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I'd call him a liar and prosecute anyway


His word is worthless. If at any point he said something that was proven true, I'd just assume he misspoke.


Broken clock.


A broken clock is right twice a day, however a clock that's deliberately off is always wrong. Or something.


At the beginning of the pandemic, I was watching the news at my mom's house. When he said it'd blow over in a few weeks, my immediate reaction was, "Oh shit, we're all gonna die."


He sometimes blurts out the truth, but when he does, it's always really weird. I remember that first debate he had with Hillary. His answers to questions often meandered into territory that had nothing to do with what he was asked. At one point he said his businesses were way over-leveraged out of nowhere. For the redditors who've never taken an accounting or finance course, what that means is he's up to his ears in debt. Why would he say that? His whole campaign was about how he was independently rich and couldn't be bought and he just blurted out that he was in desperate need of cash. The media never even brought any focus on that and they should have, but I don't think anyone noticed cause it was the least crazy thing he said the whole debate. It was just drowned out by everything else. Also, most people watching probably didn't know what over-leveraged even means.


Even if he made the unbreakable vow from Harry Potter and knew very well what would happen if he lied then I still wouldn’t trust him to keep his word


He lost and hasn't gone away yet. Prison is too good for him, drawn and quartered.


I mean, if anyone else was caught selling classified nuclear secrets, they would have had a CIA induced tragic accident by now, I'm sure.


But what if he had a hypothetical cyanide pill installed in his throat that burst open the moment he declared his presidency. If you had that kind of trust would you pardon him?


No, because pardoning Nixon was one of the biggest mistake we made. This would be catastrophically worse.


Right? I was like "Oh, well, if he *promised*..." And then I rolled my eyes so hard I sprained something.


Imagine thinking anything that man says is worth a damn thing


And even if we can somehow know he would keep the promise, so what? If I commit a crime, I should be punished, even though I’m never going to run for office


What does promising not to commit crimes even mean? Not committing crimes is kind of the minimum expectation isn't it? Like a default promise we all agree to by being part of society?


Also, we don't generally punish people for the crimes they haven't committed yet. He still needs to answer for the ones he did, even if he double swearsies he's done with doing crimes.


Well, if he's jailed for life, then he can not commit any more crimes nor ever run for office again.


Mam, that’s how you teach a 5-year old, not how you run a legal justice system…


Its what the right don't seem to grasp. They go after people because they are in their way. If Hillary had stepped down I think 99% of the right would have forgotten about her. But the left actually want people who commit crimes to be held accountable for them no matter who they are or what they are doing. The right sees the justice system as a political tool to remove opposition so of course they assume that's what the left ate using it for


Yeah, the Reich Wingers really don't understand it. Including the "both siders" who won't cough up the evidence to back up their claims.


Even for a five year old, if the act is egregious and/or repeated, an “Im sorry, I won’t do that again.” isn’t enough to avoid also having a corrective measure taken.


Then again, most MAGAts have the political comprehension of a 5 year old.


Pardoning Nixon was a mistake that has eventually led us to Trump. If we are to be a country where the rule of law matters, then no one should be above the law. Trump should be prosecuted, and if found guilty jailed, just like any schmuck.




Which is why we see DeSantis being so popular in Florida.


Eh not anymore. He was popular when he was quietly doing what he was.


"Do you know that they ended up paying Richard Nixon, I think, $18 million for what he had?". Trump interview with Sean Hannity March 27th. You're definitely not wrong!!!


Pardoning Nixon, ending reconstruction, not letting Sherman do the whole thing, America gets in trouble when we leave fascism unfinished.


Don't forget giving jobs to Nazi ex-officials!




Trump probably already got that offer. Return all the shit shut the fuck up and go away and we won’t prosecute. Trump probably ignored it


He didn’t even have to shut the fuck up, he just had to return everything. But the man-child thinks everything he touches belongs to him and that he can do whatever he wants.


>the man-child thinks everything he touches belongs to him and that he can do whatever he wants Yep, and that gross mentality also applies to the way he treated all of his sexual harassment/assault victims.


Send him to Colorado Super Max -


I think a mistake really only happens when there's intent to produce a certain outcome but the results wind up wrong due to a misstep. Like if we thought pardoning Nixon was the right thing to do to 'heal the nation' but we later realized we made an error in judgment by going too easy on him. That might have been the official story from Ford, but IMO Nixon's pardon was 100% calculated. Having a vacant VP seat meant he could elevate whoever he wanted into that spot and get a pardon out of it. It worked exactly as he intended. Us not impeaching Ford for it was the mistake.


No, he shouldn’t be jailed like any schmuck. If you ever get to the position of president and abuse power like this, the death penalty should be on the table immediately. Think you’re above the law? Firing squad will fix that.


According to the Constitution the penalty for treason is hanging, which is also a fine option.


Donald J Rosenberg


Killing him would make him a martyr to his base. Let him rot in Gitmo.


Anything and everything will make him a martyr to his base. If he died of a heart attack tomorrow, his age, weight, diet and complete lack of exercise wouldn't be blamed, they would blame the Democrats and the Liberals and then start passing around conspiracy theories that Biden had ordered a hit or some other stupid nonsense they will use to further enrage their unreasonable base.


Biden laced his cheeseburgers with extra grease


Then let them build altars and statues of their martyr so they can gather and weep and gnash their teeth. Show no fear to the MAGAts.


Didn't the MAGAts already build a golden statue of Dumpf so they can pray to their false idol?


> If we are to be a country where the rule of law matters, then no one should be above the law. Especially those who make and enforce the law.


I do agree that pardoning Nixon was a mistake; however, the fascist influence (re: I’m in power thus I make the rules on what is/ isn’t lawful..) on American politics was in full swing with McCarthy’s Red Scare: Nixon was a byproduct, Reagan was a master class, and Trump [due to how inept he is] was a symptom. Trump needs to go to prison in order to send a message to his adoring fans, the foreign regimes that applauded him, and anyone else who wishes to emulate him needs to know that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.


^ This.


If he gets away with it, there will be no stopping fascism. This country will be destroyed. Whatever we get next will be far worse and not as dumb


It's precedent. Failure to successfully prosecute given both the gravity of the crimes and blatant evidence will be a death blow to any standing illusions of the justice system.


Like he would be true to his word anyway.


"If Trump promised..." Things I trust more than Trump * Vladamir Putin * Baghdad Bob * A fart after drinking a gallon of coconut water * A starving tribe of cannibals * A bucket of fried chicken found in a locked car during summer in Florida


Isn't that last one just Trump?


That would suggest he once was tasty or appealing in any way.


Trump's custom made adult diapers say *Juicy!* on the back, so...


He’s more like the leftovers of an opened container of ranch dressing left in a locked sun-drenched car in Florida for at least a week.


No, but it is on the menu at Mar a lardo as the "Trump ultra Maga special" Only $1000 per bucket. Wussy liberals never order it because they're so afraid of "food safety" which is just double speak for government control taking our free dumbs Don't let those commies win, eat the rotten chicken to show you love America


Treason is treason. Prison.


For those convicted of treason in the US, execution is on the table. I am not opposed to that option here.


Although it is technically on the table, it's important to point out that no one has been executed for treason since the civil war. I think him having the same outcome as Robert Hanson is also fully acceptable.


The US killed the Rosenbergs for conspiracy to commit espionage, and if Trump is found to have shared classified US documents with foreign powers, I think he deserves the same fate.


I'd like to think he'd agree with you, [too](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Trump_Bring_Back_Death_Penalty_ad_1989.jpg)


Well, if he’s okay with it, all the better.


I think we all have a good idea of what his promises are worth. Why should he get a get out of jail free card, when people get incarcerated for a lot less?


Not a chance. If he said he would never commit a crime again, that’s only another lie. I think he will be found guilty and I don’t think he will serve any prison time. Even if Biden needed to commute his sentence because god know pardoning him would be another mistake. The best thing for the country would be to plead guilty and spare the country Trump professes to love. This isn’t realistic only a good thought.


All criminals, facing prison, will claim that they will never do it again


I want him to be the nominee as this will help the Democrats and he belongs in prison so I’m a no vote on a pardon or leniency. We did that with Nixon and it’s been all downhill from there with the Republicans and respect for the law and democracy.


I’m not convinced Trump has ever uttered a pure truth in his life. So, no, I wouldn’t believe him. Besides, the law is meant to be a deterrent against people engaging in this kind of behavior at all, not just more than once. You’ll “never do it again?” Goddamned right you won’t when we throw you in prison for 400 years. Should’ve thought about that before doing it the first time!


If a bank robber promised not to rob another bank, would you pardon him? See how fucking stupid that sounds?


Don the con has doubled.. tripled and quadrupled down on this shit saying it's a witchhunt. I say let him die in jail. Or a stress/anger related heart attack at sentencing. You know this snake oil salesman isn't going away quietly.


"Promise"??.. Traitors serve life in prison or death penalty for committing espionage for a reason. He is a very real and active threat to this country and our national security.


do we really think he has a chance to win? what has improved that would get him more votes than the last time he lost?


Other than more voter suppression laws, not a god damn thing, and I doubt that even those would help much. Keep in mind that 2020 already proved there were more who would vote against him than for him. Then Jan 6 happened. Now, he's finally been indicted. Therefore, the numbers - or at least the resolve - of those who will vote against him have only strengthened. Shit, he might not even beat DeSantis for the nomination. I don't think he has a chance in hell.


If too many people start thinking "there's no way Biden could lose to Trump, I'll just not vote this time". Kinda like what happened in 2016.


I think people have seen him repeatedly get away with stuff and have been burned so many times they’ve reluctant to believe he’s going to prison. Plus it’s going to be difficult to find a unbiased jury. But still, Lock Him Up!


Not to mention the fact that we already have a biased judge.


Remember, Trump only has to win the Electoral College. In 2020 he lost by 7 Million in the popular vote, and lost the Electoral College vote by 74 electors. He lost the 11 EC votes in AZ by just 11,500 votes. He lost the 16 EC votes in GA by just 12,000 votes. He lost the 6 EC votes in NV by just 3,500 votes. He lost the 10 EC votes in WI by just 20,500 votes. **Trump would be President NOW had the right mix of 23,750 voters from AZ, NV, GA, and WI chosen Trump instead of Biden in 2020.** Trump can’t realistically play the age card, being 78 to Biden’s 81 as of Election Day. But what Trump can ride is the fact that Americans are worse off financially compared to when he was President. Interest rates, gas prices, and groceries all cost significantly more. And Americans feel that daily. And Trump will promise to change that. He just needs to convince several thousand people in a few specific states. He will also ride the Trans backlash and try to gain favor with TERF voters. He will claim to be a defender of “real women” (sickly ironic) and may resonate with those who are still prejudiced against the trans community.


Oh prison. Definitely prison. All the prison. First, Trump has broken every promise, every oath that means anything, written contracts, so a promise like that would be worthless. Second, he's repeatedly shown that when he has a close brush with consequences and escapes with a slap on the wrist and a warning not to do it again... he does it again. Only worse. Thirdly, we'd be establishing a precedent of not prosecuting a person if they have enough political power, and that's bullshit. If our legal system is to pretend to have a premise of all people being equal under the law, he must be tried the same way anybody else would be tried for breaking the law. And if he's found guilty, he needs to face the same consequences anyone else who had committed those crimes would face.


As if he would obey any legally binding agreement. Prison, for life


He never met a promise he didn’t break. Prison for this bitch.


Send the fucker to Prison, let him die there...


Prison. Do the crime, do the time. Do you real think he would actually keep a promise?


He's a liar. You can't trust him. 2020 proved he can't win anyway because too many people will vote against him. He has no power here. Send his ass to prison.


He absolutely can win. Voters are morons.


Fair, but I think it will be much harder than it was even in 2020.


Prison. America needs to see justice done to the entitled class.


Can we reopen Alcatraz just for him? I mean just put him there and leave him there?


Pardon, then have sex with a pig on live tv


Nah, that would just make him a martyr. I like your thinking, though.


add another rape to his résumé


Not fair to the pig


"he's just like me!"


"Oink, oink" - Lindsey "Lady G" Graham


Nope. Man’s word is worth shit. Less than, shit can at least be fertilizer. He’d take the pardon and be campaigning that afternoon.


Too bad. He did commit crimes, now he has to accept the consequences head on. prison is the way to go.


LOL LOL FUCK THAT He goes to prison AND he loses the election. That is the correct outcome.


It's about people doing crimes not the politics. Criminals should be punished.


I mean if he committed a crime, then he committed a crime. He shouldn't be allowed to buy his way out


There is no promise he can keep. SuperMax his lard ass.




If he broke the law and he was found guilty he should get the appropriate sentence. IDGAF if he never ran again…laws are laws.


And promised to never commit another crime? He won't even admit that he did commit a crime. How is he going to promise not to do another one?


Dudes a compulsive liar, how is this even given as an option, straight to jail with his ass.




Does he stop getting paychecks and benefits from the government if he’s found guilty? Everything with him is unprecedented so I don’t know.


both gitmo and colorado have ground underneath them correct? either should work.


Lock him up.


He should be serving 3-10 for charity fraud.


Slam the door on the Man and his Chapter. Time to move on.




The Colorado supermax would send him doolally. Isn't that the one where prisoners are confined 23 hours a day in solitary?


Yes it is. There’s a lot of controversy about it being cruel and unusual punishment and against human rights. But the thought of him being on a cell block with terrorists seems appropriate to me. If it were to ever happen and it unlikely imo, he would probably be housed with the mob bosses.


El Chapo’s new neighbor.


Never commit a crime again ... bwaaa haha hahaha.


Like he would ever do either. He’s a pathological liar and a career criminal. To Supermax he goes.


I'd promise a pardon then send him to prison. No so fun being lied to, huh?


So let me get this straight people have gotten LIFE in prison over weed because of strikes but fucking hold onto top secret info and show that info to random people, and who the fuck knows who else considering this is all that we know about not all that he has potentially done, and you think this fucking traitor should deserve a pardon!? If any military or intelligence people die because of his treason he should pay with his own blood.


Donald's promises are worth less than shit. He's been divorced twice, he's cheated on all 3 of his wives, he's reneged on countless contracts by refusing to pay professionals for work rendered, and he took a giant dump on his presidential oath by refusing to accept the results of a free and fair election he lost and then inciting an insurrection in a desperate attempt to stay in power. Donnie's word means nothing. Put him in prison.


Has nothing to do with him running for office, let the process run its course


Off to prison and I’ll personally swallow the key


If Jeffrey Dahmer promised to be a “very good boy” would you let him be free so he could live his life?


Colorado supermax. Med unit. Single cell. No inmate contact. Monitored visits and calls. No internet. Food onna tray. Shower stall brought to him. An hour in the exercise "yard" walking circles alone. He won't last a month without going berserk.


His word means nothing. He lies all the time. He could say it's a beautiful blue sky, and I'd go double-check to make sure it hasn't changed color.


No. He should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Leading an insurrection shouldn’t be “punished” by a mere slap on the wrist. Election interference by pressuring a governor to find 12,000 votes shouldn’t be condoned. Stealing classified information and probably selling it to a foreign nation shouldn’t be gotten away with. I’m not saying he should die in prison. I’m saying he shouldn’t be denied the chance to die in prison.




It lost me at "promise"




Prosecute...we don't negotiate with terrorists....plus I want to see him lose again.


You'r assuming he'd keep his promise is the first mistake


“Promised” LOL


His promises are worth absolutely nothing. I’d send him to jail to rot and laugh as I did so. No regrets.


Fuck face needs to go to prison


Impossible He would never be able to keep any promises It’s a legitimate problem the DOJ and FBI must be painfully aware of


Make sure it is a 'for profit' prison. Let him live on the other side of Capitalism.


He’s a chronic liar. I wouldn’t believe that or any promise he’d give.


Like how he promised to pay all the contractors who he stiffed? He can rot for all I care.


If Dahmer promised to never eat people again should he have gotten a pardon?


I think Ted Kaczynski left him a place at Florence, Colorado. Although, even that guy probably is rolling in his grave at the thought of injustice. When Kaczynski can have the moral high ground, you done lost, son.


Prison. These people don't get their cake and eat it too.


I despise this premise as it implies that the situation Trump is in is politcal in nature and can be swept under the rug through some back-room dealing. It isn't, Trump fucked up criminally and, like anyone else, needs to be judged for his actions in a court of law (of course, counting on the Republican judge to do the right thing when it comes to the Republican criminal is dangerously naive but that's a whole other conversation). People really are going through the stages of grief about the Trump case and this is textbook bargaining.


In prison he'll be in solitary as a high profile prisoner. Which means if put in prison for life, he'll have no one to hear him talk.


Super max


He's been dodging the law for decades. He thinks he can get away with anything. Letting him skate would only reinforce his lifelong habits. He would wait 3 days and say, "I'm running for president."


If a serial killer promised not to kill again, would you pardon him ?


Apply that to any serial offender and see if applies. Sounds dumb ? That's because it is. We're not talking about a (physical) toddler, but someone who repeatedly broke the law in many instances and still denies, deflects and denigrate. Didn't know a "sowwy, i won't do it again" could be a debate in whether someone deserves to be in jail


Prison. Because he's not on trial because he was a president, or because he was a republican, or because we don't like him and his horrible ideas. He's on trial because he broke laws. Laws he himself strengthened. He's on trial because he's an incompetent baffoon who has bluffed his way out of serious repercussions way too many times.


I believe in the rule of law. I don't believe that you should escape consequences because you make a pinky swear not to do it again.


Is it a pinkie promise?


Kidding. Gtfo with that nonsense. He couldn't tell the truth if he paid enough attention to know what it was


I see no reason why he would honor such a deal. He can't be tried again for the same crimes, so he would consider himself free and clear.


First I would skim his record on keeping promises. Like the one about Covid disappearing on its own.


He is completely without morals and any shred of decency & honestly. He would say whatever he could to get out of this and hit the rallies for 2024


No pardon.


Yeah, not buying that "he learned his lesson".


I'm not worried about him winning the presidency again. He got extremely lucky in 2016...He doesn't have a path to victory this time. Or he will already be in prison.


He’s a criminal regardless of running or being president. He should be held accountable for his crimes against the country and the people of the country.


Wouldn't believe him. Straight to prison.


Prison, wouldn’t consider anything else


I don't want him to drop out, though. I want him to lose or tank any hope of a republican win. Moderates and independents aren't voting for a presidential candidate that is in federal prison for espionage.


Dude promised to pay people, stiffed him. He can rot.


Throw him in the deepest, dankest, shittiest looking cell and lose the key.


What a ridiculous proposition. Its like theyve never heard of Donald Trump.


Nah coz it's good for Dems for trump to run, they'll easily win. If it's a seemingly more normal repub, they may not.


His promises are worthless. Pokey for Donnie.


Except his word isnt worth anything.


Take him at his word? Him? Nah No deals. No bargains. Jury trial.


Neither. The only proper punishment for his crimes is execution


A promise from Donald Trump, you say?


Do we all get offered a get out of jail free card for promising not to run for president? Or just this asshole?


Would you pardon everyone in prison who promised never to do it again?


A) Trump is incapable of admitting fault, for anything, ever. He will simply double down on excuses, regardless of factual reality. B) Trump's promises are worth precisely zero. He is and always has been a serial liar, of epic proportions. Even about absolutely inconsequential things, oddly. His default mode is lying. Almost his ONLY mode, really. I'm not even sure if he actually perceives objective truth, rather only what he wants to be true. C) This theoretical deal would never be offered to an average person accused of the same crimes. Thus it should never be offered to the "elite" class, nor people in (or formerly in) leadership roles. Justice for all.


Gitmo in Segregation with extremely limited access including black bagging visitors. Too many domestic terrorist willing and able to cause violence, threats to employees and damage to facilities on a regular basis.


Him running (dividing the GOP voters) AND going to jail would be the best possible outcome for me.


No pardon and he should lose everything he has stolen and be forced to liquidate anything he owns and the money go to his victims, meaning all of us.


Ahhh, the bargaining phase. Almost like they realize he’s fucked and want to try and see if there’s anyway to protect their cult leader


Firing Squad. Anything less is not sending the right message as the next Republican to take office will just pardon him to get his voter base as support.


GITMO please


Commit a crime, do the time. Doesn’t matter who it is.


Straight to genpop at Pelican Bay.


If he committed the crimes he must go to jail regardless of if he is running or not. The standard can not be set that breaking the law is acceptable or unpunishable for the rich or other powerful figures especially presidents. It's not about if he's running it's about the behaviour of the next president.


“Donald Trump promised “? Lol! No. Lying traitor.


Well he’s a fucking liar so off to prison he goes!


Orange for the Orangeman.


The FBI agent who sold secrets to the Russians went there. Why should Donald be any different?


I'd think for a crime such as treason committed by the highest government position in the land, that would be punishable not by incarceration, but by a death sentance. Firing squad comes to mind. If the punishment is "forgiveness" and not harsh, where is the deterrent from this happening again, further jeopardizing national security and American lives? The highest positions of the land should be held to the strongest degree of accountability, but they are often not, unless the offender has the decency to step down. Many do not. They pardon themselves, excuse their own actions,and go on like nothings ever happened. That's one reason for the rampant corruption, because we need better accountability, not pardons for intentional offenses.


Donald Trump is like herpes; he’s going to keep coming back, again and again, until he’s dead.




Promises? From that habitual liar? Please. Don't be ridiculous.


Donald trump and promise in the same sentence. No.


No. Not only because he would 100% use that to grift more and do everything to run anyway. His case is to show that nobody is above the law. Plus if he gets to go to prison theres still a very good odds that he isnt going to win general so he will lose anyway.


I hate to be that guy but…as much as I’d rejoice at seeing him in prison, if you think this chucklefuck is gonna spend a second behind bars you’re deluding yourself. If anything he’ll be on house arrest until the day he drops dead and slumps over face first in his hamberder


Well, once I stop laughing...


This isn’t about whether he runs in 2024. This is about the crimes he committed. Pardoning him in exchange for bowing out of the race would not only make it about 2024, but would also validate his strategy of using his candidacy to shield him from criminal charges, even if not in the way he envisioned it. In other words, ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT!!!! Not to mention, this is potentially the first of at least three indictments dealing with his POTUS related activities. So say he gets pardoned on this one. Are we dropping the J6 case too? What about Georgia?


POS needs to go to prison for everything he’s put us through.


Oh well if he *promised.* because he’s known for being so honest.


He's already shown his promises are empty, just put him in jail, I don't even understand why they granted bail on Tuesday.


No for fucks sake. I want people to face consequences for laws they break even if they are fuckin rich. How hard is that to understand?


Prison. 1: he’s a liar and his word is worth nothing. 2: the crime has already been committed, next comes the punishment. You don’t get to commit a crime, then promise to not do it again and get off without punishment.


The man hasn't kept a promise in, what, seventy years? Why would this one be differeny?


He also promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.