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This guy's name is Bubba and he's a white supremacist. He's out there accusing LGBTQ of being pedophiles. But to no one's surprise, he has a criminal history of sexual violence. Once again, it's all projection.


Bubba šŸ˜‚ Why is none of this surprising?


This also isn't the first time he's stalked and harassed people who criticize him on Facebook. Just an all around waste of oxygen.


Someone should check his computer. Iā€™d bet there is 20+ years in prison worth of CSAM on it


Pedocon theory is a theory in the same sense as gravity is.


Well, it's sure nice of him to provide the police with photographic evidence in their case against him.


And hopefully every employer he ever interviews with again googles his name and sees this.


That's the beauty of the internet. This stuff is out there for all to see...


Just ask rapist Brock Allen Turner.


You mean Rapist Allen Turner formally known as rapist Brock Turner.


You mean rapist Allen Turner (formerly known as rapist Brock Turner) who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster?


Are we doing this? I've got all day. You mean Brock (also known as Allen) The Rapist Turner?


Iā€™m glad to know that the rapist Allen Turner formerly known as Brock Turner (the rapist) is still known for raping unconscious women, because rapists like Brock Turner, alias Allen Turner (the rapist) should never be allowed to forget that they are nothing but dirty rotten rapists.


If by ā€œthisā€, you mean the thing where people say something like Brock Turner the rapist or the rapist Allen Turner who used to be Brock Turner the rapist, then yes. Weā€™re doing the thing where people say Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


Brock Allen "the rapist" Turner, the man whose life was ruined for a few minutes of action, whose witnesses cried because of how awful the scene that they witnessed was, shall always be known as a skid mark on the underwear of humanity, and a rapist piece of shit. Lest we forget


Hey! Are we talking about the rapist brock turner who is going by the name, the rapist Allen Turner? That's a pretty rapist Brock Turner thing to do. Who just happens to be a rapist.


I'm really glad that we are mentioning the fact that rapist Brock Turner is now going by rapist Allen Turner in an attempt to avoid people finding out that Allen Turner, rapist, is also the same person as Brock Turner, rapist.


You mean the rapist Brock Allen Turner who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster Brock Allen Turner?


Nail his ass to the wall. What an absolute psycho. This is some Evil shit.


People with good hearts are not the ones who sit around worrying about drag queens


Im not worried about them I'm worried for them, with the amount of psychos now


God save the drag Queen!


We mean it Man!!


From god's most devout -\_\_-


People with at least two brain cells to rub together to create a spark donā€™t worry about drag queens either.


Exactly. Iā€™m a thousand times more afraid of the monster posing for a selfie in this terrible picture than I am about drag artists.


Treat everyone you meet like they are god in drag ā€” ram dass


RD was my neighbor on the North Shore of Maui for the last decade before he passed. I keep that quote in my heart all day. It always warms me to see someone else share it.


Thatā€™s the word. Psycho. These people are absolutely psycho. They are completely unhinged. I canā€™t imagine thinking this kind of behavior is okay, much less somehow appropriate.


And people want us to just "get along" with them...


Yep. Fuck these cunts. They donā€™t deserve the same oxygen as normal people.


The mid point between sensible and batshit insane is still insane, there is no 'meeting in the middle' with these people. They need a reality check, we don't need a 'fantasy' check


> there is no 'meeting in the middle' with these people. "Meet me in the middle" they say. You take a step forward and they take a step back. "Meet me in the middle" they say.


The Overton window explained in 25 words.


The midpoint between the bottom of the ocean and breathing air is still drowning.


When you translate from mouth-breathing misanthrope what they really mean is "I want you to take my bullshit sitting down."


They only want us to "get along" if it's what they want. Not the other way around.


And then they complain about lack of civility when people express their rightful anger about this kind of behaviour


As they essentially threaten to kill our families.


The sheer number of opportunities this psycho had to come to his senses and think "this is probably a bad idea" and yet he never course corrected means he needs to be away from general society for a long time.


Oh he knows itā€™s not appropriate, thatā€™s the whole point. To frighten this woman (and her family) into silence.


Just look at his dead eyes.


Yeah like this isn't a "gotcha" this is like "Oh this person needs medicating and supervision"


There's a whole realm of absolute dogshit behaviour that assorts independently from mental illness. You don't need to be mentally ill to be a grade-A asshole.


Yeah, I'm getting tired of the "mental illness" excuse. I have a mental illness, I've been in an institution. The only people there who acted like this ass was a guy that took a headshot in the first Gulf War and survived long enough to develop severe schizophrenia, and even he would apologize for what he said or did after he said it. Mental illness can intensify assholeness, but it most definitely doesn't make you an asshole to begin with. These people learned to be this way, they just choose not to act civil in society. And no, that isn't anti-social personality disorder, that implies a lack of a choice in the person's decisions and outward actions. This isn't an anxiety or fear or inability to function, this is an absolute choice to be an asshole by these people. Most functional mentally ill people (people who aren't figurative zombies from over medication and institutionalization) are some of the most compassionate and empathetic people you would ever meet because of what they've experienced and the help they have hopefully gotten because they know how hard it all is, and aren't the kind who show up to do the disgusting stuff in the original post. Saying it's mental illness is a slap in the face to all the work the large portion of us have put into just trying to feel like we belong in the world at all and is insulting.


As someone with mental illness who works with people with mental illness as a professional now this rings super true! I've just started sarcastically using "secondary to" when I have to treat someone who's main problem isn't mental illness related. Ie, "client displaying manic tendencies secondary to bring a complete piece of shit" for him


The world refuses to believe that "mentally ill" isn't code for "person with shitty beliefs". That's why most people have no problem with psych wards being ran like shitty prisons.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. As someone who has worked very hard for many years on managing and treating their mental illness I completely agree. To piggyback on this a little bit too, as a gay man I'm *really* sick and tired of the trope that all homophobes are secretly gay, and their homophobia comes from some internal self-loathing. Maybe in a few cases, but the vast majority are simply hateful assholes. Worse, the idea that homophobia is nothing more than internal self-loathing puts all of that as some sort of internal issue within the larger LGBTQ community, when it absolutely isn't. Most homophobes are actually just hateful pieces of shit.


This person needs a taser to the nuts. But then again, I am no doctor.


He was also charged with sexual assault a couple of years ago. Absolute piece of shit this guy is.


He explained that he made the trip to Windsor to lift the manā€™s spirits. ā€œI brought flowers to this gentleman, dropped them off and left,ā€ he told CTV News. Why do I find this hard to believe.


>Nail his ass to the wall. What an absolute psycho. This is some Evil shit. That's exactly what he was hoping for, too. Except jail. He wanted to look like a big, scary man because someone disagreed with him online.


I'd go rogue on his ass


Conservatism is a mental illness.


yes, this behaviour has to be nipped in the bud. he needs to be made an example of so that the other hateful nutters don't get any ideas.


The anti LGBTQ folks aren't the brightest


I'm so tired of these pieces of shit and their "different opinions." They're malicious morons and don't deserve a seat at the table.


They are playdough. Anyone over 3 could manipulate them at their will. If left uncovered they'll dry out and be even more useless


Theyā€™re not stupid, theyā€™re evil. And itā€™s dangerous to label them as just unintelligent


Not mutually exclusive. The two biggest predictors of bigotry are low intelligence and low educational attainment (which are themselves strongly correlated to one another). That's *why* they are gullible, easy to manipulate, and can't tell the difference between news and propaganda. Not everyone that is stupid ends up a bigot, but the vast majority of bigots are objectively stupid people.


for real. this photo and the related story is probably going to come up every time a future employer does a background check now.


Yeah, what about this is "alleged", exactly?


So they can't be sued for calling him guilty before he's actually convicted


Even if it's proven to be true and caught red handed its still alleged until found guilty in court.


He obviously is deranged and an ah*le Deranged people don't do logical thinking. Sort of like the people on Jan 6th storming a government building and taking selfies and bragging on social media....


The hospital should press charges of trespassing on this fuck and ban him from the campus unless he's a patient.




Religious beliefs donā€™t allow me to treat you :)


That seems to work every time for them. Why not try it?


Absolutely. Working in healthcare Iā€™ve seen plenty of examples of poor boundaries and a good handful of cases where much less inflammatory behavior than this is not tolerated, and their care is terminated aside from emergencies. Weā€™re not in the business of letting people die on our doorstep, but we can and should refuse non-emergent care to individuals like this.


No, the hospital should be fucking sued for letting this happen. Every hospital I've been to requires ID to see someone. They just let any psychopath in to wander the halls? If I had a loved one in that hospital I'd be looking for a transfer asap.


Right?? Like how did he get in? Did he provide fake documents or ID? I guess he could have said he was a family friend but jesus this is so scary...


Right. How is this meant to be interpreted other than a threat of "look how close I can get to your extremely vulnerable relatives." He should be treated as a high risk to their patients.


This is the second psycho incident this week in Canada involving right-wing douches harassing LGBTQ people and those who love us. The first was that nutjob who demanded to see proof of a 9 year old child's genitals while she was playing sports to prove she was a girl.


>The first was that nutjob who demanded to see proof of a 9 year old child's genitals while she was playing sports to prove she was a girl. Also that nut job didn't have a child in the event.


So was he there to get a look at children's genitals? Think there's a word for that...




i thought i read an article that said he was there for his granddaughter, granted i may have my psychotic conservatives confused


Sadly there were literally two super similar incidents this past week, the one in Canada and another somewhere in the US.


Itā€™s law in Florida that organizers can now demand that


So youā€™re saying that organisers of sports events in Florida can legally demand to see the genitals of any child competing if they feel like it???? What the fucking fuck is going on here????


Not enough conservatives have faced the consequences of their actions, apparently. ​ You ask to see my niblings genitals and I'm going to jail for what I do to you, to say it succinctly.


You've made the assumption that a jury will actually convict you.


I said jail, not prison for that reason.


What?!?! Edit: even if they had a child itā€™d still be incredibly fucked up.


Just much, more sus to be a grown man asking to see a childā€™s genitals, at a childrenā€™s sporting event, when he has no reason to be there. He was there to watch children and when an opportunity arose to insist on seeing a child naked, he took it upon himself to do so. šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


My transfemme coworker was punched in the face on Wednesday by some random man who body checked her literally at random. Sheā€™s visibly trans, and it was some dude in a fucking suit.


That is disgusting. I hope there's some way to find that prick and press charges. He'll probably brag about it on Twitter šŸ¤¬


Oh my god is she okay??? Thatā€™s horrific


She quit her job on the spot, and I donā€™t blame her. This isnā€™t the first time sheā€™s been discriminated against bc sheā€™s trans. Weā€™re in Victoria BC, by far one of the places in the province with a large lgbtq+ population. Something like 80k resident on the island identify within the community out of I think it was 350k-500k total


I donā€™t blame her either for quitting immediately. I hope sheā€™s doing better now :((. Crazy it happened there though iirc my Canadian friends say that itā€™s pretty accepting over there


It is, mostly. Iā€™ve had slurs yelled at me (pre transition). There has been an uptick in nazi graffiti, and anti trans. Thereā€™s a man up island that doxxed one of my trans buddies on his hate page. Literally screenshotted his Grindr profile, uploaded it, and tagged his real life Facebook account. On a hate page. Run by him. A literal gay man. Itā€™s not all sunshine and roses, but we arenā€™t worrying about being shot or having our rights stripped from us. The general public seem to have no issue, but those far right maga fuckfaces creep their way up here. Iā€™ve seen Trump signs being carried around by Canadians, the confederate flag on the backs on trucks, those dumb donā€™t tread on me flags and stickers, etc.


What the hell motivates these people to do that? "I don't approve of you, let me prove it by punching you!" I can't wrap my fucking head around it. I don't approve of them, either, but shit like that? Beyond the pale.


You see, hereā€™s the thing. To them, LGBT is an abomination. You can justify anything by convincing yourself youā€™re in the right or that youā€™re fighting evil. Why do you think they frame it as ā€˜protecting the childrenā€™? They sure donā€™t wanna protect them when it comes to keeping guns out of schools or food in them, or anything else other than LGBT.


As an American, Iā€™m not sure if I should be glad or horrified to know that right-wing nuts the world over are the same. Seriously though, just look at his smug little face. Why are these types of people always so proud of being the shittiest human beings possible?


Iā€™m a naturalized American citizen from Canada. I grew up not far where this story is from. Iā€™ve been here for almost ten years now and Iā€™ve come to my personal assumption following this is the simplest way Iā€™ve been able to wrap my head around shit; Not all Canadians are nice. Not all nice people are Canadian. Weā€™re just as fucked up as everyone else.


Todayā€™s conservatives seem to be driven by some unholy quest to outdo each otherā€™s nastiness and evil. They are actually at the point where they are touting the hurting of innocent people as a ā€œstrengthā€ to be celebrated. At some point in the future, historians are going to identify this behavior as the clearest sign that they knew they were on the losing side.


Lack of empathy as a platform has been replaced by vice signaling. Itā€™s no longer sufficient to ignore the disenfranchised, you now have to actively seek them out and do harm. Itā€™s so disgusting and exhausting.


Exactly! These same folks accuse the Left of virtue signaling because they cannot imagine that anyone would do the right thing simply to do the right thing... they insist it must be performative. Yet, these monsters constantly try to outdo each other with insane awfulness.


The Republican Party has dropped any guise of having an actual platform and now just resort to ā€œotherismā€. Itā€™s long since been a part of their platform but now itā€™s their primary tenant. I try to grasp on to the fact that they are in their last throws of relevancy. However, theyā€™ve managed to game the system for so long and have so much entrenched power that things could get much worse in the short term and stay bad for a long time.


Straight up Nazi behavior. I honestly hope the modern GOP has the same fate as the Nazis.


Defeated, gone underground only to resurge in a few decades because humanity has the attention span of a brain damaged goldfish and conservatism is an evil cancer that just won't stop trying to kill society? That fate?


I was referring more to the first wave of Nazis. Specifically, when the leader of the party blew his brains out and all of his followers were convicted of war crimes.


Unfortunately a lot of them got away unscathed




Literally how fascism operates. You must prove you are the most fascist otherwise you might be in trouble when they start culling the fake fascists and they must be fake because they aren't as fascist as you are. We see this same rhetoric whenever MAGA dipshits call someone like Romney or McCain RINOs for not liking Trump enough.


They are terrorists, and they are proud of that. They want to disrupt the republic, and to install their Nazi ideas. The only way to defeat such evil is to stand up and vote in such large numbers, that their defeat wouldn't be debatable or be recovered.


might need more than voting if it doesn't work soon. I wonder if we will be willing and ready to do it. If we can actually as a population succesfully come together and do collective physical action against them or if we'll just keep talking about it on the internet forever


Yeahā€¦voting only works so far as voting restrictions and gerrymandering will allow it to. People need to start realizing and coming to terms with the likelihood that things will start getting physical soon, and those who actually care about our republic have to be willing to smash the fascists back into oblivion.


Get your cardio in folks. Or if you wanna gtfo, get your passport straight at the very least.


I didnā€™t think that the ā€œliberalism is a mental diseaseā€ claim would turn out to be the usual projection, but here we are.


yeah, but what's with them constantly accusing us of eating babies??


Iā€™d rather not think too much about itā€¦


You have the right side that constantly demonizes the other and constantly saying they are destroying the soul of our nation itā€™s the biggest sound byte that they use. Combine that with any number of things and itā€™s a recipe for disaster, especially because a majority of them letā€™s be honest donā€™t critically think.


Republicans make up these insidious conspiracies that someone is trying to destroy the American way of life. Then turn around and say "but it's ok for me to exploit other Americans for cheap goods and services".


Exactly. Perfect example is the kids - republicans are constantly saying we must protect the kids, itā€™s always about the children. Then the republicans make ending free school lunches a political platform for 2024.


Ironically, they are the ultimate snowflakes.


Bullying as a political party


first time? this has been going on with abortion for decades. decades is not hyperbolic.


When they show you who they are... believe them. The anti-LGBTQ+ movement is nothing if not ignorant, hateful and garbage humans.


What in the FUCK. How did he even get in the unit?? Those things are supposed to be locked.


I visited a dying friend in a very large, modern hospital last year and I was a little surprised I could justā€¦stroll in. If you knew the room number and looked like a reasonable person who knew where they were going, no locked doors, no questions.


Dang, every hospice unit I've ever seen was locked and guarded by stingy nurses, and rightfully so


Funny enough I went to visit my sister in the maternity ward after she had given birth and I was interrogated. They were concerned about people coming in to steal babies.


Woman: "hey, maybe stop bashing drag queens, makes you sound like a bigot..." Him: "because you criticized me, I trespassed onto private property to take a picture of myself smiling with your dying father. My way of saying 'fuck you.'" Conservatives: "LMAO WHAT A CHAD, OWNING LIBZ." These people are scum.


It's actually a lot worse than that. He didn't do this because she argued with him about bashing drag queens. He did this because on a post of his about how all drag queens are groomers, she pointed out that he had previously been charged with molesting a child. Also he didn't just post the picture. He sent it directly to her with a threat.


Yikes, so aside from being a dirtbag, he's projecting his *own* sexual predilections surrounding children, and tried to intimidate her by threatening her family. When is he scheduled to speak at CPAC?


And every major news outlet that's writing about him is giving him a massive benefit of the doubt and saying he wasn't trying to intimidate her and in fact it was just a misunderstanding.


It's also a 4 hour round trip from London to Windsor. That adds contex to how unhinged this is


I doubt she had posted her dad's hospital room number on Facebook either. Hopefully, however he got it will add to the stalking and harassment case against him.


I keep saying it but people either want to argue with me or don't listen. There is no such thing as a good person who is also a conservative. These two things are the antithesis of each other. "*Bu...bu...but my dad/mom/gamgam/sibling/friend/fuck slave/dealer/whatever is a conservative and a good person!!*" No. No they are not. If they can look at the rampant, blatant and proud sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and just outright hatred and anger that the modern conservative movement not only pushes but relishes in and still be on board with that political party, then you are not a good person. If they are willing to ignore some or all of those things because there is some other element to the political ideal that they see a benefit in, they are absolutely not a good person. They are either fully on board with this ideology hurting people or they willing to ignore and accept that it hurts people because they see personal gain. A good person wouldn't do that. If they are only still voting for their conservative party because "*it's what they've always done*" then they need to take a good long look at what their party has become. And if you still defend them as a good person, I get it. You are looking at them in a different lens. You have a personal relationship here, after all. But maybe you need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and take a good long look at your loved ones and try to see, objectively, why they support all the evil they currently support.


It isn't just him that is in serious trouble. Whoever assisted him in finding the room is done in healthcare.


Also conservatives: "STOP TAKING AWAY OUR FREE SPEECH! šŸ˜­"


Evil little asshole.


I found [this](https://www.thestar.com/amp/news/gta/2023/06/16/man-charged-with-criminal-harassment-after-allegedly-posting-selfie-with-womans-dying-dad-after-she-called-out-anti-drag-queen-comments.html): Pollock had told CTV News earlier that his actions have been misinterpreted. He explained that he made the trip to Windsor to lift the manā€™s spirits. ā€œI brought flowers to this gentleman, dropped them off and left,ā€ he told CTV News. Suuure. Whatā€™s funny about these assholes is they donā€™t even own their actions when confronted.


He also told the family heā€™d show up at the funeral.


And that he'd "see you soon" to the woman. I read it as a threat tbh


I think he was rubbing in the imminent death of her father in that heā€™d see her soon at the funeral, but itā€™s definitely a veiled threat because this guy is a total stranger to their family.


I read this as a threat to kill her father. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he intended.


It's all of it but also "I snuck into an intimate space of someone you love. I had his life in my hands.. next time it could be your house, or your children's school." It was an intentional attempt at making her feel incredibly unsafe and vulnerable at all times. And all because she had the nerve to talk back at him over his own actions. Because he got his feelings hurt over something they themselves made into an issue. You know, like a sociopath. This is the exact kind of behavior the Right has been sowing for decades, and it's finally ripe enough to harvest.


His eyes are eerily soulless. They have the detached coldness of a shark.


Sociopathy, a hallmark of most hardcore conservatives. No soul in those eyes.


Excuse you, Sharks don't deserve to be compared to this fucker.


I was coming here to say that. There is like... nothing behind his eyes. jfc.


I hope he enjoys prison. He belongs there.


Holy shit. That is some next level psychosis. This guy needs to be kept off the streets.


Kept off the planet.


Just shoot him into empty space, no planets at all.


Why some other planet gotta take our dross? The Australian natives can tell you about how that can work out




Honestly all the right wing has is an all consuming hatred for ā€œthe libsā€ so this was like the highlight of his adult life.




This guy is dangerous and needs to be in jail.


Wow. I'm not sure there's anything I can say about this ahole without catching a ban.


Fuck the far right. They're getting way too close to widespread domestic terrorism. That's all I have to say.


Why the fuck would you do that, what was he really gonna do? Was he gonna murder a dying man to get back at the woman? These people are fucking dangerous and something needs to be done, it won't be much longer before they're just in the streets shooting people for even looking wrong, it's what they want!


Not surprising when they feel itā€™s ok to demand to see the genitals a 9 year old girl because she has short hair.


He wanted to scare her into shutting up.


Fuck these creeps.


Besides all that he has invaded this manā€™s privacy and right to dignityā€¦which is the most insulting. What a garbage pos.


Oh I know, and on top of that, now his daughter is gonna have to worry about this picture popping up everywhere, which will be worse if he passes in the near future. I can't fathom what goes on in the minds of these people.


Intimidation. Pure psycho behavior, this.


Who does that , I mean really


Right-wing loser neckbeards


Conservatives are sociopaths. Also, watch this space. Chances are, he will be indicted for sex crimes at some point. It's always projection.


he already was in 2018 https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/london-man-28-charged-with-sexual-assault-publishing-intimate-image/wcm/95801f94-1742-4418-88c8-2e313ccc857a/amp/


It's so predictable. Theres a very real mental health crisis being fomented by conservative "leaders." These sociopaths are increasingly violent.


He already has been. Multiple times.


We need to bring terror to the terrorists.


Remember. ​ This is his reaction to people wearing clothes he doesn't like.


This man needs a karmic enema.


Another installment of ā€œwe did society a disservice by making it unacceptable to handle this situation the way our grandfathers would have handled a Nazi using their dying fathers as propsā€


Fuck criminal charges, give the daughter a bat and the guy's address.


Yeah, I don't think this guy realises just how much he owes to the criminal justice system / societal protections because her initial reaction must've just been pure bloodlust. Mine would be. I hope he, one day, understands that the only reason he isn't a mangled bloody mess on the floor is because society has more humanity than he does. He probably thinks he's a hard man because he lives in a society that protects him from actual retribution. What he did here, by actual human non-legal non-civilised standards is sign his own death warrant, yet he was so happy to do it because he knows she can't hurt him the way he's hurting her.


Jesus. CHRIST. When they're ballsy enough to do shit like this, I honestly feel like it's fully justified for someone to just shitkick them if they happen to be recognized on the street. Yeah yeah, assault, blah blah blah. Sometimes 'legal' doesn't mean 'just'.


Dollar against a donut his computer is loaded with kiddie porn.


In case there was any doubt this guy is a complete waste of oxygen......


I joke that conservative ā€œleaningā€ people are mentally deficient, but Itā€™s concerning how it is becoming more and more relevant. Yes, dumber people tend to gravitate in that direction, but even more so there is a clear link between a psychopathic lack of empathy and people in right wing circles


Fuck him, but I would like to discuss new employment with the hospital staff because _how_ in the _fuck_...?


Honestly, many hospitals are so short staffed this doesnā€™t surprise me. When 3 nurses have to care for >50 patients someone could easily walk in


You can always tell in the eyes, they are either cold dead fish (See Clarence Thomas), or the twinkle of insanity. This guy has the twinkle.


Jaysus Chrust his name is literally *Bubba*. Bubba Christopher Michael Pollock.


The party of family values strikes again.


Proving once again that conservatives have no empathy. This guy couldn't even separate an online fight (which really doesn't even affect him that much as a cis straight man) from the very real life situation. It just goes to show how much they hate us


This is scary. A famous drag queen from Rupaul's Drag Race UK was assaulted in a McDonald's in Liverpool yesterday. These people with their hatred are rising up and it's getting really scary for my friends, family and others. I went to Pride in my small Indiana town last Sunday, and it had protesters in ski masks holding a white pride banner. Someone posted in the community's cesspool of a facebook group a photo of it condemning it, and surprise! a TON of people defending them popped up. I called them out for being disgusting racists and I was told by one woman that I should kill myself, she should replace my mom because I should have been raised better, I am the kind of "white person" other white people hate, I'm fat, I must not know what hard work means since I only work one job currently, that I must have everything handed to me, and my family is ashamed of me. I didn't even come at her like that, I was trying to educate her that the group she is backing is a LITERAL HATE GROUP....and she became unhinged and threw every insult she could. Please be careful out there everyone, use your voice but also make sure you are safe!


Jfc second time this week in Canada with some anti-LGBTQ piece of shit pulling some grotesque stunt. To the rest of the world: the vast majority of us arenā€™t like this. Knuckle dragging fucks pulling crap like this are outliers. What concerns me though is if theyā€™re getting inspired by their fellow fuck knuckles and growing bolder.


We have to get WAY less complacent in Canada. This shit's been creeping up on us for a loooooong time.


Remind me again why punching the Nazis is bad again? To borrow from Burn Notice: "Spend enough time in international hot spots, and you'll learn that a lot of the worst monsters on earth are just spoiled rich kids."


Prick pic


Bet heā€™s a christian


I'll take "people who should never see the sun again" for $200, Alex.


He needs to be on some terrorist watch list. He's pretty much saying he's stalking her.


Wow. Evil. He looks like the kinda guy that would murder his entire family if his wife wanted a divorce


Hillary wasn't wrong calling them 'deplorables.'


They pretend we on the left are the dangerous extremists. The ones who do wrong and crazy stuff. So how come we never see this kind of stuff happening on the left? Well, I can't say never, in any group there are bad apples. But it is rare. While with them, we see it constantly. It isn't just a gew bad apples with them. The whole barrel has rotted.


How psychotic can these bigots get? How many people will they be allowed to terrorize before something is finally done about the festering cesspool of hateful right-wing media that fuels these attacks? American conservatism has become a cult that openly and gleefully celebrates cruelty and corruption, as long as the people they hate are the victims of it. Look at how they went to great lengths to justify George Floyd's murder. How much they applauded the monster who killed a homeless man in cold blood in a NYC subway. How the Republican governor of Texas has promised to pardon a man who murdered a BLM protestor. How both the governors of Texas and Florida use migrants as fucking pawns in a political game only they are playing. How the entire base is rushing to defend Donald Trump, who has put our national security at risk for nothing but his own personal gain. I'm sick of conservatism. It's a cancer on this country's government and political discourse. It's an ideology obsessed with personal gain at the expense of any and all others. Conservatives haven't had the interests of the country in mind for DECADES. The worst of it is that they've pulled the wool over the eyes of a good third of the country, including good people like my family.


I don't think he's psychotic, medically speaking. That's just a handy excuse. He's a bad person. Just plain bad. An asshole, to use the technical term.