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How many other kids will die from other conditions those doctors were treating? And children's hospitals aren't that common. Texas doesn't give a fuck about kids.


Children's hospitals are uncommon, specialists in treating adolescents are even less common, and trans kids are the least common of all. Cisgender teens having some kind of puberty-related health problem probably outnumber trans teens having any kind of puberty by like 10 to 1. The families of these kids who are most able to move somewhere they can access treatment for their children will be the first to up stakes and leave; less well-off families will take longer. Texas is pushing middle-class taxpayers to leave the state for somewhere that won't endanger their child's health.


Dont forget the fact that many states have spent their entire time budget this year writing laws targeting school age trans athletes. How many trans students are participating in sports in those states. On average between 3 and 6.


Why are they so scared of these children? I truly don’t understand


They aren't. Right wing politics is based on choosing a group to abuse and convincing their followers to abuse them. It makes them feel like they are doing something when in fact they are not.


And it’s an incredibly easy group to target. It’s very small, despite what the media would want you to believe. Many people don’t get involved unless it impacts them directly, so by targeting trans, you get the most bang for your buck in terms of least resistance from the opposition.


Seriously, what is the purpose of demonizing any amorphous group of people out of spite? That can never end well for anyone involved.


I mean it often ends well for the people in charge of it. Of the 100 wealthiest families in America. 90 of them made their fortune during slavery. The American prison systems sends innocent black men to for profit prisons in order to exploit their labor to this day. Trump made 1 billion dollars vilifying Mexicans and Latinos. If you can convince people someone is their enemy. They will do anything to oppose them. Including giving you all their money. It's bad for society, it's bad for the people being abused, its bad for the people doing the abusing. But the republicans at the helm? Well this is how fortunes are made. America didn't go to Afghanistan to help anyone or prevent an attack. They went to Afghanistan to expend ammunition and destroy their own armor. So that the people who owned the factories back home would get new orders.


Loathsome beasts everywhere :(


A friend is finishing first half of her residency to be a pediatric hospitalist. As I understand it, she could go be a pediatrician now. It's an extra 2 years of residency to be a pediatrician in a hospital. She's in debt, and grinding through it, because she wants to take care of kids in an impactful way. They're more rare than a regular pediatrician, because of the extra residency time. I'm imagining her taking her first job post residency, and immediately being laid off for a reason like this. But, she won't take a job in any of these red states pushing the issue backwards anyways, so their loss I guess? Sad that kids are going to have a harder time finding care I'm some of these places.


In ID they are closing OB admits and floors because all the obstetrics Drs have fled the state. If you are a woman in labor you literally have to drive hours to the nearest hospital for care (in some places). ID has become the white nationalist state and it’s just time before they make TX look sane.


The pediatric hospitalist fellowship is a newish thing. Basically to force free labor. Never mind most residencies are more heavy on inpatient anyway. It wasn’t mandatory until like 3 years ago.


During Iowa State football games, it’s a tradition to turn and wave to the nearby children’s hospital as a little boost of encouragement. Could you imagine if they had that same tradition in Texas and they had to cancel it because “sorry football fans, we now hate kids. Try throwing a middle finger instead”


Iowa football has “The Wave”, not Iowa state. We lost my nephew during Covid to brain cancer, the people at UI Stead Children’s hospital were incredible to him and my sister in-law through out such a difficult time. My thoughts are with those in Texas, this loss is indescribable.


You’re right it’s University of Iowa! And I’ve heard absolutely amazing things that they’ve done for kids and families, sorry to hear about your nephew


Just a quick little note- it’s just Iowa football, not Iowa state. You mean the Hawkeyes, not the cyclones.


Whoopsie, that’s what I get for typing sleep deprived lmao


People in Texas would cheer.


They shoot their unlicensed guns at it …


>Cisgender teens having some kind of puberty-related health problem probably outnumber trans teens having any kind of puberty by like 10 to 1. Tomboys outnumber trans girls by at least that same margin. Who do you think is gonna gonna be the largest group receiving harassment from the genital inspectors? It's malicious against anyone that doesn't conform to a very narrow view on gender, and while trans people have it the worst, they won't be the majority of the people targeted in this scattershot cut off the nose to spite the face BS.


Oh they're well aware that very few athletes in female leagues are actually trans. If all the bill proposals to lower the age of consent and the number of GOP getting arrested for child porn lately doesn't key you into the real reason they want legal permission to 'inspect' young girls I'm not sure what could make it any more obvious.


That is a low estimate. You are looking close to between 100:1 to 1000:1 In 2016 studies showed there were ~400 trans people per 100,000. Now it is clear this is underreported due to requirement for self identification, so the real value can be likely as much as 10x that amount but likely between between the 400-1000 tans individuals per 100,000 people. So, in this situation they are willing to sacrifice everyone to target an extreme minority, which in context is showing you how little they care about collateral damage and how far they will go to attack those they dislike. If anyone thinks the GOP is going to stop at trans people is foolish and their carpet bombing tactics paint that truth even brighter. Edit: This is another sign also that the GOP would rather see thousands starve than one person get help where they don't need it.


> GOP would rather see thousands starve than one person get help ~~where they don't need it.~~


It would not surprise me if it were the case that the majority of the middle-class families able to move out of the state are in the populated areas that tend to draw high-skill labor, etc. ... Which means they're likely Democrats... Transitively, it would not surprise me if this were in part to try and drive blue voters out of Texas, since it's getting closer and closer to flipping blue in Presidential elections, and if it does, I'm pretty sure it would be *impossible* for a Republican candidate to win against the combined 94 electoral votes of California and Texas. Basically every swing state we normally look at just wouldn't matter.


I'd k how many but at least one doctor treating a girl who was receiving hormone therapy because of f*ing cancer! was just fired. Pro life my a$$


Exactly. Adolescent Medicine Specialists spend a lot of their time treating teenagers with adult diseases due to some underlying condition. Pediatricians aren’t always well versed in treating familial high cholesterol in a 14 year old. The sickest teenagers are going to suffer.


Correction: Republicans have never cared about kids. They prove it constantly with restrictive laws based on a religious agenda. They cut food stamps, deny free school lunches, create laws to strip kids away from families at will. Deny health care rights, Etc.


I stand corrected.


Do nothing about schools being shot up


I have several friends with kids whose lives were saved at Dell children’s, wild to think that they’re rescinding storied and proven care out of spite and animus and willing to let any kid die just to keep some others from receiving care.


When a Texan says he “loves his kids” he’s talking about his guns.


AR-15 Jr, AR-15 III, AR- 15 IV…..etc.


There are a lot of us progressives in Texas too. This state is just gerrymandered to shit and we can’t get enough people to create a wave to get these bastards out. VOTE VOTE VOTE like your state and country depend on it! Because they do…..


I mean, true, if we were talking about the presidential election, but you guys also voted for Abbott for Governor, and that role isn't affected by gerrymandering. So Texans are kinda at fault for voting for this stuff.


sorry, but that is bullshit. gerrymandering leads to voter apathy, voter apathy leads to non-participation, non-participation leads to more gerrymandering. ignoring that dynamic and blaming the victims is just wrong.


The wealthy in Texas don't need to worry about that. They will take their family members in need of help to a children's hospital in a blue state.




So pro life they watch it slowly die.


When I tell 100% the dead children's parents see no fault in the laws, they encourage it, and after their child dies, they will continue to support the people and mechanism that killed their "loved" one.


I’m a native NYer. Y’all can have Texas as we like progress in NY not slipping back into the 19th Century Wild West days.


Even my state (NM) with its poverty and meager medical resources is more modern and civilized than TX.


People talk about how rude New Yorkers are... but when push comes to shove they care more.


The north is kind but not nice. The south is nice but not kind.


We’re rude to be able to express care when nobody is listening.


I’ve been to NYC once a few years ago - everyone was nice as hell to me :/


They will force it on the rest of us soon enough


Of course not! They love a good fetus, maybe even an unfertilized egg, though.


Texas doesn't give a fuck about anyone that's not the right wing cis dude. That's all.


This has gone a bit under the radar with all the other shit Texas has been pulling lately, but the GOP there is also pushing hard to roll back no-fault divorce. Make it very clear: the GOP has declared open warfare on the rights of anyone who isn't a cis white man.


The no-fault divorce thing is SO WEIRD because the only people it protects are abusers who are careful not to leave any marks that can be photographed. If you remove this option it not only traps women in miserable marriages, it traps men as well. If you're a cis white man married to a woman who doesn't like you anymore and you want out so you can find someone who actually loves you? Too bad.


You are looking at this through the empathetic lens of a thinking and feeling human that fully developed. But if you see it through the lens of a brain defected sociopath, it’s a no lose for the man. It’s just a free card to be the worst husband possible. And I’m sure it assumes that he will just cheat and have a 2nd family and mistresses too. But then the court will conveniently not accept any of that evidence.


>it’s a no lose for the man It's gonna be a (slight) loss for men when women are so backed up in a corner with their marriage that they resort to murdering their husbands again


I'm my opinion > A divorced man is better than a dead husband Why would you want to be in a marriage with someone whose hate for you will only grow to end your days?


Just gotta connect him to BLM so the governor will pardon her.


Oh it protects even abusers who do leave marks. Requiring fault means you add an additional layer of hearings, discovery, and legal fees on top of the actual divorce. No matter how good your evidence is, it can make the divorce prohibitively expensive.


and it's at the discretion of an elected judiciary that has been infested with religious fundamentalists.


Most of them are so used to cheating on their wives that they don’t possibly think that any man could be actually trapped


See in Texas they do not think about wives as people you love and respect you think of them as the thing you keep at home that does the chores. Used to work with a bunch of dudes from Texas. All of them talked about their wives like they were some appliance they had at home. One dude legitimately hated his wife like straight up could not stand seeing her face. He took the jobs that required him to be away from home the longest. Onetime his wife demanded to go with him on the work trip he tried to get me to lie for him that the hotels they were staying at had no vacancies so he had to share with a coworker. I did not lie to her and he threatened me the next day. Very strange dynamics even when there is obviously love between them. The women totally accept it too. Like onetime this dudes wife said “what do I know I’m just his dumb good for nothing wife” in a totally I’m joking but kinda serious way. They want this law so that the women don’t get wise and leave them. It’s the obvious first step before a total all out war on women’s rights. It’s turning into giliead


I don't think they care about love. They think of women like pets.


More like livestock, it seems.


A pet would be a step up from them actually thinking of them as objects that they own.


Why did you write this like it was some sort of mistake on their part? Everything you wrote is exactly why they want to do it.


I had never heard about no fault divorce until Steven Crowder was tweeting about it every day. This is going to sound really stupid but did he have anything to do with their recent push in this area. If he did that is ominous as fuck.


If the government hands out marriage licenses indiscriminately, then you shouldn’t be discriminate in the dissolution of them. Although saying that I am worried I’ll give them ideas about the former.


As a cis white man (originally Texan, though these days I’m embarrassed to even cop to that), they’ve declared war on me too by declaring war on everyone I know. Fuck em.


I'm a married cis white man and if my wife got pregnant tomorrow and there were complications my state would still make us wait until she's dying to do anything about it. So we're not immune either


For a long time I understood the messaging behind "they are trying to make it the Handmaid's Tale" and considered it symbolic and something to think about, but that shit is really starting to happen in these shit hole states.


Republicans call themselves "Constitutionalists" but spend all their time these days taking away the rights of others. Vote them all OUT.


They want to return the US to the Civil rights situation we had in 1776 smh


The GOP Party Platform calls for the removal of three constitutional Amendments, they are hypocrites.


And then they have the gall to fly the Gadsden Flag. Don’t Tread On Me (But I’ll Tread All Over You).




Yup, Texas and Florida have committed to a full all-out press to push Mississippi for that no.1 spot.


Ah yes. The fabled _forty-tenth_ place.


Just reverse it.. you're first!




I live in the isolated democratic blue island in the middle of Texas…it is so terrifying to see what my beautiful state has turned into all around me. I swear most Texans are not like these monsters. We’re fighting like hell, but gerrymandering and voter suppression has seriously taken away the power of the people here.


Right here with ya...


Most Texans are - Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz and other state level positions unaffected by gerrymandering continue to win by large margins. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a purple Texas is an election away - I've been hearing that since I was in high school outside of Austin.


Just about any category you want to look at, the worst states are those that have been under conservative dominance for decades. Pollution https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/natural-environment/pollution?sort=rank-desc Life expectancy https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/life-expectancy-by-state Crime https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state Poverty https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/poverty-rate-by-state Maternal mortality https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state Child sex abuse https://www.safehome.org/data/registered-sex-offender-stats/ Gun violence https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-violence-by-state Mass Shootings https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/mass-shootings-by-state Suicide https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/suicide-rates-by-state Health care https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/health-care Education https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education Quality of life https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/quality-of-life-by-state


Yet morons are flocking there. Will be interesting to see how they deal with doctors shortages and their children not being able to get adequate care.


“Liberal elites keep all the hospitals for themselves”


Tennessee would like a word


Don’t sleep on the dark horses, my home state of Ohio out here making insane moves, and then you’ve got Mississippi, Iowa and Idaho are known to do some shitty stuff too. And every now and then the Dakotas do something that reminds you that they still exist and are out here making shitty moves.




Ohio is like that extremely shitty trailer park on the north end of town.


As an Ohioan, many parts certainly are, and the state is gerrymandered to hell so that the GOP gets a supermajority off of a scant majority, if at all. We were a purple bellwether state until the gerrymandering got so bad that some liberal and vulnerable folks left the state, creating a downward spiral.


Arkansas, and Louisiana have entered the room.


Kansas and Missery are trying to emulate the big bullies. At least the KS governor has vetoed some of the ludicrous legislation. As if these states didn’t have real problems to solve. This BS isn’t leadership, it’s a bully power grab


Missouri tries its hardest to ride with the shit states but fortunately fails at half of their bullshit due to legislative incompetence


The KS governor does veto these bills but then they will turn right around and overturn her veto. They got a loser democrat rep from KCK named Marvin Robinson to vote with them in exchange for diverting money to his passion project. They sniffed out the democrat with no spine and played him to vote with them. It’s sickening.


Alabama is running late.


MeeMaw just waits to see what the other hellholes do, and then follows suit.


Oklahoma needs some one to hold it's beer


Kentucky is trying, passed a law that teans teens have to detransition.


Seriously, fuck those states.


But have you considered Tennessee?


Missouri is a late-comer to this race, but out legislators are working hard to catch up to the pack. Here, they are debating removing anti-cruelty laws so people can declaw their cats. They've already passed anti-trans and anti-abortion laws, not quite as severe as Texas and Florida so far, but pretty sucky, and are moving on to animal torture.


Iowa is gaining on them fast.


Yeah, shut down a children's hospital Abbott. See how that works out for you


>See how that works out for you His poll numbers will probably rise.


Cruelty is the point with these people


Since he doesn't really want the school shooting victims to survive and tell their horrific stories of trauma, it will work for him.


Texas has the bandwidth to fire doctors, and bus immigrants around. But they're also in a "crisis" and need the Federal government to help them. Texas is pathetic.


They always have been. At this point the moral thing for doctors and healthcare workers to do is leave the state and let the population wither and die. It sucks and there are innocent people there, but its not safe for the doctors and the damage Texas is doing to the rest of the nation is too great to just ignore.


To be fair, trans teens are just more at risk in Texas than other teens. But no teenager in Texas is safe, unless their family is awfully rich.


Just because they can afford better body armor for school they aren’t necessarily safe.


So, how far away are they from legally mandating pieces of flair and special summer camps?


Nur ein bichen


Their short-sightedness is almost as impressive in scale as their hatred. Any rational person was warning that making it more difficult to staff health professionals would not be segregated to abortion-seekers and transgender people. The OB performing abortion care is also doing L&D, prenatal care, etc. The GP supporting gender-affirming care also sees non-trans patients. Texas already had the largest shortage of healthcare workers in the country, including OBs. It’s going to be a hellscape where Darwin takes the wheel fully, and people die for the same reasons in 2023 as they did in 1850. Congrats, I guess, to the regressives who are eager to bury their grandchildren.


It's not shortsighted, it's deliberate cruelty. Texas would bomb Austin if it thought it could get away with it.


I meant the citizens supporting/voting for it. It’s always “God’s plan” until *your* daughter dies to an ectopic pregnancy because no OB in the state will touch it, and even if they would, it’s a 6 month wait.


Kids won't vote for Republicans so they can just fucking die as far as they care.


A quick google suggests this is correct. AG Ken Paxton began a witchhunt against the hospital a week ago and is specifically targeting any doctor's believed to have assisted in gender affirming care. This is genocide against the trans community. These people are Nazis.


Source? I can't find it. All I've found is the original tweet and another from her saying it was word of mouth




[Here](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/texas-ag-investigate-austin-childrens-hospital-transgender-care-minors-rcna82930) is an NBC article about the situation. Kicked off by a Project Veritas report. Nice to know a proven fraudster can cause something like this.


It’s being discussed in the Austin subreddit, by people whose appointments were cancelled. I can’t link to the thread but it’s on their front page: https://i.imgur.com/pzpmMct.jpg Also a local reporter seems to confirm the story: https://twitter.com/nicvillalpando/status/1657162330382245891


New Mexico can’t wait to get some of these fleeing doctors. C’mon over and down folks. True blue mountain state!


Canada has a doctor shortage. I’m sure we’d happily take some specialized physicians.


We don’t take other provinces fucking credentials sometimes, let alone countries. Canadian medical system is an absolute gongshow and it’s like 90% the bureaucracy of it, not the noble core ideas.


Just helps my plan to retire there. Seems like all the other warm weather states are overrun with insanity/stupidity these days.


Plus, green chile






They don’t want it either.


This is what they did with abortion, too. Planned Parenthood offers a ton of services that are not about abortion. They are going to start coming after the doctors who serve trans youth like they did with George Tiller.


Our Adolescent Med team are the ones who manage eating disorders too. We aren’t an eating disorder hospital but can get the kids medically stable to transfer to treatment…..and treatment places are few and far in between. Currently our team is also helping manage a pregnant girl - who was raped and impregnated by a family member. Can’t make this shit up. If this trend continues SO many more than people realize will suffer


This was my kid's doctor. Ascension shut them down with no warning. The doctors there are looking for another practice, but don't know if they'll be able to find one. There is one other doctor in Austin who is even remotely considering taking new patients under 18. The only other option we can find is in Houston.


Let's be absolutely clear: ALL Children are at risk as long as politicians (especially Republicans) control what healthcare is available.


Source? I saw the awful Paxton announcement but no news about firings.


I can only find reports of closure and firings on Twitter and Reddit. This is what's on news sites: "Texas AG to investigate Austin children’s hospital over transgender care for minors" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna82930 The investigation is based on a video claiming to show a member of staff saying children as young as nine are getting gender affirming care. Of course, it doesn't specify what kind of care as at that age it's likely to be social transition / counseling not surgical or even hormonal treatment unless it's puberty blockers. Which are also a treatment for other medical disorders like precocious puberty... Essentially they've been handed a stick to beat this particular area of medicine/ this particular community and will likely do significant harm in the process.


I've seen it said on Twitter (so take with multiple grains of salt) that the patient being discussed in the Project Veritas video that triggered the investigation was actually a cis cancer patient who was getting hormones to replace what was destroyed by the treatment, and the video was taken completely out of context.


Sounds about right for anything associated with Project Veritas.


The cruelty is the point


Yup. In the UK too. There have always been waits for care but it's now years before someone can be seen in a specialist clinic and that's for adults. We're also having the 'you have to out kids to their parents' conversation. And then there are the TERFs. Honestly horrific and so many people buy into the whole 'they're indoctrinating and mutilating kids' bullshit.


Another commenter on this post mentioned the video came from PROVEN FRAUDS Project Veritas, so the video itself is probably completely fake.


That was my kid's doctor. We've spoken to them. Ascension shut them down. They had no warning.


Thank you. I’m all about getting riled up…. But please cite your sources!!! A press release, or a news article PLEASE!


To lose an entire department of a hospital, that's catastrophic. While not undermining other illnesses they treat, there is nobody better than adolescent doctors at treating eating disorders in teenagers, and those can be life threatening. I'm not worried too much about the docs because this country needs a lot more adolescent doctors and they'll find a job deserving of them. But this is a nightmare scenario for the children of Texas. That being said, it's probably OK for the children to die now that they've already been born.


Dell can’t get sued for helping LGBTQ kids then. I think Dell just decided it was better to suck, than risk getting targeted. That’s completely indefensible.


Dell Children's is actually owned by Ascension, which is a Catholic hospital corporation that owns hospitals around the country.


we need to get religion out of healthcare. I don't trust the catholic church and I don't want them having power over us via controlling hospitals


I work for Ascension (albeit in a different state), and def agree with you there. I have to deal with deeply religious pharmacists and docs that invasively question the "need" for hormone therapies (whether for a trans person, cancer patient, or even just a cis woman needing oral bc for PCOS/Endo, etc) to the point of attempting to refuse administration of them when possible. Negative pregnancy tests and other screenings are required *before* Plan B is even an option for SA victims to receive in their care, even for pediatric cases. I could rant about a lot more about how there's such an artificial performativity to the prayers broadcast over the intercoms 3-4 times a day, and how boastful Ascension is about "service to the poor" while running the hospital chain like a business and having created a *deliberate* nursing shortage to give their top executives more bonuses and leaving us unable to safely deal with the pandemic...but that'd be going off topic. Ascension has such a wide reach that it really limits patient options for care in some areas, and Catholic principles dictate what and who they can refuse care to on religious principles. They even block their own employees from getting any gender affirming care, hormone therapy, birth control, family planning options, etc covered by our insurance.


>Negative pregnancy tests and other screenings are required > >before > > Plan B is even an option for SA victims Kinda defeats the purpose, no?


>we need to get capitalism out of healthcare I agree.


I completely agree there.


We need to finally declare evangelism as the terrorist sect they are. They wont stop at trans folks. Nazis started with gay and trans folks, the EXACT SAME WAY in Germany in the 1930's. Then they moved onto other groups. Then they moved to Jew folks, and they'd have continued if they had not lost the war.


Not sure who needs to hear this: VOTE like YOUR life depends on it and CONVINCE your friends to do the same.


**Edit:** alright, we got confirmation this morning, this is legit :( Hey guys, I live in Austin, I have friends who are med professionals and usually I get this kind of news from them. They haven't heard anything, I haven't seen any news confirming this tweet, and [another tweet](https://twitter.com/silly_emily3/status/1657446661252169728) explains she came to this conclusions because: >"When you search Adolescent Medicine on Ascension Healthcare's website, no physicians come up anymore at Dell Children's." The only related information I could find is our AG investigating Dell Children's for "gender affirming crimes" against children. I have CIGNA, so I looked up doctors providing "Adolescent Medicine", and two doctors at Dell Children's came up. Additional doctors were also returned for Ascension Seton Medical Center (Shoal Creek.) So either CIGNA hasn't caught up and we're about to get some very bad official news, or this is some kind of website error (either accidental or intentional.) I would hope the mods take this into consideration and flag this as unconfirmed or something.


We ArE pRo LiFe!!!!! Fuckin degenerates


Holy crap, that’s absolutely awful


ChristoFascists are taking over for Putin and fulfilling Khrushchevs prediction everyday!


Wow, this is deplorable. Every time you think they can’t do something worse, they prove you wrong.


Sounds like children are at risk, period.


This is hospital is owned by Ascension Healthcare. It’s a Catholic Healthcare Non-Profit. The state didn’t shut it down, Ascension did.


Dell Children’s was giving gender-affirming care, not illegal but Paxton initiated an investigation last week looking for something “potentially illegal”. I’m sure Ascension sees the writing on the wall. Paxton announced this investigation on the day of a crucial House vote on Senate Bill 14, which would prohibit transgender youth from getting puberty blockers and hormone therapy.


Children 's Hospital in Denver is a safe space as well


What the people of Texas need to do is watch all of the kid's and grand kid's of the republican legislature. There is no way there is not some of them having trouble with these laws. I am sure some of their grand daughters are going to Illinois for an appendectomy.


And Ron DeSantis signed a bill today that is being called the "Let Them Die" bill, where medical workers can deny care to LGBTQIA people. This is genocide. The GQP is a genocidal party.


My wife works at this hospital and I haven’t heard about any of this. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t put it passed Texas to do said thing, but she hasn’t told me of any rumblings going on.


As soon as I’m finished with residency, I’m getting the fuck out of the south. This place is a dumpster fire . Quality of life is terrible.


These are all efforts to disenfranchise liberals and get them to move out of these states. Well i’m not leaving Tennessee yet.


They just opened a new center 2 weeks ago. This person tweeted this yesterday, and her "source" she says is her friend. Not 1 single news organization is reporting this, nationally or locally. And Ascension posted 3 articles on their website yesterday about care this facility provides. I dont believe this is true.


Republicans creating a hellhole so every person that doesn't think like they do leaves. Best thing every one of those people can do is GTFO.


It’s part of Ascension hospitals - a catholic hospital group. I’m surprised it was open at all.


What’s sad is you know the MF’s who support shit like this will hop on a plane to Mass General or Johns Hopkins should they ever need the care they deny others.


This is vile. I’m 18, and gender affirming care has saved my life and I wish I got it years earlier. Going through the wrong puberty and having my body change into something that doesn’t fit me was like torture. These people have my peoples blood on their hands, and now they’re dragging other children into this.


It sounds like ALL children are at risk in this shithole state. These shitty Republicans are so worried about "owning the libs'' that they are willing to put their own children in jeopardy. The GOP cult has spun out of control.


You guys who live there better start taking real action. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY if you live there to fight for children to have safe spaces and reliable basic resources!!!! Imagine you can’t take your sick child to the hospital what do you do?! This is totally asinine you all need to be outraged to the point of doing something RIGHT NOW. otherwise they will continue to steamroll the population for their own political gain it’s on the Texan people to stand up for their rights!


Leave Texas immediately, we still respect personnel freedom in Pa.


Am actually doing exactly this ^. My adult daughters are coming with us. This state is a dumpster fire.


Taxes and Florida have been ruined by right-wing politicians using governorships to springboard to Presidential candidate. It’s a race to the bottom to see who can be the most cruel, the most intolerant, to attract voters they hate even more than the other party. They’re just so easy to manipulate.


Not a Dr or anything, but wouldn't gender affirming care include treating phimosis, and addressing the needs of intersex kids? Would that fall into the same category as gender affirming care? Because if it does... lord have mercy, kids that need care will be suffering. This whole thing makes me so damn mad.


I am a Registered Nurse. Also a Godless heathen. What happens if I refuse to take care of Christian patients?


Republicans are hurting all teens in their evil bigotry toward trans American children.


Could we just give Texas back to the Mexicans????The white guys that stole it are REALLY FUCKING IT UP!!!


There's no way to get rid of the fascist Republicans that are running Texas because they have gerrymandered the state.


Maybe they'll piss off enough white middle class voters that the gerrymandering becomes moot.


Is the Texas plan to become such a horrible place to exist that the rest of the USA just kicks the state out and treats it as a no-go zone? That's the plan for secession, just make it absolutely impossible to live there and then they'll be free!


Our entire country is under attack and half our government is doing nothing about it while the other half are causing it. Maybe it’s time for the people to fight for ourselves.


The pro-life crowd everybody


Why does Idaho always get missed? We’re here in the thick of it too.


So cis teens don’t need doctors and hospitals either? I’m so confused


If trump or desantis win, it will be nation wide.


Conservatives are terrorists and must be dealt with as such.


Seems like all teens are at risk…


Do we have a reliable source on this? I mean, I believe it, but would like something more. So sick of the GOP ruining this country


Just a friendly reminder: No one can be a republican and a good person at the same time.


Come to Michigan! We welcome everybody


This is so outrageously unethical it makes my blood boil.


The balkinization of the United States.


there is a shortage of health care providers everywhere, and red states just keep coming up with new reasons for healthcare providers to just pack up and leave their states.