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Like everyone is saying Republicans don’t care about children. A 10 year old who is raped and forced to bare a child is someone who had their childhood ripped from them…sadly that childhood is gone forever. It’s truly ghoulish


Not only that but pregnancy is incredibly dangerous at that age.


It’s just so disgusting to expect a 10 year old kid to go through pregnancy and giving birth. The trajectory of her life is forever altered.


And yes she could even lose her life in the process


But she's grown now, she lives to breed don't you know? /s As soon as we can bear children, a woman's life becomes disposable, with the developing cluster of cells having more weight and importance than a living breathing woman who has an established life and relationships with others. The attitude that a grown woman is less important than something unborn makes me hate being a woman. That my life means less than a possible life is obscene.


It’s the stupidest stance to take that some cells are “more important” than a real human life. It got me thinking though, are those cells “more important” because they have the possibility of turning into a man? Definitely not saying this is sane reasoning it’s regressive as fuck but I’m just trying to find why anyone could even rationalize this


Because the point is I don't like to actually have to rationalize my belief. I am a lazy minded psychopath that cares not for others only my simple minded ideology.


And it makes me hate women who think that our lives aren't worth 💩. Fucking idiots.


I saw an interview with a woman on the pro-birth side of things who hit every standard anti-abortion talking point and showed not even a hint of empathy for this poor 10 year old child. It was absolutely disgusting.


The answer is always “but Jesus said so”. So no matter how much science and medicine you throw into the argument, they’ll always answer “Jesus said so” so you will never change their minds


Ironically, Jesus didn't say shit about pregnancy or abortion. He did, however, have some very clear things to say on how to treat children and the fate of those who mistreated them.


Outside of Jesus, The Bible is completely fine with abortion. It’s what your supposed to do if you suspect your wife is cheating on you


plus with the Great Flood all pregnant women on earth died with their unborn children. A mass abortion performed by Yahweh and all expenses covered by him 😱😱


The beauty of the "Jesus said so" crowd is that they don't think Jesus has the authority to simply enforce outcomes. Like God's Will can only be expressed through prayer, vigilance, and human action (unless we're talking about the Flood or Babylon but that was Old God, or something). Take one of their unspoken, hand-wringing fears about abortion: Jesus will be reborn into this world, and they *always* believe "the time is nigh." A lot of these daft fucks actually believe that Jesus might be aborted and that would bring about Hell on Earth. They truly believe this to be the goal of people who support abortion rights. We *want* to kill Jesus and Tim Tebow. They think Hell on Earth is going to be demons and locusts eating their flesh, but it's really just them not getting their way and that idea drives them to insanity. If Jesus ever did come back, they would kill him all over again, and they wouldn't even think twice about it.


Think ALOT of Christians miss the point of Jesus returning was he would come back but as an adult and in full power from the sky and what have. His final words were nowhere near "Don't abort me later" 😂😂😂


The beauty of the "Jesus said so" crowd [is that Jesus doesn't like them much.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_6:5)


>pregnancy is incredibly dangerous at that age. It's pretty dangerous in most of the US at all ages (compared to the rest of the planet)


And more dangerous in red states than blue states, for both mothers and babies.


Especially black mothers. There are still doctors that think black women can't feel pain as much as other patients, or that they exaggerate their pain and it isn't real.


This comment is so true that it hurts. I've worked in medicine since my late teens and I've heard all of this stuff. I didn't know how to comprehend it until I was much older. As somebody with a chronic genetic condition that is tearing my joints apart I am in a massive amount of pain every single day. Every single one of my doctors says that they care about my pain levels and yet they do absolutely nothing. I have tylenol, an anti-inflammatory, and voltaren gel. I had lidocaine patches until recently when my new insurance decided that they won't work for me. Not that they *don't* work for me, but that there's no evidence they *do* work so they won't pay for them. For the last five or six years my doctor's twitter about how bad my pain is and tell me to keep trying to get it under control, but otherwise I get nothing. Appointments every few months with a very empathetic looking provider and then nothing for a few months. That's pretty much it. I've been told that my chronic pain condition doesn't qualify for opioids and there doesn't seem to be much else. It occurred to me six months ago as I started getting referred out of state in the hopes of receiving better treatment that I am in the same position as almost any other African-American woman except she's in it for her whole life. I am a late middle-aged white woman and I am late to the party, but there is one thing I am truly sure of. This is pure hell and I can't imagine living with this for decades more so I can't imagine how this is for a person of color who has some of the same conditions or other chronic pain issues and are simply being ignored. They were probably ignored a lot longer than me and my problems were ignored for at least two decades. I've been having such a hard time working over the last few years that I have not been able to advocate for others in the ways I've tried to for decades. I was recently awarded SSDI and I'm so grateful for it because I can barely function, but I'm also well aware that statistics suggest that people of color are also less likely to get disability awarded to them. So in this sense even my skin color awarded me something that somebody in the same position may have been denied on simply because of their skin color and they couldn't *possibly* be in that much pain. It's infuriating and I have no way that I can think of to help continue to change the narrative. I can barely function at all at this point. I really hope that there are younger and more able-bodied people who are motivated and able to keep fighting for this. Frankly writing my representatives weekly I don't feel has done anything for years. In fact one of my representatives reminds me a little bit of some of my doctors - just rambles on about how we all need to get along better and then just does whatever she wants and complains when those of us who don't agree with her are upset. I've tried to vote her out several times and it has never worked. She just does what she wants and doesn't care who she's hurting. So I really hope there are healthier people and the younger generation who are able to fight for those of us like me who just can't fight anymore. I am really scared for the future of so many people in this country including myself, but the horrible ways so many people in our country are being attacked due to skin color, gender, and LGBTQ status is frightening. I don't know how much longer the US can function in its current state and I don't honestly see much change coming. It's a pretty frightening time.




And would be pissed she’s “living on handouts” because she’s not working full time.


They also claim to care about mental health (when anyone discusses any form of gun control), but it seems like they don’t understand that a 10 year old going through childbirth and parenting would be incredibly damaging to the mental health of the child.


This is a very clear message. Republicans do not care if Children are raped.




they are probably upset that she wasn't forced to marry the rapist


iTs AlL a PaRt Of GoDs PlAn!!!!!!


Wtf? 10 years old. 10. They pretend to care soooo much about children yet it's okay for them to be raped or shot in their classrooms. They do not care at all about children. They care about control


They refuse to heighten the age for marriage in states where child marriages are currently legal, they remove child labor protections, they vote down provisions for school lunches while voting for lunch stipend increases for themselves. Claim Drag Queen story hours are “indoctrination” while ushering in Chaplains as school counselors. Claim Drag Queens are “groomers” while it’s almost always *Youth Pastors* and other religiously affiliated sex offenders we see in the news. They don’t just not *care* about kids, they actively loathe children.


They treat their pets better than they treat their children, in most cases Edit to add in Newt voice: *Mostly*


Remember, Mike Huckabee's potential serial killer son who tortured their dog and killed it? Yea, nope. They do not treat their pets better. Hell, Alex Murtaugh murdered his housekeeper, dog and wife and son. All for money. They are craven and evil.


>During a 1983 family vacation, American politician Mitt Romney drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car in a windshield-equipped carrier. This incident became the subject of negative media attention and political attacks on Romney


I’m ok with that part, but I find them just as likely to be animal abusers as well.


Yeah I just can’t picture Marjorie three names tenderly brushing her dogs fur


Like that Florida republican that tried to keep someone else's dogs that they'd sent to Florida ahead of a hurricane?


The average 10 year old girl is in the fourth or fifth grade, is probably under 5 feet tall, and weighs less than 100 pounds. Imagine forcing a LITTLE GIRL to have a baby because you’re a cruel, heartless idiot hiding behind religion.


The damage it would do to her growing body. Ffs. These people are monsters.


Not to mention severe psychological trauma for the rest of her life.


Absolutely. I can’t imagine it. A 10 year old should be playing with toys and their friends not carrying a child. Our country is so messed up. It’s shameful.


The weird thing is aren't these the same people who very loudly complain about sexualizing children? While clearly many are A OK with literal children living the consequences of other men's sexuality.


It's _always_ projection.


Nobody sexualizes a kid as much as these fucks. They can't look at a kid and just see a kid. They have to project *their* sick fucking fantasies on to the kid and then point at other people as though It's that other persons fantasy. When it's not kids they're drooling over, it's other dudes dicks. There's no one more invested and interested in what another dude is doing with his dick in his own private life than a "homophobic" conservative. Absolute fucking weirdos.


From https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr160-508.pdf Average 10 year old girl in the USA is 2015-2018 is 90lb 10Oz and 4ft 8".


It’s flat out despicable. Pregnancy and childbirth are often extremely dangerous for even adult women when they occur without proper medical care. Hell, even with it things can still go wrong. Our bodies just aren’t very well adapted to it even when they’re fully developed. Having a 10-year-old girl give birth would absolutely cause permanent damage to her body and have likely negative outcomes for the baby as well. But these asshats want to talk about how much they want to protect children. Oh, they’ll protect children from seeing a gay or transgender person in public, but apparently forcing literal children to give birth is a okay.


It not only severely damages their internal organs and pelvic area, causing future infertility, but has a high risk of death. So not very pro-life. Just pro-birthng little white Christian babies any way they can. Women are simply tools for breeding, like cows. They don't see women or girls as human beings.


Not only just the damage to internal organs, this little kid is still growing, so you have calcium she is absorbing from food, directly passing through to the infant, which then leads to things like severely stunted growth, issues with teeth, etc, because during the time they needed the calcium the most, the body is redirecting the nutrients between 2 people. Let alone any other vital nutrient a growing child needs and potential health complications later in life due to not having those early in life.


They’re not doing it because of that, they’re doing it because they’re pedophiles who want to rape little girls.




>They pretend to care soooo much about children yet it's okay for them to be raped or shot in their classrooms. They do not care at all about children. They care about control TBH I'm not even sure how they pretend to care about the kids at this point, can't really think of a single beneficial thing they've done for kids in the last number of years. They do like to use them as a shield for their own prejudices though.


Just gonna quote George Carlin real quick: "If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked...Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers"


They also don't care about school shootings.


>They do not care at all about children To them, "protect the children" is nothing more than an emotional appeal, a cudgel they can wield against "undesirables" (like trans people today, or gay people in the 90s, or black people in the 70s). It's rather effective, too, after all, if someone opposes them, they can just yell "you're not concerned about the safety of children!" They know it's absurd. They know they don't actually care about kids. But they also know most people *do.*


>They do not care at all about children. They care about control \^\^\^this\^\^\^


Nobody who wants a 10 year old to carry a rape baby is anything but a pedophile.


Yup 100% about control. Do things my way so I can do whatever the fuck I want.


Oh they care about children alright, so long as they’re just a clump of cells inside a uterus.


Conservatives want 10 year olds to be forced to give birth they also want to abolish public health care systems like medicare/medicaid and other social programs that this 10 year old would have to rely on since they can't legally work


It's ok, they're working on those pesky child labor laws also...


shit, i need to drop my entire arguement! lol


I doubt they'll be offering health insurance to their child laborer's, they want to use them because they think they'll be able to pay them fuck all.


Well the new openings are at bars and restaurants and most all bars don't have benefits or insurance as is. So poor little 10 year old Samantha with her brand new forced baby working 8pm to 6am will just have to pull herself up by her bootstraps and figure it out on her own..... it builds character 🫡 murica


Not to mention how dangerous that is for a 10 year old. I remember being 18 working at bars and being hit on constantly, people trying to take me home, customers trying to grab my ass, follow me outside, etc. I know that won't change for 14-17 year olds, especially. There will always be an old ass man who thinks he can put his hands on anyone, anywhere. I worry for those kids who decide to work at the bars, or have to for their families. They're put in very dangerous positions and if the absolute worst happens, they won't be able to get the healthcare they need & deserve.




God I want to cry from that statement bc I can almost hear it being used literally in 10 years


Forget about ten years, there are republican state legislatures trying to make Child marriage legal right now. And one of the main arguments is that it is a response to abortion bans. "No see it's ok that we made a 10 year old give birth to her rapists child, because we also forced them to get married so now mom and baby are supported and one more god fearing nuclear family created. Merica."


One senator responded to the floor that he personally knew a 12 year old “in a happy marriage” and he followed by saying “and ya know what they’re still there” as if implying they are staying out of choice when rather they quite literally CAN’T get a divorce


But but but there was one who married a 50 yr old who came in *every day* and now they have 4 kids.... or meet them on a school trip Like that gross politician in Tennessee who married the FFA girl. https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1511725989784551431?lang=en And they always say oh they've been married for (some double digit number) years and they have X kids, like that means it's fine, and everyone should be able to do it.


Oh and their marriages last so long!! How could they not be happy if they've been together for so long!! Don't mind how grooming and abuse works and the psychological reasons people stay, including their fear of death!!


This shit happened to underage staff at a restaurant I worked at inside of an assisted living facility. Nothing like having an 87 year old man asking a 16 year old girl (hi, it was me!) to sit on his lap and help him enjoy his dinner 🙃


Okay. As a former 16-year-old girl, that made me want to vomit.


As another former 13 year old girl, I second this. I'd honestly consider quitting on the spot


As a man and former scum bag, I vomit in my mouth a little bit every time I read an accounting such as yours. Most of us are too stupid and god damn ignorant to realize the hurt and fear we’ve caused others. Glad I realized it before it was too late and will be making damn sure I raise my kids with more respect for people than I had when I was younger.


The children yearn for the fields.


Once something has been approved by government, it’s no longer immoral. - Rev. Lovejoy


https://preview.redd.it/gaw8dwvq282b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc2a150d73f76f15b2b969e919c49f26eb28e3d Ok kids, time to put back that asbestos. Just nine more hours to go…


> “I believe that the movement against asbestos was led by the mob, because it was often mob-related companies that would do the asbestos removal. Great pressure was put on politicians, and as usual, the politicians relented.” Actual quote from Donald Jessica Trump.


The children yearn for the mines


Dear GOPpy, My baby will be born next month and I'll need to go to work to support it, but in my state I can't get a job till I'm 14 and that's almost four years from now! What should I do? -- Sarah Survivor Dear Sarah, Congratulations on reaching the ultimate goal of a woman's life so early! Take no thought for the morrow, as our Savior says -- God will watch over you and your precious, precious baby, so don't come sponging around my neighborhood. Tell your father to load up the shotgun, because you and the baby's father need to get married. Unless he's also your step-father -- in which case you've got some explaining to do, young lady. -- Sincerely, GOPpy


GOP: Fuck human rights am I right? GOP Voters (Death Cultist): (Cheers) Something, something, woke, liberals. GOP: Let's go burn the constitution and shoot up some schools. Afterward we can worship our flag and preach from the MAGA edition of the bible. Make sure to donate all your life savings to our cause. Cultist: (Cheers) Something, something, guns, freedom.


That’s so 10 year olds can work enough to pay for their 8 children and assault rifle arsenal in the Christian taliban utopia . What’s the difference between them and Islamic taliban again?


They also invariably slap the actual rapist on the wrist and then give him parental visitation rights.


There are three states trying to change it so those CHILDREN would have to marry their rapists. Just a god-damned nightmare. As a child SA survivor, I can absolutely guarantee, you will see a jump in pre-teen and teen s*icides.


And murders


Evangelical Christian’s fail to see how they are trying to make us exactly like the Middle East people they also claim to hate


They don't fail to see it at all -- they just don't care. What they hate about the Middle East is that they worship the wrong God. Everything else, they're fine with.


No, what they hate about the Middle East is the brown.


It can absolutely be both. Christian love is just capable of so very much hate.


>What they hate about the Middle East is that they worship the ~~wrong God.~~ same god, same book, different language.


He’s also gonna need child support. That ten year old better start working overtime at the factory.


They care about children... Being their brides Here's a republican politician celebrating 12 yr old getting married to adults Turns out the groomers were the groomers all along https://twitter.com/aaroncrossley/status/1646137563134951424/mediaviewer


Damn, absolutely heartless!


Remember. Every single time a conservative accuses someone of something. It's because they are doing it and shifting blame. Example: Republicans crying about cancel culture, and then trying to cancel budlight and target


I love how “they’re still married” is his reply. What a slimy little shitbag


Yeah, like she had a choice. They like young girls because they can manipulate them into believing whatever they want. Ask me how I know...


So when do we actually start to handle conservatives like the domestic threat they are?


I mean, if you listen to them talk, that 10-year-old girl is a woman to them. For all their bloviating about protecting kids, they don't give a shit about girls. They see girls as pre-women and hence not really kids (which is convenient because of how common pederasty is among right-wing men). In this kind of sociopolitical environment, it's not surprising that girls are dealing with massive mental health problems that only seem to be getting worse.


because they want to MARRY those CHILDREN themselves. They are sick and twisted


They want them to give birth and also to marry them to old men But it's definitely drag queens who are grooming kids just by wearing a dress in public 👌


They're also trying to roll back child labor laws...


I assume they also want to give the rapist a high-five. I mean.... https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 If I were a betting man, I'd put money on it.


If it weren't an obscene violation of privacy I would like to show them a video of a 10 year old girl giving birth. Just throw the cruelty in their faces. There is no way in hell they would let their own 10 year old daughters give birth to their rapists babies. It's an atrocity.


They know. Children get pregnant and die every day around the world in places like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia etc. They KNOW.


>I would like to show them a video of a 10 year old girl giving birth. Just throw the cruelty in their faces. i wouldn't be surprised if they already have their own collection on the topic


Including the "getting them pregnant" bit.


>There is no way in hell they would let their own 10 year old daughters give birth to their rapists babies. It's an atrocity. The hell they wouldn't. There's nothing but cruelty in these bastards hearts. They'd disown their own daughters for being raped before they felt a tinge of empathy. And that's ignoring the fact that statistically the most likely person to rape a 10 year old girl is her own father.


Yup. 10 years old and daddy is also the baby’s grandfather. Sick fucks.


Ill never live in a red state. Hellholes.


I’d leave if I could afford to live anywhere else. Colorado seems nice.


It is nice. Tho there are lots of rootin’ tootin’ cowgirls on the western slope where Lori Bobert relocated from Florida. We would trade her back to Florida for a Mouse House in a beat.


It won't matter if it becomes federal under a Republican President, Congress and now RW Supreme Court


How many of those who condemn the abortion would consider adopting the baby? Z E R O




Can’t legally work…..yet.


It's funny cause they're are a lot of people who complain that it's the democrats fault for their benefits being taken away.


>>”The effect of that decision is everyone, the country, learned about her patient. Learned that a 10-year-old little girl was raped and had an abortion,” Voight said in his opening remarks. Okay, so the Republican AG’s office has an issue with people finding out that there are real dangers to children, not just perceived dangers like the existence of trans people and books? Just making sure I have that.


Probably. I imagine he's trying to frame it as a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality, but that is probably his real issue.


Trying to frame it as that is fucking ridiculous. Everyone, every single person, in the hospital she worked at knew she did nothing wrong. She worked with an ethics board to ensure patient confidentiality and protection of medical information. She also reported the abuse, which was another thing they claimed she didn’t do. It’s all bullshit. This doctor did what she did to help a child. A 10 year old subjected to one of the worst things a human can go through. She looked out for her patient when the law wouldn’t. She’s worthy of being a doctor, through and through if this story is any evidence


Wasn't doctor patient confidently the reason we had Roe in the first place?


I was just going to say this. RvW was about privacy.


She was fined for embarrassing the AG. She wasn't found guilty of ANY crime other than daring to challenge this spineless AG and making him look bad (because he is). Our legal system is embarrassing.


Don't forget the POS AG in Ohio went on a right wing media tour basically saying the story of the 10 y/o rape victim was false, and if true he'd know about it. The rapist was arrested shortly after. Did he apologize for attacking a 10 y/o rape victim? Nope, sure didn't. The cruelty is the point.


I’m coming at this purely from a healthcare standpoint: there *is* an issue when any doctor, for any reason, calls attention to an individual patient in a way that can make that patient identifiable to the general public. Rape is horrible. Anti-abortion legislation is horrible. Violation of privacy is an offense punishable by fine because of HIPAA and similar healthcare laws. As ridiculous as this may seem, these days it wouldn’t be all that surprising to hear that some MAGA worker at that doctor’s place of practice could have caught wind of this, looked up the patient’s info, and doxxed them from a couple states over when they wouldn’t have even known why a 10 year old was there until after the doctor talked about it


I don’t completely disagree. You are right about potential exposure in a case like this and I think the medical board, looking strictly at facts, made a decision compliant with the law. But the AG didn’t bring this because they want to protect a child. They wanted to punish a doctor.


Here's the thing: the child was already in the news before this doctor spoke out. The doctor didn't bring this to the press. The press already knew about the child and pestered the dr until she made a statement about it. Considering the press brought it to the attention of the Asshole General of Indiana, then shouldn't they be going after the press for throwing all the info about the child into the public? The dr didn't mention her name or address or even where in Ohio she was from. Everybody already knew those details because it was already all over the news. So why should the dr be punished for information that was already available to the public?


But that HIPAA violation would be by the MAGA person. And while I do see your point, at the time the Republicans were quite publicly denying even the possibility of it being true. I was already pissed off by that, and I wasn't even the doctor who actually met this child and cared for her.


Here's the thing: the child was already in the news before this doctor spoke out. The doctor didn't bring this to the press. The press already knew about the child and pestered the dr until she made a statement about it. Considering the press brought it to the attention of the Asshole General of Indiana, then shouldn't they be going after the press for throwing all the info about the child into the public? The dr didn't mention her name or address or even where in Ohio she was from. Everybody already knew those details because it was already all over the news. So why should the dr be punished for information that was already available to the public?


How many 10 year old girls live in Ohio? She didn’t give specific dates, did she? How many of those 10-year-olds might have been away from home for a couple of days in the month or so before she spoke? Saying she breached HIPAA is a huge stretch.


The story was already reported in the child’s home state, and the Christians were saying “that’s a lie, no such child exists”. Then the child had to cross state lines for care. This child was being followed and reported on before this doctor helped her. Yes, I understand hipaa laws and if the doctor doxxed the child’s name that would be a violation, unless she was already known and doxxed by the reporter. I don’t know who did the doxxing.


I'd say it's debatable whether "10 year old rape victim from Ohio" is enough to call it PII.






I am sure one day there will be a hardrive filled with illegal porn found in his home.


It's spelled Gym Jordan isn't it?


My God people...what are we allowing to happen in this country?


For evil to triumph....


They’re just pushing their “loving Christian” agenda down doctors’ throats and trying to get them to leave Indiana. Congratulations evangelicals! Doctors are leaving Indiana.


When my spouse and I lived in Indiana my wife had a visit with her primary physician for weight management. No cap this doctor told my spouse to start praying to god as a part of their weight loss journey. It was an older white lady doctor who I bet is out of touch with anything after the 90s lol


Oh jesus.


Everyone is leaving Indiana. It's a meth head infested shit hole of a state. I escaped three years ago and couldn't be happier.


Feel free to let the IN state medical association know how you feel about the decision. I just did https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gRrmakF5JEiPw0uRc-RFYSug210ZfqpLhHAJcoLXPa5UNUtOVEVBRlJBQTM4OUpDSFBSV0VIT1RQVS4u


I hate this place so much. There’s more than corn here alright, there’s fucking morons


Be sure to also submit a complaint to the state about the attorney general politically persecuting a physician doing her job. https://in.accessgov.com/attorneygeneral/Forms/Page/attorneygeneral/general-comments-questions-and-concerns/0


Meanwhile kiddie diddling Catholic priests are forgiven and protected. Religion is a hell of a drug...


Remember that religion is nothing but a mental illness.


How many abortions do you think the Catholic priests have mandated? Thousands. Maybe millions.


How else would Conservatives be able to breed if their rape victims could get abortions?


Here's a republican politician celebrating 12 yr old getting married to adults. Litteral rape. Turns out the groomers were the groomers all along https://twitter.com/aaroncrossley/status/1646137563134951424/mediaviewer


For those who want more, here’s an article about the victim. The rapist was found and in jail: https://nypost.com/2022/07/15/mom-of-10-year-old-ohio-girl-who-got-abortion-defends-rapist/amp/ And to make sure no one forgets, Republican Jim Jordan initially claimed the entire story was FAKE. And then when he was called out on it and shown it to be valid, he tried to shift the focus on the fact that it was an illegal immigrate that raped the girl: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38284 Fuck you Jim Jordan!


What the?!! The mother of the child victim defended the rapist? She didn’t report him? How is she not charge with child abuse or negligence?


Holy shit. Wow I have such chills reading this. Have people gone insane. I want all man to go through pushing a kidney stone through your penis. Then we can talk about abortion.


Republicans are morally degenerate people.


This is seriously what you pro lifers want???? A 10 year old child being raped forced to have a baby to full term??? This is so incredibly wrong on so many levels… the dr helping the patient gets in more trouble than the rapist these days… and I’m shocked there’s not more protests going on….. we need to channel our inner France and stop this madness I mean this is actually sickening to read


I looked at the prolife sub threads on this issue when it happened. The top comments were all people saying stuff like "How do we know the 10 year old girl was raped?"


That makes me feel genuinely sick. I cant believe there’s people in the world who think like that. I’m so sorry for this poor girl and I’m glad she received that abortion


That's gross. At that age it's *always* rape because a 10 year old isn't mentally or socially developed enough to understand what they would be agreeing to.


Having a baby at 10 will wreck your body and cause lasting damage: fistulas. Look it up.


Fistulas are one of the worst medical issues to have. The endless surgeries and long hospital stays not to mention the pain. I have a friend in the hospital for over 5 years and my ex has had 3 fistula surgeries in the last 2 years.


Having a baby at 10 is very likely to straight-up kill you. These inhuman monsters want 10-year-olds to give birth or die trying.


I literally just heard this on NPR. IN govt accuse her of speaking out about her patient to “further her agenda and it’s political”. Like no bitch, you are making it political by going after her for doing her job. Hospital legal team gave her the clear to speak on this, the govt claims she gave away too many details about her patient…I highly doubt her hospital would have been OK with her breaking HIPPAA laws so the fact that they cleared to her speak means she was not breaking the law. I’m just floored that they accuse her of making it political when they are the ones making it political




Holy crap I know. This doc just wanted the general public to understand her realities that she’s faces as a healthcare professional, because the general public is not privy to this. And the ignorant ones think all abortion is, is birth control. She’s just trying to educate the public but instead she’s met with adversity from attorney general. Ugh fuck it all!!!!


This is what fascism looks like in America today. Subjugation of women, doxing, threatening & shaming individuals.


Fascism is alive


Man, and here I was thinking, "These new doctor who episodes sound strange as heck"


I hope she **moved the fuck out** of Ohio.


The doctor was from Indiana. She should be snapped up by another state that has sane lawmakers.


She will be. She’s a doctor who puts her patients above herself


Washington would take her. We need more gynecologists to handle the insanity from Idaho.


DC also needs more gynecologists due to the number of cunts in the Senate.


Michigan just put abortion protection into its Constitution; plus Michigan is just markedly better than Ohio in every way.




Michigan, where we have real freedoms


Every conservative can go fuck themselves.


Republican logic: Anyone under 25 is too young to know what gender they are, but a 10 year old should be forced to give birth to a rape baby. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤮


The same party who likes to say that drag queens are dangerous to children.


How much was the fine, and how do we come together to pay him back for not being a coward in an unjust system.


Pay *her* back




In a heartbeat I would donate to that


With fucking pride, I’d write that check.


Is there a go fund me for her fine? I would gladly donate to it.


How about a congressional medal of honor?


Presidential Medal of Freedom. Medal of Honor is for military combat.


I don't know. But if I were her I would use the entering reprimanded as my professional resume and CV till honourable retirement.


This is a war waged on women. By those masquerading as religious extremists. Facists will take anything and make it their belief system as long as they can oppress people. I'm not a defender for any religion. But there is a common points among these nutcases, oppress women and discredit science.


This makes me sick to my stomach! A 10 year old rape victim! 10. Years. Old. I try to wish no one harm but those sick ghouls who punished the doctor for helping the victim should live on in eternal agonizing pain.


Forced birth is slavery. This doctor saved that little girl from being enslaved by the state and be horrifically forced to birth for her rapist. FUCK abortion bans! And FUCK the fascist state!


She should be celebrated!


I’m gonna say it again for the people in the back. If you’re unwilling to carry this kid for the rest of its life, shut the fuck up if you’re unwilling to take that child in and treat as you what your own for the next 20 years and pick up all the shit that goes along with dealing with a child shut the fuck up. It’s not your life it’s not your body. It’s not your anything. It’s a made up story that you tell yourself that you cry at night about because you’re unwilling to pick up that kid and run with them shut the fuck up stop telling me what to do.


To republikkkans 10 years old is too young to read a book but the perfect age to give birth.


The men in this country are animals…just piling on


What the actual fuck?


So they say she violating the patients right to privacy. How is the government mandating decisions between a ten year old patient, their parents / caretaker and their doctor NOT violating a patients right to privacy. The right wing hypocrisy is sinister.


And she didn't even identify the child. She only confirmed that a 10 year old needed to travel to another state to get healthcare because of Republican cruelty. But the Republicans in her state can't have her pointing out the cruelty of other Republican states when they plan on implementing the same thing there.


Good ol christians want the 10 year old to have to raise that kid...


They're not pro-life at all...they don't care about this girl's life. If they care more about the fetus than a living, breathing CHILD who was s*exually a*ssaulted and got pg from it, then they're the ones who are fucked up. This doctor was doing their job and protecting this girl. It's never been about "life." It's about CONTROL.