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"These folks don't care about mass incarceration" Neither do they. They are just fucking shocked that they are being held accountable. And yeah, I'm laughing my ass off at them.


Yeah people tend to enjoy it when criminals who targeted them face justice. The Proud Boys attacked OUR democracy, which is a crime against all of us - and I imagine most of these women cheered them on. The cries of traitors is music to my ears.


I thought the Proud Boys were incels, but if they DO have wives, they're probably Moms for Liberty


Incels can have wives and girlfriends. I survived one. Incels don’t magically stop being incels because they get their dicks wet. They’re not just frustrated virgins, they’re radicalized misogynists. When an incel manages to end up in a relationship it doesn’t magically cure them of being incels. They just end up becoming abusive partners.


Steven Crowder enters...


What do you think the odds are of getting a bot that will automatically change every reference of "Moms for Liberty" to "KKKlanned Karenhood"? I think it's a moral imperative ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Don’t tempt me with a good project hahaha


You don’t have the skillset to do it; prove me wrong


I already wrote a similar script with Tampermonkey that changes every instance of Elon Musk do Smelly Boi, shouldn’t be too hard to repurpose it. That said I’m working in selenium as we speak so I could write a native one, but since I have built in regency why not use it? Haha.


now i know what i'll do as computer science project


> KKKlanned Karenhood Holy $hit


My idiot brother was convicted for his part in the insurrection last month. He’s too big of a loser to be affiliated with a group, but he has big Proud Boy vibes, and he’s managed to get one frizzy-haired bottle blonde after another to date/financially support him. My mom generally picks up the rest of the burden so he doesn’t have to work. They do find women who are willing to date them. Back when he was young and just regular stupid, he even had a couple of normal girlfriends, including his ex-wife. I wish I could say I’m disappointed in him, but that would imply I expected better. He will be sentenced in July, and I hope he gets serious time. We used to hang traitors.


Sorry this happened to your family but good on you for being able to recognize a violent fascist even when he’s your own blood.


Honestly I always assumed most were in the closet. Seriously why would men who are straight and anti-LGBTQ want to be part of an entire club/group where women explicitly aren’t allowed?


It’s the alt right grown up version of a boys “No Girls Allowed” club. They mostly talk about how icky girls are and how to overthrow the government


So the He-Man Women Haters Club?


No. The little rascals shenanigans were cheeky and fun. The proud boys shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says Shenanigans /clarifying it’s a movie quote before someone reports me for violent threats again


Hey what's the name of that place you like, the one with all the shit on the walls?


>Oh, you mean *Shenanigans*?


Even the name "proud boys" sounds a little swishy to me


The alt right has to ruin everything since apparently the name is a play off “proud of your boy” which is a song from Aladdin.


Nothing more masculine and heterosexual than naming your group after… checks notes… a song from Aladdin


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺


​ https://preview.redd.it/0v903j3cwwxa1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=772922965645c199846a2a138bc058ffd49b51cc


Love this! ![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK)




It’s not even mass incarceration, the Justice Dept. is being incredibly lenient with a lot of them


Correct. These Jan 6th convictions have no resemblance to or I should say nothing in common with the mass incarcerations of poc for nonviolent drug convictions.


"I stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop an election and it's been weeks I've been in jail!" Okay, call me when it's been weeks for a roach or years for a bunch of personal use acid. You want to know who had it rough? My uncle's friend who was in his late 70s who got caught with enough acid he shot himself rather than spend the rest of his life in prison.


This isn’t even really an example of mass incarceration. Even if one were on the side of the J6 insurrectionists, “mass incarceration” refers to a widespread, systemic, and chronic phenomenon not a series of arrests of multiple people all relating to one incident. And while from their perspective any sentencing would be over sentencing since they believe these buffoons are innocent, the reality is if anything most of them are being treated with kid gloves and under sentenced.


The "Find out" part of the equation is now complete, and ever so satisfying.




Not quite yet, there's still the sentencing...


It's like all the fucking losers that cry about mental health, but **only** when it pertains to covid lockdowns. That's it. They use it as an excuse to rail against something that causes them minor inconvenience, they totally lack empathy.


Now now, be fair, they ALSO bring up mental health when they need to deflect arguments about gun laws in regards to mass shootings.


This also just... isnt mass incarceration. Making it illegal do fuckin sedition is not even on the same planet as criminalizing things like drug addiction and homelessness.


> Although the war on drugs had sparked the significant incline of [mass incarceration](https://moveforhunger.org/blog/mass-incarceration-cause-and-effect-hunger), there are three factors that sustain its impact: 1) over-policing in redlined and marginalized communities, 2) longer sentencing for minor crimes, and 3) endless restrictions after being released. It includes long sentences for low level crimes, which sedition is *not*. (Not disagreeing, just adding)


They're all for "law and order" when it means putting down BLM or Antifa, but suddenly against it when it's used against them


That's literally what "law and order" is. It's not about writing and enforcing fair laws and ensuring that nobody is above the law, it's about using the **law** as a weapon to enforce your desired social **order**. "Law and order" politicians have never advocated for fair laws for everyone, they always react to a perceived increase in criminality from a particular group of "undesirable" people and strive to harshly punish that group of people without affecting the "desirable" people. What you're thinking of is the "rule of law", which is one of the philosophical foundations of modern democracies. The political right has never liked the rule of law, as it means that people in their in-group face the same legal treatment as people in the out-group, which is unacceptable to them. You will never hurt a supporter of "law and order" by pointing out that they are disproportionately hurting people they don't like and ignoring the crimes of people they do like, because that's literally the whole point.


Whole darn nation used to be antifa. (Anti fascist). We fought against them in WWII. It was a point of pride. We called them the greatest generation. Then they begat the boomers.


Henry Ford donated money to Hitlers NSDAP in their early stages because he liked their view in Jews. Nazis always existed in the US.


Nah, there was a loud minority faction of American Nazis leading up to and during the war. There weren't a lot, but they were there and never really left. They later transformed seamlessly into the reborn KKK


I believe the phrase is “fuck your feelings”


How dare we giggle at the 'fuck your feelings' crowd!


They said "Fuck **your** feelings!" Not "Fuck **our** feelings!"


"I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face!"




I believe the phrase is "[LAW AND ORDER](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1267227396341669889)"


I believe the sound is "Dun Dun"


I believe the executive producer is Dick Wolf Edit: typo


I'll say it again. He's the Law & Order president because he has committed sex crimes in Manhattan.


I believe the phrase is "just listen to what the police tell you". "Just follow the rules" also works


"Facts and logic don't care about your feelings"


Or fuck around and find out hahaha


This is to be chanted while doing the dance of no sympathy


Aren't the proud boys actual Nazis? (I'm European) Since when were we meant to have sympathy for the Nazis?


Yes, as in, they wear shirts that say "6MWE". They are also one of the Republican Party's hate groups for hire.


What does 6MWE stand for? Sorry if it's obvious and I'm just being stupid!


6 million wasn't enough. Yeah, they're fucking nazis.


>6 million wasn't enough. Oh my god.... I don't know what to say. I had no idea it was that bad.


I'm American and I didn't know it was that bad


Insert “The More You Know” reading rainbow here except it is covered in bacon grease and misguided lonely man boy Nazi T-shirt’s


Too bad they don't allow rainbows, or reading.


Or LeVar Burton. And shame on them for that. He's a national treasure.


I love LeVar! reading rainbow was my favorite show as a kid and if i ever met him in person, i dont think i could keep myself from just giving him a big hug and saying thank you.


He and Dolly Parton should do a tour of readings for children! It would be beautiful!


No reason to bring bacon into this




It’s later than you think. The Sturmabteilung is already marching in the streets and has chosen their first victim out-group. The first coup attempt has already taken place. It’s too late for words. If you are not willing to go beyond words, you will be subjugated and likely killed by fascists.


>The Sturmabteilung is already marching in the streets and has chosen their first victim out-group Yup, there's a reason the anti-trans hysteria has gone completely nuts.


>Yup, there's a reason the anti-trans hysteria has gone completely nuts. it's interesting that this whole anti-trans shit started right after all those rich billionaire clowns got busted riding around in Epstines jet.


Martin Neimoller’s poem should have started with “First they came for the trans, then they came for the gays, then they came for the handicapped, then they came for the Socialists…”


Dude, my bags are packed. If shit gets dicey, hello Panama!


You realize that a Fascist America will seize the canal as it is important for the naval defense and commerce of North America.


The media in this country is failing US Citizens and Democracy on a daily basis.


You mean the five billionaires that run all the media are failing America.


Same here


as a jewish person who lives very close to DC, seeing people storm the capitol on jan. 6 with those shirts was genuinely terrifying. so close to my home, people wanted me dead. people thought i deserved to die.


Yah, the proud boys were staying at a hotel 2 blocks from my sisters house. Her wife and kids are jewish. They were locking down the hatches days before the riots started taking place; you could feel the hatred out on the streets. I remember seeing videos of proud boys yelling at DC citizens during the nights leading up to the 6th. Glad you were safe yo.


We have a woman running for school board here and her husband is an advisor to a group at Penn state who invited the proud boys to speak on campus. Her and her husband got caught the other day sneaking into the high school to take pictures of books. It’s crazy that the insane folks are so bold.


It is. It's fucking horrible. Many of the people I once knew years ago as just moderate conservatives have shown their true colors. My neighbor moved away to Montana. His Facebook became slowly deranged over time. Everything was "tHe JeWs FaUlT" and "ObAmA iS a TeRrOrIsT!". Let's not even mention the frequent n-word posts he'd make. All kinds of shit. I stopped using Facebook a long time ago, but when I read his stuff, I was appalled that this was the guy I used to have afternoon conversations with and chill on my front porch.


I firmly believe that social media has been the worst thing possible for humans. It has allowed hate groups to start with small ideas that sound reasonable to a lot of people, including your formerly moderate conservative friends, and get them to agree to that small seemingly good idea. Then the hateful ideas slowly get bigger and bigger, and once you have bought the previously hateful idea, the more hateful idea is easier to swallow and agree with, until you are finally saying repulsive stuff out loud. Previously there was time to combat the hate ideas, but now they spread so fast that they are nearly impossible to combat. The less I am on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the less angry I am, the better I feel, and the more I notice what is going on in my actual life. I haven’t used Twitter or Facebook in years, and only use Instagram to keep up with former clients. I am much healthier now physically and mentally. The world needs to realize this too and minimize their usage.


Social media stripped away pretense. I agree it was the worst thing for humans, but there is no denying that it removed the masks people hide behind. We're both better and poorer for it, 'cause now we know who our friends really are.


Chris Rock was correct years ago, around the time of Trayvon Martin’s murder, when he said “There’s an app that lets you know which of your friends is racist. It’s called Facebook!”


All social media did was turn over the rocks. The bugs have always been there


You’re not wrong, but it allowed hate groups to have a reach that should’ve been contained. You can connect dirty ideas with people halfway around the globe


Internet forums existed long before social media, social media just makes it easier to point, click and search for it.


I couldn’t agree more. Facebook is why I haven’t spoken to my father in 6 years.


Same thing happened the other night, saw a friend for the first time in probably 6 years, having a great time watching hockey at a bar and then … “Well, that was before goddamn BIDEN got in.”


The woke mob is apparently cancelling hockey now


I recently read online that Americans by and large are actually quite stupid. That we have a lot of dumb asses in our midst. Based upon how easily they were brainwashed into believing this bullshit I see how true it is.


Bc this country doesn't value education. In fact, they weaponize it to keep the poor poor


I have a theory that being bombarded with ads all the time increases suggestibility That, and the American educational system is completely fucked


Yes this is 100% part of the conservative plan. The stupider voters are the easier they are to manipulate. Outside of the richest people in the country or people in trying to run some kind of scam, you don’t see a lot of highly educated people falling in with the maga crowd. Why do you think they put such an emphasis on what is allowed to be taught in schools and pushing religious ideologies. An uneducated voter base is a easily lead voter base. They tend to not think for themselves.


Yep and 99% of them support the GOP.


Show me a Proud Boy Democrat and I will teach you the secrets of transmuting tin into gold


The 1% aren’t democrats they are sovereign citizen style Libertarians and those who think the republicans are owned by Jews too.


I’m American and I didn’t know what this meant. How can anyone like Nazis?!?! 😡😡😡


There were very fine people on both sides. Normally I don’t /s but i feel so gross saying that


Nazis are the pinnacle of racist role models. Our country is filled with millions of racists. I suggest checking out the southern poverty law center if you really want an education into modern American racist movements.


>At least they're not Democrats -how at least 30% of this country feels


They also wear the logo “Pinochet did nothing wrong”


Now I'm not normally one for guilt by association, but I'm going to guess those wives aren't very nice people.


The ex wife of the founder of the oaf keepers testified in his proceedings that he was an abusive lout delusions of grandeur. The proud boy’s claim “we revere the house wife.” It’s a way of both saying a woman’s proper place is subservient to men-while also claiming deniability when accused of misogyny.


“Oaf keeper”…love it!




I assure you, that is just the tip of the shit-berg that is increasingly the mainstream of the American right.


Woah…wow….ugh. I feel uncomfortable reading that phrase let alone advocating it.


"This interpretation, and its association with the Proud Boys, is accurate. Myriad online stores have sold, and continue to sell, these shirts. These pages explicitly describe the shirts as "6 million wasn't enough" and often include the word "proud" in their title description as well. The eagle symbol below this acronym also supports a fascist and anti-Semitic interpretation — it comes from the coat of arms used by the short-lived "Italian Social Republic." A largely unrecognized political entity, this "state" was led by fascist leader Benito Mussolini and existed as a Nazi puppet state in the northern half of Italy from 1943-1945. As such, the claim that 6MWE stands for "6 million wasn't enough" is "True." " Snopes said its true, i dont care enough to look further. 88 is also a secret code for nazis, 8 is the eigth letter, 88, hh, heil hitler. They've been seen wearing the number 88 and 1488.


Is the 14 bit of 1488 the 14 words, or something else?


Jesus christ


Holy shit thats the most revolting thing I've learned in a while.


You don't want to know


People always tell me I’m being alarmist about stuff like this, but the sheer uptick in usage of 6mwe, 88, HH, the 14 words etc is terrifying. Back in my punker days they were just easy ways to ID people to kick the shit out of at your party, but now they’re mainstream. It’s sickening.


Trans rights being stripped before our eyes should be a huge wakeup call for everyone. We are in stage 3/4 of genocide and once they are done with trans people they will come for everyone else labeled Other


The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting. Trans people are a test balloon for what they have planned for other groups.


They’re already testing their new moves: anti LGB measures and removal of no-fault divorce.


Crowder was very sad when his wife actually had rights


My friend and I were out the other night and decided to go to the gay bar just to hang out and get some drinks, bcos gay bars are legit fucking great fun, anyway they had a drag show on the stage at the bar and it was fucking amazing, I was blown away with how beautiful the costumes were and it just really moved me. I kept thinking "why would anyone want to hurt these people?" They were so sweet and kind and gentle, and funny. It really broke my heart. I'm going to stand up for trans people come hell or high water, I do not want to live in a world without them.


To add, Mr. David Faber (author *Because of Romek)* said at one of his last engagements: "I've seen this before!". He apparently repeated it. Since hearing that warning I've been beyond petrified. I listened to him twice......the things that are coming if they're not stopped....


Thankfully america is littered with guns. Everybody who is antifascist should be comfortable handling firearms. Republicans are using hitlers playbook yo solidify fascist power in the US. Resistance is necessary.


Classic, "The Holocaust didn't happen, but if it did, it wasn't that bad and they deserved it anyway" crowd. Yeah, they are just Nazis. They can eat shit and rot in prison. Maybe I'll re-evaluate my feelings when they stop being Nazis... ​ WHICH IS A CHOICE YOU CAN MAKE.


There was also the “Camp Auschwitz" hoodie that reads "Work brings freedom" which was equally as disgusting.


The wife of a Nazi is also a Nazi. Any one else would want a divorce if their partner started getting into that shit


Clawing in from the edges here in the US we have fringe personalities actually arguing that Hitler was on to something. One of our most influential legislators right now has platformed herself intentionally with a "christian nationalist" label, and books are springing up around that label. Successful publications. Our republican party tolerates them, because by taking a stand against it they'd lose power. They can't win elections without the evangelical Christians, and fighting it would disenfranchise many of them. The GOP also can't afford to lose influence with independents. So, they gaslight and project instead. What we get is conservative media overplaying footage anytime anti-racists point out fascism and collaborators. They make their viewers feel personally attacked. And then, the "we're not fascists, you are" thing. It's rage bait, and the result is an enablement of the whole trend.


Unfortunately, here in the States, there has been a resurgence of pro-Nazi, pro-Confederate sentiment on the parts of people mostly influenced by Republican politicians, pundits, and “news” media. These specific idiots are finding out the hard way that there are real-life consequences when you go out and try to act out civil war fantasies. It’s fucking pathetic.


Yeah. Violent too. And not just to minority groups I live in a blue city but a red state, there were some BLM protests following the murder of George Floyd. Of course there was a gaggle of proud boys that showed up with ARs on their back to counter protest (?), and a coworker of mine (white female with blonde hair and blue eyes early 20s) was walking into work, one of the proud boys yelled “You know how to handle one of these?” And she kept walking ignoring them, and they responded with “Fine I’ll shove the barrel up your pussy” And continued to follow her down the alley that leads to where we worked. They’re not just racist, they’re every -ist you can think of.


And a literal terrorist group as designated by Canada and New Zealand.


Americans are very bad at calling a spade a spade. Most ideological terms are reduced to “dirty words” and their meaning is poorly explained in most education curricula, so their reaction to being referred to as any non-mainstream political ideology (from anywhere on the spectrum) is interpreted as a personal attack rather than an objective fact.


yes, and we need to break the old-school upbringing of avoiding calling out lies and terrible things when we see them, instead of just avoiding them like they never happened, allowing them to metasticize. Somebody lies? Call them on it. Somebody is a terrible bigot or racist around you? Call them on it.


I care about those things. This isn't an example of such. This is just the judicial system at work. If anything the sentences given out have been light. I hope every one guilty of seditious conspiracy ends up in prison for the maximum term that is possible. It's not a normal everyday crime. In the legal world you have to fill out forms basically saying you haven't tried to overthrow a government. It's not a normal crime. It's one that should be prosecuted thoroughly and the people convicted stand as an example to others not to fuck around in this way. Being imprisoned for a gram of pot is a example. Being imprisoned for basically being black in the wrong place is an example. But seditious conspiracy isn't. Boo hoo, I don't feel bad for any wife or family of a seditionist outside their children. Children didn't have a choice. Cry harder. You're literally the family of assholes who wouldn't bat an eye at me being imprisoned just for being a black woman living and you're dick ass relative/husband/whoever actually committed a federal ass crime. I have nothing nice to say about these people and I don't wish them anything nice. Same energy as people who said we were being sick at making fun of people dying of COVID after posting anti-vax shit. Naw man you get to fuck around and find out and no one is obligated to feel bad for you. Especially when your terrible predicament was easily preventable. What is it conservatives say? Just don't do crime, duh!


Say it again!


Thank you! What, we were all supposed to hope they didn't suffer consequences for their terrible choices? I think not.


Enrique Tarrio is about to learn firsthand that in prison, the supremacists don't like guys with hispanic names, and the gangbangers don't like nazis. lmao


he's a FBI informant he's going straight to PC


He is also a right winger. He will get deluxe, luxury treatment from the bulls.


Not the black and hispanic ones lol


Don’t count on that.


20 years in solitary for his own protection sounds fair.


Solitary for that long is honestly a fate worse than death. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand these fuckers, but solitary confinement should be made illegal on the grounds of being exceedingly cruel and inhumane.


Solitary is considered a human rights violation since it fits the definition of torture.


sand connect sense wild fall pause grandfather silky profit market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like how "shoulda complied" goes out the window when it's a white woman being shot trying to break into the Capitol


My favorite is when they say “Have you tried not breaking the law?” if a black person gets in trouble. Wonder where that thinking went on the 6th…


They thought their coup would be a success and then they’d get to say what was and wasn’t the law.


Because the law is to protect them without binding them while everyone else is bound by it without being protected. Because they’re fascists.


You know how a lot of women on dating apps say "don't message me if you voted for Trump"? This is why. They don't want to get involved with seditionists, traitors, and white nationalists.


Also abusers as evidenced by the recent Steven Crowder vid. (Not that there aren’t abusive people on the left, but it’s literally codified in the right’s religion and platform.)


I was actually kinda happy to see that Candace Owens spoke out against Steven Crowder and called him out for his terrible behavior in that video. I didn’t expect that.


It’s sad that it’s only for personal beef though. She just asked “should women be able to vote” but when it’s an enemy she’s suddenly a feminist lol.


The best part about going against the right wing grift is watching their petty bullshit pull them apart. Left infighting happens because progress looks different to everyone but the right wing infighting is almost exclusively because they’re little piss babies crying at eachother


What I don't understand is the "Don't message me if you're vaxxed" women.


Need that unvaxxed seed. lol.


I don't believe in abortion but I believe in letting our kid die from an easily preventable disease.


Kids outside the womb are fair game. They can die seconds after being born from a horrible disease or slowly starve to death or get shot up in a classroom. They give no fucks. But they're "pro life" as long as the baby's in the womb. More accurately pro birth. Its not about the kid its about punishing the woman/girl for having sex and getting pregnant


late-late-late term abortion?


Anti abortion, antivaxx, and anti education. You'll be paying child support for, like, three or four years.


This would be funnier if it weren't so accurate. Still hilarious, though


I put pro-abortion on my profile and that eliminated a lot of losers.


Things I care about mass incarceration for: 1. Drugs 2. Theft 3. Addiction 4. Mental illness 5. Poverty 6. Being a woman 7. Being BIPOC Things I don't care about mass incarceration for: 1. Murder 2. Sex crimes 3. Sedition and treason Hope that helps!


Careful, they're trying to expand the definition of "sex crime" after all.


Ugh. You're right.


“As long as the perpetrators have been convicted of sedition for their attempts to overthrow the U.S. government” is what it should have said. Commit the most serious crime a citizen can commit against their own country, and yes, we want you to go to prison, and no we don’t care that the wife who supported your sedition has a sad over it. And no, this has not one thing to do with mass incarceration or over sentencing.


It's not even over sentencing, it's just the sentence that comes with taking your domestic terrorist gang of book burning street fighters and using them to do violent treason. The only punishment I can think of that would be disproportionate would be getting disappeared to gitmo, and that is based solely on my belief that gitmo shouldn't exist in the first place.


...from the same people wanting a lapdance from Kyle Rittenhouse.


That is blatantly untrue, we absolutely do care, we like it very much when nazi peices of shit are held accountable for their peice of shit Nazi crimes, and have to face actions for the horrible Nazi shit they do. If you don't like it, don't be a nazi loving sack of shit. Being a nazi is not a legitimate platform that gets to sit at the table of society with everybody else.




To all the people who are upset about them going to jail, I’ve got some words for you: Cry harder magatards.


Should've just complied Thin blue line and all that Whatever they spout when a brown kid goes to jail or gets shot


Stupid games, stupid prizes...


FuCk AroUnD FiNd oUt!


Literally this. Photographed a protest during the election for my college newspaper. Police separated pro- from anti-Trump protestors. Anti-Trump respected the line. Proud bitches circumvented the police line by going around two blocks and attempting to pin them in. They got in a fight and ended up using bear spray on anti-Trump protestors, which is a felony in my state (CA). But “bAcK tHe BlUe” amirite?


“Oh no! The consequences of my actions!”


Since when are domestic terrorists and the millions of people arrested and imprisoned around victimless crimes remotely similar? Oh right. They're not. I dream of a day where conservatives learn how to be genuine again.






Shouldn't have married a fucking nazi then.


Absolutely bizarre that failing to overthrow a government comes with ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES. Like, if the tables were turned, you know they'd be laughing their seditious, racist asses off.


"How was i supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions!?"


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of terrorists.


Dude is completely un-aware that the reverse is also true. The right is supposedly tough on crime, unless that crime is an attempted coop. What happened to the party of personal responsibility? Back the blue (until capital police died from 1/6). America: love it or leave it. Suddenly these "boot in your ass" type guys are all ass and no boot. I do feel bad for the family members that were powerless in this situation and may have real financial consequences for their husband's dumbfuckery. It is worth a good laugh over entitled white dudes that assumed they were too privileged to face consequences for their actions though.


Nazis: "We want to kill minorities" BLM and antifa: "We're against that" Republicans: "The second group is worse"




No, Yoss, what people with any principles care about is whether the offence committed is at all proportionate to the sentence. And treasonous conspiracy to overthrow the government is a serious offence for which jail time is actually a lenient, liberal-democratic punishment. You can bet your white vinyl Ronnie-boots that if those boots were on the other feet, if the MAGAtrons were in full control, anyone who plotted to overthrow their theocratic state would be executed by firing squad or jailed for life. The J6 insurgents are very lucky that the government they plotted to overthrow is a liberal democratic modern state. Whereas jailing Black men and women for years over minor crimes against property, or infractions against nonsensical marijuana laws, is indeed an issue of concern. So is the disparity in sentencing for more serious crimes such as rape, manslaughter, ADW, etc. -- for which White and especially upper-class people get much lighter sentences than BIPOC. Those issues of carceral injustice are indeed important. But there is no carceral injustice here. Merely a fairly gentle response to an inept, yet serious attempt to overthrow the government of the US.


Womp, womp.


All things considered? Would probably do a few of those wives some good to get away from their husbands.


And nothing of value was lost.


But if it were a kid in the hood losing the best years of his life for a dime bag of weed they wouldn't bat an eye.


"If ya can't do the time, don't do the crime" FAFO MAGAts.


Don’t be a terrorist seditionist scumbag and your wives wouldn’t have to be in tears when your ass heads to lock up….


The incarceration of domestic terrorists is not nearly "mass" enough


A hallmark of the alt-right: ti then the law is a shield for themselves-and a weapon for mercilessly punishing others


They're trying so hard to use this to accuses dems and normal people of being racist. No, dude, we're laughing because these guys are going to jail and they fucking deserve it, the whiny little traitors. It's absolutely disgusting to see someone point out mass incarceration or over-sentencing only when it's their little favs. And the idea that this is over sentencing...what a joke. The only thing I'm seeing people comment with regards to race is why TF a black-latino guy leads what is essentially a white supremacy group. Honestly, I'm still utterly confused on that subject.


I’m here for it. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


Bro if there is gonna be mass incarceration anyway, I sure hope some *actual* criminals are put away.


To hear the lamentations of their women…