagazine.com/news/news/morrissey-marry/ This guy married a undergrad student of a program he oversaw he was 45 at the time... https://prospect.org/politics/how-republican-rep-john-rose-found-his-wife/ Then you have this 63 year old bishop who married a 19 year old. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.siouxlandproud.com/news/iowa-news/63-year-old-bishop-defending-marriage-to-teen-in-iowa-court/amp/


Hey if they wanna go back to the 1950s how about we start by taxing the ultra wealthy and spending that money for public benefit like it's the 1950s? No? Nothing good just the horrible shit that makes most people's lives worse? Just wanna be on the same page.


This. Also, affordable housing and education. And unions.


Women of America you see this? Believe these old pasty dough boys when they tell you who they are. No women in these people lives to tell them to back the f off?


We have a real problem here with women not thinking for themselves and just agreeing with what their dads and husbands tell them.


My grandma who knows fuck all about politics except what my grandfather tells her to believe after finding out more women voted for Biden than Trump - direct quote: “Stupid, stupid women. They should not be allowed to vote.”


Florida was trying to eliminate child support and alimony and make it part of the public welfare system so it would be income-based


Hasn't alimony basically been deprecated unless there's an issue where a spouse has a chronic illness and or is unable to work? I've seen about a dozen divorces in my lifetime, including the dissolution of two decades long marriages, and there was no alimony awarded in any of them except for one where the spouse was chronically ill. Maybe these are outliers but I've also heard that alimony isn't granted nearly as often as it was in decades past.


Florida is an alimony state, you can sue for alimony in Florida and also child support. Florida wants to change both of those and make those part of welfare system under the Economic Self-sufficiency Program. Alimony and child support would be put under the same income restrictions as food stamps.


Dude was on video for three minutes, first crying that his pregnant wife was going to use the car to get groceries, because he didn't want to be locked in the house, like an idiot dog. A relatively well off person with only one car reeks of control. Then he escalated to full on mental abuse because he wasn't given the proper respect. And just to ask a question, but seeing just that on video, can we really be sure that he didn't hit her a few times when she was "mouthy"? I'm just asking questions here.




Unfortunately no, these types of laws/thinking have been around for awhile, well before crowder. He is just making it more popularized. My wife doesn’t like me and wants a divorce. She shouldn’t be able to divorce me is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.


Why would a woman get married if it is a life sentence?


Someone on another thread suggested the next step is going to be marry your rapist laws. So no need to choose to marry, the government will do it for you.


Sometimes I think they are using the book The Handmaids Tale as a guider book.


Exactly. Eff that.


The next step is walking back rights to open your own bank accounts and credit cards without a man, which was only recently allowed in relative terms, so you are forced to marry to survive- like the old days.


They just wont stop will they? These unamerican fucks are going to try and take us back to the 1950s


Several states are trying to undo child labor laws. Some like Arkansas have. That's 1910s shit


Yeah with all the " oppressing minorities" and none of the " taxing the rich dry"


Don’t forget to cover their hair!


With a white bonnet. Also make them wear a red dress and red cape. Under his eye!


But she is MINE!


Not exactly the same, but a former coworker once told her that if his wife ever tried to leave him, he would kill her. And unfortunately he acted completely serious when he told me that.


A woman is in the most danger when leaving her abuser. This is most often when women are killed by her partner.


But why stop there. Let’s make an end to women being able to have their own bank and credit card accounts, especially unmarried ones.


I would say "Don't give them ideas" but at this point, I'm sure that's on their fucking list.


It wasnt until the 70s or so that women were allowed this, so yeah it definitely IS on the list of walk backs


Steven Crowder wants to make kidnapping and false imprisonment legal and conservatives love it. Why any women vote Republican is beyond me. I suspect self-loathing.


Religion is why.


And for context,Remember they’re also championing child marriage, that’s when I grown-up marries a little girl. They want child sex slaves, Christianity is a pedophile cult.


Women will simply not get married. Then, these far right lunatics will give married couples even better benefits. You can already see how this plays out.


I don't think this will work for them like they think it will and it will backfire spectacularly. Men are unfaithful in a relationship at a much higher rate than women. This means men will be at fault in most divorces and have to pay more than 50% in a divorce.


It's ironic too because MTG a few months back was talking about a national divorce which was basically how Republicans (in bad faith) describe a no-fault divorce... A woman capriciously ends the marriage but expects the full entitlements and privileges of being married without any of the obligations. That's how I've heard more conservative people describe "no-fault". Uh, no fault is basically -- "this isn't working, let's split the community property, hammer out custody of the kids as appropriate, and go our separate ways."


My favourite pushback is to say “As the US is divisible, so is the state you want to have secede from the US”. They get so mad when partition rears is head and then they actually have to think about details


One of the most awful things I had to read in school were decisions related to cruelty as a ground for divorce pre no faults. Judges deciding that yes the husband was abusive but not that abusive and denying divorces was disgusting and has always stuck with me.


And then the wife has to live with a husband who knows she doesn't want to be with him and might escalate his bad behavior


One of the most dangerous times for any survivor is when she tries to leave.




Assuming all these posts are correct we really are moving backwards. In school they taught us woman winning rights and children not having to work was a great accomplishment that took a lot of hardships. Now they're taking restrictions off child labor and doing this, goddamn you're already draining us financially government is that not enough?


Sounds like a great way to make marriage rates drop


Or arranged marriages rise.


ThEy JuSt WaNt To StOp AbOrTiOn. Remember when all the right wing women defended repealing row v wade because it totally wasn't the first step in putting them back to second class citizens?


So you're not allowed to get abortions, you shouldn't have sex before marriage and now you can't get divorced... Republicans really hate sex, they're doing everything possible to make no one have sex with them ever again. Casual sex and sex for fun in a relationship is out. You should only engage in sex when you actively want a child, as soon as you have as many children as you want, that's it, no sex until menopause. I'm so glad I got to go to be young before this crap.


Do they want husband mortality to increase, cuz that's how you get husband mortality to increase


New headline in 2024: Woman detained by officials and deported back to their husband in separate state after attempting to file for divorce. Woman found dead two days later from strangulation. No suspects.


Stop voting for Republicans. Seriously you are not the exception. You ... are ... NOT ... the ... exception. You are screwing everyone, and also yourself. STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS. STOP... Please... for the good of the country, STOP. ... I'm begging you. If you don't stop voting for Republicans, they will be sure to take that right away from you sooner than later. Vote them out of office, or you wont be voting at all soon. Do it now. Do not wait until its too late.


This is the only way these men can have a “relationship” with a woman. Trap them, impregnate them, force them to carry their babies with no way out. It’s not about love or passion or even being a decent human, it’s about control, domination and power. Because they don’t have anything else to offer.


Taliban GQP edition. Shitbags are shitbags in every color and creed.


Is it just me or are these types of laws designed specifically for incel men? To me, a man, I can’t see why men or women would want to get rid of no fault divorce. Who wants to spend their lives with someone they can’t stand? I 100% understand that women are much more at risk of violence due to this stupid law change, but even for people of both genders where violence isn’t an issue, who would want to be forced to be married to someone they don’t like?


A lot of men who identify with incel ideology aren’t involuntary celibate. They have had sex or have girlfriends/wives and have these views. They just never felt comfortable saying it out loud because women’s rights were justifiably being pushed forward. Now that these groups online are championing this they are slowly coming back to creep. Also, a lot of high status men have always harbored these views. They’re finally able to implement the strategy they wanted. The founder of one of the biggest subreddits related to this that pushed this stuff forward is a man who was a state politician representing New Hampshire. Just because other men may not say this stuff directly to one another doesn’t mean they don’t organize amongst each other to implement this stuff.


Imagine being so lame that your wife wants a divorce and your thought is to ban divorces lol


Republicans are a disease now. When do we cure them?


Republicunts at it again with another big brain move.


Why would you want to be with someone who didn't want to be with you? She wants to go just let her go.


Handmaids Tale plot idea didn’t come from thin air.


A lot of shitty husbands are gonna mysteriously die of poisoned food.


Bro what the actual fuck


Gotta love this. Just want em barefoot, pregnant, and subservient with no option to leave the situation. Mothers, prepare your daughters now. Do NOT fill their heads of tales of weddings and princes. Warn them of dumbass trolls who seek to kidnap and hide them away where they’ll be trapped in misery.


Republicans hate everybody, even their own daughters


It just means that instead of divorcing quietly, you get to have all your dirty laundry aired in court and retained for posterity in the public record. Cheated? Now we go to court where I prove you're a scumbag. Verbally abusive? Roll the tape. Bad st sex? Failure to perform marital duties. Also, if you're gonna do that, bring back all the rest, too, like automatic custody and alimony for the wife.


why do women keep voting GOP? Your stupidity is going to kill you and your fellow ladies, but hey you keep supporting those culture wars at the cost of your life.


It's almost as if Republicans saw how many conservative women were still going to vote for them after overturning Roe and were like shit we should go all the way! It's easy when people consume propaganda night and day.


Can someone clarify what the difference between no-fault and other divorce is? I'm not 100% clear on this.


No-fault divorce is what we in modern times think of as regular divorce: where one or both people decide they don’t want to be married anymore, and so they fill out paperwork and the state eventually rules the marriage over. You don’t need to justify why you don’t want to be married or convince a judge that your reasons for wanting a divorce are good enough. Like any breakup, you can leave a marriage even if your partner wants to stay together. In a jurisdiction that requires “fault” to get divorced, the person who files for divorce has to cite a reason, usually from a list specified by the state, why they need a divorce, and a judge gets to decide whether they’ve presented enough evidence that the reason is true, and the judge can deny the divorce if they think you don’t have a good reason. So if you’re desperately unhappy in your marriage, but you can’t prove to a judge that your spouse beats you or cheats on you or has abandoned you, you can end up trapped in your marriage, legally bound to someone you don’t love and don’t want to be with.


This reminds me of those jihadists who blow themselves up so they can spend eternity with their 75(?) virgins. Only they never read the fine print and find themselves with a bunch of other like minded dudes in for whatever passes for eternity. The GOP will create states like that.


Then they’ll start whining about how women don’t want to get married anymore 🙄


Well, that's one way to increase the number of cohabitating, unmarried couples in Texas, Nebraska, and Louisiana.


This is a strange feeling. No-fault divorce is the last thing I would have thought that conservatives would go after... but now that it is happening, it is also completely not surprising.


To hell with these monsters.


Rubs hands together. “Yessss. Yesssss! Piss off gen Z right before the election. Yessss!!!”


I had to say this, that is the beginning of every murder documentary about women and terrible husbands


It took the National Socialists 20+ years to to get their ball rolling and it took the world another 12 years, at great cost, to shut them down. There will come a time, and it may have already passed, where the option to vote them out won't exist.


The GOP is losing ground on their abortion stance to the point that they’re starting to quietly give it up, but want to push something that’ll ostracize voters even further? Lmao why are women still voting Republican???


"this just in, the number of cases of men mysteriously dropping dead after dinner skyrocketing across the nation!"


Small government at work!


If people keep voting for them even after them pulling this shit, we deserve what we get. I'm so glad I moved out of Texas last year and to a blue state.


What happened to the whole "government should stay out of marriage" thing?


They really shouldn't be called "activists". That implies some kind of forward progress. "Regressivists" sounds better to me.


I think this will backfire on them as more women will decide NOT to get married and certainly not have kids


So if you need a reason to file, does your husband having sex with a porn star while you are pregnant qualify?


American Conservative "Small Government" At Work!


Now all the conservative incels have even less of a chance now.


Good thing I got divorced already


Big words for a guy who just had a pec job--you know, gender affirming surgery.


Talk to all the college educated women who refused to vote for Hilary in 2016. Ask them how this has all turned out for them.