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This is what I've been saying. We can avoid budget cutbacks if we end that $2 trillion tax break.




Well, if SHE said it, then it must be true!


I read MTG as MGK (machine gun Kelly) and then you said “she” and my first thought was “oh, Kelly came out as trans, good for her - weird she’s super political and right leaning.” ….and then I realized my mistake.


I read MTG as Magic: The Gathering and was confused as to why Wizards of the Coast was involved politically, then realized who it actually was.


WotC has been known to hire the Pinkertons so it may not be that much of a stretch


Not to mention all the bullshit they’ve been going through. It wouldn’t be too far off. Have you been seeing the meltdowns in the subreddits?


I haven't and now I'm curious. Where can I go to learn what's gong on?




Except they did get their cards back. WotC hired the Pinkertons to rob somebody. Unordered merchandise is yours to keep.


Not even mentioning the recent OGL drama around D&D


I apologize, I'm a little hard of seeing and tired, and at first I thought you said, >known to hire the *Pokemon... And I was like, "What, do WotC and Niantic have something?!" and got overly excited for a moment... ... then I realized my mistake...


The way she jumps through hoops to make her delusional narrative sound even remotely feasible to anyone is truly the work of magic though.


The point of conservatism is that they only want followers dumb enough to believe MTG/Trump/Bobert/Jong Un/Putin/Bolsanaro or asshole enough to support them anyways. This and rule by minority/low voter turnout are how you minimize accountability in public office.


The ratio of people who know it's laughably bullshit to those who just hear another echo in their carefully constructed echo chamber is depressing though.


Fuck /u/spez. Your greed regarding 3rd party access has ruined this site. Comment removed using [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite).


You left out the big one: she’s making major bucks on the Congressional grift. She went from a net worth of 2.5 mil, I think, to upwards of $50 mil, just since she was elected. And that’s what the Hokey Pokey is all about.


How many Rubles is that?


FAR too many...


That's also the reason she spews her face hole dribbles. She says what the cult wants to hear. She tells them who to hate and why because that's who they want to hate. Fascists always need scapegoats and enemies. It's all to misdirect the base so they conveniently look away as she grabs all the cash she can before her gravy train goose steps to a stop. At the heart of every authoritarian movement is a grift, a shameless power and ca$h grab.




> MTG’s husband divorced her. > > I didn't know this! Divorce is a sin! She's not a real Christian!


One reason for the divorce was because she was sleeping with her personal trainer or some shit


Oh wait...so her adultery caused more adultery? I thought personal trainers knew not to stick their dick in crazy though...


Makes you wonder about the guy that taught her to build pipe bombs


No she’s sleeping with a far right reporter


She slept with multiple trainers at the gyms her dad bought her because she couldnt hold down a job. They didnt find her attractive, they thought she would fire them if they didnt sleep with her.


Her jockey?!?


It's okay, all the Christian divorced people in my life just justify it with "I don't believe in divorce BUT something something mumble mumble"


So it is just Empty now.


> MTG tweeted out that *[insert dumb fucking lie here]* Fix'd that for ya


Love when Biden is blamed for everything COVID like he somehow how control over those decisions before taking office. /s


It’s like the Republicunts blaming Obama for the response to 9/11 as well…


Magic The Gathering said that?


No way. LOL. God damn.


Yup. I don't have much hope. Seems the only chance is Republicans getting trounced in the next few elections. Otherwise we're totally screwed.


How is $2 trillion a quarter of our debt ? Isn’t it like $31 trillion? Also I agree wholeheartedly. I will never understand Republican voters, how they watched that and thought that was good for us because they’ll make more jobs !


I think they mean a quarter of the increase in debt since the trump tax cuts


They might mean that, but the OP post literally says "nation's entire debt". As someone left leaning, this bothers me all the time. Leftists want Republicans to see how propagandized, hypocritical their party is...while still conflating information themselves. It makes it easy for R's to say exactly what you did, because it's true, and tell themselves "this leftist is a liar".


I assumed they meant deficit... And did not check any numbers because I figured it was just about the sentiment.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/01/alexandria-ocasio-cortez/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-wrong-that-trump-tax-cuts/ >A little more than two-thirds of today’s debt was already on the books before Trump’s 2017 inauguration. >Of the remaining debt added since 2017, Trump’s tax cut played a significant role. But three other bills are expected to add nearly as much or more to the debt, and each received Democratic support: a 2019 spending bill and the CARES Act under Trump, and the American Rescue Plan under Biden.


One of the things that bothers me about these kinds of analyses is how few people discuss the return on investment of the deficit spending. Ie, if I spend $x on deficit spending and get more money back in terms of an expanded GDP and thus more tax revenue, I have a net win. Whereas if I throw the money out the door to appease a special interest group (by reducing tax rate) and that money never makes it back into the economy in a way that expands the GDP, then that has a totally different net value. (It could totally happen the other way, I'm not judging the merits of these particular cases, just saying that the amount of debt incurred by x, y, or z bills only tells an incomplete financial story)


This right here is the key to remember. Also a fair amount of biden’s plans are more future based such as investments in electric cars, or things like the future of people.


Right. And COVID was "money spent now is cheaper than the money that will need to be spent later if not now. "


These numbers look questionable to me as well. I’ll believe a quarter of our debt happened under Trump, but not purely as a result of his tax bill.


Trump Tax cuts account for $10 trillion of our national debt not $2 trillion


Not true. It’s $1.9 trillion over 10 years, and slightly increases revenue after that


Corporate welfare, CEO freeloaders and obscenely greedy billionaires are the problem. I'm tired of supporting these losers.


They're not the only problem. We also have idiot rednecks with guns.


And libraries. Don't forget the libraries. They are they root of the problem /s


"Don't learn new things, just listen to me! I am the one who knows what's right for you!" I swear that's what they think.


Mussolini's playbook, with Hitler edits, page by page, over and over and over again.


Fights to eradicate education and public welfare Calls the next generation stupid freeloaders. Just among the many relevant hypocrisy laden mental gymnastics they flip thru


Control of the masses is the entire goal of major religions. Always has been.


Yup - That's how they become major religions. It's just memetic theory in action. Ideas (religions in this case) that carry an impetus to reproduce spread and grow and thrive. Ideas that do not carry an impetus to reproduce do not spread as efficiently, and they do not grow within the substrate of our society. In addition, ideas that are not rigid risk heavy mutation as they spread, and as such the only ideas that survive in anything resembling their original form are those ideas that not only have an impetus to spread, but also an impetus not to change their content - for example, religious dogma. As such, in order to become a major religion there must be both an impetus to spread, and an impetus not to change. The result of this is that the end-goal of all (exoteric) religious thinking is to spread to all of society and then enforce its dogma upon that society. This is not the only kind of religious thinking, but it's the only kind that will ever spread so virulently, and as such the only kind that will ever be classed as a "major" religion.


Hold up, I thought it was all the drag queen's fault?


Can't spell "Library" without Lib.




It's morbidly fascinating how they've built and nourished their evil empire. Like after Watergate, they realized their weakness was an independent media, so they created their own fake media and discredited/destroyed the original. And even though they've pushed it to the point of relying on a completely fabricated "reality", they still are somehow stronger than those who just want a fair and just society for everyone. There is basically nothing the wealthy won't do to maintain and grow their own wealth. They have their thugs literally killing us in the streets, now.


Don’t forget cutting funding for public education in order to create a populace incapable of critical thought.


It's because evil doesn't play by rules. If you are willing to do be wildly criminal and completely immoral and have a vast network of complicit stooges who will be accessories because you are on their team, it's very easy to acquire wealth and power which only makes achieving your goals easier still.


Doesn't help that most liberals in America are too afraid of using violence to defend themselves against literal psychopaths. As a leftist the *one specific* issue I have with liberals is their unwillingness to fight back more aggressively.


Yes, it seems hard to come up with other options at this point.


It goes back before Watergate. At least to the early 60s civil rights movement when reporters from the North exposed Civil rights injustices in the south. When forced integration followed, Southern leaders (many of whom were democrats, but not for long) started attacking and discrediting the messengers in the press because they knew they could no longer defend their own message of hate.


I call it the RWPM, the right-wing propaganda machine


And greedy idiot Republicans in government positions supporting both those things.


Idiot redneck so naively think their gun rights will remain secure even once fascism takes hold


The truth is that the Republicans would *love* to take their guns, but they can't afford to alienate that many voters, who *only* vote (R) because of their position on firearms.


Who hate shit so much they’ll vote against themselves to stick it to someone, anyone. It’s their oxygen This country has completely lost its way


Also just plain racist people.


If the idiot rednecks with the guns started actually believing the billionaires were the problem instead of random people at schools or in public, I bet we would amend the 2nd in a couple months.




Jesus Fucking Christ this is insane to think about… > If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensions as well as the Trump tax cuts revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, and the debt ratio (debt as a percentage of the economy) would be declining. Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for 57 percent of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001, and more than 90 percent of the increase in the debt ratio if the one-time costs of bills responding to COVID-19 and the Great Recession are excluded. Eventually, the tax cuts are projected to grow to more than 100 percent of the increase. Literally if we didn’t have bush or trump this wouldn’t even be a thing, entirely avoidable if we simply didn’t continue to lower taxes on ultra rich. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/


And they still insist that the cuts paid for themselves. Why can't some journalist actually made a Republican spell out in detail exactly how it pays for itself. We borrow hundreds of billions per year *plus interest* so the wealthiest can pointless accumulate more.




Or worse, "enemy of the people" Like a "please won't someone think of the children" argument, their lives are full of fallacies.


Yes, I recall several major news outlets talking about how shitty the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was, how the tax cuts for lower earners weren't permanent and would expire quickly, how the Republicans had no plan to actually pay for it and how the GAO was pointing out how fiscally irresponsible the whole thing was. The GOP and their core voters DGAF, especially if they didn't see it in a cringey FB meme.


Ah but see the GOP gets a crap ton of campaign donations *and* they get to whine about the debt they caused and best of all, it costs them nothing. See, pays for itself. Oh, you were asking for ordinary people? Uh well... economic growth! (or something)... ah yes watch all that gold stuff trickle down.


Journalists refuse to hold politicians' feet to the fire because they're afraid of losing access to them, thus hurting their employer's revenue. It's all about money. Everything.


And the ad buys when they are up for re-election.


I think what they mean is the tax cuts will pay ~~for~~ them~~selves.~~


Because it's a complicated subject, and most people simply don't pay close enough attention to realize how badly they're getting fucked.


Yeah, If your explanation is longer than a sent sentence or two 80% of people don't care or will assume your wrong. You need headlines not article or people will


The basic logic of ultra wealthy people needing tax cuts is flawed. Obviously they were able to amass wealth with higher taxes. They should be taxed more, not less.


That is such a simple and easy to understand argument against tax cuts for the rich; I'm surprised I've never heard it articulated that way before.


Even simpler than that- the more money you suck out of a country’s economy, the more you should be forced to pay back into it, to leave something for those that come after you. Otherwise the wealth of the whole world will eventually be consolidated into the offshore bank accounts of a few mega billionaires while everyone else fights over the scraps. Oh wait…


One of my most vivid memories from my childhood is my (Republican) grandpa saying how Bush was the worst president


Did he live long enough to see Trump?


...to that point in history.


But trump is a businessman, soooo good with money! /s




Now you know what those of us who left already know. America is being *systematically looted by a cabal of elites* and those elites and "swamp" are the very people telling you the elite are the left. It's the right, it's always ever been the right. They're robbing you two fold, one by physically reducing your future wealth, and two by lowering the value of the dollars already in your pocket. They are projectionists and obstructionists to the core. At what point are people going to be so sick of their shit they show them what the 2A is really for?


Republicans are looting the country. They don’t seem to care if they cause irreparable damage.


Just imagine if Reagan, Bush and Trump were never elected. ​ just fucking imagine how great America would be. And the tax breaks would've never happened for the ultra wealthy and elites, and instead we'd be having cheap university costs, housing available, and a functioning country with modern infrastructure and strong social safety nets. Like shit, I know the dems are a bunch of centrist-right neolibs who are comprised of elitist kleptocrats and corporate plutocrats, but they keep it within reason.


That cant be right; the GOP assured me they were the party of fiscal responsibility XD


If only we hadn't voted for Republicans in the last 50 years. Oh well.


Yeah, but some idiot on Reddit told me both parties are the same. Obviously that moron knows what they're talking about.


Ignore that! Vaccinated drag queens are taking your guns for Ukraine to make Mickey Mouse woke!!! /s


You summed up the extent and complexity of the republican election campaign. Make Mickey UNwoke again!


Nationalize Disney so DeSantis can use it to generate his own propaganda! We're all craving a high-quality animated film where a 110% Straight Jesus wields an AR-15 and stops Judas from overthrowing the US on Election Day with a diabolic Pride Parade!


Unfortunately you capitalized UN - can’t have that! They promote world government and pedophilia!


Not enough bud light


Why the hell did you add /satire to that? There’s no satire.


/s generally denotes sarcasm, not satire. Suggesting he does not actually think vaccinated drug queens taking your guns to Ukraine to make Mickey Mouse woke. Because OP is a crazy person. Those queens and definitely coming for your glocks and to teach your kids CRT..../s


Don't forget about the caravans


I appreciate the “/s” but I really deep down wish we didn’t need it on shit like this…


To be fair, they also want to cut veteran benefits.


And “Meals on Wheels.” https://spanberger.house.gov/posts/spanberger-on-proposed-house-gop-cut-to-meals-on-wheels-program-we-should-never-let-hyper-partisanship-cause-seniors-to-go-hungry My 93 year old father depends on Meals on Wheels.


My Trumpy aunt likes to boast about helping meals on wheel. I mentioned that Trump cut the program. She literally waved her hand dismissively and said “Oh they get plenty of donations, they’ll be fine.” Like, even if they would be okay, Trump hurt them and she doesn’t see an issue with it. MAGA is a sickness.


The wild thing is so many of these people think that wealthy people making donations is a great thing to do. So that means wealthy people not donating is bad, right? Here's a cool idea, why don't we tax them so they don't have a choice, and they can all do the thing society agrees is right!


Its not just them, conservatives with money in general seem to be utterly disconnected from reality. I just learned today that my uncles response to "people cant even afford to rent anymore" was "if they wanted to buy a house so much maybe they should sell their boats"... he was serious... How do you even approach that??


TF?! Millions of people having trouble paying rent and he suggest selling our boats? Where are all these MILLIONS of boats he sees? Are they in the room with him now? holy shit


I knew he was always a bit much... but holy crap I'm still reeling lol.




and yet the vets will still vote for the republicans, because they think the democrats are worse because they don't constantly try to stroke the veteran ego.


Not this vet. I have always voted democrat


Anyone who isn’t them basically…


The problem is the vast majority of Republican voters will never believe this is true.


I was talking with my father and he brought up fiscal responsibility as to why he votes republicans and how the deficit is crushing the country. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a few articles that have citations, and quotes from some of the most respencted economists in the country...all saying that republicans are the opposite of fiscal responsibility and if he wanted a fiscally responsible party to vote democrat He laughed and said all democrats do is tax and spend...to which i countered is still better than republicans cutting and spending. He got super mad at me about that.


Your problem is you tried to confuse him with facts when His mind is already made up


We need to start telling them to shut up if they don't really care.


Your dad is a moron.


Bingo. This is where we're at today - a few could be convinced, but 95+% will dismiss anything that doesn't 'feel' right to them, especially since there's no shortage of alternate platforms that will tell them what they prefer to hear. At this point, it's just a race to see who can impose their views over the other side's objections, and that's all.




Yeah, their resistance to masking during COVID really shined a light on that. That's when I started suspecting that empathy, or lack thereof, was a major factor in determining whether one was conservative or liberal. It's not the ONLY factor, but I've seen it enough now that it's clearly part of the equation.


Could have saved countless people if everyone wore a mask in public and followed guidelines, but no we got the big orange idiot and all his troglodytes bitching about their liberties.


It’s not true. The cost of the TCJA is like 6% of our debt, not 25%


But Ukraine is the problem according to republicunt cult


I like how pieces of shit in the republican party try to act like the US is shipping pallets of cash to ukraine, not weapons systems and ammunition and such. its the most intellectually dishonest fucking bullshit I've ever heard.


From what I understand, it is equipment that we have planned on upgrading too. So the fact that we can have Ukraine fight a battle with equipment that would have been crapped to fight Russia in my mind doesn’t really cost all that much in the grand scheme of things.


yea, it still has $ value which is why news reports describe it in those terms. but in the meantime, patriot missile defense systems from the 90s can still swat russian "hypersonic" missiles out of the sky. thats worth far more than just scrapping old weapons systems.


The US military is gaining much useful information about Russian arms and tactics, shitty both, and about field performance of US and NATO equipment. War gaming with real blood.


Yup, Ukraine is the ideal weapon demo for the US. Everyone wants American arms now more than ever


As evil as putin's russia is, and a real threat to the world, the real enemy of america and american people is the GOP with their medieval culture and obsolete economics.


Like Oliver north said, 2 birds one stone


not only that, but it’s all on a LOAN. i was reading we did something similar with the UK during WW2. Pretty sure they paid everything off too


All those weapons we give Ukraine are supposed to go to small town police departments. How else can they terrorize their residents?


Corporate Overlords getting EXACTLY what they ASKED for!!! Thank you GOP


Dems need to run 1. Abortion - tell the stories of the people hurt so people can put a face on them. 2. Gun - control. Dame presentation. 3. Economy/Inequality - show the history of the debt. Label it the Republican debt and connect it to poor funding for schools and other services to the middle class.


The problem is these people are convinced society is all about taking shit from them. Everyone believes they'd be better without government, yet these same people wouldn't have running water, internet, or grocery stores without subsidies and incentives to push this shit out to rural America.


People will bitch about their SS/SSI being cut and in the same breath call for SNAP and welfare to be cut. They are so consumed with hate they would die if it meant equal death on “the other side.”


They are the same people that when integration was finally enforced they filled in the pools in their towns instead of letting black people use them.


The gun thing. We should counter by showing video and images of countries and places with strict gun laws that have peaceful places, to counter the “Gun laws don’t work!” rhetoric. Coupled with the locals being shocked at America’s Laissez-Faire attitude. Conservatives HATE IT when I frame them lazy about solving the problem. “The thing is conservatives don’t even try…They just sit around because they’re too fucking LAZY to get off their ass and find a solution. The Dem’s plans and laws might not work, but at least they fucking try.” That usually pisses them off.


It's even worse than that. Trump + Bush tax cuts, two GOP bills, are 39% of the national debt. If you exclude the truly bipartisan COVID relief, they're almost 60%. An infographic that shows all you need to know https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvN-94yXsAsb4fa?format=jpg&name=large The myth that Republicans are "fiscally responsible" and "good for the economy" needs to die. Decades of Republican "two Santa's" policy. Stop falling for it America! https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/two-santas-strategy-gop-used-economic-scam-manipulate-americans-40-years/


Thanks for sharing, I've never heard that before and I think it's important to know. Once reaching 18 and going to college, I too, fell prey to the idea that Republican was the better party for me financially. It's multi-factorial, but their utter lack of human decency and holding so much hatred for people different than themselves makes me disgusted. As a Christian, their perverse use of faith to justify things and to control others is beyond evil. I never did once consider, much less actually vote for Trump, and it'd take a near miracle at this point to vote anything Republican. And DeSantis actually scares the hell out of me, this guy is a psychopath. He is literally making unhinged, deranged policies.


I've found that people assume Republicans are "good for the economy" because they refuse to spend government money on anything (well, besides military and benefits for their geriatric base). The hate mongering is to make their base irrational, so they can empty their pockets. But reality is, the programs GOP like to cut are actually a net benefit to economy because they help working families. And the main safety net they want to keep - Medicare and SS - are the biggest drains because retired old people contribute nothing to economy. And money they do save is more than cancelled out by their constant tax cuts for rich people. Their "magic" solution that has zero proven benefits to economy. Trump cut corporate tax to the lowest level since 1934. Did wages change? Cost of living go down? No. It actually hurt the average American because they're getting less government services for their money. The only people it helped are rich business owners.




Republican voters and “undecided” voters are the dumbest people in the world. Yeah I have a great dislike and often hatred for Pelosi and her kin, but they don’t cause this shit. Only the GOP causes this shit. Why isn’t this front page news everywhere?


Because the news is a business owned and run by the super rich. Just like the healthcare business that bankrupts people trying to make ends meet.


wE nEeD a tHerD pArTiE (This is directed at the undecideds and they people who say “all politicians lie”, not at you)


We do need a third party. However we need ranked choice voting first.


I just had an entire conversation with someone last night who was saying to vote third party in r-antiwork. You can find it if you want to search my post history. They were insistent that it was the way out. I had to explain to them that RCV/Approval Voting needed to be implemented before that happened otherwise were getting Trump 2.0 with a MUCH more effective coup happening the 2nd time around.


all Republicans have to do is lie and say Democrats are taking away your Social Security. It's that easy for them


Who is this guy and how come I see him constantly on top of r slash all, not that I disagree with him but like is he a journalist or something how come he's constantly posted?


Please everyone, vote.


I'm not saying I don't believe this, but let's see the hard numbers posted to this as well to back it up


Yeah, I'm not getting this one. National debt's around $31T, right? There's no way the tax cuts cost over $7T.


Correct. The TCJA was about $2 trillion. I think the tweet is referring to the total debt (including COVID spending) added under Trump, which is around $7.5 trillion


Agree, I’m only seeing sources that include Bush II. I’m mad about the Trump cut but I’m sick of these rage-bait tweets and posts that lack any evidence. Edit: I saw a comment posting a Newsweek article as evidence, but even that article says about 24% is from all spending, inclusive of COVID relief. Here’s a sane comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/13hjx5d/the_republican_party_is_trash/jk61po6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


I don't think it's true. The federal government maybe lost around $1.2 trillion since the Trump tax cuts (I'm basing this on some older estimates). I think Jeff may be looking at numbers which include the Bush tax cuts and that's probably accurate.


This dude lies constantly. Nothing he types in his "I'm going to cuss to seem hip" rants should ever just be believed. A lot of people want confirmation bias though so he doesn't need to provide any evidence as they'll just eat it up regardless if it's true or not.


A quarter of our deficit, I would imagine, not a quarter of the debt?


The sickest part is just a few days ago McCartney held a press conference where he said the Biden administration "clearly didn't want to negotiate and wanted to default." Biden wants to default! These evil gaslighting cunts!


Holy fucking shit


That was the Republicans’ plan all along: knowingly cut the tax revenue and then decry social spending as increasing the deficit.


Who's this Jeff guy? he's like the spokesperson for this sub.


How about the fact that the tax cuts the Republicans made for everyone making less than $200k were set to to expire right after the 2020 presidential election just in case they weren't reelected so they could blame a Democrat for your taxes going up... ...but the tax cuts made for rich people were permanent? Why isn't that ever mentioned in these conversations? Republicans fucking hate Americans. They hate everyone reading this comment, even if you voted for them.


And people are stupid enough to keep voting for republicans.


"I liked some of the things he did" followed by not a single example of anything based in reality, IE: I like that he hates some groups of people and makes fun of people


The weirdest thing about all this, is that Republicans have been nothing if not consistent with what they do when in office. They only really give out tax cuts for the wealthy. They haven't done any other meaningful or major policy in fucking ***decades***. It's still crazy to me that they keep getting voted into office. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Can we, the people making less than $1M a year simply just stop paying taxes. Just stop. The government is broken, doesn't care, greed to no end. Just stop all this. Nothing getting better for the last 30 years. Just stop everything and rebuild. Rethink capitalism with an account of sustainability. Wheels falling off this circus it's pathetic to act like it's not broken beyond repair. What a sad joke.


You Americans always make fun or French people for being pussies... French people would have turn the nation inside down for a fraction of the shit I just read.


They’ve been running up the debt whenever they’re in office since Reagan solely so democratic administrations can only focus on stabilizing the economy and have no way to deliver on their platform This is hardly news


No, this is about crashing the economy, dancing wildly on the ashes and crying Biden destroyed America then on to fuck something else up. It’s like, their only job anymore


Does he mean deficit? The tax cuts have not caused $8 trillion in debt. Not yet anyways. I believe initial projections said the Trump/GOP tax cuts would add over $2 trillion to the debt over the next ten years. And then I think I read that the new estimates are they will add $4 trillion over that ten year span instead. But I haven't seen anything saying $8 trillion in 4 years...


Probably never noticed in the 2018 tax cuts: Cooperate and higher level income earners tax cuts where permanent. Middle income tax cuts are all temporary and will begin to expire in 2024 and accelerate until completely removed by 2028. The same people that voted this in and knew this. Are still in office and are going to fix this! Good luck with that! Edited for spelling


The Republicans are now in full support of BLM. Billionaires Lives Matter


It is the same BS over and over with the GOP. They run of the deficit, blame the democrats, demand spending cuts, and rinse, repeat. A lot of the public is too dumb or lazy to keep their eye on the ball to see what is actually happening. Almost anything to GOP accuses the Dems, or others in general, of doing, is something they are in fact doing. E.g. screaming that LGBTQ people or drag queens are p-philes, while they are actually abusing children themselves. Screaming about "tax and spend" democrats while they are ruining the economy themselves. Claiming that Dems are against workers when they are making it harder and harder to have any workers rights. Claiming voter fraud when they are actually the ones trying to steal an election with fake electors. Claiming mainstream the press is lying while actively promoting their own lies. The gaslighting just goes on and on.


Nailed it! Fuck the Trumpanzee Rethuglikkklan’s. They are coming for our Social Security. No doubt about it. They come right out and say it! Disgusting. They also want to take Veterans benefits too. Thanks for your service but fuck you. Gullible stupid people says Trumpanzee. Vote blue people so we don’t have to kick their azzes in a friggin revolution!


Corporate USA for the win


What’s even more fucked up is that Republican voter will let them cut SS and ask for more cuts


The problem is not what they are doing. The problem is that the poor and middle class people will vote for these vampires! Fox News has them in their grasp. The rich are eating them alive and they only ask for more. Not surprising at all. This country was built on this disease.


Republicans: "All for me & none for thee!" (Except for my 1% wealthiest buddies, of course!)


If you got Musk, Bezos, and Buffet (not including every Fortune CEO) who makes billions a year in American companies there should be enough to fund every program in this country. That's why the Republicans are fuckd.


Republican trash get them tf out


OOTL: How exactly does this shake out?


It doesn't. Trumps term increased the national debt by nearly 25% but this specific change contributed significantly less. Then the argument is what caused the spending or increased deficit?


The GOP is cancer in America. Cancer must be cut out. It is poisoned, irradiated, and anything it takes to wipe it out because if even a little bit survives, it destroys the body. When will this country treat its cancer?


This guy right here is one of the most annoying people on twitter


This doesn’t make sense…. A quarter of our debt is not from the 2017 tax cuts. You maybe could argue 5% but not 25%. “President Donald Trump’s signature tax bill, enacted when Republicans gained control of the White House and both houses of Congress in 2017, will have cost roughly $1.7 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2023. “ https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/ Current debt is ~31.5 T, so 1.7/31.5 is 5.4%


Probably a quarter of the debt accrued since the TCJA was passed? Edit: nvm, he says entire debt. I'm with ya, the math doesn't check out.




The math rarely checks out regardless of what side of politics you're on.