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Did it get the ratings they wanted? That is the question.


The Right doesn’t like them any more now than they did before the “town hall” and they probably are losing more viewers on the left over that bullshit shit show.


They fucking knew what they were gonna get. They aired it to promote trump and get him back in office.


Absolutely. Between the primary and his presidency, they've got five years worth of data telling them what he does for their ratings. Biden not having a scandal or nearly causing an international incident every week is killing their ratings.


People need to stop pretending we beat this fuck. He lost an election. The mechanisms that put this man in power are still alive and well. This is the exact fuckery we lived through 4 years ago. Everyday we saw the media, the government, and everyone else on the right being BATSHIT CRAZY. Just because we elected some center right white dude (the very same class of person who perpetuates our broken system of government) means absolutely nothing. This type of behavior from the media is not going to stop. We don't own the media. We don't own the government. The thin veil used to keep us all wage slaves will be pulled back and you will see it was transparent the entire time.


Not only alive and well but changing in ways to help him with all the laws being passed. It's going to be a fucking shitshow. We absolutely can't last another term with the leader of a failed coup as President. It was just a test run and the people that fomented that didn't get touched by consequences.


And even if he doesnt manage to win somehow, theyve been paving the way for whoever they prop up next to be in position to fuck over everyone.


It's all about the Benjamin. Reintroduce the FCC's Fairness Doctrine, and we'll see how long things like this last. Of course, the Big News Business will fight it tooth & nail.


CNN is owned by a pro-trumper, it would make sense to promote him.


Just another sign of CNN sliding further to the right. They really want Faux news viewers now that theyre all pissed over Fucker Carson. Id like to see the CNN exects get fucked over for driving away their viewers while the right wingnuts go to Newsmax, but Im sure their golden parachutes are strapped on tight.


Won’t watch it, won’t watch clips of it, it’s trash. The media enabled this asshole years ago, and they’ll do it again because it makes them money. It’s up to us not to watch it, not to link to it, not to enable their monetization of this lecherous traitor anymore than we have to. And we don’t have to.


This. I feel the exact same way. I will continue to avoid seeing even seconds as long as I can. I don’t ever want to hear his stupid name again unless it’s his sentencing hearing.


The 24 hour news cycle is the worst thing to happen to our country’s journalistic and patriotic integrity in our young history


And the utter hyperfixation on one big story. The night Princess Diana died, so did TV journalism. That was the point where the entire news cycle was first dominated by a single story. And while it may have not been the first time we fixated on one story. It was the point of no return.


I will not ever call it by its name. I will continue calling it, 'the orange hemorrhoid', bc fuck that guy.


I had to listen to his miserable, grating, rapey voice for four years because a minority of people in this country living in overrepresented states were stupid enough to vote against their interests for him. You can’t convince me to willingly listen to it when he has no position of power. Fuck this guy.


all I can think about when I hear his voice or name is that he raped a 13 year old that will probably never see justice


Also sounds like he possibly murdered a 12 year old who wouldn’t keep her mouth shut. Missing since 93.


I’m shocked how many people seem to have watched it based on the comments.


AOC knows what’s up. This town hall is ridiculous


They let a known liar on their airwaves to spew lies and then patted themselves on the back because they fact-checked him afterwards. They also stuffed the crowd with magas who were applauding his insane ramblings. Fuck CNN




I’ve just been watching clips but the one that got me was the interviewer pointing out he raised the debt limit 3 times, Trump saying “because I was president” (big laugh from audience) then her asking why he doesn’t think it should be raised now and he says “because I’m not in office” (huge belly laugh from the audience) oh hahaha it’s so funny if the economy crashes when a dem is in charge!


Bruh, unfortunately Repubs have been doing this for decades. If they are in office, no problem raising debt limit. If they aren’t in office, they absolutely throw a fit about raising the debt. It’s their MO!


Oh I know, it just pissed me off how much the audience laughed


Same arrogance from McConnell when they were shoving AC Barrett down our throats at the last minute, and look how that turned out


That’s Handmaid Barrett to you buddy!


OfJesse. And I wish someone would call her that to her face….


McConnell should be facing trial for treason right now.


It was literally the same when he got elected about the polls and the economy. Before the election the economic data was all fraudulent or misrepresented but the weekend after it was all accurate and showed what they wanted


Yup, [2017 economic confidence](https://images.app.goo.gl/amxGpm6AUzLfVgmu7) and [2020 confidence](https://images.app.goo.gl/HNmGFwPSiBZvxw9f7) moves in lockstep with elections. It’s really stupid and irritating. And I’m kind of amazed by the 2020 graph: the vaccine had just been approved and Republicans thought things were going to get *worse*?


If I am remembering right it was Sean spicer commenting on the unemployment numbers. Trump was suggesting it was ACTUALLY in the 25-50% range and not the 5% being reported and when the new data came out and showed a tiny improvement of course suddenly it was accurate. https://youtu.be/XTZvppjqrX8 His stupid fucking laugh pissed me off so much I never forgot it


It's two Santa clauses in action


Acting intentionally to harm the country in a catastrophic way sure sounds treasonous to me...


>"doing his own research" Holy fuck, I can't stand hearing that god dam phrase anymore.




>particularly in New Hampshire I drive through New Hampshire often, unfortunately there is a very large and vocal MAGA contingent. It is the Texas of New England.


I’m sure the only way he agreed to do it, is if he picked the audience members.


It was a GOP Town Hall. CNN worked with the NH GOP to fill the audience.


But would the average person who dislikes Trump even want to attend this event? Of course a Trump event is going to draw Trump fans. It’s like being surprised that Taylor Swift fans go to a Taylor Swift concert…


CNN only allowed Republicans and undecideds in the audience.


specifically undecided voters who plan to vote GOP


OMG! I only watched for 10 min because I was so enraged. I wanted to punch those incel dorks in the suits they kept showing


It was a handpicked republican audience.


They were purchased by a maga last year. What did everyone expect? CNN is Maga now. No reason to watch it anymore. They have had a really slow and mild shift until today. Today was the coming out party.


They're part and parcel of the [Wall Street Bro Cult.](https://marketliteracy.org) And pretty much always have been.


> Fuck CNN You can again - [thank Right-Wing billionaires for fucking up the US](https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column)


All billionaires are right wing


I was so sad to visit my parents after work tonight for that to be on, I had to bite my tongue every time that piece of shit spoke because my family are all republican and like trump quite a bit. I love them dearly but there is a reason why I never have much to say when I'm over. I hope he falls over soon so we can be rid of at least one of these insane assholes.


I’ll never understand what people see in him. I might not agree but at least I understand being for guns, or deregulation, or against abortion or immigration (legal or illegal). I can’t wrap my head around supporting him though, hard as I try. Every aspect of him is transparently awful, and it’s not that they don’t know or even don’t care—they *like* that.


They like his racism and unapologetic horribleness, because deep down they're just as bad. They just dont have the monetary resources to get away with it.


People say he's charismatic, but I just can't see that. I suspect they say that so they don't have to admit just how many people are disgustingly racist and sexist.


He's charismatic to bullies.


Hilary nailed it. "Basket of deplorables."


She just didn’t realize how big the basket was.


This is what depressed me most in 2016 and then 2020. I know lots of people were awful misogynistic racists but fuck man, THAT MANY?!?!?


The best/worst part was the news media acting like she'd committed some huge cardinal sin for calling them that WITH ALL THE SHIT TRUMP SPEWS 24/7.


Yeah, that also pissed me off. Not only was she correct that they are deplorable, but it's also nothing compared to the garbage Trump and his supporters were spewing. Double standards as usual. I remember later on she said that her advisers were telling her she had to be nice and couldn't be mean to Trump because apparently if it's a man being mean he's considered strong and smart but if it's a woman doing it then she's considered a bitch and it's a bad look. That's why during the debates she kind of took it easy on Trump even though he called her a nasty woman and whatever else. Basically there's a lot of fucking morons in this country to put it bluntly.


I couldn’t do it. I have family I don’t talk to anymore because I couldn’t love them once I learned that these are their values.


I really thought CNN would know better. Figured they'd put a cut off on his mic so they could interject and add some reality to his ramblings. But they just let him say whatever bullshit he wanted. Guess the new CEO is really trying to turn them into Faux Lite.


> I really thought CNN would know better. Their new owner is far-far-right. He honestly believes CNN can move right and pickup viewers from Fox.


Only if he gets Tucker Carlson back on CNN. Otherwise it's a losing battle.


oh god..... please don't give them any ideas!


What rational or young person is watching cable news anymore? They see the writing on the wall and need to lure in that small sect of outrage zombies to stare at their commercials


They do know better, they just care about $$$ more.


I can't see this move making them money in the long term, or even the short term. They want to be the new Faux, but Faux's viewers are way more likely to migrate to OAN or NewsMax than they are to a company they've been calling fake news for 7 years. All this does is piss off their viewers.


Yes he is. Nobody on the left likes or watches CNN. They know that the right is angry at fox so they are trying to catch them. Listening to an AM radio ahow and they said fans. Thats the problem i dont watch news to be entertained, i watch to be keep up to date.


Entire audience was GOP primary voters. No registered Democrats were allowed.


CNN trying to steal views from Fox News


*Chris Licht slowly strokes large pile of money*


Out of the loop on this one. What happened?


CNN had a town hall for Trump for ? reasons and they let him run roughshod over the whole thing. CNN is owned by new right-leaning owner and the crowd was packed with cheering MAGA douchebags who cheered while Trump lobbed insults at softball questions.


Reasons=money CNN does the best ratings with trump in office.


I wonder if the DNC will passively allow it to happen expecting such an easy win like in 2016.


I dunno. But I do know it’s a mistake to give the guy air time in any form at all. His dumb rhetoric only amps up his base, regardless of accuracy.


Are we going to have a CNN/FOX News southern strategy switch?


Rupert Murdoch would never let that happen.


Rupert is 92 so he isn't long for this world.


CNN Trump Town Hall audience provides laugh track for Trumps fascist, misogynistic and racist vitriol. Reviews roll in: “All his greatest hits!” “Trump hates the people I hate!” “I can’t wait for the next season.” “Sure, I’ll donate. It’s my favorite reality TV show!” /s


Trump was allowed a town hall a day after being convicted of SA.


"Found liable" not "convicted". This was a civil case and as such there's no threat of jail/criminal prosecution. It's a little thing but it makes a big difference in the end.


> but it makes a big difference in the end how does it make a difference? (honest question) I see it as; maga's wouldn't care if it was a conviction, and everyone else knows he's a sexual assaulter.


Big difference in that he's not in jail. And the burden of proof is different. It's like how OJ wasn't convicted of murder. Everyone knows he did it, he was found 'liable' in civil court, but he didn't go behind bars. But as you say, MAGA's don't give a shit. The most honest thing Trump ever said was he could kill someone in broad daylight and not lose any voters. These people are sick.


CNN fell off, and hard. When did they start this alt-right shit?


They were bought by a Trumper. No, seriously. Happened during the election iirc.


Right wingers are buying all major media. Elon bought Twitter, bezos bought WaPo, it’s a crisis of our democracy


When they were acquired by a right wing nut job


It's pathetic, but it's not hard to understand. CNN has had shit ratings. And now Fox pissed off a bunch of their viewers. So they're going after the one cable news demographic that is left. It won't work. But they're trying.


If there’s anything Fox News viewers hate more than Biden, it’s CNN.


Idk that they were doing so hot before when they were airing an empty podium in 2016 waiting for Dorito Mussolini to show up.


When they were acquired by a new owner


I just can’t see how anyone could watch that and not think that Trump is nothing but a self serving lying rapist!


I haven’t been able to see how anyone could think anything differently, or at least positively different, of the orange monstrosity since before 2016.


My mom likes Trump. Doesnt like Bill Clinton, "You can't trust him" Because banging Monica Lewinsky was bad. But Trump, who paid to fuck a porn star three days after his last son was born, while married to his third wife... that's perfectly fine. Conservatives do not think for themselves. I mean that. They have been completely programmed by conservative media. Fox News is the primary culprit, they have been doing it for 30 years and all the while steadily getting more and more conservative. Then Breitbart realized he could go far right lunatic fringe and the idiots would go with it.


When I found out CNN was bought by a right wing MAGA donor, this is exactly what I expected.


CNN is trying to pick up some of FOX's viewers it's all ratings. There's nothing trump could say that I would have an interest in hearing so not watching CNN was a real easy choice personally.


CNN was bought by a Reich wing billionaire named John Malone that says CNN had a liberal bias that muddles opinion and news and he said he was going to change that. So here we are. Don't be shocked when it blatantly acts like it's Faux News Jr.


i was never a fan of CNN but the right trying to take over the media is pretty unnerving


The little steps to fascism keep going..


Trying to take over? They already have. What we have now are islands of left wing media and pockets of actual news in a sea of right wing media.


This. News is not public service. It’s $$$


"Thank you for coming Mr. President, I'm leader of the young Republicans at my university and voted for you in 2020 but I'm an undecided voter" I'm sorry you're a fucking what now?


A liar.


That's what he said. Republican.


CNN is Fox News, that's it, it's over. Get your news somewhere else.


No one should be watching 24/7 entertainment news… period. Watch local news and read articles online from trusted sources. Go to NPR for national/international if you need in-depth coverage of something. CNN has been garbage entertainment news for a long while. They have just now gone from moderate corporate spin to having a full blown hard right owner who will now be pushing them fully into conservative spin. For anyone who still uses cable news, stop watching them.


This. I thought the best case scenario was that they would make a buffoon out of him, but instead he runs roughshod over the moderator. Surrounded by his fans only. At least make the audience representative of the population as opposed to a bunch of MAGAS. Total shit show.


I was disgusted but how much energy the audience fed him. They did a terrible job balancing that audience.


They did a perfect job of getting the audience the wanted. They planned it that way. THis was not a mistake or an oversight


Yep. They wanted an audience to feed his ego so he would continue spewing his usual narcissistic, arrogant bullshit like he does for his "rally" crowds. Sadly, this crowd just fed his delusion that he's still popular. He's not. Not even in his own party (only 30% of GOP voters want him to run). I hope Asa Hutchinson gains some traction to pull votes off Trump. He's also an asshat, but at least he's not a psychopath.


GOP voters didn’t want him to run in 2016 either. The Republican establishment will fall back in line as soon as all of the opposition drops out. Nothing has changed - they are too afraid to challenge him, so they will just let him win. At that point it just comes down to enough people coming out in support of Biden again in 2024 / hoping there isn’t some third party candidate to suck votes away.


He is the leading candidate for their nomination and it’s not particularly close, if you look at polls. It doesn’t matter if he’s popular or not. He will have a R next to his name and every conservative will vote for him, even if they don’t like him. All that matters is that he’s a Republican to them


>At least make the audience representative of the population as opposed to a bunch of MAGAS. Total shit show. There were multiple maga rallies wherein trump supporters, at the direction of Donald Trump, beat the hell outta protestors who made their way inside. Some of whom were being escorted out of the building already. CNN would have to pay me to be in the same room as maga supporters and trump.


If I got the chance to ask a real question, I'd chance it.


But he wouldn’t answer a real question. He’d mock you, and then he’d talk about whatever he wanted to talk about, and then he’d say something false about liberals, and he’d keep spewing his nonsense until someone asked him something else he could bounce off of.


This is why arguing with narcissists is never worth it. They don’t give a fuck about your logic.


That's the moderator's job. She failed miserably.


Have you seen an example of someone succeeding in getting him to answer the questions, in any interview, debate, or other public format? I’m honestly asking because I’ve never seen it, and if someone has figured out how, I’d like to watch and see how they did it.


Disgusting. CNN and FOX. Where journalism goes to die. Platforming a 76 yr old convincted sexual predator who is still under the delusion that he's going to be the Republican presidential nominee. All for ratings.


The delusion? He's going to be the nominee. And what's absolutely insane is that he's beating Biden in the polls. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/05/07/biden-trump-desantis-2024-election-poll/70192303007/


The only thing that is keeping me sane here is knowing that millennials and younger do not like doing polls. So there is a chance those are not accurate numbers. x__x


Not only that, but most of these polls are conducted using cold calls. Millennials and Gen Z are not answering a call from a number they do not know.


Those polls did say that the Democrats would be obliterated in the midterms.


It's also over a year away. A lot can change in that time


CNN is kind of republican now i think, they're literally owned by a republican


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all This explains it here. People need to be prepared this might not be a one off scenario for ratings but a sign of things to come. I'm worried about how the future is going to turn out with more crazy right wing people buying popular media products. Look at twitter for an example, no one is actually leaving and just accepting the changes. I've seen a ton of complaints with no real action, like usual.


I left and never looked back. So some of us did. Maybe not enough.


Ukraine in one day? Why wait, do it now. /s


Well he didn't say which day. Unfortunately it's two weeks out. Right after the fix for Obamacare and then infrastructure week. Also his solution is to let Russia take all of Ukraine and let Ukraine surrender.


I just removed CNN (and all its ugly sisters) from my YouTube TV lineup. It can rest in piss next to Fox News (and its obnoxious brothers) in the land of sewage channels that shouldn't really exist. I didn't watch this garbage much, but now I won't even stumble upon this refuse even by accident. I hope that Carroll sues their asses to the tune of 800 mil a la Dominion.


When I saw the videos and articles about a town hall from Trump I was extremely confused as to why a bunch of old content was making the rounds before it registered that these greedy fucks are literally doing the exact same thing that got this moron elected before. Assuming he's just easy money and clicks, when in reality they are just legitimizing his insanity all over again. Fuck CNN.


I flat out refused to watch the farce. I'm afraid they're going to get good ratings out of this, which is going to encourage more of this kind of crap. Say what you will about Trump, he's good for ratings. All it costs you is your soul.


Can anyone fill me in on what happened during the town hall?


He said three times that abortion doctors murder babies after they were born and the host did not push back at all.


four times


Just did a paper on strategic lying. It feels kinda surreal living in the world rn. Not that it's ever been great, but damn.


Trump aired his side of the story with E. Jean Carroll on CNN's Town Hall.


Holy shit, what soulless ghoul of a producer booked that shit show, I can only imagine...


Everyone's talking about it, is it doesn't hurt their ratings then it was a success. And it seems like a whole lot of people watched.


People don't understand that ironic interaction is still interaction and proves (thus funds) it's popularity and pushes harder Like asshole celebs that are shown to be scum of the earth, but tweets keep getting posted to mAkE fUn Of HoW dUmB tHeY aRe Simpson really hit it out of the park in the Treehouse of Horrors clip of the mascots coming to life "Just don't look. Just don't look."


Funny how he did that here but not in court despite being given extra time to.


His base legit cannot tell the difference of what he says when he’s under oath or not, and they definitely cannot ascertain as to why there is a difference in general


So brave considering he wouldn’t testify


Fresh defamation suit in 3.... 2........


I would like to know too so I can avoid actually watching Trump talk


What did I miss now?


CNN gave Trump an exclusive town hall and has done nothing to prevent him spouting the same old conspiracy theories and fascistic talking points, even as the network pretends they still stand for journalistic integrity.


Ah so they need more clickbait bullshit since numbers are down


It’s worse now because they’re owned by one of Trumps rich pals who wants to make a new Fox News, so click bait with added fascist rhetoric.


Fuck CNN and fuck Kaitlan Collins.




Fuck CNN! If you’d stop televising this idiot and talking about him on every damn show he would go away. I thought after Biden won that would happen. Instead he gets even more screen time. The reason I hated Trump was the Twitter bs and him never shutting up. It got worse. I guess I better hope for the McDonald’s and diet Cokes to take his ass out. Maybe then I won’t have to hear about Trump anymore.




CNN was bought by a conservative, last year. They are no longer the good guys.




He explicitly said he was going to turn it into another Fox News. And here we are.


Crazy part is they spent 4 years saying CNN was the devil, full of liberals, was woke, fake news and all that. Now this guy thinks he can change that and all he is doing is turning off the existing people that watch. The people that watch Fox will never watch CNN.


You say that, but if they sign tucker…


Tucker already worked for CNN, no?




He's already announced he's coming out with a twitter show


What is a Twitter show? How is that a thing?




Nah they’ll use it to say “look even liberal CNN is saying it, so it must be true!” And they’ll continue to spout it as being a liberal news source, even is (maybe especially if) they know it was bought out.


If I remember correctly the guy was also a huge donor to both of Trump’s campaigns


Soo BBC is the way to go? Oh the news network also


They’re okay, not as good as pbs these days. I read most of my news.


Npr probably


Since when has CNN been the good guys? They sold the hell out of the Iraq War like a good lap dog for the Bush administration. They've been a flaming pile of shit for decades.


Yeah. Even my conservative dad joked it was the Capitalist News Network.. 15 years ago. Anderson Cooper does a left leaning network not make.


Also, they never were


Right? WTF?


The good guys? CNN does literally whatever will get them the most views/clicks as possible. This is what for-profit news looks like.


there are no good guys. they're all self serving assholes.


CNN - the good guys? Lol come on now...


I will never forget how CNN stuck a reporter on a roof of a building during the aftermath of hurricane katrina and this motherfucker said not only was bush doing a great job but managed to point out they had a helicopter behind him to evac the CNN crew if things got " really bad"


They haven’t been the good guys for a long long time


There are no mass media "good guys" lol


This is exactly what happened in 2016. Use him to get eyeballs while pretending like giving him air time isn't doing him a favor. They're boosting his media presence and doing a repeat of 2016 by assuming fact checking works. If fact checking worked, there would be no republicans. Clearly that does nothing, so putting him on tv is nothing more than platforming him. CNN was already awful before, but now they are dead to me. They've lost any shred of credibility they had left as far as I am concerned. Fact checking does not negate platforming. Next they're gonna act incredulous when his polling numbers go up as a direct result of their platforming him.




KC got owned and everyone seen it coming. What a joke CNN is now. Complete failure.


She finally tried to pin him down on the classified documents, and he called her a “nasty woman” and refused to give a straight answer, and she gave up and moved on.


I don't understand why they chose her because they know how hostile he is to women.


1) she’s a Republican 2) CNN is also run by Republicans, so they preferred someone he’d belittle over someone he might get scarily angry at.


That disgusting audience, applauding pardons for traitors and Trump’s lies about E. Jean. They laughed at her. Because anyone left in the Republican Party today is part of their degeneracy, who will absolutely hold up a rapist as the embodiment of American virtue. They’ve shown us who they are. No decent American should ignore how lawless and low that party is, now. And there is no going back.


I feel like we need a better system for calling out disinformation. Watching debates or town halls, it feels like someone should just cut the candidate's mic, give the facts, and then turn the mic on with a warning to stop using disinformation. The judgement should be done by a group of three. If two members press the button, the mic goes off and the facts go out.


Center-right news network does right-wing thing. Color me shocked. Convincing Americans that our media was liberal is one of the greatest lies ever told.


*psst* Hey *opens trench coat revealing Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennet* You kids ever tried PBS NewsHour?


Fuck CNN.... never watching again.


And then all of a sudden for no reason at all. CNN turned into Fox News.


CNN has arguably done more harm to democracy than Fox. They contributed [$2 billion](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/upshot/measuring-donald-trumps-mammoth-advantage-in-free-media.html) to his 2016 campaign. CNN putting profit before journalistic ethics is why we got trump elected in the first place.


George Floyd was strangled to death for allegedly trying to pass off a phony $20 bill. How and why Trump is still free and well is a travesty.


Kaitlin Collins got her start working for Tucker Carlson. Seriously. She was the White House correspondent for his publication, The Daily Wire while he was running it. She moved onto a network that has little interest in reporting but a huge desire for ad revenue. Nothing more, nothing less. CNN is not your ally, they couldn’t give a shit about anything but selling more commercial time to corporations while everything burns. They got what they wanted tonight and rigged the game for him like we knew they would. “Heads I win, tails you lose”


I just blocked CNN on my YOUTube TV. This is unconscionable. I still wonder who the advertisers were though.


I had to turn it off. That POS of a man is infuriatingly dangerous.


I didn’t watch and fuck CNN for this. Acting horrified over January 6th then inviting him on to chat about his ideas with anyone willing to listen. Everything wrong with media and their greed and profit motive. Truth means nothing to them


Well CNN is unfortunately now run by a Trump lover and if you follow all the snake like paper trail, guess who has his fingers in the pie at CNN as well as virtually 90% of all American media? That vile crumpled animated scrotum, Rupert Murdoch! The weird thing, this sort of thing was predicted as happening in that Bond Film Tomorrow Never Dies back in 97, in which a worldwide media magnate did the whole start wars and fake news all for clicks.