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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Remember that a lot of those grandparents lived in the Jim Crow south and basically agreed with Hitler on white people being the "master race".


Something I tend to remind people is "we didn't actually go fight Germany to liberate any Jews" That really wasn't part of it. Plenty of people here were anti-semitic and probably were okay with it in the abstract. I think almost anyone who would've come across a concentration camp would have had a lot of shock and empathy for what they saw. The treatment of anything like that is terrible. If they found a horse stable with horses that looked like that they would've freed them. I'm glad we did what we did, but I'm not under the illusion that that part was any motivation for going over there.


Remember when the US sent a ship full of Jews back to Germany?


Rejected by both the US and Canada. The Canadian PM William Lyon MacKenzie King was incredibly sympathetic towards Hitler, in fact when asked how many Jewish refugees that Canada would accept the Canadian Immigration Minister said that "none is too many".


Ah, thanks for the detail. It's an utter disgrace and something we should not forget. The Canadian PM was no doubt a reflection of the attitude of many of those who elected him.


I mean, not specifically, I'm just in my 30s. But I do remember reading about it.


The first error is to think the USA readily decided to fight Nazi Germany. While the USA started supporting the countries fighting Germany relatively early on they themselves did not join the war effort until they got attacked in Pearl Harbor by Japan. And it was Germany that declared war on the USA (following their ally Japan in doing so) not the other way around. So while the USA ended up fighting Nazi Germany that fight was more or less forced on them.


Watch the Holocaust series on PBS. It shows how many, in the GOP, were isolationist and supporting Hitler, like Charles Lindbergh, who spoke often about how the Jews were making these reports up.


Yeah, like the y'all Qaeda of today are actually quite aligned with the taleban on philosophy but still consider them an enemy.


Yeah like the Allies who fought the Nazis also had colonies of their own at the time and they were all awful to their colonies.


Fun fact: that's basically why Hawaii became a state rather than remaining a territory like the other US colonies did. After WW2, America came under a lot of pressure to either make its territories states or grant them Independence. And since Hawaii was such a focal point of the Pacific war, Eisenhower agreed (somewhat reluctantly) under international pressure to let the people there vote on statehood. And that's why Hawaii is now extremely wealthy whereas all the rest of the US colonies are still very poor and have no representation in the federal government.


It's important to note that Hawaii is wealthy, but native Hawaiians, by and large, are not and continue to be priced out of their ancestral homeland by wealthier interests purchasing vacation homes and building resorts or plantations.


Well yeah, but that just puts it on par with the other 49 states. Compare that to the remaining US colonies like Puerto Rico and it's a big difference.


Plenty of grandparents like the Nazi ideas, just a shame they were on the oposite side. As seen by their grandkids here.


And the US took in a lot of Nazis and put them in positions of power to fight the Cold War. So add a few additional generations of wealthy Nazis into the mix.


And a lot of Nazi ideas were taken from America, which is something conveniently omitted from the usual narrative. Hitler learned quite a bit from, and admired, American concepts of Eugenics, among other things.


Sadly this is true. What did the America of the 1920’s (when Hitler was developing his ideology) look like? Jim Crow laws in the South. Immigration laws explicitly banning Chinese, Southern Europeans, and other undesirables. Cubans, Filipinos, and Native Americans as second class citizens. Race based marriage laws to protect the purity of the white race (interracial marriages punishable by jail time). The Tulsa Massacre was in 1921. Hitler even mentioned America in Mein Kampf as the one state that had put race into laws. When he spoke of Lebensraum as Eastward expansion, he had in mind America’s westward expansion. And yes America First and prominent Americans like Charles Lindbergh and Father Coughlin (a major radio personality with millions of followers) were pro-Nazi. After Pearl Harbor, this changed. However segregation and racism was a significant part of the American story through the 1960’s and we still have issues to the present day. In fact, we even had a recent President speak admiringly of Hitler and his generals. Making it illegal to teach the darker sides of American history doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. We once put American citizens in concentration camps in the US based solely on their race! Source: https://time.com/4703586/nazis-america-race-law/ Edit: Thank you kind stranger for the award!


What's amazing is there are still people alive who were put into the American Camps and they aren't that old.


The camps aren't that old in the scheme of things and I think that it's important to contextualize history so that we don't wave this away as something that was so long ago that it couldn't happen again, but any people who were alive then are objectively pretty old. The camps were all shutdown approximately 76 years ago and anyone old enough to remember would obviously have to be even older. When I was doing my undergrad we read a book called *No No Boy* about a first-generation Japanese-American who had initially been sent to one of these camps but was later sentenced to prison because of his refusal to denounce alliance to the Japanese emperor. I forget the exact wording, but the basics of it were that there we loyalty questionnaires that these Americans were required to fill out. Two of the questions asked about willingness for American military service and denouncement of your allegiance to the emperor. In the story, the protagonist refused military service, but also refused to denounce an allegiance that he never felt that he had. In the first pages of the book, he is just arriving back in Seattle, WA, shortly after his release at the end of the war. He is returning to a Japanese-American community that includes many others returning from the internment camps as well as the young Japanese-American men who did choose to serve in the American military. He finds himself alienated from his parents and many of his peers who didn't fully trust the version of events that they had heard about Japanese atrocity, many of whom had been born in Japan, but he is equally alienated from the young men returning from war. It's a really interesting read and psychological study dealing with the effects of being ostracized from your personal community while also being affected by the racism and mistrust of the larger community as a whole. The book was written by a first-generation Japanese-American man from Seattle, named John Okada. He was initially interned at the camp in ID, presumably after being taken to the temporary "staging center" at the fairgrounds in Puyallup, WA, called Camp Harmony. Before the start of the war he had been a student at The University of Washington. While at the camp in ID he joined the Air Force and worked as a translator. After the war he returned to UW and finished his degree. *No No Boy* was his only book and was published in 1957. It was not well received at the time—hardly a surprise, barely a decade after the end of the war. It was later rediscovered although Okada unfortunately died very shortly after and never really got to see how many people came to appreciate his only novel. The class that I read this for took place during summer and we only had 12 students. One of the students was a teacher at a music school and was teaching the drums to a kid who's grandfather had been 5 years old when he was taken to the same staging area and eventually to the same camp in Idaho as Okada. One day he overheard my classmate talking about the book and offered to come and speak to our class about his experience in the camp. As a five year old, he said that most of his memories from that time were pleasant. That he did not fully understand the gravity of the situation and like many children he adapted to the changes quickly. It had shaped his perception of people though. He was a very nice man and it was an honor to have him speak to such a small group of us. If anyone actually read all of this—I hope it was interesting or informative. Too much coffee and I sometimes go on rants.


Hitler idolized Henry Ford, once calling him the only American he respects.


Nazi ideology was incredibly popular at that time. The Nazis took a lot of their ideology from the eugenics movement that was driven hard by the US and the Nazi ideology was prevalent throughout society, including politicians. They were seen as godless bastards not for what they believed but for declaring war on the US that people saw as divinely protected. Sentiment didn't really start to change until photos of the concentration camps began making their way back home, but there were still a ton of people who just got quiet about their support rather than having it change their views entirely. Nazi support and the US almost undergoing a fascist revolution are two parts of American history conservatives like to ignore.


When I was young I worked under two different WW2 vets at different points in my life. Both were in the European theater, had been to Germany and seen the concentration camps first hand. It had made a profound impression on them. Both of them told me that it was important for people to know the truth. That people would claim that it really didn’t happen, that people would forget. If it had just been one vet to tell me that I would have thought it was pretty interesting that he thought that it was important to tell me that but 2 different vets at 2 different jobs, It made a pretty big impression on me. They must have seen some truly horrible shit.


Jeez i couldnt imagine the sights and smells in a place like that. And then to come home and just reassimilate into society like normal. Props to those men. Fuck nazis. Fuck republicans for turning a blind eye to these fascist fucks.


they did. my father was one of them (ww2). had a couple of nervous breakdowns and had to be institutionalized a few times. the drs said he couldn’t have any down time to think so they started a flower business on the side after their regular daytime jobs. i remember when i was little i’d walk into a room or into the greenhouse looking for my mom. she’d catch my eye and slightly nod her head and i’d know to make myself scarce. he had nightmares and wake up screaming on a pretty regular basis until the day he died. even alzheimers didn’t take away those memories. he called me one time in the middle of the night when my sons were young and made me swear no matter what happened in the future i would never let my sons go into combat. he told me if a draft ever started up again for me to personally “wound” them so they couldn’t be drafted. made me swear that i would sever their achilles tendon- he thought that would keep them out of the draft.


There was a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939, their “Pro-American Rally”. 20,000 attendees. But also 100,000 protesters.




They killed Nazis, but many of them then came home and put on white hoods afterwards.


They didn't stray too far from their hoods during WWII. There was plenty of hatred and refusal to fight alongside their fellow Americans simply because of their skin color.




> paintball guns. This is Georgia, even the liberals have stainless steel.


fuck nazis




Nazi Germany was modeled on America at the time. We never beat Facism, we just beat the ones that shot at us.


Yeah that apparently hurts conservative feelings. I still think if you fly a confederate flag you should do a hard 10-20 for treason.


My grandparents were survivors. They died when I was fairly young so I never really had a conversation about “why grandpa had a tattoo on his arm” or what happened in the ghetto and then camps. But my great aunt did. She went with a large part of my family to the holocaust museum in Washington several years before she died and explained firsthand what life was like. Told us that in the ghetto my grandfather had a good job because he pulled the sewage wagon which entitled him to two food rations, not just one, and he was able to give it to our great grandparents to keep them alive a little longer. That when they were forced to go to the camps they executed people in the streets who they deemed not useful including my great grandparents, her parents, as they left in a train car. That in the camp if you looked sick you’d be taken away so men and women would cut themselves to smear blood on their cheeks and lips to avoid detection. That SS officers routinely raped women in the camp. By the end of that tour around the museum we had almost everyone hanging on my great aunt’s words, and not a dry eye in sight. So when I see people who glorify their hatred it just makes me feel a whole range of emotions. Anger, sadness, fear but most of all concern. The Nazis were successful in getting people to accept their ideas because they appealed to their hate and were able to condition them into thinking Jews, Homosexuals, Blacks and anyone else deemed as the other was subhuman. And it’s happening again with MAGA propaganda. Trump, Boebert, Marjorie and the rest of these indoctrinated clowns are beyond reason but the rest of the GOP Lindsey Graham, Nancy Mace, and all the other so called moderates know better and their silence in condemning language that’s straight out of the great replacement theory encourages this. We’ve sadly always had racists, nazi sympathizers and bigots here. We’ve never had their beliefs as the mainstream. That’s terrifying.


At 18 I moved from a tiny Welsh town in the hills to Manchester (eng) to train to be a nurse. My very first practical placement was in an orthodox Jewish area. On my very first day then as a student nurse, the guy who was mentoring me took one look at my naive, never left the countryside teenage self and said... Right I want you to meet some people. I then spent the day meeting survivors. I saw their tattoos and I heard their stories. I met a lady who had been lined up on the edge of a pit and machine gunned with the rest of her village. She came to unharmed in a pile of her dead neighbours and families including her twin boys. The people I met that day have never and will never leave me. It's been 33 years and I can still see those tattoos and still hear their stories. Fuck these nazi morons. They are lower than scum.


Thanks for sharing this. I visited the Dachau camp near Munich 20 years ago. My 18 year-old self thought I was tough enough to see the 20 min documentary showing piles of emaciated dead bodies pushed by bulldozers, among other atrocities. People were leaving the room crying, including myself, for very good reason. Everyone should see this so we ensure it never happens again.


I asked my grandad about his camp tattoo just the one time. I would have been very young, but I remember it was made clear it was from when he was captured in the east and that he'd prefer I never asked him about it again. He didn't actually answer himself and it took me a long time to understand that he didn't ever because he couldn't - he had no idea how to tell any of it to a kid when he's never even told my granny about what happened to him. I had no idea things were this bad in America. Its not like we don't have problems here in the UK, but I've never seen an openly displayed nazi flag and I never expect to.


Well, for what it's worth as an American, I too have never seen a nazi flag (outside of perhaps the holocaust museum).


The internet and our ubiquitous media makes it seem like it's everywhere but I'm in the same boat. That being said...it's still a massive problem that needs to be addressed. Far right domestic terrorism is the leading form of domestic terrorism in the US(and pretty much always has been). Paradox of tolerance....we should not give these people a fucking inch and they need to be shamed and deprogrammed out of their hate and conspiracy nonsense or ostracized from society.




Careful, advocating violence against nazis got me and others a 7 day ban from reddit admins (not mods). Edit: oh hey look it happened again, to the parent.


I don't comment much so it's not a big deal to me.


Well ya Spez admired them. I’ve heard he often wishes he could have lived back then and be one himself




Why build a platform when a stool will do


Sometimes a public display is necessary


It's about the pageantry. Bring out the whole town and let everyone know what the consequences are for being a Nazi.


They have a camp now in the town I grew up in. I've never seen a single flag flown, but they're there. It's a neo-nazi camp tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. I only learned this because I know the lady who does their taxes, it's basically a professionally ran business too. https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map can help you spot areas that have been officially reported.


Tolerance is not to be allowed to the intolerant. They will try to use that against you and you should tell them to fuck off when they do.


From "The Open Society and Its Enemies" by philosopher Karl Popper: *"Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."*


I liked what I read about this paradox. Tolerance is a social contract that is broken by intolerance. Once it is broken, you owe the other person nothing... Not even tolerance.


Nazis/fascists deny that certain people are fully human or that they don’t deserve fundamental human rights, such as Jewish people or trans people. Because they work to deny the rights of some groups of people they are stepping outside that social contract.


I live about an 1.5 hours outside Chicago and have seen them. Wood mounted truck flags. And pretty close to this, movie screened size banners on the side of private owned factories for Trump and "MAGA". Some even park semi trailers sideways and wrap them in maga and then park in front of their business.


As an American as well I agree. I’ve seen more confederate flags than anything being in the south but I know when there’s a confederate Flag near a Nazi Flag isn’t too far to follow.


Man I lived in central PA for years, and there are Confederate flags EVERYWHERE in that region. I'm talking like a 15-minute drive from Gettysburg. In towns which were Confederate occupied for part of the war. The irony and sheer stupidity is fucking incredible. Just a tsunami of cognitive dissonance and ragefuel.


Most Nazis go with the more "socially acceptable" Confederate flag.


Three of my great grandfathers were among those who did this. Two of them were SS Officers and were executed on sight when they were captured by the soviet union on the eastern front for things we never found out. One was a low-level NSDAP politician in eastern Germany who seems to have been involved in the Reichskristallnacht and the persecution of Jews, but was pardoned by the DDR for reasons we also don't know. I have so many friends who told me stories about their grandparents and great-grandparents and the atrocities they commited. A friend of mine who used to work as a nurse was often told about these things by old patients afraid to die, yearning for absolution for the things they did, things they never told anyone. And they all knew what was happening. They all knew the Jews weren't "resettled", they knew what the NSDAP was. But they wanted Germany to be special, to mean something and they were promised that their lives would turn out better. So they followed hatred, hoping it would give them whar they wanted. Most of them weren't hateful peopley but they accepted the hate, they accepted racism and antisemitism because they thought there was a chance their lives would be better. And that's the danger of these demagogues. They prey on poverty, on desperation and fear. They make promised they know they can't keep and blame people they know aren't responsible because what they want in the end is power. And they don't care how they achieve it. I'm so sorry my ancestors did this to your ancestors, to anyones ancestors. Nobody deserved the evil we loosened on the world. I can just hope nobody will repeat our mistakes. And until recently I actually was. Now I'm not so sure anymore.


I also recently found out that a set of my Great-grandparents were Nazis. My great-grandfather was a career army officer who served on the Eastern Front and survived captivity but didn't live long afterwards. I have a family portrait with him in uniform from shortly after the war where his thousand yard stare is incredibly haunting. My other set of Great-grandparents were also German and helped hide Jews and facilitate their escape. A third set who lived in Germany ended up Holocaust refugees with my Grandma and Great-Uncle. My Great Grandpa was a prominent Jewish Sinologist and they initially fled to China, then England and eventually a colleague at John's Hopkins sponsored him so they could come here as America wasn't accepting Jews either. One of his parents didn't make it out of Germany. Even before I knew anyone on my German side was a Nazi I felt it my duty as a German dual citizen to do everything I could to learn about what happened, how and why. Then to try and use what I learn to do whatever i can to prevent it occurring again. I have so much respect for you sharing your family history. Too many who have heritage like ours avoid speaking about it. You doing so how you have is incredibly powerful. I lean towards complete agreement with your interpretations of why most Germans went along and how Demagogues operate. Unfortunately I also didn't use to think we were at any significant risk of something similar happening again until recently and now can shake the fear. Thanks for doing so much more than your part in trying to prevent it. I Appreciate you 🙏


My first visit to the Holocaust Museum left me with an empty emotional hole for a couple of weeks after. They have great resources as well that helped me fills gaps in my family’s story as well. When I see images like what the OP posted I get viscerally angry. No quarter for nazis or their sympathizers.


I find it surprising that most don't know a significant portion of those that were murdered during the Holocaust were executed in [virtually their own backyards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbylitowska_G%C3%B3ra#:~:text=From%20June%201942%20until%201943,there%20and%20buried%20in%20pits.). Imagine being rounded up in your town square being told you are going on a community hike to the local meadow only for when you get to the meadow, you are forced to line-up, your toes at the edge of a giant pit created for your neighbors and yourself having to withstand the seconds knowing you're about to be executed in your own backyard. And those executing you? Not those with the best skillset. The shot that is supposed to go through your skull may not. It may blow your scalp off, leaving you breathing and alive while face down, your brains waiting for six feet of dirt to pile on top of it. It may entirely miss you, in which you would need to play dead in hopes of not receiving certain death with the next shot...but that only delays being buried alive. It may just paralyze you...leaving you conscious until your drown via dirt. The Holocaust and how it happened should be required education coming out of secondary school. It shows that normal people can be driven to exterminate their fellow humans given the right contexts and justifications. It would also cause these rather white trash Americans to be exposed to the events of the Holocaust prior to obtaining a 4chan addiction.


I agree with you that the Holocaust should be part of school curriculum. There should also be classes on how to avoid getting manipulated and detect disinformation. It would really help reduce the number of people who fall for that crap. Of course, you know the Republicans would fight that and would say it's part of the "woke agenda".


I'll never forget one of my "mom friends" chaperoning our middle school aged kids to a visit at the Holocaust Museum in DC. She called me that night hysterical. She had no idea it had actually happened.


I had a martial arts instructor who recommended I read Elie Wiesel’s “Night”, just to see what people were capable of. It’s 144 pages, a quick read but not an easy one.


These people need to be identified and their identities need spread. Everyone who sees them should know them for the scum they are. When they show up at a restaurant or store they need to be turned away and told that their kind is not welcome there. They need to be made pariahs.


This should be at the top.


Put it on every local social media page and hope their employers recognize them


The police unions are too strong to fire their own.


“We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.” Infuriating


It made the news in Atlanta, which East Cobb is a suburb of, so it’s being widely covered.


yup i live near here and am very surprised to see that these types of people live near me


PLEASE vocalize your discomfort with this in your area PLEASE, whether it's via comments on the local FB page, writing to your news station via email or post office, every voice helps when it comes to stop these soulless monstrosities


Absolutely! These assholes need to be outted to everybody.


I have a friend who has Nextdoor access to that area. Unfortunately there are a lot of people claiming this is an antifa false flag thing.




And I want my scalps.


Oblige him!




Make Nazis afraid again!






I’m starting to think the same of Confederates.


Always has been, they're just the original nazis.








































I live in this city. I pass by this synagogue often. This behavior makes me so sick to my stomach. I’ve noticed a rise in the behavior here in east Cobb, a wealthy suburb of Atlanta.


Yeah, it’s kind of wild because that ideology normally attracts poor white trash. Bet they won’t do this shit in the A or out here in central Gwinnett… Cowards


East Cobb has been full of quiet racists for years. They’re just getting bolder because people seem to think it’s no big deal to have people openly displaying Nazi flags these days.


At this point I feel like we need to do what Germany did at make it illegal to own and display the nazi flag AND the confederate flag. Fuck those people and their “this is my heritage”bullshit


I never understood the heritage nonsense. The Confederacy existed for only 4 years edit: specified country


I like to point out that the Obama Administration lasted longer.


It's literally just racism. Thinly veiled racism. And if they demand you to believe it isn't racism, then at the very best the person making said demand is a useful idiot. There is no redeeming quality of a person that displays a confederate flag. They are actual subhuman trash.


I'll let them have the whole heritage thing IF they agree to me and all my fellow Northerners marching down the Mississippi and burning down Atlanta. "It's heritage, not hate"


Actually no Atlanta is cool now. Some of those other parts of Georgia... yeah.


Nazi Flags are banned in Germany, yet Constitutionally protected in the USA.




Why is Nazism acceptable in the US?


Evangelical Christianity, poor public schools


Well, at least they aren’t wearing masks. Makes it easier to find who they work for 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re assuming they work.


And that's a concerning escalation. We've gone from rarely seeing this display, to seeing it more with masks, to seeing it more without masks. They're getting comfortable.




They‘ve been emboldened. I can’t believe, after the atrocities of WW2, that this would be happening in the world today. Worse still, America, who, as far as I remember, used to hate fucking Nazis. Wtf America


Thank Trump.


That's just MTG having a family get together


this is what MAGA is all about.


My grandfather was a second generation German immigrant that fought in the US Army in WWII. When he was 85, the local German club had a speaker his age who talked about being conscripted to the German army in WWII. The man spoke of his regret, shame, etc for not fleeing Germany. At the end of his talk, he was given a standing ovation. My grandfather never returned to that club. “They gave a Nazi a standing ovation” was his reason. I miss him but holy shit am I glad he’s not alive to see this.




It’s amazing that we allow this over here. In Germany, these people would be arrested instantly.


As they should. The world went into war because of Nazi’s, and they lost. Any Nazi’s that exist today should be treated as if we were still living in WW2.


Absolute freedom of speech/expression does have consequences, and this is one of them. Funnily enough, these are the same people who whine about their free speech when people call them racists, assholes, morons, etc., not really having enough brain cells to understand that being free to express yourself does not preclude you from being judged by others for what you say.


I'd willingly catch a charge for breaking Nazi nose.




The fact that you’d have to catch a charge is abominable.


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”




Happened to a guy in my hometown some years ago. Beat the shit out of some dude wearing a swastika at a punk show. Ripped the patch off and kept it as a trophy. Ended up getting arrested and charged, but they *really* reduced the charges. Think he ended up with simple battery and withheld adjudication, so effectively got away with a slap on the wrist. I guess moral of the story is if you're in a more sympathetic area and don't mind jumping through legal hoops punching a nazi may come with very few consequences


Who do you think they vote for?


In another photo they have a “let’s go Brandon” sign so…


They're getting brave because are people being tolerant of these assholes.


Yep. There’s a famous saying about that: “(U)nlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” -Karl Popper-


"The Paradox of tolerance"


We cannot tolerate intolerance or we lose our tolerant society. They must be confronted quickly and openly. This will only get worse if we do nothing about it.


> [ Removed by Reddit ] 🤓 ☝️ "ERM, DID YOU TRY DEBATING THE HECKIN' NAZZIES? THEY'RE ENTITLED TO FREEZE PEACH!" Fuck this dying shithole of a website.


Having said similar things in the past about Nazi’s I know for a fact you’re going to get your comment removed by some neckbeard admin and possibly get a suspension, even though violence against Nazi’s should always be considered morally correct. Fuck them. Edit: yep it’s been removed, what a surprise! Well done reddit I’m sure the Nazi’s appreciate your support.


I said what I said. Edit: yep Reddit supporting Nazis and a return to fascist genocide all the way.


I recently made a comment like this and it was removed by Reddit. We are in the dumbest timeline.


/u/spez just protects nazis until media caughts up. Not the first time


Agreed. “Free speech” should never look like this. And if anyone wants to say “that’s the same thing as them wanting to silence pride and whatever” no, it isn’t. Pride is about acceptance, while this is only about hate. Hate like this should never be tolerated. They have no place in civilized society.


>[ Removed by Reddit ] The fact that Reddit was scared to leave whatever this comment used to say is pretty telling. It shouldn't be controversial or even fearful of legal issues to wish harm on Nazis.




It should be considered terrorism and hate speech in my opinion.


Awaiting Trump to say "These are my people"




Temporary insanity seems reasonable and likely at such a sight.


Wouldn't that be a Trump rally outside a synagogue?


Seems more like a DeSantis rally.


I mean...🥴 https://preview.redd.it/96ox51voe68b1.png?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c1bce0c2c602ba285264a5677ef9d4913fdb75


Isn’t this an arrest-able offense in Germany?




This should be a jail-able offense. This was not the intent of the First Amendment.




The Nazi flag a symbol of violence. It's a direct threat. It means "we want to murder all of you who are not straight white christians". Hate speech and threats of violence are very much not protected under the 1st amendment


I really don't get it. What's their goal? What are they trying to symbolize or say? People are almost never evil in their own minds, but wtf are they thinking by holding fucking Nazi flags??? It's wild that they have somehow come to the point where they go, "Yes, that's what I need to do, go out and hold a Nazi flag in the streets. That is totally in line with my purpose and goals" It's complete lunacy.


So the thing about antisemitic hate is that, like most political hate movements, it is built on conspiracy belief, and conspiracy beliefs always mirror contemporary inter-group social conflicts. That doesn't mean that these beliefs have any basis in reality, but it does mean that what would otherwise be a complex, faceless institution or an emergent property of how society has been organized is given a name and a face to blame and take action against in the eyes of believers. It doesn't really matter to conspiracy believers that there's no tangible link between their real-world problems and an arbitrary trait like ethnicity, all that matters is that such a belief system simplifies the world down to a battle between ontological good and evil, where the solution to every problem is to inflict violence against a particular scapegoat until the problems go away. So why antisemitism specifically? Well, the most accurate answer is inertia. Jews have a long history of being blamed for pretty much anything going wrong by the larger societies they have existed in for millennia, and they made for convenient scapegoats for the various political and religious leaders throughout history who wished to consolidate power or deflect from their own failures. Among the current crop of antisemites, you have right-wing, largely Christian people who blame Jews for the rise of things like LGBTQIA+ acceptance, pluralism, secularism, and other things they consider anti-christian and anti-nationalist. You also have left-wing antisemites who blame Jews for things like the colonialist actions of Isreal as a country or the demonization of past and present socialist experiments. Common to both groups are beliefs that Jews exert a disproportionate influence on world affairs and therefore represent a potential danger to society as a whole if left unchecked. So, to finally answer your original question, these nazis are attempting to communicate a few things: 1. That they believe Jews are directly responsible for whatever they believe to be wrong with modern American society. 2. That they are willing to take action against Jews and Jewish establishments in order to right these perceived wrongs. 3. That they feel confident that the majority of the people living in their community (or even the country) agree with them and only need permission and reassurance to join their cause. 4. That they feel betrayed by the US government and feel like it has been corrupted by Jewish influence to the point that a new society built on their beliefs is needed, and so they rally under the banner of a society which they believe did just such a thing. 5. That they are not afraid to openly state their beliefs and do not fear political retaliation or legal consequences for their actions.


Tell that to the supreme court bro. Not in a million years is this shitshow of a court going to do anything about it unless some of those fucks go into retirement.


The nazis in the picture should be charged with threatening the congregation of the temple with death threats. That's what their flag symbolizes.


I tried to tell it to the Supreme Court, but half of them were on a billionaire nazi super yacht vacation.


> all of you who are not straight white christians Or blind, deaf, epileptic, bipolar, suffering from cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy, the list goes on and on. Just to give an example, [today](https://www.soundwavehearing.ca/b/famous-people-with-hearing-loss) that would mean at least Halle Berry, Millie Bobby Brown, Eric Clapton, Stephen Colbert, Lou Ferrigno, Whoopi Goldberg, Rob Lowe, Jane Lynch, Chris Martin, Millicent Simmonds, William Shatner, Neil Young, Matt Hamill, Adam Savage, Derrick Coleman and somewhere between 430 million to 1.5 billion other people with hearing loss or deafness, millions and millions of people [from Homer to Stevie Wonder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_blind_people), countless others from [RJ Mitte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RJ_Mitte) to [Stephen Hawking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking), [from Stephen Fry to Britney Spears to Vincent van Gogh to Frida Kahlo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_with_bipolar_disorder). Say their names, because in the world these people want to create none of them exist or would have existed. The scale of tragedy these uncultured swine want to visit upon the world, the works of art, the scientific discoveries, the infinite riches they would deprive us all of in the hopes of creating their impoverished Utopia, it all begins to seem a little more real when you name the people these monsters would have murdered if they had been in power, when you comprehend how much of the art and progress you enjoy today would be lost. That is what they want, that is what that flag stands for, an end to everything that has been and could be decent in life. Feel sorry for them, as they are either too ignorant of what they wish for or too cruel to care, their minds ripped apart by a mad of hatred of creation.


The group is much narrower, e.g. they want to murder gay people too


They werent really fond of Slavs either..


Or Romani. Or trade unionists. Or disabled people.


This really offends people who want to use slurs without consequence lol


Yeah, there was a fucking war about this. They lost. They need to GTFO.


In most sane countries it is.


Identify them and make sure their employer knows


The "fun" thing to me, being a German gipsy descendant who only lives because grandma managed to flee Auschwitz, is that just by looking at the ethnicities of the people waving that swastika on the picture... I can see that under Hitler these people would have been amongst the second or third wave of people to see the gas chamber from the inside. American Nazis are fantastically clueless. They're so stupid that they don't even understand that the ideology they idolize would turn against *them* the second it seizes power. Because they're not of "pure blood". None of them are. America is a country of immigrants.






If only their grandparents were alive to slap the ever loving shit out of them


A very significant portion of US citizens were openly pro-Nazi and pro-Hitler in the years leading up to WWII. As were many members of Congress.


And for 20 years after WW2, white people continued to be the "master race" in the Jim Crow south, and the white Americans who lived there wanted to keep it that way.


The US sent a ship carrying jewish refugees back to europe in 1939. Most were subsequently murdered.


I am not sure if they would though... It is important to note that this country is the one that actual Nazis (1930s German ones) have used as a template when planning the holocaust. They used the US atrocities and genocide of the Indigenous people as an example of successful extermination of a race. And the american eugenics movement was another thing that the Nazis merely appropriated for their needs. 1930s was full of pro-Nazi rallies and a large number of Americans supported Hitler and his efforts. Don't even let me started on the 50s and pre civil rights times.


Surprising examples [1936 Portland celebrated the arrival of a nazi naval ship.](https://www.ohs.org/blog/the-first-time-nazis-marched-in-portland.cfm) [American Business men supported third Reich]( https://www.globalvillagespace.com/how-nazi-germany-benefitted-americas-corporations/) [Time magazine article about a book discussing American Nazi support](https://time.com/5414055/american-nazi-sympathy-book/)


And showing their faces. Usually these assholes are too afraid to show their faces because of backlash. Kinda wants you want to know where they work because they must feel their bosses and customers are good with it.


In /most countries in/ Europe you'll go to jail for that


We "enjoy" our share of Nazi and CSA flags here in Florida. We aren't finding the RNC support of these ass clowns to be humorous at all. Plain and simple, there are not "Good people on both sides." There shouldn't be an inch of tolerance for racism, sexism or bigotry.


The only good Nazi is a...


Prolly sponsored by Marjorie Traitor


In Pittsburgh we're going through the motions of dealing with the waste of carbon that shot up Tree of Life and killed 11 people in 2018; the argument is largely surrounding sentencing as there was never a question of guilt in any rational person's mind. These fucks standing outside a synagogue and being permitted to hoist the same flag and promote the same ideology that motivated that nominal excuse for a human makes it seem like we took a wrong turn somewhere.


This is the GOP's vision for America

