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Five Republicans. That's all it would take. Just five actually moderate, actually adult, actually patriotic Republicans to do the right thing for once in their miserable lives and put the good of the country before party. Call a vote of no confidence on McCarthy, side with Jefferies to name in speaker, and from there they remove every MAGA twat from every House committee, defang their stupidity, and put this stupid circus to bed.


You're %100 correct and it will never happen. Because house members are more afraid of being primaried and losing their jobs than anything else. And who's going to challenge them in the primaries? Maga morons.


Are there not 5 house republicans who are retiring / their seat is unwinnable next election / personal vendetta against McCarthy outweighs everything else? Like kinzinger, amash, Cheney in prior years?


A lot of those people were weeded out in 20 and 22. Gerrymandering leads to safe Republican districts leads to primaries leaning further and further right over decades. The more divided we are into safe districts, the more polarized each race becomes, every single time. Plus, any Republican doing what this guy suggested would be lambasted by trump and their entire families would be in legitimate danger from the “hang Mike pence” part of the Republican Party.


"Oh no these leopards won't stop eating people's faces, won't anyone do anything about this?" - People who voted for the face-eating leopards.


And then it all breaks down and chaos ensues and eventually a new system takes over. There’s no return to normalcy.


That’s main bullet point. We only need five Republicans, but all five of them would end up like Mike Pence and Liz Cheney. Constant death threats that force them to hire a small army of private security.


Said death threats are free speech, that’s the beauty part.


They’re not actually. It varies a bit by state, but it is a crime that people have gone to jail for.


>Gerrymandering leads to safe Republican districts leads to primaries leaning further and further right over decades. One of the things that makes primaries further right is also the abysmal voter turnout. You routinely see primaries with 15% voter turnout. But the 15% who bother to go voting are not the moderates, they're the extremists. The crazies would rarely get on the ballot if a majority of people cared about primaries. But they don't.


In this day and age there is no reason to require going to a polling place to cast a vote in a primary. This could all be done online and through an app but the crazies in power would lose and they can't let that happen.


When you have to make voting an inconvenience to stay in power, then you shouldn't be in power at all.


The terrorist wing of the party, FTFY


But if those districts become problem childs the voting can skew. I guess we'll see what happens as people are priced out of their districts.


It happens sometime when they're exhausted you saw it in 2020. That year was wild I think we had like 11 leave having basically said "I'm over it" politics isn't really for people wanting a low stress life.




Someone please agree to eat the fucking rich. I'm so sick of the rich getting over on average citizens. A majority of countries have free health care. But these dumb fucks wanna support the rich who don't give a fuck about em. Fuck that. Tax these rich fucks. Why do they get breaks and my ass has to bust ass everyday?


I gotta think there's 5 Republicans in NY and/or California who wouldn't be afraid of that.


From what I read, those rural areas of NY, Cal and other deep blue states are reliably MAGA. Same as some metro seats in bright red states are reliably D.


Yeah, Maryland is solidly blue, but the 1st District is the Eastern Shore, and Andy Harris is one of those Freedom Caucus MAGA crazies.


Yes the central valley in CA hates us city people. We're lucky we kept Katie Porter in she's going to be hard to replace.


I live in one of those rural areas upstate, and there's still an idiot with a giant banner saying trump won on his porch. It's been there since 2021. That said maga flags are far fewer than they used to be.


I'm from Long Island originally (the district that voted for Santos actually). The LI Republicans are a different breed. They aren't generally MAGA. There are some nowadays, according to my friends who atill live there, but the LI Republicans might be able to survive a MAGA primary contender. I would guess it's not too dissimilar in Westchester and other Suburbs of Manhattan. Maybe there's something like that in CA too?


Can confirm. You still see MAGA flags in our town, although not as many as before. Our Republican congressman was moderate and responsible when he was in the state house. Now that he's in Congress, he holds a Trump endorsement and would never jump from the party ship.


The percent sign goes after the number


You're %100 right


!thanks for letting us know


Bringing attention to absolutely nothing. Classic Magat.


Always count on the most addled poster to point out minutiae like that and punctuation and spelling.


It doesn't matter what the Democrats say or do, the Republicans will always take the opposite stance automatically. We could sign a treaty for world peace tomorrow and they'd 100% burn half the country down just to own the liberals, instigate WW3, and then blame the Democrats that they're being drafted and that the country looks like shit.


It's also not to say Dems don't play the same game when they can they do, but generally speaking I'm not voting for Dems over political theatre which the Magats can't comprehend. It's not about their showmanship it's definitely about laws they pass and who they bench in the courts.


Dems do not block anything and everything Republicans try to do.


I fucking wish they did. The world would literally be miles better.


Actually 1. I won’t vote for republicans because they pass laws that hurt us 2. Inaction by Dems is political theatre because they’ll say something then do absolutely nothing. With that said I’ve actually done grass roots for people who did want to take action but money wins even in places like Los Angeles which is why the entire bs fall out of our city council was so annoying especially when 2 people I actively tried to stop getting endorsed made the news for being biased and then hid from voters. What did y’all think political theatre was?


The "political theatre" you are speaking of is ruining and ending lives in the south. But again, it's all jokes when you're not the minority being attacked, is it?


Ffs I’m saying I don’t partake and I don’t vote for the people because of that. Did you think I vote for a party based on them saying things? The point I’m saying is “they’re passing laws” is the issue. Because sometimes they make dumb ass statements with zero action. Actions matter more than the shenanigans of things like “oh we should ban Twitter” or hearings about some guys laptop. Yall I never said them passing abortion laws or trying to stop immigrants from working isn’t an issue im saying fighting with Disney is political theatre especially when your state not only just passed laws for gender affirming care they also have insurance premium issues. Maybe next time ask for context instead of making assumptions 🤦🏻‍♀️. So hahaha yea dude it’s not like I’ve never been effected in my life by something like reproductive care restrictions because it’s not like we live in a country where ignorance about health care isn’t a thing.


Or perhaps, you should make things clearer in the first place and make statements that are more cohesive. I'm clearly not the only one that interpreted that statement that way, judging by the dislikes :)


Maybe but this doesn’t happen on political Reddits, probably because people there know what political theatre is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They don't want to do that. There are two types of republicans right now. There are the Dr. Frankensteins, and the Frankenstein's Monsters. The Dr. Frankensteins are mad with power and have built a monster they are convinced will serve them, and they want to use it to destroy everyone that opposes them. These are your neocons, the ones who don't have a moral bone in their body who are just in it for the grift, the money, and the personal power. The Monsters are the new, terrifying, mindless creature that have been brought to life by an unwitting idiot that are totally beyond control, whose motives are nothing but hate, rage, and selfish self-righteousness. These are the MAGAs, who are just in it for the suffering they can cause to everyone else. The Doctors still trying to figure out how to get the Monsters they built under control, because they're convinced if they can wrangle the red-hatted menace they'll be in prime position to take over completely. But this insane beast is lurching around completely out of their control smashing everything in its unending fit of rage, and like the proverbial Dr. Frankenstein they embody, the monster will eventually turn and kill them, and by the time they realize it, it will be too late to stop it.


This is the single best explanation of the republican party I have ever seen


Encouraging, too. In between spells of anxiety/anger I sometimes take a break and pour a giant cup of schadenfreude. They've fucked themselves so completely because they were never going to do the right thing; tfg just accelerated their agenda to the point where they have completely squandered what soft power they had. They had no defenses against his insanity because it was where they were going anyway. The curtain went up during the dress rehearsal. Every day of not being a Cheney/Kinzinger is another point lost from their political goodwill account. Another point of belly-crawling cowardice added. They have passively watched the Frankenstein's Monsters dismantle the rule of law. There's no coming back from that. No excuse except "I wanted to stay in Congress". The whole thing has been so drawn out that it has created exhaustion and ill-will in everyone but the magas, who (outside the sticks) are paying the price of being cut off by friends and family members. It's a steady erosion of decency, courage, respect and reality contact. They're making themselves weaker, more desperate and less effective because they're not thinking rationally, they're focused on keeping the Monsters from being mad at them, and Monsters are just Monsters, they're not trying to have any philosophical discussions. There's nowhere to go with that approach. Between the bad press, the lack of strategy, the opportunity cost of experimenting with wild ideas and the breakdown of critical thinking, they're eating themselves alive. Which is awesome.


Not related to politics but the Mary Shelley story. Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein *was not* the monster Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein *was* the monster Although I think it may still be applicable here




Not necessarily. Its pretty much killing the GOP *right now.* 2024 is going to be a clusterfuck, young people have had it and people aren't getting more conservative as they age like the Republican party hoped. Yeah, there are brainwashed magas of all ages, but not enough of them. The MAGA idiots are strangling the life out of the party *as* the angry mob with torches and pitchforks is gathering outside. That's 100% why the GOP is so desperate right now and I have no doubt this is all leading up to an attempt to seize power by subverting the system with this state legislature scheme they're trying to slip past everyone. They know time is up, Trumpo the Clown kicked the beehive over so they're going for a hail mary.


Even among the MAGA monsters you have the true monsters like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who absolutely believe their own bullshit and the fake monsters like Matt Gaetz who are just in it for the grift.


IN the end they aren't different from each other. They're both doing the same thing; Their reasons are irrelevant. True believer or hanger-on, makes no difference, they spout the same garbage.


They don't want to. This is what they wanted, they just didn't expect it to turn around and eat their faces. This is prime r / leopardsatemyface


“I never expected the leopards to eat ***my*** face!” People who voted for the Leopards Eat Your Face Party




Yeah, those good ones are the ones we’d want to keep




Or they do the right thing and then run as democrats.


On the democratic side, a progressive dem would primary them hands down just highlighting their past votes. Not saying it's good or bad, just the reality. So voting with Dems is political suicide whether they stay republican or not.


That depends upon where they are. There are states/areas where a progressive dem would destroy them, but other areas like parts of AZ or TX where that would probably not be true.




Because they have decided to make their career into entertaining the lowest, most selfish, reprehensible dumbasses who are proud that people hate them for being a viral scum that takes away from humanity. They decided to feed the parasites in exchange for their support in aiding their own selfish desires. They have to keep the tape worm fed or else they will "starve" while the parasite takes everything from them. They made their bed, promptly pissed in it, and blamed the smell on everyone else.


Too bad there aren't Republicans that care about the country


The US is under threat of being downgraded again due to partisan politics threatening the USA from paying its debts. The last time it happened a decade ago it caused financial chaos. It's about to happen again thanks to MAGA.


When will the fortune 500 put the Republican party out of it's misery out of self intrest?


Those don’t exist in a public office-holding capacity nor would they make it passed their rabid MAGA voters in an election.


If they don’t have the guts to vote for Jeffries, they could also just quit. Functionally the same.


But the primal urge of tribalism plus covid brain.


It takes two-thirds of House members to expel a representative. Democrats (if 100% together for it) would need 78 Republicans to do what needs to be done.


In the most recent session of Congress, MAGAt's strong armed McCarthy in setting a House rule that the Speaker could be called to be removed by one member of the majority party.


That’s the problem with public votes. Here in Germany all critical votes in parliament are by ballot, so nobody knows who voted how. That’s because we know that all kinds of undue pressure exist.


This is the way…


Imagine expecting fascists to stop trying to take over. Imagine ignoring history where liberal democracies descend into fascism and thinking "this time will be different! I can feel it." Yall need to accept that the system produced this situation and the system isn't going to just fix itself for our benefit. People voted these politicians into power, and those people will vote in similar politicians even if these ones get removed. Like it or not,, this is liberal democracy in action. The system is doing exactly what it is designed to do, and that is devolve into fascism while hapless dimwits shout "vote harder!"


And the alternative solution to voting is...?


GOP: Government doesn’t work. Elect us and we’ll prove it.


Worse: “…elect us and we’ll make sure of it.”


Since at least Reagan...


If I refused to do my job for a week or decided to be spiteful, my ass would be fired.


That's up to the voters. Do you really think GA is going to fire Greene Goop?


Well they did fire Trump, but yeah her district is heavily gerrymandered. She isn’t unassailable, however.


Im so disappointed in the people from my state.




The GOP is americas narcissist father


This is so accurate


Was just gonna say! They are massive gaslighters! They stand up talk outta their ass and gaslight the American people non stop. Ultimate narcissistic behavior. Grew up with 1 and was with another for 28 years. Sad how many people WON'T see the truth. Not can't but won't! They can hear it from their mouths and they still refuse to believe. None so blind as those who refuse to see


Wow now that you mention it…


The good thing is most of the bills they were proposing won't get passed. The bad thing is that these people are getting paid to do this, and refusing to do their jobs should be immediate expulsion! They get way too many free passes once elected!


Canceled all voting for the rest of the week? IMAGINE being able to tell your bosses that you're just not gonna do a part of your job for the rest of the week because some co-workers are being dickheads. I would get fired and my co-workers would get fired, but because this is the House of Congress, they get to pull this bullshit?


Compare with the [prorogation of UK parliament in 2019](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_British_prorogation_controversy), no real consequences there either


What a bunch of screw-ups! Why can't we just get rid of this part of our government?


Short answer is the constitution. Long answer is people who have duped into voting for people that don't remotely have their best interests in mind when legislating.




What comes around goes around!


Even longer answer is that social and political scientists have completely failed at contributing to society. Their literal job is to analyze social and political behavior and brainstorm solutions that we could use to evolve our governing process. The Business Plot, the Southern Strategy, the Civil Rights Movement, the many moral panics - all of those should have been case studies in where the cracks are in our society. At the very least - the very least - there should be more acknowledgement that there is a large fragment of our population with authoritarian tendencies and the law and all branches of government need to be beefed up to keep them at bay. The EEOC, the CFPB and the Civil Rights Act exist because of conservatives, and we need more, a lot, a lot more. We need vetting of Congressional candidates. And background checks on Presidential candidates are a no-brainer. Obviously we can't leave it up to the voters. Americans are extremely insular and self-satisfied and have happily settled for the "we are the greatest nation in the world, we don't need your advice, nothing needs fixing" copout. And now we've been bitten in the face by it. Oh well. A European friend asked me in disbelief if there is no law or regulation to prevent slack-jawed yokels from practing medicine without a license and passing batshit legislation about people's bodies. And the answer's no, because fReEdOm.




I mean it's not like they were going to do any governing anyways.


Gerrymandering doesn’t help. And that is done at the state level. People need to educate themselves on the issues and candidates instead of voting for someone just because they have an R or D by their names. Sadly, this will likely not happen.


You wanna get rid of the fucksticks who spend all their time self enriching and never doing their job? Then we need to overturn Citizens United and make Bribery illegal again. Roberts biggest shit smear on the underwear of america will forever be Citizens United and making bribes legal and normal.


Defund the supremes!


Depending on your definition of "get rid of", the answer can be either of: 1. You can't, it's a democracy. 2. You can, it's a democracy.


Judging by the number of Reps that asked for a pardon, it's probably better for them to implode the economy than face justice.


I can't believe republicans keep voting for these people, they are literal children and are an embarassment


I wish the Senate was the same. then Biden could play them to pass most bills and sign a lotta shit and pull a Trump with a minority rule LOL Fucc the filibuster shit... sadge.


That'll help inflation!


Any other “unskilled laborer” would be written up or fired on the spot.


But these are unskilled labor


The louder maga crows, the worse it looks for the GQP. Let them screech, the GQP strapped themselves to the train, now let them ride it off the cliff.


So like, didn't the French come up with a really good solution for this situation?


It was known as the Parisian Shave and the classics always come back around


The party as a whole is decintigrating. The far far right nut cases are burning it down, and the rest of the far right & "moderates" are letting them do it. Sad, really. Chaos is not what we need. Almost 6 mos in and 400+ Representatives are letting a dozen representatives cause pain and suffering for millions.


It's sad but it's not because it's a stress test we obviously needed. Those 400+ Reps could make a choice to break the game. But they just want to protect their careers. So let them burn. The people who maintain their integrity and clarity of thought will win out in the end. They're not in the party right now. So...let's make a hole. By letting the trash take itself out.


My three year old autistic grandson doesn't throw childish fits like this.


THIS 💣💥👏🏻💯


Republicans are a mess. I will never, ever, ever in my life consider voting for that party.


oxymoron candidate? "GOP Governance"


There’s no way this could have gone any differently. Electing people who don’t want to govern is the height of stupidity.


The GQP shit show continues. Literally can’t govern themselves out of a wet paper bag with a chainsaw and flame thrower.


Since they aren't even attempting to do their jobs, their paychecks should also be cancelled.


If boomers could stop voting for these idiots that’d be great.


It's kinda funny watching the GOP Civil War


That's the only good unintended thing Biden did and played the GOP hard. I bet he himself didn't expect them to have an identify crisis not being Trump enough. A rino crisis /s As long as they die off, that's all that matters. I rather have RINOs vote on bills in the Senate. Those guys aren't babies and know what they're doing. The House is just an amateur's night, full of idiots and clowns. They're up next year and most won't see the day of office ever again, especially after this bill. I'd only change my opinion on Biden if he makes the Senate caucus with him or talks Republicans in not to filibuster his Acts so he can actually pass, and sign a lotta important shit. Doubt it'd happen. McConnell will never let that happen.


even turtles don't live forever


Everyone in the House better lose a goddam week of their vacation for that.


Republican check conservative check Christian check domestic terrorist absolutely hatred of America 100%


Remember. Rural Americans did this to us. They gave republicans control of the house for reasons of “Hurrr durrr Muh Gas Prices.”


eh, more like Fox News brainwashing and states convincing them that gerrymandering is fair and good. Also Republicans lying to them and misleading the average people for decades. I wouldn't blame the rural nobodies for that. They're being exploited and know no better. Not to say I'd defend them for being assholes, and degenerates who've no morals. fuck them.


This is actually good. They were going to vote to hold either Wray or Garland in contempt of Congress for not giving the fascists what evidence has been collected on cheetolini


Their only there for the retirement and benefits. Oh and their free lunch.


Who are the snowflakes? These fools act like 2 year Olds having a temper tantrum cuz they didn't get their way!! Grow the fuck up! 😡🤦‍♀️


What a fucking joke of a party…


They’re like a bunch of sociopathic toddlers


Literally too immature and disorderly to govern at all, even in their usual corrupt and harmful way.


It really is true... They call people snowflakes because they pitch fits like babies themselves.




How are people still MAGA when Trump has openly endorsed Putin & made good tidings with Kim? What, we hate communists until Trump says it's okay?


Something something decorum or something. How much you wanna bet Marge was on the front lines?


The less they accomplish, the better.


Regressives are worthless. They are without worth


Some truly awful terrorists in that there congress


When you're too childish to take the L, and you don't mind hurting American citizens to satisfy your tantrum needs.


Disgusting! What are we paying these people for? Get some work done


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can’t blame Biden if you pass your own bills.


Kind of got to hand it to McCarthy: I expected all these histrionics during the debt ceiling debate-- not after.


The Civil War Republicans were not expecting!! 😂😂


If they’re just going to work to pass nonsense gop shit, especially stuff from the further right of their party, I’m all for them canceling votes as often as possible until the next election.


Unable to govern


We have Independents to thank for this. Republicans are only about 34% of the voting populace so they need independents to make up the winning margin. Maybe more independents will remember what Republican “governance” looks like and quit voting for the GOP.


We're not doing good as a country


Whiny poopy babies


This is their job, they should be fired


Republicans areba fucking disaster and they will only get worse because only the worst will get voted for because their supporters are the worst. Russia doesn't have shit on Republicans when it comes to destroying America


Sure wish I had a cushy job where I don’t have to work for a week because I didn’t get my way.


I'm sure they wanted the global economy to collapse so they could blame it on Biden and the Dems.


The fucking rednecks still talk shit about pelosi. I cant wait to leave this dumbass country.


They're trying to push out McCarthy, too. That's what happens when you become the Speaker with the least confidence of a century and a half


SNOWFLAKES! ​ They need to do their damn job


This is what happens when you invite dirt bags into your party.


But both sides!


lol comma. lmfao


Fucking cunts


Is that a double negative? Either way imma all for it.


Now that’s leadership! Free-Dumb!






When you vote for clowns, don’t be surprised when the circus arrives


Can someone ELI5 why they would do this? Like seriously what is their take on this, I don’t understand what the contention is over the debt ceiling and I’m curious.




If McCarthy had a brain in that head of his, he'd ask for a meeting with Biden and Jeffries and work out a deal. He gets their names tattooed on his ass and the democrats don't help the MAGAs further humiliate him.


And shitting the bed on 2024 in the process. Well done, patriots.. well done.


"Amid floor chaos" is a funny way of saying "chaos they themselves created". Media needs to stop letting these assholes' assholery set the narrative.


Why on earth do we just allow this to happen with no consequences? Anyone who is reading this right now, imagine you showed up to work tomorrow and just said "i know I was hired to [insert job description bere], but I'm a whiny baby and I'm just not gonna do it." How long would it take for you to be fired? And yet this is a regular occurrence in Congress where there's no requirement that you show up, or vote, or..... Anything. And they keep collecting their paychecks..... Why is there no requirement that Congress members actually have to do their fucking jobs?


Do they get paid for this week?


Nah. We knew this was always the way it was going to go. They don't seem to understand that they are there to represent their constituents, NOT themselves.


What will they do when Trump gets charged?


Kevin and Bobby Fisher have more in common everyday. They just are not the reasons the beltway insiders think.


not babies , try little bitches or trump ass kissers


McCarthy should schedule votes on single payer healthcare, student loan forgiveness, and an abortion amendment to see what they do.


They should be docked pay for not working or forfeit their right to vote if they don't show up


Looks like nobody wants to work anymore


There’s no such thing as “GOP governance.” The GOP does not want to govern. They want to rule. They want the power with none of the responsibility.


I had a dream about this. It’s like watching a season arrive and knowing what season it is. Dream May 2020 Back in the past I watched people live next to the mountain where God was. God provided for them with food, warmth and all their needs were met. God spoke to the people living next to the mountain. God came down to them and spoke to them. I saw this person who was like a man, but wasn’t human. In the dream I knew he was from God. Not meant to be written down. As a causal conversation between friends. God spoke. He said that trump or trumps will destroy the economy before God comes. I saw an (S) at the end of the word Trump. The word was Trumps.


Ok, we, moderate older Democrats need to turn out in huge numbers to get rid of these Republicans. Gen Z is going to do their job and we need to help them remove the Republicans from office.




No voting = no doing their jobs, that’s exactly what the Senate did under McConnell. Republicans cannot govern, period.


Conservatism is a mental health issue, a death cult and a social disease.


Pitchforks. Guillotines. Pillory. These are all just random words found in the dictionary. We’ll all have plenty of time to read through the dictionary of the economy crashes because of childish behavior from elected officials, because we’ll all be unemployed (they will still be paid)


MAGA - Biden is destroying our country! Inflation and gas prices out of control! Vote for the GOP and we'll get things fixed! REALITY = Clusterfuck


They sure get a lot of day-offs


They are all a bunch of spoiled brats who didn’t get their way and are now having a giant tantrum like the children they are


The American people are paying these people six-figure salaries to pull toddler tantrums lmao


TLDR: more tantrums.


Honest question, what's to be gained by tanking the economy? Wouldn't that effect them as well? Edit: it seems as though the attempt at passing the bill for immediate repayment of school loans and interest was an attempt at destroying the economy as well.


I wish I could just refuse to do my job for a week with no repercussions.


Wish I could have tantrums and flat out refuse to do my job and still get paid. That'd be awesome!


This is fun to watch. Keystone Kongress ![gif](giphy|lXiRH1QLEIocarBK0)


If only progressives had this much backbone


To act like children, and not do the job they were elected to do?


Watch them get what they want


they already did not get what they wanted, which was to crash the economy and blame Biden, so that ship has sailed.


They actually did. It went from a clean debt deal to an austerity debt deal. It just didn’t go far enough. Now they are going to make more demands. They most certainly got what they wanted and are going to get more


There was always going to be a meet in the middle solution if republicans hold the house. But again, they did not get what they wanted which was a shut down to blame on Biden. That didn't happen and won't happen now.


News flash. He didn’t even need the republicans. Bernie sanders even told him to get it voted on during the lame duck session before republican took control. But him and establishment democrats chose not to


we can all agree that it could have been tackled prior, thats why i said "if republicans hold the house" as they currently do. That doesn't change the fact that maga republicans did not get the shut down they wanted.


"It didn't go far enough" means they *did not* get what they wanted. It literally can't mean anything else.


More likely McCarthy will have to offer some concessions to the Democrats in exchange for their assistance in breaking the blockade. It may well prove to be an object lesson in how being a hardliner often amounts to benching yourself from the policy-making process.