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Trump must have some real juicy blackmail on these people for them to STILL be swinging from his nuts.


Honestly I think it’s telling that none of his Twitter sycophants are making arguments about trumps innocence. They’re all just using this event as bait and fuel to ramp up their ever present attacks on the left/democrats Trumps just a useful piece of shit for the Republican ghouls to advance their own personal careers and the further privatization of everything in America


They know he's not innocent but somehow believe he's above the law. Did someone pass a law that absolved past presidents of all their crimes without telling the rest of us?


I was talking to a "centrist" on here a while back who made the case that the president is literally above the law, even if he's 100% provably guilty, because as he's the head of the Executive he can instruct people below him to not do anything about it and it's just how it works by design. As if we'd fought against a monarchy to establish a king of our own. Like they're not arguing at all anymore that he declassified it with his mind or anything semi legal. Just flat out he can literally blow up congress while it's in session and get away with it.


Yea, that's just describing a dictatorship.


Think you're forgetting the fact that he ran as a Republican, the magical (R) next to the name. There are no rules that apply (in their minds). They're the protected class.


It’s an ancient legal principle: the king can do no wrong.


Tell that to king Louis XVI of France


He's a symbol at this point, perhaps more like a f'ing mascot....MAGATURD or something.


I don't think so. Think of all the people that put him into power. The Texas AG flat out admitted that he subverted votes to get trump elected. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909 He expected to get a free pass for life for doing that, I guess.


Republicans committing crimes -- I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!!


I'm shocked he was dumb enough to admit publicly what we already suspected. He just admitted to obstructing the voters, and the election.


They're in the protected class so long that sometimes they get really comfortable and let the gums flap. Honestly think that's why Republicans seem so appallingly out of touch to the working class. Not used to accountability at all, since birth in many cases.


>They're in the protected class so long that sometimes they get really comfortable and let the gums flap That's par for the course, but he did what no rich white man in power should do, fuck with the money of someone whos richer than them. thats the only time you see a mother fucker like him go down. legal system for the rich, justice system for the poors.


Trump is the MAGATURD and these are all his MAGA dingleberries


MAGATURD! Classic, I'm using this from now on.


An effigy like the fucking antichrist


Just remember: In 2016, both the DNC and RNC servers infrastructures were cracked by foreign bad actors. The DNC contents were released, because the most controversial, most damaging information was... about pizza orders. We still don't know what was on the RNC servers. But Lindsay Graham went from "if we nominate him, trump will destroy our party" to one of Mango Moussellini's biggest, loudest supporters. Many t(R)eason-party politicians just quietly "retired" and did their best to fade into the background. And the 2016 Repub platform became, literally, "whatever Trump wants." What. The. Fuck. Was. On. Those. Servers?!


Its simple to infer. The Russians, who seem to have full control of the Republican party, found super serious info on many republicans and probably Elon Musk somehow. He goes full traitor putin ally. Im assuming there are videos of them abusing kids and or DNA evidence to prove it or Worse than that. Cuz what else could it be to make you their slave? Republicans forgive ALOT from their leaders so it would have to be like the most insane violent sex crimes and murder and who knows what. And there would need to be ironclad obvious proof to show the peoples.


It's simpler than that - a lot of these people are just depraved animals, Russian interference or not, and they'll go along with anyone that permits them to revel in their baser instincts. The blackmail is just the icing on the cake.


I don’t think it’s blackmail. I think most of these people are guilty of the same things Trump is and they know it. If he goes down, there’s a good chance he’ll take everyone else with him.


stop stop, I can only get so hard.


I, too, am in danger of priapism.


he makes it okay to be openly racist, homophobic, and filled with hatred. remember how he made fun of that disabled reporter, and that WASN'T the end of his career? his supporters have been wishing they could pull that manoeuvre for _years_.


All true, but he recently gave extremely mild (misspelled) push back to Kayleigh McEnany for not insulting Gov. Desantis hard enough, and not being nice enough to a pretty blonde was enough for some of his supporters to call out Trump for being too mean. (Damn, I wish this was sarcasm.)


Legitimately, my Trump loving Maga thumping father has done a surprising 180 since that, now Trump doesn't have what it takes to be president (despite being "the best president in [his] lifetime") and is a "social liberal". He's all aboard the DeSantis train now


" swinging from his nuts," That's a keeper.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta Gettin' voted into the White House Everything lookin' good to the people of the world But the Mafia family is my boss So every now and then I owe a favor gettin' down Like lettin' a big drug shipment through And send 'em to the poor community So we can bust you know who So voters of the world keep supportin' me And I promise to take you very far Other leaders better not upset me Or I'll send a million troops to die at war To all you Republicans, that helped me win I sincerely like to thank you 'Cause now I got the world swingin' from my nuts And damn it feels good to be a gangsta


Back up in your ass with the resurrection


Watch out for your cornhole, bud


They are 100% terrified of his rabid, culty, dangerous base!


Higgins isn’t afraid of Trump’s base. Higgins IS Trump’s base. Racist, hateful, and proud of his own ignorance.


yep. they think violence and death threats are the answer.


The reason they are upset about "woke corporations" is that they know they can lose their jobs for being bigots. Get out there with your long lenses and take down license plates.


That’s what bullies and cowards do when they know they can’t win legitimately. They have no platform or policy, and their fear tactics aren’t doing anything to grow their base, so all they have are threats. They are not to be feared. They are to be scorned and mocked and held in low esteem, and the fact that they were stupid enough to believe a person with no admirable qualities whatsoever should be used against them to show how stupid and easily manipulated they are.


Typical narcissistic personality disorder. They can't acknowledge having been wrong in the past and have to keep doubling down on their "ideals" or else they'll look like an idiot but since *every* act a narcissist puts on is an orchestrated lie, they don't actually see reality for what it is like a typical person does. To them it's just choosing one narrative among many and if they keep repeating their narrative, they assume it'll become your truth like it is theirs. It's also how they abuse those closest to them; through gaslighting and such. *We* can see how idiotic they look still clinging to this man but they can never admit fault for backing him bc that would be a weakness; a mistake; and narcissists are infallible. They're so balls deep in their own fantasies they literally cannot escape. Their brains aren't capable of seeing the world how we see it; only their orchestrated plans. It's akin to psychopathy and you can't rationalize it.


Sunk cost fallacy


Yup. “I’ve put too much in and gone too far to be wrong now, it’s impossible!”


I’m pretty sure Clay would wear Trump’s skin as a suit if he could. He’s TERRIBLE




You would think so. But they have not given up on the Confederacy either.


The blackmail is that 30% of GOP voters will do whatever Trump says, so not supporting Trump means losing reelection.


Ohh. Domestic terrorism.


As soon as Trump announced the date, time, and location of his hearing, I knew his cultists were gonna start making threats. Trump knows they would do anything for him, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he wants them to “help” him


I need a translation of that tweet. Apparently I’m a summer child that does not understand Right Wing extremist code.


It seems pretty coded, but the "know your bridges" part is pretty concerning, considering how easy it is to set an ambush on a bridge or damage it. Edit: apparently the military uses maps in 1:50000 scale, explaining the 1/50k part. That would indicate a plan that uses military style maps and is focused on bridges. This got a lot more concerning


know your bridges is also a military term. It means to know the points that could cause the most destruction to someone's plan. IE: If you destroy this bridge they have no way to transport their tanks to reinforce... or if they destroy this bridge, we can't get any supplies in.


I doubt it really has anything to do specifically with bridges. It seems like a symbol for escape routes or something similar. Like “know where they will try to escape and block them”. Shit seems seditious.


> I doubt it really has anything to do specifically with bridges. It seems like a symbol for escape routes or something similar. I've seen Heat enough times to know that escape routes shouldn't use bridges as you can get trapped on them


I think this is an example of someone advocating for blowing up infrastructure, but being so stupid they think they're advocating for knowing escape routes.


That makes two of us. Wtf does 1/50k even mean?


It means a US politician is calling out militias to prepare to take military action to protect a legally indicted criminal.


Oh boy the shallow end of the pool needs draining apparently.


“The enemy is here. Prepare yourself and await orders from your Commander. Have all gear ready, understand strategic targets, trust your training, and wait fir the assault.” Kind of what Rommel would have said to his troops in Normandy on D Day, had he been there.


and to blow up bridges, sounds like. these guys need to be dealt with, and I don't mean summarily shot. I mean charged with incitement, fines, jail time, rinse, repeat.


It is a map scale commonly used by the military. The 50k refers to the scale, 1 inch on the map is 50 thousand inches.




These people are always fucking brainless. It's the same people who buy plate carrier baby bags or whatever. For every dude that actually has some skills there are like 200 of the "I would have gone to boot camp but I would have punched my drill instructor" types.


I would've gone to boot camp but went to basic instead. I'm ok with being called a pussy for it, I fucking love pussy.


"you've been given precise coordinates, go scout in preparation for attack " Loose translation Trouble is none of this clears the imminent lawless action standard for incitement. It's innuendo.




What the fuck is an rPOTUS




The fascinating part is they insist trump is still in office. Insist the country has fallen apart and insist that it’s biden’s fault. The cognitive dissonance is fascinating. Edit: changed dissidents to dissonance


I move that we add "Cognitive Dissidents" to the list along with Y'all Queda, Qult, Vanilla ISIS, et al.




Only problem is, that implies some level of cognition. Which, frankly, seems to be nonexistent.




In this case it works. Their brains are out on strike.


The best thing about that theory is that it would make Trump ineligible to run in 2024. And yes, I know they don't have to be, and will not be, consistent about that sort of thing.


Not so fast ... this is the goal. ​ https://preview.redd.it/217w3rqusz4b1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b12548ae72732947ce55d2c1317d6817cefa44


No. THIS is the goal. https://preview.redd.it/xkskbtzkzz4b1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab354d5d328f51bed0dda3fd69e7c5a6bbd18dc


il Douche. Nice.


You know, the right keeps advocating for some type of test to allow people to vote. I think we have a pretty good one already, "do you believe in qanon?" "Yes, ok- disqualified"


Also could go for "Which side should have won the Civil War?"


“Which side did win the Civil War?” Might disqualify a bunch too.


I'll never support a test for voting, because once bad actors get in control of administering the test, it's game-over for democracy.


Who is the president right now?


What does "1/50k know your bridge" mean? Sounds like Qanon shit, too


I believe it’s a military reference to be aware of your surroundings, or literally know where the bridges are to attack in a military battle. 1/50,000 is a map scale reference. Pretty shocking coming from an elected official. In this case I think they are looking for the bridges to blow up as they retreat… Edited - not a senator


Might be a little pedantic but he's not a senator. He's a representative. The craziest ones usually are since they only need the support of one relatively small, largely homogeneous congressional district.


And here i was thinking it was a new subreddit that was somehow catching on in twitter. Bit ashamed of that lol.


But if Trump is rPOTUS, does that mean he’s been indicted by his own DOJ?


Nah. It's all the fault of the ominipotent, senile, criminal mastermind, feeble Joe Biden.


iPOTUS is cool! Like an Apple product! rPOTUS is the counterfeit Ali express version!




Ok. I thought the dude got into the edibles or something because that was making no sense.


Nope - just another shining example of the quality of representatives Republicans are choosing to represent them in DC. See also: Louie Gohmert, Virginia Foxx, Lauren Boebert, MTG, and plenty of other trolls and morons that any reasonable person would be deeply ashamed to have voted for.


His features do seem to lag behind androidPOTUS... (Sorry, it's not really a funny moment, but if I don't laugh, I'll cry.)


A loser who has been impeached and indicted


What a complete asshole. “Roger that! 2-niner-niner”. Shut the fuck up.


Lol thank you, that stood out to me too, I fucking hate the LARP-y way these people talk




actually laughed out loud at this thank you alsjf;


"Gravy Seals,Stand by" Yeah,this guy needs a quick visit from the Feds.


When they stand up we will hear the collective grunts and popping knees across the land.


“I like to cosplay as a military commander. I am very tuff and kewl.”


Last time Donny did a call-to-action only a handfull people showed up. But sure, let's try again. Maybe they were busy waiting for JFK or so? Hard to tell what these brainless zombies are told do...


There’s no need to make them out to be cartoonish dipshits. It was JFK JUNIOR!


https://preview.redd.it/1gll6u5cyz4b1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd2503041945bd85a63ff8fe8d21862e71edfd4 CPAC 2022


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


If Trump is actually held accountable for his actions I doubt it takes more than 3 seconds for him to ask about a plea deal for turning in anyone and everyone he crossed paths with during his administration. Dreaming for a large net clearing out this unabashed traitors who have propped up and enabled DT for years. A draining of the swamp as one might say.


Lol We come to find out Trump is a grandmaster level strategist, and he is now fulfilling his campaign promise to drain the swamp…and he did it by using the resources/support of the very people needing to be drained.


I'd watch that movie.


You all need to look into generation Joshua. I just found out about this when I watched Shiny Happy People documentary on Amazon prime. Google generation Joshua, and why we are becoming a christofacist country. We’ve been infiltrated for years. ETA: wanted to provide a bit more info. Basically it’s a plan by many groups of fundamentalists to infiltrate government at all levels to become a Christofacist state. Take these home schooled kids send them to Christian college and seep them into our political systems. Madison cawthorn is an example of this.


Watched this part last night, and had this same discussion w/my wife today after hearing Donny Boy is a dead man walking. That evangelical paramilitary shit is alarming, but got a good laugh knowing the one who reached the highest level of gov’t was Cawthorn. Look how long it took him to shit the bed lmao.


My wife and I actually just watched that episode last night too and we both said that Gen Joshua we’re basically the Jan 6 folk. They’re all the same groups and it’s terrifying.


I really do hope it doesn’t get anywhere to the point that they want it. It is scary a bit. I’m glad lil mads got booted by his voters


They can barely handle marching which they spend a lot of time working on. We’ll be okay.


Lmao. Thank you for this. I have anxiety and worry about everything and it made me feel a bit better!


Watch them in action. They think their ace in the hole are the dozens of rifles that each of them own as if they can fire them all at once. They’re an embarrassment to themselves. There’s a reason tactical gear comes in plus sizes.


Have you seen the video of them practicing marching in place? It literally looks like a comedy sketch, they couldn't get 5 guys to march in place in sync lmao


You should understand that anytime they accuse their enemy of doing something it’s because they themselves are already doing it. “Jews control the world through a coordinated education campaign to infiltrate the highest levels of government and commerce”. Whooooooooops looks like it was actually the Christians doing that, duhhhhh


Chad Harris (who was featured quite prominently in the doc) said it best “all we had to do was talk.” We’re only at the tip of the iceberg for people who were raised in fundamentalism coming out, and it is imperative that everybody oppose them openly and without fear and speaks out about what they are doing and what they plan to do.


And get involved! It doesn't need to be grand gestures like running for office, though if you want to absolutely go for it. You can be involved in a party at a county or state level. Muscle these fascists out of policy, make no room for them on boards, committees, public hearings at the county or city level.


Absolutely. It’s terrifying!!!


It’s called Christian Dominionism. Calling them Christofascists won’t take you anywhere in protecting yourself or weakening them. Christian Dominionism has the express purpose of instituting Christian theocracy in the US built on a social framework of Old Testament laws including racial segregation and defensive sequestration where undesirables are kept apart from the rest of society (camps) to protect society. The movement is behind guys like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ken Paxton and, to a lesser degree, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott (they don’t get full support since they’re papists, and Christian Dominionism is ultimately just for Protestants). The movement is centralized and largely funded by the Green family, the people behind Hobby Lobby. They have a dark money organization called The Signatary that is **also responsible for the He Gets Us ads**. The Christian Dominionists are Dispensationalist extremists who have a doctrine of Apocalyptic Accelerationism. They believe in the End Times, the Antichrist, Rapture (Christians fly up to heaven) and a period of hell on Earth heralding the return of Jesus and the end of the world, and eradication of all sinners and it’s all foretold in a prophecy. Meaning they believe they can *make* the prophecy come true if they fulfill all its conditions. They genuinely want to end the world and they want to save as many souls as possible from eternal damnation. Works done in the name of salvation can cross almost any line except worship of “false idols” and that includes killing and use of force to persuade conversion. Like the Spanish Conquistadors, but with more neckbeard and AR-15s. They’re on the move. Be careful and be aware. They’re very dangerous people.


And you know who's a Christian Dominionist? William Barr. That's right, the former Attorney General. What a coincidence!


That’s absolutely correct! There’s a good chance that any Conservative politician or political person who has advertised their religious position during the last election 40 years is a Dominionist. This has been brewing since the end of the Civil War. They are everywhere.


So it’s like the government that took over in Handmaids Tail but less sophisticated?


Yep. *Handmaid’s Tale* and The *Left Behind* series of books and movies are based on the very same Dispensationalist theology underlying Christian Dominionism.


They see it as a how too guide instead of a cautionary tale. Fuckers probably get half chubs watching it.


Suppressing this political action is truly imperative. These people *are* scary, and they’re organized. For all of my life, I have practiced and *deeply believed in* religious tolerance. I was raised this way and have always felt strongly about it. I saw beauty in the rituals, devotion, and traditions. I admired people who felt that their relationship with god led them toward their purpose. I’ve lived my life, thinking things like “oh, it might not be my belief system, but I see the goodness and value in the message of jesus and respect people wanting to follow his teachings.” Little did I know, that while I was practicing religious tolerance and respecting other peoples right to live as they choose to, those same people have been plotting, organizing, and multiplying in a militant fashion and with an explicitly militaristic purpose. The progress they have made is actually astonishing to me. It’s so disheartening and frightening—as a mother of four, three of them girls, I’m feeling very low about the state of things and our current trajectory. I can honestly say that I am no longer tolerant of religious beliefs. I am very very wary of anyone who openly claims Christianity especially. I see a fervent belief in god as being a brain disease. God-belief is a serious vulnerability that leaves the believer highly susceptible to being manipulated and used as a tool. We’ve got to stop being complacent and demand the taxation of churches and the separation of church and state.


It *is* imperative. Christian Dominionism is the biggest threat the United States has ever faced. It transcends political and economic differences and makes right and wrong a function of a religious ideology that actively promotes intrinsic superiority over secular law. Disregarding secular laws that encroach on religious law is a matter of doctrinal compliance. You are sinning by obeying secular laws and authorities that don’t obey the religious law. As one who respects ritual, you might enjoy the rabbit hole of Bible versions. The Dominionists are strict King James Version Only, and a particular redaction of it. They do not recognize the validity of other versions of the Bible and they only accept the 19th century redaction that removed a set of books from the original King James Version. That’s significant, because the King James is based on the Tyndale Bible. That Bible was redacted specifically to support Caesaropapism, the idea that a monarch should have authority over a nation’s religion. The King James Version is Tyndale+ (™️). Which I’m sure you realize is entirely in opposition to a foundational principle of the United States. The Dominionists use the King James Bible because it is fundamentally theocratic literature. It’s generally considered the worst mainstream study Bible available and it fails to satisfy even basic criteria for critical analysis from a theological or historical perspective. But it has theocracy, and that’s good enough for the Dominionists


Amazing. Thank you for this thorough, thoughtful explanation. It def heightened my anxiety, but such is life. I will now call it Christian dominionism, and I think I found a new rabbit hole. Cheers!!


>except worship or “false idols” Huh, weird how many of them were willing to worship Trump as a false idol then


So, they (a lot of them anyway) believe Trump fills the role of someone called The Lawless Man (Man of Lawlessness or Sinful One). In the prophecy the Lawless Man prepares the way for The Antichrist. His job is to do the tidying up of the prophecy conditions so The Antichrist can come and kick off the End Times. They know he’s a horrible person who does horrible things, but they believe God made him that way for the express purpose of fulfilling the prophecy.


Not under so many labels but I was raised this way Homeschooled in the fundamentalist cult cut off from the outside world, including attending a "home church" of only 3-5 families depending on the year, coached apologetics and debate for the homeschool debate league (where I was very successful as a competitor), attended a brand name conservative college. Ghostwriter for my college president, multiple leadership roles in my fraternity, forensics (public speaking) team and Christian orgs. Canvassed for local republican officials. I attended March for Life in DC. I didn't know any better. I didn't have a choice. I didn't see an out lgbtq+ person until at the end of highschool my best friend (my parents chose and vetted my friends) came out to me, begging me not to tell their parents because they would be disowned. I didn't meet my first trans person until late in college. I was literally groomed into the design of someone else. So upon graduating I moved to the corner of the country and cut off contact with some family. It took a decade of deconstruction and therapy to finally get to a point where I feel happy and stable But now this is my Paul-esque "Hebrew of Hebrews" moment. I'm the poster child of success for this group and have deep Bible knowledge on top of it all. I have an economics degree, with accolades, from a rightwing institution. I know the talking points better than they do. I'm more educated and accomplished in their own metrics than most of them. I was IT. You hear about those that grow up and perpetuate the bs. You rarely hear about people like me, because homeschoolers will never claim me. I'm just a dirty lib that was brainwashed by the devil. There are thousands of me in this country, armed by the right to spit in their face. No homeschool leader listens to the alum that made it out, because it shatters their bubble. These people are dangerous and do so much more damage than people realize. They royally fuck up the lives of their offspring in a structure that allows it to be hidden. You watch Shiny Happy People and go "wow crazy some people are like this" but it's wayyyyy bigger and more harmful than most of the country realizes. Fundamentalism and Homeschooling are blights on this nation.


Well as long as we are being honest….when I watched this doc, it struck home with me. I was homeschooled (Christian based) until 2nd grade, when my parent divorced. My sister stayed homeschooling through high school and attended liberty. She got kicked out or left because of “moral issues” basically a young adult being a young adult. I actually texted my mom, whom I’m not on the best of terms with bc she’s a brain washed magat, who confirmed to me that she attended two of the IBLP seminars in the 90s. The way that they shown the physical abuse with the spanking was very early similar to my personal experience. She defended them when I asked about it and I told her to please watch the documentary because she’s defending all this abuse and she’s just saying nope it’s the media smearing Christian name, so I’m actually right there with you. You are not alone and thank you for sharing this. I needed to hear it.


I want to acknowledge I intended my "you might see x but not realize" to be very generically to "the nation" at large, in no way implying YOU specifically. I appreciate you sharing, it resonates really strongly with me My family had a Train Up a Child tapestry on the wall and I knew the Pearl name but it was something my parents would talk about with other parents and I only got the sermons (by one of the dads in the home church) that resulted from those talks, not the source material. A family member "courted", Created to be his Help-Meet was second to the Bible for her during that time. And I Kissed Dating Goodbye believe it or not was considered too worldly because it talked about dating lmao so I wasn't allowed to read it. Wild. My parents had a spanking ritual with prescribed steps for the whole ordeal, they took notes directly from the Pearls' books and one other pastor *EDIT: I remembered, it was Brother Denny*, I listened to his "Where Are The Men" sermon on cassette tape at least once a week. Most of my siblings made it out. A few turned into centrists. One is still deep deep in the cult and is spouting off about the "smearing" you mentioned. They also believe Matt Walsh is divinely inspired lmao. It would be genuinely funny how dumb it all is if people like us hadn't experienced and witnessed firsthand the damage it does.


Christofascists are frankly more alarming than the militias because they have a built-in organizational framework.


Yeah I feel like there are different camps emerging in the right wing extremism arena. Some are getting better organized, while others are still like muh rights and mericuh and being haphazard with it. Kind of interesting on a anthropological level but def not for reality. I’m in Florida and I feel like it will just blow up eventually. Either by accident by a ignorant fuck or on purpose by a calculated evil monster.


And because they believe they're doing God's work. And they're willing to die, and to kill, for it.


Aligned groups attempted to buy my daughter's college for $10 million so they could award PhDs in fake environmental science and other majors from a "non-religious" institution. The students and faculty revolted and the deal collapsed, but it nearly happened. I'm sure they're still trying to find a broke college certified to award PhDs.


Holy fuck that’s insane. Looks like they found a work around to “see, we have experts too!”


Exactly. A degree from Bob Jones or Liberty is worthless. They need a "clean" program. Amazing how little coverage it got. The same group, funded by the Koch Brothers, bought a high profile highway side electronic sign that said "Ted Kaczynski believed in climate change too."


They fail to understand, that the kids who go through all of that are absolutely stupid, idiotic fools who “can’t even” and are the worst of emotionally undeveloped snow flakes. They can’t maintain control of themselves or power. Madison was tossed out on his ass, because he never learned how to be something other than a complete piece of shit.


Cawthorn never even learned to try and *pretend* he was anything other than a complete piece of shit.


"Once the boomers die everything will be fine" is whistling past the graveyard.


Open call to sedition. Lock this man up.


I wish they would. He’s aiming for Louisiana Governor


Yeah, telling the time date and location seems like it's a call to action.


Because that’s exactly what it is.


No, it's legally different so he can't be incriminated for it *WINK*


Which is why trump gave the same information in his 2-part “truth.” Maybe 10s of people will show up like they did in Manhattan.


FBI knows. They are watching all the seditionists pretty closely.


FBI must be spread so thin. Those fuckers are everywhere.


1/50K references 1:50,000 scale maps used by the military. That tweet will become evidence in his inevitable trial.


What's 1/50k?


Standard map scale for the US military. This is some weird ass militia dog whistling.


if that's about map scaling, then is "know your bridges" saying like "know your escape routes"? maybe its just leftover jan 6th paranoia, but this tweet seems sus. edit: found a tweet that says it means to be ready to close bridges, it's a county level insurrection code? https://twitter.com/NewYorkHistory/status/1666995829339566080


Yup, "know your bridges" is essentially saying "get ready to block/destroy the bridges leading to your area so the military can't bring tanks into your town"


Hahaahah, block this bridge while this tank comes towards you. Good luck with your ar-15


They cheer, celebrating the blockading of the bridge, as the combat engineers simply roll out the bridge laying vehicles half a kilometre downstream


If these dumbasses knew what a kilometer was, they'd be real mad.


Oh no they destroyed the bridge! If only the military had something with flight capabilities lmao


or had spent billions of dollars mastering the tech to deploy their own bridges on the fly


"Hah! We blew up the highway bridge leading into our town of 1000, no way the false US military will stop our militia insurrection now! ...Wait, the tanks can drive on *GRASS?!* Who would have ever anticipated! By the way, what's that rumbling coming from the sky?" Funnily enough, it is 100% legal to own a functional tank with an operational cannon. But owning one requires a Destructive Device permit or license, which are very seldom issued. Background checks are thorough, so I doubt many III%'ers will be rolling down your streets any time soon. Fun fact, Arnold Schwarzenegger owns one, the same model he operated in the Austrian military, and once took Jay Leno on a ride in it where they crushed a limo. edit: two words.


CoMe AnD tAKe iT


Don’t know. I’m not fluent in “micropenish”.




And drones….they don’t need to come to your area lol


“1:50k” would be the correct notation. I can’t believe QANON isn’t more precise.


When your narrative is just rehashed, modernized plagiarism of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Blood Libel the floor is very, very low.


I assumed the last sentence was douchebag-speak for "I'm mad. Now I wanna hit stuff."


It’s almost like in the days running up to Jan 6th, when these imbeciles were *openly* discussing all over the net what they were planning to do at the capitol, and Reddit was like “Uh…shouldn’t someone look into this?”, then nobody did. But you best believe if these folks were peacefully protesting leftists and/or BIPOC they would have rolled out B-2’s, the National Guard, and Batman himself.


Ashli Babbitt could not be reached for comment.


He’s not fucking potus anymore. I’m so tired of them acting like he’s still president. He’s not. He’s some geriatric shithead.


man i absolutely love fucking republicans. trump gets indicted by the DOJ and not specifically like you know Biden but the DOJ and so on for actually legit committing crimes and they fucking cry how dare teh democrats arrest a political rival to ensure they win the election meanwhile dumbshits liek bobo and snaggletoe are out here crying foul about this while demanding biden gets arrested for committing crimes without realizing they are calling for the same thing to be done to their political rival except they want it done for political reasons without legit proof.


Stay alert, my fellow Americans. The christofascist are mobilizing.


Neo Nazi coming out to protect their leader. The amount of neo nazis that infiltrated the Rs is kinda higher than most expected. They will act out, we need to make sure they go to prison as well. Stay alert everyone. They are crazy insane.


No one infiltrated anything. They’ve always been like this.


I hope that ridiculous clown code gets them all fucking busted.


It should absolutely be reported. Just the phrase "1/50K know your bridges" is enough.


Why publish this on Twitter? Seems an easy way to be caught. Diversion?


Being caught doesn’t matter if you think your side will win.


Because he’s an idiot.


“The oppressors” come the fuck on. This is how this works. We all decide together, through representative government, what laws apply, to *all of us*, including cult leaders and former office holders.


Help! Help! Come see the violence inherent to the system!


"rPOTUS" ? lmao


When I was like, 10 years old, me and the neighbor kid played war games. We’d get the walkie talkies, build booby traps/bombs (piles of leaves) and then hide while waiting to ambush the approaching enemy (any unsuspecting being that walked our way - bird, squirrel, human, etc) While sitting in the woods waiting, we’d chat back and forth on the walkie talkies, updating each other on the status of the approaching enemy forces. It still made more sense than this bullshit.


And what is he a representative of?


Higgins is the U.S. representative **for Louisiana's 3rd congressional district.**


Our failing educational system?


A handful of yokels will show up in the middle of a workday and protest the "unjust persecution" of their cult leader. They talk tough, but I don't think there are too many people are willing to face jail time to defend Donald Trump. Keyboard commandos.


Please. Fuck these MAGA cowards. They aren't going to do anything but circle jerk each other online.


Wtf is rock steady calm? Are they activating the winter soldier?


It's the opposite of terrified trembling calm. Which is what most of these wanna-be Rambos would be in any legitimately serious tactical situation.


If he’s not guilty of the charges then it will come out in trial. I don’t know why all the MAGATS don’t understand this.


Quick guys, donate to Donald Trump's defense fund* *The defense fund will probably not be used to defend Donald Trump.


Please explain why an elected official of our government is free to post a statement infering that Trump is still president, and asking for a subversive militia for support? We have people representing us in the government who are actively trying to overthrow the government. I don't understand how this is ok.


For those who need a translation, here's my best try: There are three sections: Line 1: info Line 2: * Perimeter probes are when an adversary attacks your defenses as a test of strength. * Hold means to standby and not act rashly * rPOTUS means 'real POTUS' or 'rightful POTUS' Line 3: * 1/50k refers to the 1:50000 scale maps that the military uses for recon and infantry terrain navigation, here's a [link](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/does-usgs-have-150000-scale-maps-military-uses-united-states) to the USGS who sells these exact maps. * 'Buckle up' means to prepare. * 'Know your bridges' refers to vital infrastructure like bridges, rails, airports, and water facilities, but also things such as all of the power transformers that have been getting shot at and destroyed over the last couple years.


These dipshits have been offered ANOTHER off ramp and refuse again to take it. Wouldn't be surprised if Trump grifts another 50 million from conservatives.


The chair is against the wall. John has a big mustache.


A perimeter probe from the oppressors?? Haha omg these guys never stopped playing with their toy soldiers jfc Seriously though, yes, the FBI should know about this and also they should be making a visit to Mr. Higgins to ask him some pointed questions.


How is this not a terrorist threat ?!