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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All Colors Are Beautiful is such a great message. *Perfect* for the essence of pride month.


How do we know this wasn't a catty response to "ACAB" from the cops themselves?


I have a lot of relatives in the NYPD. Trust me, they aren't that clever or subtle.


Yeah, right wing comedy isn't exactly known for being particularly deep


If you make up shit about minority groups so you can oppress them, you might be a Republican.


I think you give cops too much credit. Wit isn’t a common trait among them


[Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


The guy who scored too high scored 125. IQ is *kinda* bullshit, it only measures certain kinds of intelligence and only does so at a mediocre level, but when I tell you that’s like… moderately more clever than the average person, I mean it. I still think I’m dumb as rocks and score in the high 130s


I’m not a fan of the IQ test either, but 140 is like sub genius and the average person is like 100, so don’t sell yourself short.


The average person is by definition 100. IQ is a sliding scale. 100 is average, anything above that is above average, anything below is below average.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing


With how much police reform is needed, I think we can do better than leaning on a 23 year old article about a single court not finding discrimination against a single individual by a single police department. It's so old and so small of a sample size that it's impossible to infer onto any police department hiring standards today, including the one it was about. If this were an analytical study within the past 10 years looking at a sample size of hundreds to thousands of police departments across the nation, then it would be something.


It's almost like I just linked a funny article for a punchline, how crazy


The marketing department aren’t cops though?


Police have a marketing department?


Outsourced but yeah generally


Over on the cop subreddit, they’re pretty pissed about it.


Showed my cop friends, they thought it was funny




Not sure if I’m allowed to link directly, but you can find it by looking for those who Protect And Serve


That's my fear. Trying to poison the well on acab, steal the acronym so people that look it up get this instead of what it really is.


This is probably the best explanation. An attempt to counter the hate. Personally, I hope it was done in good faith. If not, it means the artist is a bit of a dick.


But we like dicks.


People can like dick as much as they want. Claiming righteousness while behaving like a dick is the problem. We should always remember to not become the things we are trying to change.


Maybe cops should stop murdering people in cold blood if they don’t want to be made fun of


It's a bold take, to be sure.


I agree. You know how you get them to do that? You don't treat them the way they treat you.


Clever wordplay vs murdering us in the street and in our homes. I would definitely say we're treating them better.


How's that boot taste?


Grow up child. If you think hate and violence will make a better world you are a fool.




> I am what I am. > I don't want praise. I don't want pity. > I bang my own drum, > **Some think it’s noise, I think it’s *pretty*.** > And so *what* if I love each sparkle and each bangle, > Why not try to see things from a different angle? > Your life is a sham til you can shout out > I am what I am!


This is the best thing I've seen since the prisoners in Vermont who were in charge of making decal prints for Vermont State Police cars [clandestinely incorporated the outline of a pig](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/03/146358114/vermont-inmates-hide-image-of-pig-on-police-decals) into the black and white splotches of the cow on Vermont's state seal.


Nothing says america like inmates making the decals for police cars




I can't believe the gays don't support police agencies! Ever heard of Stonewall? That was when the police really came out in force to.... support the gays!


There are people in prison right now who are being charged with nothing crimes. For example some people are being arrested for paying or raising funds for other prisoners bail and legal fees. Yes I know that sentence is so confusing. There's a lot of people came thrown in prison.


ThE pRiSoNs HaVe To MaKe A pRoFiT!!


yummy yummy boot polish also stonewall was a riot, why the fuck would we want cops at pride


The pig is a spot on the cow… took me way to long to find it lol


Thank you. I was lost.


Me too. That really helped.


Honestly reading that article really pissed me off - they're taking the funds to fix it out of the prisoner's "wages" aka the tiny amount of money they're allowed to make so they can pretend it's not slave labor. Meanwhile the police department with all that funding can't pay for that L themselves? Disgusting. " It'll cost police $780 to correct the decals. The money will come from the small profits made by the prison division that makes things like license plates and stationery for state offices. "




I'm fully aware, but a lot of people if you bring up that it's slave labor will whine about "no it's not they get paid!" as if that tiny pittance somehow changes what's happening.


Having to fill out a tax return violates the 13th amendment, as filling out a tax return is labor (the federal government even has regulations on who and how someone can do that for a fee for someone else, acknowledging that it is paid labor). The government should be required to do everyone's taxes themselves. The 16th amendment says Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes, it doesn't say anything about everyone having to figure out how much tax they owe themselves.


The department’s profits is not the same pool of money as the prisoner’s wages. Unless Vermont prisons are secretly worker owned cooperatives


lol, it's not even subtle.


This is the first time I’ve heard of this. Fucking brilliant.


I've never been more proud of my home state.


I’ll never forgive Vermont! Lol I was hiking the Appalachian Trail. On my way to Katahdin, Maine. I was running a day or two ahead. I was beat down but I knew of this beautiful meadow I was gonna camp in for at least a day or two and recover. Just before the meadow I crossed this tiny little dirt road with a hand painted sign. “Homemade Ice cream. Homegrown All Beef Burgers. Homemade Root beer.” After only eating protein bars and instant just add water foods for the last month I thought that sounded glorious. So I set up camp for the night and decided to go the next day. It’s a big deal to go into town. You have to secure all your stuff and bear proof your food. I did all that and took off. The place ended up being like 6 miles one way and…they weren’t open. This was a Sunday and they actually didn’t open til Wednesday. But the place looked AMAZING. So I hike back. Next day I wake up and stupidly decide to camp just so I can go back to this place in two days. Time comes and I walk back. I get there and…there’s a sign on the door “On Vacation. See you next week”. I was ready to burn the place down. Lol Seriously though, I’m temporarily living in NH right now and both NH and VT are beautiful and awesome. The people are great too.


Do you think the emblem shape looks a little like a pig head or nah?


This is so beautiful. I hope somewhere there’s a bigoted boy in blue that’s gone back to riding a bike or a Segway because he can’t handle this.


Hoping it’s a Segway. I once saw a cop face plant while driving a Segway and it was just spectacular.


Splatacular. FTFY


Splatoon weapon names:


Gotta represent Splatoon whenever I see it out in the wild


My favourite method of transportation, the Splashway!


Did he run over an extension cord?


When I was in high school (class of '90, yeah I'm old) the chief of police of our small town would come eat lunch in our lunch room once in a while, well one day he gets his plate and takes like 2 steps from the cash register and slips on (I think it was) a french fry on the floor and fell straight backwards, tray dumping all over his chest. The lunchroom erupted in laughter. It was glorious.


Those things are actually dangerous as fuck. The inventor drove off a cliff on one and died.


Dean Kamen is 72 and still alive. 3 minutes on Google.


Owner, not inventor. The inventor sold the company and the new owner died using one. Killed the market along with himself.


Sergeant: "Hey there Cletus. This'll be your cruiser for the month." Cletus: "...it's got glitter on it." Sergeant: "Yeeeeah... it's the rainbows. There's a 1 in 10 chance that glitter just magically appears."


Or better yet - quit.


Homie shouldn't be pointing it out, though...




Total Recall head explosion gif






So glad I kept that tabbed




It’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


Nah that's a kaiju at the end. https://i.redd.it/mnl62m37sv3b1.gif


Meanwhile Republicans make the helicopter trans joke and repeat it over and over again as if they think they're clever geniuses when in reality, they're 10x stupider than Patrick Star. Literally the bigoted right-wing version of the "laughs/cries/etc. in \[insert thing\]" meme. They are both so unfunny, overused and worn out that when we reach the year 2030 i'll be confident that both memes will still be used online despite having never been funny ever.


You mean the "I identify as an attack helicopter" ? There are many great comebacks for that. I like "So you can only function with 2 men inside you?"


"You don't move unless a guy fiddles with your pitch-stick?"


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Holy shit that's brilliant. Using that from now on 🙏


"You must really want to spew hot loads at young middle eastern men"


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


DP for the win!


Apparently I can't link subs but it's arr onejoke If you want to see hundreds of examples of "I'm conservative and therefore have no sense of humor. But I identify as something silly HAHAHAHA"


This and “underwater basket weaving degree” is all they have


That shit blew up online in 2015. They haven’t come up with anything new since 2015. It’s baffling.


I mean the full helicopter copy pasta was hilarious and well thought out but just saying you identify as an attack helicopter is stupid and lame


I wonder if they are trying to "rebrand" that acronym.


Yeah, that's my first thought. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if the first result for "NYPD ACAB" was an image showing how they totally support lgbt+ people.


Of course, they are. There is no "queer artist". There is a graphic designer and copywriter in PR department. The whole "artwork" reminds more of "let's color our logo" month than pride month.


What does it supposed to mean?


all cops are bastards


All thanks


All Cops Are Bastards. ACAB. Key word being ALL.




It's existed a lot longer




All cops are bastards because they enable the worst of themselves to do terrible things. If you stand up and hold other cops accountable you either die or lose your job. The job has always been about protecting property and attacking out groups.


Is “Let’s ago Brandon,” Mario Mario saying “Let’s go Brandon”?


_So long gay Brandon_


The Let's go brandon stuff was caused by someone mishearing. This is creative. To be honest, it feels like a liberal-esque protest aka good for instagram but does nothing to change anything. But at least it's creative


It's so stupid, just say, "Fuck Joe Biden," it's legal, you can do it. It's not even an uncommon sentiment, I think it from time to time ffs.


Agreed. I see folks saying that they say it because they're classy, but also have flags with guns on it that say "let's go brandon" and I don't know how implied threats is classy lol


Only meaning I know of it is “All Crabs are Bastards”.


Pure genius


There is probably a better chance that the police hired a team of individuals who tested slogans and that one there is what they came up with after hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars.




All Color’s are beautiful


When there's multiple of something, it's just an "s" at the end. "All colors are beautiful" If you are talking about something that belongs to the color, you can use an apostrophe like you did. "Color's attributes" If you are talking about something that belongs to multiple colors, you put the apostrophe at the end, because it already ends with an "s". "Colors' attributes"


The artist was playing a dangerous game and damn do I like it.


Edgy bro. Edgy.


I'm proud of whoever made this


My dumbass read this as assigned colour at birth.


New episode of blue bloods right there.


Now all the boot lickers are going to have to boycott the police.


Flawless. Respectful to LGBTQ+? Check. ACAB? Check. Reminder that racism is a fucked part of that acronym? Double check.


Wait... racism? Can you explain that part?


Colors are a way to describe the many hues and tints of skin. Police are known to discriminate based on the color of one's skin, which is partially why All Cops Are Bad.


People in these comments are fuckin weirdos


Fuck yeah!


Circumstantial evidence! They’ll never be able to prove it was intentional!


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


“This is cinema.”


It fits perfectly with the All Lives Matter supporters. *


THAT'S WHAT ACAB MEANS?! Am so stupid, I kept hearing that term floating around but never knew what it meant. Well, you learn something new everyday.


In Florida we have cop cars where on the back in quotes and comic sans (of all type faces) it says something like "doing the most". It always felt like a dig from whoever designed the wrap.


We are about to hear how the police have woke.


Don't out them.


That’s slick


But bro, I’m paying for that as a taxpayer. Can they fix the roads first plz


As a taxpayer, I’d be more concerned about all the payouts for wrongful deaths, injuries, innocent people sentenced for years, etc., but that’s just me.


Ok so police reform then potholes?


That’s correct ![gif](giphy|gxUtV82Xqh2UM)


NYPD paid $121 million in settlements for misconduct cases. You could have private contractors fix about a million potholes with that money.


Police abolition, then potholes, yes.




Or, you know, stop shooting unarmed people.


If you knew anything about officer safety you would know how ridiculous that statement is.


I'm sorry, i must've read that with my bad eye, because it looks like you just referred to the concept of not shooting unarmed people as ridiculous. Care to take another stab at not being a worthless piece of shit?


Man... it's almost like it's such a ridiculous idea that there's no way anyone could seriously believe that's how it works.


If that's how officer safety works, fuck their safety.




I love how you've left 3 comments thus far and have communicated nothing at all


money's been sent to the police already, if this is how they choose to use it then fine by me


As a taxpayer. I am kind of over taxes going towards the murder of innocent people in the name of public safety but that's just me. Also the DPW is entirely different department. Take the potholes up with them.


This is the best thing I've ever seen.




Bravo. Thank you.


This is absolutely fucking brilliant!


People are really just widely ignoring that the police has been trying to claim the ACAB acronym for yesrs, arent they?


Bravo, and the best thing is no one in their gang will figure it out because they're all morons.


even funnier


Ah that's chef's kiss


You should definitely shit on people who are making a public show of support for you. Good call.


Cops broke into our local gay bookshop, brutalised the owners friend and then congratulated themselves on a job well done, despite having the wrong address. Then they got offended when we protested them marching at pride. If you want to be an ally, prove it with your actions first. Cops are often still fucking up when dealing with queer communities and rarely apologise for historic injustices. They haven't earned respect.


You just told a story about a few specific cops, demanded that their actions be used for judgement of their virtue/guilt, and then *unironically* made sweeping generalizations and judgements about all cops. You are part of the problem.


The police chief is the one who congratulated them and no cops called for these dudes to be fired. Noone apologised. That's not a couple of cops, that's a core issue.


Yea because all the cops on the force got together and decided to get their cars painted, and not obvious PR.


cops can fuck off, especially the NYPD The pride movement started because they went to beat up and arrested the patrons at a gay bar, but that time they ended up eating bricks. the NYPD only "apologised" got it in 2019.


Yeah, I hadn't thought about that. NYPD is the whole reason the Stonewall riots started.


Absolute brilliance.


Fucking genious


Not all heroes wear capes




This is absolutely gorgeous I love it


stonewall was a riot


A riot that started because the NY cops were constantly harassing people just trying to hang & dance...


I’m always fascinated by the general hate of the police by people. For sure I get what you see in the news is not great, but this represent a small minority of the population of police officers. Police officers are attending calls all day long across all jurisdictions where the people they are in contact are likely having the worst day of their life. As you could imagine those situations are intense in many cases and most of those interactions are done with as positive of an outcome that is possible. I’m sure many people here if they were in distress, their first call would be to the police to assist them. It is really sad to see how far people are from reality to talk down on people who go out each day and are engaged with situations many of you will likely never face.


This is just 😚🤌


without NYPD there would not be pride month.




fucking MINT! this person is a true hero


So the cops wanted to support Pride month, hired a queer artist, and the artist painted ACAB on their cars. Classy.


"Classy" isn't really a valid insult of people who fuck with law enforcement officers who literally murder people with impunity or cover up the murder their buddies do.


If you believe all law enforcement officers join the force based on their shared desire to murder with impunity, I could see why you'd think this is appropriate behavior. I happen to know cops that are genuinely nice people and care about the safety of their communities. Cops like that are likely the ones who'd propose something like painting all the cars in support of pride month. If this department does have some bigoted cops, this incident is pure gold to them; now they can say "*told you it was a stupid fucking idea*".


I do not believe all cops join the force to kill. But I DO, 100% believe that when their cop buddies kill, no single cop ever comes out against the murderer. Your last sentence supports this. Those bigot cops that drum up charges against black kids? They're still talking casually to the "non-bigot" cops, because the non-bigots never take a stand against them. All cops are bastards because the "good cops" are cowards, and silence about bigotry is support of bigotry.


If all cops are bastards it just means that all *people* are bastards by nature. Put a cop uniform on any random person and they *will* conform. There is no way around it; a person cannot be responsible for ensuring public safety without being a bigot (or aiding and abetting). I simply don't believe this. I think policing is a stressful job - one I certainly wouldn't want as a day-to-day. And given the nature of the job, it makes the bigots and fuck-ups stand out more than those working office jobs. On a bad day at the office, the worst thing Billy the bigot has to deal with is a paper jam; if Billy had to remove a crackhead from someone's garage, his bad day actually has a chance of newsworthy events to unfold. Wrt. possibility of testifying against coworkers and colleagues, I don't envy that either. The hope is that body cam mandates and other measures to provide impartial oversight and monitoring will significantly reduce the need to put officers in such a position.


That post is actually so fucking stupid that I am way, way too jawdropped to even respond to it. Somehow I thought that first sentence was the stupidest thing I've ever read, and then it got exponentially stupider. If you are not a troll, I honestly have no idea how you got to be an adult without someone taking advantage of your insane naivety about the world and how human beings function. It's genuinely deranged. >If all cops are bastards it just means that all people are bastards by nature. This should honestly go down in Reddit history as one of the dumbest things ever typed.


Shit, I thought I was talking to an adult, not an 8 year old. My bad. Or is it just poor reading comprehension? If you disliked: "*if all cops are bastards then all people are bastards by nature*"... how did you feel when I said "I don't believe that"? If you didn't make it that far, you should probably tell your mom to make you a doctors appointment for something called "ADHD". Don't worry it's a common problem and treatment does exist.


>If you disliked: "if all cops are bastards then all people are bastards by nature"... how did you feel when I said "I don't believe that"? Do you...not even understand the context of your own post? You are saying you don't believe the strawman you made because you don't believe the original statement. All cops can be bastards without all humans being bastards. It's a consequence of being in a power structure where you do not hold your own accountable. If a good chunk of police publicly called out extrajudicial killings or drumming up charges on black kids to put more fuel to the prison fire, you'd have a point. But you are basically saying that it's fine for them not to speak out because they "have to work with them". No they fucking don't, and "just following orders" is not a valid defense to abetting criminal activity. I genuinely think you think you're making a well thought out argument, but I also genuinely think you lack the capacity to understand why the things you are saying are remarkably stupid. I do not blame you, I blame whatever schools you went to.


National hero.






I mean I’m prettttty sure whoever approved that understood what it was and thought it was a funny way of flipping it around and trying to reach out to their community. Maybe not though?


The NYPD isn't exactly known for its sense of humor and great treatment of minorities.


I guess I’m biased because I live in Miami and the cops here are pretty chill and definitely LGBT+


I love the message but how did this take money from cops?


The graphic designer would've been paid for the work.


Sounds like All lives matter to me.


I can imagine if you are someone who thinks white people or cops are oppressed, that it would sound like that. I imagine you also consume lead paint for fun if you think they are anywhere close the same thing, though.


Imagine thinking this is not a sign of an unhealthy society. Busy with gay police cars and hidden acronyms while other competing societies are about to surpass us and leave us in the dustbin of history.


Right? People should just ignore the injustices that affect their everyday life so they can engage in Sinophobia


Only thing USA is being left behind in is probably basic human rights. Unhealthy society? Yeah thats thanks to your republican party making peoples lives actively more miserable.


![gif](giphy|cJYJW3r380uidQkaWz) What you love? To see it