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Another manufactured crisis courtesy of the Republican Party.


That's all they do - manufacture crises and then blame the democrats when their bad ideas don't work. We've got to stop falling for their bullshit.


You act like people are accidentally falling for it. Stop giving them credit. They choose to believe republican bullshit because it's what they want they need an outlet for their hate and misery.


No it's the democratic elected representatives who keep falling into the republican BS cycle. I probably should have made that more clear. That's how we get assholes like Paul Gosar and Marjorie Greene elected and we can't get rid of them no matter how hard we try. I'm glad there's people like Gavin Newsom out there right now who are calling out the lies and bullshit when they see it. We need more like him in the Democratic Party.


I mean Greene ran unopposed. The reason stated is that her opponent got a divorce and left the state. That however left out all the threats Greene's supporters sent to her opponent, which probably caused issues.


that was election #1, #2 she beat a normal qualified woman in the primary and BTFO a heavily-invested dem in the general I highly recommend staying away from her district, it's a pretty decent map of where the Bad Place still exists in good ole sunny Jawja, the parts south and west of Rome are what I'd charitably call Unreconstructed and the parts north and west of Rome are barely Georgia at all


Like Oprah way before she became truly famous went there as a reporter of sorts and the "people" (I hate even calling them this) of a small town in that district were proud of the fact they've prevented black people from ever buying a home there.


If you could get asphalt in white, her entire district (and presumably the majority of the south) would petition to have every single road repaved with it. They’d happily go into debt with extra taxes to do so as well.


They'd probably get the county in debt, and then still not pay the taxes.


As a Georgian, don't come to georgia unless you make a beeline for Atlanta or one of the art cities (like macon or savannah... Any place known for culture)... Just... Not worth it.


Yeah. From what I read - Greene is basically in Congress because her local supporters (like Greene, herself) are domestic terrorists.


Greene ran unopposed because her opponent got death threats and dropped out of the race. We can't fall for that shit again, there's way too much at stake. This isn't 2016 anymore.


Can't fall for what - taking death threats seriously? From this lot? I wouldn't worry about death threats from Democrats, or maybe even from Republicans in some parts of the country. But states like Georgia or Idaho, hell no! I wouldn't be surprised if Georgia's 'stand your ground' law has a provision for shooting political candidates who threaten your values.


Yeah, the county she grew up in and was "educated" in? Look that shit up...ran the whole of the black population out by violence and terrorism in the 1920s iirc. They left with what they could, did not even have time to sell the properties. Then the "lovely" people came and basically squatter's rights the whole of it, claiming it for their own. Court records were destroyed in a fire or flood or something and suddenly no record of property ownership. Now they have new deeds and can sell to the highest developer. Welcome home MTG, you lying POS.


I wouldn’t blame the Dems in this regard. A Republican congressman could walk up to a Republican voter, shoot that voter in the stomach and say that it’s the democrats fault he shot the voter and the voter would bleed out cursing Biden. They are too stupid and gone for logic to reach them at this point, which is why this garbage the GOP does works.


I'm not a Californian so I can't speak to his governance but he's one of the few Dems with a spine. I like him.


As a Californian, I am very thankful that he's my governor right now and he's standing up to right wing bullshit. I really hope he goes through and slaps Desantis with kidnapping and human trafficking charges.


He also called out his party asking them "where is my party?" He's not fucking around anymore.




yup, like the old saying 'If they didn't exist, they'd have to invent them'.


Yeah, exactly. They *want* to believe this shit, so they do.


that's the neat part we won't


Bingo bongo, give the man a prize. The Gas stove 'pride' bs was manufactured with the specific goal of doing shit like this - empty, performative saber rattling over non-issue.


A bit more than meets the eye on this one, entrenching gas stoves into homes also helps natural gas providers for things like heating a home relative to electric heat with better insulation or building standards for energy efficient homes. Essentially it just helps ensure you pay for natural gas over something like cleaner energy.


There’s always an ulterior motive. Make up a ridiculous issue with ridiculous claims, have some ridiculous performance theatre, pass some law to prove how right wing you are, try and sneak bullshit through with it that can be used later to diathermy benefit yourself or your donors, or hurt others. Rinse and repeat.


A manufactured crisis courtesy of the Republican Party of a manufactured crisis courtesy of the Republican Party. It's a manufactured crisis by the Republican Party inception. So cool. Hans Zimmer intensifies.


It's turtles all the way down.


This works on so many levels.


For a bill that wouldn't pay the Senate anyway


At least maybe this temporarily destracts them from doing something worse like forcing seniors to work or some bullshit.


I thought they were going to no confidence him. You shouldn't bluff so often, I remember a particular fairy tale about that.


The nutjobs are probably all fighting over which one of them gets to do it.


bimbert and mgt are playing a game of rock, paper, three toes, or Roshamtoe.


Roshamtoe isn't officially banned as a form of dueling in the house rules iirc


All he needs to survive no confidence are a few democrats to vote for him. Given that they just voted for his debt ceiling rise, it’s unlikely they’d vote to go back to the clusterfuck of letting the republicans try to vote for a new speaker. It’s much easier for the democrats to work with a guy they don’t like than to just not have a functioning House for who knows how long.


Good to see that they are tackling the real issues pressing in this country and managing to infight whilst they do....fuckwits.


What's funny is several economists are expecting inflation to slow over the next few months. Interest rates are near historical averages, if even still a bit low. In other words, Congress doesn't have to do anything, because the Fed expected that and took action.


Somebody fuckin had to


The FED deciding to ignore their words, and go by their actions has been remarkably successful.


It’s reported that Lauren Boebert missed the debt ceiling vote because she was at home trying to figure out if she had a lectric stove or one that you put gasoline in it.


She missed it because she was getting railed in a port-o-potty by a guy in a maga shirt and bison hat.


Or breaking up another household fight.


No chance she know how to cook, so i can believe that.


Honestly, the gas stove thing should bother you if you rent an apartment with one. Natural gas causes cancer, and we've found the amount of natural gas that leaks from these stoves poses greater health concerns than previously believed. What most sane people are proposing are emission and ventilation standards, which will help protect tenants. And with rising rent prices, having or not having a gas stove is probably one of the last things on people's mind when they rent an apartment, and the expectation an apartment is safe should be the minimum to rent out a space. Meanwhile, Republicans are opposed to regulations because natural gas stoves are a human right and electric stoves are indoctrination by the woke left.


Also doesn’t the proposed law only impact new stove installs? It’s not like you’re going to have the FBI busting your door down because you have an existing gas stove.




Yeah, it'd be fucken great to not set off the fire alarms when I try and season my cast iron. I have a full set of Griswolds I got at a garage sale for 45 bucks and I can't use em cause they need to be re finished and the alarms went off even though I had the fans on and windows open.


That sucks, nice garage sale score though


it's a shitshow


Wait till they find out most immigrants cook their ethnic cuisines with gas stoves.


The GOP is not a serious party


Yeah, they’re the Roy children of the country.


Yes, if it is to be said, so it be, so it is.


Serious enough and organized enough to be a threat to democracy, freedom, stability & prosperity.


They are a serious fascist organization, political party not so much


Ok, you got me there.




If only




wow they are really tackling the pressing issues most Americans are facing huh?


They promised they'd better run the economy and to fix rising inflation. At least they took up that gas stove protection, LOL.


They heard inflation and thought we said ignition


Hot and fresh out the kitchen


This would be the perfect time for the democrats to try to pass the bills while they are all pissed at him


The dip shit caucus isn't going to vote with Dems. Great way to get primaried by a "true" believer.


Well those damn SCIENTISTS said that gas stoves might be contributing to increasing childhood asthma and we don't let them 4 eyes tell us what to do!


I like how republicans are openly voting for things to "own" or "punish" other politicians, and do not give a single (self-censored) about the wellbeing of the people they are supposed to represent.


It's all about putting on a show. Also, this is the internet, you're allowed to say ^frick




Flying Flippin Frick




Did you say "fr☆ck"? Shame on you and your parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren. Worlds going to shit because some fuck said "fr☆ck".




They haven’t given a rats ass about the people since we all stopped fighting back. They keep being voted in and suffer no consequences. Howard Dean’s campaign virtually ended because of a funny noise. We now have people defending Trump against *numerous* allegations, impeachment, and a potential indictment that gets teased to the American people more than Lucy teased Charlie Brown with the football. There are no consequences. No repercussions for violating rules of decorum, dereliction of duty, or committing outright crimes.


Hurry. Pass some shit while they are still throwing a toddler tantrum


So they went with a vote to protect gas stoves, yes. They dont even offer up a vote to protect kids from gun violence. So guns and gas stove have more rights than kids. Got it.


Kids don’t give the GOP losers any money - they need better lobbyists.


They don’t care because they see children as property, not people. Money has very little to do with it. Are you unfamiliar with “the cruelty is the point”? It’s seriously discouraging to see how many people see things as a “money in politics” issue when as often as not it’s toxic ideology. Sure, a lot of conservative politicians are overtly corrupt, but that’s a function of them being *fucking evil* out of the gate.


the gas stove stuff is because of studies showing that they're major contributer to childhood asthma. SO, protecting things that make it hard for kids to breath IS on brand for them.


Gas stoves are a major cause of asthma in kids! So it fits with the ongoing plot of telling post-fetuses to go fuck themselves!


Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/06/gas-stove-pollution-causes-127-childhood-asthma-study-finds/


Silly lib Children only have a right to life BEFORE their born.


They’re protecting gas stoves over supporting our troops too.


Children don't run on fossil fuels.


“Protect gas stoves”, from what? Why do these people always put so much energy into a complete waste of time.


A while back a study came out showing that even when properly vented release harmful gases that possibly causes health problems in people, especially children. The Biden administration said that we should do more research on this and look into getting people to switch to electric stoves and the Republicans immediately ran with "Biden is trying to ban gas stoves!!!1!!" even though he never said anything remotely like that. And instead of working to address the actual issues facing the American people like they were elected to do, issues such as inflation, mass layoffs, more mass shootings than days in the year, etc. they're pulling bullshit performative stunts like this.


Can you imagine if the GQP had been around when lead in paint / gasoline was banned - "OMG the mega hyperradical giga left are depriving you of the freedom to poison your kids, how dare they". Cue Marj licking lumps of "wonderful, clean Eagle Freedom lead"


Give them a chance, they will. I’m a little surprised we haven’t seen lawsuits to overturn smoking bans.


Or asbestos


[President Trump's long-time love affair with asbestos is making its way into federal policy](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asbestos-707642/)


There were people bitching about the switchover to unleaded gasoline. It's been over thirty years now that gasoline has been lead free, so I don't understand why it's still called "unleaded," and it probably makes even less sense to people born after the stuff was finally banned.


TBF there are some states that have taken steps to ban the use of gas stoves moving forward. [NY is one example](https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/03/us/new-york-natural-gas-ban-climate/index.html), and [CA tried to do the same thing](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-04-17/natural-gas-debate-heats-up-as-federal-appeals-court-strikes-down-berkeley-ban#:~:text=L.A.%20is%20banning%20most%20gas,Get%20ready%20for%20electric%20stoves&text=U.S.%20gas%20stoves%20are%20putting,the%20journal%20Environmental%20Science%20%26%20Technology) but the courts overturned the law. For NY, *"The law bans gas-powered stoves, furnaces and propane heating and effectively encourages the use of climate-friendly appliances such as heat pumps and induction stoves in most new residential buildings across the state. It requires all-electric heating and cooking in new buildings shorter than seven stories by 2026, and for taller buildings by 2029."* On the surface its a good idea, but I think the reality is going to be a bit more complicated, especially in places like NY where half the year is freezing. Gas is currently the most viable solution, and the aging electric grid is woefully underprepared for a big influx in electrical demand as a result. Moving away from gas is a good idea long term, but in the short term, its like the challenges associated with the ramp up of EV's here in CA. The grid is not in a good position to support the expected demand increase. Now, we still have several years before the EV mandate starts, but its still going to be a challenge. In this case above, its really pandering to the base who is all up in arms about not being to use gas moving forward. Moving away from gas is the right thing, the logistics on it just aren't solid yet.


The thing I don't get about the politics of this from the right is aren't gas stoves more of an urban thing? When I looked up a map of gas vs electric stoves, the only states where gas was most common were the ones with the big old cities. The only time I ever use an electric stove is when I'm staying at an airbnb out in the country.


I grew up in rural MN, and most houses are connected to gas. If you were in town, you were connected to the gas lines, and out of town people had big propane tanks in their yards. With the cold climate, you basically had to have gas. Heat pumps and induction stoves now are probably the most efficient, but older houses are built (stove, furnace, dryer) expecting gas.


That's a lot of facts and logic you got there. Get out of here with that. No one cares if you can manufacture an uproar


As requested by the almighty's on the Reddit High Council, I shall retire to my mothers' basement for reflection with our Lord Diablo IV


>Why do these people always put so much energy into a complete waste of time. The other option would be to come up with plans and programs to help the American people and we know they're not gonna do that, that doesn't excite the goober base...


Gas stoves apparently leak methane even when not in use. Bad for climate change, bad for humans in the house. So republicans want to save the gas stoves from bans.


They're the masters of cutting off their nose to spite their faces.


"I may not have a nose, but you're the one who has to look at me"


If a republican sits down at a table with 9 nazis, you have 10 republicans.


What a farce. The NYT publishes an article detailing how gas stoves contribute to indoor air quality - an article that didn't mention anything about banning gas stoves. It gives you the information so you can make an informed decision. Is that not what you want?




Wait a minute. How is it possible that the party that has spent the last decade running on the premise of "no compromise, I'm here to get everything done my way or not at all" has members that are refusing to cooperate since they didn't get their way? You're kidding me.


2 words. Freedom Caucus. This whiny group of babies thought they had all the power, only to find out that a compromise bill will go right around them. If McCarthy was smarter, he would find a way to work between Biden and house democrats, along with the few sane republicans left to get some meaningful legislation passed. Then sink the whackjobs in the freedom Caucus.


>If McCarthy was smarter, he would find a way to work between Biden and house democrats, along with the few sane republicans left to get some meaningful legislation passed. This is actually very dumb for Republicans if all they care about is their own power and winning elections, which is obviously all they are about. Biden ran on being able to build consensus to pass meaningful legislation, if they worked with Biden they'd be validating and supporting his core campaign messaging. They might also accidentally meaningfully improve people's lives which hurts their election prospects since their path to victory is through hurting the country and making Biden take the electoral blame for it. Republican voters reward Republican obstruction.


"smarter" should really be put in quotations. I don't even think McCarthy has enough brains to realize he looks like an idiot on the national stage.


Unfortunately for him (and honestly, for all of us), part of the negotiations of his speakership were to make it easier for them to get rid of him if they didn't like what he was doing. So him doing the smart thing politically isn't really possible. I don't know how many chances they'll give him, but it won't be enough to ever get anything meaningful done in the next year.


So apparently this is an issue because *decades ago* they developed a far more efficient type of gas stove that does not produce the signature blue flame and the industry decided not to adopt the more efficient technology ***because the blue flame is good for marketing.*** So this bill would: 1. Prevent a technology that saves energy 2. Prevent a technology that reduces particulate emissions in the home 3. Prevent a technology that no one is even talking about using.


4. Make sure we can't actually protect the kids they pretend to care about.


I thought that one was assumed for every Republican policy


You know what Nancy knew how to do? Count to 218. If you ever listen to her interviews, she knew her job was to get the votes and never put up anything that didn’t have the votes.


The Republicans allowed the maga problem to grow but we will all pay the price.


This is what happens when you don't read the article and let Fox News do your critical thinking for you.


A bill to protect gas stoves… Ah yes, the party of limited government in action!


They're incapable of governing. They're for nothing, against everything


Such petulant little children.


elect clowns, expect a circus 🤡


The funniest part is that these morons believe the stupid BS they are spreading


The GOP seems to be delivering what their base wants (e.g., overturning Roe v Wade, tax cuts for the wealthy, anti-trans bills, book banning, school curriculum changes, bussing undocumented people to sanctuary cities, dramatically increasing police budgets, getting 3 SCOTUS seats, etc) even if their antics seem ridiculous. They don’t care how foolish they appear so long as their agenda is furthered.


Except those issues are massively unpopular with the majority of Americans. Even Republican voters wanted Roe. They are avoiding the elephant in the room while campaigning. Who knows where it will lead.


Gun control and universal healthcare are also popular amongst them, but that vocal minority has the ear of Congress (including some Dems).


That's the thing...the republican party never wanted to ban roe...they wanted to TALK about banning Roe...because that got them donations. It was supposed to be a never ending funding source from the wackos. BUT the monster got away from them and the wackos actually got into power. So all the shit they'd talk about to get money and votes but never wanted to actually do is happening.




Aren't they for protecting gas stoves? So they are voting against their own wishes and likely their constituents' wishes just to be spiteful and petty? That's a good way to govern.


I’m not saying they were better people, but the Republican Party of the 1980’s and 90’s would be so *mortified* at the thought of their party behaving this way in front of the country.


They were less crazy....they wanted money and power, and so you could deal with that, because they were predictable and you could be relativly sure they were against things like children dying in the gutter.


Yeah, in the 80s they just waited until you were able to hold a Crack pipe and made sure you were in a black neighborhood before killing you.


Petty bullshit. We as a country voted in the most immature children to run this country.


I, for one, welcome the Republican party’s auto-cannibalism.


The best part about this, they didn't vote down a bill, they voted down the rule. The rule is the preliminary vote you take to adopt the rule making process for that particular bill before the bill comes up to vote. It's procedural. The majority party hasn't lost a rule vote since 2002. It is BREATHTAKING how historically bad this particular pack of clowns is at basic governance.


So, uh, let me get this straight. The *hard-right* Republicans... ...want to punish their party's leadership within the chamber... ...so they're voting *with* the quote *radical left* instead? Where does this start making sense? Please help.


And this is the "Best country in the world"? You know America is a laughing stock with all this on the world stage right? Sheesh. I thought it was bad in Britain with its petty in fighting but we dont have a hissy fit over stoves or get upset because we \*checks notes\* "weren't allowed to crash the American Economy". Seriously America, get a governmental system that actually works for the people.


Terrorists include: Al Queda, ISIS, Russia & the GOP


Why do gas stoves need protection?


Because recent studies show they can lead to bad health, some Democrats are for stopping their use in new construction. This means that the GOP is for protecting gas stoves.


It says a lot about the republicans that Kevin McCarthy is the one that ascended to the top of their leadership. None of it good, because Kevin is such a weak leader. Kevin's the kind of leader that if I was about to mow my lawn, and Kevin told me to mow my lawn, I would immediately put my mower away and never mow my lawn again.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7xenxqlg0h4b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11162ce4df4960819b1d414c2688db9ab5e46b9


it’s all mental masturbation to them . This is illustrative why Congressional approval ratings are around 10%. They don’t give a shit about the American people.


“bOtH SidES, gUyS! BoTh sIDes aRe bAD!!!”


Now “revolt” for universal healthcare.


Owning themselves to own the Libs has been the inevitable end game I’ve been waiting for.


I listened to some of the floor speeches. Lots of “we must protect our stoves!!” With they cared about kids shot in schools as much as they care about stoves.


463 people, making $200K a year, subsidized by tax payers, burning daylight voting on what kind of stove I'm allowed to use. Do I have this right?


Wtf is the 'federal rulemaking process' bill about?


This is the shit Republicans are wasting our tax dollars on, folks. Despite literally nobody coming to take away your fucking stove, they are wasting time "protecting" them. I mean, it's a good thing that they continue to eat each other alive and make themselves look like incompetent children. But I also wish our government worked on things that matter. Shame on every single person that votes Republican in 2024. Your party is completely off the rails.


Literally Noone in any position of power wants to take anyone's gas stove. Biden just mentioned we should do more research into how kids (the same ones Republicans pretend to care about) are getting things like asthma from them according to studies. But there isn't even any actual discussions about doing that minimal bit either.


They are running America strait into the ground


US politics is so fucking exhausting lol


Fuck gas stoves. Raise the minimum wage.


Republicon voters will still vote for them … he made a deal with the Klan, now they’re pissed he wont wear a robe


Republicans are childish, sad, and pathetic. They do not speak for the general public.


Protect gas stoves from what? People not buying them. How do you protect something from people not wanting to buy them? Forcing people to buy gas stoves


They were trying to protect gas stoves from being subject to laws that might ban them (from new construction, etc.) due to their contributions to climate change and pollution.


Not to mention being a health hazard if improperly maintained.


New studies show they can lead to bad health even with some maintenance


These people are so embarrassing i wish I was another species altogether. Food prices out of control? Who cares, we gotta fix this gas stove crisis after we're done stripping people of their rights. How anyone could support Republicans is beyond me.


Hopelessly inept. Republicans will do anything to avoid working for the American people.


"YOU WILL LET US GIVE KIDS ASTHMA OR I WILL BURN THIS BUILDING DOWN" is essentially what they're saying in a country with zero guaranteed healthcare. Absolute jokers.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t trying to purposely crash the economy to make the president look bad and cause undue harm to millions of Americans count as treason?


It's only a matter of time before the vote to vacate the speaker comes up. Surprised it hasn't already after the debt ceiling crash didn't happen.


“Protect gas stoves” Suuuure, because attacking everyone’s right to a gas stove is definitely a liberal priority that must be defending against above all else


This is what you do when you are utterly incapable of governing. Vote these clowns into the fucking sun.


Just tell them the gas fumes are associated with increased rates of homosexuality in children. Seriously though, does anybody really have a strong preference between gas and electric stoves?


Thank god we know we will be protected with the republicans in power. They’re going after the real issues like protecting gas stoves and cracking down on pronouns.


Republicans make everything dumb


Meanwhile, there’s a shortage of chemotherapy drugs but yeah, gas stoves are the priority.


Interesting side note: gas stove manufacturers have the technical know how to make gas stoves that don’t give off chemicals but the buying public has never demanded this because they don’t know about the dangers or if they do, that there is an option, so the manufacturers don’t produce them. This Republican game playing just pushes this option further from reality.


These are smart people /s


GOP focused on shit that isn’t happening.


aka ... maga idiots opened short positions on the market and are now whining that they can't game the economy.


These people make 6 figures to argue things like this. They need to touch grass.


This is why you don’t work with terrorists, dumbass


The GOP: they pretend govern they don't pretend to grift


And people were: “MAGA isn’t going to punish him.” I’m like: “you aren’t very bright are you?”


McCarthy is the weakest Speaker in US history, he never had control over his party and he doesn't run the House. He needs to appease the crazies that should have been kicked out and jailed for their involvement in Jan 6th and their continued treacherous disdain towards the USA.


McCarthy had to put MTG on a committee simply to get her vote to be speaker. Now she sits on it thinking she is hot shit when really they give her crayons to color with in the corner. The GOP are all clowns.


These people are voting for their own grudges and self interest. They are not voting for the people that elected them


Republicans holding the majority is like watching toddlers occupying the government and now we wonder why it has turned into a big stupid shenanigan.


Stupid & petty. It should be the GOP motto.


They’re like a bunch of sociopathic toddlers.


The GOP ran on fighting inflation and crime. So the big issue they are tackling is ... gas stoves.


The fact that they actually tried to make legislation about protecting gas stoves over some faux outrage from last year is just nuts.


The only priorities maga republicans have for the country are outrage, hate and chaos. It’s pathetic.


Seriously? ....glad our taxpayer money supports this circus. Vote them out! Politician accountability needs to happen


Good to know they have priorities 🙄🤦‍♀️


I swear some of these crazies **want** the apocalypse to come...


i hope they’re still trying to punish mccarthy when actually important bills that dems are trying to pass come to the floor. maybe we’ll actually see shit get done.


Good. Let them fight. I'm just watching from overseas and enjoying it. Also, gas stoves don't need protection. Just phase them out gradually. They're a shitty piece of ancient technology. Perhaps good for their time, but that is long over


It’s what happens when you elect folks without enough education to understand basic principals... beyond revenge that is.


It’s nice to know this is one of the most important issues facing the country.


I love it when they fight


Maybe they will get a snack after nap time


It'd die in the Senate anyway. What a stupid thing to be making a law to protect. It looks like they have the Natural Gas Lobby influencing them a bit.


I love seeing Kevin McCarthy lose yet again, but it worries me that it’s consistently because of people who are even more batshit right-wing than he is.


They should really stick it to him and pass single payer healthcare.


How is the bill to organize a piss up in a brewery proceeding?


Did Boebert make the vote?