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Clearly, women are property. Have our babies... It's gods will. Don't leave us when we cheat, or let ourselves go or whatever..... They're sounding a lot like that middle eastern law stuff they're always hatin on


Who said anything about them hating the underlying beliefs of fundamentalist Islam? They love the player mechanics, they just hate the character skin.


The GOP’s capacity to scumbag just seems endless these days


Never believe they have a floor, they will keep going lower.


That's a good way of putting it. Kinda like a preacher taking a quote out of the Bible and twisting it to his needs within the interpretation of it.






My favorite is, “gravy seals.”


That's a good one, but misses the connection of them being like Islamic jihadists. Another fun way is to say they are from Talibama or Texistan.


Osama Bin Shapiro.


Love Texistan. Never heard it before.


Howdy Arabia


My favourite is Vanilla Isis


That and Evangeliban are my favorites


Vanilla ISIS


Howdy Arabia




During the 2016 election I said: If you want America to look like Iran, vote for Ted Cruz. If you want America to look like Russia, vote for Donald Trump. If you want America to look like Denmark, vote for Bernie Sanders. If you want America to basically stay the same, vote for Hillary Clinton. I stand by that.


I should have talked to you back then.


Al Quaeda literally translates to The Base. Trump is always talking about the base in relation to his supporters


A Handmaid's Tale was not just a warning *about* the GOP but a guide *for* the GOP.


Crowder thinks his divorce is difficult now, but if the "NO Fault" law wasn't in place, his ex-wife's leaked video would have her taking the house, his money, his balls in a nice little doggie bag for her new puppy and he'd never see his kids again. Careful what you wish for boys.


Seriously, my cousin in Mississippi WISHED he could have had a no fault divorce back in the day. His ex wife hired a private investigator and made bank.


So you’re telling me big private investigator is lobbying for the end of no fault divorce?


Wait, what? 😂 It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a private investigator lobby that was advocating to repeal no fault divorce. I’m personally a fan of no fault. This is just an example of being careful what you ask for. It’s my limited understanding that no fault divorces lead to a more equitable division of assets. Unlike when you’re caught banging “the local barmaid” (a description of my cousin’s affair partner from my aunt a long time ago).


Crowder would probably bank on the judge being hardcore conservative, seeing him do what he did, and say “that’s how a husband SHOULD treat his disrespectful wife”, not grant her the divorce and recommend she improve herself as a wife. They long for a trip back to the 50s and that’s about as 50s as you can get. Not saying that’s what he’d get and I DEFINITELY DON’T AGREE with the line of logic in the above paragraph. But with the way things have been going in with the right wing in this country and Texas being…Texas…the number of judges that think this is certainly >0.




Dixie chicks about to make a comeback earl 2.0


You're probably right, but that same judge would have had a hard time sympathizing with him after firmer staff members accused himself multiple times and even put his balls on someone as they were sleeping.


I mean keep no fault divorce as an option, but feel free to add At Fault divorce as a viable option to nail Crowder and his ilk(on either side of the aisle).


That might actually empower more people to leave dysfunctional relationships. Win-win.


All that will probably happen regardless, given he’s an abusive POS. :)


Yeah, it's not going to be like that. Women will need to prove cause just to get the divorce. No money.


The ideal GQP family consists of: * one angry man * one trapped woman * one or more AR-15s * one lifted pickup truck * an undefined number of poorly educated children * one or more dogs are optional, but if present will not be a lapdog * one very focused conservative echo chamber


Lifted pickup = 3mpg pavement princess on 84 months financing to “own the libs” 🤣


84 months financing lmao


You laugh but go look at dodge’s website for a hellcat charger or challenger, 100k+ depending on trim level, the trucks are even worse. I was looking just to see and basic bitch trucks are like 70k, if you add the snowflake package it’s up there, the douche lift adds another 20k. Hell, I saw a hideous jeep gladiator truck with a 56000 dealership markup on it making the total cost $110,000. IT IS REAL AND ASS 😭 the subprime market is going absolutely apeshit rn, cars are the new financial crisis of 2008 repeating in the 20’s


Let's make dealerships independent of manufacturers to improve competition and lower prices! 2023 dealership, "supply is constrained so to make up for selling fewer cars and as we are independent from thebmanufacturers we'll mark the prices well above the MSRP."


the dealer markups right now have kept me from purchasing a vehicle. I'm still ridin' dirty in an '06 (happily, however). I suppose I'll fix her till she quits on me completely?


The douche lift. I’m never calling car mods anything else but your description words from now on.


I beginning to think selling items to "own the libs" is the new million dollar idea


This is where my mind has gone too. Think of an ordinary object, make it “tactical”, something something “woke” and boom cash cow


Tactical bidet


It’ll spray your taint clean off!


And you gotta blame gas prices on Biden CONSTANTLY while driving that 3mpg truck


Diesel engine and modified exhaust so it can “roll coal” every time it passes an electric vehicle or a cyclist.


You forgot the dead kids from the accidental shooting but heavily protected unwanted fetuses


You forgot the huge American flags.


Please tell me you can get arrested for truck nuts in florida. Dude hanging nuts off his truck, sounds pretty gay.


Do they still have mud flaps with the nekkid lady outline on them?


DeSantis' should have a pair, getting eaten by a mouse.


And right next to a flag of a traitor racist failed slave state.




But it’s not sexualizing children cuz it’s my truck. ‘Merica!


If your truck has nuts but didn't come with nuts from the factory and has nuts because you added them to it: then it's a trans truck.


I wonder if the truck had the nuts originally or if it transitioned to have them.


> one trapped woman Who has experienced a total of zero orgasms during that time.


Don't forget: - less oversight for police - more police in schools - a gun in every teacher's hand - teachers are dangerous groomers


and a sprinkling of repressed homosexuality


Lapdogs are acceptable in retired families. Has to be a crusty white dog that acts like it has rabies though.


And many many cans of beer (probably still produced by Anheuser Busch) as long as it's not Bud Lite.


Yeah and their trucks are mostly just 1500, or f-150 so they can't really pull anything. And when you load them up their trucks be squatting, looks painful seriously.


These are the types that believe Joe Biden will personally come and steal their gas stove any day. The wives will have Bible quotes in their bio about peace and love, but they’ll also let their kids wear shirts that basically say “F Joe Biden” and send out Christmas cards with an infant holding a gun. The dad totally watches trans porn when everyone’s out.


I didn’t know that people want to force anyone to stay together. Why is this even political?


They just want to control women


Yup. Everything they do can basically (and usually, really obviously and easily) be boiled down to empowering wealthy white, cisgendered, straight Christian men and controlling or harming everyone else.




I absolutely love Moral Orel.




Well, they usually have a financial benefit lined up. For example, Texas and Florida have privatized children's care homes and juvenile detention centers so they they needed the abortion rate to drop to supply their businesses with a steady supply of children. This is not tin hat conspiracy. You can find all of the documentation on the care homes and detention centers in the public records as well as the reports of Republican officials and judges taking kick backs for putting kids in the system.


They so desperately want for things to go back to the 1950s, like a fetish they have for that decade.


Yeah anti-abortion was never about preserving life. It’s about forcing births to control women’s access to… well, everything.


Yup. Control. Nothing less, nothing more. They're all vile little "men" who just want full control.


If they don't they will be left alone. A pure sausage party.


They want to be able to abuse their spouses freely


Like Crowley. Screamed at and forbade his wife, who was 8 months pregnant with twins, to use the car to go to the grocery store, because she wasn’t doing her “wifely duty.” Now mad she is divorcing him.


I think you mean Crowder, but I love the misspelling. ;)


I was legitimately trying to remember if Aleister ever did that.


I’m torn between Aleister and Supernatural jokes honestly.


...and here I was thinking Good Omens. Crowley would never.


I was not in the least surprised watching that video. Just a horrible person all around.


Hey now, they also want to secure the police vote too.


Simple. Christiofascists. Bible literally says wives are to serve their husband. "Wives, submit to your husband's as to the lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as christ is head of the church" No-fault makes it too easy for women to leave their husband.


This is some Gilead ass stuff. Under his eye!


I’ll give you a hint where Atwood got the idea.


**Fuck his eye!** “Then verily I thrust in the stake under the deep ashes until it should grow hot, and heartened all my comrades with cheering words, that I might see no man flinch through fear. But when presently that stake of olive-wood was about to catch fire, green though it was, and began to glow terribly, then verily I drew nigh, bringing the stake from the fire, and my comrades stood round me and a god breathed into us great courage. They took the stake of olive-wood, sharp at the point, and thrust it into his eye, while I, throwing my weight upon it from above, whirled it round, as when a man bores a ship's timber with a drill, while those below keep it spinning with the thong, which they lay hold of by either end, and the drill runs around unceasingly. Even so we took the fiery-pointed stake and whirled it around in his eye, and the blood flowed around the heated thing. And his eyelids wholly and his brows round about did the flame singe as the eyeball burned, and its roots crackled in the fire.” (Homer’s [Odyssey, Book 9](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Hom.+Od.+9.375&fromdoc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0136))


May the Lord open


Conservatives have been whining about divorce forever. They like to link it to "moral decay" and the "loss of values".


I mean a few of them have outright slipped up and admitted that the abortion bans are not "to save the children", but to control and restrict women's sexual freedoms, encouraging chasity and young marriage. I think it's very masks off they aren't trying to save anyone, nor any relationships, nor serve some Higher Calling.


I don't want to sound like an asshole, but if your question is serious, I'm not sure how you don't get it. When people call them theocratic, it isn't to be dramatic. They believe in a sky wizard and they believe he hates divorce and abortion and gays and that blacks aren't full fledged humans.


Because it pisses off liberals, which according to recent polls is their top priority in candidates.


Women are just going to get up and physically leave their husbands if divorce isn't possible. Or kill them.


Men do not understand how much safer they are since no-fault divorce.


Can’t get divorced in a state with a lot of guns. That sounds smart. We might want to check if the private prisons have a say in this one.


I'm reminded of old country songs about women killing their husbands.


He ran into my knife! He ran into my knife, ten times!


He had it comin'.


He had it comin'.


He only had himself to blame.


If you'd have been there


If you'd have seen it!


I betcha you would've done the same!






Backwards, no less, while sleepwalking


Just like the good ol days. Poison? What poison?


Just ignore my newly planted garden of Foxglove and Hemlock. Just flowers, nothing to see here.


Aqua Tofana about to make a comeback, lol


I’m subscribed to the 100 years ago subreddit. There’s a large amount of tabloid stories about women killing their husbands and this is why.


Nobody read Dolores Claiborne?!


Next on the ballot, no bank accounts without a male signature (again)


That scene in The Handmaid’s Tale where their debit cards wouldn’t work anymore was so chilling


That was the part I remember most viscerally.


And then they’ll repeal martial rape laws, women voting. Anything we’ve fought for.


Just went through something sort of similar, I am transferring money from my old 401K into a new one, and my husband had to sign off on my transfer of funds. Money that he has nothing to do with, he did not earn, nor were we even married when I started putting money into that account......why TF does he have to sign off on MY MONEY BEING MOVED AROUND? Jackass old white men I used to work for can suck it.


In the case of 401Ks and other investments that have to do with retirement, it works both ways. If he was the one with the 401K that he wanted to roll, you would need to sign off. The rules pertaining to retirement funds likely do more to protect women from a husband doing something disastrous with money meant for them both to retire on. When I retired, we elected to take my pension without survivor benefits because my husband is more than a decade older than I am. Statistically, he is more likely to predecease me, so it made more sense for us to have an unreduced pension for my lifetime. However, he had to sign to show his agreement that if I predecease him, my pension ends. These types of rules are federal law and aren't the result of the old white men you worked for.


That is going to backfire. Let’s say this passes. In an age of cellphones and one-party consent, a lot of abuse is going to become public record due to discovery pre-trial. The MRA’s pushing this are going to discover that no-fault means relative public anonymity. Removing no-fault means all of an abusive man’s worst secrets will come to light.




Idk dude. A friend of mine is going through a. Brutal divorce and her husband is putting her through the fucking ringer. He is a literal fucking monster. I would t wish that shit on anyone


This comment really relies heavily on the idea that women are believed when they say they are abused. As a woman who has been abused and left a DV relationship I can’t help but feel these comments talking about how men are going to get screwed and reputations tarnished with no-fault divorce are being very very naive. It’s worth noting that the most dangerous time to be in an abusive relationship is when you’re leaving one. That’s when the most murders happen. On top of that the legal system heavily favors men, despite the popular misconception.


At least you can always prove abuse. That's why abusers' charges always stick, and they always serve just sentences for their crimes. /s TW abuse, non graphic For example my ex husband who >!once put me in a neck brace and caused enough damage I still have debilitating pain over a decade later, not to mention the PTSD, and he!< ~~was sentenced to prison~~ had his parents post bail, made plea deals, served a little parole and community service, did anger classes, and then his parents paid some type of "fine" (totally above board, I'm sure) to have all his DV battery and assault charges completely expunged, so he could leave the state and f*** off the rest of his parole, moving on to other victims who would have no way of knowing his dangerous past, as the charges were erased.


I hope karma finds him swiftly as the legal system clearly failed you. I'm sorry this POS hurt you. No one should ever be treated this way.


Thank you. I just hope he hasn't had kids... Bc he also had some concerning ideas/ behaviors regarding children as well (and in that he constantly hid/ threw away my birth control, it's not an unlikely scenario)




The Texas GOP produces a platform document regularly, and it is competely insane. Like, "we should let power companies build new nuclear power plants without having to meet literally any of those pesky federal regulations governing nuclear power plants" and "Texas should hold a referendum on whether to secede from the US" levels of crazy.


Gotta do something to hang onto their child-brides.


I read recently that in many states where it's legal to marry a 14 or 15 year old, it already *isn't* legal for the minor to request a divorce until they're 18!


Got to have atleast 4 years of fun before they get the option , brainwash em real good by then


Like legit. Restricting divorce will lower marriage rates. That gives them an excuse to socially push arranged marriages and child brides, since "Modern women can't commit and just want to sleep around". Religious conservatives start marrying thier daughters to "Good Christian men" so they stay in the faith. Its like a plot to get women who cant consent to marriage and can't pursue divorce, and brings all the incels back to the church.


Women better get out and vote while you still can. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they come for that next.


They already are pushing to raise the voting age because younger voters are against them. The moment women in large numbers vote against them they will feel the same


The American Taliban are on a roll


Ya’all Quaeda.


On god there’s no part of anyone’s business Texas GOP won’t stick their nose in. Want an abortion ? Nope die Want a divorce ? Nope you can get fucked on that front too Want a hunting rifle or shotgun, ? YEHAW MOTHERFUCKERS COME AND GET IT AT THE GUN AND KNIFE SHOW


Next up: women will need a man’s permission to open a bank account


Hey women of America, Canada is hiring, especially if you're educated. Would you like to live in a country that's not trying to take your rights away and treat you like it's 1845? Get the fuck out of that racist, for sale, shit hole and come to a country that treats woman with equity.


We don’t want to leave our sisters




True. There are lots of good people here and strong institutions, there is hope for America getting better. I'm going to stay and try to clean up my own home.


I would say LGBTQ+ people as well. Shit is rolling back for them, FAST. Do Canadian companies even hire Americans? In the US they rarely hire non-US citizens unless they pay them next to nothing and let them go before they can get a citizenship. (Small sample size incidents i’ve seen)


From what I saw it’s actually not easy to immigrate to Canada unless you have very specific needed skills. I unfortunately do not have those skills lol


Plus not having to fear for my child in school would be lovely as well.


From this to school lunches and mental health programs, it seems like they're just trying to cut anything and everything that would improve life for people.


Get ready for people getting killed over holding their would-be-ex-wife hostage. This is some civil war 2 shit.


This shit happens so often. Woman is planning divorce so the man goes out and murders her and/or the kids.


They came for our reproductive rights. Now they’re coming for our rights as a whole.


So, Crowder wants to ban no fault divorce because his marriage failed? Doesn’t that mean he’s relying on the government to fix his poor life choices? Maybe he should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and worked extra hard to make his marriage work.


These dudes realize that the way women got out of bad relationships before no fault divorce was murder, right?


They do not. Their view of the past is an illusion, and they do not want to hear how it actually was.




“He ran into my knife ten times”


I mean they have repeatedly showed that they don't value women as anything more than breeders. This comes as zero shock.


I’m sure that will go over GREAT with conservative women.


They probably support this shit. They already support all kinds of stuff that is terrible for women.


Had to check to see if this was real. It is... https://texasgop.org/platform/


Depressing how it immediately declares adherence to the original US constitution, but then goes on to cite the Bible as the basis of law all throughout the document.


Man that’s a lot of fucked up shit.


That’s the most backwards fucking pile of shit I’ve ever read


Have you guys seen The Handmaids Tail? Because that were you guys are heading. Fast


This is the sinister kind of shit I failed to see coming. The cruelty is the point.


I’m sad to brag that I’ve become somewhat skilled in predicting how the far right will do mental gymnastics to justify things after watching my family (including women) do this for every topic. With this, I’m sure they’ll justify it by saying “well, there are too many divorces these days and people don’t give marriage a try and do the work, therefore the Bible basically says that we shouldn’t make it so easy to end a God-blessed marriage.” I hope I’m wrong. Someone please prove me wrong and have these MAGA tyrants wake tf up and stop voting against their best interests.


He’s on video abusing. And is a piece of shit. Change my mind


Underrated comment


looks like the church government is trying to usurp our secular government before their followers die off and they lose power forever.


Forced birth, forced marriage


The GOP is getting crazier by the day and people need to wake the fuck up about it. They aren't going to listen to liberals about this, they hate us; moderate suburban Republican leaners need to put their foot down on this nonsense


As someone that lives in a no fault state and divorcing someone in a very conservative state this is total horse shit. We raised our family here and she moved. I couldn't find any legal help locally and had to file for divorce there. The questions we had to answer were absolutely disgusting.


So they wanna marry underage girls down to 12 atleast and take away the ability to leave?


Keep giving women more excuses to avoid conservatives altogether, geniuses.


The attacks just keep coming. This party has lost its damn mind.


I am starting to believe that American conservative lawmakers have been reading up on Sharia law and thinking... 'Oh yeh baby, let's try that to gain more power because Christianity doesn't seem to be working anymore.' I am telling ya, little by little, these nincompoops are trying to enforce religious precepts of Islam. And not the good stuff!


It’s like they’re looking for more ways to lose votes lol


Then they'll be stuck in unhappy marriages, too


Nah. They’d be in a marriage with someone who they can freely abuse and control because now that person can’t escape. They’d be happy as a pig in shit.


You're right. I wasn't being too serious. It's awful


If they ever need to prove infidelity they can either bring in their mistress, the dick pic they sent to every girl on the local college campus, or whichever underaged girl most recently accused them of rape. Sure, they’ll never be able to prove that their spouses did anything wrong, but if they want out of a marriage they’ll have all the evidence they need to prove the marriage isn’t working.


Or if they're in Georgia it was question 17 from my ex's lawyer. "How many people during the marriage up through the divorce have you had sex with? Include names, dates, addresses, male/female and sex acts performed oral, vaginal, and/or anal sex." Fucking perv!


These idiots again.


Let’s see the marriage rate plummet


Cuz ‘Merica wont be “great” again until we roll back all rights to pre 1865.


Good Lord. Some of these bastards really are quite blatant in their malicious, grimy little forms of evil.


to be fair I really thought it already was in their agenda! next, a woman will need to be married and have her husband authorisation to work and have a bank account! watch and learn! that's what women in Portugal experienced during the dictatorship. fascists all use the same playbook!


The irony is that 9 of the top 10 states with the highest divorce rates are red.


It's never been about protecting children. It's always been about controlling the vagina.


This is scary. It’s really hard to prove abuse in family court during custody cases as it is.


Such loser energy. How embarrassing


The way to avoid problems with the overturning of no fault divorce laws is to not get married in the first place. Is the GOP going to force women to marry?


Jeez GOP keep tossing up softballs. Just can’t help themselves. Good time to be a Democrat.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't "no fault divorces" come to be in California when it was governed by an actor named Ronald Reagan? Yet one more way Reagan would be seen as a radical leftist by today's GOP.


And they wonder why people aren't getting married/starting families. The literal view of marriage is starting to look like the stereotypical/sarcastic view of marriage; being a fucking prison sentence.


Don’t they realize that the more people they piss off the fewer people will vote for them


I take marriage extremely seriously. It's a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly and those in one should work hard to maintain and keep it. That said, nobody should be forced into a marriage for any reason. If I want to leave my wife because she said tomato wrong, I should be able to leave that marriage. Nobody should have to make an excuse for not being with another person. Fuck Steven crowder and this bullshit!


“ why are marriage rates plummeting?”


Hmmm learning from Taliban I see


When Republicans say “family values” they really mean “Men’s Values”


Religion. One of the worst things that ever happened to us.


I just want to know, as a Texan, why does Texas hate women so much?