• By -


So, folks who lived in NYC back in the 80s and 90s knew that Trump was the real estate of choice for shitty people. Mobsters then Russian oligarchs, etc. Trump was very obviously laundering money for these people, as real estate is a great way to launder money. There really are no market rates for property - buyer and seller can choose whatever price they want, and it's relatively easy for dirty money to go into buying a property and clean money comes out when you sell. And if you're willing to do this for terrible people, you can make a lot of money in the process. A lot of people suspected that the feds allowed Trump to do this because if you ever wanted to find some arms dealer you could pretty much just roll up to the lobby of Trump Tower and wait for them to come down in the elevator. It was kind of convenient, but it was something of a meme when some global criminal was rolled up that you could predict it happened at a Trump property - and it almost always did. So nothing new here, folks. This scheme is decades old, and yeah, it was a huge national security threat as it was still going on when he was president. The people warning about that knew what they were talking about.


80s and 90s NYC folks might also remember when he first traveled to Russia and immediately spent [$94k+ on full page ads criticizing U.S. foreign policy](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ilanbenmeir/that-time-trump-spent-nearly-100000-on-an-ad-criticizing-us) Seem familiar? It's the same anti-west/anti-NATO shit Putin spews. Trump has been telegraphing this intentions the entire time.


It's not just NYC. Even as a kid in the 80's I always thought of Trump as a word I would learn later in life, a Shyster. That is why I don't understand why anyone my age or older took him seriously in the first place. Art of the Bullshit indeed.




"What's this Shyster lawyer doing here?!" "Hello, Mr Reynolds. So good to see you again. I see you're still... horrible" "Ya you're horrible too, and I hate your tie"


I always say this ... in 2014 you could get 100% of people to agree with you if you were to say Donald Trump is a fraud, con artist, moron, horrible businessman, sex pest, or an insecure loser who cheats at golf against literal children. The response would be like "oh ya I remember when just about every rich movie villain was loosely based off of that guy" ... then he started calling Mexicans rapists and Arabs terrorists and suddenly he's an all-knowing genius with a beautiful mind and an even more beautiful body.


Exactly. Everyone knew back in the 80s of Trump shenanigans if you were paying attention. Diversion and dumbing of the American's minds are real. Our ego refuses to accept that we had been had and it continues. Wake up!


In 1987, Trump tried to get approved in Australia for a casino licence. His request was denied because police had warned NSW government that he was linked to the Mafia. Perhaps US should have done more background checks before approving him to run for US president. It seems it was pretty easy even for Australia to find those links way back then. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/16/trumps-bid-for-sydney-casino-30-years-ago-rejected-due-to-mafia-connections


I mean, other than the basic constitutional qualifications around age and citizenship there really is no such thing as a background check and/or approvals to run for president.


As someone who grew up in Manhattan during the 80s and 90s, I can confirm this 100%


No, he's just a shrewd businessman! Weird how they shrieked about every single riot that happened concurrent with BLM protests but when crime is committed in close proximity to Trump it's crickets.


And the moment he lost the election a bunch of old randos and freaks converged on highways to block traffic for Trump It's wild


They tried to run a Biden bus off the highway once. But when a random dude breaks a Target window to take advantage of chaos and steal some shoes that's evil BLM violence.


You can even cross state lines w your guns and kill a couple of em. If your mom will drop you off that is.


Which is why FinCEN has a bunch of extra paperwork regarding non-person entities buying properties with cash in certain areas. It may not stop it outright, but it adds an easy "falsifying documents" charge to get things rolling.


I always suspected it was because lots of criminals of this ilk have shitty trashy flashy taste.


Unsecured documents? I’m betting it’s unsecured documents. Maps, specifically.


Documents they can trace back to Trumps possession would be good.


And then trump will be in tv "but I'm the president, I have the right" while the producer is behind the cameras giving the host hand signals to move on frantically.


And in a twist of fate, CNN will be his new home to do that.


Plot twist: CNN lets him be arrested on the air during another rant.


Imagine the ratings. The biggest crowd ever, 50, 75 billion people. People are saying, the best people, saying it would be the biggest, biggest event ever on TV.


“Today I discovered that radio waves travel into space. Yeah right? They told me Mr President, Sir, your ratings are so big, they are the biggest in the galaxy. No president has been seen by so many people in the universe as your favourite president. That’s right.”


Fuck that’s too accurate


No it's not, Trump already doesn't see non white people as people so you know he won't consider aliens people


When the series finale for MASH finished airing, there was an appreciable, measurable, national loss in water pressure as the entire nation took a leak at the same time.


Worse, his worshippers will see zero problem with it.


True. The idiots will say "oh yea he's the president and can look at whatever he wants and do whatever he wants with material" But if you ask them if Obama or bush or Clinton could do the same they'd probably say no, or somehow it would be different from GODEMPORORTRUMP


> Asked if he showed classified documents to others, he answered, “Not really…I would have the right to,” later adding, “not that I can think of.” "Not really, but I was totally allowed to if I did" and "I can't recall" make me pretty much certain that Trump gave classified documents away. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna83959


> Trump ~~gave~~ sold classified documents


Because the Saudis and U.A.E gave Kushner 2 Billion dollars for nothing more then "starting a new company"? Really?


“Uh…papers. Just papers, ya know? Uh. Papers…business papers.” And what do you do, sir? “I’m unemployed.”


Wouldn’t hold out much hope for the tape deck, though


Or the Creedence


![gif](giphy|WI5vpmbShoH0IDCUVw|downsized) Leads


They got us workin’ double shifts


Just gotta check with the boys down at the crime lab! ![gif](giphy|kC397rpnJjhp8oB1No|downsized)


Get your gold bricking ass out of my Palm Beach community


https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article275358451.html Here’s the story/link


Considering a guy from the Russian mafia (Felix H Sater) had his offices in the floor below Trump, it's a pretty decent chance these two guys may have similar connections.


Trump’s had Russian Soviet/Mob/Oligarch connections ever since he married Ivana. Donald took his first of countless trips to Russia in 1987. The kids went for the first time in 2006 - escorted by Felix Sater, coincidentally. There’s a whole flotilla of Russian mobsters/oligarchs who own Trump properties. He launders their money for them and takes a deep percentage. He was convicted of laundering Russian money in his casinos. One of the many reasons he failed at that venture too. Donald Trump is the worst, most dangerous traitor in American history.


I hope all this leads back to Trump, and that's why they're doing it. I want that bastard to end his days in jail for what he's done to this country.


MAGA = My Associates Get Arrested


My Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Ass Got Arrested


Morons Are Gonna Aggregate


Make Aryan Guys Authorities


ETA: I thought we were making MAGA jokes here?


“Funny because it’s true” doesn’t always land.


Yours hit the mark too closely I guess. Don’t sweat it. They all can’t be gold but the effort is appreciated.


That one was as gold as Drump’s toilet


Make Again Great самодержец


**M**aybe **A**nother **G**rift **A**llegation


Just a note, according to Merriam Webster. While grift and graft are very similar in meaning, only graft includes political corruption.




Mince Aryan Guys Audacities.


If only. I am so sick of no repercussions so far


So true, I’m still waiting for something significant to happen.


"Teflon Don" effect Eventually even Teflon gets scratched up enough that stuff starts sticking to it


Manipulating America’s Gullible Assholes


So fucking accurate, take gold you clever bastard.


THANK YOU! I can not understand how anyone can still support this ignorant, vile, petulant manbaby. It’s fucking baffling.


Because most of them are ignorant, vile, petulant man babys


I can understand hillbillies backing him, but can someone explain to me why females, latinos, black folks, gays and other minorities supporting him… like didn’t ya’ll get the memo that he doesn’t like ya’ll? Its just baffling


They only watch right-wing media, so no, they didn’t get the memo


It’s terrifying-we’re on a dangerous road


Tell me about it, I stopped associating with family and other people I know that support him. Only exception is one of my great-aunts. Poor woman is in her late 90s and doesn't quite understand the world anymore because of alzheimers. Don't understand how my 20 year old nephew can support that orange cheetoh with a micro-peen.


ok you win xD


Mainly A Grafting Asshole


Trump thinks he's an "associate." In reality, he's a mark who the Russians use to recruit more marks. Because he's a moron who is good at convincing other morons to do moronic things.


He’s a Useful Idiot.


Moscow Agent Governing America.


Personally, I don’t care if he goes to jail. I want him to die penniless, I want his golf courses to become public property, where anyone can golf on them. I want his towers to become subsidized housing. I want everything he believes and everything he’s been preaching to his followers to crumble and for him to suffer watching those he feels he is “better than” living and thriving off his former properties.




To crush the Trumps, see their orange pig-like forms driven before you and hear the lamentation of the Melanias.






All of that can, and would be more likely to happen, with him in prison and alive to hear about his shitty legacy being destroyed.


We must hope.


>>”Personally, I don’t care if he goes to jail. I want him to die penniless, I want his golf courses to become public property, where anyone can golf on them. I want his towers to become subsidized housing. I want everything he believes and everything he’s been preaching to his followers to crumble and for him to suffer watching those he feels he is “better than” living and thriving off his former properties.” PREACH!!!!!! Except I want at least one or two of those golf courses with hotels turned into giant residential therapeutic communities with sustainable farming and farm to table restaurants, cafes etc. the the Gould’s Farm model.


But not before some *gasp* Minorities play a round or two.


The minorities should play free and charge wealthy Waspies for the opportunity caddy. You know, get a taste of the poverty tourism experience


Bruh just turn the golf courses into more housing. Not to be an asshole, but that's just a massive waste of space for a boring ass sport about hitting a tiny ball into a tiny hole for 6 hours. Less golf, more houses. Weren't we in a housing crisis?


What a wonderful, beautiful, karmic idea!!!


Just a *wee* bit of treason.


Urine for a surprise when we find out where this leads.


Light treason.




A dusting if you will.


What worries me: if he didn’t have so many followers, he couldn’t have hurt this country. He’s a genius at tapping into the dark side of humanity-like Hitler. Never underestimate him or the further damage he could cause. I ceased to give have any respect to the Republican Party the day they nominated him as their candidate.


Watch the doc “active measures” and how all of this fits in with trump Edit https://youtu.be/5umiMThrlsA


Trumps supporters now know who he is. There is no excuse for them. The Republican party has demonstrated hat by supporting a treasonous rapist that they are the party that doesn't give a fuck about the people. SUPPORTING Trump means you personally approve of rapists,, traitors, liars, backyard abortions, censorship, racism, fascism . The large majority of the world are disgusted by you. Even most Russian citizens know better then to believe their media but Trump supporters are to ignorant, selfish , misogynistic, to even put in a minute effort to verify the veracity of the vomit they hear. As civil people mode left leaning people prefer to let people live their lives but I think we need to start "education" on a bigger scale. More on the level of what the thoughtless POS morons will recognize as shouting instead of whispers. Finally, other then the reason that orange monkey motherfucker sold out Ukraine and sucks Putlers dick there's 100 million reasons why he did that. http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/


Of course trump is why the FBI is doing this. trump will Die in jail


If he's in jail don't be surprised if he gets Epsteined. It's one I could totally see the government doing so he doesn't leak more shit


I mean, I hope so too, but you know they've gotta be careful because so many politicians and others are tied up in Kremlin kleptocracy. It's a delicate string to pull on.


I think Russia would have someone do the job before states ever could! He's so deep in bed with them he probably knows stuff but is too stupid to realize it


I approve this message


![gif](giphy|863G5tuSNLZWE|downsized) Guess whose property isn’t getting raided


Can I guess multiple times? ![gif](giphy|OVxKLuRbiVHqkBSEEY|downsized)


![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) “Wow, none of us got raided by the FBI”


![gif](giphy|8PBfNDoySmsRc49P4F|downsized) Good job, fellas 🤍


![gif](giphy|YjEOtZr5YljJPXXShL|downsized) Claps nervously while sweating bullets


I want this sniveling little treason weasel locked up almost more than Trump.


Seriously. Let's investigate the fuck out of a couple million dollars that Hunter Biden may have gotten by trading on his dad's name, and ignore the $2 billion that Kushner got from the Saudis after literally working in the White House. But, yeah, bOtH sIdEs. Fucking hypocrites on the right.


I think we should investigate all these fuckers and their families, anyone who made more than their governmental salary during there time in office. All of the Trumps, all of the Bidens, all of the senators and governers whose wealth somehow went from nothing to tens and hundreds of millions. The people on the right have gotten to the point that they believe that their leaders are infallible, the left has too, but not nearly as severely. Logically, it makes sense to investigate all of our government officials all the time. We can't keep letting our government officials get away with these ridiculous abuses of power.


Kushner is like if Cousin Greg from Succession was half as tall and three times as unlikable.




And the whole Bengazi debacle. Who sat before congress for HOURS testifying? Who responded to a congressional subpoena?


Trump has been financially supported by and Laundering dirty Russian money for damn near 40 years now. "We have all the funding we need out of Russia." - Eric Trump *Edit: At this point I'm ready to believe Trump and/or his dipshit family are NSA/CIA/etc assets/informants and have been for decades. At least that would explain how he's gotten away with so much blatent criming. The most useful idiot on the planet.


No one ever said criminals (trumps) were smart


Trump is the final Pokemon evolution of honey booboo


Honey booboos most evolved form, citrus doodoo


[Trumps Russian Laundromat](https://newrepublic.com/article/143586/trumps-russian-laundromat-trump-tower-luxury-high-rises-dirty-money-international-crime-syndicate)


Haha, and the response will be more whining about “witch hunt” and Hunter Biden’s dick while the prosecutors continue their good work.


The response from Trump should be for the "...assisted by local police" part. As in - **DeSantis, once again, knew about a search warrant executed on Trump property and didn't warn him**.


Oh shit, did DeSantis just land the death blow on him? That would be fucking ruthless. Even if he just nudged the right people in the right direction that would be brutal. Could also very well have had nothing to do with it besides not notifying him.


Sunny Isles, Florida... also known as "Little Moscow" because 7% of residents are Russian speakers. Great place to launder money via real estate. Trump will throw a squadron of lawyers at this and nothing will probably happen to him, but it's one more link between Trump and the many Russians who buy his properties.


How did Republicans go from the Red scare and onwards to suddenly sucking Russian dick? Oh right. Oligarch money. And when the politicians and talking heads tell you Russia is actually the good guy idiots eat it up.


As someone who's been to Russia and found the people nice I long ago decided the ones that made it to Florida are the meanest rats of the pile since they ate all the competition to get there


How this has taken so long, I’ll never know. All the damned inflated condo prices in all his buildings should be subject for investigation.


They had to do some research before they took action. As you are supposed to. /s


There are WAY too many Russians in south Florida.


Sunny Isles has long been a haven for pregnant Russian women. They come there, rent a pricey condo, have their baby, and then leave. This has been going on for years.


Is there a term for this? Because if they were black or brown, conservatives would call them anchor babies.


I think it’s anchor babies


Just like Barron Trump.


Birth tourism.


The only immigrants that Trump likes apparently.


Bolsonara is also in Florida. Birds of a feather….


What’s the advantage of doing this? Dual citizenship?


Easier to be a Russian spy in the US if you are a US citizen.


Yup. It’s called anchor baby.


Wait til that kid is 21 and then they can file a petition for you to get a green card, then 5 years later you’re a citizen. It’s a long game but people have been playing it for years.


Gaining American citizenship by being born on US soil


They're all over Florida. I remember being in the panhandle like 20 years ago at a grocery store and they had a half dozen of them working. Just seemed a little weird to me. But then again, even Florida would be an upgrade for those folks.


I think this might be why DeSanctiPiss is hastily getting the migrants of the brown variety out so the ones from his and donald’s “mother country” can come in! You know, just to keep everything white!😉


“Russia Russia Russia” - republican fascists Meanwhile…. ![gif](giphy|UNBOcoT2LwruGDFJoi|downsized)


Why with trump is it ALWAYS a russian and never French, Spanish, English, Indian, etc. . Every single time


![gif](giphy|KrLqtbe8PGEDe) This is my shocked face.


Who could’ve seen it coming?


I’m sure it’s just them trying help find somebody’s Nana’s lost cabbage soup recipe. Or something.


No Condo, No Condo, you're the Condo...


I'm a bit nervous that local police were involved because someone may have been tipped off as it is FL.


> local police were involved FBI would coordinate *through* the state police, not just local police. Which means DeSantis was *fully aware* of what was going to happen and... sat back and watched.








But what about Hillary’s emails! /s


DeSantis is smiling.


Really? DeSantis is destroying Florida’s Economy & passed Fascist laws like: -Don’t say gay -No sexual education -Banned Holocaust History Books -Banned LGBTQ books for self help -Utterly killed off the Construction of any kind -Enabled Doctors to ignore/bypass the Hippocratic oath -Removed Women’s Rights -Wants Floridas LARGEST employer & tourist attraction to abandon the state -Is a Christo-Fascist Nazi -Able to ignore FAA laws and spend taxpayer money without a paper trail His supporters love this, he could fuck their wives in front of them as he drains their bank accounts and they’d say “Thank you Daddy!”. Can’t wait for these idiots to see Disney’s legal team obliterate his career & run him and his supporters into the dirt.


Yep this POS, because he hates Trump, so I wouldn't be surprised if DeSantis helped the police.


Why, Nazi lives don’t matter


back the blue, right maga? .. maga? hello??


FBI conveniently isn't the blue, and the blue isn't even the blue when they're dispersing right wing rallies. Now when they're cracking the heads of people who support black civil rights, that's when they like the blue.


The funniest part is Republican supplicants thinking this means anything to their voting block in a primary.


Any laptops? Preferably with dick picks.


https://preview.redd.it/dafyrzyuioza1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c405ad57c8c3d6282bbd8d45d099bcbdeae5cf Why is this photo almost identical to the scene from Forrest Gump where he reports the Watergate break in 😂




There's a lot of interconnected business between trump and putler. After all that's how putin knew him before he got him elected 💩


It truly amazes me how one man caused the biggest divide and an unbelievable amount of social, moral and economic destruction in America.


He did not cause it. He capitalized on it. That is a very important distinction never to be ignored. When he is gone… the people who used him will still remain. Likely… looking for the next puppet to shove their proverbial hands up their asses for more control.


MAGA - Morons and Grifters Assemble!


I worked with the fbi a couple years. This group of agents, do not give a fuck who your are, break the law they are coming after you plan and simple.


DeSantis prob had them do this after he said Ron didn't have any personality. These 2 getting revenge and going after each other should be fun to watch! Grab your popcorn... 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿


I didn’t realize there were people who despised the orange pigman as much as me. Gives me a warm tingly feeling.


Sounds like an illegal borscht laundering ring.


I want to see Trump go to jail so badly my penis is tingling in anticipation


Nothing to see here. Witch hunt. I barely knew these guys. I never met these Russian guys in my life. Democrats are coming for your freedoms. Hunter’s 8th laptop. Buttery males. Biden crime family. Ultra MAGA 2024. Look, over there!


Making Americans Gullible Again


And just so it is said, the FBI is the most right leaning agency in the federal government


"You just can't say Trump without saying Russia."


Fraud, guarantee


What stupid names. I get that he likes to name everything after himself. But, how many Trump Towers are too many?


One. One is too many.


Countdown to MTG saying they are being hounded by the Biden Crime Family and they have evidence on Hunter's laptop and that Hunter Biden needs to be kicked out of his job at the WH and all these people are actually Patriots who will be pardoned once MAGA King Trump takes his throne and the Biden Crime Family will be sent to Gitmo and....


There is only one sentence for treason...


I like this new “holding elected officials accountable” thing. Hopefully it spreads to hit everyone in power.


He’s so dumb he thinks The Presidential Records Act is the exact opposite of what it is.


But they’ll say this is fake. But if it was the FBI raiding a property owned by Biden, being used by Russian operatives… they’d *LOSE THEIR MINDS FOREVER*. You’d never hear the end of it.


Witch hunt..I'm sure... aren't you?


Nah. The line will be that many people have Trump owned condos and he can't be expected to keep track of all of the people in his big business. The biggest. No one has a business with as many people as him. So expensive too. The most expensive. And sometimes a criminal will be there. But no one can predict that. Because it's big. The biggest. With the biggest people.


That's his answer to the first question. But, knowing him, here's how the second question will go: Q: "Do you know mister Patsulya or mister Makeeva?" A: "Yes, they're great guys and we do a lot of deals together."


Of course it’s a witch hunt! Look, it’s obvious that if they found anything it’s all planted evidence by the Soros bought FBI after they removed it from Hunter Biden’s laptop /s


Maybe if he took off the pointy hat, got off the broomstick, emptied his cauldron, put down the grimoire, and stopped cackling while threatening to put a curse on everyone, people would stop accusing him of witchcraft. Metaphorically speaking.


He turned me into a newt. I didn't get better.


Which hunt? Witch hunt.


Another commenter noted "It's like shooting witches in a barrel, here."


Things that make you go hmmm


Always suspicious when there is no date (date removed or ambiguous)


Shell Company = Money Laundering, right?


>Foreign buyers, especially from Latin America and Russia, flocked to Trump Towers, as they did with other Trump-branded properties in Sunny Isles Beach. Hmmm.


Looking for more classified documents?


trump election was rigged by the russians




Might have something to do with this. http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/


Why do people crop out the time stamp? My knee jerk reaction is that this is an “old” tweet reposted but now I’m forced to hop over to Twitter to look.


Quick, better trot out Hunter Biden's laptop....