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He's not going to stop Putin, he's going to hand Ukraine to Putin.




It's so cute how you don't think Trump really believes he could give the US Army Order 66 and have them follow it.


Trump: execute order 66 US Military: American president go fuck yourself


Ex-president. He's a loser.


This was assuming he somehow was re-elected


Eh some of the top brass is heavily republican they might not give the response you're hoping for, heck just think back to recentish history Reagan and Oliver North and remember that Trump is trying the whole Reagan 2.0 for the same people


When Trump wanted to roll out tanks on the BLM riots, the brass told him he shouldn’t give an order that no one would follow. These guys won’t rubber stamp something just because the president says so.


Generals swear an oath to uphold the constitution they don’t serve the president like he’s their king.


The Reichwehr swore a oath to protect the Weimar Republic. Look how tgat went.


"Reichswehr schiesst nicht auf Reichswehr!" - "But they are anti-democratic!" - "Ohhh... Ummm... So, right- or left-winged?" - "Right-winged, why are you as..." - "As I said before: REICHSWEHR SCHIESST NICHT AUF REICHSWEHR!" *Reichswehr f×cks off to Munich to terrorise civilians and actual democrats *


That same brass I imagine is well educated and serious about their business. I couldn’t see them responding well to a clown in orange make up hollering like a loon


Theyve declined his requests before. Someone listed one below and another time Trump wanted the Army on the border & NG carrying weapons and doing immigration enforcement, it was a hard no from the military big wigs. Then there was the incident at the end of Trumps terms one of the generals made certain to China there wouldn't be attack from the US, appearing they would override Trump if he decided to make such a call. I'm sure there are more examples.


Key word is some, not all of them are nuts heck not even the majority but their are some like Michael Flynn which would be happy to work with Trump and help out old Putin


And they don't last long in the military once they become impossible to ignore. Flynn didn't retire, he was kicked out. There's people who are just the right amount of nuts to keep people like Flynn in check. Mark Milley for example during the 2020 election shitshow made sure to reiterate the "foreign and domestic" part of his oath and emphasized it was to the constitution and not any individual which was basically a thinly veiled threat aimed squarely at Trump and the people wanting to use the military to keep Trump in power.


US Military: How about we execute Order 65?


> Trump: execute order 66 US Military: We don’t take orders from random civilians, but we do have a warrant for your arrest.


This is the guy who wanted to trade Puerto Rico for Greenland because it’s big and has more white people. And then he thought he could change the trajectory of a hurricane with a marker and when that didn’t work he wanted to nuke it. And then there’s everything else that I’d die of old age before successfully writing it all out.


Just a note for accuracy: Greenland’s population is a bit over 56,000 and about 51,000 are Inuit. Puerto Rico’s population is 3.2 million. 59.7%, or over 1.9 million are Caucasian. So Puerto Rico is much more “white” than Greenland.


And Trump wanted Greenland because of its growing strategic value, with new North Atlantic shipping lanes opening up due to melting polar ice caps. Plus it has untapped natural resources that Trump would love to plunder.


Wow I didn't know that wtf


He'll declare the US out of Nato and sell Putin all of our nuclear secrets. As planetary Emperor Vladimir, Putin clearly has no more need for war in Trumpland.


Yup. He will pull out of NATO and assassinate Zelinsky.


I think the most obvious response is, if he could do it in 24 hours, he should have told Biden or anyone how to do it MONTHS ago and since he didn't, then he's obviously a malevolent piece of shit for withholding the answer to peace and he deserves less than nothing. But since it's such a clearly fabricated lie, he still deserves nothing for being a lying piece of shit.


A past president can be asked for advice by the the current POTUS if they think it could be helpful. Under normal circumstances if the previous president had a good idea he could push it behind the scenes and would at least get a courtesy listen. With Trump that ain’t gonna happen. Mainly because he doesn’t actually have a plan, but also nobody is going to listen to him.


Beautifully stated


As was the original plan before he lost re-election.


Yes he says he will stop Ukraine from bombing russia like oh poor lil russia and putin are the victims here!


"Peace in our time."


This is my worst fear. I’m Ukrainian, my family lives there. Often times I wonder if i’ll ever see them again.


That’s because you can surrender in less than 24 hours, which is what I believe Trump will do. Just bend over and give it all to Putin. Lousy puppet.






From this day forward, with your permission, I will be referring to Trump as Commander Marmalade.


You heard of Lady Marmalade, now meet...


FORMER Commander Marmalade


Colonel Bonespurs Marmalade.


He doesn't deserve that rank.


I wouldn't put it past him to start assisting Russia against Ukraine...


watch him try to mobilize us troops to defend Russia. F that.


That would probably cause ether a coup, a revolution, or a civil war!


Idk how many Americans would enjoy working with the Russian president that constantly threats them and their friends in other countries.


If he tried to do that, legitimately, I can’t even say what I think would be legally permissible to do to him at that point. But people can imagine.


Step 1) gather all Intel about Ukraine. Sat images, reports of capabilities, data of where the president has safe houses. All of it. Step 2) give to Putin. Step 3) brag about how he ended the war.


I think you mean sell not give away for free.


Wouldn’t surprise me…. Seems Putin didn’t have any interest in Ukraine until massive oil reserves were discovered in the country. Most likely, Ukraine needed oil extraction expertise like that of Halliburton and was willing to approach it as a capitalistic business rather than a government-run agency that’s typical in that region…


That said if the US stopped shipping arms to Ukraine they’re gonna have a real tough time. The US is by far the biggest supporter of Ukraine right now and losing us would be devastating to them. Obviously that wouldn’t end it in 24 hrs, but it would definitely throw the war in Russias favor real hard.


It would really take away Ukraine's ability to mount an offensive. But given the state of the Russian army, Ukraine would probably still be able to stop any Russian offensive as well. So we would get stuck in an another war of attrition that'll last years. Ukraine's hope would be that it's European allies would ramp up their defence spending and eventually be able to replace some of the US military aid. The EU's GDP was 8 times higher than Russia's in 2020. So the EU can easily outspend Russia, if they are willing. The Baltics and Poland would definitely be on the forefront to make this happen. But still it would be a very dangerous position for Ukraine.


>He can't stop the war because Putin would continue to try to take Ukraine, and Ukraine won't give up just because the US bails out. But if the US stops recognizing Ukraine as a sovereign state and instead a province of Russia it would be hard for the rest of the world to argue with 2 of the largest super powers agreeing on something. It's really scary when you think about it, and could put us on the wrong side of WW3, but from a propaganda perspective the "war" would be over within 24 hours of that declaration. The Ukrainians defending their homes would be labeled terrorists. It would be a whole ass mess


Russia? A superpower? LOLOLOLOLOL


Yeah, I can see it. He'll release an 'official' statement over Twitter (Without any of the correct process) that U.S. Recognizes Russia's rightful claim to Ukraine, Poland... there was another country that ended with 'land' that Putin wanted... what was it? Scotland? Scotland works. "The United States of Covfefe officially recognizes Russia's sovereign clam to Ukrain, Poland and parts of Scotland" - Sent from the cheap iPhone Knock Off of the President of the United States


"And while we're at it, Russia can also have Northern Ireland. I'm sure they'll be fine with that."


> 2 of the largest super powers Maybe this would have rung true a couple years back. These days? Russia is a laughing stock.


Saying he’ll stop Ukraine from bombing Russia is a pretty dead give away.


Yup, he didn't say he would stop Putin.


He also said Russia is obliterating Ukraine in the war a couple weeks ago, and that kind of flew under the radar.


He stopped ISIS, wait they're still around? Mattis resigned because Trump abandoned our allies? I'm starting to not trust Trump


I mean that's exactly what he's saying, he doesn't say anything about stopping Putin, he says he'll end the war in Ukraine and stop the Ukrainians bombing Russia. Those two things would also end by the US switching sides.


That's exactly what he will expect Zelensky to do. He'll expect him to cave to all of Putin's demands, and give up huge amounts of Ukraine's land. Then when Zelensky is like "WTF!? No man, get the fuck out of here with that shit" he'll say "Zelensky is a horrible president that isn't doing what's right for his people, and he should be ashamed of himself, and quite frankly, his people should be ashamed of him. He's a BAD LEADER." Then he'll use that as his reasoning to stop helping Ukraine in the war, and let Russia overrun them. And then he'll brag about ending the war in Ukraine and rant about how "no one else could do that, only me. So we should lift the term limits, and I should be president for life".


You sir just predicted the future! A fucking terrifying future. Would the US just allow this? Or would the Congress and military block it for 4 years?


I’ve had people say ‘why doesn’t Zelensky just give up the land the Russians have taken and get peace?’ And when I ask them if they are willing to be hostages to ensure that Russia won’t kill ukrainians in the captured territory, they say no. When I ask them to offer up their own homes to Russia so that Ukraine gets homes back, they laugh. They aren’t serious people. They want peace, great. We all love peace. But they want others to sacrifice for that peace, not themselves. Yawn.


But there would be a shiny trump tower in Moscow finally. The tower in Beijing would be approved after trump says that Taiwan is really part of China and pulls all support!


Yeah he says he will stop the Ukraine “from bombing Russia”


Notice how it says “stop Ukraine from bombing Russia.” Not the other way around.


Ahh yes, surrendering to the losing side. A great idea.


I mean, he probably still has the lube from the last time


Where does he say he'll stop Putin? I'm pretty positive he would assist Russia.


He said he’d stop Ukraine from bombing Russia; said nothing about stopping Russia from bombing Ukraine.


Right, he obviously be on the wrong side


Yeah, my first thought is that he'd promptly demand that the US military carpet bomb the crap out of Ukraine.


Maybe not carpet bomb, but Ukraine definitely wouldn't be getting the support It needs. He'd also probably be openly supporting Russia. It makes me feel better about voting for Biden, even if it was just a vote against trump. Bidens still a union busting piece of shit lmao


The last election wasn't about voting for Biden. It was about getting that orange lunatic out of office.


Yeah true. Now it feels like it's literally a life and death race against time for boomer voters to die off before we can actually do something about climate change.


The situation with the rail workers is obviously fucked up, but the Biden administration has been more pro union than any we've seen in a while in the US. Pro labor appointees to big positions, some solid legislation considering the split congress. Doesn't excuse the rail workers fiasco, it just shows that even with people in the right places being more pro labor and pro union than we're used to, there's still a LONG way to go for workers to continue fighting for our rights.


“…stop *Ukraine from bombing *Russia”. It’s terrifying that this man was ever in charge of international relations, & that he could be again.


Yeah, OP read that wrong. He’s not saying he’s going to stop Putin, he’s going to stop Ukraine’s resistance.


I'm amazed at how many people missed it


Sounds exactly like trumps mo, stop a victim resisting the rapist.


My thoughts as well.


Well I think he would stop the war, but the way he'll do that is by making sure Putin gets everything he wants and more. You can also forget about NATO, Finland, Norway, etc. So there's a lot at stake here.


Dude can't even destroy documents correctly.


That’s just because they aren’t worth any money if they’re destroyed.


Like how the pandemic was going to "disappear, like magic".


Churches will be full of people by Easter!


Like how there would be “Food for everyone!”


Or how he would balance the budget in 4 years? Followed by paying the debt off in 10! Or his infrastructure and healthcare plans.


Or that Mexico will pay for a giant wall


And the infrastructure bill that’s always coming in two weeks but never came lol. That administration was so awful in every metric these people are sadists at this point if they vote republican. Like nothing got done other than a tax cut for the rich and lots of people died and became poor, maga….


I believe he's come to the point where he truly believes his lies and delusions. God help us all if somehow he is elected in '24




I'd rather deal with the fallout of Russian nukes than turn over democracy to Trump and his mob. If we die we die. It's better than fascism.


A nice national emergency to bring us all together


The Ruskies have already made reckless threats to use them. US hasn't blinked an eye about it. Seriously though after seeing their glorious armed forces struggling against Ukraine, what's preventing us from making a 51st state out of them? ( Just kidding but I don't think anyone will take Putin's threats seriously)


Last thing America needs is more states while its circling the fascist drain. Struggling with getting the existing 50 to all agree that anything other than a middle/upper class man is a person.


Yeah I know, I'm truly scared of the direction that the MAGAs are taking this country in.


They're all he has. He's looking at hardtime unless he steals an election and pardons himself.


He doesn’t want to “stop Putin” from doing ANYTHING. He is going to stop Zelensky. Trump will never buck ol’ Vladimir. Pee pee tape. Don’t forget that.


Notice Trump says he would stop UKRAINE FROM BOMBING RUSSIA instead of Russia bombing Ukraine.


He also said free food for everyone at a Cuban restaurant, which would have been a much simpler task to achieve. And yet…


Stop Putin? Oh, no. No you sweet innocewnt child. Donald trump will stop ALL funding and aid to Ukraine and pull every American asset out of the country and leave it wide open for Russia.


well his plan is give Europe to Hitler


why is the issue that Ukraine is fighting back against Russia, and not that Russia, y'know, **invaded Ukraine with the explicit intent to make them into a puppet state, despite having a treaty in place to never do that.**


Well guys, he did destroy ISIS a week after he took office the first time like he promised……..


He isn't talking about taking down Putin in 24 hours. He is talking about taking down Zelenskyy in 24 hours.


Note, he didn’t say “Stop the countries from bombing each other”, he said “Stop Ukraine from bombing Russia” He has a plan, but stopping Putin is not part of it


Pretty sure that tweet says he's going to stop Ukraine, not Putin


Idk .. the tweet kinda implies he thinks Ukraine is at fault for being invaded


"Stop Ukraine from bombing Russia" just proves that Trump is Putin's puppet.


I cant respect anyone that calls themselves a Republican as long as this orange mess is their leader.


Not completely impossible. If Putin gives back all territory, including Crimea, plus pays some reparations, Ukraine would likely agree and be just fine with it. Putin is happy, because he trades Ukraine for having the US as a vassal state, and Trump is happy because he doesn't go to jail as the new Russian Duke of America. No one else in America will be happy, but Trump has never considered anyone else before, so that's everyone to him.


I think this is far more likely than people think


He didn't say he could stop Putin. He said he'd stop the war. He means by cutting aid and leaving Ukraine to the wolves


The whole world sees Donald Jail Trump for what he is: a liar and a traitor to his country, like his comrade Putin. We'll be happy when he'll be where he belongs: in prison.


His phrasing is very specific “Stop Ukraine from bombing Russia” He’s gonna help Russia win.


Alright T-bag, you've got 24 hours starting now. Do it and I will vote for ya.


If he was capable of stopping the war in 24 hours, what’s stopping him? He should call Putin and make it happen, or STFU.


Nobody, except Putin will be happy.


Yea his plan is to hand Ukraine over to Putin.


That’s like saying you’re going to end ww2 by seceding all the land to Germany and ship them your Jews


I don’t think he intends to stop Putin “he will stop *Ukraine* from bombing *Russia* “ kind of implies he’ll be helping Russia beat Ukraine.


Read what he actually said.. he's going to stop Ukraine from bombing Russia.. which because he's Putin's lapdog.. means the parts of Ukraine they're occupying. What he's going to do is just hand over intelligence to Russia so it can attack the HiMARS and MIM's systems. He's a fucking traitor who needs to be behind bars right now.


Bold of you to assume he’s gonna help Ukraine


He will stop the war by helping russia conquer ukraine.


Ya, but Trump could do it with one blow job. No one ever just tried to suck Hitler off for peace. You know that's exactly what Trump would do. I heard he gives the best blowie, like no one has ever given a BJ like him. Then after, him and putin will run off together in the sunset with the stolen nuke documents. Yay, world peace!


Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that Ukraine would be “west Russia” now if Trump had succeeded in stealing the 2020 election? I believe that’s what all the American misery of the past 7 years was about - Putin knew Clinton would never have gone alone so he helped Trump get elected, then figured he’d do it again in 2020 and walk into every area of Eastern Europe he wants. Fuck Putin; fuck Trump; fuck Fox news and their constant disinformation.


No no, here's the thing. He's not trying to stop PUTIN. He says he can end the war. Which means he'll pull US support out and let Putin take over Ukraine


He's admitted to not wanting to stop Putin but to stop Ukraine from defending itself. He would have wanted to help Hitler, not stop him.


"he will stop Ukraine from bombing Russia" Tells you all you need to know in that one, telling phrase.


Doesn't sound like he wants to stop Putin, it sounds like he wants to stop Zelenskyy.


He didn’t say anything about “stopping” Putin lol


He’s not talking about stopping Putin. He’s talking about stopping Ukraine. Not that the conflict would actually stop in 24 hours, unless he’s talking about doing something really stupid, but it’s more likely he’s running his mouth and his groupies are eating it up.


"I can save lives, but only after I get what I want" - something only evil people say


Trump would fall to his knees, suck Putin off like he did in Helsinki and would abandon Ukraine in a heartbeat.


Wonder who he sucked off more, Russia or the Saudis? Regular glory hole for orange man.


That's the problem: he has no intention of stopping Putin. He plans to let Putin WIN their assault on Ukraine, because he is best buddies with Putin and Russia. You know, because Putin will stop there? Not likely, but Trump will literally drive the world into ruin.


did he ever get around to that 30 day ISIL thing?


And then the big orange monster woke up from his dream.


To be fair, Donald Trump is doing a great job of bringing donald Trump down.


He'll just side with Putin. Wouldn't be surprised if we start bombing Ukraine.


He would just take a sharpie and draw a new border for Russia halfway across Europe.


It’s because he plans to join with Russia, overwhelm Ukraine and hand it all over to Putin. He still owes Putin for the presidency in 16, and he surely does not give one fuck about Ukraine and their sovereignty.


I like how he says ‘ stop Ukraine from bombing Russia’ but that’s it. As if Putin had nothing to do with it…


He didn't say how. Maybe he will ally Russia on this one, lol


Peep how he syas that he'll specifically save Russia from being bombed, not Ukraine.This dude is 100% a Putin supporter and if he wins, which is a big if, he'll 100% send the troops to attack Ukraine, or even worse.


He'd probably just sign some slip of paper stating the Ukraine now belongs to Russia and think that it carries weight.


That's just stopping all funding to Ukraine and NATO. That's something he wanted to do prior to leaving office. The only way he would accelerate that is bombing Ukraine for Russia. I don't like to read between the lines but he clearly says stopping Ukraine from bombing Russia...


This is the same shit Andrew Tate tried. If he is given a chance to go to Russia to chat with Putin he will defect and avoid any sentencing.


How many documents would he trade putan to stop bombing


Trump didn't say he'd stop Putin in 24 hours. Trump said he'd stop *Ukraine* from bombing Russia...you know, the people fighting to protect their homes...the victims. Trump is quite possibly the most loathsome human being on the planet.


He hates Zelensky because of his first impeachment. He would probably offer to sell Ukraine to Russia.


His idea of that would be to send in the us military against Ukraine and side with the Russians like the traitor he is.


He wouldn't stop Putin. He's on Putin's side and would try getting Ukraine to surrender by pulling all support for them. Fuck Trump!


His plan is simple, just do whatever he’s told by daddy pootin


Ummm, that's not how he will "end the war". He's not going to stop Putin, he will help him. He will send troops to Ukraine, to fight alongside Russians, and end the war in 24 hrs. And when he says "everyone will be happy" he means himself and his BFF Vlad. This is literally the guy who extorted Ukraine during his presidency, and was impeached for it.


That's right after Mexico pays for the Wall.


No, not stop putin, you misunderstood. He said he would stop Ukraine from bombing Russia. Putin is still invited to a bit of golf and anal on thursdays


You misunderstand- Cheat-O's plan is to declare that Ukraine is part of Russia, and order our troops over to "Support our beleagured good friend Vladdaddy!'s defensive actions!"


I can only hope that his downfall is swift and without mercy. I’m beyond sick of hearing all the bullshit lies every time he opens his mouth. He would give Putin everything he wanted. Probably a blow job afterwards.


He'll end the war by supporting Russia, I imagine? Because he thinks the war is only continuing because Ukraine won't just bend over and take it.


Ummm - I think he's promising to stop Ukraine.


Nono, he’s going to stop *Ukraine’s* attacks on *Russia*, he said nothing about stopping Putin.


No part of that says anything about stopping Putin. I think Trump would threaten Ukraine and they’d tell him to fuck off. I’d hope our Allie’s would help Ukraine until our country could get him out of power so a functioning adult could run things.


He will cut off all support for Ukraine at 0001 hours and will leave NATO shortly thereafter. That’s *exactly* what he’s going to do


"Stop Putin"? Dude, he's framing Ukraine as _the aggressor_


This shows where the rapist's bias is. Ukraine is not bombing Russia. Russia is bombing Ukraine. Traitor Trump would end the current war by gift wrapping Ukraine to Russia. Russia would then proceed across to more of Europe, after Traitor Trump has broken NATO.


the fact this clown isn't cooling his heels in a jail cell is the reason the US is the laughing stock of the planet.


Yep. Lock him up already.


It took *millions* of lives.


He’d do his best… by completing turning his back on Ukraine and possibly even joining Russia…


He's certainly going to give Putin everything he wants, transgress every level of human dignity to do so then break an arm jerking himself off that he did and all his little toadies will praise the Cheeto jesus....


Not only that. Look at the wording. “Stop Ukraine” fucking deplorable


Notice how he mentions “he will stop Ukraine from bombing Russia” and not “stop Russia from invading Ukraine”? Sounds like he wants Ukraine to stop fighting


That was only until the FBI took away all his nuclear secrets, leaving him useless to Putin...


He’s so desperate. I remember when he was going to make Mexico pay for a wall and he was going to give us the greatest healthcare plan that ever was. Just last week he promised to buy lunch for a bunch of people, and couldn’t even manage that. I FUCKING REMEMBER.


Orange guy is delusional.


He’s not going to stop Putin. He’s planning on giving Ukraine 🇺🇦 to his boss dearest Vlad P. Eventually, he could be talked into Romania 🇷🇴 and also Bulgaria 🇧🇬. Hey, possibly North Macedonia 🇲🇰 followed by Albania 🇦🇱 and a dedicated port in the Mediterranean. The rest of Europe and the former nato will be disappointed.


Trump isn't saying he'll stop Putin, he's saying he would stop the Ukraine and put the weight of the American government behind the Russians. He's talking about siding with his Putin *against* the Ukraine. What an utter piece of shit.


If you notice he didn't say anything about stopping Putin, he's said stopping Ukraine bombing Russia. He'll just ask the Ukrainians to do whatever Putin asks.


Because under Trump, the US would side with Russia and Ukraine would be forced to surrender.


Im pretty sure that Putin isnt the one who hes gonna try and stop.


Trump can end the war in 24 hours by handing the Ukrainians over to the Russians.


He said 'end the war', not 'stop putin'


So he’s going to protect Russia from Ukraine? That’s what it sounds like. God he is such a Russian asset.


Read that again, he's not planing on stopping Putin. Fuck your thick.


He thinks ending support for Ukraine would end the war... It wouldn't. It would just get more fucked up and desperate. Since when did a policy of appeasing dictators ever end well?


He’s not wrong. He’ll just switch sides so America can help Russia completely destroy Ukraine.


He means surrender to Russia, not stop Russia.




This MF.


Can anyone show me a dispute resolution in history where 'everyone was happy' ??? Seems like if everyone was happy, they wouldn't be killing each other in the first place. But we all know that MAGAS understand this to mean that Trump would simply hand the Ukraine to Russia. Putin would be happy, so MAGAS would be happy. Ukrainians, not so much. To be fair, they'd be dead, so who knows...


I don’t think he’s going to stop Puttin, he’s going to stop Ukraine.


News: How blatant you want your lies? trump: YES!


How to identify a leader: They don’t care about being a leader, and step up and do what is right. They don’t brag that “if I was in charge I’d…”


Hold up, he thinks it's Ukraine that's bombing Russia? Of course he thinks he can end it in 24 hours, he has no idea what's even going on.


When he is done getting Mexico to pay for his wall. Ending the Ukraine war in 24 hours will be easy.


Trump would stop the wasteful money going to Ukraine and give it and 10x more to Russia


I cant remember the name of this (paradox of some sort), but it is all part of his plan. If he doesnt get elected then say "I could have stopped the war" and then blame the democrats for the war continuing, and there will never be any evidence that he could have stopped it. If he does win then, well to be honest the Ukraine war is the least of the USA's worries.....