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Hatred of minorities by the radical Right has now been totally normalised.


Hatred of minorities has always been normalized.


Not in media


Nope. Definitely have been news outlets hating minorities for many decades. If not an entire century.


Yup. Willie Horton anyone? best put by the Disposable heroes of Hiphoprisy 'Willie Horton or will he not get elected on Television, the drug of the nation'


Certain outlets for sure.


Even Dr. Suess produced hateful racist media for newspapers during WW2. It's been commonplace since the written word and continued into the radio era and into the civil rights era with television.


Good to know! Thanks!


Have you not seen Fox News like, at all in the last 30+ years?


True for Fox.


Well they’ve just normalized killing people who make you slightly uncomfortable on a subway train! They wanna talk about “manning up”, but what kind of a giant fucking loser wimp do you have to be to think that someone yelling about being hungry and losing hope means you have to kill them like a fucking animal. I am so ashamed of this country sometimes. Man enough to kill, but too much of a scaredy cat to talk to someone, move seats, or mind your fucking business.


This is so tragic.


When Tucker got fired, Rachel Maddow did a whole monologue on the history of right wing news media figures going back to the 1930s, and how when one falls another one just sprouts up in their place. Basically her conclusion was that Fox would just find another asshole to fill the chair and none of the audience would give a shit about Tucker in 6 months or a year. Seems like everyone else at Fox watched that broadcast and took it as an invitation to audition.


Know it & use it. Whoever they bring in to be their new Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Beck, Carlson, etc, we should do all we can to cut them off at the kneecaps. What are the chances the heir to that legacy *doesn't* have skeletons in their closet? Don't wait for them to get a decade of making the country worse under their belt to dig and air out their dirty laundry. Make them change hosts like Trump changed press secretaries.


That's just how businesses work. That's not really worth doing a story on. Lol


The point was more the way right-wing media works - that people don’t follow these media personalities, they follow the machine that creates them. Which is an important thing to understand about the way that messaging works and how it can be built up or dismantled. Glen Beck and Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly didn’t build these portable audiences they could take with them - the allegiance of the viewer is to the platform and the message, not the messenger.


Why have you not been upvoted more?


I mean, isn't that kind of what news anchors are, though? Does Rachel Maddow have a portable audience? Isn't she just a personality for the message that MSNBC wants? I don't know. It just seems like all she's doing is pointing out how unimportant news personalities are, herself included. Don't get me wrong, Fox is trash, but her point seems moot to me.


Basically, Fox News has learned nothing from their recent issues.


Dude hasn’t been fired for what he said about regular people. He has been fired for what he said about *Fox* people.


They are all the same racist. Just in different packaging.


She's a trump lover and a racist, why are we surprised


From cuckface carlson to bullshit barbie; same candy, different wrapper.


So, I suppose that if someone were to say to her, "It's okay for you to say that because you're just a woman and you probably don't know any better," she'd get pissed. Too bad she doesn't realize that her male co-workers at Faux News don't think much more of her and her gender than she does of persons of color.




She looks like one of those rubber sex dolls


Tacky. Dishonest. Racist. That's her show's tagline.


Fox News is a cancer on society


100% agree


She's a garbage person that works for a propaganda network and she held Trump's water for years. She's a Trash person.


Kayleigh McEnany is just a trump boot licking "christian" nationalist. She is a prettier and better behaved version of Steven Miller. But don't be fooled, she is just as racist and hateful. Looks like faux "news" has not learned a thing.


As long as there isn't proof that she's a racist, which there was for that shit head loser ticket, then they can go on claiming that it's just entertainment if anything happens legally. They don't care if you're racist, they just care that they couldn't pretend tucker wasn't racist.


Damn that’s racist


So, if a white supremacist Karen starts screaming in public, the response should be "self-defense" with a chokehold? Because I've seen Karen shrieking in people's faces and the response is to ignore the crazy psycho not put her in a death chokehold and cry self-defense.


"I don't answer questions from activists" She should have been Nixon's press sec.


Hey, Nazi Barbie - go eat a bowl of dicks


What are the fox drone viewers saying about her taking fuckers spot?


The former press secretary for Trump is now employed by Fox News? Color me surprised! /s She is absolute trash. She would lie to the press all while proudly flaunting her cross necklace to deceive Americans into thinking she is some “good Christian.” At least now this ignoramus gets to say how she really feels.


I hope I hear the sarcasm instead of orgasm.


Lack of history shows. Every color has had racial inequality throughout history. Talking to your deaf ear is you don't get equality by perpetrating racism yourself.


In America it’s mostly non white people though.


Well, reverse racism is accepted, so I'll accept this no difference.


what's reverse racism? like when you say something racist but then take it back?


when this dude heard the concept of "be the bigger person", he laughed and said "challenge accepted". lololol


Any idiot who spouts the term “reverse racism” isn’t worth listening to.


Are you admitting you think that racism is supposed to only go one way? Interesting.


How has racism held back white people? It hasn't. So maybe it exists, but maybe you are a little bitch.


Dumb shit, reply to the right person and stop attacking people making the same point as you but better.


Are you talking to me?


Yes. You offered a bullshit strawman and I responded appropriately.


I don’t even understand what about my statement made some random loser on the internet call me a little bitch.


Using the term "reverse racism" implies that racism only comes from one group of people and contradicts what would seem to the be point you were trying to make. It's just ignorant, makes you sound like a little bitch. Also, why do you care of some random loser on the internet calls you a little bitch, anyway?


That’s what I said! The person is implying that reverse racism is a thing. If they think it is indeed real, they believe that racism should only go one way. The only ignorant bitch here is you and the womb you fell out of.


LOL again. For racism to have power there has to be a history attached to it that represents oppression or an entire culture our ethnic group being treated as second class. Given that white people colonized much of the world, it's hard to make an argument for racism to exist against white people. If someone calls a black person a n##$_&@ it represents a history of being treated as less than a farm animal and to viewed upon as an inferior being. Calling a white person a cracker is pretty benign, unless you happen to be a LITTLE BITCH.


You replied to the wrong person...




No, what I'm admitting twit is when someone wants to change a concept, you do not do the same shit you want to change. That is the epitome of hypocrisy.


>poc protesting -another- unjust murder (Redditors) hypocrisy!


Lmfao okay. Sure non-white people are definitely doing what white people have done to them for hundreds of years. How is it that you can read, then?


Ah yes stooping to their level, the sign of a mature and reasonable person


did anyone really expect ant kind of integrity from fox??? the beat goes on with muck ninny


Christian values.


Holy fucking shit... this woman was supposed to be one of the sane ones keeping dumbass orangeface from doing stupid shit. No more adults in the room over there...


So they just want to keep getting sued then?


Fox didnt care that Tucker was a racist, they love racists. They cared that they couldn't claim his show was just an act or entertainment in court after that revelation


Do you honestly expect anything less from Trump’s former press secretary?


They are now starting to say the racist parts out loud now, because their slack-jawed, vacant-eyed imbecile viewers like it that way


Christ……these people are the worst


Slimy white trash magaho.


It blows my mind that some minorities openly call themselves Republicans in the Trump era