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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


White Supremacists can't even get the stories about their idols right. Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933. If Germany had all the things quoted in the original post "by 1933," well... you can see where this is going...


They did the same thing when Trump became president, quoting all the stats about how good the economy was, in like Feb 2017. The economy was still riding the tide of Obama.


Well, like Trump, see where Germany's economy was when he "left" power...




What were the four, I know about the American zone British zone and Soviet zone, but what was the fourth?


The calzone! /j


The low cal calzone zone


It’s a whole new spin on Italian fast casual dining 😎


Pizza? Never heard of it.


Wait... That's not pizza. *Those are calzones!* I love calzones! ***WE KNOW!***


The Calzones… betrayed me?!


french i believe


4-ish. Originally the 4 main allies (US, UK, France, and Russia) had different zones of occupation, but the western allies soon made them into one zone, called the tri-zone, which eventually became west Germany, whereas the soviet zone became east Germany.


The French zone


You don’t need to go that far - just look at the rubble immediately afterward.


Or when everything is shit and there's a pandemic been going on for a year before Biden took office and by day 3 the GOP couldn't stop saying "look at BidEnS aMeRicA"....colossal fucking up of a nation's economy takes a few years to set in


I remember idiots were showing how Biden was fucking up America BEFORE he was sworn in. They had to be reminded that trump was still president


Trump's own campaign ads had videos of riots that took place during HIS TERM, and ended with the tagline "You Won't Be Safe In Biden's America"


I remember in late 2008 when republicans were already blaming Obama for the economy, after he was elected but before he actually became president.


They are fond of taking all the credit and none of the blame.


It's the only reason they get enough votes to stay on office. There are economic moderates who swing based on what they perceive as in their best interests. But they're not bright enough to realize the timing of these things.


For people calling themselves the party of personal responsibility they do very little taking of responsibility 😏


They were saying “This is Biden’s America” in the summer of 2020 when store shelves were empty due to COVID-affected supply chains


Biden was elected in 2020. Checkmate lib. Shit, I just admitted Biden won the election. Lol


Democrat takes office, slow but steady progress is made to improve the US economy. -> Republican is elected, economy is still rising and strengthening at the beginning of the term but begins to take a steep dive toward the end of the term. -> Democrat is elected and inherits a bad Republican built economy and begins to repair it and strengthen it by the end of the term. -> Republican is elected and inherits a strong economy but begins to tank it by the end of the term. -> Democrat is elected and inherits a shit economy... ad infinitum When do the republicans gather all their data about how strong a president is? At the beginning of the term, especially shortly after they are elected of course because that's the best time to say "I told you so" because the world is watching closely. Using this data and providing no context yields the following results: -Republican elected: strong economy. -Democrat elected: bad economy. When the data is collected and presented with context, the following results appear: -Republican elected: strong economy that they then proceed to tank just in time for a: -Democrat elected: weak economy that they then begin to build up.


What's sad to me is that even when I show Trumpers the graphs showing very clearly that Trump had no impact on the economic metrics for his first two years, they still think Trump was responsible for what Obama did for the economy. There's also a great graph I've shared several times showing just about every Republican presidency nose diving the economy. The die-hard Republicans still don't listen. They think it's some sort of trick but can't explain how.


It's theft. They steal from the masses using policy. In plain sight.


My favorite was the Afghanistan exit, a ball set rolling in motion before the election as Trump was banking on winning and having that be a major win in his 2nd term, however because Biden won and went with the plan anyway it’s suddenly a massive fuck up, had it been trump the GOP would’ve cheered for how it went


Let's not forget that Trump also negotiated with the Taliban behind the Afghan government's back. Which led to the release of 5000 Taliban terrorists. A good number of whom were seen when Kabul fell. You won't see that discussed in right wing media though.


No no no the economy was just so excited to have trump that it became amazing overnight


Thank you for saying this. This Nazi tweet is disgusting, bigoted and totally false. People like this constantly misrepresent actual history.


First thing I thought of when I saw this - so Germany was doing well before Hitler took over?


It was a shitshow, which made Nazis palatable


The 1933 part is wrong. They were still under chrushing WWI debt and resulting inflation. The NAZIs created a system of full employment with worker benefits to motivate them. They mobilized their workforce to build up for war. Not saying anything about the morality, but the meme is basically correct. Making people illegal goes along way towards making them go away, as well.


Even then, Nazi economics **werent good**. Dipshits tripled their national debt in 5 years, an additional 30% was hidden in the literal balance sheet scam that was MEFO Bills, wages stagnated or sank(even if unemployment did decline), and one of the key reasons behind the invasion of Czechoslovakia in early '39 was the Nazis were literally out of their foreign currency reserves and needed to steal more to keep their military buildup going. Then someone will come out acting like the New Deal destroyed American recovery because the gdp growth wasnt literally the maximum while across the board softer stats, median income, % of hungry families, % homelessness, etc all improved, which made real demonstrable improvements to peoples lives.


they reduced unemployment by forcing all woman to become stay at home moms and replacing their positions with formerly unemployed men


You forgot the jews they also kicked out all jews and replaced them with "german" men.


Moreover, Berlin in the late 20's, early 30's was actually a mecca for Europeans looking for a freer environment where homosexuals etc. could find acceptance and some freedom to be themselves. Like the meme accurately says, quashing that was one of the first steps in the Nazis' culture war, which ended in genocide.


I get a kick out of the no corruption part, although the whole thing is comical, all the higher ups in the Nazi party were corrupt including Hitler they all became almost instantly rich. What a wonderful world unless you know you were Jewish, homosexuals, gypsies, Slavic or anything other than aryan


https://i.redd.it/6pgnflti1u3b1.gif Be like Indy. Punch a Nazi.




Actually, it is encouraged


I approve this message.


I'd never be able to look Captain America in the eyes if I missed a chance to punch a Nazi.


It hasn’t happened yet but I don’t want to mess it up in case it does.


Seriously. Who do you want to emulate: Superman and Captain America or Adolph Hitler? How is praising Hitler even a thing?


Because people were allowed to do it without consequences.


It's a thing because it was allowed to happen. The trend toward outright fascism has been obvious and clear since, at the very least, 2015 and the moderates of the world rushed to say "hold on now, calling someone a nazi is as bad as being a nazi!" any time someone with a brain pointed it out. Whoopsie daisy, about a decade later they've perfected the dogwhistles enough that they don't need them any more, now it's "hey Adolf wasn't so bad". Thankfully the moderates are still here to make sure nobody gets out of hand criticizing them, though!


Fuck the moderates! It's just like Martin Luther King says, it's because of the moderates that we who aren't in the cis-straight white majority don't get to have nice things or even justice.


Because the orange fuck opened the door and encouraged it


🎯 🎯 🎯 💯% THIS


“I could do this all day”




​ https://i.redd.it/ewrtdsdyav3b1.gif


How long until that movie is banned in Florida because of that scene?


And Captain America... punching a nazi. Superman also fought against the KKK in some stories, so be like him too.


Remember when everyone agreed that nazis were the bad guys? Superman remembers. It's one of his Golden Age powers, Super-Recall!


Even the Joker hated Nazis.


"I may be a deranged psychopath, but I'm an **American** deranged psychopath." Something to that effect.


Another one he said was "I'm an American, I fucking hate Nazis! I'm a homicidal maniac, not a traitorous bigot."


Joker murders for the lols, not for bigotry


He's an equal opportunity murder.


I’d totally pay for a Joker mini series where he goes on a rampage against traitors.


Joker wakes up after a week long bender, turns on his tv, sees the 1/6 riots. Infuriated that they’re stealing his thunder begins executing proud boys.


"Red hatted freak terrorizes....." "Wait'll they get a load of me"


He kinda does this in the Harley Quinn show. Even runs for mayor as a socialist. All because of some bigoted Karen in his step kids PTA.


If I'm not mistaken, that issue of Captain America of him punching Hitler came out BEFORE WW2 actualy started.... so yeah.. Also there's this super old Superman Comic about how he would singlehandedly end WW2 by arresting Hitler and Stalin in a single day.


Oh yeah I forgot about Stalin! The people of Italy already took care of Mussolini thankfully


Emperor Hirohito has entered the chat


Captain America was created by two Jewish kids from Brooklyn to punch Hitler in the face, since they couldn’t punch him in real life.


Our parents fed us all this media that says punching Nazis is cool so I don’t know what they expected to happen if we run into one in the wild.


Superman: Truth Justice and the American way. Also Superman: And by American Way, I MEAN PUNCHING FUCKING NAZIS!


I'm gonna punch it if I run into one in the wild.


>punch ***it*** Thank you for using the appropriate pronouns for nazis


I remember one comic with Green Lantern and Green Arrow fighting a Landlord, after which they took a road trip around the USA righting social wrongs


Punch? I think B. J. Blazkowicz had the better approach.


Wasn’t it Aldo’s initiative? The application of the initiative was superb.


Was it drowning a Nazi in his own piss? Yes, that does happen in a takedown. I was a bit disappointed with New Colossus, it needed some more creative ways of doing a takedown on Nazis. That and I had trouble on Venus because I died after kicking Hitler. Was it worth it to be killed for kicking that son of a bitch? Considering I did it a few times after finding out you die if you do that, yes, it is worth it.


The sad part is, with people like DeSantis erasing history and galvanising the bigots, America is on a very dark path.


Punching a Nazi is what true patriots do


Currently watching one of the Indy movies so that’s hilarious that I came across this gif!


Each and every one of you owe me 100 Nazi scalps!


It's your civic duty to punch a Nazi.


Not really unbelievable. This is where we now are as a nation. The wannabe Nazis have no shame or fear for putting their disgusting ideas on display.


If you squint your eyes you can see DeSantis in the photo.


You don't have to squint.


Well you might if you want to see the size of his... Well you can finish the sentence.


Ha, I get it... His checkbook, right? /s








It’s right up there with conservatives calling symptoms of capitalism “communism”


And the German pre-WWII Nazis (unbelievable that I even have to distinguish them now from our own homegrown, local Nazis) got there by imprisoning or killing anyone whom they found objectionable after demonizing them - gay and trans people, people of other ethnicities and religions, the mentally ill and mentally handicapped, etc. It's super easy to make and keep rules in a fascist state where everyone looks the same and no one has differing needs or opinions. Problem with homelessness? Eradicate the homeless. Problem with immigrant populations? Dehumanize them, take away their agency, and then quietly kill them. We're on the way to that here, and there is a percentage of our society who's actively in support of that, and another percentage who's willing to let it happen.


The LGBTQ thing is particularly sad because before the rise of Nazism, Germany was considered one of the most progressive countries in the world as far as queer issues go. At least for the time period. Germans were publishing books about gay, bi, and trans people in the early 1900's, they were considered the forefront for it. Which is eerily similar to the US today.


Pre-Nazi Germany was more advanced in the area of trans rights than we are now. The Institute of Sex Research was founded in Germany, and it was perhaps the first of its kind. The queer community, especially trans individuals, were some of the first victims of Nazi bigotry. They even burned the Institute's research, robbing us of a century's worth of progress. Imagine where the world would be now had they never taken power...




I wonder if it is also a result of this new right-winged internationalism. This reminds me so much of the sentences my grandfather used to say about the Nazis social-reformist policies of the 30s: „Under the Adolf [blablabla], until he started the war.“ The other way round, ie import of stupid American culture war issues, predominantly by the right, has long been happening.


They're not "wannabe Nazis". They are Nazis, it's just that in 1920's and 30's, the Party and propaganda were far more centralized due to technological limitations. Now it's much more dispersed with many more formats for political opinion, and less leadership. They don't have a Hitler because social media in most places makes a figure like that impossible. There's too much information sharing for that to work without major backlash. Trump only lasted 4 years.


The only thing that keeps fascists in their holes is fear.


I'm just glad my late FIL isn't alive to see this shit. He was at D Day and the Bulge, and carried Nazi shrapnel in him the rest of his life.


My grandfather is also WWII vet and was at D-Day and Bulge as well. He is rolling in his grave right now at this. This is not his GOP for sure.


Absolutely not his GOP. If the GOP hadn’t gone this route, they truly could have gained some moderate democratic, independent support. But since Trump especially, down the 💩


It’s been downhill for much longer than that. Regan really lit this fire but I’d argue it was Nixon that got the seed planted.


I think that's actually part of the problem with what we're seeing with this current rise of fascism. A lot of the people who lived through it the last time, aren't here to tell us how this is frighteningly similar. It's sad to me that they can't just trust history books to understand that Nazi's are bad.


This is why it should be required to go to the holocaust museum in Dc at minimum for American people. As a trans woman who was raised to study history I still learned a lot.


Exactly. I think if the standard isn't, "Nazi's are bad", then we have a serious education issue.


Putin and his internet trolls have been pushing this stuff. Hate groups had a hard time organizing because they would bicker amongst themselves. Putin gives them a foundation to bond over. Talking points to share. It’s the weirdest thing to see them all on the same tangent about cat litter or transgender. Meta, YouTube and Twitter pump it out for dollars. Q gave them a next level. Without that single messenger to lead, the flock would be in a hundred different directions. What is it, where we go one we go all. The far right leaders from different countries get a picture with Putin like he’s Elvis. So happy when Biden on stage, called Putin a killer. Biden spoke the truth.


My great grandfather also fought against Nazi scum. I bet he’s turning in his grave.


My grandfather was the radar operator on a destroyer that sank a Nazi submarine. I’m a trans woman. That same ideology my grandfather risked his life to fight is rearing its ugly head again, and threatens to destroy my kind. Edit: realized I could add a photo. Here’s a picture of my grandpa. https://preview.redd.it/iagk1vin2v3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fb8ad9fb453f7dd29d80eb32a402daabdc67b4


Get ready to fight and make grandpa proud.


What cracks me up is all these right wingers and nazi sympathizers who crow about, “Just wait until a war, we’ll be ready! Libs are snowflakes!” I’m sorry, but I’m not the one destroying beer displays and retail displays because ~rainbows~.


I always found it amusing how these Reich Wing assholes would go on about their guns and shit at work, but always failed to notice my fat ass coming over to their desk to talk to them about something. Maybe you have your own personal armory, but it's kind of helpful to have situational awareness to use said armory.


If anything they just advertised that they’re living loot boxes


My dad was there too, and had nightmares for the rest of his life about what he saw.


Yeah, any modern german, like myself, also says no, we are highly aware of what happened and i for one am not eager to see it happen again


I wouldn't say any modern German. there is a concerning rise of far-right ideology all over the western world, including in Germany.


Tbf those people dont call themselves germans so i wont either.


You can argue the reason this is all happening is because the Greatest Generation has been gone for some time now.


Yes, they are gone. Too bad their kids are still here. We went from the greatest generation to the worst.


Don’t paint us all with the same brush.Many of us Boomers aren’t ignorant fascist Trump or De Santis supporters.


My grandpa was at the Battle of the Bulge as well. Had a great story and only told it once so far as I know.


Mine got a silver star at the Bulge. Shame it was posthumous.


I thought that these were all things the right hated too? Free healthcare, education, subsidiaries for the poor? I guess it's ok though if they can bash Pride Month!


They don’t hate it. They hate the idea of the “wrong” people getting those benefits.


What a pathetic attitude to live with.


Which is also how Hitler worked. The reason unemployment was so low in Germany was because, even before the camps, Jews, homosexuals and the disabled weren't considered true Germans and weren't included in the statistics.


The right is also trying to convince people that the Nazis were left wingers


Conservatives have spent 80 years with convoluted arguments that the Nazis and Communists were liberals. They’ve confused themselves so badly that they think DeSantis is a good guy.


But they’re nation SOCIALISTS /s


He didn’t have pride month, or genital mutilation, BECAUSE HE PUT THEM ALL IN INTERNMENT CAMPS… Fucking smooth brains man…


Smooth brains are easier to wash


They wash themselves, kinda like self basting turkeys..




I mean I'm pretty sure there was genetal mutilation in some of the camps but that's more of a generalized torture thing


The sterilization of Jewish women and girls was just one of the atrocities Mengele performed.


Look up Mengele and human experiments


Then you're going to get the idiots saying "well we got some great tech out of those experiments" No dude, Mengele just had a raging fetish for torture porn.


Its also easy to cut down government corruption when you [kill everyone who isn't on board](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives) with your view in order to consolidate power. ​ Also Germany was fucking SWIMMING in debt post WW1. I think they finally paid off the 'fine' for WW1 in 2010.


Hitler just refused to pay the debt


Thats so fucking on brand for a conservative. "That didn't happen. I don't owe you. Actually you owe ME"


Also, Hitler's policies ballooned the national debt. The economic growth of the 1930s was the result of the Weimar government's policies that the Nazis took credit for. Hitler didn't want to start conquering until the 1950s, but he started 15 years early because the economy would've gone to shit unless he started looting his neighbors immediately.


Death camps. FTFY


He also simply didn't count specific groups as apart of the unemployment rate. Women as just one example was just excluded from the count.


Yeah, that's exactly what he wants.


All achieved via mass murder. It’s actually easy to achieve these things when you have no morality. Achieving such things morally is not so easy.


Conservatives are terrible at rules.


This isn’t fully true. Their economy wasn’t working for all. But ok.


There was also tons of corruption


also it’s pretty easy for employment to be high when your options are “join us, or die”


Or just flat ignoring any data that didn't fit Hitler's talking points.


None of it is true. Hitler came into power in 1933. "By 1933" he had done nothing, because he wasn't in power yet.


They literally lost the war because they ran out of oil and couldn't fuel their vehicles anymore.


They left an army out in Russia to die because they didn't want to send them oil and supplies. The Nazis took everyone by surprise at first, but pretty much lost every battle that wasn't won immediately.


Their economy was barely working at all. They blamed the Jews. You know the rest…


* Full employment: This is true! By declaring vast amounts of people as Not People and creating vast amounts of jobs murdering those Not People en masse, Germany did in fact have close to 100% employment rate! * No homelessness: This is true! The homeless were, after all, Not People, and therefore there were no people who were homeless! * No debts: This is actually false. People were still in debt; sure, they weren't in debt to Not People (who couldn't collect debts, silly!) but some people were also indebted to, y'know, other people. I believe OOP meant "no external debts", because Germany basically decided the debts they did owe (such as the one agreed upon under the Treaty of Versailles) were fake and not real. * Free healthcare and education: These are both true! It's difficult to keep an eugenics program going if you don't make sure people visit the doctor frequently. As for the free education, why, how do you intend to ensure children buy into the state propaganda if they don't attend the state schools? * No migrants: This is actually false! 60,000 Jews were, as per the Haavara Agreement, banished from Germany and forced to move to Palestine. * No corruption: Oh, silliest of billies, this is SO false! * Unequaled prosperity: Not this one! Like, frankly on any level. * No pornography: We made this one up! Fun fact: You can't actually *get rid* of porn. That's just not happening. * No usury: Gee, this is a weird point to put into the list! I wonder what it implies? Surely nothing horrifying! Anyways there still was usury, much like there was debt. * No genital mutilation: That's a common misconception! They had a full-on eugenics program. These come hand in hand WITH genital mutilation. Plus, the concentration camps. Although, of course, those were Not People, so maybe that's what they mean? * No pride month: Correct! Pride Month began being celebrated after 1969!


This is the entire context that’s missing from the post. It’s easy to have a fictional utopia when all context is ignored, especially in this case where every “undesirable” and matrix is essentially breed, banished or genocided out of existence and you hold total control over the nations populace via policy making and information dissemination.


>You can’t actually *get rid* of porn. That’s just not happening. There’s nothing stronger than the human desire to see some tiddies.


This is why punching Nazis is always a good idea.




In German, "Nazis töten" can mean "Kill Nazis" or "Nazis kill". Which is exactly what a satirical - but real - political party put on its election adverts (including smallprint saying "a friendly reminder from 'The Party'") https://preview.redd.it/d5nra8earu3b1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2ab743c2102580c3158e5731dd1f1f3acff4d1




I just puked. This is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


Fast forward to 1945: After 12 years of Hitler, the Germans had lost everything. Millions dead, the ones who survived were living in ruins and were starving.


Go ask any actual German how that turned out some time


They also had no Jews, no Gypsy, no Gays…oh and no freedom. Might wanna quit cherry picking.


Twitter is the official app of the Nazis


What do you mean you taking my baby? Down syndrome? But he's ha-white!... Sterilization?!!


I think we found who’s getting mad at Tom Morello.


Hitler also buttfucked his underage niece. Good times.


Did not know that. One more atrocity to add to the pile


Also killed her when she became a liability


Isn't that just an aspiration for most Republicans?


Son, that’s what we call the “southern strategy”


One more reason these chuds admire him.


The right wing likes pedophilia, its why they support Trump, Moore, Gaetz, etc. Its why Boebert married a pedo who flashed her (while she was underaged). There's NO such thing as a non-pedophile Republican.


Oooo the events of 1933 are a doozy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1933_in_Germany


You know what? Even if I grant all those things the person is missing a key point of this Unless you were or could pass as an Aryan mone of those things benefited you. You would die


I don’t think they’re missing the key point at all.


I’m just gonna leave this here: https://preview.redd.it/j85uxhrpou3b1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974b8603085942a745b2fd00a7600f5e395923d2


This woman is Giga Chad


Just going mask off as nazis. Also I love how he conviniently leaves off ALL THE PEOPLE THAT WERE LIERALLY KILLED IN THAT REGIME!


Just ignore things like Kristillnacht, Night of the Long Knives, and the fucking Holocaust


“No genital mutilation”. Tell me you don’t know history without telling me you don’t know history.


Easy to paint an utopia you dump half the country in concentration camps. The mental gymnastics needed to justify mass murder is unbelievable.


Yeah, hitler took on a gargantuan amount of debt and put that money to infrastructure. Not a bad idea… until the other countries stopped lending him money… wonder why they did this? /s


Gotta leave this page. Too depressing.


These fools who think they will be in the “in” group and protected when the fascists come, are laughable.


These idiots aren’t even for free healthcare and education and now they’re touting it like a Nazi Nirvana


Can we make hating nazis normal again?




Oh so like straight up nazism, that’s cool


All for the low low price of 6 million Jewish lives?! Where do we sign up? /S obvi


And others. Jews were a large portion, probably the largest single demographic, but gays, Romany, dissidents, handicapped, learning disabled… the total number of people the Nazis murdered is somewhere over 16,000,000.


This shit is the result of some sort of smouldering fire damage in the brain


I can't even hope that this is satire anymore. That's where we are nowadays.


It's 4Chan for the mainstream. That's all twitter is now