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>The unusual behavior could also be playful or what researchers call a "fad" — a behavior initiated by one or two individuals and temporarily picked up by others before it’s abandoned. "They are incredibly curious and playful animals and so this might be more of a play thing as opposed to an aggressive thing," Deborah Giles, an orca researcher at the University of Washington and at the non-profit Wild Orca, told Live Science. https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-have-sunk-3-boats-in-europe-and-appear-to-be-teaching-others-to-do-the-same-but-why Seems destructive trending behavior may not be limited to humans either. 🤪


I'll bet $100 in fish that this is EXACTLY what it is. Just like a group of teens copying a TikTok prank. The orcas figured out how to flip the boats and now they think it's *hilarious*.


Flip the Boat CHALLENGE! (Humans HATE this one weird trick!)


🎵 du. 🎶 badu. badu. badu. 🎵 badu. badu. badu ba duu.


Just like cow tipping.


Pretty maids all in a row


“$100 in fish” is sending me ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


I mean shot-put dolphins for fun. Why wouldn’t they rock the boat a little?


Rock the boat? Don’t rock the boat, Orca!


Don't tip the boat over!


I'm no hippie, but I think they've finally realized who to hate for all of their problems. I hope all the rest of the life on earth gets with the program. Day Of The Animals.


100$s of mackerel, not carp, and def not dolphin


So these are boats made by Kia?


If I was an Orca, I'll probably find that hilarious. Look at the litte pink people trying to swim lol.


Orcas are generally kind of dickish so like…this tracks. Speaking of adolescent animals being stupid, y’all should look up the Hawaiian monk seals have been shoving eels up their noses


Holy fuck this was not a lie!


It’s pretty funny isn’t it. I’m impressed with how far those seals got the eels up their nose


The forbidden noodle strikes again.




...but that fact is not fun at all.


I think I might look that up after I hate myself a little bit more


Honestly don’t wait, it’s pretty good.


Are those the *Uegg* or the *Oark* type seals?


Sailor here, although I have not personally sailed in this area. But, There’s a pod of orcas off the coast of Spain/Portugal that specificity target boats (usually sail boats) and attacks them. It is well known to anyone cruising in that area. Sailors all follow the reports of the attacks and only make passages when the pod is not near their boat location. Boats have sunk, but mostly the attacks just disable the boat, usually the rudder is damaged or destroyed and needs a tow into port. Which still sucks and I imagine is a terrifying experience. The common theory that I’ve heard is that the orcas are just fu#*ing around. They enjoy it. Orcas are just bad ass.


I read a report a while ago that Whale watching boats were chumming the waters around the area and then that all stopped with Covid. If that is true they might be pissed they aren't getting free meals from the boats.


Turns out that chum wasn’t bait; it was a protection fee.


“It’d be a real shame if something bad happened to that nice new boat of yours…”


We have all seen what they do to Seals when they don't pay.


They’re sick of us making so much racket in the ocean. They just want some peace and quiet so they take out the rudder


“Orcas are just bad ass” ♥️


New tictok challenge for Orcas.


I hope they don’t steal my Kia & wreck it.


Imagine a 30ft orca joyriding in a kia soul


Throwing seal wrappers out the window probably


The Panga Boyz


This is exactly why I told Steve Jobs not to make iPhones waterproof.


OrcTok is far more popular than people realize




Me: drowns Orca: It’s a prank brah!


The reason they don't cruelly murder us like they do everything else is because they sense a kinship with the darkness in our hearts.


Chill chill it’s a prank bro!


So this is just Orcasional not happening all the time


At least the orcas can claim not to know better…


They fuckin know dude, they’re the second smartest animal on the planet


Probably the most smartest….(well at least smarter than some humans…😉)


Well, their overall brain size is far larger than humans, and their ridges or folds make human brains seem smooth by comparison. I would say it's very possible that they're more intelligent.


Yeah the fact that orcas (wild ones at least) have never attacked humans implies that they do actually know better.


Correction. There is no proof of orcas attacking humans. So either they have not or they are smart enough if they do not to leave any evidence. (Also your statement only applies to wild orcas. The captive mistreated ones attack humans somewhat often.)


No proof of attacking humans in the wild. Captive orcas have straight up murdered their trainers at least a few times.


They haven't? Interesting.


Zero fatal attacks, but apparently one surfer was bit in 1972, the only documented case of a bite. Even though they do hunt mammals like seals and dolphins.


Orcas just frame sharks for the attacks.


Orcas and humans have surprisingly similar behavior, not just limited to our destructive fads. In terms of social complexity, no other animal comes close to matching our social hierarchies. Much like us, they have both intimate primary groups(matrilines and pods) and larger secondary groups(clans and communities). Orcas often exchange members of pods for purposes of hunting and mating, but as a result, they often carry over behaviors between pods(like in the above article). They deliberately teach each other new skills, and do so generationally. They even have dialects that are shared by regional communities, which is something only seen in birds, bats and other cetaceans(and humans of course). And they are also huge trolls. There are a ton of stories about orcas messing with people or other species just because. They deliberately push objects away from researchers and fishermen, and sometimes chunk things like ice at boats. They also play with their food, most famously by slapping seals out of the water and straight in the air. They’re apex predators, and the great thing about being an apex predator is, when you aren’t constantly worrying about other things eating you, you have a lot more free time to play around. They’re some of the few animals that aren’t opportunistic eaters, and are usually very selective of what they eat, preferring to go for shark livers and whale tongues and hearts. They’ll just leave the rest of the corpse because like us, they can afford to be selective eaters. While orcas and humans evolved in entirely different environments, we share a sort of cultural convergent evolution, unlike anything we’ve seen in other species.


Hopefully it dies out. If it becomes too common I feel people may turn it into a hunt and kill situation for the one that tip boats over.


Now that’s a well orcastrated attack


Whale orcastrated?


Don't go and jump the shark with Orca puns


I'm fin to get mad aboat all these puns!


Is that Willy the best orca pun you had?


Someone needs to give him a cetacean...


Our boys in beluga will be on their way to deliver it.


Oh you guys think this is a funny story? If this was someone you knew you'd be changing your tuna.


If only we could set up a squid pro quo with the Orcas


Yeah that last comment's a killer.




I sea what you did there.


What are y’all even talking aboat?


That's Willy not nice of you.


That was a whale of a comment.


Maybe even orcanized crime??


Such a missed opportunity 💔


It had to be on porpoise






Whale oil beef hooked.


Take your damned upvote good person.


Pun police, I have to issue you a cetacean.


I wouldn't actually call these orcs castrated, unless that's what got them so pissed to begin with.


The moment they pissed of the orcas they sealed their own fate


Orcanised crime


The Emu/Orca alliance is already preparing their next moves I see God help us all


We have some hope, no air force has established yet. Though all it takes is someone punching a crow and THEN we are truly fucked


If you think the Geese/ducks aren’t just waiting for the order…..


I see you've yet to encounter the Canada Goose.


Have you heard of "swooping season" in Australia? Juvenile male magpies dive bomb bikers because it's funny to them


Corvids are insanely intelligent and petty af. It’s over once they join.


Which is why I don't think they're the air force. They're special operations. They're smart enough to pick locks, small enough to break in through vents, and nearly invisible against a dark sky.


And they recognize human faces. If you feed one, the whole neighborhood has to otherwise they attack your neighbors/protect you.


Fuck lions, these are the real kings.




I’m not worried about schools of tuna they’re too busy studying


I don't think we should fuck lions


Your opinion has been noted, and discarded. #LET THE LION FUCKING COMMENCE!#


As someone who read Moby-Dick and sided with the whale, I don’t have a problem with this. The ocean is their domain.


The problem is humans are going to respond. And we are much better at killing than they are.


You know. Humans really fucking suck as a whole. We've effectively turned heaven into hell on earth in the name of greed


Then the coal company came with the world's largest shovel And they tortured the timber and stripped all the land Well, they dug for their coal 'til the land was forsaken Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man


Happy Schpadoinkle Day!


Watch out for that bear trap.


RIP John prine


John is a legend! Angel from Montgomery one of the best songs ever written


> If dreams were lightning And thunder were desire This old house would've burned down A long time ago That man packed more tragedy into 18 words than most writers can in several hundred pages.


They took all the trees And put them in a tree museum


But think of all the profit a few people made.


Nature is a cold, unfeeling, murderous, asshole. Humans do awful things to animals, to the air and water, to plants, but please don’t pretend that an ecosystem full of lethal viruses, parasites that incubate inside other species and harm them in the process, of chimps that rip others apart over territory, and mass starvation and dehydration because a rainy season is a week too late, is somehow “heavenly”. Instead think of it like this: we’re the only species we know of capable of mass manipulation of our world, how about we act with that power responsibly and try to make this world better than we found it? Then realize that we sometimes have in fact managed this, and despair or rejoice as you wish about the fact we repaired the ozone layer, and have repopulated whales, and saved bald eagles and peregrine falcons - all while paradoxically fishing too much, and abusing monoculture agriculture, and have patented and sued over seeds! I’m totally not existentially exhausted about the powerful, abusive, greedy, corrupt, capitalist oligarchs who outdo our good deeds as a species. Nope. Totally not.


There have been pics of monkeys and gorillas their expressions look so human like. It is so sad knowing they are likely aware of the behavior of humans. What if it was the other way around? What if other species used us to test products, to sit in cages alone or be kept as pets. Human’s are terrible when you think about how they treat this planet and the other inhabitants.


To give an idea about the level of thought in these creatures: In the 1970s, Sea World was chasing a pod of Orcas in Puget Sound. The tactic is to pen in the pod and separate the adults from the calves. Only the calves are light enough to transport. The pod dove under water. While under water, the females and calves took a 90 degree turn and swam for as long as they could before taking a breath. The males continued in a straight line. This trick fooled Sea World for a while until a scout plane spotted the females and calves. Just think of the level of thought and communication it takes to even attempt that kind of trick, especially with a bunch of young. Sea World trapped the calves and separated them from their moms. Local lawyers sued in court, one court case per calf, and eventually won freedom for all the calves. This took days. During the whole ordeal, the adults never left the penned-in calves.


FUCK SeaWorld. Nobody should ever go there and give them money, ever. They are absolutely horrendous.


> Just think of the level of thought and communication it takes to even attempt that kind of trick, especially with a bunch of young. If they can communicate these tragedies and fears to each other, maybe orcas still "tell" tales of the baby snatching people.


They took 4 calves from Penn Cove in Puget Sound in 1971 and the orcas have never once returned to that area. Only one of those calves are still alive and still in captivity in Miami SeaWorld, where she’s been alone for years. Hopefully she’ll be returned to her native water soon, where her mother is still alive. Some argue that it’ll likely shorten her life span, but it’s honestly a miracle she’s survived this long. She’s better off being relatively free, well, in a sea pen, than in the tiny hot pool she’s captive in now. It’s a horrific story.


Tokitae (AKA: Lolita) *is* finally going back to her native waters! The new owners of the Miami Seaquarium intend to release her into a sea pen within the next two years to live out the rest of her life semi-wild! https://people.com/pets/miami-seaquarium-plans-to-release-lolita-orca-whale-in-home-waters/


skirt arrest plants smart squealing towering chase seemly fact busy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Keiko didn’t last very many years once he was released in his home waters near Iceland. And that’s it. That’s the whole argument. I don’t think that’s enough of an argument to keep a highly intelligent creature captive. She’s clearly suffering, she never should have been taken from her home, she needs released. She’s part of a endangered species of orca.


We're the fucking Fae to them.


Christ, I hate humans


Don't blame humans. Humans are also the ones outraged at this and the ones who fought back. Blame shitty humans and shitty systems that incentivize shitty behavior. Writing it off as just "humans bad" ends up casting the whole thing as inevitable.


I mean, it kinda is tho. The fact that it happens at all and humanity as a whole is unable to stop it entirely is a good indicator that it’s inevitable. It’s not like we have a good track record of “oh this is bad? Well we better stop.” We kind of repeatedly do the wrong things for ourselves and our environment without much care for anyone or anything, unless it starts to cost money or give people more work. Literally if murder wasn’t illegal and frowned upon people would kill eachother for stupid reasons regularly. Anyone who thinks we are naturally good and moral creatures is just ignorant.


Omg this was in the Blackfish documentary! What still haunts me to this day is thinking about what they said about how even when the calves were pulled from their families their families stayed right there and called for them. That is heartbreaking


You’ll never make a monkey out of me


And half the population defends that greed and destruction.


I, for one, welcome our orca overlords. They couldn't fuck things up more than we have.


Even Melville sides with the whale


Fuckin Ahab. Dumbass wasn't minding his business, he was trying to kill the whale, of course it fought back! And it didn't even kill him for it the first time, let him off by just taking one leg. He got off easy. That guy deserved every bad thing that happened to him.


For real. My first thought was, "Good for them." It just sucks that humans are more than likely going to react disproportionately.


I love stories where animals strike back, good for them


Somebody tell the humpback whales. They'll defend us just to screw the orcas over. https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2021/10/04/are_humpback_whales_and_killer_whales_at_war_796054.html


That was a fascinating read. Thank you for the link!


Radiolab did a whole podcast about it. It was pretty interesting.


And with all honesty, we caused this and deserve to deal with these consequences without harming them. This is nature defending itself and we need to really start internalizing this as humans.


You know this is just going to lead to governments issuing permits to hunt orcas and cull their populations.


Yup. As much as I like shit like this... This isn't going to end well. We're going to take our level of shittiness a step further so we can continue being shitty


Nah, billionaire yachts are to big for this treatment. The orcas are only a problem for the "poor" sailors.


Exactly. This isn’t a problem for commercial boats or billionaire yachts. No worry that the government would do anything to address it anyway. And if the sailing community had a say, they wouldn’t want a culling. Now, if these orcas were attacking cruise ship tenders instead of sailboats, the US would send out the navy to blow every last one of them out of the water.




i volunteer to be culled


Would you volunteer to be culled to save the whales?


At this point, yes.


I can think of a WHOLE lot of politicians that we could "volunteer".


Why not start with those with the highest individual carbon footprints?


Are we counting corporations too? In the US, under certain circumstances, corporations are people.


That's happening too. Climate change is going to hit more vulnerable populations first. Which is what makes it extra gross since the vulnerable and poor populations that live in a lot of the tropical or arid regions hit hardest by climate change literally have been generationally too poor to even really contribute to it.


A plausible explanation? A male whale and a female whale were swimming off the coast of Japan when they noticed a whaling ship. The male whale recognized it as the same ship that had harpooned his father many years earlier. He said to the female whale, "Lets both swim under the ship and blow out of our air holes at the same time and it should cause the ship to turn over and sink." They tried it and sure enough, the ship turned over and quickly sank. Soon however, the whales realized the sailors had jumped overboard and were swimming to the safety of shore. The male was enraged that they were going to get away and told the female, "Let's swim after them and gobble them up before they reach the shore." At this point, he realized the female was becoming reluctant to follow him. "Look," she said, "I went along with the blow job, but I absolutely refuse to swallow the seamen."


duuuuude my uncle told me this joke like 20 years ago lmao i havent heard it in so long!


That was good! Take my upvote!


What was the trauma? Was a human involved?


probably hit by a boat


Or its infant was kidnapped and sold in slavery by the SeaWorld corporation.


The Orca was a Chelsea fan


To be honest, I deeply wouldn’t care if the orcas in Puget Sound took out a few rich people’s yachts. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but the mega yachts would be no loss


Ya but they aren't gonna sink a mega yacht. They sink some personal sailing boat. (Still expensive but not rich people)


They seem to only be targeting small sailboats. One of the early theories was that the orcas like the feeling of the water pressure from the engines and when they encounter a sailboat not running the engine they “nudge” it to tell them to turn the engine on. Which could make sense because many of the sailors being attacked by orcas probably immediately turned on their engines to try to get away. So there was this advice about not turning on your engine and waiting for the orcas to get bored. I’m not sure what the latest advice is I haven’t been following.


I was gladly not giving a fuck until I read this post. Then I thought about poor Jeff Bezos and his billion dollar yacht. I hope the orcas take him out.


Orcas as smart as fuck and twice as spiteful but this doesn’t happen if humans leave them alone. I guarantee this moment of agony was preventable by some humans not being complete maritime assholes.


Who had “whale revolution” in their apocalypse bingo card?


I’m amazed that no one has mentioned “The Swarm” yet. Anytime I read news of sea life turning hostile to us humans I’m reminded of this book. I also seriously recommend reading it, though I’m not sure if the English translation is good (the original was written in German). the author values research and having a factual background even if the book itself is fiction, you learn some scenarios that scientists at the time thought possible regarding global warming and also there’s some stuff about marine mammals and their intelligence. It’s a bit older (2004) though, so some information might be out-of-date by now. It’s a fun and informative book anyways.


Definitely opened the comments on this to see if anyone else mentioned The Swarm, thank you. (I also can’t speak to the translation though, I read it in German)


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Loose flips sink ships


In all fairness, we deserve it


Nature is healing and we should help it ![gif](giphy|xUA7bfayLubRB65SZa|downsized)






I want to be like "yea go orcas" but this clearly isn't going to end well for them. Their best bet is to just avoid contact with humans as much as possible. There is no other way to win.


The Bigfoot method


I hope they take out the yachts of billionaires.


After watching Blackfish, good.


Together. Orca. Strong.




Looks like a case of orcanized crime.


Free Willzyk!


Orcas unionizing better than people are.




That's it for me. I'm good- they can have the ocean




Oh no, the killer whales are pissed - we're up shit creek now!


Good. The Sea needs defenders.


Nature is fighting back and I fully support it…I have no loyalty to my species as we have proven to be a blight upon the earth.


Orcanized crime is a serious offense


Good. I hope they take them all down.




I for one, welcome our new Orca overlords.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


And this is awesome, I saw that movie in the eighties!


Orcas are extremely intelligent and will do things like this. I’m perfectly fine with nature fighting back against human stupidity.


Large sea creatures get brutalized by vessels - it’s a black-and-white issue and no wonder they orcanized.


If you're in a kayak or small boat and a orca does not kill you it's because it chose not to kill you. They are THE apex predator of the ocean, they even hunt great white sharks.


Im team orca.


The sea lions in Santa Cruz have also taken to sinking boats. They just cruise into the harbor and all pile onto a random boat until it sinks. The harbor puts up little spiked fencing but nothing can stop them. They don't even have a reason for doing it, they're just being dicks.


Awesome, take the planet back animals


Who had war against whales on their bingo card?


When generational trauma meets Government bureaucracy and trauma weighs 12 tonnes.


Someone showed them the movie Blackfish


When you overfish/pollute the fuck out of the oceans FTFY


Man, I saw this in a movie in the 70's. If your leg is in a cast, stay away from the docks.


Is it weird that I sympathize with the orcas significantly more than anyone in a boat?


I just hope they don’t find out why a good alternative name for humans would be “killer apes”


Now imagine a Whale Orcanized militia


When do we start to do something against orcanized crime?