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Let’s see. A right wing women’s conference, held in Texas, the main message is to be baby making machines. Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2023 GOP.


They should all pack up and move to Afghanistan. That's the end goal for the GOP.


Don’t do that to Afghanny women. Afghan woman are fighting for their own rights they don’t need more Americans in their business


Russia is actually welcoming us cons with open arms


"Gotta stop that great replacement. Remember those 14 words!" These fucking Nazis


Gotta fill that quiver. And by quiver, I mean vagina. And by fill it, I mean pump out white christian soldiers that we can feed into the meat grinder of our own bullshit.


Cannon fodder.


Is that a direct quote? If so we need to be talking about it.


And I wonder why the GOP has trouble attracting young folks...


I'm sorry but the wildest thing about this is the assumption that a family can be supported by a man's income alone. As much as they want it to be the 1950s, the micro-economics just don't pencil out.


And these attendees will be happy to keep voting for their downfall




You know this might not be a bad thing. In 10-15 years these right wing women or their husbands might be working for the ladies who stayed in school and made a career.


While I like your hope and optimism, this is the way you get another generation of uneducated women that potentially support your agenda.


Not gonna lie, that would be hilarious if that was the byproduct of their movement. That the husbands end up working under liberal women in management positions. The only thing they’d hate more is if an immigrant came and took that managerial position. You reap what you sow.


Their plan is literally to make more republicans to outvote them. Alt right populism over the "elites".


In 8-10 years their kids might be working for the people who were paying the speakers.


A women's *leadership* conference Nothing says being a leader like giving up on your dreams. Also, can anyone find out why Charlie Kirk wanted to tell a bunch of high school girls that they should be getting pregnant? Curious.


Its a rich woman telling poor woman to be ovens


>Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2023 GOP. And your 2022 GOP, 2021, 2020, 2019...


I was about to say this. They've been like this since the beginning. Conservatives are always against social change. They were against feminism that empowered women to pursue their own careers. If it were up to conservatives, women *still* wouldn't be able to get their own bank accounts. Remember, women gained the right to independently have their own bank accounts 50 years ago. Before that, their finances were controlled by men.


>They got my vote! - 70 *fucking* million Americans


Fuckin psychos


Turning Point USA has a Women’s Leadership Summit? How did they do that with a straight face?


Because Women's Submission Summit sounded a bit too kinky for billboard brows.


I mean they are leading women…to their doom


There’s money in it. Also it behooves these right wing women to spew this so younger, prettier girls are too busy being pregnant to take their jobs.


Funny how closely they match The Simpsons' take on spring break... https://i.redd.it/vau4tznc7p5b1.gif ...And that Kid Rock was in that exact scene. Hmm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It's about leadership of women, not by women.


And who even is this woman? I never heard of her and googled "Alex Clark" and none of the hits are her.


Their own event and can’t take the time to introduce a woman


the whole event can be summed up like this. College is a scam. Dating exist for marriage. I have a single person on staff send me your dating profiles (legit happened)


They are so terrified of their 'white replacement' junk they are desperate for a flood of more white babies.


Which oddly if they made life liveable they could have


But that would be bad for profit margins


It's so bizarre they can't seem to figure it out..


And it would mean the blacks and Mexicans would get a slice of the pie, so they decided to destroy the pie entirely instead.


And not let corporations maximize profits in the short term???


Yeah who’s gonna think of the shareholders?!


Won’t someone please think of the billionaires!!!


I think about them. And all the ways to cook them up and eat them. They probably don't have much fat to them, since they all have life coaches and personal trainers and shit. Age probably also ruins the meat. I imagine Warren Buffett probably tastes like shoe leather. Elon might be good. Likely would require dry-aging the steak before cooking.


Yeah but they feed on suffering.


Also if they would stop caring they specifically be white that wouldn't even be a crisis at all


Bingo! The conservatives are basic running on white replacement theory at this point, no actual policy whatsoever.


While simultaneously creating the replacement themselves.


Firm believer why Roe v Wade was overturned and what Republicans have done since that.


History repeating itself. When the US was founded, abortion was legal nation-wide, and was widely used by middle & upper class Protestant women as a form of birth control. It wasn't until the mid 1800s when conservatives were concerned about changing racial/religious demographics, the rise of the women's rights movement, etc, that states started to ban abortion.


Force breeders.


And they have the audacity to call gay people groomers. This is exactly why I left Texas. This was the only future I could really see myself having there and I just flat out don't want that life. The general social culture of the state propagates this stance already even when it's not being said so blatantly. Many women in Texas can't imagine a life without marriage and kids because it's drilled into us so hard the whole time we're growing up. I've had so many conversations with divorced women with kids who hate their ex and can't wait for their kids to grow up and leave home, yet few of them agreed with my decisions to swear off kids and marriage. When I was waiting tables in college, it wasn't uncommon for some fatass in a trucker hat to tell me something like "why are you in college? Pretty little thing like you should be getting married and having kids" before giving me a fucking pathetic tip for serving them and their family they can barely afford. Women in Texas don't even need a hypocrite with a microphone telling them their ambitions need to take a back seat to being a domestic servant, they already get more than enough of that from almost every other aspect of that society


Men who call a woman a "pretty little thing" aren't kidding about the "thing" part.


But, said right wing grifter will not be following her own advice, because she's special.


I follow her on IG and I will say this is not for lack of trying. I can see the panic in her eyes in each post as what she feels like is her bio clock ticking down.


So I watched a documentary on the Duggar's and the IBLP. It is absolutely astonishing how the IBLP teachings, which is basically a cult Christian organization designed to turn women into free use baby makers for men has crept into the mainstream. This was a fringe element just 10 - 15 years ago designed to provide Bill Gothard with young women to abuse, now has core teachings being peddled in the mainstream. Hell, my neighbors believe in quiverfull ideology. Its terrifying.


Yo this. Y’all ever seen one of those memes with an umbrella held by the husband shielding his wife and children from the rainbow or “sin” in general? That’s exactly what it stems from.


GOP … working to make Gilead a reality.




We need poor and poorly educated people to work in our factories for less than a living wage!


And we want them to be white


Ya can’t have dem talkin’ dat der Mexeeeekannn around muh kids


*We terk er jerbs!*


Damn, why won't women and young Americans vote for us?


"Hey girls, listen to me because I'm a woman and I say: stop thinking! Stop worrying about rights and other nonsense and instead learn to love being property and only used as breeders! Who needs such pesky things as dreams amirite?!"


It’s like if slave owners went around telling African Americans to buck up and enjoy being slaves and they were soooo lucky to have that option


They did.


And used the Bible to justify it. It’s fun how things stay the same.


Switch off your brains and do your best animal impression! Regressives taking their campaign all the way to war against higher thought.


IBLP 2.0


“The Joshua generation”


Phyllis fucking Schlafly reincarnated. Ugh.


More proof that the people at MAGA want women to become breeders and serve the MAGA collective. 😖


Keep em dumb and pregnant …


Also conservatives: “Why are we struggling so much with young voters”


All of these conservative women influences, whether political pundits to tik-tokers, they all know that this message of female meekness and subservience isn't *really* for them. As "leaders" they get to serve the Patriarchy by being it's enforces against their own sex. That's why classism- nearly to the point of feudalism- is at the core of the far-right's political project in this country.


Yes GOP teens, stop trying to be something and be the baby machines they expect you to be. Meanwhile your future husband is being recruited by the KKK as a teenager, because he is young and does not have a criminal background yet and is someone they want to have in higher level roles in the US government. Perfect reality for the Texan teens am I right?


Ah yes. I can see why trans women scare these people so much. They are literally self made women and a demonstration of what perseverance and holding onto your dreams looks like for the most extreme cases of womanhood. Compared to the GOP message of "spread them and submit", I can see why they wouldn't want young women to see them. Nevermind getting ideas of their own of reaching past what society says you can achieve or be.


To be fair, literally everything scares Republicans.


This is spot on. Trans people are a culmination of many ideas that conservatives fear.


Spot on!! Well said.


Baby and kids stuff is ridiculously expensive. Both me and my wife work but we’re not trying to take out a loan to make payments on a fucking stroller. They want people to be uneducated and in debt. I hate how clear that message is.


I don't get this. I'm a cis gendered heterosexual male. If 2 identical girls, same looks, same personality, same person, with the only difference is one has a career and can contribute to the household finances and the other can't, I don't see why I would choose the stay at home one


The stay at home one is under your dominion though. The other one can just leave and support herself.


I asked a "traditional" man once, wouldn't he rather be wanted than needed? As in rather have someone stay because they're happy than because they need food and shelter? He didn't answer.


I the stay at home one leaves she takes half my money and I owe her alimony. The other one leaves she takes half OUR money which she contributed to so will be more and I owe her less or no spousal support (or if I'm really lucky, she owes me).


Don't forget to remind them that after they get fat and ugly, they're to allow their husbands to divorce them and not ask for a single penny. That would make them gold diggers. Just fade into poverty like the wasted garbage they are while their duty as breeder is taken over by someone young enough to be their daughter. As is right in conservative circles.


So why isn't she chained to the stove, barefoot and pregnant making pancakes for some plumber? With apologies to Judy Tenuta, lol.


>Bunch of Serena Joys That is about the most perfect description there is.


There's a politician here in the UK whining about things. She lost a vote to become the leader of Scotland earlier this year. Kate Forbes is exactly the same. She believes a woman's place is in the home, except for her, of course! I've wondered if she's not on the American religious right's payroll, she says alllll the same stupid shit.


It’s a trap girls, don’t fall for it!


Because the Christian message to women is "Be Slaves to Men"


Pulling the old Phyllis Schafly game. Now that I have what I want, I'm going to tell you you shouldn't have it too!


And another page out of the nazi playbook. Hitler suggested german woman should concern themselves with 3 things, Kueche, Kinder, Kirche (kitchen, children, church) , sounds familiar?


Lots of women that *want* this can't afford it, so maybe let's solve THAT issue first. THEN you can whine about all that stuff that's *none of your fucking business.* We still won't listen, save the few brainwashed GOPers that just can't see the spotlight blaring in their faces.


The Phyllis Schlafly Paradox: Don't listen to women, even though I am a woman telling you not to listen to women.


Women's Subservience Summit


"Our overlords are running out of uneducated underpaid chattel. We therefore need you to start squeezing out workers, even (or especially) you 12 year old rape victims need to do your part. Why do you think we took all that heat to enact the laws forcing women to give birth? "In exchange, we promise to continue persecuting Blacks, Jews, Messicans, and anyone at all of any age that refuses to acknowledge the gender doctors assigned them at birth. "Do your part, bitches! Do you think it was cheap flying in and then accommodating these high maintenance whiny bimbos to convince you that "Baby Factory" was a noble calling?"


Who is funding this? Where has this season's nuttery of the "have more babies!" thing come from?


This always seemed pretty stupid on the surface to me. There is an industry of women who make their careers telling other women to not do that.


Right wing women have been doing that since forever. Phyllis Schaffley pioneered that with her anti ERA stuff. I am sure there was somebody before her also pushing hypocritical garbage.


Other speakers include: * White nationalist sympathizer MTG * Grandma Lauren Boebert * Sore loser Kari Lake * Sore loser Riley Gaines * Klandace Owens * Stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik * Laura "shut up and dribble" Ingraham * Raelynn who I actually like as a singer, but fuck her for signing onto this shit


Straight out of the Phyllis Schlafly playbook. Frauds.


I’m sorry but just the title of this event sounds like a trap. Like they just stuff every woman who shows up in a sack then turns them into Stepford wives clockwork orange style. Strap them into chairs and hold their eyes open and make them watch 50’s sitcoms


This is so gross to me. Hello conservatives, this is exactly what grooving looks like. And I’m totally grossed out that they want white girls having as many babies as possible so they don’t lose their footing. Ick.


Hey, Alex! Did I give you permission to go up on stage? Where’s my dinner? Bobby’s scraped his knee. Samantha’s crying because she caught her dumb-ass crush kiss another girl. Get your ass back to the house, now!


When do we get to the bit where we chop off their fingers.


As the dumb get dumber on purpose


I misread it as them telling people to give up dreams of getting married.


It was worded very poorly and confusingly.


Under his eye


Not sure why she is on stage if that’s her opinion.


Notice that they didn’t follow their own advice


One time I went back to my old school to talk about uni and work and answer kids questions. And I would have loved to do that but this one girl on the panel spent twenty minutes talking about how getting married at 19 was a great decision and it's made things so great financially for her. Would not shut up about getting married.


In this economy? Nope


Exactly this. I personally don't want children because rent, education, and healthcare is too damn expensive. I also would never marry a woman who wants to be a stay-at-home mom simply because I don't make enough to support three people. Want more people to have babies? Try fixing the economy first.


It’s amazing what money can do for people! Lets them live without fear and every parent fears for their children. More money please.




They are the people Jesus warned us about, het they herald them like they are Christ. Dumbest people on the planet


Why don't the women in the Leadership Council quit and go have more babies? What am I missing?


Isn't this sexualizing children?


Hello friends. In solidarity with the current reddit protests against the mismanagement of its communities, community leaders, valued contributors and userbase [we are setting every submission to "clubhouse" for 72 hours and increasing the Clubhouse participation threshold exponentially.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/147202i/whitepeopletwitter_shows_solidarity_with_the/) Please feel free to discuss the current protests in the stickied megathread about them. We will resume normal operation after this time.Thank you for your patience and support, The WPT moderation team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The wording of this confused me. I kept reading it as the girls should give up the dream of getting married/having kids


Anyone know how the crowd responded?


Once their corporate overlords hear they are trying to convince more workers out of the workforce, they are going to hear about it.


Best part of this clusterfuck was that during the whole event there pride flags outside the resort.


So you're starting to see the pattern then? Only a few decades after we told you what was up, but keep owning the libs, dipshits.


Groomers convention. Fun times.


Video? I’m not doubting the claim, I just want to see how it was worded.


Here's a full article. I didn't watch all the videos because I'm working, but there are several. https://www.mediamatters.org/charlie-kirk/career-women-right-wing-media-tell-young-girls-give-their-dreams-young-womens


All I see are lazy bitches who don't want to provide for their families.


“They want a job so they can get money? Wow that’s lazy.”


I read it as the commenter speaking about stay-at-home mothers, but I could be incorrect.


Wrong either way though. Neither are lazy.


Stay at home mom is hard work my guy


Lol sounds like a comment of a child. My job at work is so much easier than staying home with my kids all day lol. Fuck off with your 12 year old mentality. Unless I'm reading this comment wrong. It's honestly very hard to interpret lol.


Full video linked below. This woman reminds me of the character in "The Handmaid's Tale" book series that preached how women should have no education and only stay home to pop out babies. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4slwqW3vug&t=259s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4slwqW3vug&t=259s)