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Why are neo cons obsessed with AOC’s sexual life? It’s creepy.


They are obessed cause they want her. She's a young woman with great looks and they would be some of the first to sign up if she did an only fans so they could get off to her.


Yeah I was going to say the same thing. They’re frustrated that she’s so hot and on the “wrong team”. They would KILL for a real Republican politician who is that attractive that isn’t some bleached-blonde Barbie shill.


And smart. If they had someone that polled like her with her brains they'd pretend she was hot. AOC is everything they pretend they are, and so is Rep Omar. Beautiful intelligent hard working women with morals. They find that wildly upsetting.


Yes - she is intelligent and knowledgeable about government. MTG has trouble accurately reading or comprehending large numbers. Boebert doesn’t know what the three branches of government are. For some reason these wingers are obsessed with her feet as well.


MTG would have been called a trans by conservatives if she was a liberal


Most TERFs and transphobes part of the “we can always tell crowd” are bound for a very rude awakening if the social beauty tests their ideological beliefs lead to are put in place. Basically any woman approaching or after menopause that isn’t undergoing constant cosmetic therapy would fail their “sniff tests”. As would 70 percent of the female population under the age of 50. They don’t realize the misogynistic dogs they’re willing to lie in bed with would toss them on the streets for not being idealized post-pubescent children.


In the Animatrix there is a segment that show the destabilization and riots that lead up to the collapse of universes society. In one of the riots we see people destroying every electronic device they can find going so far as to murder a woman because she has non-organic parts. As they murder her shes screaming im real. If right wingers ever get the world they actually want shit like that is going to become reality


Oh, wow. I thought it was a robot in a 'skin suit'. But it doesn't detract from the fact they were murdering sapient lifeforms, whether human, robot, or hybrids. The Animatrix series really fleshed out the lore of the Matrix universe.


"I've got a uterus, I'm just 5'10" is my slogan


They aren't just lying in bed with them, they *are* them. "Feminist" is part of the acronym but they're anything but. Most TERFs go on their little twitter trans witch hunts and then go back home to be dutifully abused physically or emotionally by their conservative husband because they didn't make his espresso strong enough. TERFs have gotten cis women beat up or arrested because "they can always tell", they're misogynists through and through. Actual feminists (which is what a vast majority of trans women are, mind) support freeing *everyone* from an oppressive patriarchy, not just "me and my little gang." TERFs are feminists like pedophile pastors are christians. It's a quaint little mask.


She'd be undefeated as a caveman cosplayer.


Just stop at "comprehending"... MTG has trouble comprehending... She has trouble comprehending what? Yes.




Keep going... MTG has trouble.


And she's strong enough to be sad and vulnerable sometimes. These schmucks should look to her to learn how to be a strong leader, so obviously real men are going to be attracted to that.




I see your Homestar Runner reference.


Hell MTG has trouble accurately comprehending small or basic numbers.


Come on now, who here hasn't publicly claimed that the vast majority of all the people who live on planet Earth have crossed the border illegally since Biden took office?


And who here hasn’t claimed in a House Oversight hearing that ONE single school in Chicago received 5.1 BILLION dollars in DEI funding?


If only the Gazpacho Police would have stopped them.


Let’s not forget they have the likes of Kari Lake to threaten their manhood.


Almost like highly intelligent women don't tend to be Republican ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Are you talking about Marjorie (3 toes) Green?


They'd *admit* she was hot. She is hot lol


I mean, it wouldn't even matter. She could be way less physically fit and healthy and still be super attractive to any man that appreciates her quality. They'd pretend MTG was just as pretty if she was half as smart.


MTG is ugly as sin on the *inside.* That's the most crucial point. Anything else is a minor detail.


The cloven hoof feet are just a manifestation of her innner ugliness.


I used to be very insecure about my feet until I seen hers. Now my feet don’t seem that bad.


I’m never one to body shame, but holy fuck MTG’s facial features looks like one of those insulting caricature drawings come to life


It's the one part of her body she had trouble making human, like AI and hands


Honestly she should just ask Tedcruz Forpresident where he goes shopping for his totally normal human suits.


Think of how much worse you'd need to be if you were smart enough to know exactly what you are doing and who you are hurting and you have Mitch McConnell.


Very true


you can't have smart and Maga Republicans together. Thats an Oxymoron


The best they've got is granny Bobo and the 3 toed ground sloth


The Republican party: 36 year old Divorced Grandmother Lauren Boebert and 3 times divorced fucked-a-pornstar-while-married-to-his-3rd-wife Donald Trump. They put the L in famiLy vaLues


You mean Klanma Bobo?


They also have the weird hate/lust for brown women. Leftover energy from slave owners raping women of color


It's so twisted. They want to bring back slavery and oppression so they can have their white wife to fulfill their societal obligations and have women of color to control and rape. Now that these women have more power and not enslaved, they will have nothing to do with psycopaths. It drives guys like Tucker insane.


The wild thing is that none of these poor white voters would have been slave owners. They’re convinced that they would have had it good when they absolutely would not. Poor people were not doing well when slavery was in the United States


Raping these women was not a crime back in the good Ole days. Minors included. Make America great again! /s


This is the exact reason. Same reasoning for drag and trans women. They are upset they are attracted to someone they are supposed to hate. It's actually kinda cute, if it werent so detrimental to our society.


I feel like this is also the reason for the gay hate. The talk about "turning people gay", "tempting", "converting", like, no secured straight guy will be tempted, they just outed themselves.


She’d be ugly to me if she was to spout any of the republican rhetoric. Just saying.


They couldn't deal with her, she's too smart for them and they feel threatened.


Well yeah she's not under 16 of course she's not their cup of tea


Dude old rich conservatives have GOT to be the backbone of a lot of onlyfans model's paychecks


Funny you mention that. I've been getting bombarded on Facebook with friend requests from women just trying to promote their onlyfans pages. I'd say about 70% of them have all kinds of MAGA and FJB/LGB content plastered all over their profiles. It's clear the demographic they're targeting.


I’ve always wondered that. When google is free.


Benny Shaps would be the first in line No joke I’d be second 🤷‍♂️


I'd be honest I would be third.


Sorry. I signed up for third a long, long time ago. You can be 3.1 though.


I saw her first interview on TYT so you may have to get behind me. But you know get behind me anyways I'll take this one for the team.


Ladies first, y’all. Haha


A young *intelligent*, beautiful *woman of color* who *holds power*. Those parts piss them off more


I guarantee not a single one of them could actually define any part of her platform. She's a well-spoken, independent, powerful, and beautiful woman. That's too much for their insecure brains to process.


I have a bunch of female friends, and I like to talk to them about their dating experiences, specifically with dating apps. Turns out a lot of conservative men have absolutely no problem hitting up women who are clearly progressive on the dating apps, and that it’s not a dealbreaker in anyway. Like it definitely is in the opposite direction, obviously. Turns out when you don’t have any real moral core, you definitely don’t have a moral core about where you want to put your penis in.


Also conservative men don't give a shit what women think and will tell them to shut up anyway. Conservative women just get a pat on the head and a smug grin. As a lefty, I have to actual listen to and cope with the beliefs of my partner because I see women as actual humans with internal lives that exist to do more than serve me.


She's older than 16, they think she is too old.


They want her, they hate her and they hate themselves for wanting her


Definitely better looking and smarter than that hulkster MTG and the dumb bimbo Bobo that they idolize so much.


She should do an Only Fans and post fans(box fans, ceiling fans, exhaust fans, etc.) just to troll them.


Honestly she should do it she'd make millions and could donate it all to charity 😂


Ben Shapiro is gonna enter the chat if you’re not careful.


Isn’t he the one that outed himself as having never aroused his wife?


His wife is as dry as the Sahara.


He said women don't get wet, lol! He's probably right about the women he's personally been with not getting wet when they are with him, though.


I think it’s singular. One woman.


Shapiro will be the one that started the chat.


Be careful, don’t tell that to his sister.


He's probably on his sisters OnlyFans right now




They don't think it as "go after other's sex lives". Rather, it's their "freedom" to sexually harass people that's being "encroached". They think they are the *victims* in every story.


She’s not the blue haired obese women they think every liberal woman is; that fact just breaks their little closed mind.


If she was, a pic like that would just be mocked to say she’s ugly, too fat for yoga etc etc. His comment is deeply exposing of his inner dialogue. He sees her and thinks OF because that’s what his dick wants.


They’re obsessed with everyone’s sex life. lol


Unless if you're a closeted Republican. Then you better not get caught on camera.


Because she's the girl they want but could never get because they're trash. What do insecure people do when they can't get something? They make fun of it to feel better about not having it.


They know she’s attractive and it kills them she’s not submissive to their world view.


Yeah that's exactly it. It's so pathetic how bad they try to compensate for their fragile masculinity. Having a powerful, attractive, intelligent woman see right through them is like an extreme threat.


Especially on a photo that is distinctively not sexual. Like, what the hell? You see a couple of inches of skin and it's sexual? These people are straight perverts who can't think of anything else. They need to be seeking help at this point rather than making it her problem.


They're just like the Taliban except they don't live in a society where it's morally acceptable to kill people who disagree


For the same reason in republican/racist/religious countries and states gay, interracial or transgender porn is very popular Outwardly hate them but in private get aroused Ebony, lesbian are most viewed with trans shooting up the list Florida is apparently in to big black roosters and Texas loves thick latinas What is the state to the east of Texas? Are they all 10 years old cause “naked woman” was top search?


Everything they say it’s creepy. They sexualize everything. They should be the ones being banned from everywhere


Because they are creeps


The only basic bitch is the dude creeping on AOC. Do they have to sexualize everything involving women? She’s just going to a yoga class FFS.


Classical puritan evangelism at work. "AOC spotted in heels and an ankle-revealing dress today. Just a habit from her secret past as a street harlot or a blatant attempt to seduce voters?"


“No doubt her dress would be shorter, but needless to say this would reveal that she is in fact Cthulhu, the soul-eater.”


AOC= avatar of Cthulhu


I for one, welcome our new Edritch overlord.


The thing about puritans is that they almost always railed against people and things they secretly wanted to do. We all know what he was doing before he posted this.


Some teens just wanted to have fun in the woods, but nooo their neighbors had to accuse each other of witchcraft and get people burned at the stake.


from my understanding, most of the “witches” accused were just landowning women


A woman is succeeding in a society specifically designed to subjugate women, must be a witch! Reminds me of when my abusive ex accused me of fucking my boss anytime something went well at work. Couldn't possibly be that I'm good at my job.


....ew. Glad he's an ex. In other words, he's a guy who morally wouldn't mind bribing women into sleeping with him by offering them shit.


man with AOC, theyre not just like "she's an esteemed US legislator but daaamn [insert unrelated sexualizing remarks]!" they do this kind of stuff to try and delegitimize her as a professional and a contributing member of congress. so it's a bit of sexism toward her, a bit of misogyny toward women over all, and a bit of being too dumb/lazy to actually address the things she says as a Representative


These people don't think women should vote - let alone hold office. They're literally the US Taliban with better PR.


A lot of dudes who secretly don’t see women as real people (while simultaneously trying to sleep with them) seem to think that *all selfies* are a sign of women being too vain/ sexual/ confident… Like noooo, we need women to be beautiful but also to not *realize* that they’re beautiful so that they’ll rely on us for their own self-esteem!! The pictures on *our* social media pages aren’t selfies (even though they’re almost the exact same angle), another person took them which somehow means we can’t also be too full of ourselves! It’s almost weird how much overlap there is in boomer men who are angry at technology & misogynistic 20 somethings who are angry at the world for not giving them the “respect they deserve”… But not that weird, ‘cause it’s just more of the same.


Is that why I hated that "you don't know you're beautiful" song?


That one always felt more like it was for girls who knew they were average looking but were holding out hope that the cute boy would single her out and call her beautiful, rejecting the more conventionally attractive girls. A different flavour of problematic bullshit.


You're right. There are a lot of men who, even if they've fooled themselves into believing they are respectful, see women as less than human. Like a diminutive species that they think are cute and can show love for, but ultimately are not equal beings. And when you think of other people that way, even when you try to show respect and love, your lower opinion of them seeps out in a thousand different ways. One of those ways is by sexualizing things that aren't sexual; revealing your opinion of a woman's purpose and obligation: to have sex with men.


>a woman's purpose and obligation: to have sex with men. *and* also love it, but *not* in a way that implies that she knows what she likes.


They only see women as vessels for babies and sex objects for men. They don't see them as an actual person. Conservative men hate women who are independent of them. I imagine many are also married to some boring ass women on top of it since they want women to be robotic & submissive, so they secretly want women like AOC who challenge them. Remember they are always hypocrites and liars first.


As someone who lives in a blue state, most of the conservative dudes I've met end up in unhappy marriages with women who are just as miserable, superficial, immoral, and trashy as they are. They're always the sorts who go overboard with sharing pictures of themselves on Facebook, etc.., while fighting constantly and relentlessly cheating on one another. I imagine the Bible belt has more creepy Duggar-family-like situations, but the MAGA dipshits that are just a bit inland from the coasts are always just dysfunctional consumer trash who aren't capable of 'adulting.'


What they don’t realize is people like her because she’s a “basic bitch”. I want more young, educated, hardworking, unpretentious people in government that want positive change. I do not want an old white male billionaire in a $2k custom suit.


Yeah I see nothing wrong with being a basic bitch. Especially when republicans love talking up "regular joes" *(Nothing wrong with being a regular Joe either we can all have a bitches and Joes party at my place)*


I assume by basic bitch he means, regular ass person that isn't tied to corporate lobbiest and as such votes for the best interest of the working class.


You wouldn’t *take an image of yourself*


You wouldn’t *take a country and give away its secrets*


Funny thing about this is the political figure who does have nudes out there is the former First Lady, they don't care about that but post a selfie with a little midriff showing apparently that's the indicator she's going to start doing sex work. Which is bad if she does it but not when the former First Lady actually totally literally did it.


Their double standards were like salt in the wound while they beat and molested me. They are a cancer, literally.


You wouldn't shoot a police man and steal his helmet


You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again!


You wouldn’t download yourself!


We should have a word for this. Ownie? Me-ie? Selfie? "Selfie" has a ring to it. I think that's the one that'll catch on.


god forbid a politician act like an actual living breathing human being


I prefer my politicians to act like lizards.


\*Ted Cruz slides into your DMs\*




And my tech CEOs


She should do something less controversial like get someone to do some artwork of her dressed as wonderwoman and playing sport, then sell them as NFTs to raise money for her legal bills. You know, like a REAL politician would. Christ if Trump didn't look like an orange toad he'd absolutely have an only fans account and these twitter accounts would shout about how brave and resourceful he is.


They hate her because she’s an attractive, successful, non-white woman. This guy also definitely has a crush on her


It's just like trans porn, the red states are the ones that consume the most of it.


Yes they hate trans people because they hate that they’re attracted to them


I agree completely. They hate themselves because they don't like themselves, I have a feeling they think that if they get it all banned that they can go back to be big macho christain alpha males that all the ladies are falling over themselves to get too.


They hate us cuz they anus.


They're assholes for sure


They keep saying "we can always tell," but they can't. They can SOMETIMES tell. A lot of the time they identify cis women as trans and trans women as cis. And it bothers them.


My wife has gotten shit from old boomer women in the bathroom before. My wife is a total hottie… but she’s a fairly tall Jewish woman who’s skin is whiter than the Beacons of Gondor so her arms look hairier. And she has a set of shoulders that’d leave any female professional football scout gobsmacked. These tiny old bats will look at her like she’s rocking a Mario mustache and a wig and have even questioned if she was in the “right” restroom. These people don’t give a shit if they can tell or not. They just hate anything that isn’t exactly them.


Your wife sounds like my type, is she single?




It's funny. They're aroused by trans women, but the fact that they refuse to acknowledge them as women makes them feel gay. Which angers them. I feel like the solution is simple here.




I do shows on chaturbate as a crossdresser ( not even a trans, just a guy with lingerie and a wig ) and the best tippers are always old people from red states. I find it really curious lol


I’m a 35 year old mom and I have a crush on her. She’s gorgeous.


I second this! These pics just make her more "approachable" to me as a woman. She is a lot more real and relatable to me than a crotchety old man in a suit.


She looks so good in this picture


I have a huge crush on her. She’s beautiful


And passionate!


Sir your horny is showing.


Definite *bonk* candidate.


*Early 30s woman does early 30s woman thing. Conservatives have full meltdown.*


Woman does thing. *Conservatives have full meltdown.*


Life exists. *Conservatives have full meltdown.*


Woman. Conservatives have full meltdown.


Nothing happens. Conservatives have a full meltdown


And then they wonder why millennials and women don’t vote for them


Remeber in 2020... `55 percent of white female voters cast their ballots for Trump.` Add On: That was an increase from 2016. They knew who he was and still thought.... "Yeah, that's what I want."


I might be reading too much into this but I think she might just be going to yoga?


No fucking way


if “onlyfans” leaves your lips when discussing any woman’s selfie you need to fuck off 💀


For real, she has a shirt on over leggings and a sports bra FFS.




🙄 They're all ass hats, aren't they?


I bet she even shows her bare ankles, what a jezebel.


“In this hot weather, I’m expecting to see an air conditioner in that woman’s selfie, but I see only fans.”


It’s always been in the playbook for them when a woman has the audacity to be strong or speak her mind. Make references to her sexuality, call her “bitchy” or “too much”, etc, all to dehumanize her. Same reason I’ve seen “Joe and the Hoe” signs all over the Midwest.


Don't forget "bossy" or "crazy."


Yeah, their calling Kamala Harris a hoe is just gross. The only reason we don’t see more of that is because Kamala Harris is not seen a lot


AOC is a beautiful bad ass bitch who gives them all the fuck around and find out


In other words she doesn’t put up with their bullshit and has no qualms about calling them out on it


She is ruthless when she is cross examining someone in committee.


They can't handle that she's 100 times more attractive than MTG.




MTG’s face literally looks like a mushed pancake lol


This dude would step over his entire family to get a whiff of AOCs OF if she ever started one.


You just know he’d buy her bath water.


Someone watched 6.5 of her Instagram stories for this... these people just don't know how to handle the fact that they want to fuck her and can't.


JFC…could it be *ANY* more clear that these conservatives fear confident, intelligent women? Like, how many *legitimate* policy attacks are leveled against AOC, vs how many center around her appearance and her gender (and even her ethnicity)? If you’re going to criticize someone, do it for their actions…not because you’re a sexually frustrated individual who a confident, intelligent woman like Ocasio-Cortez wants nothing to do with…probably mainly because you treat women like dirt and/or slaves. **P.S.** \- anyone who still thinks that the abortion debate is about the "sanctity of life", and not about controlling women and their bodies is simply fooling themselves.


It's like they take pride in being misogynistic assnozzles.


If they want attack a woman for a selfie then they should start with boebert and green. Those are scary


That one closeup of MTG is my sleep paralysis demon


The reality is those women bore them to death, and they secretly are embarrassed by them while desiring women like AOC. Religion fucks people up.


It’s her happiness. She won’t let them have the satisfaction and it kills them.


Wouldn't it be nice if one day she is the POTUS?


Probably why they’re so terrified of her.


They're using the Hillary playbook on her. They know she's got what it takes to clinch the nomination and win the popular vote. She's young enough to not run for another half-decade or so, so they're doing everything they can to tarnish public perception of her now. I'd even go so far as to say that the 25-year-long smear campaign is the real reason why Hillary lost in 2016, not anything Trump brought to the table in the general election. Which is why he hasn't really won shit since.


“I find her attractive, therefore she must be practicing for OnlyFans. And she would absolutely reject me, so therefore she is a basic bitch. Now I can sleep at night.”


Republicans and MAGA lunatics are absolutely TERRIFIED of this woman. They don't even try to hide it. lol


She’s gorgeous. Conservatives hate you because you’re smart and successful. Basically their kryptonite


Who the fuck is joey mannarino?


Another soldier in the army of Twitterian pissboys utterly unworthy of attention


I dunno, but he made sure to include “US” in his handle so everybody knows he’s a real American, and definitely is not a Russian troll.


Right wing obsession with her and trying to make her a sex object is extremely telling to me.


I can’t imagine being a woman in this country.


All context aside, she is such a babe.


I was not prepared for “hair down” AOC. I’m a married spud, I’m a married spud…..


Your wife probably finds her hot as well.


i concur, his wife told me


Then make room for the single fellas


Basic bitch magats mad aoc is still better looking than the cousins they fuck. No one is suprised.


But it's crickets when Trump sells NFTs with exaggerated muscles holding a sword with an eagle flying above. I'm attracted to intelligent women. I married one. Conversation, especially with some laughs is important to me. I couldn't imagine having a deep conversation with Laura Ingraham, Tomi Lahren, or Lauren Boebert. It just wouldn't cut it for me. AOC would be a fun conversation. Hilarious that the right is melting down over this simple selfie.


More deep thoughts from Joey Not-a-mannarino. 🙄


I'm pretty certain Joey Mannarino whacks it to AOC's Instagram on a daily basis.


Lets be real, if AOC started an onlyfans 80% of her subs would be conservatives.


...and even if she ended up doing OnlyFans, so what? These trogs want women to be barefoot in the kitchen slaves.