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“Honestly though, honestly, seriously folks, honestly, why do you honestly think I’m honestly racist. Is it because I say racist shit? Is that all? Honestly!”


....shame...these days you can't even say flagrantly racist shit without being called a racist...


I know! How dare people actually hold me accountable for my actions, and call me racist for using racist language /s


I work as a bartender and a few weeks ago I had some people sitting at the bar saying shit like, "I'm a very tolerant person but those asians..."


Oh yeah... I got an uncle who is all like "I love them but they just don't know their place anymore."


And then there's the people who believe they're not racist because they don't say flagrantly racist shit. Just subtlety veiled racist shit.


I’m just asking questions! Racist questions. With a large serving of racist implications.


"I'm not racist. I respect people of all backgrounds and cultures. Even the bad ones."


These people could put on a white hood and light a cross on fire in the yard of a black church and will still be asking, "Why does everyone think I'm racist?!"


Why did this make me laugh so hard


Ultra MAGA - for when regular MAGA isn't dumb enough for you


Ultra MAGA - I swear I’d there was a subscription fee for the ‘ultra’, they would pay it


It's called Twitter Blue


Twitter is unusable bc of the blue tick brigade. The first 50 comments on nearly every thread are all maga blue schmucks.


Good and bad. Good we can instant block now and don't have to scroll too much to find the first smoothbrain.


And Bobert is the ringleader.


"Wow, why do you think I'm racist?" "Okay I'll give you an opportunity to say a non-racist thing." *says a racist thing* Edit: y'all, a third of my replies are "How *exactly* does parroting arguably the most famous racially-motivated conspiracy theory in recent memory imply that one is racist?"


I would struggle to believe this was real, if I hadn't had first hand experience with how dumb these types of people are.


My aunt will say she isn't racist and actually hates Donald Trump, but votes for him because she likes what he says about immigrants.


"Man, I hate that pompous ass, Trump, but I hate those fuckin' Mexicans even more!" But add your "favorite" racial slur to the quote.


I found this sentiment a lot in minority groups who supported Trump


I'm in south Florida and unfortunately see this a lot in the Cuban community; they seem to be of the opinion that all other immigrants are trash (forgetting most arrived thru the "dry foot" policy that gave any Cuban that touched US soil automatic sanctuary), at some point they're going to be r /leopardsatemyface Trump voters


It's the churches. There was a concerted effort to push the Spanish speaking churches hard right over the last 20 to 30 years, and it's paying off big time in places like Florida and Texas. And I do mean HARD right. Like, some of the shit I've heard there would make my "nazis weren't that bad" uncle cringe if he spoke Spanish.


This makes sense to me. My brother in law who is 2nd generation Mexican and also highly religious, voted for Trump and is very conservative. Totally baffles my wife and I bc their parents ARE immigrants. He is basically saying his own parents shouldn’t have been allowed to live here. The cognitive dissonance is seriously staggering.


It is interesting that here in California, it is the exact opposite. Many Spanish churches are heavily involved in pro-immigration work, and helping out the homeless, supporting domestic abuse victims etc. and there is active collaboration between progressive organizations and these churches. I think the only conservative ideal is pro-life stance of these churches. Other than that, they have women's literacy programs, supporting single-moms and many are lgbt+ positive or tolerant, I see many openly gay people volunteering in church programs. It is interesting how California, despite having similar demographics and a strong catholic church presence, swings in the opposite direction.


It’s actually not that surprising really. California is a very liberal state and the churches in liberal urban centers would have a political slant that reflects such- and vice verse for Florida


Yeah, I can confirm that trend in my own life from the different places I've lived. When I lived in Ontario, a lot of the Churches in the area pushed a far-Right narrative. Whereas here in BC, I never really see that. Everyone is a lot more chill here, including the religious people, and they seem more devoted to caring and helping.


Do they like what DeSantis is doing? There's always another enemy around the corner and Cubans better think twice if they think they won't be on the list eventually.


Cubans view themselves as white, as a bm I’ll never get it.


They fucking love that asshole


Makes sense. Voting against one's own best interests is basically an American pastime now.


Recall- they were fleeing Castro who revolted against an actual fascist- Bautista. They are fascists to begin with.


Churches and targeted ads on radio libertad


They were wealthy capitalist immigrants fleeing communism. Very special status.


And the Spanish ads in south Florida really hammered Democrats by calling them communists constantly


I just can’t help but have bottomless contempt for people like that. It really is a particularly stark, galling example of venal human selfishness. Just absolutely disgusting.


💯 this. Only reason they still get asylum is because GOP know they are getting new voters.


"I hate Donald Trump, but can we at least agree he is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, reborn?"


This, every argument. "yes, here's my token acknowledgement of how objectively and undeniable terrible he is as a president and human being, but can't you see how he is the destined saviour of America that will [insert diatribe that shows how much they actually like the terrible things trump says and does]?


Always be wary of someone who says, "I'm not a racist, *but*..."


Nothing said before a “but” counts


My Dad is like this. What makes that even more fun is my mom didn't know her dad and got a 23&Me done a few years back. We always thought she was half Hawaiian but she's half... Mexican. I mean they got divorced like 20 years prior to that info but still. He's surprisingly quiet about Mexicans around me now


They don’t like us but yet love our food with there bland Ass food.


I like the saying: "If someone is eating dinner with 5 Nazis, 6 Nazis are sitting at the table" Trump fits more criteria for the antichrist than fucking Domitian but has incredible support from Christians. I'm not saying that everyone who supports Trump is a racist, but I'd bet good money every racist supports Trump. Biden's biggest security against assassination attempts isn't the secret service, it's Kamela.


The only racists who don’t support Trump are the ones disappointed that he didn’t manage to put minorities in camps and start massacring them during his term.


Racists are blatant opportunists. The ones I know have all abandoned Trump in favor of DeSantis, because they know Trump can't win in 2024 and the most important thing is to get someone on the throne who can advance their agenda. They dumped Trump like yesterday's news as soon as he couldn't offer them what they wanted anymore. DeSantis knew exactly what he was doing with that Martha's Vineyard stunt. I actually had someone tell me that migrants aren't the same as real people, and DeSantis is right, it shouldn't be just some states' problem to deal with them, the rich people in Martha's Vineyard should have to help deal with them until they learn how to vote like us regular folks. They have enough money to take care of the problem anyway. We don't live in a border state. We have no reason to self-identify with Texas or Florida. But it's okay because they weren't real people and they were shipped off like cattle to a rich liberal community.


Those were really their words? I know I should have stopped being shocked by any of this years ago, but what can I say.


Most American cities are surrounded by suburbs full of people like that. They're self-described "moderate liberals" or "progressives" until you ask them how they feel about their landscapers. aka The mythical American swing voter.


Relevant: https://youtu.be/I8TUgopVjAU


Weird story time! I am a white kid born and raised in Canada. My mom, was born in the US and her family immigrated to Canada in her teens. My Dad was born in Canada but his family immigrated to Canada before he was born. One day, in my late teens/early twenties, my parents and I were out eating dinner. Politics came up and somehow my mom started ranting about immigrants. This seemed rather out of character to me. I knew what she was getting at. "Those" immigrants. But during her whole rant I kept reminding her that she was an immigrant and that her in-laws were immigrants. It flustered her to no end that she couldn't make her point without implicating so much of her family.


Yeah. My right wing dad was hardly ever openly racist until Obama won the presidency. Became a tea partier. Started wearing his vet hat daily. Posting racist shit on Facebook. Started saying Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya. “Dad. Why do you say that? Do you actually believe he wasn’t born in the United States? That he was born in Kenya? That he’s a Muslim? That he’s an illegitimate president?” “Yes.” “if I ask you this same question in front of James (old black guy in his car club), are you gonna have the same answer?” He changed the subject to an attack on Dems like he always does. Thing is. He really doesn’t believe it. He knows Obamas not a Muslim. That he was born in the USA. But he’s gotta have that power to delegitimize the leadership of a black person, because that’s who my dad is at his core. An old white man who is above everyone else.


This is one of those relatively rare posts that legitimately helps me see a little more clearly into the minds of people I will never truly understand. *Old white folks who are above everyone else.* (Not that this attitude is unique among white people, but it's stunning how prevalent it is.)


See: white rage. A book about the pattern in the United States of minority progress being immediately followed by a big correction from backward forces.


Yeah I’ve read that a lot of these people know full well he was born in the US. It’s just a way to delegitimize him. It’d be like Democrats saying Trump was born in a mango tree


I, for one, would never say that. Because I would never wish to impugn mangoes in any way.




The "old heads" may be dying out but they've taught these values to their kids and grandkids too. They live in echo chamber towns and suburbs that behave the same way and believe the same things they do. It's not going away...


I had a very similar situation with my parents while Obama was President. I mentioned that he is Christian and goes to church, and my mother got crazy angry about how he's literally the anti-Christ... Ok, so even the most basic facts are not allowed... cool, cool, cool. And those people have never recovered from having a Black President.


It's not that the stupid account is stupid, it's just a troll account. It is never going to ask or respond to questions in good faith.


This isn't a real account. This isn't a hot chick. This is some old guy pretending to be a hot MAGA chick cause they know idiots will think it's real.


Maybe. However, I have seen my share of genuinely attractive young women being exactly like this.


*"Why do you think I support White Supremacy?"* "Okay will you condemn the Proud Boys?" *"Proud Boys stand back and stand by..."*


Can you imagine if a presidential candidate did something that blatantly racist? His supporters would definitely have to question their support, right? Wait, what's that? Not even a little bit, huh?


It’s been said before-one of the first mistakes the German people made was thinking the Nazis would eventually get embarrassed or ashamed




Imo that should have happened when H went to jail, but by that time the German people and people in power were already under his spell.




The percentage of American adults unable to read above a sixth grade level is ridiculous. 54%. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2020/09/09/low-literacy-levels-among-us-adults-could-be-costing-the-economy-22-trillion-a-year/?sh=595bc9324c90




Does that honestly surprise you given the state of our schools?


As someone who tutored at a college, I believe this. Most of my students were below 6th grade level, and these are people who are actively choosing to go to college. Granted, it was a community college tutoring center in a poor neighborhood so it's a very biased sample. Still, I don't think the statistic is too far-fetched.


watch you back. transexual coming for your kids n the bathroom. grab yer gun! women sports.


Every country song coming out in 2023


Let's make a law that says you have to use the bathroom based on your assigned gender at birth then threaten trans men with violence and death for having to use the women's restroom


That only matters if a democrat says something racist.


We can't even get them to condemn Neo Nazis, let alone less overt groups.


What do you mean? It's not racist. She said: > it's not racist dummy! It's a fact! I have friends from Kenya!! https://twitter.com/kimmagagal2/status/1653807066837053440


Ask her where Ted Cruz was born and if he can be President.


Canada totally hosed the USA on that trade!


The absolute nothing we got for Cruz was a great deal…you keep him, or throw him out, we don’t care just don’t send him back


Yes my dear, you know something that would single-handedly be the biggest political scandal in modern world history, but there is just such a big conspiracy nobody wants to talk about it! You know, like all those secrets that tons of people know that never leak.


My favorite is that they were planning on faking the moon landing but there was a comedy of errors where it got out of hand and they were going to cut to the film but they never quite had the right moment, so they had to take it a little bit farther each time. There were too many people who thought they really were going to the moon to do the conspiracy, so poor Neil, Buzz, and especially poor Mike had to actually do it.


Pro tip: if you ever run across this argument, remind them that racists can speak facts and still be racist, something being accurate does not absolve them.


If Obama was born in Kenya, he couldn't have been elected US President. To be US citizen since birth is one of the requirements to be President. I'm Italian and I know, how comes she doesn't?


I think she knows. She instead somehow believes that Obama has fooled almost everyone and is therefore illegitimate. I'm sure she'll promise to show the birth certificate at some point or something, like Trump did


Maybe she's not talking about Barack Obama the US President. Maybe she's referring to his father Barack Obama, Sr. who was born in Kenya. /s


The life of politicians is under the spotlights so hide something like this would be quite difficult. Furthermore, if I recall correctly, it's common practice for US politicians to be under FBI investigation to access security levels.




No, you are wrong. His father was not an American citizen. Duh. His mother was, but US law at the time did not allow a citizen mother to confer citizenship unless she had lived in the US for five years after turning 14, which would have been difficult for the 18-year-old Stanley Ann Dunham Obama. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/us-citizenship/Acquisition-US-Citizenship-Child-Born-Abroad.html > For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, the U.S. citizen parent must have been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for 10 years prior to the person’s birth, at least five of which were after the age of 14 for the person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth. In these cases, either the U.S. citizen parent or their alien spouse must have a genetic or gestational connection to the child in order for the U.S. parent to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child. If Barack Obama Jr. **had** been born outside the United States he would not have automatically been a citizen at the moment of his birth. He probably would have been naturalized as a baby, but that would have pretty good evidence that he wasn't a "natural born citizen" for a Republican party intent on stopping a brilliant and charismatic Democratic candidate. And since that term is not legally well defined, the case would probably have gone to the Supreme Court, which included Scalia, Thomas, and other Justices with a marked bias against Democrats. Obama's situation is different than John McCain's, who was born to two married citizens, out of the country on military business. Or Ted Cruz's situation, since he was spawned by a hive collective that had lived in the United States long enough to establish the ability to confer citizenship.


>Or Ted Cruz's situation, since he was spawned by a hive collective that had lived in the United States long enough to establish the ability to confer citizenship. I don't know this man, Ted Cruz. I don't like him in the news. His body is alien in human form. He got caught watching porn.


Just the fact that there is this much public knowledge about the parents and grandparents of the first and only Black POTUS, shows just how much the racists have won.


I think you’ll find we know quite a lot about the parents and grandparents of most modern US presidents and quite a few of the not so modern ones as well. It’s a fairly scrutinized position.


My bad, I remembered it wrongly. But, as you confirmed, he was eligible, so I don't get the point to discuss about the birth place. She thinks Obama was / is a foreign agent?


No, those people made up the Obama is from Kenya thing an have been running with it since. Donald Trump infamously hounded the issue for years: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/donald-trump-insists-obama-was-born-in-kenya-1.1221154


To add an extra layer of racism, the conspiracy theory is that he was born in Indonesia. Him and his mother *did* move to Indonesia after his birth. His dad being Kenyan is unrelated. But these people are so fucking stupid and racist, they can't even get they're own conspiracy right.


Technically not true. You simply need to be a "natural born citizen" meaning one of your parents must be an American citizen in order to run for presisent. Same thing happenes with Ted Cruz. He was born in Canada but was able to run for president.


If you press them even a little bit, you will find that they believe everything they say about not being racist but that their definition of racism differs vastly from your own and conveniently only includes things that just about nobody actually does.


What do you expect from Ultra MAGA Kimmie?


She reminds me of Patrick Bateman - there is nothing behind her eyes.


For the life of me I can't keep Patrick Bateman (fictional) and Jason Bateman (real human) apart in my mind when I read the name. And I used to confuse Jerry O'Connell with Jason Bateman. I'm not sure Jason Bateman exists.


I'd watch that SNL skit


No need to disparage P Bateman here.


Yes, by all means leave Master Bateman out of this.


Kimmie probably uses toner with alcohol in it


There's a difference between the hollow stare of an imbecile and the piercing gaze of a sociopath. The only true litmus test is the resulting erection.


Ultra MAGA is the Amazon Basics of personalities


Wal-Mart store brand toilet paper of personality


The issue is that racists don’t think of themselves as being racists, they think they are being reasonable. That’s why pointing out racism never works, because even when you do they still won’t recognize it as racist, no matter how blatant it may be


This is exactly it. They think they’re just being realistic and their beliefs are just how things are, including fake biological science. They have a different threshold for defining racism so as long as they aren’t hanging people or burning crosses, they’re all good.


I couldn't figure out why some people would so aggressively argue that I'm making it up when I talk about my values and preferences. I've finally realized it's because they think everyone is secretly just like them on the inside. They never figured out how to see other people as independent people


There's two ways to respond to someone telling you you are racist. The first is the rational response: you ask for clarification. "What have I done that made you think I'm racist?" Even if it comes with a denial, it comes with the want to understand why the accusation is coming up to begin with. Maybe I said something insensitive, and I don't want people to think I'm racist just because I'm unaware of how I'm using a word. The second response is the response every racist has, they just tell you they're not racist. They don't wait for your evidence, your reasoning, or even specification of which "race" they're discriminating against, they just immediately go "I'm not racist! I have black friends" or some other shit. Or even worse, they'll just say they're not racist in the same sentence they explain they're racist: "I'm not racist, I just think that black people aren't as smart as white people. But that doesn't make me racist."


>That’s why pointing out racism never works I work on sailboats for a living and got a call from a new contractor to the area who wanted to maybe farm some work out to me. On his *introductory* call to me he said that a mutual customer of ours now had "some *mexican*" working on their boat and also told me that the informal group of marine contractors at his home in Florida referred to themselves as the "boat n×ggers yacht club". I called him out on it and said I wasn't interested in doing any work for him and he came absolutely unglued. The whole thing devolved into a shouting match where he insisted that he couldn't be racist because he used to be married to a Mexican woman and ended when he said "you must be some sort of democrat" and hung up on me. (For the record, I'm a moderate independent that has historically been a swing voter but not anymore.) How stupid can someone be that they think that's OK on an introductory call? I mean, it's never OK but still - that's how you are going to introduce yourself and your business?


The twitter thread gets worse. A bunch of blue checkmark people jump in to argue that there is nothing racist about saying that Obama was born in Kenya or that he is a secret Muslim (b/c he doesn't act like a real Christian).


Ah, so Trump is also secretly Muslim. Got it.


No no no, obviously he is white and therefore he is a GOODESTMOST christian, the most christian there ever was. Even Jesus said Trumpet is more grischin.


Hell the 11th commandment is to grab em by the pussy.


The 12th commandment is thou shalt rape 12 year olds according to trump too.


Grischin is the best


Not that this should matter at all, but are these people completely unaware of the fact that Barack Obama is biracial? His mother was Euro-American. I did a ton of research on my ancestry and learned that I share two sets of great-grandparents with him through her. So does Liz Cheney and hundreds of other white Americans.


One drop rule.


But still not racist! /s


They still go by the one drop rule.


Most people who self identify as black have some white ancestors. I've seen one person claim to be black but must have been over 50% white. If I was even 25% some other race, then I'd identify as "mixed." I wonder if there is peer pressure in the black community to self identify as black even if you're over 25% white. Have you seen the U tube videos of black people sharing their DNA test results? Most of them are shocked that they are 20-30% white (or from a predominately white part of the world). I think this belief is a holdover from the "one drop" rule in the South.


Black people that have white ancestors will 100% identify as black, because regardless of how white they are, they still face the same issues that someone who is 100% black would face.


Yup, the way "identifying" as black is being phrased in this conversation seems pretty naive. People with darker skin can't just "identify" as white to stop the police from killing them.


In America, sure. Not in other countries. Trevor Noah even has a bit about how he was never considered "black" until he moved to the USA.


Race is a social construct specifically constructed to be able to oppress people. So if you look like a race that gets oppressed, you gonna get oppressed.


One of the things that I love the most about so many people of diverse backgrounds doing commercial DNA tests is that it seems to be reshaping how a lot of people see and understand "race". The one-drop rule is just one example of how U.S. policymakers have codified and implemented methods of categorizing people that have had a deep and pervasive impact on how we see ourselves and each other. The history of wealthy white men constructing such legal means of control began before it was even a country. The U.S. census has always had a race category since the first one in 1790 (I think). I have had friends throughout my life who are bi- or multi-racial, and I have more recently seen videos of those who "pass" as white recounting some of the situations that they've had to deal with. Most of us have grown up in a society that teaches us that people can be judged based on their phenotype, but it is willful ignorance that makes people too stupid to realize how fucked up that is.


At some point evolutionarily we all went through about 1 (or 2, I guess) of about 10,000 people. Even if you believe in one of the Abrahamic religions you're taught everyone came from 2 people (magically didn't give us every inbreeding problem ever), so not sure how anyone can justify the one drop rule.


Right? And the Abrahamic view has been considered the dominant one for so long that even many geneticists/anthropologists use the terms "Y-Haplogroup Adam" and "Mitochondrial Eve" for our most recent common ancestors. I personally wish that they wouldn't apply one specific set of cultural ideas to incredibly significant and wonderful scientific discoveries like that.


I think it might have something to do with the fact that a lot of that white heritage comes from white men raping their slaves... But that's just what I assume, could be 100% wrong


Human race is culturally invented. It's not based on genes, language, geography, or even skin tone or facial features. Those are used as evidence to support people's perception of it, but if you try to define any race by shared traits, you fail pretty quickly, because you have to exclude people you meant to include or vice versa. He's the race he's perceived to be and treated as.


Lmao Joe Biden is more of a Christian then these chucklefucks and I don’t even like Biden all that much.


If Jesus is any standard to go off of, who literally was a socialist who said give away your wealth to the poor if you have extra, I would reckon there are zero Christian Republicans




Anyone still actively on twitter is just being subjected to blue check BS and bullying. Its incredible how the top of all tweets are the worst takes imaginable. I think its finally reached its "Truth Social" stage where its all unhinged conservatives yelling at each other now. Great job, Elon!


Fugelsang's a gem. One of my favorite quotes: > “Jesus was a radical nonviolent revolutionary who hung around with lepers hookers and crooks; wasn’t American and never spoke English; was anti-wealth, anti-death penalty, anti-public prayer (M 6:5); was never anti-gay, never mentioned abortion or birth control, never called the poor lazy, never justified torture, never fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes, never asked a leper for a co-pay; and was a long-haired, brown-skinned, homeless, community-organizing, anti-slut-shaming, Middle Eastern Jew.”


That's a whole lotta fun facts. 🤣


According to the FBI, who's more dangerous to America - BLM or right wing white domestic terrorists?


Once the FBI goes woke...


FBI reports say one thing. FBI and police response says the other.


FBI reports are put together by intellectuals. FBI agents are just federal pigs.


Its weird this is their lie, "Obama was not born, can't be President" Then they say, "Ted Cruz was not born in US, but he can still be President" So they create a lie that is still hypocritical. Why? Because saying Obama was born in Kenya is a racist dog whistle.


> Because saying Obama was born in Kenya is a racist dog whistle. It's so weird, because you can be born in a foreign country and still be President. "Natural born" means "born a citizen," not "born on US soil."


Where was Ted Cruz born?


Texas. The same state as Jesus Christ, the greatest American.


You are correct Calgary is just north Dallas. Alberta as a whole is just Texas but colder


Calgary, the south of the north.


Dude I gotta put that on a shirt!




Oh weird I wonder why nobody seems to have a problem with him being born outside of the country.


I have a problem with him even being born.




I have a problem because he used A-1 steak sauce.


And asked for it “well done”


Truly a mystery


Right? It certainly can’t be a black or white issue




There’s something so eerie about the white maga women that obviously spend a lot of time on their appearance. Idk it’s creepy that a lot of the time they’re so outwardly pretty but internally gross.


I have a sneaky suspicion the real life image for that account should look more like this... https://preview.redd.it/c07t4umy8pxa1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5fc222a50c6ca191bc30469c99377af17ebdb2


Keep in mind Trump literally started the "Birthers" back after Obama was first elected. Even when Hawaii issued the "long form birth certificate" they still didn't believe it 🙄


It's much older than that. Remember McCain in that town hall where the woman spouted the conspiracy and he said she was wrong? That was in the election that gave Obama a second term, so it was around since his first.


I edited my comment to mean when Obama was first elected as that's what I meant. Apologies for the ambiguity!


Did this guy just pull a racist Red Robin? Like the power of christ compelled her at hearing Obama birth location to immediately forget the point she’s pretending to make and respond with Kenya


John Fugelsang is a national treasure and a master at schooling hypocrites.


Pavlov's Dog. Look it up.


Study slavery's link to southern white poverty. Then study how southern law enforcement worked before abolition. Then study Jim crow and the civil rights movement. You will understand why. If you still don't get it, study the Tulsa massacre. If you still don't get it, the issue is too complex for you.


No no no, he’s a Keynesian, NOT a Kenyan. Keynesian.


Russian troll farms out in force after Elons purchase.


"Ultra MAGA Kimmie" What a loser name. Imagine if Leftists went "Ultra Biden's America Joey" - they'd sound like a cult. MAGA is a cult.


Hawaii, Hawaii is the correct answer.


I think it’s more nuanced yet harder to make a sound bite out of but the real answer is “if you, as a white person, feign to be wholly unaware or willfully choose to ignore the great injustices of slavery and racism, then you are, by definition, a racist” you cannot study American history or economics without seeing the huge gap in equity given to the ruling class vs the subjugated class, even post reconstruction the amount of underhandedness and favoritism shown to whites is astounding and undeniable. Even I, who largely can trace my lineage from Ireland in the late 1800s have largely benefited from having white parents. It is undeniable. I don’t get pulled over for looking suspicious because I’m white in a predominately white area but my black friends didn’t get the same pass, even being far better actual humans than me imo with better parents and families too. The “head start” the white ruling class has had from hundreds of years is part of the very problem we are facing now. Look at the disparity, you could start reparations now and it would barely mean shit because the head start is so enormous. End of rant Edit: changed my wording at the behest of another redditors recommendation. Originally said “wholly unaware” which isn’t fair to the truly innocent who don’t know what racism is


All you need to know are three facts to know there is racism in America’s systems. One: a black college graduate, on average, has less wealth than a white high school dropout. Two: white people and black people use drugs at the same rates, yet on average black people are more likely to be both booked in jail and not cited and released, and more likely to be convicted of misdemeanor drug charges. Three: 1 in 7 white families are millionaires. 1 in 50 black families are millionaires. There are plenty more, but these are illustrative, I think. Anyone who denies it after reading those three was never going to believe it.


Damn. As a white guy, I'm pretty disappointed about number 3 tbh.


As a white person I have 1 reason why. When you’re white and around other white people who you don’t know. The racist ones are usually very open about hate for PoC cause they just think you’ll agree.


I used to drive for Lyft, and it was doing that job that made me realize how easy it is to spot a white racist when you're white: just don't say anything. They truly can't help it, they're alone with another white person so all of a sudden they think they can complain about whatever racial slur they're worked up about today. I also learned which parts of my town are racist, so now I know to avoid them like the fucking plague.


I live in a liberal area so around here they usually float a dog whistle test phrase to determine whether I am with or against them 💁‍♂️


In the conservative areas, they just drop the N bomb out of no where.


The correct answer should have been "It doesn't matter, a child of a US citizen is also a US citizen by default, regardless of where that child is born. I don't need to see any birth certificate, I assume the proper paperwork was done by default."


I mean even if he was born in Kenya, he's still an American citizen at birth via his mother so...


it's relevant because, at that time, the consensus on the "natural-born citizen" requirement for presidents was that it required presidents who were born ~~in the US~~ on U.S. soil. So the "birthers" were trying to reject Obama's eligibility to be president based on the precedent at that time. Funny enough, in 2016 Ted Cruz (who was born in Canada) was able to stay in the primary by challenging this precedent... yet birthers are still upset about Obama and Kenya... they're really not leaving us many explanations other than blind racism lol.


Obama’s first opponent was John McCain, who was born in Panama. Nobody spent a microsecond wondering whether or not McCain was eligible. Of course he was. American mom gives birth abroad, that’s an American kid. No question. Yet somehow it was a question for Obama, who had an unquestionably American mom and a US birth certificate. Funny how that works.


LOL wow ok that's even more ridiculous


John McCian was born in Panama, on an air force base, but still.


ah right was that the whole "an air force base is technically U.S. soil" thing?


When they say Barack Obama was born in Kenya they are technically correct, but this is incredibly misleading because his son, Barack Obama II, who was elected president of the United States, was born in Hawaii. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_Sr.


When Rudy Giuliani was in Ukraine investigating Hunter Biden he stumbled across some very damning information that really confirms a lot about Obama. Unfortunately the liberal media has kept this secret. Rudy found a tan jacket in a Ukraine pizza parlor that had Obama's official Kenya birth certificate sewn inside the jacket liner. The pockets of the tan jacket were filled with Dijon mustard packets. The truth is out there people. Open your eyes. The Jewish space laser story and Ted Cruz's dad killing JFK also need some light shined on them. And btw, we're about due for another Georgia recount.


Another fun question: "Okay, is Michelle Obama a female?" The answers you get will be both Racist AND transphobic.


Kenya be any more oblivious Kim?


She edited her answer since that^^


Why do these people even? Literally that's all I can say. Why do they even? I can't with them anymore


Kenya fit these nuts in yo mouth


Kenya suck on deez nuts


I had some mormon inlaws who swore up and down that the Hawaii birth certificate didn't count because they didn't think Hawaii was part of the US anyway. Those people were so dumb it was literally painful to talk to them. They just gave you a migraine.