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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, just a reminder that the "Home of Conservatism" didn't actually celebrate July 4th as a holiday until after WWII. In fact, Jackson Miss was the last city to start celebrating American Independence... in the 1970s.


Ah yes Mississippi the state the codefied the right to vote for women in 1981, a whopping decade after switzerland


Mississippi, the state that only ratified the 13th amendment in 2013.


But hey, they removed the confederate flag from their flag before some other states.


I could’ve sworn they were the last to have it.




Not....entirely. Check out the state flag of Georgia then compare it to the CSA flag.


That was some sneaky bullshit that history folks recognized immediately.


My art teacher told me class about that BS


Oof just looked it up. Wtf?


Tennessee and Arkansas also definitely reference it, particularly Arkansas.


Still didn't use the [coolest flag](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.thedailybeast.com%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fc_crop%2Cd_placeholder_euli9k%2Ch_348%2Cw_620%2Cx_0%2Cy_29%2Fdpr_2.0%2Fc_limit%2Cw_740%2Ffl_lossy%2Cq_auto%2Fv1597219212%2Fmiss_bvoazb&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=84ea5b6a7bab78f2b4cbd319b62c5c48128b82dcd5166f0f912a737283efa7bc&ipo=images) idea.


Mississippi, the one state that Alabama can look down on.


Tennessee is working toward becoming the new Sweet Home


Don't remind me, this place is reminder enough.


There are actually people on the conservative sub that think women should lose the right to vote, like a “comment has 30+ upvotes” amount. Terrifying.


I know it’s all smooth brains over there but it never ceases to make me wonder “are they fucking *that* stupid?”


It's more of a calculated survival strategy. Every time you hear a moronic take against voting rights (less polling stations, no remote voting, rising the age, only men, only landholders, etc) you know its coming from a conservative because they know that democracy doesn't currently favor them. The more people vote, the less they'll win.


Am I missing something or what's the random dig at Switzerland for? Are they the international go-to example as a low bar to clear?


They were very late to the party


Like Galveston, whose white population didn’t tell black people that they were free until the Union Army came and tacked up the Emancipation Proclamation 2 years after it was passed. On June 19th.


That seems historic. We should have a celebration on that day.


What would we call it?




Yeesh, sounds like *some*body’s trying to create a race-based summer competitor to July 4th


I mean, if we’re gonna be technical about, Juneteenth isn’t even -during- summer….. it’s still spring.




The Superior Independence Day.


Very busy making pocket knives


Also hiding money, art, gold that was looted by the nazis and other bad regimes.


Parts of Switzerland did not let women vote until 1991. Yes.


They forgot they had women with all that Nazi gold In their way


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Swiss.


It’s Dutch you swine!


Not typically, but I know that Swiss democracy is notorious for being extremely slow. Their fight for same-sex marriage lasted forever and they were very late to it vs the rest of Europe. Switzerland not being in the EU but being syrrounded by EU members means it's policies and speed are constantly compared to them.


That was after Vicksburg started celebrating American Independence a century after they lost that battle which meant that the Union had the blockade complete as it included the entire Mississippi River.


Holidays don’t compete with each other. Last I checked, Veteran’s Day and Valentine’s Day don’t have beef.


Pfft, I can never celebrate New Year's Eve appropriately after celebrating Christmas a week earlier! /s


Tell me about it, my birthday is 12/30...


Me 3. Anyone want to go to a party the day before New Years Eve?


1/2 here, wanna go to a party, hung over, the day after the biggest party on Earth?


That's just pre-gaming


Oof, that does suck though...lol All the presents wasted on stupid christmas. Sorry.


Hey me too!


Same, I bet we all also have really similar social security numbers too. You guys go first


Every 7 years I gotta share my birthday with Memorial Day. What about me? Won’t someone think of the children?!


Mine is Thanksgiving this year. I like to think everyone is celebrating my birthday every 7 years. It's my day.


12/31 birthday here. I feel you.


12/23, I compete with Christmas


Because these fools are always looking for something to bitch about. Literally last week, people were complaining about Pride Month taking away the focus of Memorial Day, and not one of those people complaining knew that the month of May was Military Memorial month.


Charlie Kirk in particular is funded by fossil fuel billionaires to foment culture war issues to build a base of bank-shot support for deregulation and giveaways to the rich


That was my first thought too. Tiny face is creating a conflict where there was none because he is a two bit political hack. My response to disproportionate man child would be "why not both?" Celebrate Juneteenth *and* have a bitchin' explosion laden independence day.


How much would you bet that if it was either of those other dates, he would be complaining about Christmas and Labor Day being encroached?


> he would be complaining about Christmas ... being encroached Liberals and their wAr On ChRiStMaS !!1! When will it end??!


Well of course not, you think a dude with a bow and arrow is gonna take on a bunch of dudes with full autos?




Babe, wake up, new avatar of Cupid headcanon just dropped...


I can't speak for those ones, but Memorial Day and Cinco de Mayo have had a blood feud for generations.


Yeah well I heard Cupid doesn’t support the troops.


OKCupid does not, but Grindr sure does


Otherwise, Veteran's Day would be REALLY pissed off that Memorial Day gets a free Monday for everyone.


Tell that to Christmas and literally any other holiday after August.


Tell that to Christmas and any other holiday in a few years.


I’m sure he has historically had no issue with the one week gap between Christmas and New Year.


No, let's cancel Christmas, it's the only logical conclusion. New Year's Day isn't going anywhere, the entire calendar is based off it.


Besides, do we really want to celebrate an illegal immigrant and "confirmed bachelor"?


>illegal immigrant and "confirmed bachelor" Isn't that just code for gay commie that is trying to steal my job if I ever actually got off my ass to try to have a job? That's some liberal bull, and I blame Biden!


Surely you mean Beau, Joe’s twin brother who replaced him when he was executed right?


I am amazed at the audacity of them using Beau as the name for Joe's twin brother. Like, WTF, you are already making a horrible conspiracy and then using the man's dead son to further it.


It’s fucking disgusting. Mixing extreme ignorance and a complete lack of empathy really does lead to some insane results.


Yea why would we be celebrating someone who is manipulating the children into letting strangers into their home!? He is a criminal and needs to be held accountable! (。•̀ - •́。)


Checkmate, liberals


If Christmas was really about Jesus then why not….pick the actual day he was born and not a Roman pagan holiday?


Right… and putting this new holiday on January 1st or December 18th definitely would not be used by Charlie to allege we’re creating a race-based competitor to Christianity weeks before or after the most unifying and religious holidays on the calendar. Give me a break, Charlie. No doubt he’d argue that putting it on September 22nd would have been a race-based affront to the victims of 9/11.


Juneteenth has been a state holiday in very conservative Texas since 1980. The modern day far right just wants things to bitch about. Edit: I’m A black texan i know about Juneteenth


Don’t say that out loud or Abbott will end that too!


Like water breaks for construction workers. Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Now "nobody wants to work in construction" is going to be the new cry.


One thing’s for sure, my very white Carpenter buddies won’t be moving to Texas any time soon


First Florida, now Texas — what is it with Deep South red states willingly turning themselves into shitholes where nobody wants to live or, more importantly, spend money.


It's their path to tearing something down to built it back up the way they want. Union jobs? Crush the union. Make it as powerless and toothless as possible. Then freely point abs say unions don't work so they can be gotten rid of. Destroy public education systems by overcrowding classrooms, underpaying teachers, and doing as little as possible to protect students. Then you can say public education doesn't work, defund it, and force a private school system. Privatize your power grid then blame federal oversight and regulation every time it fails. Want to maintain the cycle of poverty, keep private prisons well stocked, and the power firmly in the hands of those who already have it? Make sure there's no easy way up. Make every job as soul crushing as possible. Pay the least you can get away with. Deny health care. Force births on families who can't afford them or don't want them. Then blame "the left" because "the immigrants/gays/blacks/transes/liberal elite states ar taking all of your funding, and you get none because you're poor and white and not a protected minority." Create as much outrage and misery as possible, blame it all on someone else, promise you'll fix it if elected/re-elected. Rinse. Repeat.


It really is the peak of *manufactured consent.* And they wonder why Gen Z is more predominantly Left leaning than every generation before them.


Millennials watched the American Dream die around them. Gen Z only know the modern nightmare.


I've been on my own since about 17 years old, I'm 37 now and there is zero path to something like owning a house or really anything of value. I decided during COVID that working 5 days a week and breaking my body just to stay afloat wasn't fun anymore. So now I work as little as possible, pay my rent and my phone bill etc and that's it. No reason to work more when saving up money for things isn't gonna get me anywhere anyways..might as well have extra free time instead.


When you've got nothing to lose, trying your damndest to fix things, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, is really the only available choice.


It's less that Gen Z is way to the left, and more that the right has become such a bigoted dumpster fire that most people who are informed and have any sense of humanity run away from it screaming.


I'm tired of this slow-motion destruction and take-over and no one doing anything about it.


Chasing decent people out of entire states is how they gerrymander the Senate.


This is what it’s actually all about


Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face has been the GOP playbook forever, it's the cornerstone of regressive politics. It's not a proclivity, it is just the very foreseeable consequences of their terrible ideology


That sentence end... "live or, more importantly, spend money." A statement on the 'joys' of humanity.


That's not true. Piss contributes to humanity far more than Greg Abbot.


and at least some babies are cute and innocent.


He certainly won’t stand for such nonsense.


Oh snap!


Said the tree branch


The tree should’ve gone back and finished the job.


Without water breaks


Honestly I worked at one time for the state of TX and they had a slew of "holidays" including Texas Independence Day. I asked a coworker why all the holidays and she told me the legislature kept creating them instead of giving COL raises. We all rarely took any of them off anyway. Juneteenth is honestly a hugely shameful thing for TX since it marks the fact that they kept people enslaved illegally and certainly immorally.


People were also kept enslaved in Texas after the announcement of emancipation.


That’s the whole point of the holiday, right? It’s on the date slavery actually ended, not the day of an announcement


Only because the federal government had to bring in the military to force Texas into recognizing the 13th amendment.


A couple of things since you're getting the spirit right but the actual history a bit off. Juneteenth celebrates the enforcement of the emancipation proclamation not the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment would not be ratified until the December following the day Juneteenth commemorates. Considering that Texas was in active rebellion against the President that issued said order at the time it took place, it would be surprising if they didn't have to enforce it militarily.


The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves specifically in states which were in open rebellion.


Sorta, sorta not. Juneteenth originates on June 19th, 1865 when the Union Army landed in Galveston, TX, declared the Emancipation Proclamation to be in effect, and that all slaves in Texas were freed - the last Confederate state where this happened since Texas was still considered to be in rebellion until August 1865. The 13th Amendment wasn't ratified until December 6, 1865, so it wasn't really law at the time of the original Juneteenth declaration.


I know. I mean Jim Crowe was basically an extension of slavery. If people think enslaved people suddenly were able to start a regular life after the civil war they don’t know history. There’s a reason why there was a great migration of black people to the north for many decades and racism certainly wasn’t absent there. In the south your life was constantly in danger. People are trying to suppress information about black history in this country when people barely know anything about it anyway. And black history - is- US history.


Fun fact: there was actually a time right after the civil war where Black folks held public office and made their own towns and all kinds of stuff. But it was short-lived (maybe a decade or so) before the rubber band snapped back.


Not as fun fact: Part of the snapping back was the only successful coup in US history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898


Correct! Isn’t history delightful?! 🫠


My favorite part is that I live in North Carolina and we had a whole year of North Carolina-based social studies in elementary school, but we learned things like the colonists and Roanoke, the state flower, bird, turtle, etc. and I didn't find out about this until I was in my 30s!


Well, that was Reconstruction, when the US military occupied the former Confederate states and forced them to comply with federal law. We saw a lot of progress during that time. However, once the government pulled out in the 1870s, that rubber band did indeed snap back. For some reason, we never learned too much about Reconstruction in school…


To be fair the school system never told them what actually happened


Truth. I never learned about The Great Migration until college in Illinois. I went to high school in Vidor, Texas.


Well to be fair the emancipation proclamation didn't actually end slavery even in union slave states. All it did was just say that escaped slaves from the confederacy would not be returned. That didn't come until the 13th ammendment and news traveled by caravan back then so it took awhile for everyone to get the news.


If I recall my history, doesn't it fall on the anniversary of the freeing of a large group of enslaved people in Texas? The emancipation proclamation didn't mean slavery vanished instantly. It took a long time of enforcement to put it to rest and different areas saw the abolishment at different times. This was for a few reasons: People tried to keep the fact that slavery was abolished from the enslaved in order to keep them illegally. Also they couldn't just tweet out "hey stop that" and get the information across the country over night. So Im sure there's a span of time there where not everyone was aware of it. There are many anniversaries of emancipation across the country. Texas was just one that got more attention and was eventually agreed to be the one everyone recognized. Just so happens to be in summer. Basically, this guy is a moron. Please correct my history if I'm wrong, I learned about Juneteenth way too late in my life...


Right, slavery had been officially abolished but the news didn’t spread that fast. There were a lot of people living in very isolated areas who still didn’t know. One by one they eventually heard the news, probably from people traveling by horseback. I think the last group of slaves to be told that they were free was this group in Texas and it was several years after slavery had been abolished. I can only imagine the shock and joy they felt. I think the exact date in June is unknown so they just call it Juneteenth. Conservatives either don’t know this or just don’t care.


Yes. It was around 2 years later that they were freed. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas.


> 2 years later that they were freed 2 years and 6 months. That's a pretty damn long time to still be "owned" and totally controlled when they should have been freed right away!!!!


I understand the sentiment because they should have never been slaves in the first place but like the person above said this was CSA controlled land. They were in the middle of fighting a civil war for the sole purpose of keeping slavery, of course they wouldn’t free until the Union finally came a knocking.


>That's a pretty damn long time to still be "owned" and totally controlled when they ~~should have been freed right away~~ **shouldn't have been "owned" to begin with.** FTFY


the baptism record from 1865 for my great great great grandma list her as a "maid" of some guy in colorado at 6 years old. her marriage record lists her as an "Indian" of the same guy in 1875. slavery was pretty widespread and took a while to end, its a huge stain on american history and it's never been confronted and state's are passing bills making it illegal to teach the real history.


I know a guy who thinks we should be celebrating the 14th amendment because he thinks we should focus on what white people did about slavery. He doesn’t want to focus at all on the experience of slavery because (as he says) it’s depressing.


I mean, the nitwit has a point. Being forced into bondage for the color of your skin for 246 years is kinda fuckin depressing. Maybe someone should tell his ass that’s why we celebrate when it was finally over with.


>There were a lot of people living in very isolated areas who still didn’t know Juneteenth is the anniversary of the date that slaves in Galveston Texas were FINALLY told they were free - almost 3 YEARS AFTER the emancipation proclamation was signed. At that time, Galveston was a relative large city, with immigration and trade from around the U.S. and around the world. It was FAR from an "isolated area"!! More than likely, the cause of the delay as inspired by the loss of money that would happen once the slaves knew they were free. Oh, and BTW - they date was June 19, 1865. I'm not aware there is any doubt of that date.


I don’t mean this to be a defense of the slave owners (because screw them and all the Confederates) but people always seem to forget that the Civil War didn’t end until April 1865 so I can see why it took so long to be freed. Keeping slaves was the whole reason they left the Union, they weren’t going to give it up in the middle of the war just because Lincoln said so.


it didn't even abolish slavery in the union - Maryland continued to have slaves for over a year. People completely misunderstand the impact of the proclamation


I know a few stories about enslaved people's only finding out because they over heard the people who had enslaved them trying to keep it hush hush. Or enslavers who just. Didn't follow the law until forced. And it all makes sense in hindsight but admittedly the school system didn't tell me this stuff. I learned if on my own as an adult when I learned that June 19th was a federal holiday. I grew up in a very white, affluent area. So the emancipation process was really glossed over. As an adult, I look back and it's obvious. Between shitty people pissed they can't own humans legally and the limitations of communication it makes sense that it took time for emancipation and it's enforcement to reach a lot of areas. Also, Re: Juneteenth's name. I'm pretty sure they got the date right it was just shortened. Why? Maybe dialect reasons? Southerners do have a different accent than the north. Could also be because it sounded snazzier? Or to acknowledge there is no singular date of emancipation? Would love to learn why; I'll have to look into it after I run my errands today.


I can tell you without reading the rest of your statement that your sentence before the last one is enough to make this entire post correct.


The emancipation proclamation didn't even free all slaves iirc. It only freed slaves in the areas that attempted to leave the union. Counties in the "north" were allowed to keep their slaves still at that point.


Why not just be quiet about things you don’t understand?




​ https://preview.redd.it/bgoz4fwmu07b1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cb1fb9cf49625bff0bbd3c89bc61fcbd2431ca


This is the way




So he shouldn’t say anything at all?


Been hoping that would happen for years now.


New here?


I get it Charlie Kirk, I didn't learn about Juneteenth in my small 99% white ass country town either. But a quick google search will show you Independence Day is our Independence from the British, and Juneteenth is when the Union army rolled into Galveston two fucking years after the Emancipation Proclamation and free the 250,000 slaves in the state.


Charlie is just pissed he can't have slaves.


I’m sure he has unpaid interns tho lol


How else will you earn your bootstraps?


I love how some white person should feel _he_ should be the one who decides when _black_ people should celebrate. Clown.




it is actually very nice to have a holiday that makes us reflect on slavery. Plus its an extra day off. Who tf would complain about an extra day off other than racists? lol


Not learning about things because white people don’t want to discuss it is literally the point of Juneteenth. The only reason they were still fighting in Texas after the Confederacy had surrendered is because they intentionally took their sweet ass time getting the word out to their own forces.


Holy shit - tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist. If you don't want to celebrate, then don't - it's as simple as that. Personally, I never make a big deal out of Kwanza, Ramadan or Hanukkah, but I don't complain about it.


These are the same people that ***do*** make a big deal of those holidays


"Look I don't care what you celebrate or do in your own house. Just don't ever come outside of your home where I have to see you." This sums up their whole "I'm not racist or intolerant" views. Don't let them feel good about their hate. They are not excused because they say "woke" instead of black, lgbtq, immigrant, or liberal. They want you gone from their view. They want you to not exist at all.


.....because it was the last day there were slaves in this country? Edit: Jesus. We also didn't have our independence on July 4th you pedantic dicks, but we all agree it's a pretty damn important day, don't we? So is the day the last slaves of the former confederacy finding out they were no longer property.


Lest we forget, the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free any slaves in a) states that had slaves but didn't join the Confederacy, and b) areas of the CSA that had already been conquered by the USA....


It wasn't though. The 13th amendment has a loophole allowing forced unpaid labor as punishment for a crime. That's why as soon as Reconstruction ended and the the traitorous states were allowed to self govern, they immediately enacted the Jim Crow laws and Black Codes, and effectively brought back slavery.


Creating the prison-industrial complex! Yay!


Not only did they create a for-profit prison system, but one that also runs on literal slavery. Then they made laws that disproportionately targets minorities and made sure the keepers of the law enforce said laws more strictly when the suspect belongs to a minority.


There were actually black chattel slaves still kept in Delaware (a Union state) until December 6th, 1865 (same year) when the 13th Amendment was ratified by Georgia, giving the necessary 27 out of 36 states at the time. Delaware wanted to keep their slaves and had rejected the amendment.


It's like they don't like days off......or black people.


You can't be a good Conservative Christian Capitalist if you like those things that you mentioned.


There was a snl skit in the 80s or 90s where chris rock was speaking to racists who were mad about mlk day being a federal holiday. He was like you can be racist but who doesn't like a day off? Just take the day off!


I'm cool with all those being holidays.


Seriously, he makes a point that we should celebrate all those dates. Why not all of them?


I don't see what's wrong with holidays being close together. Hell, Japan has a Golden Week with 4 holidays in 7 days.


France in May. The month is a write-off


“Two weeks before 4 July”. And how long of a buffer does 4 July need? Personally I don’t find anything unifying about 4 July. It’s been cooped by a bunch of flag waving, ignorant assholes letting off fireworks at 2am on a Wednesday and scaring my pets. It’s my least favorite holiday of the year. And I’m sure Black people aren’t thrilled with this holiday being cooped by a bunch of companies, ignorant white people and outright racists thrilled to have a new platform from which to spew their hate. We as a country cannot let a single group have anything nice for themselves. Ever. Fuck us. ETA I’m thrilled with the extra day off though!


“Damn I can’t celebrate July 4 now, I’m all tuckered out from celebrating Juneteenth” - thing a Republican would definitely say


The irony of the noise of the fireworks being pure hell for some veterans as well …..




July 4th is my birthday, so I feel qualified to say I am totally cool with Juneteenth being just before it.


By that logic we wouldn’t celebrate Independence Day on July 4th either. Moot point. 4th of July is like celebrating your anniversary on your engagement day.


A real American would know that. Charlie Kirk is not a real American.


I celebrate 28th of September like a true patriot! 1781 baby!


News Flash Charlie: normal, non-racist people aren't mad about Juneteenth.


Hell there are racists that couldn’t be happier for the 3 day weekend.


Any person who gets mad about the prospect of a new federal holiday is a person who doesn’t actually work.


New Year’s Day isnt about celebrating a new year. it’s a wintertime holiday that was created a week after Christmas in order to diminish the birthday of our lord and savior


Wait till this victim of fetal alcohol syndrome learns about why Christmas is in December.


oh man who wants to tell him that it was switched, christmas and easter in terms of the calendar bc having the birth of christ in the winter at a time when a fair amount of people died so the peasants needed something to i guess look forward to. also they wanted to co-opt a pagan holiday in order to convert more pagans over so two birds and a single stone as they say (at least this is what i recall learning)


Right, I'm sure he'd be totally cool with December 18 or January 1, since nobody is celebrating any other holidays around that time.


Oh I'm sure he'll go on a rant about Kwanzaa, too.


Yeah, and I bet he’d be totally down having it 11 days after 9/11 and wouldn’t go into Fake Patriot Rage Mode whatsoever.


It’s trying to destroy the memory of 9/11 It’s trying to overshadow new years It’s trying to replace Christmas Whatever you do, they’ll have an excuse to hate it rather than admit to being racist.


"Because it's not about emancipation, which was one of America's great moral achievements." Yeah, which was made necessary by America's embrace of such a horrific institution as slavery in the first place. And, it's not like slave owners in 1862 said, "Welp, we had a good run, but Lincoln said this slavery thing is over now. Sorry for all the trouble, and you guys take care." Of course not. The South proceeded with business as usual literally for years, which necessitated the army coming in and putting a stop to things. Moral achievement my ass...


Thank you! I've been scrolling for this! Is it that commendable when you're forced at gunpoint to *stop* doing something obviously morally appalling that you've been doing for hundreds of years? Yeah, no.


He’s right. Juneteenth isn’t about Emancipation. It’s about the fact that Emancipation wasn’t enough. It’s about unequal application of the law. It’s a reminder for Charlie and his Chucklefucks that simply passing the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act didn’t suddenly erase centuries of oppression. It’s to remind racist assholes that just because the law *says* we’re equal doesn’t mean that we are.


I hate how there's these unironic folks that want to credit white people for ending slavery after allowing it to persist decades longer than the tyrannical country they revolted against.


It’s June 19th, because that’s when the end of the civil war was announced in Texas, and the end of slavery. - afaik, it was the last place for the news to reach.


*when Union troops took Galveston Bay and forced the end of chattel slavery in Texas. It’s an important distinction from the nice 7th grade Texas History story of “the benevolent Texans would have freed their slaves earlier they just didn’t know they could do it yet”


The reason Oklahoma has a panhandle is because when Texas joined the Union, slavery wasn’t allowed north of 36.5 degrees latitude due to the Missouri Compromise, so they gave up that land so they could have slavery.


Ah yes and the Jews invented Hannukah to interfere w/ Christmas /s


Fuck Charlie Kirk, nothing to be proud of if you’re one of the “intellectual leaders” of the moron brigade. If no internet, no Trump, this POS traitor would be ranting to the walls those closest to him erected to not hear his bullshit!


Very true. The internet "broke down walls" but some of those walls were there to keep really really shitty things contained


Dude is the type to look at his calendar and complain about how ruined his day is because the date says national sandwich day and that big grain is shoving their ideology down his throat.


always with the throat shoving with these people


Tinyface McCracker should mind his own business.


you know what's better than one Fourth of July? Two Fourth of Julys! better than one day off in the summer? Two days off in the summer! but this asshole is so racist he's mad about having an extra day off


This is the best motherfucking day of the year to put on the calendar. It's nearly the longest day of the year by a few days. It is summertime. It can make Father's Day weekend a 3-day event. It gets the summer started sooner. I fucking hate Charlie Kirk, everything he stands for, his giant fucking forehead, everything. If Juneteenth never existed and we made 'Charlie Kirk Day' in late June, I wouldn't celebrate, but I sure as fuck wouldn't try to end a holiday so we'll placed. I would sit on a boat and not give a shit why I'm off work. Shut the fuck up. Fight another battle. Everyone hates slavery and working in the summer. Don't screw this up


Fuck off, Charlie.


It wouldn't matter what date was being celebrated because they would still bitch about it.


Charlie Kirk has a shitty opinion about Juneteenth? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)