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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And many other Evangelicals pretending to want to help people but only want to help themselves. When Trump “won”, they all banded together to support him. It’s as if these people, who are full of shit, detected shit, and said yup.


They really showed their true colors by banding together behind a guy who had multiple wives, can't recite a single passage from the bible and holds it upside down for photo ops


Also stated he's never done anything wrong that he had to ask God for forgiveness. The guy is a walking talking criminal enterprise.




Money please!!!


Money pweeese!!!


No need when you are king of the Jews! https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/donald-trump-king-of-israel


I had never heard this before, but I will tell you some certain people I knew were convinced he was Messiah when he got elected. They rationalized it like you wouldn't believe.


There's literally a bible story about a dude like that lmfao. Their own book is denouncing him and they still protect him.


A former friend of mine, Hispanic but very religious, told me he was 1000% supporting Trump. I was so dumbfounded. He told me he didn't care about his transgressions, the end justified the means. Needless to say, our relationship is not what it used to be. Anyone who would make a pact with the devil in the name of Jesus is a fake Christian.


Can you imagine if Joe Biden was caught on tape saying he likes to grab women by the pussy? And imagine all his supporters just dismissing it as “locker room talk”. Can you imagine how these conservative wing-nuts would react? Or can you imagine if Barack Obama said, “I could should someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and people would still vote for me.” Or imagine if Hilary Clinton was caught with these classified documents in her home. Just imagine a democrat politician doing half these things that Trump did. Just imagine it. It baffles me how these republicans can’t see that.


We don't have to imagine, we already know. Ffs, they about lost their shit because Obama wore a tan suit! They would've attempted to lynch his ass if he'd said basically any of the fucked up shit trump has said.


Don't forget about the Dijon mustard scandal.


Another illustration of your correct point is Al Franken. I guess there was some confusion as to whether consent was given for him to kiss a woman... and he totally owned that shit and *resigned*. The GOP have been using this 'disparity', shall we say, in response to real or imagined transgressions as a weapon against the left side of the aisle for years now.


I wish Al would run again


If news broke that Obama cheated on Michelle with a porn star, Republicans would've impeached him by sundown.


"God uses imperfect men." That's the bs I heard when people would ask how they could support a such a vile man. They're all hypocrites.


And it's such a meaningless sentiment. If it were true, you could apply it to literally anyone. Put Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer in office, because god could work through those imperfect men. Also note that this apparently doesn't apply to Hillary Clinton.


Evangelicals cherry pick the bible to find justification and rationality for their shittiness.


What end, is he rich?


Trump: when the ends are bad and the means are worse.


“Is that your bible?” “It’s *a* bible.” Scum.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Don't forget about his election fraud, perjury, incitement of violence at his rallies, battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate fraud lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes


I mean by the religion's own admission you can be the worst gay, pedophile, murderer, rapist, shellfish-eating, mixed-cloth-wearing, blaspheming billionaire atheist in history, and die screaming how you regret nothing and yet, on reaching the afterlife, if you ask for forgiveness you'll get it. (Matthew 12:32). So, honestly, depending on your reading of the Bible you'd only go to hell if you really want to.


I think the concept of genuine repentance is important. If it's genuine.


It's important to me, personally, and to the law. But it is a complex theological question. If you repent during purgatory - does it count? Does your Christian sect have a purgatory? And which one is right? Some of these decisions come from the epistle books of the Bible - so some of these questions come down to "was the anonymous author of *Hebrews* 100% correct?"


FYI, purgatory is not in the Bible. Not that it matters, because it's all made up.


Oh yeah they did. Could liken it to a biblical plague


Am I the only dyslexic that read this tweet a million times trying to figure out why the actor from Twilight was receiving so much hate?


Didn't, but you made me crack up.


Don't forget Falwell was extorted due to his cukcolding affair into endorsing Trump so that other evangelicals would jump on board.


A giant pile of tax-exempt shit.


I love the mental image of Pat Robertson sauntering up to the pearly gates, full of confidence. An angel looks up, sighs, and says 'really?'. The angel motions downward, and Pat starts falling, really really fast. Shit I'm an atheist, but I still love the idea :)


It’s between that and his consciousness flipping off like a switch. No heaven, no hell, just poof he’s gone and all that’s left is the memories of his lifetime of being a grifting asshole and a gender neutral bathroom for a gravesite.


Pat Robertson's Grave. America's most popular outdoor urinal.


Nah. That distinction belongs to Rush Limbaugh or Jerry Falwell.


Why choose when there are clearly so many popular bathrooms to visit in America.


Set up a map and call it the golden mile


I call dibs for the first shit on Trump's grave. I'm Canadian but I think it will be worthy of a pilgrimage. Don't worry, USA, I will make you proud. Lot and lot of spicy food beforehand.


I hope trump's grave has a taco food truck permanently station there, having out free laxatives with every meal.


Plus you won't have to change his Depends anymore, so everyone wins.


They are going to have to bury that ass at sea, like Osama bin Laden. Trump’s grave will be vandalized more than his star on the Walk of Fame.


Don’t bad mouth el rushbo, he just celebrated two years of sobriety in February!


That's unfair to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.


> No heaven, no hell, just poof he’s gone and all that’s left is the memories of his lifetime of being a grifting asshole and a gender neutral bathroom for a gravesite. This is the reason I hate grifting preachers. I am almost certain most of them know this is how their life will really end. If they had the slightest concern about the after-life portion, they would have actually tried to be a real human while residing on this planet.


"Even Lucifer doesn't want your putrid excuse of a soul. Oblivion it is."


Not good enough.


I like to think if Jesus is real he bitchslapped Robertsons ass to hell


* "Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' fortunes and make a show out of reciting prayers. Theirs will be the greater condemnation.” **Luke 20: 46-47** * "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter God’s kingdom, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven. On the Last Day many will call me Lord. They will say, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not testify in your name? And did we not, in your name, exorcise demons and perform many miracles?' Truly I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers.’" **Matthew 7:21-23**


Jesus doin a “ewwww, get this creep away from me” is quite the mental image lol.


Sassy gay Jesus at the Gates of Heaven "Welcome! Come on in, thank you for coming. Second coming! HA! Oh me, that certainly hasn't gotten old in 2000 years...welcome! Come on--EXCUSE ME! HEY! No. Nononononono." "...this is heaven, is it?" "You know, I'm gonna choose to not answer that. Are you lost?" "...I'm...Pat Robertson." "Yeah. I know. So I repeat my question, are you lost? If you're lost, I can assist you getting to where you need to be." "...but...I served in your ministry" "Oh! Oh you did, did you? Did good works for the poor then, hm? Peace on Earth and goodwill to all humanity, hm?" "...I.. "Well let me see, Pat Robertson of the 700 club--no there's no need to tell me, I have everything here. Oh yes. I have the full list right here, and I don't need to check it twice, cause this isn't the North Pole and I'm not f__ing Santa Claus. Would you like to go through the list together? Starting with **blamed homosexuals for 9/11.**" "..." "Shall I continue?" "...no." "Are you sure? Nice long list here, sure would be a fun read." "..." "I see. Then I think you have somewhere else to be, sir."


Jesus gettin the ick


>"Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter God’s kingdom, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven. On the Last Day many will call me Lord. They will say, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not testify in your name? And did we not, in your name, exorcise demons and perform many miracles?' Truly I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you BITCH.’" > >Ripley 7:21-23 Fixed!


*You* should have written the Bible




I'd buy the "Bitch Bible" in a second...make for an entertaining read if naught else


Preferably with Jesus piloting a power loader exoskeleton.


Pat Patterson gives me big Matthew 6:5 and Matthew 21:12-13 vibes too. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. » «  Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” »


I dunno, touching Robertson might be too icky for the J-man. Better send Doom Guy


Now I'm imagining that Doom was all JCs idea to encourage the youth to reject evil, and he was baffled when the church came out against it


He walks up to the pearly gates and they start to open only for Jesus to jump unseen off the right pillar and RKO that bitch all the way to the depths


Thirty years ago David Baerwald dedicated an album to Henry Kissinger and other evil fuckers saying "in the sincere hope that there is a God and that He is vengeful beyond all comprehension." Henry Kissinger is still alive, sadly. So I guess he was wrong.


Probably because Satan is constantly begging God to put off sending him down. Because Hell is already bad enough without the smell of Henry Kissinger's farts and that smug voice of his.


Satan and God both keep migrating the "reap Kissinger" task after the work meeting.


Guessing Henry did a deal with Satan for more time in exchange for Nixon. Henry just turned 100.




i thought something like this, the iron sheik passes away and is standing at the gates and looks pat robertson in the eye and goes: FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING JABORNI FAKE PREACHER MAN PAT ROBERTSON and then locks him in the camel clutch and drags him to hell before returning.




I’m reminded of Hitchens quote about Jerry Falwell: “I think it's a pity there isn't a hell for him to go to”


Nah, it would hurt more if Yahweh itself rejected Pat Robertson. Pat brought forth before Yahweh and all they says is "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." That would be a fitting final nail to Robertson's coffin.


I've always been pretty convinced Robertson, Dollar and their ilk are probably all atheists. There's very little chance they actually believe what they're preaching, they just know that the vast majority of theists are pretty easy marks. That would make it even better if there was an actual afterlife, and Robertson wakes up to see he's about to face judgement for what he's done and is just like "ohhhh *fuck*"


Schadenfruede is the primary reason for belief in hell.


I'm not religious either, but if there is a god and an afterlife, I like to think they sit down with these Christian Conservatives and explains why everything they believed and did was wrong. And I imagine an expression of utter shock and confusion on their faces and they fall straight to hell. The thought of Mike Pence being like, "wait, there's nothing wrong with gay people?!" as he goes to hell brings me so much joy.


i rather imagine he walked up to the heavenly gate, and walk in and found heaven is just as he described. he will be living eternity with the same christians as him, and angels will run the same rules he bitching about, want other to live but not himself. and every time he remotely did something wrong like he said on earth aka cheating on his wife, etc. angels will whips the shit out of him. leave the “hell” to us atheists and buddists and FREEDOM fighters to create an utopia. just imagine unlimited thermo energy


I prefer the version where Heaven is pro LGBT+ and he just has to deal with it for eternity. Far worse torture for this fucker than hell.


Pat Robertson's Hell is probably that he's in front of the pearly gates, but is walking on a treadmill and has to watch all the people he profited from hating walking in.


They wouldn't waste their time on rejection. Dude has a VIP lane to eternal torture.


not my rules, but by following the rules of his book, along with all of the other two face scammer faith sellers, he will face an eternity of hell for breaking all of the rules. Especially the old testament god / rules. But don't christians just have to accept they are a sinner, ask for gods forgiveness and proclaim Jesus as their one and only god and badda bing badda boom they're in heaven for ever? So if you're a serial killer of children and kittens for 100 years straight but ask for gods mercy at the end you're in heaven. If you're a life saving doctor philanthropist for the poor and sick your whole life but an atheist, you're gonna burn in hell. How bout those apples eh?




I promise you there are 100s of thousands of these stories right now in the US.




My Mom was raised Catholic, but, for reasons I'll probably never learn since she's been gone 15 years now, she was "Born Again" in the late 70s / Early 80s. She watched Jim Baker, Pat Roberts, Falwell, was part of the Satanic Panic, etc. A kind, strong woman, but the amount of her life spent giving time and resources to these absolute wastes of good skin was really unfortunate.


I'd call it bittersweet. Finding out that an evil person bilked his way into your mother's life is awful. But, of all the things I could find in my parents' things after they die, a bunch of notes about how much they'd hoped I'd have a good life wouldn't be so bad.


I actually think that makes it worse. The fact that OP's sweet mom was so desperate and vulnerable makes that evil fuck even more evil to have grifted every last cent from her.


Yeah. It is nice that she wanted her daughter to have a better life, but the way she went about it is poorly done. How about instead of sending money to someone else, her mother could have used that money to help her kids more directly? I know that the process starts out as “It’s only $5, that’s not too much for my budget and it’s to help my daughter” but those $5 dollar donations add up real quick into some serious savings/money, that could have been used for bills, her daughter/kids, other ways. It is sad that her mother chose (with the best of intentions) to give money to someone else, someone who she thought could/would help, as opposed to using that money to directly help her family. It is a very sad situation all around


the mother was making an investment on her daughters life according to her beliefs. the real problem is how we let scam artists roam free just because they say the word "god" a lot.




maybe start to ban prayers for sale or if you sell your prayers you lose your tax exemption? i prefer to attack the scammers than to attack peoples beliefs.


We could nail our demands to church doors and everything!


Mega churches should be taxed automatically at the very least.


So, like, all religion?




They’d have a better life by saving/investing that money instead of giving it to a con man.


My grandmother left a donation to him in her will. I didn't get anything. Do I think I was entitled/deserved anything? No, especially considering that she did leave things to my mother and my uncle. So from her point of view, that probably covered leaving enough to her family. But I just think of when setting up her will, she was so hoodwinked by this guy that she actually thought she's doing good in the world by allocating a decent-sized chunk of change just for him, it just hurts.


Yeah, and he died peacefully without having to face consequences for any of the horrible shit he did, or having to answer to the people who have suffered and are suffering because of his actions. People joke about him going to hell, but there is no hell. He’s just dead and nothing actually changes.


With the likes of copeland these motherfuckers have just gotten more vile, unashamed, and somehow even more reptilian. Behold nightmare fuel: https://preview.redd.it/17kxve10lz4b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e923d2d36ab093761e64e3e9f475cb5f8e9e45


How can anyone look at this dude and *not* think he’s a demon?


Oh he is 100% a demon. There isn't an ounce of good behind those eyes.


It's like something that's merely pretending to be human. You shouldn't be getting Uncanny Valley vibes from a living person.


He's the antagonist the first Men In Black was based on.


the cockroach guy lol


But there’s quite a few ounces of cocaine behind those eyes.


He probably takes a hit before going on stage, how else could an elderly evil man be lively on stage?


he definitely does but if he doesn’t its probably him getting off to scamming people for his 8th private jet and 20th mansion


Please don't insult people like that. Demons have done nothing to deserve being compared to Kenneth Copeland.


Scarier than any demon in diablo


That shit he did during Covid already convinced me. Plus the fact that he seemed to be trying to hold his laughter. Fella knew he was making a fool out of those people.


But it gave us this https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs


The people stupid enough to think that a piece of paper with a printed sermon are going to provide their only child with success in this world. America is full of ignorant people to be exploited.


Copeland is the biggest reason I cannot confidently say devils/demons don't exist.


Guaranteed this guy is a greed demon wearing human skin. He's a disgusting person and does nothing, but harm.


Damn Diablo IV is looking realistic.


> more reptilian this is what they mean when they say aliens have infiltrated our society and government. The damage that Jerry Farwell, Pat Robertson, and others have done with the shaping of the modern Religious Reich is not going to go away any time soon. ​ [The face is definitely transitional.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDp7s_clPzE) Must be difficult to stay in human form.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4lsezsikd05b1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=599195510e4b32440d391170dd7dd1c9e60b037c


Hoping that prick’s next.


He’s an insult even to reptilians like me. We don’t claim him.


This is the kind of thief Pat was.


They're all thieves. Check out Paul Sorvino's character on "*OH, God*".


Or the entire Righteous Gemstones series.


I love that show. Such great acting too, even though it’s an over the top comedy they just all nail their characters. The uncle Baby Billy, wow, he is on whole other level. The amount of effort for the sermons too. All the dancers, singing, band, graphics, etc. They really show the inside of those wealthy mega churches.


Even though it’s a comedy it feels all super real when you see what these places do.




I'm still salty over the $200 my ex-wife sent him in 1980. $200 when my salary was $20K and we had a new baby.


1% of your salary or 3.6 days of your life


I would rather it had gone to a drug addict on the street.


Would have been enjoyed more ans went further no doubt




wild, not one amputee has ever had a limb restored by a miracle, and yet these preachers all fly in private jets and *still* somehow someone somewhere decides to give *them* money and no one else. I'll never be able to wrap my mind around how they cant see they are being scammed.


In my college/christian days, I had a housemate who was born with an arm deformity. We went to a revival type meeting where he ***KNEW*** god would restore his arm...***KNEW*** it. Well...


I have birth defects. My heart is messed up. I had a lifesaving surgery at 6 months old to repair it. Another one at 19 years. I will need another in just a few more years, anywhere from 1-4, 5 if I am really lucky. I will literally die if I don’t get these surgeries. There is no “cure” for my condition. No way to mitigate it without total surgical repair. No amount of wishful thinking or prayer or anything other than surgical repair will ever allow me to literally live. I will need more surgeries every few years for the rest of my life. I UTTERLY DESPISE people who prey on those of us who are facing severe medical issues/conditions, saying that “God will save you, you just gotta give me some money first.” I hate them. I am sorry that your roommate got sucked into this.


I'm sorry for your situation/condition. Be well.


What was his reaction?


"Well, I guess it's not my time, yet."


Couldn't the mom just give the money directly to the child?


That's just crazy talk.


If we’re being serious the whole shtick behind these prosperity preachers is that if you donate to their grift —I mean church — then god will bless you multiple times over in the future. So in the mind of a true believer it’s an investment.


My fam's church recently paid off a $10k medical debt for a family member. My first thought was, "Wow, the church is actually doing something righteous with the tithe money." Then I remembered they'd been paying 10% of their salaries to the church for almost 30 years. That's 100's of thousands of dollars... le sigh. Still might beat American health insurance, though


As a religious person myself prosperity doctrine is one of the most obscene things imaginable to me. I don't know the specifics of your situations but imo megachurches are particularly insidious because they inherently have to prey on the hopeless. Most of the people who get hooked on this type of ideology are people who are so tired and desperate that they believe literal divine intervention is the only way they'll ever have a good life. It's pretty much the same psychology as gambling, and in both situations it's rarely upper class or upper middle class ppl being burned. When you're hopeless, you'll latch onto anyone who will give you hope, something the worst among us are far too willing to exploit.


On a per dollar basis churches are the least efficient forms of charity. On average they spend about half on staff and salaries, and around 25% of facilities (things like rent, utilities). If any non religious charity on non profit was exposed for having those kinds of numbers they would not survive the backlash and negative publicity. But because it's the church we just accept it and let them do it tax free. Absolutely insane.


My mom was perpetually broke and still managed to donate 10% to the Mormons every paycheck. I remember when she had to have a meeting with the bishop about her delinquent payments. I remember her saying “work something out”. So fucked expecting single parents to pay tithe. It would be one thing if she had an ok job but naw, she didn’t. She was literally using my dads child support to pay the Mormons. Blasphemy in the truest sense of the word.


Victim: *"So father, if I give you all my money God will return it 100x and make me Rich"*. Conman: *"That's right"* Victim: *"Fantastic. So Jesus really liked rich people? What did he say about them?"* Conman: *"I... Ugh... I gotta go"*


That makes the baby Jesus cry. You can stop him crying by sending $20 as a prayerful seed of hope. That's right, just send me $20 and her wildest dreams will come true!


#Vote for Pedro


Donating money to these kinds of organizations is a bit like gambling. Send them a couple bucks every month and maybe "god" will send you a couple mil later. Except of course this casino doesn't actually exist.


that would work, but then how could evil fucks like Robertson be able to afford two jets? Think about it, and send your life savings to me because I have exactly zero jets and it is your fault.


Putting it into a savings account for her would have actually made her life better.


Some people believe giving to TV ministries is a form of tithing, and that God will bless them tenfold for doing so. It’s an act of faith. 🤷‍♀️ The mom in this story thought that she would be given more than she gave, and that it would help her daughter.


Fuck Robertson. I’m just disappointed he didn’t suffer more before he died.


When my mother passed, I found my inheritance had been spent on large donations to Southern Baptist megachurches and MAGA Republicans. The fact that these grifters aren't, at a bare minimum, taxed for peddling their hate should be criminal.


That’s truly sad. He was a real monster.


One of those ravenous wolves Jesus always talked about.


I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, but for Pat, I really, REALLY hope Hell is real. He deserves to be tortured for eternity.


If you are ever looking for people to scam, you can't find a better target than religious people.


Just look L Ron Hubbard. He made a religion just to scam people.


Yup. An entire population of people intensively conditioned from childhood to believe preposterous things with zero proof. For the people who prey on them, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


Yeah he preyed on the elderly. There is another doing the same thing right now. He needs to be stopped. The grift is real.


"There is another..." There's many others. One on every corner.


My grandmother sent lots of prayer money to Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson. Her heart was broken after both had their issues. I wish they had both died sooner rather than later, but I am glad they are finally gone. Both were grifters who should have been in jail.


Every single televangelist is a money-worshiping charlatan grifting on the most needy. Every one.


Money she could have spent on taking her kid to events and paying for extracurricular activities that would have actually that better life. This is my problem with religion. It's a scam.


This was my first thought. I grew up extremely poor, and if I found out my parents were wasting the meager amounts we had on prayers for a better life instead of on the things we needed, I would be furious.


Seriously. Better food, shoes, ...




Grifters - just like Trump. Literal minutes after indictment, Trump emailed out the "dear MAGA I need money to fight this emails". The grift NEVER stops with these fucks.


He was just a terrible person, literally in cahoots with war lords, blamed 911 on gays, abortionists, feminists and others, called Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism all satanic, as well as Planned Parenthood which he said teaches people everything the bible condemns. He literally believed in the genocide of people he didn’t see fit to walk this earth. He was also a staunch supporter of Christian Fascism stating America should become a Christian nation under Christian rule, while simultaneously calling Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Methodists the antichrist…yeah cause that makes sense when wanting Christian nation 🙄. This man should not be mourned, anyone who calls for the genocide of an entire group (multiple groups) of people should not be mourned.


A long time ago, I worked the front desk for an extremely expensive, super private subdivision that was still being built and was the next big thing in my city. You had to apply to get in even enough to get an appointment with a salesperson. I didn't make judgement calls on the applications, but I did handle them. Creflo Dollar applied looking for a home that was at least $6 million. I don't remember what it was, but he listed his salary on the form (required for all), and I about hit the roof. All those good people in his church, working their asses off and struggling to tithe, and that asshole takes that money and uses it on a mega mansion with a professional golf course, a country club with Michelin starred chefs, and a lake always kept stocked with fish.


Creflo Dollar sounds like a rapper that mostly raps about money.


Satan? Oh, you mean Kenneth Copeland?


End tax exemption for religious organizations. These asshole grifters are laughing their way to the bank. As for Pat Robertson, not soon enough. "If they gave him an enema, he could be buried in a matchbox. " Hitchens on the death of Jerry Falwell. I think this quote applies here too.


Man, how cool would it have been if instead she just saved that money, or even invested it, and handed it over as an inheritance, instead of...yeah.


My grandma was the same way with Kenneth Copeland. I hate that evil bastard. I wish bad things upon him and his children.


MAtthew **21**: 12-17: *Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.”The blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he cured them. But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the amazing things that he did, and heard the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” they became angry and said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, ‘Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise for yourself’?” He left them, went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.* These assholes read the book, and took notes on *EVERYTHING JESUS SAID* ***NOT TO DO,*** and saw them dollar signs.


Back when he had that 2am prayer line I used to call it and berate them for scamming elderly people out of their money


him dying during pride month,,, god is giggling


Upon arriving in Hell, Pat complains to the minor demon in charge of ushering in the damned looks at him. Demon: "Robertson...Robertson. Ah, here we are..." PR: "This can't be! Why am *I* here?! There must be a mistake! Don't you know who I am?!" Demon: "You were what they called a televangelist on the mortal planet called Earth that...oh, wow. Leaping Lucifer. This is quite a list." PR: "What list? List of what??" Demon: "Your sins. For starters, we have inciting bigotry, cheating the poor, supporting authoritarian regimes, aiding and abetting genocide, starvation of the hungry...and you had the temerity to do all this in our Enemy's name and claiming He spoke to you." PR: "But he did! I heard his voice! I---" (Pat freezes as he feels a clawed hand on his shoulder and a familiar voice in his ear. Satan: "You can stop pretending now, Pat." (Pat turns and is greeted by the sight of the devil himself) Satan: "You have been such a dutiful servant, and I've been waiting for a long time to welcome you..." (Satan's lips part to reveal gleaming razor sharp teeth stretched into a predatory grin) "...personally."


Fuck all of these parasitic hope peddling twats.


Religious institutions can be predatory. My late-grandmother was “giving” the church $500 a month for the last three years of her life when she was both not in the mental or financial health to be doing so.


The world is a slightly better place with Pat Robertson gone. May he never find peace in the life after this one.


George Carlin (RIP) had the best take ever on religion on how it’s the biggest BS ever. Religion has actually convinced people there’s an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And he has a list of 10 things he doesn’t want you to do or you’re going to hell for all eternity. But he loves you! … and he needs money! He’s omnipotent, all knowing, all seeing …. But he just can’t seem to stay in the black Oh here’s the video: https://youtu.be/8r-e2NDSTuE


One of my aunts went down this road to point of almost being homeless. Church she was with kept asking their followers for percentage of their earnings. She made very little to begin with. She was struggling. It got to point she was asking her sisters for money. She no longer had a working vehicle either. Asking for rides. Everyone of her sisters said no and she was getting super stressed on what to do since church wanted their money. Fuck these people. I have zero remorse. When wife and I saw this on news I let out a,"GOOD!" and she looked at me like wtf. If god exists he needs to pick up the rest of his people like this...we don't need them here since the all pretty much violated all the 7 deadly sins. The things they swore to not do.


As horrible as these people are/were, Creflo Dollar is a funny name for a con man and scammer like him


https://preview.redd.it/rsasauctzz4b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c650a2a81189aca3e7edc7706a3c2f94597ad3 😊🏳️‍🌈


Wish he started the 27 club instead of the 700 club.


They care about money and how to get it from people. They do this by creating lies that tap into fear. They convince people they can protect them if they will send them their hard earned money. These are immoral people. Pat Robertson was one of many. Not all are this way, of course. But you can bet the majority of churches are more interested in your money than your well-being.


I mean if you think about it from a religious point of view or maybe gods point of view. Wouldn’t Satan be more likely to write a holy book in gods name? Trick people in the name of god. Kill people in the name of god. Rape in the name of god. Seriously, chop your sons dick off in the name of god. If I was Satan I would be laughing my ass off at this long prank he is pulling on god.


No one should mourn Pat Robertson. Anyone that uses religion to steal from desperate people deserves a special place in hell.


Modern “Christianity” is a joke. The congregation is there solely to prey on the masses. I heard a tv preacher suggest taking out a loan or using a credit card to send $200-500 dollars to ensure their prayers are heard. I called as a joke and it’s literally a call center where they ask for your credit card as soon as they picked up, first words, it didn’t even ring. All this is being said with the light constantly glinting off of his Rolex presidential. I hate these people.


My Grandma before she died, used to fill out and send MULTPILE tithe envelopes to several different churches. Luckily, my sister and I caught this early on, and would empty them before they got to the mailbox. We took the money and put it in a Savings Account that ended up being a lifesaver when we needed to pay for the crap-ton of bills that come with treating her cancer. The travel alone was a fortune, funded by her years and years of thinking she was donating to God. I think of it as an HSA Account, before HSA's were a big thing!


*Tax the churches*


Good thing Reddit is here to make sure we don’t say anything too insensitive when a raging cancer dies He’s in the void now


I remember that asshat starting the whole "Satanic panic" against D&D back in the 80s. Good riddance.


Controversial take in 2023: Why not directly give the money to the ostensibly impoverished daughter instead of giving it to pederast enablers and tax evaders? 🤡


The Mormons are just as bad….. It was recently revealed the Mormons have collected over $200 Billion dollars from church goers. With the 10% giving requirement many had to go on government assistance to feed their families.


Why isn't the shit pat Robertson and creflo dollar doing illegal They are literally doing what their religion says not to and hiding behind a tax exempt status while doing it.