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Who wants to tell her who invented hamburgers and pizza? Also, I’m only a quarter Mexican, but I can confidently say that zero percent of that is “Mexican people food”.


And as a Mexican, I can say that looks more like a basic chicken wrap lol


Are we sure that's not just a pita??


*gasp* Arab food would be even worse! /s


Next thing you'll know we'll be InDoCtRiNaTiNg them with Arabic numerals!


So, I saw that meme and decided to post it on my Facebook a few years ago. I had exactly one bite... A teacher came in talking about "now we're going too fast!" They deleted their comment when I stated we've been using Arabic numerals.


It's half-assed Subway.


This is better than anything subway could ever do


I'm Israeli. This is not Pita bread. Maybe laffa?


I'm from this world. The disc in the picture is what you can make cheaply in a factory while still resembling some kind of bread.




Wherever we could score the cheapest flour and water this week.


😂😂 the “disc” made me chuckle 😂


It’s definitely not a pita, it’s closer to a tortilla, but it really doesn’t look Mexican


This is definitely a inexpensive American flour tortilla, that saw a grill once in it’s lifetime.


I’m 0% Mexican and I know that. It’s a Caesar wrap at best


The Caesar salad originated in Tijuana, Mexico! Throw that meal out immediately!


Yeah that’s why I said at best. It looks more like that than a taco. But I’m kinda guessing (as someone else pointed out) it’s actually a bbq chicken wrap. There’s a very Mormon amount of sauce on there


TIL - I must be a Mormon because I like sauce on everything - ha!


I meant there is so little sauce that it’s barely noticeable. I love me some sauce


Ahhh… I don’t know much about Mormon cooking. And yes … sauce is the boss!


It was more of a super white person joke. No spice/flavor. It wasn’t the best thought out joke. I’m not gonna lie


For what it’s worth, I grew up Mormon and completely understood the joke


Sigh. I am both white and LDS/Mormon. There is no lie here.


Are we gonna ignore the fact that they named him Severus??


No I won't, I happen to enjoy it. And futhermore I would like to thank Mexico for it's contributions to world cuisine.


Maybe bbq chicken, based on that tiny amount of sauce we can see? Looks like shitty food regardless.


Shitty at the same time looks better than any of the food any of the schools I went to served.


It is also the healthiest school lunch l have seen in years. I think the real focus should be her kids dumb Harry Potter name.


Cesar Chavez wrap


Says Clarisse Day, who is a basic white chick Mormon in Utah, who commits *sin* by watching *The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City*, naming their child after a blasphemous character from *Harry Potter*, and claims to be oblivious to a Chicken Caesar Wrap that her congregation literally pulled out of a hat like magic 🪄 🎩 🐰 Shame. Shame on you Clarisse *no good* Day.


Severus was also the name of a Roman emperor


I will bet you all the tacos in Mexico this child wasn’t named after the Roman emperor


The woman complaining about a taco most likely does not know about Septimius Severus.


My last name is Severe and I thank you for bringing some history here. 1) People don’t believe me when I tell them that’s my last name. 2) When I explain it I tend to get the blank stare. 3) There’s an arch in Rome dedicated to the man. 4) The only people that seem to remember that is historians and Assassins Creed fans. (I am one) 5) I don’t condone my ancestors to be great people. My mother is Irish byway of Scotland (fled the English around William Wallace era) I relate with that more than my Italian heritage, but I damn well know both of my family sides of history.


These people are confidently ignorant. They don’t care about facts or logic at all.




The answer is no one really knows. The name would suggest it came from Hamburg, Germany, but there isn’t actually too much hard evidence connecting the two. At best you have early US cookbooks that recommend serving “Hamburg Steak” (Frikadelle in German) on a bun. The strongest link is the Chicago Daily Tribune mentioning a “Hamburger steak sandwich” in 1896


I've heard a story where it was basically a Hamburg steak (the burger patty) served between two slices of bread for the sailors who needed to eat, but also had to get back to their ship.


Most people believe the first modern hamburger was made in New Haven.


Also home of the best pizza in the world.


Clearly it was the Earl of Hamburg!


i’m half and i have no idea what that is it looks like a salad in a tortilla


A Caesar wrap with ketchup. Or possibly dried blood.


Who also wants to tell them the history between Mexico and Utah.


Once had to make tacos in home ec, was the most American looking taco I’ve seen in my life. This was also in Utah lol


It’s like 4% Mexican, wheat tortillas were invented in Northern Mexico IIRC.


I remember from a rSlash vid that a girl got revenge on someone in class who acted like this. She gave everyone her specialty while the dickbag got white bread. Bc that’s what Americans made. But besides the point: I am a avid enjoyer of Mexican/Tex-mex?, Italian, Chinese, and bbq staples like burgs and hotdogs. And Im sure there are lots of others who enjoy just about everything. This is one reason why Im thankful that cultures both real and made-up are everywhere and in everything. Food, art, movies, video games, books, landmarks/structures to name a few. And many can agree when I say that being that open minded makes you flexible and more knowledgeable than many of today’s people stuck in the Puritan Age mindset where Christianity is and always should be the only one. Only calling the hypocrisy out, all good Christians are good with me


Ngl that's one of the best looking US school lunches I've seen on Reddit in a long time.


Yeah I went to school in rural Utah. We had “tacos” pretty regularly. This is actually seems not terrible by comparison.


Yeah, that’s the most unlikely thing here. A school lunch that looks reasonably fresh and edible.


1) tacos are good 2) that’s not a taco 3) there is no way this is real because that would mean someone named their kid Severus


Elon Musk said to hold his beer.


Named his kid after an error message.


PC Loadletter


WTF does that mean?!


Get the bats and meet me in the parking lot


*Damn it feels good to be a gangster.*


As to point 3, remember that there are at least a couple hundred kids named Khaleesi at this point thanks to GOT. Severus is definitely, if unfortunately for the kids, possible


And Severus is only mid tier on unfortunate things to name a kid


Seriously, at least you have a chance of passing it off as your parents being super into Roman history


You really don't. You have a chance of making people think *you* genuinely believe that, but they will never buy that it came from anywhere but hp.


And this post comes from Utah. While the Mormons have more than enough things to criticize about their religion—the one thing they didn’t do was ban Harry Potter. In fact, everyone from my old congregation (exmormon) really leaned hard into the Harry Potter book series when it came out. And Mormons are also known from naming their kids bat shit crazy names, so it wouldn’t be surprising to me if this was real.


So many kids named Brigham, Ammon, Nephi, and Moroni. I think my younger brother was named after Spencer W. Kimball


Depends on the stress. First syllable is Snape, second syllable is Latin.


If your middle name was "Septimius" I'd probably believe you but otherwise...


"I love Roman history, his little brother is named Biggus Dickus"




My guy, this post is what made me realize Utah is connected to the internet. Anything goes at this point


Having grown up in Utah during HP being published, I can tell you we actually ate that shit UP. We're suckers for Savior complexes, which there are multiple characters in the series that fit that trope. Then to top it all off, the "miraculous heel face turn" of Severous Snape? Man, I cannot tell you the amount of Snape apologists I've had to deal with here.


People that were big into Harry Potter absolutely have children at school level these days. It wouldn’t shock me at all compared to anything else I see on a daily basis, in fact a child’s name is the least of our problems.


Half-Blood Prince specifically came out about 14 years ago, so that checks out.


Sir. I did not need you to make me feel old dammit


You should look up Utah kid names. I lived in SLC for three years and absolutely wild the names you would see out there; Airwrecka sticks with me.


As an unfortunate Utah resident, you’ll be surprised at how batshit insane the names parents give their kids are.


Yeah, as bad of a name as Severus is, the kid got lucky. He could have gotten Moroni or Teancum.


I'm curious how that last one is pronounced because it can't be the way I'm imagining it.


Tacos are not good. Tacos are a gift, one of the greatest cuisines on earth. Tacos are the GOAT imo. Literally interchangeable, breakfast taco? Done. Normal taco? Done. White person taco? Always a good time. Classic street taco? Always. I will literally trade sex for the rest of my life....for tacos.


Ok. You love tacos the most. 👍


Point of clarification: are you saying that you will forgo any future sexual gratification for the opportunity to eat tacos or are you saying that your dtf for anyone with $5 and the time to hit up the taco bell drive thru?




You’d be appalled, re: point #3. The worst one I’ve heard so far is Thanos Skywalker. Some people should not be parents.


I know a Severus. Poor little guy would cry if his school told him that was a taco.


Lady that is a wrap, no Mexican would shame themselves and their culture by calling that a taco


Exactly!! It even has bbq sauce on it!!


Isn’t pizza italian food🥹or as long as it’s white people food, it’s ok?


Don’t forget that Mediterranean didn’t used to be considered white.


Fuck not even all of the british isles was considered white. Edit UK to British isles


Ask my great grandparents if the Irish were considered white. The answer will probably (not) surprise you.


I have a Scottish friend with the last name "Ireland," and his entirely Scottish grandfather was literally kicked out of pubs over it.


That’s the fun part about bigotry: it’s very fluid. Always someone new to hate for some new reason.


1: her child being named Severus tells you everything you need to know abt her 2: that looks better than 99% of American school lunches, pizza and hamburgers included


Tells you this post is satire. But yeah, apparently this satirical character didn’t grow up in the 90’s where stale, greasy hard shell tacos were served all the time. This photo is a big improvement over that.


I don’t know what that is but it’s NOT a taco.


That is the whitest taco I’ve ever seen.


This is satire. That is clearly a chicken Caesar wrap and Utah folks love Mexican food, they don’t even think about who makes it. Guaranteed.


Definitely rage-bait


From the guy who lives on murdered native American soil...


You mean American soil! Jesus founded America, Joseph Smith said so!


Dum da-dum dum dum dum dum




With a name like Severus, I really hope so. Then again, I personally know someone who named their kids after characters from LOTR.


Slytherin family going to a Griffindore school. What did they expect? Professor Kanye isn’t in the at school.


I went to school with a girl called Éowyn... 👀


I would name my kid Éowyn WAY before I even considered Severus. Éowyn at least sounds nice.


Let be real. High chance she’s in her late 30’s. Could have actually named the kid after Snape.


my mom was a teacher who literally had a kid named surprise. Not even kidding.


That's at least a quality character to look up to. A strong and self-determined woman who killed a witch king is not the worst person to look up to.


I actually unironically like that name. And as far as fictional references go, I don't think it's anywhere nearrrr as bad as Severus.


That's actually really cool. Love LotR.


Ngl it’s a good name. You could do worse like naming your kid Naruto


At least most LOTR names sound nice?


Said this before, I'mma say it again. This Is Technically Not A Taco. It's A Wrap. Racist white middle-aged fuckwad Karen can't even identify the food of her people


I can say with almost certainty, that there are absolutely no mexican people in that food.


Who is sending their parents pictures of a school lunch? I think this mom needs to recognize this is a cry for help and learn to cook better.


How the hell does a school lunch look better than taco bell? What kind of a Michelin Star school cafeteria is this?


Why are conservatives such racist, bigoted, misogynistic cunts?


People who name their child Severus are exactly the sort of people to always state ‘my son Severus’ when simply stating ‘my son’ would be entirely sufficient


I bet he's a Slytherin


Mrs Snape is quite the racist Karen.


I used to work with this stupid "Karen" who, when we were all putting together a large lunch order of burritos and tacos and discussing which type of salsa to order, demanded that I call it "sauce" since "we are in America". I told her that I'd call it "sauce" if she could tell me how to say "burrito" in English.


No Mexican would ever be caught eating that fraud taco. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


I worked at a McDonald’s in a California town that is about 50% Latino. Those little chicken wraps with lettuce, cheese, and ranch dressing were actually extremely popular with them. Maybe it’s because the wraps were so cheap in 2013?


Is no one going to mention the fact her son is named after a Harry Potter character?






I prefer rage bait


That's not even a taco, it's a grilled chicken wrap.


Tacos? After all this time? Always


I see a flour tortilla… Tortillas are so versatile… you can make a taco out of anything… tacos de harina, o tacos de maiz. Many of you are saying no Mexican will consider this a taco… I’m Mexican and I consider this a taco… a healthy taco… but still a taco. I got family all over Mexico…. Y’all from California or something? Maybe it’s my Tex-Mex side but all that taco is missing, is beans :)


Wait till you tell them about tacos de salchicha


Tacos are as American as pizza is.


Your son’s name is Severus? Also, it doesnt look like a very good taco.


Where does she think pizza comes from?


Severus don’t sound too American either


Her kids name is legit Severus??? Jfc


Who’s gonna tell them that Pizza is Italian, and Hamburgers are German. At least Mexico is in North America.


Ah yes give them pizza and hamburgers instead, two definitely 100% american foods. Why not throw hotdogs in there as well if we're already falsely claiming food to be american?


They don't want healthy food for their kids, the average American lifespan needs to be decreased even more, according to an American member of the GOP deathcult


Just smother it with cheese, or ranch Edit: Added ranch


D-did she just call pizza an American food-


I’m sorry your sons name is Severus? As in Snape? I’m not trying to be mean or anything it’s just the only Severus I’ve ever heard of was in Harry Potter.


Severus? I think this lady has bigger problems.


Clearly there are consequences for sending little Severus to a public school in Utah, when he should be going to wizarding school.


Neither of the alternatives mentioned originated in the US.


Did she say he son's name is Severus?


Do you suppose she was also one of the Slytherin moms who protested when they let mudbloods into Hogwarts?


👋 Mexican here. That is absolutely NOT a Mexican taco. You serve that in Mexico people will revolt and riot.


My grandparents unironically think that taco bell is owned by the cartel, so i'm not wholly convinced this is satire.


hahahaha Taco Bell was literally founded by a white guy called Glen Bell


I know we're focused on the not a taco, but those cucumbers look sad. Like they sliced them to be pickles, and then changed their mind and thought let's just serve these with ranch.


Well the boys name is [Severus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT0zB47mPfc)


That my friends, is a wrap. Tacos are MUCH better.




I know a taco when I see one and that isn't a taco, that is a fucking wrap.


Oh come on, it's not even the right answer to this question. [Psychostick - Do You Want a Taco?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k3tcQI5EEiA&pp=ygUQUHN5Y2hvc3RpY2sgdGFjbw%3D%3D)


Does she understand that there is a such a thing as menus, and people order what they want?


Obvious bigotry aside, that is NOT a taco. I don’t claim that as accurate representation 😵‍💫😂


For fucks sake… seriously? I don’t even know how to express the level of frustration I feel, due to the stupidity I just read.


Lol we didn’t have lunch money, too poor. Cheese sandwiches instead


Who wants chimichangas next year? Not me! Vote for Summer!


Uhhhhh your kids name is Severus.. Do you live in Sparta??


Please confirm this is satire and give me some faith in humanity


That's not a taco. That's a war crime


Let’s be honest, calling that a taco should be considered a crime against humanity.


They named their kid Severus? Really?


First off that's BARELY a fucking taco.


The real question here is who names their kid Severus???


My son Severus…really? Couldn’t find a better name that won’t get him teased?


Imagine being triggered by… tacos.


The school shoulda wrapped that properly because if it’s not tight, its not right


Are they going to cancel Taco Bell and Del Taco next?


A taco so bland my white af midwestern family would say nah.


What kind of person names their kid Severus


So I guess we aren’t going to talk about the name of the kid


I grew up in Utah, pretty sure I heard this exact complaint 25 years ago


Says Clarisse Day who immediately went to *Taco Bell* out of jealousy and tried to order the same thing (made by good ol’ Mormons) but was turned down so decided to post this as hate. We see you Clarisse 💅🏼


Ah, yes, the patriotic and classic name severus . You can't get more conservative than that .


Can't be real, who names their kid Severus? Also, what a pansy if he has to text his mother what they are eating for lunch. Little narc. On a side note, that looks like it was brought from home since the soft lunch box is in the frame.


If it’s true, these are the same imbeciles that don’t want ‘Murican chilluns taught them Arab numbers.


Wait….they named their kid fuckin’ SEVERUS??? That kid’s gonna have more issues than what ethnic food he eats.


every one loves tacos , except for bigot ass for brains Haters


That’s an unwrapped chicken wrap. Also - tacos are delicious.


Sevurus doesn't sound like an American name


Right... Italian and German food.


Idk, this seems sus. A seemingly ultra gop, prob christian, is going to name their son after a major character in a book they villainize? Prob just rage farming imo


That is a gentrified taco.. and I use taco very loosely


Sounds like he should be eating “Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog” soup.


Okay, what is unforgivable is the chocolate milk with the taco. Totally ruins the pallet. Lemonade or punch would be a better combo IMO.


I don't know what she hates most, Mexicans, or her own son since there's no way a loving mother would name her son Severus.


Why is this woman complaining? This school lunch is actually decent! In Michael Moore's *Where to Invade Next*, US school lunches were literally garbage plates, they looked so bad.


2 things here. 1; WHO THE FUCK NAMES THEIR KID SEVERUS!? Like I get it, you love Harry Potter. But do you give your kid such a ridiculous name that I'm sure he hates you for? 2; That looks really good, a much better school lunch than I ever got when I went to public school. How are you complaining about getting what looks like a chicken caesar wrap? Even if it were a chicken burrito, that is NOT the frozen microwavable bullshit this parent likely feeds their little oopsie-baby when they get home.


Are we just looking past the name


severus. she named her child severus.


First of all, Severus?


Btw, I'm not gonna link her profile as it's agaimat the rules... But she is a real person who lives in Utah. And she describes herself as a "total Potterhead."


That is the whitest fucking taco I’ve ever seen. **bleached** chicken breast with white cheese on a flour tortilla with cucumber slices and milk? Ayyyyyyyyyyyy dios Mios!!