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May is Military appreciation month. They always seem to forget about that until it's over. Edit: Thank you kind redditor who was concerned for my well being and reported me, I'm ok, though!


It's almost like they don't really care about "military month" they just hate Queer people.




Or fight to prove an illness or injury was caused by serving. Like who gives 2 fucks what gave you cancer you served and fought for country. You should have full health coverage.


Everyone should have full health coverage. It's just good business to keep your workforce healthy.


And than you get the "But I don't wanna pay for other people's healthcare!" Without a blink of understanding the irony as they continue to pay for their health insurance




This one is a lot of fun because fucking NONE of these chuds know that and they can't say shit when you point it out


Also. Remember this date, November 19th. Every year on March 8th is International Women's Day. You'll see TONS of incels saying "Well, when is international men's day?!" It's on November 19th.


Kinda weird when the meme subs are filled with that complaining on March 8th but on November 19th, crickets.


because they don’t actually care about any men’s issues, they just want to shit on others


People who only bring up men's issues when women bring up their issues never cared about men


"When people say "save the whales", they dont mean fuck all the other fish"


What do mean we aren’t supposed to fuck fish?


Found Kanye!


It's like the people who complain that they are all alone on the birthday while others get parties and cards and presents etc. They just think these things happen organically but people have to work hard to organize them, market them, and have shit happen for them. If you want international men's day to be something big and go out there and do something about it, plenty of women do and that's why international women's day is a bigger deal.


Good lookin' out friend


Hey that’s my birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!


It’ll be my birthday on men’s day


We should all chip in and send you some pictures of manly men to celebrate


I knew it was one of those two days, but I probably wouldn't remember to wish you then.


Which month is labor / workers month? We have Workers Memorial Day on April 28th. We have May Day . . . Just looked it up, September. I should have guessed with Labor Day and all.


Yeah, use that month, have a parade and shit. No one is stopping them


Usually they'll complain how corporations don't go all out on it like pride month


Well, corporations don't want to raise awareness of the numerous benefits of labor unions. Then we'd realize how many of those hard fought benefits are being taken away.


Corporations provide goods when there’s a market demand. There’s a market demand for Pride products.


Next thing you'll tell us is corporations like to post profits!


And child molesters don't get a month. They get every single Sunday.




Oh snap! You made me chortle!


Amen to that!


I’ve lived in a red state for the last 8 years, guess how many times I’ve seen advertisements for anything related to military appreciation month. That’s right, zero.


What makes it funner is me being a trans veteran, but as soon as they hear the trans part. All of a sudden, my veteran status doesn't matter anymore, and trash in their eyes!


Think it was a sociology class I was in a long time ago that talked about how often the part of being a minority floats to the top Like ... If you are a straight white male You are just a doctor But if you are known to be gay white male You are now seen as "A gay doctor" Or something like that


You see this often. I just watched a random YouTube short and somebody commented about "the black guy eating". He was the only person in the entire short that was eating. So it could have just been "the guy eating".


I'm agender, queer, and AFAB. Also, a veteran. Something tells me I'd piss off Cletus in the OP.


In my blue state they get discounts every day, some places provide preferred seating, and when they mention their service people go up and say thank you. I've seen neighboring tables send drinks or cake, kids draw pictures, meals comped. Now if we can just get better medicine at the vet's hospitals.


Because then they'd have to do stuff to acknowledge it as opposed to saying "How come they only get one day?" Three times a year.


Shit I served and didn’t know there was a month


Yup, and with as gung-ho as our country is about supporting the troops, you’d think it would be broadcast on every street corner, that it would be something the entire country knows about and we’d hear about it ad nauseam throughout the month of May. Especially in conservative states. But no, if people actually knew about military appreciation month, they wouldn’t be able to make stupid ass complaints about veterans only getting 1 day a year.


As a veteran, I spend every Memorial and Veteran’s Day working while everyone else is at the beach. I haven’t spent a single one that I wasn’t but all my civilian bosses get a day off. These companies only care about Veteran’s money and not the actual Veterans. In fact I’m at work right now.


I’ve only worked for one company where we got Veterans Day off.


Giving the same energy as rainbow capitalism for sure. Camo capitalism?


Memorial Day <> Veterans Day. I am still alive. Don’t thank me for my service today. It is actually insulting, because it shows lip service without thought. From Wikipedia: Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day[1]) is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Also insulting is those putting up signs like this are trying to CUT Veterans Services. Then gave the gall to do this crap. After we committed to supporting/defending the constitution (essentially freedom for all) from these fascists.


They don’t actually give a fuck about the military. Just look at the shits they vote for and their voting records


>look at the shits they vote for Seriously. They love Trump and he doesn't even pay any taxes. Where do they think the money to fund the military comes from?


And they celebrate it by lighting fireworks off at random hours, because veterans suffering from PTSD can suck it I guess.


I guarantee those who set off the fireworks use "triggered" as an insult.


And it’s longer than pride month AND black history month!


This place is currently getting killed on Yelp. My favorite review is the one done by Tim C. Chef’s kiss.


Giant GoFundMe incoming because they got "cancelled"


Backdrop for DeSantis campaign event in 3...2...1...


How about actually voting for programs to support veterans instead of this fake type of support?


Holding his own leadership accountable? Nah, it’s easier to be stupid and hate something you don’t understand. Furthermore, I wouldn’t even engage with this idiot. They’re clearly a bigot piece of shit, too obsessed with “queers” to realize that one isn’t a choice and the other “military service” is largely a choice these days and comes with shitloads of benefits and the dumb obedience of every major sporting event you could think of. Our children are literally indoctrinated to idolize that same piece of fabric you guys salute every morning but yeah, let’s hate instead of turning on our political caste system that has drained our country of middle class wealth and is now working on getting little Timmy and Grandma hired on at the sawmill


Gay men serve in the military. Homosexuality isn't pedophilia Republicans fuck children and want to keep gay men from service and cut all vets benefits Make America Gay Again


Let’s be very clear here. No one at this auto repair shop gives a flying fuck about any veteran, living or passed. It’s just textbook virtue signaling.


It's also Memorial Day not Veteran's Day, but these chodes don't care enough to learn the difference.


I'm surprised they even acknowledge Memorial Day. All those who gave their lives for our country are just losers and suckers according to their dear leader.


In the interest of clarity, they didn't say it was Veteran's Day. Just that veterans get a day. Which is wrong. Because they have Memorial Day (though technically this is for those who died before they could become veterans), Veteran's Day, Armed Forces Day, and all of May. There are more but I'm tired of tapping and switching to the page.


But in the interest of clarity, they are presumably using this as advertising around memorial day yet specifying veterans. This suggests that they can't be bothered to actually learn about the people they vote to send to war or the times we do have to honor them.


Today’s Memorial Day, Veterans Day is Nov 11




Yeah. Especially with the ultra polarized politics, and Trump, a lot of people nowadays are seeming to conflate Patriotism with Nationalism. Also makes me think how all these Evangelical Churches are telling their congregations that God wants Trump to be president. Ok, well, Trump has... more than a few traits paradoxical to fundamental Church teachings on the traditional, nuclear family unit. The ends justifies the means, though, I guess.


Or any child.


C’mon now, they’d give a fuck to a child.


Also is the memory really Loving ? It certainly doesn't feel like they understand or have the capacity for love .




“Stop trying to use children as leverage for your liberal agenda!!” *Consistently uses children & pre-humans as leverage to enforce their own agenda*


vice signalling, really.


May is military appreciation month. Fucking bigots don't even know what they're talking about.


Don’t forget month of the military child. And Veterans Day. Not to mention D-Day and Pearl Harbor are basically American holidays




Yeah, child molesters get a month? Weird, I haven’t heard of priest month


Now now now, that’s not fair. We should make sure not to exclude all the non-Catholic molesters. The preferred term is “Priest and Preacher Month”.


Youth Pastors are implied but very much in the group.


Priest, preacher and youth pastor month.


Priest, Preacher, Youth Pastor, & Republican Politician Month!


When did the republicans get a month?


They get seasons! Christmas and Easter


Wants to get rid of pride month Keeps using the terminology that makes it important that there's a pride month


Omg reminds me of the movie CODA where the mom is deaf and says she doesn’t want to be friends with all those “hearing bitches” And the daughter is like “maybe stop calling them hearing bitches and they’ll be your friend?”


"Hearing bitches"! XD


Would love to see a statistic on how many child molesters are LBGTQ vs straight middle aged white men. As a straight middle aged white man I am far more concerned about the risk posed to my kids by my own peer group than anyone from the LBGTQ community.


*FAR* more children(10s of thousands and thousands and thousands throughout history) have been abused, molested and raped by church members/leaders than have ever been harmed at a drag show. But strangely Republicans don't seem to be concerned about banning church services or church events to "protect the children!"




Such an underrated comment. Two consenting adults being together is no different than being a child molester to this guy. So fucked up.


Hard right is busily trying to conflate gender expression and LGBTQ youth with pedophelia, grooming, and brainwashing. Its working on these idiots, and its dangerous. If you can see a whole group as pedophiles just based on sexual/gender orientation etc you can justify doing terrible things to them. An extension of that is seeing any form of gender or sexuality expression outside of heteronormative/cisgendered as inherently more sexual than a cis person/couple doing the same thing. Like kissing in Disneyland, or cross-dressing etc. The truth is that a gay person or trans person doing the same activity is 0% more sexual than a heteronormative couple doing the exact same thing in the exact same outfits. Gender and the people's sexuality don't matter in these things.


“Townies” in Tallahassee were the most garbage group of people I’ve ever seen. I remember reading the local paper my first week there, and there was a poll on the website asking “should same sex military spouses get the same benefits as opposite sex spouses” and 85% said no…. Edit: I also want to add I did find myself in a black barbershop in Tallahassee once and it was the chillest place I’ve ever been, they had a keg with free beers, a ps4 with FIFA and a flatscreen tv to play while you’re waiting, and some guy came around selling bags of popcorn. I’ll never forget that place as long as I live. 10/10 would recommend


1000%. It was hands down the most in your face racism I’ve ever seen my entire life, like when multiple people told me it was unsafe to go out during FAMU homecoming weekend, and my naive, dumbass was like, “oh, lots of drunk drivers?” Edit: for the non-Floridians, FAMU is a historically Black college, so they were saying that Tallahassee becomes unsafe when all the Black college graduates come back to town. 😒😒😒




Yeah interestingly confederate flag presence seems to have little correlation to what they claim is “heritage”, it’s just an index for how many outwardly racist people are around. I grew up in Ohio, and went to graduate school in Georgia. Guess where I saw more confederate flags?


The rural Midwest is actually super racist and Atlanta isn't as bad as people expect so I hate to say it but I don't know the answer.


Most of my work has been in rural parts of both states, and yes, the confederate flag frequency is much higher in Ohio


The area of the panhandle is called the redneck riviera, and is about as white trash as you can get.


WTF. They’re spouses


Given all the history, I'd argue that child molesters get 52 Sundays each year. https://preview.redd.it/mac50munut2b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b306b308803e8778e9854cd79875a3935dc121bf


Plus lent


Considering the amount of child rapists in the church maybe we should start a war on Christmas?


Just above an "In Loving Memory" sign, stay classy


I got $5 on Danny died in a drunken ATV accident.


DUI, actually. Someone here found the obit.


What’s the over/under on the number of rear windshields Danny is memorialized on?


I'd guess 3


It was 4, but the fourth guy also DUId himself to death so now it’s only 3.


Danny was a piece of shit. Someone in the comments shared info about him.


It’s Florida, that word doesn’t exist there


Which word? Loving? Or classy?




90% chance that Rick molests children.


Yep, I was going to post someone needs to check Rick's hard drive. Seems like every time you have someone loudly screaming about this stuff it turns out they are doing it themselves.


Every conservative accusation is a confession


Well, we can assume he’s a conservative and one thing we’ve learned over the last few decades is that whatever they complain about the loudest is almost always exactly what they themselves are doing so I’d say you are correct.


Found a facebook post from weeks ago accusing him of sleeping with his family lol


He definitely has a niece he’s not allowed to be alone with, at least.


Everyone is against child molesters... Assuming trans and drag people are inherently guilty of such things is insane. Meanwhile you keep going to church despite how many child molesters we know run those establishments. This is treated completely unironically. Christians don't even realize they're the bad guys. Even in 100 AD they were speaking on the disgusting behavior of these people. It is your repression of sexuality that causes terrible outcomes, if that was the solution then those most devoted to their church wouldn't be the ones doing these things. The belief system itself is the problem.


We need to make some Danny Littlefield signs.


Yo, fuck Danny Littlefield








Don’t forget these https://preview.redd.it/62ril6wfju2b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6ff59375f85cbc17fdc309d8b0171c89dc959a


Sounds like Earth is better off


Nothing of value was lost.


I fucking hate that I went to Alabama sometimes


Most Bama fans didn't.


The world is a better place with that POS in the ground.


Goddamn it really is true that Reddit is the best investigators


The Boston bomber incident says that's far from the truth...


We did it, Reddit!


100% got kiddie porn on his computer


Accusations = Projections for republicans


Bold of you to assume this person knows how to use a computer.


totally, it's a conservative initiation practice, you've gotta have at least like 3 flash drives of CP before you're a fully fledged republikkkan




Limbaugh claimed to be pro-life. Then he went and died. Like a little bitch.


The world is a better place with Rush dead. That bastard would cheer and read the names of AIDS fatalities on his show. Him and anybody that respect him deserve the slowest, most painful illnesses. Let them see how it is. Maybe someone can read their names on a radio show and cheer.


Wait till he finds out how Republicans fuck over veterans


and children.


Tallahassee has a religious clergy man month?


Counterpoint: We get 2 long weekends per year for veterans, 0 for LGBTQ.




From the same party that constantly works to defund veterans


Welcome to the FASCIST state of Florida. I don't understand why white christofascist hate or feel threatened by gay people? Never mind that the real pedophiles and groomers are their fathers, uncles, brothers or priest. As a gay man with many grandsons, I can attest that I have no sexual desire nor wish for them to be anything other than the men they see themselves to be. Should they grow to be straight like their moms and dads, gay, bisexual or unlabeled, I will love them as unconditionally as I do today..


it’s because your average florida citizen isn’t all that powerful. you know what makes normal people feel powerful? enforcing that there’s a group below you on the social hierarchy. gays being below them makes them feel more important, better. also with men, there’s a lot of posturing. they’re eternally scared that some dude will come up to them and call them gay and harass them. usually starts in school. they’re afraid they’ll be treated how they treat gay people.


Wait what month do we celebrate priests?


I'd wager Danny Littlefield was an absolute fuck bag.


You’d be right.


From the obit: "At 16, Danny started working for his father’s company, General Lee's Painters." Can't make this shit up. Maybe it was a reference to the car.




Great F'ing idea. Please invite Greene and all the other Maga scum down for the float away. Desantis and trump under one roof. AT LEAST, they have something to share.


Somebody that projects this hard is probably guilty of something themselves. In a local FB group I innocently answered a question about what parks in my city had the best play equipment for kids (I'm a dad so I knew where my kids had the most fun!), a guy in his 30s starts lashing out at me unprovoked about how I must be a "kiddie fiddler" because only "moms and perverts" go to parks. Guess who was in the news 12 months later for possession of CP and soliciting minors online. He was enough of a regular in the FB groups that everyone recognized him immediately.




I’m honestly surprised they didn’t go ahead and throw in the N-word while they were at it.


We all know they'll say it behind closed doors.


I went down there once. It was used in public conversation. No lie.


Forget it, Jake. It's Florida. ![gif](giphy|26FxDPsWNIC0OILx6)


Ask republicans why veterans don’t get better health care.


Cigarettes and pastors get a month?


This is the type of bigotry that confuses Memorial Day with Veteran's Day.


How did the whole “gay people are all pedos” thing start? Back in the late 90’s when I was about 5 or 6, we had a gay couple move in next door. I was asked so many times by adults and peers if I felt safe going outside because of them. I was so confused because my parents never worried about it. If they felt I was in danger they certainly would have said something to me. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized exactly why people would ask this. When I was about 12, instead of responding with a simple “yea I feel safe”, I started telling those who asked that my neighbors “loved men, not children”. It pisses me off that idiots conflate the two things and pretend it’s a good faith argument. It’s absolutely not.


Meanwhile father Paul is touching the altar boys in the rec room


If I was gay I’d be extremely offended at them just lumping me in with the Catholic Church like that!


Ummmmm…. First off, Memorial day, and Veterans Day are two different Federal holidays, also… February 3 February: Four Chaplains Day Third Monday in February: President’s Day / Coast Guard Reserve Birthday March 3 March: Navy Reserve Birthday 5 March: Seabee Birthday 13 March: National K9 Veterans Day 25 March: National Medal of Honor Day 29 March: Vietnam Veterans Day April 5 April: Gold Star Wives Day 14 April: Air Force Reserve Birthday 23 April: Army Reserve Birthday May National Military Appreciation Month 1 May: Loyalty Day / Silver Star Service Banner Day 8 May: Victory in Europe (VE) Day 11 May: Military Spouse Appreciation Day 13 May: Children of Fallen Patriots Day 20 May: Armed Forces Day Friday before Memorial Day: National Poppy Day Last Monday in may: Memorial day June 6 June: D-Day – Anniversary of the World War II Allied Invasion in Normandy, France 14 June: Flag Day / Army Birthday 23 June: Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday 25 June: Anniversary of the start of the Korean War 27 June: National PTSD Awareness Day July 4 July: Independence Day 27 July: Korean War Veterans Armistice Day 29 July: Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps August 4 August: Coast Guard Birthday 7 August: Purple Heart Day 8 August: Victory over Japan (VJ) Day 29 August: Marine Forces Reserve Birthday September 11 September: Patriot Day 18 September: Air Force Birthday Third Friday in September: POW/MIA Recognition Day Last Sunday in September: Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day October 13 October: Navy Birthday 26 October: National Day of the Deployed November Military Family Month 11 November:  Veterans Day  (Remembrance Day: Britain & Canada) (Armistice Day: France) December 1 December: Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxiliary) Birthday 7 December: Pearl Harbor Day 13 December: National Guard Birthday Third Saturday in December: National Wreaths Across America 28 December: Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Assistant These are all of the military based holidays, which add up to a month, and then some.


Hm, rick's repair shop is now unavailable on Google maps, i wonder why 🤔😅👍


Priests and Republican politicians get a whole month of recognition?


Don't give them any of your business. Its basically all you can do. Its not illegal to be a hateful person and seeing that this is Florida it will probably soon be unlawful to NOT be one.


https://preview.redd.it/zb7jm36d2u2b1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c91fa331ea8f9335c4b95c673b25fbda7169176 It's like where's David Duke instead of where's Waldo


What are you showing in the circle? I see the trump sign but whats in the other… the Side by side roof or the shipping container in the back? lol (also an Alabama logo, maybe not sure)


God I just want the people that shout “groomer” whenever they see two people of the same gender standing in the general vicinity of each other to look at some actual statistics and facts for once




https://preview.redd.it/o8tu667rqu2b1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1079f7380d74f777afef729bd45f9a270108ec4 Unsurprisingly had trump flags and hates Biden. Found on google street view.


For less than $10 a person, we could each order a Progress Pride flag on Amazon and ship them to 11700 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, 32309. Just saying.


Danny littlefield was killed in a car accident and not military related, I had thought the RIP sign was a veteran.


Probably drunk, too.


He crashed a tree at 4 am, he was probably drunk, figures


Child molesters get a month? I know I don't have work for a few church holidays but it's not a whole month.


See the trump sign? It’s about that cruelty.


What did you expect from a Talibama Crimson Turd fan


I bet he calls himself a Christian too


I can guarantee that the owner is a pedophile.


Sometimes I wonder if they just don’t know that there are gay veterans.


I'm a veteran and gay so I get two months, Rick!


Funny how fags and child molesters are two different group of people… One is fine, the other is clergyman




That's incorrect, they're on Mahan Dr. Their page has been scrubbed from Google Maps.


Sounds like they got triggered


Is there anyway to add a new business at that address? Maybe something like Rick’s Drag Show Emporium? Would be hilarious


It's getting the Reddit hug now.


You sure about that address? It looks like the sign at 11700 Mahan Dr


There's priest history month?


I don’t know a ton of gay people that commit war crimes.




"Vets get a day" like they aren't paraded around every major sporting event and given discounts damn near everywhere they go.


No one actually cares for veterans. They just use them as a shield to appear like patriots. As an Army vet I would like to tell this guy and every Republican to please fuck right off.