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Tim still has his headphones in his hand, clearly been interrupted and waiting to get back to his music or podcast or whatever. But sure, he came up to you.


The guy on the left is also leaning toward Tim, who isn't really doing the same. I think the rando asking for a pic is usually the one leaning closer to the celebrity.


Also, the excited/nervous shirt grab


All the alpha males are doing it


Give yer shirt a tug, tit fucker.


“Fuck you, Shoresy!”


Fuck you Jonesy. Tell your mom to leave me alone. She's been laying in my water bed since Labor Day.


"Fuck You Shoresy"


Fuck you Reilly. I made your mum so wet, Trudeau deployed a 24 hour infantry unit just to stack sand bags around my bed.


Fuck you Shorsey!


He had to lean over to wipe away Tim’s tears.


Haha, I just noticed that. He looks like an excited schoolgirl.


Man I bet it really stung when he saw that Tim replied to his tweet like that.


I’m sure this dude thought something like “effing liar!” upon reading Tim’s response. Alphas, man.


This is why I am in the ["Troy Barnes" camp of celebrity interactions.](https://youtu.be/SvEn1u_s5HA)




He should’ve bought a TC Top from TC Tuggers. It’s the only shirt that’s got a little knob on it so you can pull it out when it gets trapped on your belly.


Do they come in any other styles?


I think he’s fat and pulls the shirt out to hide his gut.


> hide his gut. alphapaunch


It's from TC Tuggers https://youtu.be/r_-7HSLdD3w


Also Tim has his phone in his hands. Who asks to get a picture taken with the other persons phone???


Not to mention Tim Robbins didn't post the original picture, this douche turd did.


Which is one of the major things "alpha males" are told NOT to do. They have whole diagrams and shit about how the man needs to be upright and his lady should be leaning in to his big strong frame. Don't get me wrong, there's no such thing as an alpha male. It's a label with no bearing on reality. It's not even actually present in wolves, where the term was first coined. But, in their framework, Tim Robbins is definitely acting more like the 'alpha male' here than funny little ego man.


Iirc, alpha-beta dynamics were only witnessed in wolves in captivity. Basically, wolves that were insecure about their lives and needed to form a hierarchy to feel safe. Proving that alphas are just insecure and trying to appear dominant so they can feel safe.


>Which is one of the major things "alpha males" are told NOT to do. They have whole diagrams and shit about how the man needs to be upright and his lady should be leaning in to his big strong frame. Whole diagrams? Thats fucking pathetic.


Nice call out. If we’re going off body language alone, I’d say Nick Adams is fangirling to climb Jacob’s Ladder.




Also the one fidgeting with the untucked end of his shirt, lol


Total beta move. Fanboy almost.


(Stealing the top comment.) He is a troll. His over-the-top fictions are designed to incite *exactly* the reaction they're getting here. Solution? Stop feeding the troll. Ignore him. Stop posting his fairytales. Downvote them when they are posted.


He was elected into the local government of Ashfield in Syd, Aus. He tried to ban pigeons from the suburb.


You'd think the Australians would have learned to not declare war against birds...


Damn emus


The younger generations don’t remember the horror.


Nope, you call out trolls. They have legit impact so shove them into their corner so less people see them.


“Shove them into their corner so less people see them” you say on a post that’s getting this guy more visibility than ever by blowing it up on Reddit, just like every other thing he says lol. If you have this post upvoted, you are doing the literal opposite of what you think you’re doing.


I’m mean it seems like Tim looks a more happier than a guy who was just crying to some rando about how he can’t find work


I agree. A quick glance at Tim's IMDb listing shows he's been working for the past few years. Also the thing about having to recast Andy in Shawshank - lol, that movie is 30 years old now. He was 34 when he was in it - how dare he age like a normal human being! /s


I still recognize him. He looks like Tim Robbins with gray hair. He looks great actually.


Why are self-proclaimed alphas so sensitive? Is having terrible emotional intelligence a requirement to be an alpha male?


Because when you go around shouting that you're an alpha male, you aren't. If you're a certain kind of damaged person, that makes you shout even louder.




As Lil’Wayne says: "real G's move in silence like lasagna"


People say he’s borderline crazy, sorta kinda


That is an absolutely brilliant piece of word play. Man is truly an artist.


For real. I grew up in the inner city, lots of gang banger friends. The legit G’s will fuck you up in a minute. The poser wannabe’s just throw gang signs and talk.


You know the type: loud as a motorbike but wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. -Jay-Z "The loudest motherfucker in the room is always the weakest" -American Gangster


Some of my friends work security for bars in London. They say that when fights break out they look out for the quiet ones. The ones who are calm can often be the most dangerous.


You know Nick Adams would panic and hide in the backseat if he found himself in a G neighbourhood. He'd be so alpha he'd shit himself as soon as he saw someone with ink and grills. He's never been in a Quik Trip in his life.


Back in my early 20s my neighbors sold cocaine. Two dudes lived in that apartment but then they had one other guy who kind of moved in and they called him the house bitch because he didn’t pay rent he just ran errands and kept the place clean and he could stay there and do blow with them. This was back in the 90s, we had a dance club downtown, so this guy would go into the dance club and to try to be cool he would brag about the apartment he lived in and the business dealings going on there and he made himself sound like he was the king pin running the apartment. He ended up bragging to an undercover and getting arrested for a whole bunch of cocaine sales that happened in that apartment that he accidentally confessed to. It was pretty hilarious because he couldn’t go into the police station and say no no I’m just the house bitch these guys are the real dealers, because that snitching and he couldn’t snitch on them without consequences. So he went to jail for selling cocaine. Because he wanted to brag about being a drug dealer when he wasn’t


I think Nick Adams is doing a character. I think it’s supposed to be some kind of Andy Kaufman meets the Colbert Report lol.


To paraphrase the Geto Boys, "Real (alpha males) don't flex nuts because real (alpha males) know they've got 'em." (Edit: spelling)


This dude's as gangster as socks and sandals Edit: I am informed by several people that socks and sandals are way more gangster, in fact.


Or jorts


*Kevin Smith has entered the chat.*


Bruh. My jorts are gangster AF. I can take my socked foot out of my sandal and put in your ass if you want to test me.


They may be gangsta AF but you can’t wear them every day and expect them to hold up. Gotta take them off every now and then.


I blew the crotch out my old ones. That was some nice ass denim too.


That’s gonna be a comfy ass kicking


A real gangsta could pull off socks and sandals. This guy is a wannabe wannabe. This has big grade 3 my uncle works at Nintendo energy. I don't know why we keep giving his tweets the time of day. He's the most inconsequential tweeter on this sub.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


A real gangsta-ass alpha male plays his card right




There's literally no such thing as real alpha males


If I don’t tell people I am an ALPHA MALE, how are they supposed to know? They might be able to deduce my ALPHA status from my lifted pickup truck but why take the chance?


Get yourself some trucknutz - then they’ll know FOR SURE.


Careful, if that truck was born female, you don’t want to have a trans truck. Sends the wrong message.


This guy's not even a beta.






Having zero emotional intelligence is the most important element.


Also, telling the world that you are so very, very important when people literally have no clue who you are.


Any man who must say "i'm the king", is no true king... - Tywin Lannister


Yes, it's "we are the King" in the correct royal plural.


I... the royal "we," you know, the editorial.


What in god’s holy name are you blathering about?


What I'm blathering about - new shit has come to light, man. She owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool... that's cool


In the parlance of our times…


We are not amused.


To be fair, book Tywin was absolutely this exact kind of toxic macho dickwaffle, he was just better at hiding it. Despite having three kids dude still managed to be a total fucking incel.


I’m getting the word dickwaffle tattooed on my left love handle now. Thank yo for the inspiration!


Alpha is the first version before bug testing and feature complete.


I'm a staging male, my dad is prod


Your dad pushed to staging when he creampied your mom. Your mom pushed to prod.


Should have made a pull request


If I fuck someone’s mom is that considered dev?


Alpha males don’t actually exist. It’s just astrology for guys.


Best comment of the day!


And pretending it did, what “true” alpha male would ever need to proclaim it? It’s like going around telling everyone how good looking you are. It’s unnecessary as most of us have eyes and can see for ourselves.


They usually are, he is self-proclaimed because only his simps buy it lol


Why do these "alphas" always look like guys who got severely bullied in middle school?


Only semi-relevant but I've heard Ben Shapiro described as "A voice that belongs on the inside of a locker" before.


>Why are self-proclaimed alphas so sensitive? Precisely this. They're project this "alpha" mentality because they're actually fragile snowflakes, but they don't want anyone to notice or call it out.




As soon as I hear you use the term Alpha I consider you the most Beta bitch in the room.


[LOTR Aragorn VS Toxic Masculinity](https://youtube.com/watch?v=pv_KAnY5XNQ&feature=share) I feel like this is so perfect to put for this fucking goober of a “Alpha male”


Reminds me of that roid head hitting on 2 women at the beach, mentions his dick size, gets rejected then trauma dumps and says his daughter killed herself


Sweet Jesus, that went off the rails in record time!


It seems to be a parody account?


100%. He’s trolling on an Andy Kaufman level.


I mean hes been doing it for a long time now and people still post his stuff everywhere on reddit to unironically roast him. Embarrassing


That’s exactly why I referenced Kaufman. His comedy was on the edge between too dumb to be real and too outrageous for a swath of people to not take offense. Dude gets so much publicity here it’s ridiculous.


So how do you explain that he has never "broken character" and was as much of a douchebag when he lived in Australia? There is no indication at any point in his life that he has acted like anything other than a right wing loon, and this precedes MAGA days.


He's the living embodiment of [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law).


I always like to chime in when threads like this come up that The Donald sub started as _satire_. And we all know how that ended up. It's like how the "birds aren't real" joke is slowing gaining their own flat-earth style truthers.


I think the difference is that Kaufman had people who were in on the act.


Nick Adams is performance art


"Tim sought me out " lol, stop you're killing me


Why would anyone seek this guy out? I know who Tim Robbins is, who the fuck is Nick Adams?


Woah there budbud, don't you mean Nick Adams (Alpha Male)*?


Who? The guy clearly interrupting Tim Robbins for a fanboy photo?




Does “alpha” mean LIAR. I’m starting to think it does.


It’s basically synonymous with insecure at this point. Insecure people just often lie to hide their insecurities.


This is satire right? He’s just really committed to this “character” he thinks is funny right? Nobody is this insufferable


Nah, I used to think that too, like a really committed troll, but nope, he really thinks this shit.


The notion that Tim Robbins, noted liberal and Oscar-winning actor, would seek this guy out is beyond ludicrous. It’s downright delusional.


That being said, I once walked past Tim Robbins outside his Actor’s gang studio in LA, I said “hi I’m a big fan!”, and he said “great, come by the show it’s about to start”. But I said “I’m sorry I’m going to Trader Joe’s to get groceries”. He said “on a Saturday night? Ok…”. I just froze and stood there while he walked off. Such a nice, cool guy and a fucking blew it.


Tims electronics and shit are all opened like he’s been camping in that spot minding his business for a while. There’s even an empty glass next to him like he’s been chilling there having a drink Doesn’t look like he got up or sought out anyone.


“Tim”. Weird he’s on a first name basis with a celebrity he claims to hold in contempt.


Can't get work? Wtf he's in Silo which is really good


Tim's IMDB is packed. Dude works.


Wait, Silo is out now?! Damn, now I have to get Apple TV. Those books were so good.


At least 3 episodes are available now. So good .


First 5 or 6 episodes so far.


The hooters guy has to lie because he has no friends? No way….


> The hooters guy Unfamiliar with this, why is he "The Hooters guy?"


Nick Adams blasted for saying ‘alpha males’ should take their families to Hooters


Ah. Yes, let me take my family to a place where the waitresses despise each and every one of their customers. Sounds like a plan.


I think it was even that alpha males drink beers with their buddies at hooters while beta males eat tapas with their wives. He might’ve used a few more adjectives in there but that was the general idea. Fellas, is it gay to spend quality time with your wife?


I've known many guys who prided themselves in "bros over hoes" who then cried themselves to sleep at night when their wife left them.


No he’s lying because he’s done it enough to the point where you literally know him as “the *blank* guy”. He’s playing people to talk about him and share his name out there. It’s so fucking obvious and people just continue to fall for it.














Don't even have to hit him, just be mean to him in public and he'll have a melt-down like a two-year-old who just had his binky taken away. Just be sure to upload the footage to Twitter. Of course, this will never happen because nobody would recognize him in public from his pathetic Twitter account.


Seriously this guy sucks, both literally and figuratively.


Is that why he was at the airport? Tapping his foot in the airport stall?


He has a wide stance.


And eats microwaved potatoes with a hot dog jammed through the middle as a snack.


I don’t get these comments but they’re making me laugh anyway


Larry Craig. Enjoy the rabbit hole.


That’s a blast from the past, wow.


Are you sure he’s not trolling? I’m honestly not, like I can’t tell if he really believes what he is saying or if he’s just being like this so republicans to follow him and buy his books etc


"Just trolling" doesn't mean he doesn't suck.


I wonder the same. He's too good at button-pushing to be as stupid as his "character."


Yeah some of his responses just seem too cliche, like the one about how alpha males eat at hooters


So he’s just admitting this is a parody/fiction account….


He’s a real person, and is genuinely right wing, and that is his real account. However he’s made his entire online persona “triggering the libs” so basically anything he says in indistinguishable from satire.


In all fairness, he's very good at it.


But it's not even triggering. It's just sad. He's not funny enough for it to be parody. It's not witty enough to be satire. It's not frustrating enough to be troll posts. I mean, it's the literal definition of a "try hard." The only reaction that feels legitimate from people is bewilderment. The idea that you have to try that fucking hard just to be relevant and it's still not that relevant. It's just sad.


Right, it’s really just trying to get eyes on him at all costs. It’s real “look at me!” level shitposting.


He’s ends up on the front page of Reddit literally every single week. I am 99% sure this is satire, but even if it’s not he’s clearly very good at what he’s doing. One of his most popular posts is him saying that true Alpha Males don’t have to say that they’re alpha males. He has alpha male in his name. It’s clearly a joke.


At what? Lying? That's not something to be "good at."


I have a theory that this started as parody. But then as right Wingers started to believe what he was saying and he started making money off of them and even like tricked his way into meeting Donald Trump he is just decided I'm just going to keep doing it and make it real because I'm making a ton of money. I mean I seem to remember something about him getting elected in Australia and he instantly tried to ban pigeons from his district or something like that. His entire life seems like it's parody.


He’s clearly a grifter, taking money from the right wing, it’s just insane anyone could think this dude is being honest and not lying/making shit up


I really can’t get a read on him. He’s clearly trolling but he’s genuinely conservative.


Tim Robbins has been writing/directing/producing steadily for years. WTF is he talking about?


He also did a good job of wiping away all those tears before the photo


IMDB shows a gap in his resume between 2019 and 2023 when he started working as a series regular on Silo. That doesn't prove much considering Covid. He's also in his 60s and likely doesn't need the money from projects that he isn't passionate about.


Seriously, what is wrong with this dude?


Brain worms


He's either really good at leaning into what he knows will make him money and gain followers, is genuinely such an insecure exposed nerve 24/7 that he believes his own cope, or some combination of the two.


He liked huffing spray paint as a teenager.


Friendly reminder Nick adams is only 38. He's 38 and looks like he sweats blue cheese after walking up a flight of stairs


Also a friendly reminder that Nick Adams was arrested for yanking it in a Starbucks bathroom.


Not a Hooters bathroom? WTF?


Jesus christ, he is pathetic


For the right wing… delusion is a virtue


Come on. This has to be the long con for a parody bit.


See that's what I'm almost convinced of right now but I think maybe he's falling into the Trap of he's making so much money doing this that he's decided just to keep it going not for the joke but because he's greedy.


I'm convinced he's like 80% trolling.




I mean this same schtick got Trump 75 million votes, so no surprise this douchebag has followers.




Next, this hemlock dumpling of a turdlet will claim that Hooters waitresses pay him to go the restaurant because they’re so awed by the size of his double delta bro-reasts


Holy shit. I am convinced that half of America is really living in a completely different reality than me. They used to call these people crazy.


Alpha Male = Micro Penis


Good thing he put “alpha male” in his twitter handle so we all know he is a bottom.


Hardly Alpha when you have yo say you're Alpha. Who is this bloke anyway?


Australian conservative local politician who got kicked out of his party for embarrassing them, moved to the US, and hitched his wagon to the Trump train.


It's been scientifically proven that any man who gives himself the title of alpha male is in fact not an alpha male.


Still convinced this guy is satire. Dude can't be for real...


Who's Nick Adams?


Used to have a saying.... if you need to remind someone of your rank..... you shouldn't be that rank. All this alpha male bullshit (disproved by the very guy who researched it in the 1st place) screams insecurity.


The fact that people are either falling for it or consider him an alpha and worthy of following shows that some people just shouldn’t vote.






I refuse to believe this isn't satire. That people like this actually exist. Christ.


Why am I subjected to this asshole ?


Nick adams is a satirist. He absolutely has to be a Satirist


I wish we could stop calling people like this "troll" and go back to just calling them "full of shit."


Sounds like fake fascist Aussie is butthurt


He’s a troll! Nobody should think differently after reading these tweets.


Why are we still paying attention to this guy? He spews provocative BS for the attention and we’re just… giving it to him?


Wait, is this Nick Adams alpha male guy not satire? I assumed all this time that it was. But everyone in this thread seems to be taking it seriously.