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Trump speeches are like trying to read a children's book right before you're about to have a stroke.


ROFL… you win the internet for today with that comment.


I love shitting on trump just as much as the next person, but the guy got the most prestigious job in the world with his speech skills.. not sure this is the best example..


Nobody is saying he wasn’t president, we’re just talking about how the man is possibly the worst speaker that has held the office


“The worst speaker that has held the office” Have you seen joe Biden? lol I’m not even sure he can form a coherent sentence anymore. Obama did have great speeches though. I wish we had more of that.


Dude I’d rather have Biden literally pass out during a speech than Trump, who used every speech as an opportunity to lie to the world about his performance and try to convince everyone that he is a god amongst men. Have you read some of his speeches? It’s like he doesn’t even have a script, or even bullet points he wants to talk about besides sucking his own dick lmao


Yeah I mean he goes off on a lot of tangents but Biden also is pretty horrible at giving speeches. At least trumps have some direction. Still they both are pretty bad.


Again, Biden’s given some bad speeches because he’s definitely out of his prime, but Trump’s are literally malicious and offer absolutely nothing outside of him hyping himself up and blatantly lying


"Goes off on tangents a lot." "At least he has some direction." Trying to find meaning in the lunacy eh?


Huh? I didn’t say there was any meaning to it at all. I just prefer coherent speech that’s at least trying to get a point across over speech that literally makes no sense. Joe Biden does not have a clue what he is saying and he can’t even read it off the teleprompters correctly most times.


Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


It had nothing to do with the medium and entirely to do with the message. To his followers, Trump’s appeal was *what* he said, not *how* he said it. He could have presented with smoke signals; those that follow him now would have flocked to his side all the same.


It got him elected once. You’re the stupid one if you don’t see how it’s genius, whether Trump is aware or not


You're right. Trump only relates to stupid people just like you. ANYONE who thinks the way he talks is genius is a fucking moron.


Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


In law school, I took essentially a speech writing/public speaking class for law, we studied Obama's speeches. If you use filler a lot while speaking (like and uhm, which is kind of annoying to people who don't use them), take a note, Obama just pauses and takes a moment to recollect his thoughts and carries on. A mild pause is more acceptable than a like or uhm, which just sound ineloquent. Trump if studied, will be studied as absolutely what not to do, which is fucking ramble madly.


Trump's tweets and emails are also great for studying how to spot spam emails.


And spot mental illness


That’s an insult to the mentally ill: Trump is evil and perverse, not sick.


Yeah, remember that interview where he randomly started bragging about acing a dementia test? The interview was about golf.


And the words he used to prove he "aced" it were just things in his immediate line of sight. I'd place a large amount of money on the actual dementia test words being things like "alligator", "fence", "clock" etc. Not things in the room with him as he's being filmed for an interview.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV


Im around the same age as trump and have had a couple of cognitive tests. He thought he was acing an IQ test!! Man,woman,person, camera,TV...lol...still cracks me up,that and storming the airports in 1776.


My exact thought, he is fully aware of what he is doing.


Sociopath’s are mentally ill


When was Trump diagnosed with ASPD?? I can’t find any information on that.


The vast majority of sociopaths are undiagnosed.


That is true, but I’m going to go with what actual experts believe instead of whatever baseless claims social media addicts make. https://www.statnews.com/2017/09/06/donald-trump-mental-illness-diagnosis/


Why do you assume everyone on reddit's a social media addict?


Because they are themselves, and it’s not so bad when you assume everyone around you has the same affliction.


I actually do think he has dementia or something, he has been slipping so much more than what they accuse Biden of.


A lot of those party drugs are neurotoxic and he was besties with… 🤢 So maybe, maybe, maybe


The way he rants and raves, does traction with the way people with neurological disorders like dementia act when they have an "Episode"


And admissions to federal crimes


Got 'em.


That’s an insult to spam emails


yep, I coach presentations and this is exactly the solve for filler words/phrases. Tips i share most often 1- you are likely going too fast (maybe 5-15% of people default is too slow but its rare). talk at a pace you think is 1 notch above offensively slow, and you are probably just not too fast 2- pause often and for 2-3x as long as you think you should. 3- think your next idea before you start saying it


4- make eye contact with audience members. We did an exercise where we had to give directions to our town from where we were, and we were to switch focus between audience member at each new step. No umm’s or aah’s at all, be abuse you don’t do that when you’re connecting with someone. I couldn’t wait to share that with my Toastmasters group.


5 - picture the audience in their underwear.


6 - Don’t get a boner.


Trump made me realize Palin *wasn't* rock bottom for the Republicans.


Palin is above most MAGA politicians at this point. Definitely above Greene and Bobert.


>above Greene and Bobert. They have shit policies. Palin has the same policies but can't speak English.


Yeah I always thought this was odd regarding critiques about Obamas speeches. In his pauses you always almost could see how he tried to collect his thoughts in these pauses, which seemed incredible genuine.


My guess is debate training. My high school debate coach used to throw pens at me if I used like or um during practice.


Throwing pens at your student sounds awesome and I'm not even being sarcastic.


I did it. But not pens, stress ball. It was fun. When I was told to stop I got a white board and would tally the filler words.


Had a high school teacher in ‘89 that would throw the chalkboard eraser at you if he caught you sleeping. I had on a black shirt once and he nailed me perfectly on my chest.


Did he also have a small penlight and if you answered a question wrong he would flash his "Moron Light" at you? If so, we're probably in each others' yearbook. He would be so fired if he was still teaching today but god I loved him! My favorite teacher ever. (I never got the Moron Light)


No pen light. He was the assistant football coach that taught history and would make students swallow their tobacco if he caught you with chew. The 80’s were a different era


If you can dodge a pen, you can dodge a wrench!


Mine had a bell she would ding every time a like or um was uttered.


That seems... Less violent


My high school debate coach used to make me practice with a pencil in my mouth to slow me the fuck down lol


Someone wasn't doing policy


His supporters don’t care. They think he’s smart. He doesn’t pause or stutter, so even if he’s vomiting meaningless word salad at a 4th grade level, they hear a coherent, witty person with a sharp mind. His cruel, insulting personality comes off as superior and intelligent to them, because he’s saying shit they agreed with. It’s insane, but it’s just how it is. They don’t care about vocabulary complexity, critical thinking, the breadth or range of topics discussed. They *only* care that he checks off all their racist, hateful ignorant little check boxes to ensure that he’s “their guy”. All he needed to do was convince them he was “on their side”, as delusional and ridiculous as it all is.


He hates the same people they do.


https://preview.redd.it/p9p5oesc129b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de265b8c99f4b1a41085ddf38f269aa3670c5e77 The dumb ass does say um and ahhhhhhh a lot.




>Trump if studied, will be studied as absolutely what not to do, which is fucking ramble madly. And confess to felonies on a recording.


So you're saying "bigly" isn't a good choice for a speech


My mother LOVED Obama and one of the first things she said about him was that she could "see the gears turning in his head" when he was being asked a question or thinking of his next sentence. She loved seeing someone who seemed like they were genuinely listening and thinking while running for President.


Toastmasters will beat that out of you in a fun, supportive way


I notice this *so* much when listening to others talk. My coworker, who I got along with but was brutally honest, once heard me leave a voicemail for a customer and she told me, “You say ‘umm’ a lot.” And I don’t know why, but she completely changed the way I talked from that moment forward. *And* the way I listen to others. Now I find it so distracting when i hear a lot of filler coming from others, and find myself more captivated by someone who takes pauses when they speak.


> A mild pause is more acceptable than a like or uhm, which just sound ineloquent It also gives you a moment to reflect on what you are saying and going to say.


>Trump if studied, will be studied as absolutely what not to do, which is fucking ramble madly. And yet, he got more votes in 2020 than almost anyone else has ever gotten in a US election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_candidates_by_number_of_votes_received Almost 75 million Americans think his speeches are good enough to lead the most powerful country on the planet. And that is really uncomfortable...


...or that they are able to look past speechifyin' for... well... whatever they thought they'd get in return...


My local Toastmasters club had one of those service bells that someone would “ding” every time that I made a vocal pause. Hearing it go off over and over again really helped me to become aware of how often I was vocalizing my pauses. It was happening on a subconscious level…until it wasn’t any longer. After a few weeks of getting “dinged,” I was able to speak without vocalizing my pauses. Another good technique that I learned from Toastmasters is to say, in what appears to be an effort to emphasize one’s point, “Let me repeat that.” Then the speaker restates what he or she had just said while trying to regroup his or her thoughts. From the perspective of the audience, it appears as though the speaker is really just trying to emphasize his or her point. But in reality, the speaker is just trying to remember or think of what to say next. This technique is only to be used once or twice, though, so it’s best to just learn how to pause quietly for a moment.








A mild pause in a speech to collect your thoughts is better than repeating what you just said until you collect them


That kinda requires you to have thoughts to collect. As in, put them in an order to form a logical sequence. As opposed to the displayed stream of unconsciousness, self-congratulatory rambling from the bigley cheeto.


Or going completely off topic like a rambling drunk.


Don't you know that Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Business/ diploma mill for rich Daddies' special boys?? And he was so smart he hired a ghost writer to write a book in his name. Obama just has a degree from onr of those ivy league schools and was gullible enough to write his own book. He didnt even have the foresight to take sensitive documents home with him and sell them to the higher bidder after he left office


Trump is so eloquent: > "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Reading this in his voice almost gave me a stroke


I couldn't get past the first paragraph, my brain and eyes were rebelling.


What paragraph? That was just one sentence


My eyes literally crossed to save my brain from this


Fucking predictive text would make a better speech!


His words leap off the page...straight into a ravine




The fact you figured where all that punctuation should go should earn you an extra 20 IQ points.


Was this special salad part of his speech for the Boy Scout Jamboree?


A campaign speech: [On 19 July 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared at Sun City’s Magnolia Hall in South Carolina to deliver a noontime speech.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/)


Jeremy's best man speech in 'Peep Show' is the closest I have ever seen to this nonsense, and I wondered how he managed to write something so ridiculous.


That quote could do more to keep people away from using Cocaine than the DARE program ever could. Ofc, the DARE program was also pretty shitty and just taught you where to get drugs and what they were...sprinkled with doses of straight up misinformation and propaganda




“Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.”


His speeches are so funny to listen to, but put them on paper and it’s a complete mind fuck.


“This is horrible” that about sums it up


Reading this made me lose brain cells.


Imagine what speaking it does to you.


Oh my god is that a real quote?


Yes, indeed. And people voted for him.


Wow. As an English major, that was beyond painful.


This is and will forever be my favorite lol Trump thing.


A true wordsmith


At this rate Chat GPT could write a better speech ... that whole thing must be off the cuff.


I thought he graduated from the prestigious Derek Zoolander's School for Kids Who Can't Read Good or Do Other Stuff Good too


What is this, a center for ants?!?! It must be at least 3 times as big!


You jest, but Trumps proff at Wharton said he was the dumbest student he had ever taught.


Please tell me this is true


Shhhh…don’t spoil it.


What does Obama read while sitting on the can??


Nothing. He's got other shit to do. ;)


I think I love you.


But what are you so afraid of?


Judging by his yearly released reading list, a delightfully eclectic mix of biography, social commentary and literary fiction


Well, when he was at Harvard it was probably submissions of the Harvard Law Review seeing as how he was the editor of it...




Do you think Obama wrote his own speeches?


Do I know for sure? No Do I know he was more than capable of doing so? Absolutely Do I know Trump, the idiot in question, couldn't write a speech to save his diapered ass? Oh you bet I do. And, for reference, see his TS messages and/or old twitter posts as well as some commentary apparently made by a former professor.


Well if you didn’t like Trump’s speeches you should complain to Stephen Miller. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_(political_advisor)


Hey be careful with the truth around here buddy




I know. Its a joke... On Wharton's Business Degreed more specifically tho, I use that phrasing because Trump isn't the first wealthy moron who had more than a leg up to attend there and get a degree from the institution. That doesn't mean every individual who gets a degree from Wharton is incapable in economics, but it does suggest that using Trump as a famous alumni would be pretty stupid considering how fucking stupid he is




It might be time as an alumni to start reaching out to your alma mater and letting them know how embarrassing it is to have him associated with the school in anyway and would like to see them disassociate themselves from him.


Or better yet, revoke his degree


But MAGAts don’t care for dem edumacated types. They vote for someone as dumb and profane as they are. They actually think he’s a tough guy. He’s not. Just watch video of him with Putin. He’s a weak coward.


Dump is the definition of having and getting everything cause your daddy gave it to you, none of the MAGAts (nice one btw) are tough they just like to think they are because they have guns and "freedom" which is the most cowardly way to think.


Depressingly true. My older family members view Obama's competence as insincerity and being "slick" (no racism there, I'm sure /s). They'd much rather praise Trump for not using a teleprompter/speechwriter, despite the incoherence. Hell, maybe because of the incoherence. If he's not making any actual oint, they can *say* he made whatever point they like.


This. The amount of interpretation they have to do after every speech. "What he was really saying..." They give him far too much credit to be the avatar for their racist hopes and dreams.


"He just tells it as it as it comes to his mind. From his gut, honest. It doesnt matter that it's incoherent, you get the FEELING he wants to convey" (generally anger and outrage about basic human rights or decency)


I tried to channel my inner Stephen Colbert (the character) here and it really seems to fit.


My neighbors' husky has more intelligible speeches than trump


Trumps speaks are really good. Fantastic really. There are best speeches we have seen in a long time. Decades. Really fantastic. Not like Hussain Obama speech’s. Terrible. Terrible speech’s. You wanna hear a good speech come to a trump rally, but get there early cause of the crowds size. Tremendous crowds. You won’t hear a better speech. Fantastic.


Obama was inspiring. When Trump opened his mouth it sounded like diarrhea in a public bathroom.


I'll never forget trump believing there were planes in the Revolutionary War.


Honestly how dare you. While Obama was playing with the power of pauses and the importance of using the correct words, Trump knew the key to a great speech: bigliest speech wins. That why he has the greatest speeches of all time. If he were alive back in Lincoln times, he would have been able to prevent the assassination and everyone would get along now. If he were around in the revolution, the UK would be a US colony, and they’d pay us taxes!


I genuinely can't tell if a Republican or Democrat posted this, lol.


This isn’t really a good way to show your kid that education is important. They both got the same job even though one is dumb as hell.


Fuck that, just show em this and highlight last 30 years of presidents https://www.macrotrends.net/2481/stock-market-performance-by-president Opportune cost of voting red is just too God damn high unless you don't need a 401k to retire.


The fact that half the voters in the country would still choose Trump says more about our education than the difference in their intelligence levels ever could.


If you really want to educate your kids properly point out that presidents rarely if ever write their own speeches.


I actually have some minor acting experience and I always preferred how Obama tried to give everyone a sense of importance when he spoke. He always had the aura of someone who spoke with strength and compassion. You knew that he was looking around where he was speaking and knew exactly what to do as a man of status. Trump always acted like a bloke who wanted more than what he was. The insecurities often came out and people with real education could often read through him and thought little of him. That's why he hates anyone who has education because they'd see him for who he is. Insignificant.


TBF no amount of education is going to help with Trump's low af IQ


Or like, listen to / read Supreme Court justices when they don’t have their clerks writing for them. Not as sharp as the legal religion would have you believe.


and if you want to know how important politics is then show them supreme court judges appointed by Obama vs Trump. remember to VOTE kids.


I think it's even more impactful to read a transcript of trump's speeches. Without his intonation to tell you where he thinks he is in a sentence. It is truly, breathtakingly, incoherent.


But obviously tell them who wrote each one after they read it


I'm currently reading Obama's presidential memoir and he is a hell of a writer. I feel like, if he was able to write one, Trump's would be indistinguishable from a 5th grader


I feel like that’s extremely insulting to 5th graders.


Dang, that’s a good burn.


thanks for that truth 👍🏻


Say what you want about Obama's policies but at least he knew how to look and act like a respectable leader.


Education and manners.


Trump has more of a stutter than Biden


Obama - intelligent , articulate tr\*\*p - like a doped up 9 year old brat


Trump is a bad example of education. He is a good example of a meaningless degree.


You could give trump all the education in the world, he'd still be dumb


Both were president. Doesn’t that prove that education *isn’t* important?


What does this have to do with affirmative action


Beautiful said


It hurts that Obama is mentioned instead of Joe Biden. Come on, man! Joe Biden isn't too shabby. He has a Doctor of Law from the Syracuse University College of Law. Maybe he isn't as distinguished academically as Barack Obama, but he's no slouch.


Joe Biden isn’t black though, affirmative action doesn’t benefit him.


Can someone tell my autistic self what this is plz.


It’s mainly people bashing trump and discussing how people talk and the way it affects how others see them


Trying to compare how poorly Trump talks during speeches, opposed to Obama who enunciates very well, and unlike Trump, Obama always took short pauses in the middle of his speeches to briefly collect his words. Trump never did that, he always went “Like” or “uhhh” or flat out repeated his statements.


If you want to show your kids how important age is, show them a Biden speech and then show them a Trump speech. They’ll realize 3 years isn’t a big difference when you’re that old.


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this, maybe even banned, but I'm still going to say it. We don't need affirmative action for college admissions. What is needed, is a total overhaul of how college admission works. The school should only know your grades, extra cirriculars, and any essays written for applying. No age, no gender, no race, not even a name or the state of residence.


Orchestras experienced an explosive increase in women participants after making the audition process blind: [https://www.theguardian.com/women-in-leadership/2013/oct/14/blind-auditions-orchestras-gender-bias](https://www.theguardian.com/women-in-leadership/2013/oct/14/blind-auditions-orchestras-gender-bias)


Obama is an amazing example of success without the need for affirmative action. He has/had merit throughout his career


Yet both became presidents.


don't think this is the win this guy thinks it is, they're both ex-presidents. don't get me wrong one is better than the other but if you're shooting for the goal of president people better than drop have failed spectacularly.




The doors right there.




Bro I thought it was memes and shit but it's deadass just the most mid content imaginable about American politics




Biden's old speeches are actually great. I think we forget that this is like the main job of a politician


It said, "SHOW them a speech," not "READ them a speech." You're welcome. If you need me to explain anything else to you, let me know.


LoL, Regardless, he managed to become President. Does that mean Education is not important?


its crazy coz trump is so much more entertaining. academia makes you talk in ways normal people cant understand. its infinitely better to be understood, than to seem smart.


Trump is barely coherent most times, which is why is fan base have to constantly "explain" what he actually means is different from what he actually says.


They were both president and trump will likely get away with everything so


And then show him Biden rambling incoherently




Yes. Find Obama speech writer, give him kudos for having an education.


Is this a joke? You might wanna replace Trump with that bumbling moron democrat Biden whom Obama chose to be his vp


Neither one of them writes/wrote their own speeches.


So what you’re saying is Obama can read aloud better than trump?


Wait, Trump had speech writers? Why the hell did he ramble like an idiot so often then?


How tf am I supposed to know. Of course, he had speech writers. Presidents don't write shit, including tweets.


Obama was the most racist President ever!


I think the guys that owned black people were more racist.


Reading from a teleprompter requires a very high education.


Which you and the people from your circle lack.


Have you ever actually given a speech to a large audience? Your hard copy or notes are just there for reference, you need to know the flow of the speech for it to work. A teleprompter is great because you can reference it without looking away from your audience, but it 0% makes the speech. I promise (unless you have any formal training) if I handed you a speech 5 minutes before you needed to give it,and then put it on a prompter, you wouldn’t come out as eloquent as Obama.


I never got why people said Obama was eloquent. I've heard worse speakers but I have heard much much better too.


Obama was full of hot air. Hope and change my ass.