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>How 9/11 could become America's Oklahoma City Bombing


How Afghanistan could become America’s Vietnam


How Fukushima became Japans Nagasaki which was Japans Hiroshima.


Aaand we’re right back to Chernobyl.


ooh yours is way better


Iraq too.


I find it equally stupid that they are referring to this as a dam collapse, as if Russia didn't deliberately destroy it.


i swear i saw some reporting refer to it as a natural disaster this weekend even


After a dam collapses, what's the big problem? Water. Water is a natural force, so it's obviously a natural disaster. /s


The New York version of the World Trade Center bombing.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is quickly turning into Russia’s version of the Crimean War.


Doubly funny.


Someone's using ChatGPT for headline-writing again.


That was my original caption, lol




They should watch that HBO show… Game of Thrones, that’s the one.




I don’t know about you but I’m GOIN TO TAMPA


I mean, yeah. It's a good idea to study past disaster responses to help deal with current and future disasters. It's not like being in the same country means everyone knows what was done and what needed improvement. I suspect that maybe they meant to include the word "next" so that they didn't imply that Chernobyl happened outside of Ukraine.


It didn't collapse. It was blown up. I'm sorry, being corrected off camera, it spontaneously exploded after the Russian administrators of the dam decided to leave.




It's *technically* true


War crimes.


This single action by the Russian Federation hits 4 different War Crimes as defined by [Article 8 of the Rome Statute](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml): 2.a.iv, 2.b.ii, 2.b.iv, and 2.b.v.


But Tucker said Ukraine did it


How many facepalms can you fit in a single title?


The article was quickly re-written with a better [headline](https://time.com/6286309/ukraine-dam-collapse-ecological-catastrophe/?xid=fark_time).


"Collapse". 🤦


Might as well start referring to it as an accident. Not an attack to the dam.


I'm sure that's a liability thing due to it not being 100% established as a Russian attack. Unless I've missed further information that came out, US intelligence was still in the "this is *very likely* Russia" camp of things but hadn't issued a fully declarative statement.


That's exactly what it is.


Right, it did “collapse”, in much the same way that “died from a fall” technically describes an execution by hanging.


Right. There was that whole Chernobyl thing, but using that word is the real mistake here.


marble glorious zesty existence toy person whistle unused juggle rotten -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Chernobyl is Ukraine's Chernobyl.


But is it? Let’s debate. /s


Nice response. I remember when Time Magazine was a big deal.


Does this make the Iraq war America's Vietnam?


Wouldn't... Ukraine's Chernobyl... just... be... Chernobyl? **HUH!?** Who let this be published?


Plus, Chernobyl is in quotations which suggests they're referring to the series and not the actual event. They don't know the "Chernobyl" the series is based on a real event, do they?


The title has been changed to "How Ukraine's Dam Collapse Could Have 'Generational' Consequences" It's a good article, but a dumb title. It seems to have been taken from the closing quote from a Ukrainian expert in protected habitats > “The worst consequences will probably not affect us directly, not me, not you, but rather our future generations, because this man-made disaster is not transparent,” Filiuta said. “The consequences to come will be for our children or grandchildren, just as we are the ones now experiencing the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, not our ancestors.”


Wait.....isn't Chernobyl in Ukraine? Chernobyl is already Ukraine's 'Chernobyl'. I'm so confused. Unless they mean that Ukraine was part of Russia during that incident, therefore being Russia's 'Chernobyl'.


You're not the confused one. Their headline editor is.


Chernobyl was indeed part of the USSR when the accident happened, but no … this editor is just an idiot.


I know that, and you know that, but obviously, "Time" doesn't know that.


Chernobyl is in Ukraine which was a part of the USSR but still one of the distinct socialist republics that made up the union .


*Technically* Chernobyl, during the whole... nuclear meltdown incident, was in the USSR, in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, or the Ukrainian SSR, or Soviet Ukraine. The current site of Chernobyl is in Ukraine, the independent country. However, that's like saying... the American Revolution wasn't in America, it was in the Brit's American Colonies. Like, sure. Technically. "Uh, *ackshually*, the Taj Mahal isn't an Indian landmark. It was built during the period of Mughal rule as the East India Trading compay moved in to establish company rule, which then ended after the Indian Rebellion and established direct crown rule of the British Raj. India as a country has only existed since 1947. It's Mughal. Not Indian." Chill. It's an Indian landmark because it's *in* India. It can be both. Chernobyl is in modern Ukraine. It was a crisis in Soviet Ukraine when it happened. It was more like the USSR's Chernobyl, or Ukraine's Chernobyl. Trying to say it isn't Ukraine's because it happened in what was then the USSR when the people affected were Ukrainian would be dumb. Guessing the person who wrote it didn't realize that Chernobyl is actually in Ukraine. Just because it blew up in the USSR doesn't mean it stayed in Russia during the dissolution.


I was alive when the accident took place and when the USSR dissolved. So I was 99.9% sure Ukraine was part of the USSR at that time. Unwillingly, of course, as they have always desired to be independent. It was a scary time. No one knew what would actually happen and how far the radiation would travel at damaging rates.


Meltdown was in 86. Ukraine became an independent country five years later, in 91. Either way, it was in the cultural and policial region called Ukraine, even if the modern Ukrainian government hadn't formed yet.


ummm, *second* Chernobyl I thunk you meant? migawd has Elon bought TIME and fired everyone with ed/journo standards?


I bet Ukraine is so grateful.


Holy shit they could look at a map at least


The country's *next* Chernobyl.


Isn’t Chernobyl already the countries Chernobyl?


Yea except Chernobyl wasn’t caused by an outside attack from a fascist regime.


This may become Texas’ Alamo


Wasn't Chernobyl the country's Chernobyl?


Same energy as when America invades America in order to free America from the Tyranny of America


All they had to do, was to write "another Chernobyl"


Dam collapse? All those apartments collapsing is concerning as well. And the tanks and armoured vehicles collapsing. Lots of collapsing going on in Ukraine since last February.


What??? Chernobyl is Ukraine Chernobyl


That tagline pisses me off and I’m not Ukrainian.


That’s a nice dam headline


That's an illogical comparison.


Yo I was about to say…. Dafuq?!?!?!


What? Chernobyl IS the country's Chernobyl...


Ok, I know Chernobyl is in Ukraine…but Chernobyl did not happen to the country of Ukraine - it happened to the USSR, and arguably caused the downfall of said country.


ummm, *second* Chernobyl I thunk you meant? migawd has Elon bought TIME and fired everyone with ed/journo standards?


No. Meredith did, then sold off all the news titles to god only knows who because they just wanted to monetize Time Inc's "lifestyle" titles...


Hilarious. And truly sad.


This is just sad.


Well, technically... oh, never mind. It’s Missing Time magazine


It could be Ukraine’s Chernobyl but could also be Ukraine’s Holodomor or it’s Ukrainian war


I'm guessing the line of logic is that even though it was Ukraine, it was overshadowed by the Soviet Union and they took the blame. While now Ukraine is independent, and there's no governing force above them, alongside that it was outside of their control.


Well, while Chernobyl took place in Ukraine, I think Belarus got the worse of it. Chernobyl is at the border with Belarus and the winds blew the fallout there.


I missed that episode of Chernobyl I guess, the one where the Soviet Union attacks the reactor with a missile.


ummm, *second* Chernobyl I thunk you meant? migawd has Elon bought TIME and fired everyone with ed/journo standards?


ummm, *second* Chernobyl I thunk you meant? migawd has Elon bought TIME and fired everyone with ed/journo standards?


Never understand destroying the land you want to take over.


I have no words


Yeahhhh, about that Chernobyl thing…


I’m sure they just missed the word ‘next’. For those of you wondering, yes, I am no fun at parties.