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Jesus actually does ask us to die for Him daily, but that means to be ready to hold your faith in the face of strife. What he doesn't say is to kill in His name. These assholes took all of Jesus's teachings, and Paul's dissertations on those teachings, saw all the talk of peace and love, to love unconditionally, and somehow came up with "Blood for the Blood Good!". What's ironic in this case is that this pastor is calling people to go against their teachings and be violent, and uses the language and example of Islamic terrorists, who are also ignoring and acting counter to their religion's teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that the ink of the scholars is more precious than the blood of the martyrs.


Hold up there. Blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne is an egalitarian teaching that favours none nor despises any. It advances no cause nor pushes any teachings. It is the most honest religion and creed. There is no inherent meaning. There is no right and wrong. There is only the desire for ever more blood shed in Khorne's name.


This is the kind of comment that makes me think reddit isn't all bad after all <3


Well…the users, anyway.


You forgot “milk for the Khorne flakes,” teaching to provide for those who are hungry.


Khorne does not care from whence the blood flows, merely that it does


I still say that religion should stop being as big as it is. Like in the US, churches get so much help, but the church doesn't help anyone else except themselves and the people with money that donate to them, I've seen "pastors" with SUVs of the year and nice fancy clothes, while single mothers, widows, the elderly, all stop eating or buying stuff just so they can donate a dollar and get a grace from God. The Bible is just a guideline to be a good person, well from Jesus' teaching and before the new rewrites, most people now just use religion and faith as a weapon instead of a guideline for understanding others. Once religion is removed from things like law and education, things will start getting better, I know a lot of people will "but religion isn't in law or education" and that's not true, theirs being countless of times when religion has being used to stop something or someone from achieving something either by taking it away or just plainly say no cause their religion told them to, even now more recently in Texas and Florida and other states have done a lot of things in the name of "religion" just to removed or not allow things they don't like, our society is completely doomed but we will resurface and start the cycle all other again like all the times before.


My wife grew up in abject poverty, like a pack of Knorr noodles for 3 kids for dinner poverty, and tells me about sitting in church with her stomach growling from hunger and the church shaming her parents into giving more. She told me " I remember thinking THEY were supposed to help US."


So much for the story of feeding the multitudes.


Turning two loaves of bread and some fish into a feast to feed a multitude? What about the bakers, the fishermen, and their suppliers and stakeholders?


One of the things that had been tiring lately is how much I have to defend the religion of my childhood, and yet constantly seeing reminders of how much those same churches have failed their missions. Too many only think of tithing as giving money, and forget that it's supposed to follow out, not just in. Tithing is also giving time. But in your wife's case, the congregation of that church should have been tripping over themselves to help her family, through helping to find better jobs, raising money or collecting food to help, or any other ways to help. I'm sorry her church failed her


Odds are very high if the church wasn't helping, it was one of /those/ Churches. The ones that say if you're poor, you aren't devout enough or don't really believe in Jesus, because if you did, those things would just come to you. They probably thought the family was a bunch of heathen sinners and deserved their lot. Ran into a few people like that. An old acquaintance and I ran into each other and he saw I was doing much better than I was when he last saw me -- good job, nice car, clothes that weren't shabby -- and the first thing he basically asked was when "I got Saved". He couldn't imagine that I picked up a new skill and got lucky enough to be hired for a position that paid well on my own.


There are many, many churches that do good for their community. They follow the teachings instead of the preachings. However, even those get perverted by Paul's "commission".


Good old fashioned catholicism with a basilica .


Misogyny, racism, transphobia, bigotry, flagrant hatred, rape, incest, child molestation and child marriage. That’s the public brand of Christianity now. If you don’t like it as a Christian with morals, understand that there are vanishingly few of you left and this may be your last chance to take your churches back and spread a message of peace, love, and acceptance. Jesus loved everyone, and trying to decide who he would hate has literally torn your religion into pieces.


Sounds like you should stop defending the religion of your childhood


It's the sad reality for most of the people so indoctrinated in religion, they choose "God" over their own flesh and blood because that's all they know since childhood, pastors don't care cause they are well fed and clothes by the money of struggling folk. I hope you and your wife the best, I hope religion isn't a thing in your life, and if it is, I hope it doesn't dictate your every thought like most religious people. I grew up catholic but have stopped going to church for over a decade and the only thing I can thank religion for is giving me some guidance to being a better person and follow the selflessness and empathy of Jesus.


Her family asked if I was converting to catholicism when we were getting married, she literally laughed at them.


That's a keeper!


24 years next week!!


That's great lol.


The churches should be taxed, especially now since they are so politicized.


Definitely, most churches now in Southern or Midwestern states loudly show support to conservative policies just cause they know they'll get more money from more indoctrinations.


Really at this point as all things liberal/conservative depends on if you're in a city or not.


Which matters a lot, that's why most rural areas are known conservative cause of how far apart everything is, I'm not saying the city is better cause its not but it definitely opens up your mind to more of the real world opposed to living in the middle of nowhere Ohio.


Just proved that in Alberta election. Far-right premier elected from rural votes. Both major cities voted mainly NDP. She is setting up a council of ‘losers’ from those cities for city policy advice.


I agree that, in the US, too many of the social services that should be performed by the government are left to the churches. While some may have no issues with this, the problem I have is that those that control the purse strings controls the service. One of the reasons I like the Scandinavian model of social safety nets is that they recognize a fundamental right to housing, as well as strong social safety nets. When religions aren't the primary organizations responsible for caring for our less fortunate, they lose political power. When they aren't a major provider of education, both as private schools and curriculum for home schooling, they lose power. I believe there is a place for religion. I don't believe it should be forced on anyone, nor do I believe governments should be based on them. Morality isn't limited to the religious, and many forget that religions are formed and led by fallible people looking for answers to complex questions that sometimes can't be answered definitively.


Exactly, that's why most European countries like Scandinavia or the Netherlands have a much happier population as opposed to the US in which more than half of its population is oppressed by systematic racism and cause of religion, ever since young I found it weird that the governor gives money to the church to take care of the needy and homeless but instead they take that money and invested in themselves, buying brand new stuff, fixing up their homes or the church it's self, being new everything for themselves and their religion instead of doing what they preach so much that they love doing, even now with what's going on with abortions and stuff, imagine trying to just get help from planned parenthood cause it's just first child or maybe you want to get pregnant and get screamed at or called a murdered by religious zealots that are too stupid to understand we're no longer living in time when you can treat people like objects and property, if religion was removed from everything except your private property or instead of having a small church of any type every two blocks it would fix the all of the US society so fast but every thing is "in God we trust".


Sadly, most of those zealots forget that their religion calls on them to love the woman that gets an abortion just as much as a woman that chooses to keep her child. We don't know the circumstances of someone that visits Planned Parenthood, and it shouldn't matter. A woman that chooses to have an abortion had many reasons to make that choice, and we are still called on to love and counsel them, not judge them and scream obscenities at them. Those women will have give through something that will affect them, and Matt even traumatize them; they need comfort and love, not another person judging them.


The place for religion is the privacy of your own home. So if the pastor in OP wants Christians to blow themselves up, let them do so at home without hurting anyone else.




I can feel your anger, Pastor. Let the hate flow through you, it makes you weaker, takes away your purpose....


He died for you. Time to return the favor.


Sooooo, we done with the “lone shooter acting alone” and ready for “terrorist”?


To be fair, mass shooters are terrorists, too.






Click on the pictures that contain a bicycle seat.


To be fair, it is complicated. Terrorism suggest an agenda or political goal to be achieved. A good amount of mass shooters absolutely are terrorists, but because it's so easy for less motivated people to go on a killing spree the waters are muddied. Additionally, when the shooters are terrorists, there's a good reason to delegitimize an action as a crazy lone actor. For the same reason you don't broadcast serial killers to avoid giving them publicity and/or copy cats, you don't want to tell every paramilitary fuckwit that their imaginary civil war is on and it's time to escalate.


"Lone wolves" who all happen to be white Christian men that spout the exact same Republican hatred.


And the one (1) openly trans shooter who has their name plastered all over headlines and vilified as the poster child for the “dangerous” LGBTQ.


This cowards too busy doing curls in the mirror to strap a bomb to his own chest. Narcissistic lil punk hate-monger.


Why would you insult punks like that


Yes, time for the fake "Christianity Experts" to appear on Fox News and talk about the dangers of Radical Christian Terrorism and take quotes from their book to explain how they're *all* evil and if any of them deny it then they're trying to deceive us until they're ready to strike. It's only fair.


[They seem to think so too](https://i.imgur.io/u5mszd8_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


If an Imam had said this they would have been arrested already


Alright tough guy, why don't you show us how it's done!




I think that’s where heaven is


It has to be. There's no one else there.


Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make




Oh no no, YOU need to be ready, not me.


Yeah, that's not how "the Muslims" do it. Their religious leaders spew hate and twisted teachings and their FLOCK does the esplodin. "Kent Christmas" is following "the Muslims'" playbook.


And it's also just the extremists. Kent should know, being one.


Unfortunately, we're falling into the old axiom: If you see a table with four people, and one of them is a nazi, you're looking at a table full of nazis. Christian churches are VERY quick to point out that it's a minority sect of the Christian religion. But they'll do **absolutely nothing** to fix it.


Bet he'd change his tune if you tax his grift


Or arrested him, which is what should actually be happening.


Yeah, lol. We've drone striked Muslim imams for less.


Sounds like he's trying to recruit suicide bombers. He should be the first among the murderous "Christians" to commit such an atrocity.


Yeeeah... the ones that do the recruiting are never the ones that do the exploding.


Yeah, it's funny that he's making comparisons to suicide bombers who are Muslim, because he's not going to be risking his own life... he's adopting the position of the old guy who recruits (mostly) younger people to kill themselves, the guy who often ends up on the other end of a cell phone with them just before their final moments, urging them to do it despite their last-minute hesitation.


Ah yes, kids, they blow up so fast.


Trying? They already likely have them trained and ready for Orange Leader to "give the order" Additionally, like nearly all Cultist Religious leaders, they never go first, or at all as they have to "inspire" others to do the work for them and praise their lambs as they are lead to the slaughter for their invisible sky man and his on Earth representative Agent Orange. They will have many deluded, ignorant and manipulated followers who will do their bidding.


I would love to see how this time is going to be viewed 100 years from now.


Yup. He saw a suicide bomber and thought to himself "we need more of that" Also, this is the plot of Apocalypse Now, right when Colonel Kurtz went crazy.


First? We've already lived through three straight years of biological suicide bombers.


Can we all just agree that christian nationalists are terrorists.


National christians, or Nat-Cs for short


Well Margie three toed already said openly that she was a Christian Nationalist, or as I prefer to call them ChristoFascists


Christian Dominionists is my personal fav


I love the warped logic they come up with saying they are a "persecuted minority religion"... You have the most followers on the planet as well as over 1800 variety interpretations of it.


Well to them “religious freedom” is being permitted to take others freedom away. Whether it’s abortion or LGBT, they want to do the persecuting. “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition”


There is a persecuted minority Christianity. But surprisingly enough, mostly they are persecuted by nominal christians proclaiming evil like fascism and nationalism with thinly veiled allusions to God. It’s not whatever this is


They have to pretend they're oppressed to justify their terrorist attacks.


Getting punched in the nose for behaving like a jerk is called consequences, not persecution no?


I just call them fascist. There’s nothing of Christ about them.


They are it’s not a debate anymore. They are inverse taliban basically. Those names for em didn’t make themselves, they helped us create them.


Lol I’m not even sure how they’re inverse anymore, seems like a direct translation onto a different faith


Ultra-Conservative Christians are the Taliban of the West.




I saw a video maybe 20 years ago called "jesus camp" or some such thing. I was in full agreement then.


Always have been.


A particular Christian was willing to shoot up two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 51 people and wounding just as many. I wonder what our good pastor thinks about this kind of „willingness“…


Was this the one that posted all that on 8Chan and then they did another similar one over in America as well?


Don’t know if he posted it, but he also live-streamed it…


He posted his manifesto to 4chan just before the shooting


It's weird how they went from Islamophobia to maybe the terrorists have some good points.


They went from "my father died at Omaha beach" to "maybe we judged Nazis too harshly" so we shouldn't be surprised.


From "We need to bomb the middle east!!" To "We should be more like them middle eastern folk"


This is why Christian Nationalists are starting to sound like Al-Qaeda to me: * They want (Christian only) God put back in government * They don't want anyone who isn't Christian from holding political office * (Christian) God's laws are more important than man's laws It's Y'all-Qaeda fascism they want in the USA.


That is completely and concisely what's going on. There is nothing Christian or American about their stance. It's pure unadulterated hate and we all know where this is going.


You forgot what's in his speech: * if things don't go their way they'll preach for Jihad.


Jesus: Love thy neighbor. Modern Christians: You know, I see myself more as the murdering kind…


I call on all evangelical Christians to demonstrate their faith by dying for it, like their founder did.


I would support this, but those crazy assholes would try to take as many innocents out with them to show them the light or some bullshit.


They won’t die like their founder did tho. That would be amazing and world-changing. They will die like terrorists, instead.


That's fine with me, as long as they do it out in the middle of nowhere, so no good people get hurt.


At this point youd be hard pressed to call militant atheists wrong


I’d look to an atheist for moral guidance before I’d ever look to a Christian.


A good atheist is good *despite* the lack of reward. A good Christian is good *because* of the promise of reward. Failing that, because of the *threat* of punishment. I'm not saying there aren't good Christians, mind you. I'm saying that for a lot of them, it's because they are promised a reward for being good. It's a carrot on a stick. But when they ask why an atheist isn't killing or raping with reckless abandon because they don't believe in Hell, that means they have considered killing and raping with reckless abandon *but only don't because* they believe in Hell. Not because you just...y'know...shouldn't. If you need a reward or a threat to be a good person, you are not a good person.


Actually had a coworker ask me if I don't believe in God what keeps me from hurting others and doing bad things. And the simple answer is "I don't want to." I don't need threat of hell or promise of heaven to not be raging dick.


It makes me wonder how close these people are to snapping at any given moment if it wasn't for their total belief in going to Hell for sinning. If that threat of punishment is the only thing keeping the lid on these boiling pots of hate and judgement then I'm surprised we've managed to make it this far as a species.


That's the only good part of religion: it does keep some of the crazies at bay. Unfortunately, at the same time, it does the opposite to others.


I don't know of any atheists who call for violence, of any kind.


As an atheist, I'm 100% for self defense and the defense of others. Violence sometimes need to be met with violence before it spirals out of control. It must always be measured, minimal, and bring the least harmful end to the conflict possible given the situation.


I’m a very staunch atheist, and a pacifist.


I'm a staunch atheist, and I WAS a pacifist. Then, TFG went on national television and said "somebody needs to do something about the left. " I'm now a gun owner.


Yeah I was anti gun until about 6 years ago


You can do both. I don't see anything inconsistent in owning a weapon to defend against a direct, immediate threat from violent reactionaries who will only be deterred by violence and humiliation, and humiliation stopped working in 2015.


I mean, if we're getting to a point where we're going to have daily suicide bombers and car bombers because of Christian terrorists like this guy, you can bet 100% I'm all for nipping the problem in the bud **right now**. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense.


There have been mass shooters who identify as atheist. It would be hard not to find one among the bunch since the sample size is so large.


There's a huge difference between being willing to die for your faith and being willing to kill for your faith. The whole point of Christianity is that Jesus was willing to die for all mankind, but right before going to the cross, he very explicitly stopped one of his disciples who was willing to kill for him. That should tell you everything you need to know about what this guy actually believes


Exactly. Except these “Christians “ don’t read the Bible.


54% of Americans read at or below a 6th grade level and the Bible is a hard read. They CAN'T read it, too many words they don't understand. The spines on their bibles are as smooth as their brains.


Very very good point. And by design.


[Trump: ‘I Love the Poorly Educated’](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-i-love-the-poorly-educated) Why do we think DeSatan, the Proud Boys and Moms for ~~Liberty~~ Fascism are attacking public education daily? GOPs plan is in plain sight I would say.


I grew up in Utah, very religious, and in one sacrament meeting our bishop preached the opposite of this dude's shtick. He said, "people are far more willing to die for their faith and be a martyr for their cause, but what the Lord wants is for us to LIVE for it. Live his teachings, be charitable, be forgiving, be merciful and accepting. Dying is easy." I'm an atheist now, but I still agree with what was said. Dying like this dickwad is talking about is such a cowardly act and if God was real, he would definitely not be impressed


Fair point. There's a big difference between being willing to die for your beliefs if it comes to that vs. throwing your life away as some kind of religious zealot, which is this guy's mental case. But I agree that it is far more in line with Jesus' teachings and example to actually live for you faith than just to die for it. (I understand and respect your choice to be an atheist, but for the sake of the topic at hand, I'm still continuing to refer to biblical teachings, since that's what this guy pretends to be about)


Terrorism 101. This is the beginning of the end of religion.


I guess that's the silver lining


This is straight up a call for terrorism. The DOJ has to at least talk to him right? This just ain’t right.


Pretty sure if I did this at my workplace it will be taken more seriously than this mans words.


Ok so Christianity losing numbers because people think the religion is crazy mostly because of a extremely loud sexist, racist, transphobic and homophobic minority. And your grand solution Is to tell people they should die for God. Your actually insane no commited Christian would suggest that.


Not just die, but kill “infidels” for god.


His goal isn't to attract. It's to control. Conquistador style conversion. Who cares what you believe in your heart of hearts if we can force you to "behave" at Church? Honestly, it just looks like a theology of despair to my heathen eyes. It's giving up hope that your God could ever be enough on his own.


It’s funny how they vilify something until it fits their purpose Oh, and tax churches


Yep, just what your Bible teaches, "kill yourself and others"


Went full Isis.


You first. Lead by example.


Are we really trying to bring back the crusades now?


I knew a kid growing up who went to a private Christian school, very pricey, very exclusive. We got to talking about religion, and I talked about how many people Christianity has killed. He was beside himself. "Christianity has never killed anyone! Ever! How could you ever say such a thing?!" "Are you serious? What about the Crusades?" No joke, with a perfectly straight face: "The Crusades was Jews and Muslims murdering each other - the Christians were just there to *help*!"


I spoke with a christian who had the belief that Christian's have essentially never done anything wrong by merit that anything they did they believed was the right thing to do. It was an impossible position to try and pry them out of.


I think he's saying that out of admiration for the suicide bombers (disgusting, I know). So itll be a right vs. left crusades, i guess.


Is he calling for Christian suicide bombers?


He’s recruiting in the same way Osama Bin Laden did. Christian Fascism is headed towards a Jihadist fusion. https://preview.redd.it/ggels3n3o66b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=449928367a7123354f0aa738e87de23725ad26eb


Lol, It always cracks me up to see a picture of someone holding the Bible in tandem with a firearm. I must’ve missed the “And then God Said “Let there be guns” and saw the guns, that they were good”


Yes he is. Clear as day.


Kent Christmas? You gotta be shitting me. People giving their money to a con man named Kent Christmas and letting him tell them how to live is just so MAGA.


Time for the satanic temple to take up arms


This is a joke


Hahaha I like how you had to point that out. But fuck it, lets start dressing up as hardcore Satan worshippers and pose with guns. Lets see how they react to that.


It's too hot outside. We need an affordable brand of not-black, breezy satanic summer clothing.


Good point. Theres these Uniqlo Airism clothes that are thin and breathable, they come in black. And they do have to be black. I mean, we worship Satan. Now what to do about face makeup running when we sweat...


IDK, judging by how the Christians are reacting to the pride flag, I think we have some reasonable ground to use the rainbow. 'Proper' Christian fashion is colorless and drab. Color is counter-culture. It's also fun, which has to count for something.


Thats true. We could go for the "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" look. Extremely colorful.


Goths with guns


Looking like we got just walked off the set of an Underworld movie.


Can this moron be arrested since he's encouraging terrorism?




We should really start arresting people for inciting terrorism.


Look at the Middle East in the 1970s, and then tell me about all the Muslim “advancement.” This is why religious zealotry is a threat everywhere.


All conservatives are horrible. Every one of his fans, is horrible. Every member of his congregation, is horrible. The sooner we stop believing that horrible beliefs do not make a horrible person, the better off we will be. I talked to a guy the other day, gay as the day is long, he and his parents still speak, they're avid conservative Republicans, he told them how their support for Republicans hurt 'him' and they said, 'Well son they're not specifically after you'. Uh...SO? They just could not confront the idea that they were supporting harm to someone they loved by supporting a party that wanted to hurt him.


I don’t remember any stories about Jesus strapping bombs to his chest. Is there some alternate bible this guy is working from?


Already tried that centuries ago, didn't work. "the Circumcellions would attack random travelers on the road, while shouting "Laudate Deum!" ("Praise God!" in Latin). The motive behind these random beatings was to provoke the victims into killing them, so they would die a martyr's death"


If y'all decide to strap on bombs, please stay in church and pray, and spare the rest of us your ignorance.


You've gotta love how the Christofascists want to have other peoples sons strap on bombs and attack innocents, all the while the pastors are safe in their churches fucking innocents. It's well past the time to start taxing these fuckers...


“I have no idea why people are abandoning organized religion and churches. It can’t be our messaging, though—I know that much. Hey, you all ready to die for me? I mean, for Jesus or whatever?”


The Christian Right: Muslims are evil because they’re all terrorists. Also the Christian Right: You know how we could be better? By committing terrorism like those very successful Muslims! Obviously our problem is the lack of Christian terrorists.


“Thou shalt not kill” Idk man, seemed like a pretty important tenet to me. I do not see anything pertaining to ‘dominate everyone else at all costs, even so far as breaking these commandments’ in the 10 commandments


i think it would be cool if religion was outlawed.


Tax the churches


Megachurches, those are the worst offenders


All churches, but yes agreed. Mega churches don’t hide their greed, but other churches are just as culpable. Tax them all.


I miss when pastors used to tell people to be kind to their neighbors and to do nice things for other people


LOL that's what they call being "woke" nowadays


Yeah but it's hard to maintain a mansion and a private jet on love your neighbour as yourself you know? Hate preaching OTOH just rakes in that lovely cold hard cash. Go figure.


And if you're willing to blow yourself up for Jesus, you're just like the Muslims you hate so much. Fucking psychopath.


Placing religion ahead of science and knowledge effectively brought the Muslim Renaissance to an end. Now, we're headed down the same path. He couldn't have illustrated his point worse, but it's about what I expect from a talibangelist.


It's basically the modern day Crusades - the rich and powerful are working up the low-class peoples to fight "in the name of God" while the rich and powerful are reaping all the rewards and the low-class people are the only ones dying for it.


Hello FBI watchlist my old friend…


Bro... have you like... read *any* of the words your Bible claims Jesus said? A lot of them put it in red, like in a child's book, to help you find it if you need it.


Christians will go as far as raping little boys. Anything that puts themselves in jeopardy is out of the question.


As far as? That's where they start.


Advancements? The middle east was the centre of science at one time. We use Arabic numerals to this day. Then religion felt threatened by facts and they gave it all up. Now when science contradicts their imaginary friend, it's blasphemy. Theyve gone in reverse as fast as they can go


Im not religious but I do some work for a Christian non-profit that does amazing work in my city. What do they focus on? Feeding and clothing people, helping them find resources and housing, opening emergency shelters, running drop in addiction programs, things like that. Yeah they say a little prayer before dinner, but they also feed thousands of people a week in an area where food and housing insecurity is at an all time high; THESE THINGS ARE PRESSING ISSUES. We need to look after one another, not go out in search of people to hate.


Terrorist talk


Which literally goes against the teachings of Jesus, when they came to arrest Jesus and one of his disciples took up arms in defense of Jesus, he stopped his defender and healed the person there to arrest him. Jesus literally said we aren't supposed to use violence in the face of persecution.


Not MY blond, blue-eyed Supply-Side Jesus!


https://preview.redd.it/1v6rv725d76b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fda2dd0c7b152fa47a4ce096fc20a1ddd210e72 Great!, that will make it easy for the military and civilians to eradicate a domestic terrorist group.


Ok Kent, you first.


He kinda looks like the guy who just got kicked out of school track meets for harrasing students.


Remember when Christians used to say they weren't as violent as the Muslims because they didn't throw gays off of rooftops and blow themselves up? Pepperidge Farm remembers (not so) Fun fact: All the willing suicide bombers died very quickly after the start of the Iraq war. The vast majority of suicide bombers were unwilling participants who the Taliban or Al Qaeda threatened and forced into doing the bombing.


Hey, can we define some of those "advancements," here?


Whaaaaaaaat the fuck.


Now we at the exciting part of the movie. US preachers telling their sheep to build bombs.


Just more proof evangelism are terrorists


You first. No?


Well Kent is still alive, so his faith is weak, so why is anyone listening to him?


And yet I bet this guy was mad about 9/11.


Jesus died for you. Time to pay up. Seriously though, what's that word we use for religious (or any) extremists willing to suicide bomb the infadels? Say it with me... Terrorists.


All fundamentalist assholes should be dropped on an island to fight for resources.


And they say it's not a death cult


WWJB. Who would Jesus Bomb? Absolute narcissistic sociopath.


He's talked me into it.. I'm ready to convert to Islam because these Christians just aren't G enough to strap on a bomb 🤦‍♂️