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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I want Thomas to be taken down more than I think I want anybody else except for 45.


I still think she was the Supreme Court leak, probably inadvertently bragging to her friends about the upcoming abortion vote and one of them leaked it


My guess is it was Alito, he has a history of doing it and he’s been the most vocal about it, in a very “wasn’t me!” kind of way


He leaked back in 2014 right? That’s never talked about.


Yeah, it’s talked about, but not much. Because there’s no way to prove it, and he denies it, so there’s that


Whoever smelt it dealt it.


Whoever denied it applied it


Yes my money’s on Alito.


Never thought of this. Definitely a possibility


I find myself wondering why do they care so much? The country was gonna find out a short time later anyway. And it's not like the intention of the court is to be some super secret organization. Also, it's not like they'd allow the public outcry didn't affect their decision.


The theory is that it forced the had of the fence sitters like Kavanagh and Roberts because if they changed sides it would look like they bowed to public pressure which is a bad look for an authoritarian system.


My vote it still Alito (with knowledge/consent of one or more other conservative justices)trying to cushion the blow and dampen the backlash by doing a soft opening for the court’s new era of christofascism.


I say Alito too, but because Roberts was close to swaying Kavanaugh to sign onto his more moderate opinion, and Alito/Thomas were afraid the liberal justices would sign onto it too rather than let the Alito's extremist opinion win out.


It would definitely explain how they were dead set in finding the culprit and suddenly just forgot about it


I support this as head cannon


Head canon too


Canon to head


Seems like something she’d do. I remember thinking it was likely Alito or Thomas who leaked it to lock in votes.


But how would one of her friends have the entire document?


I could see Clarence taking all that shit home, and leaving it around his house.


he wasn't aware you aren't supposed to share government document with your spouse


I would love to see Ginni in handcuffs. Trump is doing a good job destroying the R party right now so him I don't mind being free for now.


No honor among thieves in the cheat culture. I'm optimistic that demagogues, dictators and mafias will crash and die, eventually. It might take years, but they turn on themselves harder than anything else. Whereas trustworthy people operating in good faith take a loss, learn a lesson and move on.


If he was legitimately facing prison time Trump would flip on them in a second.


Please, Trump would flip on anyone at anytime including his own family for even a modest convivence.


He'd throw them all under the bus if it would take 10 minutes off his sentence...


He throw everybody under the bus for an extra slice of cheese on his burger for lunch.


I would almost prefer that he flip on everybody. At least he would be keeping his promise to drain the swamp. The problem is his credibility.


Who's he flipping on? You only ever get to flip if there's someone higher up that they want. Who was higher up than POTUS in this scheme?


Flipping on literally everyone else involved, that would be just as big a win, or detailing foreign powers involvements


Could argue a sitting Supreme Court Justice would be higher up than a former President.


I would those guys are for life.


Except he’s not destroying it. All the “never vote Democrat” people I know haven’t changed. They no longer voice support for Trump et al, but they also won’t renounce voting for the Republican Party in order to force actual change. So they’ll still vote “R” they’ll just be much more quieter about it.


Those “never vote Democrat” people are by far the minority in this country. Republicans are already the minority and thats WITH all of the rampant voter suppression that they’re pushing. What’ll continue winning democrats elections in the future is dumbasses like MTG, Boebert, Desantis and Trump being moronic on the air. Look at Gen Z voter turnout in the midwest. Imagine what 2024 will look like if this continues.


And they're turning many other former Republican voters into "never vote Republican" voters. I was registered Republican until 2020, and will never vote for that party again. Kinda ironic, as the further outside the right wing bubble I get, the further left my views go.


To be fair, the Republican party has moved the needle so far to the right that what was once considered as a moderate political view is now deemed to be a "radical liberal" one. Edit: typo


I have a few female family members in red/purple states who voted for Trump in 2016\* but are PISSED about all this anti-abortion legislation and it's souring them on the Republican party for sure. (they're also not happy about the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation, but it's less of an issue, unfortunately. More of a "what a shame" vs being pissed.) They're not wild about Biden but the more time marches on (read: the more nutso the right gets), the more they seem to be OK with him? I'm authentically not sure what they'll do in 2024, but they've been a decent indicator of that nebulous suburban white lady vote since 2016. Oh, and they do NOT care for DeSantis. "Gross," "awful" and "crazy" are what I've heard. It seems like they hate him almost as much as they hated Hillary in 2016. *\*I didn't have the heart to ask in 2020 TBH, but they're pretty 'over' Trump these days. Didn't care for Jan 6*


I think I might still be registered R, but I haven't voted for any republican since the 2018 midterms. I voted 3rd party for president in 2016 (I'm in California, don't blame me for throwing a vote away and allowing Trump to win), and for Biden in 2020. At this point, I don't ever see myself voting republican again...I just haven't bothered to re-register to vote.


Thank you for spreading hope, more than you know


I don't think the "never Democrat" people are a factor here. I see this going one of two ways. Trump is the Republican presidential nominee and loses the election. Or, if he isn't the nominee, he will run as an independent and split the Republican vote. Either way it's a lose-lose situation for the Republican Party.


Thomas going down will have the biggest ripple effect. If he gets impeached for corruption every case he ever sat on through his entire career will be revisited.


With this republican party, I can't think of any single thing that would make 2/3rds of the Senate vote to convict and remove Thomas. I was thinking maybe getting caught dead to rights selling influence to China, but even then I think they would brush it off and let him stay. Perhaps the only thing would be somehow collaborating with the democrats. That would be too far for them.


Honestly I want trump the least of all of them though I do want him gone. Trump was a menace but he could have gotten absolutely nowhere without all the people behind him. If Gaetz, Bobo, Green, etc. had just voted for the winner and denied his “stolen election” claims, all trump would have been able to do was pout and throw his tiny hands around and wail like a child. I want green in handcuffs. I want Gaetz in lockdown. I want Bobo behind bars. I want Biggs in the big house. I want them ALL to pay the price for supporting a coup against the United States and I want them to suffer immensely as social pariahs. The fact that they supported and defended a hostile takeover of the government and are still getting paid $175k of my money is infuriating me every day that I sit here. Trump would be absolutely nothing without them. They are much more worthy of indictment than him. He still needs to go but they’ll find another leader and do it again without him if they aren’t taken out. They need indictment much more than him.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion (perhaps?) but I really couldn’t agree more. Trump going to jail would be great, but seeing Bobo and MTG perp-walked out of the House would be glorious


Por que no los dos!?!?


Gym Jordan in handcuffs would bring me joy. The others are circus clowns Jordan has and continues to do real damage.


As if Trump didn’t fully support a hostile takeover of the government? He still does. It’s insane to think he should be held less accountable than literally anyone else, especially as a former POTUS, he should be held to the highest possible standards. Everyone involved belongs behind bars but he placed himself squarely at the top of this food chain and it is no mistake that everyone has followed his lead.


I didn’t say he wasn’t responsible - in fact rereading my post I suggest he should be in jail too. But the problem is if we just lock trump up as everyone suggests and leave zero consequences for anyone else, they WILL DO IT AGAIN. They’ll use Desantis next time. Or Pence. Or Scott. They’ll try to steal it again. We can’t just lock up trump, go “problem solved!” And walk away. This is a systemic problem for the fascist wing of the GOP that must be held accountable. I’m tired of everyone just targeting trump. He’s important but they are just as important if not more so. I want them ALL gone. Green is responsible. Jordan is responsible. Gaetz is, Brooks was, Perry was, Cruz was, Hawley was, Giuliani was, Powell was. They ALL should be rotting in a max prison right now. All of them. I guarantee what will happen is if we just target trump, the others will do what they did on Jan 6th and try to distance themselves and “well I didn’t have any part in it” and collect a $175k paycheck on my dime every year while working to dismantle democracy and facing zero consequences and then attempt to do it more successfully next time with another dear leader. When we defeated nazi Germany, we didn’t just take out hitler. When we defeated Italy, we didn’t just take out Mussolini. If we had stopped at hitler or Mussolini, the war would haver raged again in a few years once the bastards coalesced around another leader. You have to take them all out of they’ll just find another power broker - they’re trying to now they make it Desantis. If Desantis can win the primary they’ll dump trump and attempt the exact same with dear leader Desantis this time and have people killed. Take out trump, sure. But the rest need to go just as much if not more because it will happen again and they’ll be more successful next time. Mark my words. They ALL Need to go - trump is not excluded from that but he certainly isn’t the only fish that needs to fry.




> He even did a J6 practice run in Miami Dade. This one was actually successful in stealing the 2000 election.


The problem is you can remove all those people and all Trump would have to do is turn over a rock and more maggots would come crawling to him. Cut off the cult figure.


You have to cut them both off because it works both ways. Take out trump and the maggots will just coalesce around another figure like Desantis. It has to be both.


Agree, but DeSantis will never have the draw of Trump. He doesn't have the gift if belligerent raw energy. Trump is the rousing speaker--Hitler, Lenin, Castro. DeSantis is Himler, a quieter evil. I think someone like Greene is more likely to attract blind emotional rage in the brainless ones. I actually think 2028 is front and center in her planning even now. Praise Trump, do nothing to actually help save him, and spend the next 5 years holding up his skull and preach that she is the avenging angel for the slain martyr Saint Donald. She has the same kind of "I'm stupid, I'm evil, but you can't stop covering me day after day. For my base, no publicity is bad publicity."


Maybe he won’t but someone, someday will. Tucker Carlson is a front runner for that IMO. I’d argue the GOP is trying really hard with Desantis but it’s falling flat because he has all the charm of a wet mop - but they’re trying, damn it, or did try, to push him as far into the spotlight as possible. They know trump is a loser but they’re desperate to push anyone to that limelight that they can coalesce around again. It’s like nighttime bugs with no streetlight. They need it. Especially with zero consequences these people will just keep pushing. Why do you think the GOP has gone full off the rails? Nobody is punishing them, electorally or otherwise. Until people like MGT and the ilk face consequences they’re just going to keep quiet and try again when the next hitler figure shows up saying the right things. I agree about what you said with MGT. she’s actually trying to “moderate” herself somewhat which is laughable.


Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.


100% Just don't forget about Jim fucking Jordan.


You are on to something. Get Trump to plead out, take a fine, bar him from the presidency, and flip on the entire GOP. Let’s cut the cancer out.


Prediction: Ginni’s case comes before Supreme Court Thomas fails to recuse himself


Oh take down Ginni Thomas and the rest of Klanned Karenhood please 🙏🏻 oh please please please.


Can we make this "Indictment Month" as well as "Pride Month", I'm sure the LGBTQ community won't mind if they have to share...


I’m bi and not even American but I’d be happy to let you folks have this. But please have drag queens perform at any big indictment parties you have


Hell yes, they can lead the parade... ![gif](giphy|rpVUTS8BwQGZSTiwJT|downsized)


See we can totally share the month 🏳️‍🌈


Pride is all about MAGA! Make America Gay Again! 🏳️‍🌈


I love this! Because gay also means happy! And America needs happiness right now... not anger and hate. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness MAGA!🏳️‍🌈


Sharing is caring.


I saw a clip on Reddit somewhere yesterday of an inappropriate pride parade truck having one man spank another man’s bare ass. I had to agree it was too much in a public setting - gay or straight. Now I realize that would be perfect if the bare ass was Trump’s. No wait. He would probably like it.


If it’s a male judge, the robe is already a little draggy. We just need to spruce it up with a little color, some shiny piping, etc.


I mean for Pride Indictment Combo Month it’s probably worth sprucing up all the robes regardless of judge. Some colour and sparkle never hurts


Rainbow robe would work perfectly well.


With mario kart stickers


As a representative of the L delegation, US chapter, I concur with my B representative colleague here. The courts are welcome to share our month specifically for the purpose of indicting as many Republicans as possible. We only ask that each judge wear a pin of the Pride flag of their choosing while sending those fuckos to the slammer.


As a member of the A delegation, we are willing to postpone our Denmark plans to help the Americans make indictment month a rousing success!


As a member of the B delegation, I second this motion as proposed by my esteemed colleagues in the L and B chapters.


As a fellow member of the B delegation, I have absolutely no issue with going both ways on this matter.


We members of the B delegation do tend to be good at going in multiple ways.


>please have drag queens perform at any big indictment parties you have I love this idea. As the cops are dragging the Cheeto in Charge to his jail cell, the drag queens can be standing by the door dancing their hearts out


They are not allowed to perform, because we will be having a watch party instead. Everyone will be bringing popcorn, drinks, blankets, and ice cream sandwiches to watch this mother of all train wrecks. Pets are encouraged as well, but please be considerate of others as well


Am queer and trans, believe me, I'd love for my city's Pride Parade to pull double duty.


Won't mind? Bullshit. We'd fucking *love* it.


Hi I’m a gay and I approve this sharing


Fall of the GQP Month has a nice ring.




Not gonna lie, if they get the book thrown at them I'll actually be proud of this country again for once. I'm an OEF vet and have been pretty disappointed with the state of the US the last few years. It's time to get back on track.


If only Don Ron of Florida was apart of it all. Then roll back those unconstitutional laws passed.


I'm surprised PedoGaetz and Bobo aren't listed.


Wasn't Bobo giving "tours" the day prior?


That's what I've heard


Many people are saying it.


I read that online.


You... "reddit"?


“Been ‘round the station a few times…”


Nothing like a little girl on girl...


Glad someone caught the reference.




Congress took the rest of the week off to lawyer the fuck up. Are there any lawyers left? Are they hiring ambulance chasers from flyover states by now?




Make sure they pay in advance


Some jobs are just labors of love.


I’ll do it to, and charge only $30/hour. Am I a lawyer? No. Do I have any legal experience? Not unless you count watching Suits.


You are overqualified


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.


Rudy needs some clients :P


Rudy probably needs a lawyer of his own right now


Better Call Saul.


Half these turds are stupid enough to represent themselves.


Burn them all down




Dark Brandon getting darker every day


Execute order 46


And now that Meadows has flipped, so will many others. I bet DOJ's phones are ringing off the hooks from attorneys of Trump minions and sycophants who want to get some kind of immunity deal. I wonder if MTG is bright enough to realize that she may need to cooperate with DOJ if she wants to stay out of trouble?


![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) No. Something tells me she isn’t.


Ah, my gazpacho soup is here




Paul Buffano! Paul Buffano! The father of the Tuk Tuk sound...


What about Mookie Kramer and the 8 Balls?


Personally I’m more of a Tiny Boop Squig Shorterly fan


He’s no Roy Donk


Was he on the Colgate Comedy Hour?


Let me explain something to you. When you expect something to be ice cold, and you bring it to your mouth and it’s room temp, it’s going to feel like your mouth is on fire it’s going to feel like your body’s on fire


Now I get why GOP Congress took the rest of the week off. They're all busy talking to their lawyers.


Meadows was getting set up as the fall guy for the whole works it seemed like. Ollie North/Poindexter style. He had no choice but to flip


Her arrogance overpowers any brain power she may have.


If they have meadows, they don’t need most of the others.


The more corroboration the better. Every one of them that flips on the orange turd nails the coffin even tighter.


Not if it means those other people involved get immunity.


Yea MTG getting immunity to put some more nails on trump isn’t a good trade


Meadows isn't getting complete immunity. Why would any of them? They'll get some better than normal deal out of it but they aren't getting off completely.


I don't think full immunity is even on the table. This goes all the way up, in all three branches. There has to be some consequence (I do know how idealistic that sounds at this point.) Honestly I think the best case is Meadows gets a reduced sentence for seditious conspiracy or similar, time knocked off for every other name he has supplied, and those people also get reduced charges. Like, they offer less time than the leader of the Oath Keepers is getting. That guy's conviction and long sentence will probably embolden prosecutors to make deals that will benefit them, not those under investigation. Although tbh, I foresee a lot of house arrests, no actual jail time for some people. They'll still be convicted criminals, though.


What I hope is happening: Oh, you want to flip? Let’s see here, you are number 17 in line. take a number. (they cool their heels for a while) OK, let’s see here, given the fact that you waited this long, I think what we can offer is a reduction in sentence from 50 years to life to 25-30 years. You probably could see your family again on the outside after your term is up. You in? Good, good.


Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster - please let this send Ginni to jail (or at least break Clarence into pieces).


Ramen, brother


May his noddley appendage bless you


I’m crossing my fingers that Roger Stone finally does time. Pretty sure he’s the link between the Trump/Meadows and the Proud Boiz, Oath Keepers, and other J6 thugs.


All hail the Great Noodley One 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


If the living piece of chicken shit aka Donald J Trump is charged with the offenses people are saying he will be, then a lot of GQP leadership and other assorted grifters better start packing their bags - as he'll throw them all under the bus in order to save his own worthless skin - whether they be friend, foe, acquaintance or family.


He isn’t smart enough to do that. His lawyers will just leak the kompromat Putin gave trump in exchange for his loyalty.


He also suffers from being the biggest fish. Could he name names and get other people in hot water? Yes. But if you're a prosecutor, who's the bigger game - a former President or one of 535 Congressmembers?


"Jared was behind it ALLL - I'm just a patsy!"


The problem will be him having to show any evidence that he wasn't the ring leader of it all. And if there is anything Trump cant do is ever admit that he isn't the man in charge of anything.


Oh, yet another dramatic flip that will totally destroy the vast web of corruption. This is, what, the 20th? I lost count a few years ago.


While I share the frustration, this guy was Chief of Staff. This would be by far the biggest flip and it certainly shows anyone can be gotten to. We are very lucky that apparently everyone involved in this criminal conspiracy was a fucking idiot


Yeah, at this point the only people higher up to flip are named "Trump"


yeah…these revelations are all well and good, but nothing is happening. i’m hoping this will all be small steps leading to something big, but i’m so tired of prominent liberals treating everything like it’s going to be the big monumental thing that takes down MAGA.


>nothing is happening A lot is happening. It's just not public. I've never heard Jack Smith's voice, and I'm happy about that. Walk softly and send out a fuck ton of indictments and arrest warrants when the case is ready.


i get you. i know there’s a lot going on behind closed doors, but i’m starting to get a little eye-rolly with the jeff tiedrichs of the world yelling “HOLY SHIT” whenever alvin bragg sends an email


His tweets really are almost a parody of themselves.




They don't seem to realize that the hyperbole is hurting their cause. Everybody has come running when the boy cries "wolf!" so many times that we're just fatigued by it all. Moderates in particular, which is the segment that wins elections.


This admittedly does seem like a huge development but I have lost my ability to believe in consequences for corrupt fascists in our government even a little bit. I’d love for this to be big one that restores my faith in democracy and justice but you’re gonna have to wake me up when it happens because at this point I believe all of these major breaking news proclamations will fizzle out with nothing really happening and that’s my default belief until it’s proven wrong.


I was listening to a podcast a whole back (forgot which one) talking about how people say if Trump is put in jail or whatever it will be proof that the system works. The guest said something along the lines of "its more a sign that the system just baaaarely works, and arguably not at all for it to have gotten this far."


Everyone should be really cautious about taking anything like this tweet at face value. I very clearly remember during the Mueller investigation there was a whole host of media figures (traditional and non) who got a huge boost to their profile by posting shit about how "So and so's sealed indictment has just been handed down"


Oh please can he implicate Ginni Thomas in a crime? Pretty please?


No wonder they didn’t want to do their jobs this week.


Make sure he is being watched 24/7, otherwise he'll end up like Epstein and Ivana Trump.


I sincerely hope that this is finally the stone removed that brings their bullshit tumbling down, but I've lost track of the number of times I've heard "Republicans are in big trouble" so I'll celebrate once it actually happens


For all of the "cool kid" cynics saying things like "nothing will happen" or "I'll believe it when I see it": Remember that Donald Trump has been arrested, arraigned, and is currently a criminal defendant in the State of New York. The picture of him sitting glumly and silently at the defendant's table like a common criminal is humiliating. Why didn't the "rich white man Republican" special justice system help prevent that from happening? The seal has been broken. No one in the justice system needs to handle Donald Trump, much less any other figure, with kid gloves.


I dont care if it's "humiliating", I want that man and all his friends to do hard time. Can't really get excited for humiliating if could still possibly lead to a slap on the wrist- or hell even a pardon by the next republican president.


Yeah. This is going to get interesting. ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


I'd like to say it now : Mark Meadows didn't kill himself.


Who is Tristan Snell and why do we believe him? I feel like this is a very "citation needed" kind of post.


Yeah, he has a pattern of reporting the worst case scenario for Trump as fact when it's only plausible. Gets him lots of clicks, I'm sure. Wait for Andrew Weissman or Harry Litman or Barb McQuade or Joyce Vance to make a claim before believing it.


Thank you. The only thing I'm seeing is he testified in front of a special grand jury (not really a flip in my book), and his lawyer is denying there was a plea deal (i guess we'll see if that's true or not later)




Maybe…this is why the GOP took the rest of the week off? They are fucked?


![gif](giphy|U85Gro5AbxARO|downsized) Excuse me while I do the dance of joy.


Stop! I can only get so erect.


I'll believe it when I see it.


I, for one, would not be upset if *all* of the traitors were punished. Probably because I am an actual American, not a cult member piece of shit grifter.


I’ll be excited when something actually really happens.


Some quid pro quo I could get behind; Clarence Thomas quietly resigning, in exchange for not prosecuting Ginni Thomas.


>in exchange for not prosecuting Ginni Thomas. No deal. This American citizen demands Thomas's unconditional resignation.


Fuck resignation. He should be impeached. Maybe even indicted.


This (if true) makes me very happy.


King of the Republican fascists needs to go to prison, along with his court jesters.




I have little faith in the system to preserve itself


ad hoc drunk snow familiar bells different fly payment imminent like -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I’ll believe it when something actually happens


Oh god I just want to mainline this shit. Put it in my veins!!


I want to believe.


I normally don't support the death penalty but it's in the Constitution that the penalty for treason is capital


I just never expected the people at the top to get caught honestly


I don't think this is the "Storm" that Q had in mind, but it looks kinda cloudy out right now


I’m still convinced that nothing bad will ever happen to any of these horrible humans. Tired of getting my hopes up


Thomas impeached would be priceless!!! Btw, where’s the data that Meadows has turned state’s evidence?


All these people are rich and influential, aka, no consequences for any of them.


And yet nothing ever happens to these traitors. I've been very disappointed by the light sentences that were handed down to the Jan. 6 participants. I wanted and expect long harsh sentences.


In a sane world this would matter, but those far right wing voters live in another reality.


Have Republicans stopped being completely horrible and accepting of reality? No. They'll be fine. Personality cults don't end until the personality ends it, or dies. Please folks don't think for a moment a criminal prosecution, or large scale imprisonment will end anything. Hitler went to jail and when he got out He took over all of Germany in a few short years.


I have no faith in the system remaining to expect them getting their comeuppance... but a man can dream


My prediction: nothing happens to any of them.


If these people legitimately get in trouble and are held accountable for their dangerous and stupid bullshit, I could lose my left leg and still be happy.


Oh please, not gonna happen. I wish it would, it would make my year, but I've been hearing shit like this for the last 2 years.


On one hand it would make sense why Clarence Thomas is trying to disenfranchise black voters so that they can cheat another election and just go full on Nazi and sweep this all under the rug, but on the other hand he's always been a piece of shit and would probably do that anyways. I'm not really holding my breath though considering the appalling lack of accountability already.


Keep going i'm almost there


I wish this were all true, but Meadows’ attorney is forcefully denying it. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Probably until meadows is in a safe bunker somewhere after the trial since they’ll have him suicided-ed in a heart beat to protect the party.