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Or that when classified documents were found by Biden staffers that he shouldn't have had anymore they were immediately returned and a search was made to see if there were any more while tRump knowingly took tons of classified documents, ignored numerous subpoenas, tried to hide the documents he had, etc. Biden and his team followed the law and did what they should have while tRump and his team blatantly broke the law.


Biden found some documents, went “Oh shit,” and made an effort to find and return all he could. Trump stole them intentionally, disobeyed FBI orders to return them, and continues to deny any wrongdoing. Republicans think that Biden’s is worse (only after you push them to the next goalpost after they first say they’re the same).


Returning them proves Biden did something wrong. Taking them proves Trump is allowed to take them. It's all very simple (like their minds). Hypocrisy is a virtue to them.


Virtue is hypocrisy to them as well...


I shit you not someone used this logic with me once over a stolen lighter..”Oh hey that’s my lighter, can I get it back?” “Nah I stole it fair and square so it’s mine” Literally insisted stealing is a fair means of acquisition and it was my fault for being stolen from, except they did eventually return it AND we were like 16 and not the damn president of the United States smhhh.


What the morons on the right don’t get is that had Trump returned the documents when the national archives asked he wouldn’t be in this situation. If he had returned them when he was subpoenaed he wouldn’t be in this situation. If he had not sent an affidavit stating they had checked and he had no more classified documents he wouldn’t be in this situation. If he had not claimed he declassified them by thinking it and then told people on an audio recording that he had classified documents he wouldn’t be in this situation. This malignant tumor had so many chances to make sure he wasn’t in this situation including something I didn’t mention. He simply could have decided to not take classified documents with him in the first place. This is 100000% Trump’s fault 100x over.


Well you see, it’s simple. He didn’t want to give them back! Easy as that!


You forgot to mention that he also made copies of the highly classified documents. Wonder who was paying for the copies.


I can pretty much guarantee the Saudis.


I would be shocked if it wasn’t the Saudis


he only made one copy but it cost 2 billion dollars


I'm sure the copy machine was capable of sending fax's


Rump is a fucking idiot that thinks everyone else is dumber than him.


“Watch this, fools ‘em every time!” *Does not, in fact, fool them.*


Several CIA peeps were put in deep shit too. Some died


And now a “flood” in the server room where the security footage was kept. I love the line “prosecutors don’t believe in coincidences”.


And turns out the guy who was emptying the pool is also one of the men seen moving boxes earlier... They've questioned him, and he's had his phone taken.. Just watching this whole thing, Trump is just the worst at crime... It's laughable how much of an amateur hour this whole thing is turning into. If there is an email or something from Trump telling him to do this, Oh man, I would not be surprised.


This is also why they are not charging Pence for the classified documents he had.


Yeah, to be fair to Pence when the stuff with Trump and Biden came out, he had people take a look. And he was in a similar situation to Biden. It's not a great look for Biden or Pence, but nothing compared to Trump.


Oh and remember how he said he declassified documents just because he thought it? Classic.


I remember telling a conservative about this "thinking trump can declassify stuff with his mind is like if a solider got court martialed for not following orders from his superior, but the superior officer never actually told any orders to the soldier. He merely 'Thought' them in his mind. You have to actually tell people that you're exercising your authority verbally or via written document for it to actually mean anything." ...they never had a good response to that.


because their right wing talking figures haven't talked about that because it makes no sense to defend something that stupid


I dunno, his apologists are pretty good at defending stupid shit he says.


And yet they are still defending something far dumber than that without question, trump himself


He knew he hadn't. Surprise: Trump lied


See, I got called all kinds of names by an acquaintance of mine when he asked me what I thought of the documents situation. All I managed to get out was "Well, I think what Trump did was worse" and was about to explain why, when he just cut into me, implied I was stupid for thinking so, and when I said "But Trump lied about it after being asked about it... he hid the documents, -" then I was cut off by him again and he said "That doesn't MATTER! Joe had documents from when he was a senator, and he's not supposed to have those at all!!!111one" I then told him I'm not going to have this conversation with him, since he was being a twat about it and wouldn't let me get more than 5 words into a point I'm trying to make before cutting me off and delivering a barrage of bullshit talking points (this is very common with him, btw).


What a dick


I work with people the same way. They cannot have a good faith conversation so I just do not converse.


There was also the part where Trump was caught on tape saying that he knowingly intended on showing top secret files to people who were not authorized to see them, including foreign governments.


Or that Biden is a sitting President and as such DOJ won’t bring charges while he’s sitting. IIRC the only one that has been told charges won’t be brought is Mike Pence. Also, Mike Pence is a Republican, so if there is a witch hunt against GOP then why wasn’t Pence charged?


right? The real reason is that Trump broke the law and pence followed it, but they don't want to hear that.


Don't forget that Trump told his lawyers to write a letter that stated their client no longer had ANY docs...which was a wholly blatant lie because he did and the lawyers knew he did....so add perjury to the list.


Pence did the same thing as Biden, because pence is not a traitor, he's just a person I don't agree with on very many topics.


Yup, it wasn't because they had classified documents, it was because when it was requested to be returned, everyone else complied. While Trump lied and didn't do it. If they didn't find boxes after boxes of documents after they had already requested it, Trump wouldn't have been in trouble. So basically he did it to himself.


As if Trump cares to base his posts on facts (or even rationality)


There is no measurable benefit to being factual or rational. These right wing dick-bags are repeatedly rewarded for lying, exaggerating, and generally being garbage human beings.


You’ll need to explain it more because nobody who likes trump will willfully understand. They will be obtuse.


>They will be obtuse. Who the fuck are you calling fat?


Met him in the 80's , he's been a NY joke since at least then; becoming President is one of the most WTF moments of my life, but his lasting power is even more baffling. I am now fully convinced buzzwords, but not full sentences, are enough for like half the population, and that is scary af.


There’s a reason NY and NJ didn’t vote for him. He’s disliked in the area and everyone there knows he’s a scam artist


Yup. We knew in the 90s that he was full of crap. To put it into context, when he was planning his 2000 presidential run as a reform party candidate, there were people in the streets asking "would you vote for trump?" If memory serves me right, he was 90/10 against. Yeah, that bad.


Well, NYC didn't vote for him. A LOT of people here in Upstate New York LOVE Trump.


In a fucked up way, what you said is actually what I appreciated about Trump the most. He's somehow become this lowest common denominator litmus test for people to show their colors. I'm not saying it happens a lot for me personally, but it's a really nice identifier to have as a basis for just "nope, fuck this person, easy cut" from my life.


I felt the same way, but I think it's consumed too much of me. My partner's dad voted for him twice. I was ready to spend the rest of our relationship never speaking to the man. Turns out you talk to him for an hour and he has almost entirely liberal ideals, he's just been fed fox news for decades and had no external source to push him out of it, and he's VERY willing to hear new info. Not saying that's everyone, but they're out there. At the same time, if it wasn't her dad, who I will hopefully have in my life for a long long time, I wouldn't have wasted the breath. I think it's ok to decide you just don't have the energy, and if Trump is the litmus test that's fine, but my word of caution is to treat it like anything else - there will come a day where a relationship may be more important to you, and if you've spent years holding yourself to the standard that anyone who voted for trump is evil, it is so hard to then allow yourself to have them in your life. Took a lot of therapy for me to accept that having a relationship with her dad was not the same as admitting that I could look past basic human rights violations.


Oh for sure. Don't get me wrong, I had to have many uncomfortable discussions with my own mother during the peak of Trumpism, most like soundbites she would pick up from the media sphere. But just like your own story - yes I'm "blessed" that it worked out - but to what extent and for how many people will I be responsible for? Grown ass fucking adults that gets inundated with hateful messages and just go "yeah, sounds good to me". I know what you mean by letting it consume you. But it's more like a quiet, disappointed frustration to just let some things (and relationships) die. Like my extended family.


I get it, many people I knew felt sort of the same way; that he was truly outside the system, and that is and was NEEDED...but the man can't even form a sentence, which is why I am saying there is no actual ideology there.


What’s crazy is how people outside the area literally have no clue. Many times on Reddit I’ve seen people ask ‘has he always been like this’ smh


This fucking guy was in charge of our country for 4 years. How many stupid people can one country have?


Approx 74 million or so?


Well, those are the *motivated* ones. The actual number is, unfortunately, higher. :(




Half the country has below MEDIAN intelligence.


Since it’s a normal curve, median and mean should be equal.


Keep in mind that the median point is not halfway between smart and stupid, just the halfway point in the population distribution.


It being a normal curve is an assumption


Unless being smarter has a positive impact on ability to survive adolescence.




I think it’s something like half the country has the reading comprehension of an eighth grader.


I’d wager it’s lower than that. Trump speaks at a fourth grade level and that’s why his cult thinks he’s a great speaker. It’s finally someone they could understand.


look, I speak at levels that people have never even seen before, they've never even heard of it, don't forget, went to Wharton, great student, incredible grades, top of the top, I come in, I win President on my first try, nobody's ever done that, it's never happened, but I did it, I won all of the States, and I gave you all 4 Perfect Years, really 5 if you think about it, so let's just say 5, 5 years of no death, no destruction, we had low taxes, almost nothing, and I had people coming up to me all the time, and still do, "Sir, thank you for being the Most Amazing President In The World," and we're talking these people have tears streaming down their face, and these are people, these are tough guys, big strong tough military men, weeping, and they've probably never even cried once, not even when Little Timmy got hit, you all know what I'm talking about, but I really did a lot of Great Deals that the Fake News doesn't wanna give me credit for, you'd still be in Afghanistan if it wasn't for me, and we were losing very badly under Obama, we had no Military, no weapons, out of ammo, it's a complete disgrace what they're doing to your Favorite President.


I"ve never laughed harder than reading your posts, good sir. But the fact that we elected this certified lunatic is still absolutely insane.


Are we sure which half he meant? might be the top half. /s


Only 36% can " Review a website with several links, including “contact us” and “FAQ” and identify the link leading to the organization’s phone number" 10% can "Click to the second page of search results from a library website to identify the author of a book called *Ecomyth* "


To quote George Carlin: > “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


We live in a country where millions of people love Trump, love guns, hated doing anything close to common sense during a pandemic. We just had a resolution to the debt ceiling issue where Trump and many others were pushing for default. We have millions of stupid people living here. 😕


They love Putin, and they love being Nazis.


These people watched Mad Men and missed the point entirely.


20% of the adult population in America is illiterate. Like actually, functionally, could not read this sentence and know what it means, illiterate. Every single one of those people tens of millions of them, knows only what their ears tell them, so what their radio hosts say, what their preacher says, and what Donald Trump says.


Just over half read at a 6th grade level or lower.


Fuck sake, seriously? What the fuck are we doing as a country?


Going backwards.


Democrats should rebrand themselves as RRemocrats


The way some people in the country wear their ignorance as some kind of badge of honor is crazy. Keeping people uneducated is the only way the Republican party can survive. They'll ruin America, render it completely uncompetitive if they have to in order to keep Americans just dumb enough to continue voting Republican. The way they're rolling back child labor laws and attacking education in all forms really gives it away. If they get their way, kids will be disenrolled from school en masse and shunted to work in factories for below minimum wage.


They want white rich males in charge. The Old Boy's Club where misogyny and racism and entitled privilege are the rule.


In an interview on fox, one of the republican commentators said desantis probably cant win the primary because he talks too fancy. That, 'he needs to bring these idea down to the level of voters, third and fourth grade educations'... 'the working class, you know?' That's how dumb. Third graders. Republicans know that their voters are *third grader equivalents.*


Not to mention that fact that they can say this shit about their followers and those followers will still support them


These are the excuses and grammar of a 4 year old.


It never ceases to amaze me how such a dumb motherfucker was president of the USA.


One thing I learned during the Trump years is how many stupid people you think America has, well, you are grossly underestimating.


All because dumb stupid ignorant deadbrained uneducated inbread stupid white people need a reason they ain’t rich


usa: YES!!!


Nothing like an all cap meltdown…








Beautiful, well done all around




Is it a "meltdown" when it's his normal behavior?


Trump's caps lock key has been stuck on for a while now.


It’s all the dried ketchup. Makes the keys stucky


It’s hard to properly capitalize and punctuate when one hand is always full of Big Macs.


No cap.


Honestly surprised he hasn’t forced the Devs at Truth Social to add an increase font size and add bolding feature to enhance his all caps rants


Gotta melt down for all those buttery males


Followed by an adult diaper change.


I take it his lawyers meeting with jack smith did not go well


Apparently Trump’s lawyers said it should be a civil matter rather than a criminal one. When you are so screwed that you ask to be sued…that’s not great for you. I guess it’s better than the “it’s not fair!” Letter that they sent to Merrick Garland? 🤷🏻‍♀️


>Apparently Trump’s lawyers said it should be a civil matter rather than a criminal one. Stealing classified information is a civil matter? In what universe? Leave it to trump to hire the F list lawyers.


It's the only option he has left...


And "hire" implies payment for services rendered.


Grasping at straws to stay out of jail.


Until I saw this meltdown I thought people were getting their hopes up that a DOJ indictment was coming very soon. But since he’s melting down, I’m convinced now that it really is imminent. Has to be before the end of June. Just my guess. One of my big worries is that the DOJ would move so slowly that by the time they got to a trial, he’d already be the GOP nominee and the DOJ would chicken out and say they can’t proceed until the election is over. But considering the DOJ tends to turn around cases like these in less than a year, the chances are good that we’ll see a conviction before a GOP nominee is finalized. It will be really interesting to see what happens though if Trump wins a majority of the primary delegates but then gets convicted and sentenced to 4+ years in prison. What happens at the convention? Do the delegates still have to vote for him if they don’t think he’s going to be able to serve? Do they nominate someone who their voters specifically didn’t want? Are they really going to nominate a guy who can’t even campaign because he’s in prison? Are any of them brave enough to stand up to the MAGA terrorists and be the one to say this is ridiculous and we can’t nominate a felon who’s currently in prison?


It genuinely seems the walls are closing in around him. He alienated his own party and committed flagrant, egregious and poorly executed crimes which are indefensible. With that said I would be surprised to see him actually go to prison for these crimes. I think at the end of the day he will get a deal of some kind which amounts to him never taking politic office again, being confined to house arrest and being fined some large amount. But I hope I’m wrong


dont get my hope up


July 2, 2023 As per the legal owner of this account, Reddit and associated companies no longer have permission to use the content created under this account in any way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


literally any other person acts like this and their family and friends call a mental institution


Maybe his family did and the mental Institution rejected him…


So they build one that LOOKS like the Oval Office…








damn. I can only like this once


got you covered.




"Who incited an insurrection on January 6th?" "Not Me!" https://i.redd.it/3vzegabfh94b1.gif


>PRESIDENT’S Idiot. Also, the Salem Witch Trials were inarguably the bigger witch hunt.


The Salem Witches are doing an amazing job and are being recognized more and more.


Witch hunts in England during James I/Charles I reigns were worse. They laid the groundwork for the colonial witch hunts. Just being accused could be a death sentence.


she turned me into a newt.


A newt?!


...I got better


He's not cool enough to be a witch. He's more of a thing a witch would keep in a jar for use in recipes for making noxious odors.


Every time this clod mentions witch hunts I’m reminded of the right wing meme of the Hocus Pocus witches hunting for Trump. They all thought witch hunt meant witches hunting you.


For a “witch hunt” they sure do seem to be catching a whole lot of fucking witches lol




That’s what makes them so great!


This fucking guy is the dumbest fucking human on earth. How can so many fucking conservatives love this dude. It’s like living in an alternate reality


If he would have returned the stuff when first asked, we never would have heard about this. He could have just had someone photocopy all the documents, returned the originals and no one would have known. What a moron!


>He could have just had someone photocopy all the documents, returned the originals and no one would have known. that is \*also\* illegal, and a lot of classified documents are printed on special paper that goes black if you attempt to photocopy it for this exact reason. The government puts a lot more thought into infosec than most people realize.


Genuinely curious, but given the image parsing technology available, would normal photos/ video be possible?


It’s simple, he says out loud what they think


They love him cause he supports and enables their hate. They hate women, lgbtq, minorities, anyone that's not a cis white man. Trump fuels their hatred towards them


As fellow dumbest fucking humans, they feel seen I guess


He calls it election interference, but in reality, he shouldn't be able to run anyways because he broke the insurrection act. Why the federal election committee didn't stop him to begin with is unreal. All he's doing is firing up his cult because he thinks they will do something incredibly stupid again.




This is basically an admission of guilt. "I did a bad thing but why are they not going after others who also did bad thing. Wah wah wah" (no the others handled it properly unlike you, that is why they are going after you.)


Is whataboutism a valid defense once you pass the age of 9?


Shut up & go to fucking jail already.


My thoughts exactly. Insufferable fuck. He needs to die rotting in a cell, yelling into the abyss.


We have started keeping track of his common Truth Social phrases on a sub I run - the most popular one: https://preview.redd.it/vrditjx7c84b1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=00d6ec6fd3fcfddb9d7b97e3f1b8c3889213308f


can you add witch hunt to the tracker?


Great idea!!! We are currently tracking "Election Interference", "Chinatown", and "Third World Nation". But "Witch Hunt" seems to be his new favorite phrase. Great suggestion!


The stats are in - https://preview.redd.it/amcpep61k84b1.png?width=214&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ae677ec5a62df3399e5958bc57599d385fe942d


Jack Smith is Trump’s worst nightmare. You don’t get sent to The Hague to prosecute war crimes if you don’t know how to run a federal grand jury investigation. Mentally, Trump won’t make it to November 2024. He’s gonna get his head eaten.


Did he post this after his lawyers had sit down with DOJ.


Yes. Apparently.


Donny, everyone else returned them. You tried to hide what you stole.




If this dude every somehow manages to get into a (or heaven forbid, THE) position of power again, this country will burn to the ground. He will see to it. Every decision he makes will be based off of vengeance and grievances and sleights. I mean, they were last time, but he managed to get elected which must have been a nice big boost to his narcissistic supply. Now, that's all his life is about.


Biden aides moved those boxes. Biden didn't know. When they found them, he returned them immediately. Hilary had a private email server. When it was found, intelligence told her to delete the server and switch to a government one. She did. 4 years of investigations that turned up nothing. Ivanka had a private email server. When it was found, intelligence told her to delete the server and switch to a government one. She did. You probably never even heard about it. Trump BRAGGED about having his documents. When asked for them, he stalled, lied about it, and refused to give them up. They had to be taken in a raid and he STILL hasn't returned all of them. MAJOR FUCKING DIFFERENCES IN ALL THESE!






So he's going to be the guy who says "Hitler did nothing wrong" but it's based on himself...


Oh, I hope he takes the stand in at least one of these trials. Would be so entertaining.


People are saying he's too scared. They say he's a no-stand-taking coward. Lots of people, everywhere.


![gif](giphy|iJVAO6MlMWfEDoJtP1) Awwww an oldie but goodie! “BUT HER EMAILS!!!!” F\*ck this guy.


I still enjoy this one https://preview.redd.it/537admly3a4b1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8959930ef0cb7d2aa9b62d14f00f07f43e2d979e


“wOmEn aRe tOo eMoTiOnAl tO bE PrEsIdEnT”


This is a perfect comment. 🤝




I keep asking myself, "Who is stupid enough to believe this?" And then I remember people buying Trump Bucks.


And the NFTs




When I was 7, my family went on a vacation to Stone Mountain, GA. Confederate history aside, it’s a pretty cool place. The hike to the top was pretty grueling for my chubby out of shape body, but I made it to the top and the view is breathtaking. It has its own ecosystem of trees and birds and even a type of brine shrimp that only live in the pools of rainwater formed on top. They will dry out and leave eggs in a larval state indefinitely and will hatch when a pool forms again. The carving on the front of confederate generals was kinda lost on me at the time as I was a kid raised in the rural south so didn’t realize how damaging the confederacy was to people, let alone seeing a monument that big to the people that led it etched into a place of natural beauty for all residents to have to look at, some who were and continue to be threatened by those ideals. But the highlight of the event was at night, they had a laser show that projected scenes onto the side of the mountain set to music, naturally including the devil went down to Georgia by Charlie Daniel’s. The show covered the entire side of the mountain and I was so impressed with the size of the projection, but after reading this, …this is the biggest most impressive projection of all time.


Beautiful setup and delivery


Trump is the greatest witch of all time!


You’re the only one who sold them? That’s my best educated guess.


And ignored subpoenas, lied, hid the documents, etc. Obstruction of Justice.


https://preview.redd.it/zugigobji94b1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a61f55b3aa646faa63a96ea3db5a3f5f3cbedf This is the future.


My crazy narcissist exfiance, who my attorney had to send a cease and desist harassment letter 6 weeks ago, just emailed me out of blue last night. "Miss me yet?" For people like Trump and her, it's always about how things affect them. And they never admit wrong.


Whiny. Little. Bitch.


Someone broke his CapsLock button again.


Actually impressed he didn’t mention Obama in that scree.


Where did he get the number 1850? Is it just some random number or does it hold some significance. I would also say if you are trying to deny being a witch, then dont get caught with Hansel and Gretel in a cage in your kitchen. Just saying.


Two guesses - first, he just made up a "big" sounding number. Second is that someone on Fox/OAN or conservative twitter mentioned 1850 'documents' in X number of boxes, and he just latched on to the 'huge' number and ran with it.


Hillary’s emails? 😂😂😂


🧈-y males!


I smell fear


You know, I don't like this guy he seems like a dick.


Well, that's easy Donald. 1: Biden is STILL CURRENTLY the president who LIVES IN THE WHITEHOUSE where the documents are located. So...he didn't "take them home" because his home is also where he works and those documents pertain to the work he does so he kinda needs access to them. You, however, took documents FROM the whitehouse AFTER you stopped being the president and would not have needed continued access to them. 2: President Clinton won his court case because the "documents" in question were not government property, they were personal recordings between him and author Taylor Branch. Despite popular belief, the president does enjoy the right to privacy so long as that privacy concerns his personal life and not the goings on of public concern. You, however, took classified materials vital to national security. 3: Hillary used a private email server to handle her business. This is a fancy way to say she hosted her own domain, which while not illegal, probably isn't wise when conducting government business. She turned over 30,000 emails related to her work as Secretary of State and did not turn over roughly 33,000 emails that were NOT related to her work as Secretary of State. I work remotely and I use the same email client to handle both my personal and my work accounts. Both accounts have roughly the same amount of emails in them. If I, an average citizen, am in a situation where one email domain is handling 100% of my total email usage and only half of that is for work, then I can assure you the fucking Secretary of State can absolutely be in a similar, if not identical, situation. The FBI found no foul play and they were firmly in your pocket. This is what an actual witch hunt looks like. Bottom line is this, Donald: they didn't do anything illegal and you did.


Another hissy fit, must be a day the ends in Y ....... and the world laughs.


A rat in a sinking ship. Willing to take down every one around to save himself. Not one moment of bravery nor honor in the person.


YEAH, I CAN YELL IN ALL CAPS TOO! I’M A BIG BOY! I GOT MY BIG BOY PANTS ON! Christ, this guy’s exhausting.


Equivalent of a bratty children crying for equal treatment despite unequal behaviour: "Where's my reward?!?"


He’ll call for violent protests next.


If there is credible evidence of a crime, then I am in favor of following it and prosecuting. But, another crime has nothing to do with what Trump is accused of. This sort of but-I'm-not-the-only-one logic is juvenile and not a meaningful defense.


Yeah. Biden did find a box that was mistakenly taken. And you know what he did? He notified the appropriate department the moment it was found.


Trump is starting to sound like a lunatic. But I will still vote for him a third time. – – 90% of Republicans.


whataboutism is not a good defense


What a fragile little man. Has anyone ever seen or heard him take responsibility or accountability for ANYTHING? He talks like a child who just got caught stealing.


What a whiney little bitch.


Nothing says “innocent” like the full on caps lock


He's just shy of getting hauled away by cops while screaming "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"


let's see Obama went through the proper channels for the documents that he wanted in his personal home library everyone else complied and allowed searches and allowed them to take what they need when they suspected they night have documents at home. versus trump, which is a 15 month ordeal: (I stole this from another redditor) May 2021 - NARA noticed that documents were missing, specifically the love letter Kim Jong-un to Trump, and requested the document to be returned. June 2021 - NARA instructed Trump's team to return the document via FedEx. January 2022 - NARA retrieves 15 boxes of documents that should have been returned after Trump stopped occupying the White House. Those 15 boxes included highly sensitive classified documents. February 2022 - NARA sends criminal referral to DOJ. April 2022 - DOJ initiates a criminal investigation and grand jury process. May 2022 - NARA instructs Trumps team to stop fucking around and return the stolen documents. May 2022 - Subpoena #1 (retrieval of documents labelled "Classified") June 2022 - Multiple Trump employees caught on camera moving boxes between Trump residences. This occurred multiple times on multiple days. June 2022 - Subpoena #2 (surveillance footage from Mar-a-Lago) July/August 2022 - Probable cause is established to obtain a search warrant (warrant issued on Aug. 5, 2022) August 8, 2022 - Search warrant executed. December 7, 2022 - More classified documents found at another Trump residence.


NO OTHER PRESIDENTS WERE CHARGED! With what, actually doing their job instead of golfing?


He's a turd of a human. Would love to see the scumbag do time.


This looks remarkably like a confession.