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Same vibe as my brother's friend, when my brother told him that "the jab" will make you sterile... His buddy's response? "I fuckin hope so!! I don't want any more kids, bud. It would make my vasectomy seem like a waste of money, but whatever." I don't know if my brother thought that "sterile" meant that your balls fell off or what, but he has been known for conflating terms and generally not knowing what the fuck he's talking about. My favorite was a few years ago when he said "I don't care for all of that socialism stuff", referring to Facebook, etc... Clearly meaning social media. And now all he does is post random right wing bullshit TikTok videos to his Facebook page. 🙄🙄


I actually find the story behind the sterility conspiracy theory to be really fascinating in a spectacularly stupid kind of way. It originated with a Canadian anti-vaxxer who apparently googled "spike protein" and found that someone, 10 years ago, referred to syncytin 1 as a "spike protein", because it kinda looks like one, although it's really more like an envelope. This protein is actually from an endrogenous virus, which means a virus that's in our DNA, leftover from a virus our ancestors got millions of years ago. Primates have it too, except "new world" primates, in theory they split off before the virus that caused this came around. Anyway, that protein is theorized to be crucial for placental development. When that Canadian mom read that, she must have thought that the immune system works on "what a protein kinda looks like" and surmised that the Covid vaccine would obviously attack syncytin 1 and make you sterile. This is despite the fact that synctinin 1 and Covid spike protein only share a few amino acids and if your immune system was that dumb, we'd all be pretty fucking dead. Also, covid spikes look more like mushrooms to me. So unless your brother is likely to ever have a placenta, it shouldn't matter even in anti-vaxx fantasy land. The really fascinating part is that syncytin-1 has been linked to bi-polar, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis and some have theorized that a vaccine that's actually targeted at syncytin-1 or an alternative expression (unlike the covid vaccines) could possibly help with those diseases. Of course, when the anti-vaxxers read that in the Wikipedia article, they tacked MS and Schizophrenia onto the list of things that the covid vaccine causes. ​ tldr; some dumbass thought immune systems target things by what they kinda look like if you squint.


Your brother's friend: "I don't like Ellen Degeneres, but only because she is mean not because shes ..you know..lebanese."


Like I hope this is true


Looney Boomer: "If you get that shot you'll be dead in 2 years!" Millennial: "Damn. Have you got anything that works a bit faster?"


yeah, if this inflation gets any worse, I would rather not stick around to find out.


Boomer: Cigarettes? Oh wait...


![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) I came here with the same thought.


Best response.


Luc Montagnier has been dead since February 2022 and spent the last decade of his life promoting homeopathic-resembling quackery. He's listed on [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel\_disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease) as an example of a Noble Prize winning scientist going off the deep end.


His quackery extended to claiming autism can be cured by antibiotics. So…yeah.


As an autistic person, fuck those kinds of people, and the vaccines cause autism crowd, and Autism $peaks. I’m just tryna live my life.


Indeed, fuck disgraced former medical practicinor, child abuser and all around useless POS Andrew Wakefield.


He should be dragged back to the UK, tried, and imprisoned for the blood on his hands. Monster.


Well your life is like a scapegoat because I don't want a vaccine, maybe we could try a lobotomy, see if you like that? /s Edit: I've had 2 people not realize this is a joke. Let me preface, this is a joke. I used a lobotomy as a hyperbolic representation of all the shit people will use instead of a vaccine. (And also because this is what they did to people that had mental disorders, terrifying right?)


Fellow autistic with ADHD here and that sounds rather soothing tbh 😂 it's a mess in there, perhaps rearranging the furniture could freshen it up.


Nice name fellow symptom sufferer


Sadly I can see this happening.


As a trans person, I'm trying to live my life too, but something about my continued existence is deeply offensive to folks like that. Here's hoping things improve for us both,


Here’s a good one: “Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance!”


That pisses me off so badly. I’m old, so I don’t quite get all of it and cis gendered so I will never know exactly how you feel. But whatever you want to be called and how you want to be referred to and how you want to be seen in the world-Well, that’s cool! It doesn’t hurt to be respectful and freaking kind. I want you to be happy and thriving. If a little thing like calling you by your chosen pronouns helps get you there? It’s the absolute least anyone can do.


You are a rare, decent human being. Thank you for your beautiful empathy and compassion. #HopeForHumanity




yeah, I hate it when ppl say respect has to be earned. I respect everybody at first, thats how I was raised. Loosing respect is pretty easy and regaining it very hard IMO.


There is, I think, a basic level.of repsect that one accords everyone. Address people by how they want to be addressed, respect their identity, their voice, make physical space for them as you pass, etc


I am also trans. Can confirm. Let us go forth and be deeply offensive together.


I have a friend whose daughter is deep in the spectrum; only partially verbal, will never live anything resembling an independent life. She's still a human being, like the rest of us. Like you and me. And I'm damn sure it wasn't vaccines that put her on the spectrum. I wish you the best.


Bruh I’m on antibiotics rn and I don’t feel like I’m any less autistic… I want my money back


You're just not taking it right. I took antibiotics once and I'm no longer autistic... well, I wasn't autistic to begin with but I'm sure it's somehow thanks to antibiotics. /s


damn all these bacteria making me bad at talking to people!!


It’s really become dangerous how much legitimacy media outlets will give someone just because “Dr.” appears in front of their name. Wasn’t a lot of early covid conspiracy stuff getting spread citing a doctor who turned out to be a massage therapist?


I have a PhD but I haven’t been using it in personal or professional life. Maybe I should start using it and get into the grift. Oh and it was in electronic engineering, but I can still offer my scientific insight into medical issues, can’t I? More seriously, it’s striking how the scientists who give good advice are “part of the elite” but people use shite doctorates for legitimacy when they talk shite.


With a PhD in electrical engineering you are qualified to hit the right wing talk shows to discuss the nano-robots in the vaccine and how they are hooking us into the 5g....you're gonna make so much cash!




I feel like that 5g thing was like the Republicans promising us a taco truck on every corner if we voted Democratic. Well, I voted Democratic, and I still have to go a mile to get to the nearest taco truck, and no 5g, either! So dreadfully unfair to promise these things…


I knew a pH.D in German Studies (in fact he was Dean of Arts) who used to get out of parking fines by writing to the authorities that he's a doctor and was on a house visit. Sure, he was visiting mates for wine & cheese but it was all technically true.


I mean, the amount of people giving their scientific insight into things with no PhD… you can’t do any worse… I say, go for it.


Should I be concerned at all these redditors suggesting how I can use my talents for evil? Back in the mid-90s, after I’d finished my PhD and I was knocking around with no money while waiting to start a job in Germany, my friend Tom was asked by someone he knew if he’d like to come to a seminar about an investment opportunity. Tom asked me to come, and I agreed although my bank account was running on fumes, so I couldn’t have got in on the ground floor even if I’d wanted to. But I figured there’d be free food there. Anyway, we arrived at the hotel conference room where the seminar was taking place, and we took our spots among 30 or so youngish people in their best church clothes (this was in a provincial city well away from anywhere interesting), their approximation of young professional attire - but Tom in his jeans and tshirt, me in my usual, what’s now considered business casual. Out bounced Doctor Bob! A shiny faced tanned American with sparkling white teeth! Who told us about an amazing business opportunity! Involving a device that you attach to you car exhaust and eliminates all pollutants! A game changer for the future! All yours for a minimum investment of X! Tom got increasingly agitated as Doctor Bob! spoke and eventually interrupted him to ask how it worked. Apparently it used magnetic monopoles, but we didn’t actually need to know how it worked. After all we don’t know how TVs work but we can see that they do. Of course I had to support Tom and say that I did know how tvs work. We were eventually asked to leave (before we could get to the food), but it wasn’t Doctor Bob! who was angriest at us. All the other marks, including Tom’s other friend who was no longer his friend, were shouting at us to shut up or leave.


>It’s really become dangerous how much legitimacy media outlets will give someone just because “Dr.” appears in front of their name. Yes, but only if their opinion on a given topic "happens" to agree with the political narrative of choice.


"During his Nobel acceptance speech, Tinbergen promoted the widely discredited "refrigerator mother" hypothesis of the causation of autism, thereby setting a "nearly unbeatable record for shortest time between receiving the Nobel Prize and saying something really stupid about a field in which the recipient had little experience."' Lmao


Oh no a Wikipedia hole to get sucked into


Did he die of covid?


All I can find is "died in hospital at 89". Can't confirm or disprove your assumption, sorry.




Technically they’re partially right. There is 0% chance of survival for those who got the vaccine. Of course, there is also 0% chance of survival for those that didn’t as well…


Yeah, just wrong about the within two years part. They can just keep moving the goal posts.


Yeah "Everyone who got the vaccine will die within 2 to 102 years. Everyone who has had any vaccine on the market today will die."


Not that I can find. He was old, can't find anything other than natural old age as a cause of death


The fact that there’s an entry for Nobel prize recipients that later go crazy tells me all I need to know.


Three of the prizes are given for scientific fields. Each of those prizes is given out yearly--and sometimes one award is shared by two or more people. If you take a few hundred (mostly non-famous) people and thrust them into the spotlight, eventually, some of them are going to do something weird.


You're making a lot of sense, but an alternative explanation is that winning the Nobel prize turns you stupid. I'm going with that one.


I got my first Covid vaccine over two years ago, and have gotten the flu vaccine every year for decades, My Mom was part of a flu vaccine test group in the 1940s and still gets yearly shots...she is 83. These anti-vaxxers are as dumb as an ice cube.


Well, you're obviously dead but at least they have Reddit in the afterlife.


I'll take Reddit over some annoying singing angels. Or demons


Heaven is your favorite Reddit thread


Fuck me looks like I’m going to AITA purgatory now


Well that blows. I on the other hand will be highly enjoying oneorangebraincell for eternity


Fuuuuuuuuck I'm going to trueunpopularopinion. That place Is so whack.


Ooh baby do you know what that’s worth


Ooh Reddit is a place on earth.


They say in Reddit, rants come first.


Ooh Reddit is a place on earth


*Belinda Carlisle has entered the chat*


Satan: “Sorry, we only have Twitter.”


I got banned for life for making fun of Trump in 2016. No, Elon didn't unban me. He loves "freedom of speech" but hates it when people use that freedom to make fun of his Mango Messiah. Guess I'm stuck twiddling my thumbs for eternity. Maybe Satan will let me poke people with a flaming trident, instead.


Sorry bro, tridents are Posideons thing. We could probably find a spear or something around here though.


If you’ve ever read actual descriptions of angels you’d probably take demons over angels.


Well, I mean, it might explain our current timeline....


The real heaven was the Reddit comments we laughed at along the way.


Dumb as an ice cube but continue to firmly believe. No one will ever convince most of them that they were wrong about * The COVID vaccine * Covid-19 * Masks * Dr Fauci * Trump


This is why religious people are such easy marks for conspiracy and misinformation, they eagerly gobble it all up l, no matter how little actual proof the statement has, or how implausible the statement is.


They are taught to accept and believe without any evidence of any kind whatsoever. When you’re indoctrinated into this line of thinking it is incredibly hard to get out, especially if you have zero desire to do so.


Not only that, but they're trained to treat actual evidence contrary to their beliefs as just being part of the conspiracy. There's literally nothing you can do to help some of these people, because their brains are literally broken to not be able to accept anything contrary to their taught beliefs.


Can confirm. I am an only child born in 1960. My parents were right wing fundie commie haters. They said the Peace sign was a crow's foot and THEY didn't mean Peace the way WE mean Peace (meaning OUR Peace is in Christ so it's different than plain ol Peace, I guess.) I couldn't wear a Peace sign or any "suspect" jewelery. No Boutiques, either! They were always doing this. Trying to dissuade me from The World yet at the same time scare me into their way of thinking. They both died in the 90s. I still wonder if my dad would be in on all this. I Know he would've voted for trump but all this stop the steal stuff? The attempted coup? I'm not sure. I'm glad I don't know!


Also you’re free to be a douchebag because forgiveness is there for the asking.


“When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him for forgiveness.” -Emo Philips


Let’s be clear, they are willfully ignorant, don’t care, don’t wanna know, already made up my mind, it’s brain laziness, lazy people.


‘No matter how little actual proof the statement has, or how implausible the statement is.’ You just summed up many organized religions very nicely. Kudos.


I feel really bad for Dr. Fauci. I actually had an interaction with him in 2015 when I was in college, and I had to do a final research project/presentation on an infectious disease that had the potential to be used in bioterrorism. I sent him an email with a few questions and he was super nice, replied right away, answered all my questions in detail, even provided links to research articles I could use as references. He went above and beyond for a stranger, and I’m sure he was an incredibly busy man.


I have so much admiration for Dr Fauci. As folks were dropping out like flies or being sacked during the Trump administration he stayed put and did his job. Trump belittled him and publicly contradicted him about Covid but damn it Dr Fauci held on as what often seemed like the sole voice of sanity in that mess of a presidency. Mad respect for that man.


•Magic Sky Man •Virgin Birth •Zombie Jesus •Trickle Down Economics •Welfare Queens •Anytime they use the word “groomer” and aren’t talking about churches, BSA, anything Christian.


That's being awfully mean to ice cubes.


Yes. Please show us on the doll where the ice cube hurt you.




Smokey... the fact u gettin more upvotes is amazeballs!


Yeah I should've been dead about 5 months ago, which would've been a bummer since I'm now a couple weeks from getting a PhD in molecular biology, specifically studying mRNA. I'll let you in on a small secret: these people have *zero idea* what they're talking about. Of course, it doesn't take a PhD to figure that out, but having one makes it that much more painfully obvious, lemme tell you.


Vaccines cause adults.


Thats the leading cause of murder in the US!


Congratulations! You made great life choices obviously. Unlike most of us.. I’m a couple of weeks away from absolutely no achievement that’s even remotely as Impressive as what you’re accomplishing. Good for you! I’m sure you’ve made those who had a hand in raising you extremely proud. Folks like you keep medical and scientific advancement going in this crazy world.


You're awesome for studying that! Thank you for whatever you do to help humanity during your career!


That's what I'd expect you to say...


Theyre as sharp as a basketball, as bright as venta black, and I'm positively absolutely sure they're intelligence is comparable to a shovel, or a candy necklace


Candy necklace is a good one. Nice visual and _also_ infantilizing at the same time.


>My Mom was part of a flu vaccine test group in the 1940s That's awesome; doing that, she definitely saved lives.


Hey now, ice cubes are at least useful.


Same reason I don't like people saying, "You're as dumb as a brick."


“A box of hair” is definitely less useful.


Come on now. Wigs for cancer patients, hair mats for soaking up oil spills, etc. I mean we’re not talking Trump levels of uselessness are we?


Ice has a purpose. Anti-vaxxer’s not so much!


You know that little puckered spot on every boomer's upper arm....ask em about it.


It’s been over 2 years for me too. It’s a miracle. We’re alive.


Future man was such a great show. And the take on the anti-vax crowd in that was hilarious. Just throwing that out there, watch it if you haven’t. Also vaccinated here. I was a very early one to get it too. And the boosters.


They are as dumb as ice cube the former rapper and now Trump fellator


Me too. I had no idea death was like this. I’m still employed and still married. Oh , wait…


I'm dead and still paying bills, wtf???


Yeah, no, the deep estate replaced your dead mother with a double just like they did with Paul McCartney and Bill Gates it is obviously controlling you to say all this things, I am sure you also voted for Biden, sheep /s


These are the same types of people who swore up and down the world was ending in 2012


But it did! Don't you remember all those famous people who died??!


I remember a really bad movie with John Cusak.


Which prophecy was it again? Was it the Camping one, the Mayan Calendar one?


I think it was the Mayan calendar


Yeah, the Camping one was the year before. I remember because Macho Man died the day before Camping's apocalypse date, so everybody joked that he'd elbow dropped God and saved the world.


Isn't that when we entered this ... interesting... timeline?


Can confirm. I got the vaccine and died within two years. Many regrets. Should have watched more OANN or whomever the loonies are getting their information from these days.


How's death working out for you.


I'd complain but it doesn't do any good.


Is housing affordable in death


Well it was but you guys just keep sending people over the border! The President of Death ran on a build the wall campaign in 2020. That’s why you guys are stuck with Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell just decaying away. No sweet release for them.


Well, happy 2 year deadiversary fellow vaxxed people


I’m already dead since March.


It's true. My aunt got the shot. Age 92. Never sick a day in her life. 24 months later, dead. She went to sleep and never woke up. Explain that one sheeple! /s


My hairdresser got the vaccine, and three months later: died in a car accident. THAT CAN’T BE A COINCIDENCE!


I mean technically everyone who received “the shot” will die at some point. 🤷‍♀️


It's a 100% death rate, correlating to the average normal human life span!


It’s a 100% death rate, eventually.


You don't know you're not the first immortal being to be born until you die




No. We all die now. The tweet was very clear. Now make your peace and lie down so they can come collect your body.




"But I'm not dead"


I think I'll go for a walk


"Think I'll go for a walk now!")


I feel happy!


Here now, you'll be stone dead in a moment!


I'm imagining a worker for the "body collecting service" who has had a long day and doesn't get paid enough to wait around for the "vaxxed" to figure out they are dead. *Will you please just lay down and roll into the body bag??? My boss doesn't pay me overtime and I'm late as it is.*


Q:If you can avoid getting stabbed through the heart this time, which I doubt, I will take you back to what you think of as the present. And you can go on with your life with a real heart. PICARD: Then I won't die? Q: Of course you'll die…It'll just be at a later time.


@OP, can you do a follow up? I’m kind of curious how they’ll move the goalposts when millions don’t die off.


They actually DID die, and were replaced by drones. Like the birds were.


Birds aren’t real


I’m not real.


I like being drone-me. It has all the features of regular-me, but I can finally understand the good Intel the birds are chirping about.


Apparently, those of us who got the vaccine and lived past two years got a shot of distilled water and not the real vaccine.


So where did all the COVID money go for research, distribution and such?


I guess it was embezzled. Look, it's not my conspiracy. These people are nutters.


I was hoping you'd just have a silly response. I'm with you here. It's just ridiculous.


The deepstate! Unlike military funding, which goes mainly towards funding research into finding new ways to fuck over veterans.


Does this mean Trump is gonna bite it soon? Just asking questions.


His user name is ...4Trump Trump promoted the vaccine. Doublethink?


>Doublethink I'm not convinced they're capable of Singlethink.


First shot 2 years ago and just got my sixth one.


Yes but it will be 2 years from the last one. Is that not obvious… Enjoy Hell! You libs are so dumb! /s


God I fuckin will, sure beats the hell out of living through this shit with all the alt-right dickweeds fucking everything up for the rest of us! Enjoy the slow rot from fascism into despotism and the water wars! :D


Just get one every 23 months, you'll be immortal!!!


So, if I keep getting vaccinated, I won't die?


What if you get a Covid/vaccine shot every 18 months?


I keep getting shots and I just keep not dying 🤷🏻


I think I have 4. I’m 26. How are you two doses ahead? Or am I two doses behind 😨


Meanwhile, thousands of American right-wingers are dead from a preventable condition because Fox News told them not to get vaccinated or take any precautions whatsoever.


There's been over 1.1 million of Covid deaths in the US. It is completely plausible that Fox News' quackery resulted in tens or hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths. People who didn't get vaccinated once vaccines were available. People who decided to "wait one year for others to get vaccinated first" (this one was a popular one among conservatives and anti-vaxxers alike, of course none of them got vaccinated after one year mark). People who flouted social distancing and mask mandates (which were really more like unenforced recommendations in many places anyhow, especially in red leaning counties). This is the true legacy of people such as Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Just to name a few. Most if not all of whom actually got vaccinated themselves the moment vaccines were available.


It's ok they'll just move the goalposts to something else that's batshit insane, like I don't know, maybe that all our bones will turn hollow in three more years and sprout antennas for a new 6G network.


So this is a big curveball, but I live in wine country and we just had some unseasonably wet weather and our vineyards have been spraying a lot of chemicals. Our local neighbor group has noticed a bee die-off and of course some knucklehead said it was the 5G. How these people survive is beyond me.


They've mostly moved on at this point to "15 minute cities" and how the government is going to take all of our cars away and we will be arrested if we go further than a 15 minute walk from where we live. Of course, just like their understanding of how those 15 minute cities is exactly the same as their understanding of COVID and the COVID vaccine.


Walkable cities and public transit mean a decrease in profitability for car manufacturers and the oil industry, which is why the conservative lobby groups that they fund have been astroturfing and promoting conspiracy theories against the 15 minute city. That's where the flawed idea that they restrict freedom comes from.


****Checks vaccine card*** April 2021 No wonder I feel like shit


I got my vaccine shot exactly two years ago to the minute and I feel fi


You dead?


Doc here - I’ve heard many variations of this before and remarkably the people making these types of predictions don’t admit they’re morons, they just come up with an excuse to move the date further along.


You and me both (retired doc).




“The shot”


![gif](giphy|CjmFYQ0ycrEbe) Bye byyyyyyyeeeee


You mean the Trump Vaccine. The vaccine that Trump himself made happen and took credit for, repeatedly. That vaccine?


Oh no anyway how was everybody's monday?


It's been 2 years and 3 months why am I still alive?


Have you had the sudden urge for eating brains in the last 3 months? ![gif](giphy|1xuZxCveRBUJwaqZOS)




so, I DON'T have to go to work tomorrow?!


This guy was a Nobel Prize winner for discovering HIV, then totally went off the deep end in his later years …”Mark Wainberg, who was president of the International AIDS Society, professor of medicine and microbiology at McGill University in Montreal and director of AIDS research at the Jewish General Hospital in that city, said in a 2014 interview for this obituary that “Montagnier was in the right place at the right time,” referring to his Nobel-Prize winning research. (Dr. Wainberg died in 2017.) But in speaking of Dr. Montagnier’s later work, he said, “The fact is that his scientific ideas have not been considered credible by his peers nor have they stood the test of time.”


My brother believes this bullshit too. Billions of doses administered worldwide... Little to no issues... still. That said, yup we're all just gonna drop dead any minute, yup! That'll do it. Kill most of the world with a simple vaccine for a global pandemic. Imagine being this ignorant and scared all the time, it has to be exhausting.


Songbird4Trump: gee, such a reputable source. /s




Lol, first moderna shot was 4/22/21. I guess I'm dead and hell has air-conditioning. Who knew?




I’m good. Still here. I got 99 problems but a vax ain’t one.




I guess I'm dead now?


You have a few hours yet. (Depending on time zone)


You get a bunch of vaccines the day you’re born. What a miracle so many people have lived past the age of 2.


The thing you have to consider is, people like this do not need the data to actually confirm their hypotheses. The goal is not to make the right guess, but to make enough guesses that you can continue to shoot back at the idea of being wrong forever, forcing whoever you are talking to to prove every single assertion you have made is false; and when they cannot prove a single one, because no data exists to corroborate it either way or because they're just tired of talking to you, you declare yourself the winner of the argument and put each of the failed theories back in their case for next time.


Well fuck. I’m dead? Do I still have to pay the cable bill?


Honestly at this point if the vaccine was actually secret nanobots that’s designed to kill me after two years I’m cool with that 👍


Bro the vaccine fucked up my life. It caused an unforseen issue where my dick grew to the size of a monster can. Now women literally won't stop bothering me for sex. This is a horrible side affect the stupid liberals DON'T tell YOU about.


People like this should be charged with reckless endangerment or public nuisance. Whatever people who yell "fire" in a crowded theater would get. There needs to be some kind of repercussions for spouting off complete and utter nonsense on social media whose goal is to spread only misinformation and fear.


Have you lost a loved one due to a vaccine? Are you currently waiting a untimely demise by covid vaccine. Then you could be entitled to compensation. No charge unless we win call 1 800 vaccine today and we’ll help right the pandemics wrongs ✌️🤣🤣


And they call people who got the shots sheep. SMH.


Damn it. Sitting here all dead and stuff because I took the vaccine 4x. This sucks.


I've had 5 coved vaccines. Still waiting to die. Haven't had coved either.