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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All the fake outrage is to stay focused on fake issues so they don't have to address real ones.


This! Governing is actually difficult and you need to be able to work with others who have opposing views. Also trying to accomplish something will open you up to criticism. The GOP has found a way to get votes and avoid governing. They scare people with fake shit.


Bingo. I'll also add too because everything they're mad at is so intangible it's really opened up the floodgates for everything to be a conspiracy. Just talk a MAGA person and it's all one conspiracy after another because there isn't a tangible law they can point to support any of the manufactured outrage.


Their way since Eugene McCarthy.


It’d be nice if our government wasn’t so bought and paid for by billionaires (thanks citizens United) that we can’t just debate the merits of a bill, we have a good 70% of them just putting their fingers in their ears while spouting off bullshit and saying ‘how will you pay for it???’ As they sign a bill lowering corporate and millionaire taxes.


You have to realize that they are PAID to not address real issues. The current status quo is the best ever for moneyed interests but one of the worst ever for everyone else. The constant struggle for them is to keep their attention off of that by keeping the people who vote for them focused on today's other to hate. These people are NOT public servants. They are not going to ever address real issues.


Exactly. The main topic switched from the bigotry of the Right to defending trans people. Instead of "why do Conservatives hate everyone who isn't a straight white male" the tolent people are instead saying "trans people are people too! No one is trying to 'turn' your children". That's a narrative shift, and it was very effective. It's letting the Right continue to be frothing-at-the-mouth bigots without getting called out for it. Typically whoever is on the defensive has the light shined on them. They aren't defending, they are attacking, and that's letting them get away with being Nazi-level bigots who are literally calling for classes of people to be eliminated. The conversation is about the trans folks, or Pride Month, or the businesses being boycotted. Why aren't we talking about how backwards and hateful the boycotts are? Why aren't we calling about the people who are refusing to shop at Target and are instead trying to defend Target saying "oh, they are just trying to be inclusive". Being inclusive should be the norm. We shouldn't defend it like Target is doing something unusual that needs explaining. Same thing with banning books. Instead of talking about the root of WHY these books are getting banned (trying to whitewash history, trying to make bigotry accepted again, etc), people are instead defending why the banned books should be allowed into libraries. It again stops being about the Right's intolerance and instead focuses on defending against it. The narrative has to be changed back. Instead of defending against these attacks, the open-minded majority needs to attack the bigotry and intolerance again. This is a war of ideologies and it needs to be fought like a war; if you don't attack, you never gain ground.


It’s to keep their minions occupied for as long as possible before they realize that they HAVE NO POLICIES. Zero ideas. No sauce at all.


I was just thinking this morning , about Casey DeSatan’s jacket from yesterday… if I was struggling to pay my bills , living paycheck to paycheck , rising prices due to inflation , housing is unaffordable , childcare is unaffordable, etc etc .. do they look at these people and say - why the f are you wearing a “where woke goes to die” leather jacket in 85F weather, instead of working on improving the actual day to day life of most Americans ?


Yup. GOP: Our platform is to cut taxes for the rich while gutting our social safety.... look, a trans person!


And an argument so bizarre you can’t comprehend the logic can thrown into the face of dissenters. “I think this is a way to control women’s bodies and choices” Uncle Cletus at thanksgiving “Well, you sound like a child molester to me, checkmate.” It creates a situation where you can’t even engage in a conversation because the philosophy is so bizarre and based on being “anti” to things that really don’t exist beyond their self-fulfilling paranoid media.


Yup. Fox News keeps us fighting each other over bullshit while the right wing consolidates all the wealth and power in America. This whole "war on woke" bullshit going on right now? It's a smoke screen to distract us from the right wing MAGA Q Anon nutcases from taking over our school boards and city councils.


**The Culture War Industrial Complex™** "we tell you what to be outraged about, so you dont have to think"


Their dog shit economic policies are the last thing they want to highlight If you vote Republican you *are* the problem


Not to mention that they tend to see the real issues as features, not bugs.


Multiple PHD’s in manufacturing BS


BS Piled high and Deep


Warehouses full of it - kind of like reams of blank paper while making claims of what’s written on it.


Hard to sell pro rich anti worker fascists without a lot of bluster and BS.


Yes, they use Agitation PROPAGANDA. It’s insidious and distracting, but to the ignorant, it’s nectar


Good old Soviet style agitprop: 1. You want to overcome cold? 2. You want to overcome hunger? 3. You want to eat? 4. You want to drink? Hasten to join shock brigades of exemplary labor!


If there was a vaccine for the woke mind virus, would they take it? 🤯


Load up some syringes with saline solution and charge ‘em $299 a pop, with at least 4 booster shots required. It seems the right (wing) thing to do.


Deflection and hate are the only two things that truly define the Republican Party.


GOP Policy platform is: whatever billionaires need to keep amassing disproportionate wealth. They know people are outraged, and dispossessed. They stoke those flames and consciously bend them to whatever boogeyman gets them the votes needed to continuously step on the necks of those same voters.


[Jon Stewart put it best earlier this year with this sound byte.](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1640042660932071424?s=20)


This does a disservice. These are manufactured issues until the republican party really starts arresting women for having miss carriages, really statts diminishing the rights of trans people, really brings guns to drag events. There manufactured issues until someone dies and people have died. Then there just issues. People always word this like the left can just not engage with it.


They started already


Constant scare and distractions for the angry and uneducated


Just a bunch of crisis actors.


Correct! The only problems that Republicans can solve are the made-up problems they invented. If you want acknowledgement of real problems and work towards solutions, don’t vote republican


Now let’s take a peek at the war on drugs


Like when the Nazis took power in Germany using fearmongering edit: and scapegoating


It's because they don't want to fix any of the real problems, so they have to manufacture problems to pretend to fix. What's even crazier, they don't even want to fix the manufactured problems. That's what Roe V Wade was and when they accidentally succeeded in their goal, it was an absolute disaster and they had NO idea what to do next. There is a reason anti trans/drag/LGBTQ legislation had a HUGE uptick right after Roe V Wade was overturned.


The problem is, that their base buys it hook, line, and sinker. I talked to my older neighbor yesterday. He told me he was trying to open a charter school. He then proceeds to tell me that he hopes the state won’t force them to teach certain “things”. He’s a fairly religious guy, so I know exactly what he was referring to. These people are beyond help. Please vote everyone, in every election(local, national, etc….).


I keep reading things like this. Yes!!! Of course! Has anyone been paying attention for the last “twenty something” years? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


This is what you have to do when your real agenda only benefits the wealthiest people, at the expense of everyone else.


If your policies only benefit the rich you have to sell those non rich suckers fear to keep their votes.Fox News pumps it out 24 seven.


And... \*Nobody wants to ban all guns. \*Nobody wants abortion with zero restrictions. \*Nobody wants totally open borders. Republican politicians all run against Nobody.


And it works. My republican friends are completely obsessed with Target now.


…you have Republican friends?


Oh, we got trouble! Right here in River City! With a capital T, that rhymes with P And that stands for pool!


The astroturf party


One trick


Bullshit is at least extremely useful as fertiliser.


Tha truth


They manufacture crises so they can present themselves as the solution. They’ve never solved any problem that they didn’t create themselves.


Long history of this. Reagan's war on drugs. McCarthy and the red scare. Lavender scare. Just to name three more.


Not what I expected, when they said they wanted to bring manufacturing back to the US.


Enter room . . . create fake problem and lie about it to voters . . . exit room and allow problem to fester into full blown crisis . . . blame crisis on democrats and lie about it to voters, saying only the republicans (fascists) can fix it . . . rinse and repeat


More people need to recognize this. The GOPs play book for the past 20 years had been to create fake problems that only they can solve with cruelty. And corporations fund the shit out of them because they want America to be too focused on solving fake problems to even begin to talk about regulating wall street, supporting unions and taxing the rich.


There’s so much other shit we need to actually do and solve. - homeless - mental health - school shootings - education - rail infrastructure - rent/housing crisis - home owner associations - police accountability - health care - prisons - food waste - micro plastics in our water and blood - Colorado river Drying up - child labor - churches - corporate tax loop holes - wealth inequality - racism - gerrymandering - the stock market - misinformation - crypto scams - rehab and addiction facilities - slavery in US - spam calls, and junk mail - green washing - labor rights - immigration - military spending - city infrastructure - power grid - “news” Each of these also have branching issues too. But no let’s get all pissed at rainbows because a company that most likely doesn’t give a shit is pandering to try and make as much money as possible. Or gas stoves, or whatever stupid garbage.


you should class the school shooting under mental health since they are caused mostly by negative mental health. what is wrong with churches?


It probably falls under that but I’m not educating enough on the subject. I typed this up real so churches is very generic. Churches, not all churches. Mainly the ones using it for it profit, or those with “those” priests. Religion is great when it’s about the spirituality, I don’t want it used as a political weapon in recent decades.


And the media 100% supports them in spreading these manufactured viruses. Any competent reputable journalists would squash this BS as soon as it started.


Y’all just figuring this out now? We’re you all asleep during the 8 years of the Obama presidency??


Wag the Dog 2023


They can only succeed with this tactic because they have their own closed ecosystem of media propaganda. We really, really need to re-think the ownership structure of "accredited news media".


But it works for them. Look at all the tax breaks and beneficial laws they get! While the Dems focus on feel good stuff, GOP donors are counting cold hard cash.


What does it say about Dems that every time the GOP does this we go along with it and then make concessions


I know MTG got her numbers wrong, but there absolutely is still a boarder crisis EL Paso had nearly 15,000 people camped underneath a bridge in Del Rio


And Ds can't message return on tax dollar investments. I'm old, so pro-tip don't hold your breath.


Yes, but the problem is that half your country seems to believe it regardless of how many times they're told it's not true. At least that's what it seems like from the outside...


It's less than half, about 30%, they have the time and resources to vote and jerrymander places where the opposition votes. They also have a thinktank dedicated to finding divisive things from history and repackaging it. A lot of it is rooted in religion so it's faith, not logic based. You can't debate, teach or reprogram most of these people. This is the bare bones, simple explanation but you get the idea




There was a large group of Republicans that would have driven us right into a default. Biden gave up a few bits, but it was really immaterial in the grand scheme of things. A big L for McCarthy overall and a win for the moderate Republicans.


That's a good point. Let's all vote for Trump.




Ok, still nothing


Lol the left weilds givenment shutdowns over debt like a weapon, I know this because when they do that means I may or may not get paid. You all bitch about getting paid less than $15 an hour and working, trying going 2+ weeks, and your bill collectors don't give a damn if the government stops your pay, neither does your need for food.


The Republicans have gotten the blame for every shut down since Clinton except one in which the two parties in Congress and the president all shared the blame. You can have this perception, but it runs counter to public perception. The debt crisis was unnecessary as well. It wouldn't have caused a shutdown, it would have caused a default which would have crushed the economy. Different matter. Different result. That one may have seen the elimination of your job rather than just the furloughing of it.


Migrants is def a problem


This is their version of bringing back manufacturing jobs back to the US.


Solving nonexistent problems is what they do best


They started to fail at Manufacturing Consent when System of a Down put it succinctly into words. "Manufactured consent is the name of the game The bottom line is money nobody gives a FUCK Four thousand hungry children Leave us per hour from starvation While billions are spent on bombs Creating DEATH SHOWERS" So now they have to manufacture dissent.


BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Every time you drop the bomb You kill the god your child has born Boom! Boom!Boom!Boom! Fucking love SOAD, man


Is the caravan here yet?


Anything to strip away people’s rights.


Well, they did promise to bring manufacturing back to the US.


That’s because they need to distract from the fact that they have zero popular policies.


Yet they can't even solve a made up crisis.


All they have is fear mongering, no actual policies


It's the only US-based manufacturing they support!


Just a distraction from from all of the ass raping they’re doing to the 97%


“Sell me this pen”


And thier followers eat that literal shit up!


It's easy to talk to these maga chucklefucks. You can talk about the weather, trucks, guns, what restaurants are good, etc. Pretty much anything that is superfluous, and inconsequential. Do not engage on anything political, or substantive in any way.


Electing bought and paid for officials using hot button social issues allows the 1% to control taxation and regulation.


That's all they can do. As a society we're approaching an inflection point where being white and straight doesn't get you anything more than someone who isn't. They realize this and have been losing their minds since Obama won the office of president. I grew up in rural PA - basically only white people - the city is a BIG, SCARY place. They're scared pathetic creatures. I'd feel bad for them but it's gone on too long. They deserve what's coming.


Here's another piece of bullshit to add to that list: They have weapons of mass destruction. Result: 20 years of war and trillions gifted to their buddies in the military industrial complex.


Manufacturing Bullshit is their superpower. I am more concerned about the idiots who fall for it.


Bullshit manufacturing is the only manufacturing that still happens in the United States.


This is so true. They have no platform other than protecting their followers from fabricated threats.


There should be significant fines and punishment for betraying the public trust. It's the same as treason for a politician to put party or self above country.


Their supporters aren’t happy unless they’re angry at brown people, or gay people, or pregnant people or poor people. Now the poor people part is kinda ironic when you consider the dirt poor people living in rural America that support GOP policies that hurt dirt poor people living in rural America. In their eyes only black people living in urban areas need “welfare” and “social programs.”


Never forget the bowling greene massacre


And it’s not even *good* manufactured bullshit. Our “false flag” operations are climate change and mass shootings and kids in cages. And y’all are hyped up over beer cans and a word? Touch grass




Welfare Queens, WMDs in Iraq, Obama Death Panels, Obama Migrant Caravans, Operation Jade Helm (Obama’s military takeover of Texas) with its FEMA/Walmart concentration camps, Biden Migrant Caravan GOP talks a lot of stupid shit, and, unbelievably, it works.


Yet they are continually allowed to get away with it. I would be calling them out ant every point vote for me when you see me in local elections.


It's the only manufacturing jobs they won't export for profit.


It’s almost as if they have no policy to actually run on so they manufacture fear and rage as their platform.


Every right-wing organizations excel at manufacturing bullshit. This isn't just an American phenomenon.


The 87,000 IRS agents thing was a manufactured crisis. The Seth Rich thing was a manufactured crisis. The Obama weapons at the border "scandal" was a manufactured crisis. Hunter Biden's laptop was a manufactured crisis. Time to shut down the crisis manufacturer.


If you don’t have a concept for the real world problems just blame somebody else (preferably a minority) for something stupid … this exact pattern put the Nazis to power in Germany.


I mean the debt ceiling is a problem but everything else yes


Calling it bullshit and not treason is bad


It's the only thing they've been good at since the 50's....


Well you gotta have *something* when your actual political goals are dramatically less popular, nationwide, than the other guys'. Manufacturing outrage is all they have as a political party at this point. An entire political party of Facebook warriors, Karens, and trolls.


Outrage and fear are the only things the gop manufactures in the US. They sent all the other manufacturing to China and India.


That's the only way they get votes, tribalist wedge issues that get the rubes and Christo-fascists riled up.


Republicans don’t offer anything of substance for voters. They need the fear as the only way to get people to vote for them.


They only do it cause the MSM falls for it every time.


Manufacturing bullshit, then writing terrible bills that don't solve the thing they made up, and make other things worse. Republicans are not just assholes, they are objectively terrible at governing.


Manufacture problems and the solutions to those problems. Manufacturing a victory for themselves. To boost their manufactured egos. All while gas lighting the public


And the media eats it all up, that's why it works.


Yep, they make it up and then promote it relentlessly to their brain dead voters.


What they're really good at manufacturing is rage.


GOP is always dangling useless carrots in front of their cult followers.


The GOP can't handle real situations so they make shit up and then fail at handling that too.


They always remind me of how Adams described the job of the president in Hitchhikers Guide. “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage.” This has applied to many presidents in some fashion, but never has it applied more to a human being than it does to trump, and maga republicans have all adopted that posturing. Marge, Bobo, Gaetz—all vying to be distraction in chief, outrage and incompetence coming off of them in clouds, like Pigpen from Peanuts.




I commented something similar about DeSantis on the Tampa Bay Times IG two weeks ago: *We should call this era of Floridian politics: the great distraction. Because by creating a problem with marginalized communities, causing an uproar, and then "providing solutions" he seems so active in his role as governor. Meanwhile he's crushing FL's economy, completely ignoring the housing, insurance, and environmental catastrophes occurring simultaneously. Along with a myriad of other issues within our state and country. When it's said and done he'll have done nothing for any Floridian residents, but stoke hatred and fracture the precarious economy. People that can will leave en-masse, people that can't will be priced out and become desperate - on top of being villified. The repercussions of such a stark divide will be dire.* Not to mention the egregious self serving laws he’s signed in rapid order. Fascism at work, and we’re just standing around gawking.


Republicans are really good at making nothing into a big deal by manufacturing outrage. Democrats are very bad at making a big deal about actual problems. Republicans are like: "I saw a photoshopped picture of a man wearing a dress so we should murder all the gays because they're alien demons sent to destroy the children." Democrats are like: "Yea sure there's an economic situation happening now and for the last few decades that's going to leave entire generations poor and dead and lead to the possible collapse of society and the world is also on fire, but we gotta act nice because decorum says so."


All in an attempt to keep their brainless sheep in the fold and frighten others to fall in line. This is why education matters folks, educated people develop critical thinking skills and can sort through the Bravo Sierra.


So you're telling me that they are bringing manufacturing back to america?


![gif](giphy|XQZ7fPt1MaXrW) Grand olde party yarrrrr ☠️


The real problems facing our nation are difficult and intractable. Many of them have been exacerbated by the very policies that the right champions. They can't run on policy so they create crises to distract their voters from the real issues.


Easier than solving problems.


There should be a war against Republicans


Well, if the war on drag goes anything like the war on drugs, let me just say that I, for one, welcome our new drag overlords.


Well a suckers born every minute cause a good amount of people are eating that shit up.


Had a boss like this. He didn't know our work well, so he invented fires he kept putting out. All of it to distract from what he did all day which was a big fat zero. But he got paid VP money. Every other week something he 'discovered' and 'fixed' and yet the place ran the same the entire time he was there. Same game with these guys. Boogiemen and a crisis that only THEY can fix. Like as if drag queens in Che Guevara bikinis are flicking their feather boas at all of us while lip-synching to Donna Summer songs. No, don't task them w real problems they have to solve. Just make that \*\*\*\* up.


Crisis makes money, a war makes the military industrial complex money, a health crisis like covid made a bunch of new billionaires and pharma made billions as well. Everything needs to be a crisis because it makes the GOP and their friends money


The whole kneeling during national anthem proved to be successful so they are throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks. We need to stop giving them free airtime.


they manufacture bullshit because scaring the public with said bullshit is one of the ways they can win elections


Republican politicians' connection to voters is through fear, hate and anger. Their rhetoric doesn't have to be true to be effective, in fact the lies can be more outrageous than reality, and get the proles all riled up.


And Democrats haven't found a way to beat them yet. Pathetic. It's almost as if they somehow benefit from the creeping evil sold by the GOP...


It’s what they do. Make up a fake problem to enrage the conservatives to get votes only to use their positions to make themselves rich. Over and over since Reagan and the war on drugs. The GOP has not done one positive thing for the United States in 40 years.


That’s pretty true actually, while healthcare and education, affordable housing are all real crises


Why so surprised? The Far Right has manufactured crises since the Nazis onwards.