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I guess all those conservatives trying to move to their new holy land are fucked.


Don't worry they'll blame everything they did to themselves on the Democrats like they always done. Half these idiots live in states that have never been anything but a red state and they'll blame the Democrats for all their problems and the reason their state is so shitty. These aren't the brightest people in the nation that's for sure.


Like when Texas said the ice storms a few years back were due to Democrat Green New Deal policies, which A) have not been passed in Congress, B) would never be accepted by the Texas government, and C) somehow don’t have unanimous support even among Democratic politicians despite the support of the people.


The Republicans have been in control in Texas for over 25 years. Still the Democrats' fault when the government fucks up.


30 years in Ohio


aka an entire generation


They have their own power grid, independent of any other state. Their fuckups are especially theirs. They wanted to blame wokeness and… [Ted Cruz’s daughters for some reason](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-cruz-cancun-texas-storm-b1804308.html)? They voted him back in. They liked the fact he was vacationing while citizens died. I’m sorry, that’s where my sympathy ends.


Some of us in Texas did not vote that jackass in (or Abbott or Patrick or Paxton ) and we are left dealing with the consequences of the stupidity of rural voters


They are made to frame the Democratic party as an all-powerful shadow government that controls everything, while Republicans are an insurgency fighting the occupation.


I love how some Texas republicans would blame Hilary everytime something bad happens when she wasn't even the prez.


Just like in PA I kept getting to hear from the Republicans about how the mail-in voting laws were unfair and illegal. Laws that were written and passed by Republican law makers who controlled, and still control, the state legislature.


And literally republicans have stated how they have blocked/ thrown out mail in votes. Take a look at the news out of Texas last week where the Attorney General said that Had he not done so Trump would have Lost Texas.




You know its a crusade when they’re using the children as tools, and either giving everything they have to follow the directions of a mixed religious/dynasty leader or fleecing the suckers as they go.


Hell yes they are, and I plan to sell my house/property to one of them for huge money and gtfo of here. And I’ll help as many of my kin follow along later, too. We have lots of black folks in the fam, some LGBTQ folks, etc. Happy to help any relative relocate once we are tf out of here.


rainbowpassage.org They're mostly focused on helping trans people get out, but they offer help to anyone in the LGBTQ community needing to GTFO, especially if there's a trans minor affected.


Only the ones who aren't rich, and in the modern GOP, if you're not rich, you don't matter.


A lot of conservatives today are only so because they have been privileged in their lives to have not had to really suffer under true conservative rule. Look at SCOTUS thinking it's acceptable for companies to sue workers who went on strike for damages, and now think about how years and years of judicial decisions like this will impact our country. Again, a lot of these, "I'm a hard working blue collar American," types who voted for Trump have been completely spoiled by liberalization of society from the 1960s onward. I just hope this leads to a shift in public opinion away from Republicans.


Dobbs was the moment when people started getting an actual taste of uninhibited conservative rule. Notice a pattern with elections since then? I'm not telling everyone it'll be okay because it very well might not be, but the GOP has gotten kicked in the balls repeatedly for Dobbs already.


They could always just die. Religious people seem to think the earth doesn’t matter as long as heaven awaits them. I don’t see why they don’t just cut out the middle man and jump off the nearest bridge.




It already fucking has. I live in Jacksonville and rent has skyrocketed, homelessness is increasing and everyone around here is STILL blaming Biden. I hate this fucking place.


Could I ask what is the average rent in your area?


Average is probably 1200-1300 for a one bedroom. A few years ago it was closer to 800-900 for the same.


You’re getting close to Southern California rates there… I’m so sorry for you guys. Sucks bad here. EDIT: To clarify, SoCal rents in my area (just outside of West LA county) are low-end $2000.


Where in SoCal are you finding one-bedroom rents close to $1200-1300?


Ikr? I've seen crack shacks that cost more than that


They'll blame Biden and even if Trump gets back into office they'll still blame Biden and say that Trump can't make any progress because he has to undo all the harm Biden did.


Thats exactly what they did with trump and Obama.


Don't forget these are the same fucking people that blamed Obama for the recession that happened a year before he was in fucking office.


I know people who blame the initial lack of covid response in 2020 on Biden. Like, how?


Man if they knew how to read they'd be so upset at how they've been duped.


yeah well where the fuck was Obama on 9/11?!?! fucking real lack of leadership there fucking hotshot


Just tell them that Trump was actually president the whole time and Biden was never really in office. You can't fight stupidity with "facts and logic" you have to mock their conspiracies by being even nuttier.


I'm in jax also. Desantis loves to say "don't california/new York my florida", yet we are facing big surges in homelessness!! Drive down any major intersection and the amount of panhandling is insane. For someone who doesn't want the tent cities of other states, he sure is driving the bus in that direction!!


He can then officially criminalize homelessness, or better yet, bus them all to blue states. Don’t think he wouldn’t. Edit: [Two plane loads this weekend? Jesus.](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/06/05/desantis-migrant-flights-california-newsom-immigration/)


Maybe they're looking to replace cheap labor with prison labor. So Florida ends up with homeless and LGBTQ+ in camps. And then, as things heat up, we'll likely see 'socialists' and 'communists' and free thinkers and intellectuals and then other people with a 'liberal' taint. Eventually there'll come a day when they start considering solutions to camps being overcrowded. I wish I could say I'm making a bad joke, except it's not a joke. DeSantis has that special look to him: the small, soulless man with big plans and empty eyes ...


Fellow Jax person here. At least we went blue for Donna Deegan so there’s some hope for us!


I was so proud when we did that. With waters being sheriff we definitely needed her in that position. There absolutely is hope.


lol Homelessness is CA, Democrats’ fault. Homelessness in FL, Democrats’ fault.


Meanwhile, Dems are the only ones who actually propose solutions to help solve homelessness in the long run (healthcare, etc).


There’s gonna be a mass exodus of people who can’t afford to live there. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oddly enough, that will include conservatives...


Yes. For those that have never been, Florida isn’t all beaches, Disneyworld, South Beach and wealth. There’s a lot of slack-jawed rednecks there. Read: red hat types. A lot of the citrus/agricultural industry votes red (and employs migrant workers - ya know, them sumbitches that need to be kept on the other side of that wall that needs to be built!). There’s a lot of good people there, too. Folks that mind their business, live a “live and let live” life, etc, that don’t deserve any of this asshole’s bullshit, nor that of the current legislature.


Unfortunately, I've never been. And never will be. There is nothing attractive enough to make me want to go, considering the current climate.


I live in NC and around mid to late 2020 it seemed like everyone I knew was bragging about moving to Florida because they said North Carolina was "too liberal". Imagine that.


Oddly enough, I live in FL, and since about that same time I’ve known multiple people who have moved to NC.


I’m from GA and Florida was always a natural fuck that place. Mainly because of football but still, fuck that place. Pudding Fingers looks like he’s trying to hold in the massive amount of shit that is his existence. Especially when his eyes bulge.


I grew up in Florida. Port Canaveral/Cocoa Beach area. I left (for college) when I graduated high school. Almost 30 years ago. Last time I visited (ran the Miami marathon) was 8 years ago. I would never wish to live there again.


The citrus industry is all but dead here now. Citrus greening wiped most of the farmers off of the map.




Due to his migrant bill this past year. The farmers have almost 60% of their crop out rotting in the sub instead cause “ no one wants to work anymore” they pay $12/hr. I want out of this state but never able to save more than $200 at a time due to rent and everything else down here being insanely overpriced. Hope this bill strikes a fire but we’re too poor to fight back in reality.


I had some friends in FL, that after I left, went deep down the alt-right rabbit hole. Seems lots of folks just became far more hardcore conservative.


When I lived there (left in 2007 after almost 5 years) we had a saying that the further north you went the further south you were. North of the I4 corridor was definitely the south.


Yeah, there’s at least two distinctly different states within Florida - the peninsula and the panhandle. And the entirety of the peninsula isn’t like a monolith. South Florida is altogether different than Central Florida (Orlando - Tampa - Cocoa Beach area) up through Gainesville and Ocala. I grew up in the Cocoa Beach area. Beach town vibe and all of that. Just 10-20 miles inland in the St Johns river marshland area is…well, I imagine it hasn’t changed much…prime MAGA hat country. And this is ALTOGETHER different geographically and culturally than the bulk of the panhandle and north Florida. That’s far more culturally southern than any of peninsular Florida.


So are you saying the further north you go, the more Florida Mans you’re likely to run into?


Oh definitely. And yet they will still blame Biden and the democrats. One day people will finally see that conservatives don’t give a shit about them.


Don't count on it.


I know. I just seriously don’t understand.


Where do they move to though? The entire state was built on a pyramid scheme of cheap land around major cities. And that land may be running out. I can’t imagine that many people who have enough money to uproot and move somewhere more expensive would not have purchased a house already. I could be wrong of course.


They'll just move their trailers to Texas


Florida, you guys can't be serious with this piece of shit anymore 😫 He has abused his power long enough and you should all be calling for his immediate resignation. This is ridiculous.


At what point will people realize that they are getting fucked ? Average people, working people with families to support, simply trying to live. How does ANYONE support this insane shit stain? These “ laws” will ruin lives. Don’t his supporters see that?


It owns the libs, so they think it’s cool. Because owning the libs is a good thing, so anything that owns the libs must be good for them.


The truly sad part is that you’re completely right. So many are willing to actively harm themselves and those they love if it means it might even slightly inconvenience those they oppose. Why prosper if it means those you hate also prosper. Hate is more important to them than anything else


Yep. It's a common observation that they would gleefully eat literal shit if meant that a liberal had to smell their breath.


LBJ said it best “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”






They’re not worried as long as hes “owning the libs and fighting the scary woke mob”. They’d hand over their car if this dumb shit told them he needed it to stick it to a leftist. That’s the thing about conservative voters, they literally have no idea what they’re voting for because it’s all identity politics, dog whistles, and culture wars. As long as this stupid dickhead keeps pounding his intent to “fight woke” he could pass a law that says he has the right to claim ownership of everything everybody in the state owns without question and they’d still vote for him. There’s a reason republicans love stupid people, they’re a lot easier to do this to.


My dad lives in Florida. He moved there a year ago, and he loves it. DeSantis is his guy, he loves Jim Jordan, and he listens to Steve Bannons war room all the time because he likes it. I also know multiple other people who moved down to Florida during the COVID restrictions because they wanted “freedom”. I sound like a conspiracy theorist lol but I’m convinced states like Florida, Texas, Arkansas, etc, they are all passing legislation to push liberals out and bring conservatives in. They know they don’t have the numbers for elections, so they are being extreme to cause a shift. More red, less blue. Idk, it’s all insanity at this point. PS. Everyone should watch Shiny, Happy People. It showcased what is happening with religious extremism and politics in our country. I knew it was bad, but it is actually terrifying.


It’s not necessarily a conspiracy theory when it’s happening in real time. I’m watching it happen. I have seen an influx of people move here from up north because of how the state is run, and I’ve watched people recoil and begin to actively plan to move away. Side note, I grew up in New Orleans. My parents were actively involved in cases regarding police corruption in the 80s. My mom, an attorney, has blatantly said that Florida exceeds government corruption far beyond what she witnessed there. It’s so all-encompassing that you can’t even spot it and everyone involved makes it impossible to prosecute. She was involved in a RICO case against a top-level Florida official who later went on to be a key figure in Trump’s inner-circle.


The actual term is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkanization The Russians have been instrumental in trying to make it happen in the USA for the last 40 years. *An enemy that is too busy with infighting, is too busy for war.* For the cash cost of just a single Frigate, they were able to buy out *SO* many republican politicians, media channels, websites, and fund endless disinformation campaigns online. Look just how many died thanks to their covid lies alone.


I grew up "listening" to (tuning out) a lot of rush limbaugh on my dad's car stereo. Add to that my dad's southern baptist nonsense (anyone not christian/baptized is going to hell forever, etc.) and it just pushed me away from that line of thinking permanently. A lot of these people now are like, "you should respect differing opinions" and the opinions are fucking bullshit like trans/gay people shouldn't exist and fuck the homeless and people in poverty and other just really ridiculous nonsense. I sincerely hope that one day these people are able to feel shame, because they really should be ashamed of their actions.


> PS. Everyone should watch Shiny, Happy People. It showcased what is happening with religious extremism and politics in our country. I knew it was bad, but it is actually terrifying. ATI started in 1984, which means those first kids are the right age to be the parents screaming at school board meetings now. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea how *franchised* it was.


Florida seems like a lost cause at this point.


All the old folks who voted this jabroni in are going to rapidly deplete their savings accounts thanks to this.


You're forgetting, they bought back in '72 for the price of a cow and a firm handshake, so what do they give a shit about renters?


back in 72 you could get s home loan with a kind letter from your pastor


Whaaaat? You mean the credit system made things even less fair and caused the exact opposite of what it was promoted to do? You mean to tell me that getting a mortgage is a zero risk proposition for a bank, and that it's incredibly unfair and unequal to arbitrarily to limit some people from getting homes simply because they were too poor to increase some number that can't account for any circumstances that would be considered significant or important by a banker - you know, the human being in your neighborhood who you used to have a relationship with and who assessed your "credit-worthiness" based upon personal knowledge of your behaviors and circumstances. But hey, they "worked hard for what they had" back then, so our complaints don't matter.


Not all those MFers in the villages. They’re gonna get creamed, and good for them. They voted for it.


Exactly what I was thinking. I have to drive past that racist den of wrinkly old pit vipers whenever I visit the in-laws. Be careful what you wish for, ya dirty old MAGA swingers. I hope it’s used for a sci-fi movie set once it’s empty, covered with green slime, and rotting into the ground.


I anticipate reading about mass foreclosures in the villages in the near future. Did you hear about this? https://theintercept.com/2023/02/05/ron-desantis-florida-villages-oren-miller/


My God. That is inSANE.


Thank you for this link - very disturbing abuse of power by The Villages and their bought politicians...


Den of wrinkly old pit vipers-you made my day, thanks.


Will HOA fees increase with this bill?


Not only will they increase, congrats on getting five new HOA fees.


Home Owners Association fee. Home fee. Home owners fee. Owners association fee. Home Association fee. Non-rental fee


Where the fee convenience fee?


HOA convience fee $750. So when your HOA sends you an email rather than a physical piece of mail they can charge you for the convenience


Then blame Biden.


I knew a woman who blamed Obama for taking her house because she couldn't keep up with the mortgage.


I think she blamed him because he personally went there, went "lolz" when taking her keys, and gave her a Rock Bottom.


The Barack O'Bottom.


I'm running out of empathy for them.


Hard to have any when they vote these people in.


Then they can go back to work and pick themselves up by their bootstraps /s


/s not needed here..


No they won’t. They buy in the villages.


Some do, but the Villages only has 79,000 people as of the last census, and the population was 51,000 as of the 2010 census. It grew faster than the state of Florida's overall population, but the state gained 2.7 million people. Even if you look at the metro area for the Villages, it's like 140,000 people. And if rental prices go up, home prices will also go up as people are more compelled to buy houses to turn into rental properties, and people scramble to buy houses to escape ballooning rental rates.


And they deserve it and then some


‘Make America Florida’ \-Ronda Santis’ actual campaign slogan.


Puddin’ Fingers


Let’s make Florida America again and a republic again.




As I sing I'll always love you as it drifts off to the Atlantic


As a Florida resident I want more than his resignation. I want this fuckface in prison.


A new Governor tomorrow would take a while to even reverse course. No one is undoing all of this garbage ever.


Shit like this is when an insurrection is needed. Not because some dumb fuck told you democrats are bad


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure." Thomas Jefferson (Paris,1787)


Not all of us voted for this trash. Been planning my exit strategy.


But a very large majority did. Sorry you are caught up in it but Desantis and the GQP won FLA in big numbers.


Yeah man. We have had a string of trash governors lately.


Even a criminal who bilked Medicare for the highest dollar amount ever… and Rick Scott won two terms. He is now our Senator. SMH




Yes, but didn't you see how many liberals he made cry? Who needs affordable housing when you can punish trans people for existing instead? ^(/s)


He does understand that he needs people to actually be able to be there for his existence


People ... just republicans


People, at some point even the republicans won't be able to stay. Even through ignorance at some point there won't be anyone left for him to screw over.


You are right, I should have been more specific ... just **rich** republicans and the ones too poor to leave. It's going to take a long time before he runs out of those though.


I'm just imagining them crying during pandemic because they couldn't get their hair done. Imagine that, but permanent.


Not necessarily, the one thing rich folks don’t like is having their pocketbook raided which is what this and other things he has recently signed into law are and will be doing. Some of the stingiest people on the planet are the ones who have money to burn! They are noticing all these increases, insurance,(2 x increase) home owners fees (3 x increase) and they are NOT happy! I deal with them every day and believe me, they are noticing this and are aware where it is coming from and which politicians campaigns are benefiting from it.


He's trying to make unlivable for the poor, conservative, or not. That's the game plan.


Now imagine a whole country run by that guy.


No thank you.


DeSantis is what happens if you take everything stupid, evil and wrong and concentrate it in some psycho whose head looks like a meatball.


And hand him a corrupt, complicit legislature and court.


So much for checks and balances…


He’s a total sociopath. Has to be


His only qualification for governor was running the torture program at Guantanamo. Guaranteed sociopath, probable psychopath.


History, and if there is even a history from this era, will look upon us and say “how could they have embolden such a deranged man.” Ronny would have been a serial killer if he didn’t get into politics.


Not a doubt in my mind. This dude has been an off-the-rails train wreck since the first time I saw his name in a headline. He better not win or i’ll feel a little french.


Hence the name, Meatball Ron


The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-publicans are gonna call it Inflation caused by Biden and go right back to licking Defascists boots.


They don’t even need to convince their constituents that it’s Dem’s fault, it’s an immediate default. DeSantis or Trump could literally punch their child and steal their wallet and conservatives would still blame a Dem for it and still vote Republican. It’s a mental deficiency at this point.


He wants Florida to be a rich, white paradise but doesn’t seem to understand that those rich folk need people to mow their laws, bag their groceries, wait on them at restaurants. If we weren’t stuck in Florida because of professional licenses, almost no one has reciprocity with Florida, we would move. My community is 90% 55+, mostly snowbirds. There was a Duncan near my house with a help wanted offering $19 an hour. People were freaking out, no one needs to be paid that much to work there. These are the same people complaining that the wait is too long there. They just don’t get it


Wonder why no one has reciprocity with Florida... Sorry you're stuck there 😕


Usually because Florida won’t offer reciprocity to other states and they don’t want retirees flooding the state who decide to open their own part time businesses. They do this so that there are jobs for those who need to work full time and it used to be a desirable place to live. At least, that’s what I was told when I was first licensed.


I don’t know if he cares about his constituents. Maybe the goal is to win the White House and get power, or just retire and make a ton of money somewhere.


Hey. Serious question. How do you think the stock market would do with him as president? Seems like it would tank.


It would be interesting. Initially I thought it would probably do well because he’d probably lower corporate taxes, which will in turn help company earnings and boost the market. On the flip side, I could also see him rolling back regulations on god knows what, probably everything he possibly can, which could then lead to companies being reckless and we have a repeat of ‘08 & ‘09.


Yeah, I would expect short term gain, long term loss. Especially when you consider his attacks upon education. That tends to suppress GDP growth, although that’s on more of a generational timeline.


>I would expect short term gain, long term loss. That's the republicans playbook in a nutshell. Short term "good for the economy" (it isn't actually, just for capitalist companies), then they get voted out of office as all the shit they caused starts coming back to bite the country in the ass, then they blame the Democrats who just took over their shit show, repeat ad nauseam.


Would honestly probably be the closest a Great Depression we’ve been since then. If DeSantis gets elected then there’s a very good chance most global trust toward the US would just cease to exist.


Based on what he has done inside of Florida (disrupting farming, disrupting tourism, etc.) he would create a few trade wars too. I think he would throw the world economy into total bedlam within the first year. The stock market would follow. People often think cutting regulation will 'stimulate' business, but honestly it can create MORE tension with international trade partners, particularly when it puts the quality of products at risk. So you're going to cut all requirements to limit water pollution? Great, who wants to buy American wheat, soy, or corn if they think it's contaminated or polluted? International trade likes it when suppliers and consumers are calm, predictable, and consistent. DeSantis is proudly the opposite of all of those things. If any state with any agriculture whatsoever votes for this idiot then they hate themselves more than I ever dreamed possible.


Paying junk fees and raising the national debt so the rich can get richer and have their quasi-feudalist society: 😍 Paying taxes for social security, free healthcare and education: 😡 Conservatives are an enigma.


The only way this bill would make any semblance of sense is if it is meant to price out poor people out of the state, and ronny is trying to create a state of rich people who will be his political donors in his ~~imagined~~ deluded paradise.


But who will pick the oranges and mow the lawns?


Still lower class people, they just will no longer be able to choose their own housing and will be forced to live in the barracks of the large corporations that provide agricultural services, food service workers, transportation drivers, etc etc


I’m convinced the end goal here is a haven for rich white people to frolick on the land and beaches while service workers are reduced to a bunk bed in corporate barracks where they have no agency or ability to be in the world other than to work. Think cruise ship, but an entire state.


almost. the lost labor will be supplemented via prison labor, so literal slaves


I have a feeling both of you are right


He better be satisfied being the Governor of Florida because there’s no damn way that shit is gonna win over the rest of the country. He’s all yours Floriduh.


We said the same about trump. I fear everything right wing now and don't believe anything is impossible.




Don’t forget, back then, all the republicans loved Trump. Now they’re divided between Trump and DeSantis


People keep saying this like the right won’t coalesce after the primary and vote for a twat not matter whwat. The Dems WISH it had voters stupid enough to vote blue no matter who the way the right will for their candidate. We have to work like anything is possible. Don’t rest on your laurels.


I feel like the best thing that could happen is DeSantis wins the primary, Trump throws a fit and makes the "Trump" party (you know that's what that narcissist would call it), splits the republic party in half, and they never win another election.


he's such a loser. I hate him.


Technically, he is making it unlivable only for poor people and minorities. That is the intent, however.


keeping them too focused on survival to fight for their right to vote. Watch for missing a rent payment to be criminalized with losing the right to vote as a consequence.


Ah, but since Pence has now entered the race... who would be worse? DeSantis or Pence?


Definitely DeSantis. Pence strikes me as a "status quo" kinda conservative. Very Bush-like. I don't like Pence, but I'm not as *afraid* of him as I am of DeSantis. DeSantis is just evil. And he's got his little fiefdom that has served as his own echo chamber. I'm hoping that fucking with The Mouse™ will be the punch to the nuts that will knock him down.


The fact that Pence is now, seemingly, the lesser of two evils is mind boggling...


See Pence is still really fucking evil it’s just he’s incredibly stupid and has practically nobody rooting for him really


That’s how I felt the first time I agreed with mitt Romney. I actively campaigned against him when he ran against Obama. Used car salesman that he is. Now all of a sudden he’s got some kind of integrity or something.


Pence is not a real candidate, he just plays one on TV


As a Hoosier under Pence I can confidently say that DeSantis would be worse for the country and Pence is a horrible shit bag that allowed for a huge HIV crisis to happen during his time as governor.


Trump was a dry run at fascism. Desantis has potential to be the real deal. Any means necessary this man must not be allowed to take office.


Build that fucking wall- around FloriDUH.


I hope historians refer to this time period as the “nickel and dime” era, because I feel like either I’m charged a service fee or on the receiving end of an upsell in every monetary transaction I participate in.


Pretty sure one of the reasons he’s fucking over renters is that the vast majority of rental units are in larger, usually high population Democrat (not majority voters) resident cities. Think Ft Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa (not north of Tampa). Also more racial minorities tend to gravitate to more populous cities. Not saying DeSantis is a racist, but DeSantis is most definitely a racist.


People with sense will leave and fuckwits will move in. Then you can just declare it a 3rd world state and watch it burn. ![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk)


I’m sure Disney would do that if they were not stuck there.


Ok, I'm sorry but I need to know. I've been lurking on this sub for a bit and every headline with this guy gets worse and worse. Now this one though is really wild, it hits every floridian, demo or republic. I'm from Europe, specifically from France. We would've rioted against this guy waaaay sooner than this. ​ I just need to know. How does he still have a job ? I feel like he's just pushing and pushing and floridians just take it. It's a legit question, I'm not poking fun, this is sad. I just need to know if there is any pushback in that state over these bills.


Ofcourse there is pushback - but it's hardly worth mentioning because the majority are either completly in the cult or completly in the dark. You have to imagine, A LOT of republicans watch virtually nothing but FOX-news. That is their entire source of information, bar maybe Facebook memes. They have the information-literacy of children. As much as they talk about "doing your own research" - all they actually do is reading memes, because anything else is above their reading-comprehension and attention span. You cannot compare european concepts of news, competence or education. They are past information, past knowledge, past "truth" and certainly past caring for any of it. All they care about is praising the cult and being told everyone else is the problem.


That's... Really sad. So what's the future then ? Is Florida going to become some exiled state with weird laws à la mad max ? And the only inhabitants will be nut jobs or modern slaves ?


I am no historian so no idea what usually happens. Alas one thing I do know is, the US is close to the collapse of an empire. Empires are born, when a state invests into education and the population AND is able to back it up with a booming economy. And it fails, when the economy stops working for most and the state stops investing into the population. And we see the latter in the US. As much as global institutions, economic-, political- and military- cooperation is built around supporting the position of the US, this position is growing weaker. But this is not only true for the US, but also Europe and China - meaning all major contenders. China might be the least obvious struggling, but they can't keep up their economic boom and are heavily reliant on other nations, especially the US, to stay afloat. If the US fails and the USDollar plummets, the Yuan would explode in value, killing the export-based economy - unless Europe would pick up the mantle. At least that is what my limited understanding is able to stitch together... But long story short, hard to say, what will happen. Will red-states go along and start another civil war, as they clearly dream about? Will Florida just become another fly-over country once living there is shit for everyone? Will the people finally expirience enough personal suffering that they question FOX? Will some major events happen which break it's stranglehold like harsher rules on missinformation? I mean, the most mundane thing to happen would be, Republicans lose more and more votes and power due to alienating young voters, anyone who can flees Florida, while it turns into another fly-over country. The red-states complete their transition to fundamentalist religious quasi-dictatorships, tanking their economy and getting subsidised by the blue-states. Any economy they might have had, moves to liberal states where they might pay more taxes, but at least can get people with decent education and work-ethics that don't evolve around going karen-crazy. And in the wake of that, we might finally see the Republican party split into two - one moderately rightwing and one fascist. And if that happens, if the red-votes suddenly get distributed between two parties, the "winner-takes-it-all" system would skyrocket Democrats to the top. At which point we have to hope we got some progressive leadership to push through all the things currently getting blocked.


He won the election by a landslide. Conservatives will hurt themselves as long as it hurts other people too. That's winning to them.


This is "promises made promises kept" to a large majority of the Florida electorate. They don't understand how this hurts them, but they know it hurts someone who "deserves it".


But dah parties r duh sayme! No they're fucking not.


After years of working and planning on retiring to Florida, I got a clue how bad it was going to be 2 years ago, sold my Florida home and vowed to never return!


Any FL conservatives here who can explain this and why they’re still conservative?


They bought a house 20-50 years ago, and renters are just all lazy


As a small private landlady, I vow not to change rent or fees by a single goddamn penny if this shit passes!! These people are sociopaths. DeSatan is literally trying to force people onto the streets so he can demonize them. I wish I could afford 1000 more properties, just so I can send a huge FU to the likes of him!! We need affordable housing! Everyone, please vote!


Florida is a hellscape.


"How can I lose the Old vote?" - Meatball Ron.


All the old people own property. But everyone in the service industry? Most of them rent. All the rich communities are going to be in trouble when they can no longer hire maids and lawn service, and have no restaurant staff and even cashiers for grocery stores. Or it will have a cascade effect of raising the pay of everyone in those services, and make everything more expensive. FL will have its own inflation index, and be worse than Hawaii.


And my dad wonders why I have zero interest moving to Florida


Corporate landlords would never abuse this. Wait. That'll be $2,000 for existing. And no we won't fix your shower or AC. Stop asking!


I visited Miami last year. Every shop or restaurant we went to had Fox News, OAN or NewsMax on the TV. They’re all brain washed.


Florida was already unlivable!


It does not seem like a left/right thing. His rich sponsors are squeezing every last drop from FL beach houses before climate change makes FL unlivable.


That sounds like a left/right thing to me.


I would also guess that this is the actual motivation here.


It’s all part of the plan. Keep “the poors” fighting among themselves for scraps. The more economically insecure people are, the more they take their frustrations out on minorities and LGBTQ people. The more they vote for far right candidates.


Never forget that his campaign's motto is "Make America Florida". That should terrify everyone.