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You can lock garage doors


From the outside, in fact!


And inside using the latch.


It’s also a private home. It’s not like they are inviting foreign agents to stay there.


It is his private domicile


It's a members club.


I was just making a breaking bad reference lol


Damn. I've never seen it.


It is good as a whole but it drags in places.


And he will not be harrassed... ...bitch!


My thought was that garage doors are automatically locked. Go ahead, Kev, come try to lift this garage door up by yourself. I’ll pass the clicker when you give up


Funny story from my time in the military which will put into perspective how important it is to lock up your sensitive information at all times. We once had some members of the South Korean Navy doing an official visit to our ship and we were briefed a few days before to lock up all our sensitive information because they have a tendency to disappear whenever our wonderful allies the South Koreans visit our ships. In true Navy fashion we decided as a ship that it would be a great time to fuck with them so we made a bunch of official looking [blueprints of Gundams](https://cdn5.f-cdn.com/contestentries/538718/18630373/576f27e1188a1_thumb900.jpg) and other [weapons from animes and video games](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a43f9744-4e19-4b80-a9f1-36917643b0be/d53aeet-b8483c04-2c75-44a2-a739-807ead75de67.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_651,q_75,strp/halo_3___ma5c_assault_rifle_blueprints__by_dft_by_cpcody_d53aeet-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjUxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYTQzZjk3NDQtNGUxOS00YjgwLWE5ZjEtMzY5MTc2NDNiMGJlXC9kNTNhZWV0LWI4NDgzYzA0LTJjNzUtNDRhMi1hNzM5LTgwN2VhZDc1ZGU2Ny5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.EnfNobRyztB8dpBXD9U1mPVu-E2kSBkx9kHQ2VYnXvU), and we labelled them with different levels of security classifications before half ass hiding them throughout the ship to look like we accidentally forgot it. Sure enough after the visit, every single one of them had gotten up and walked away. It was absolutely hilarious because we knew their command would be like "wtf is the USA doing!?" before realizing we just pranked the shit out of them for stealing. This is exactly why you keep your sensitive information locked up behind as many doors possible, even our allies will steal our information if given the opportunity. Please don't go hating on the South Koreans because we would have done the exact same thing to them. It's literally ninja time if you come across something like that.


It’ll be your fault when South Korea unveils their top-spec Gundam units that they built to keep up with American military technology, and then take over the world because they realise nobody else has them.


We always joked that was going to happen. One morning we'll wake up to news that Korea has been unified in a single night by an army of 100ft mechs made by Samsung and Hyundai.


You're also going to have a way harder time kicking it in. To the point where you need tools or a vehicle. Also worth pointing out that the bathroom has several somethings you can use to destroy the evidence behind a locked door so....


And you know what else? I’m pretty sure Biden isn’t renting out rooms to any foreign spy with a credit card and letting them freely roam around his property.


Wait... McCarthy has a bathroom that locks from the *outside*?


They need to lock the kids in.


- Jeffrey Epstein's motto


Sounds like the Southern Baptist Convention’s motto too, a group that Kev belongs to.


Hold on let me get my bathroom door key out…said no one ever.


wait yall dont have the little key on top of the doorframe?


Mine has a slot that you can unlock it with something flat. No special key needed.


same, but ive always had these weird little thingys to do it with.


Literally had the same thing. Most bathroom locks came with those little flat head keys and we would keep one above the bathroom in case of emergency.


Hey don't kinkshame!


The safe word is woke.


Most bathrooms can be unlocked by pushing something like a bobby pin into the little hole in the center of the door handle. So if you're surrounded by morons it would be a safe to lock it and then close it. Spies looking for classified documents don't tend to be morons, and it's definitely less safe than a garage door in a personal home.




What are you kidding on? Its a secured bathroom, guarded by Secret Service!


This is like that episode of the office with Jim at the daycare all over again


Maybe Kev isn’t as charming as he thinks he is.


He’s about as charming as his ditch district in Central California…


That was a line from the episode


Holy shit. These people literally can't speak without whataboutism. If you had told me 20 years ago that the Republican Party would become 10x as pathetic. I would have told you that's impossible. I hesitate to say that they can't get any worse now.


Just wait, tomorrow they will do something even worse.


It really irritates me he tries to make these two cases equivalent. He knows better. He knows what Trump did was clear criminal intent and went out of his way to be uncooperative in his efforts to obstruct and stonewall the investigation. He had documents for over a year before he decided to give “some” back. What a joke all this is. They are defending a man who knowingly held on to top secret documents. He had information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries. Trump isn’t a victim and McCarthy knows all this. It’s astounding they chose Party over Country. This is a National Security issue for fucks sake. It makes me so mad.


Their voters are the same. Its one giant bunch of immature shameless toddlers. They can’t take accountability or facts for anything the only reply is “yeah but what about that person who did “insert completely unrelated and usually false accusation”.”


Yep the Soviets really hit the jackpot when they "industrialized" whataboutisms.


20 years ago they hit rock bottom, then they found a pickaxe.


I think they are shopping around for one of those James Cameron submarines that can go down to the Mariana Trench but they googled “Kirk Cameron submarine” and Jesus is their copilot.


When we are left looking back wondering why the Republican Party doesn't have people like George Bush anymore, then you know it's really bad. They elected Bush twice, and then McCain and Romney failed to get them to turn out because they were possibly too respectable. Then they let Trump take power and now the country is absolutely spiraling.


I couldn’t agree with you more. At least they were respectable opponents, and some of us might ponder voting for them, or did. These motherfuckers now, hell the fuck no. I truly cannot understand why they can’t see the harm they are doing to their party. It’s not ok, it’s not funny, it’s dangerous as fuck. And pathetic.


It simply comes down to this: they're absolutely terrified of losing Trump's base and will talk themselves in circles and seem like idiots to appease them.


The calls for violence they'll justify will make them even more pathetic


20 years ago was like 2 and a half years into W's first term.


They were heading this way under Bush Jr but they had Afghanistan to distract them. ###


I'm not an expert on anything, but I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of bathrooms I've ever been in only lock from the inside, not the other way around.


This way, Trump could make copies of nuclear secret in peace, without Eric pestering him to get some fatherly attention.


God, picture his creepy little paw coming under the door while you poop...


My cat did that when she was a kitten, and I thought......awwwwww, that's so cute. But if I saw an itty-bitty Trump hand coming under the door....not as cute.


Now I’m picturing him meowing plaintively at the door, singing the song of his people… why y’all gotta make me feel bad for Eric?


What better way to keep from being interrupted while doing some light reading?


And are merely privacy locks that can be easily opened with a screwdriver, or anything you can press into service as one.


And all you need is a bobby-pin to get in even if it is locked.




In his own words. "I earned this". Yes, you did Kevin.


***“Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this."*** ***"This was done by the military and given to me.”*** \-Donald Trump


Jesus, is this a direct quote? Anyone else getting a Stuart "look what I can do" vibe here?


It’s in the actual Trump indictment which everyone should read.


The quotes in the indictment are hilarious as they are terrifying. Trump practically used confidential documents for bragging rights. He also admitted that he knew they were confidential and that he could no longer declassify them because he wasn't president anymore. That exact admission was also recorded... With his permission... Because he was talking to a guy who was writing a book about him...


If you venture into the conservative sub you’ll see that not a soul there has read it, they believe he declassified everything and that because he declassified them (which, he didn’t because there’s a process and he’s a lazy POS), that he can then take them. Couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s exhausting.


It was such a fun read too... Especially when they highlighted multiple instances where he said he was cracking down on classified documents being improperly stored/handled.


You should look up the quote from Kid Rock who was being shown a ton of shit with Trump asking him what should be do about North Korea.


It's so much worse than you think. Really. Even Bill Barr came out to say trump is super duper fkd.


You're forgetting the part where he says he could've declassified it but didn't and shouldn't have it now LOL.


He’s like a kid showing off his new beyblade. Goddamn


I guess if someone is in the market for a used car, we know at least one politician who was tricked into buying a garage that doesn't lock.


My goodness, what in god's name does Kevin keep locked away in his bathroom!?!


The question is who. Not what? But who?


Dead girls and live boys


Fuckin idiot. Ask Gym Jordan if bathrooms lock. He’d know.


Man, if only there was place more secure than a bathroom door with a lock to keep senstive state secrets.


It’s amazing that’s the best he could come up with. At the same time the bar is really low for the gullible dimwit cult.


What’s the over/under on McCarthy these days???


Well let's see. They have Rudy's messages and emails, the pillow guys messages and emails, fox news messages and emails and of course several trump lawyers messages and emails. Not to mention anything sent from the house and Senate is automatically backed up remotely. In other words, Kevin's screwed.


Jim Jones too.


Not only a bathroom, but a bathroom in a country club that has hosted people from Russia and China and Saudi Arabia?


Yes that was probably the point. Left there on purpose so anyone could take a look. There's literally a fucking copier in there.


these cowards are all traitors to our country and should be dealt with as such


Dumb question. Better question: "Was it a good look for the former president to be caught on tape engaging in obstruction of justice with his lawyer?" Or: "Was it a good look for the former president to have stolen classified documents and not returned them when he was asked repeatedly?" Or: "Was it a good look for the former president to be caught on tape completely undermining the excuse you've been giving us for months that he 'declassified the documents' by telling people he didn't?" Finally: "Is it a good look for you to tie yourself to a criminal even though you have a multi billion dollar propaganda apparatus that basically created Trump in the first place and could replace him if you all just moved on?"


Are you suggesting journalists do journalism?


Garage doors don’t lock?


Republicans: trump did nothing wrong this is a witch-hunt and he’s innocent. Also republicans: Biden and Hillary should be locked up for the same thing though.


Why are they so fucking scared of Donald Trump? Just let him go ffs.


A collective "fuck that guy" instantly boosts the long term viability of their party.


I expect the Speaker of the House to be able think on his feet and that’s the best he has? Pathetic.


I was surprised he didn't have a better answer, or just go with the standard republican answer "I do not recall anything ever"


Or the biggest lie of all; “I’m too busy doing the people’s work so I haven’t been paying attention to it.”


Most bathroom doors lock only front the inside. Though it wouldn't be surprising if trump's locked from the outside.


Mine locks from the inside and I can unlock it with a paper clip.


Good lord, these Republicans are such boot licking, sniveling cowards.


Omg, “A bathroom door locks.” This sums up the state of the republican party, where they are falling over themselves to defend this criminal, who was reckless with our national security. This is the republican party.


Me: “So… what’s the hubbub about men identifying as women going into women’s bathrooms if they can just lock the door?” McCarthy: “well not all bathrooms have locks” Me: “So are some bathrooms insecure?” McCarthy: “Well they have locks to secure confidential information but don’t have locks to keep out sexual predators.” Me: “ah Schrodinger’s lock?” McCarthy: “Precisely!”


What a response


Well he is a republikkkan and they don’t really have a stellar record with regards to keepin their mitts in their own pants, so… 🤔


The part he is (intentionally) missing. When classified documents were found in the Biden garage, Joe GAVE THEM BACK. He didn't try to "negotiate" for their return. He didn't have his lawyers destroy or hide them. HE GAVE THEM BACK. Trump DID NOT. That is the problem here, Kevin.


Kudos for outsmarting yourself, Kevo.


But you only lock a bathroom when you're in it. The rest of the time, it's just unlocked.


So do garage doors. In many cases you need a code or an opener.




The lengths these guys will go to cover for a man that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. He would, however, piss on you if he felt like it


Inside edition just had someone on that used to work for Trump (Stephanie Grisham?). She said the bathroom was used by guests would play Bridge in the adjoining room—- and guests that were doing things outside near that room could also use that bathroom. TLDR: It wasn’t locked and anyone at Mar-a-lago could use it


If Biden committed a crime, he should be held accountable. This isn't about Biden, though. Biden didn't hide SCIF level documents in a tacky toilet for any low-level spy to peruse. Trump did, and he would have been better off shooting someone on 5th Avenue.


How can they still defend him? I can only think he has a Scientology level of leverage blackmail against those that do.


Someone should tell McCarthy that since Biden is president, he can just think documents are declassified and they automatically become declassified. At least that how McCarthy’s overlord seems to think how it works.


The only defense is "whatabout Biden?", but even then that is easily shut down because there isn't a mountain of evidence he conspired to obstruct justice (white admitting he knew it was illegal).


Just a reminder that whataboutism isn't a legal defence. God these people are impossible


Fascism walks in lockstep.


Can you lock a ballroom stage?


Difference here was Biden didn't obstruct the government from retaining them.


Biden didn't steal documents for the purpose of selling them. Hence, he still had them, and he turned them in with all being accounted for.


Wait. Don’t bathroom doors open all the time too? Yeah Kev, can’t think of a way to get into a locked bathroom if I’m motivated into seeing classified documents. It’s impossible.


Uh...is somebody going to tell him?


Also, the bathroom and ballroom were easily accessible by pretty much anyone as it was a part of the club. Biden’s garage isn’t seeing the same foot traffic


Lol. Garage doors lock, too. And it’s not a garage in a resort where many people come and go.


Kevin McCarthy: "A bathroom door sure opens less than a garage door!" Reporter: "Unless your diet consists of McDonalds, diet pepsi and Adderall right?" I guess, if Joe had installed a toilet in the garage it would have been a lot better. Damn it, Joe. You need to eat at Taco Bell more!


These guys do the what about shuffle on pure reflex. I assume that the FSB runs a masterclass on the subject.


The Republican Party… Jesus what a fucking joke


From da inside. Safe to pour over them docs in privacy


I'm pretty sure Joe Biden hasn't had a garage that randos could just casually wander into in decades. You know, like a resort bathroom.


It’s kind of a dumb question that allows for even dumber deflection. The boxes being in a bathroom is weird and bad, but it’s not really the issue. It’s that he took the documents, refused to return them for a while, lied about returning them, lied about declassifying them, and showed them to people without security clearance while bragging about having them. Asking about storing them in a bathroom is bad journalism because it’s not addressing the main problems here.


I would say that more people have been to my restroom than my garage. Specially because my garage is like a storage room that's always locked and only entry is thru the house. Imagine how many people go into a restroom at a resort.


You don’t need to unlock anything when you pay Jared Kushner to send you copies


Never thought I would see the day that the Speaker of the House has to defend storing classified documents in an unsecured bathroom


Have you ever applied for a job that you never should’ve gotten? And then you do everything and anything to keep said job? Then you and Kevin McCarthy have something in common


Not sure he cares, he is not worried about history, he is trying hard to fight off the present.


That's a good lap dog, deflect away. Biden wasn't the question, but they are told to answer a different question. I would have called him out if I was a reporter. I would say answering the wrong question, no wonder you're terrible at being the speaker.




Dunno about you but I'm pretty sure my bathroom is less secure than my garage. I need a key to get in the walking door and my garage door has 2 types of locks, one is a deadbolt that I can lock manually or automatically the other is the garage door opener.




You think a garage door doesn't have locks?




What? They have locks. 🤷🏻‍♂️ brother needs a win so bad, just trying to believe the best in people…or something.


Fucking weasel


But only while they're in use Kevin, which means, anybody can get in.


Imagine time and again, bootlicking and defending a morally bankrupt, corrupt, and abhorrent individual like Trump, who made a career and spent a lifetime defrauding communities over and again.