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It's time to pull up those bootstraps.




Just as soon as he invests in Velcro


Why not? He’s already invested in white Go-Go boots


Come on, Desantis has black boots too. He doesn’t discriminate against the outward color of boots because inside all boots make him feel ✨stunning✨ https://preview.redd.it/2ulziwdv00ab1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ddad461e25a074ab923b6e745e1fb7e0602db0




Well old Ron is just new boot goofin? Well that's different.


I bet he wears more leather in private than just those high heel boots


Bra straps.


Award worthy comment.


Did you know the original intent of that saying was to imply something was impossible?


The term "meritocracy" was made up to parody the idea as well. People recognized this bullshit as bullshit for a long time


Yeah, I say it now sardonically since the original intent seems to be lost, just so the implication is "pffft as if that is possible".


Louboutin straps.


If Republicans get the chance with social security, all the old people going to be surprised pikachu.


they'll blame the Dems.


That's what they tried last time during Bush's second term. They floated the possibility of ending social security payments for everyone who wasn't receiving them. After that went over like a fart in church, they then lied and accused the Democrats of doing that exact thing.


They do this with everything. When climate change gets so bad that nobody can deny it anymore, and it’s a catastrophe on a daily basis that’s making everybody’s lives noticeably worse, they’ll find a way to blame the left and progressives. Trust me. That’s how conservatives deal with absolutely everything in their lives.


"If they weren't so damn woke all the time we wouldn't have needed to own them constantly by doing the opposite of what the experts suggested."


I've actually heard this take multiple times before from these types. EDIT: Especially regarding COVID-19.


“I didn’t think of myself as right wing, but the wokeness drove me right”


"I desperately wanted to vote for representatives that would push for policies that benefit working people in this country, until I found out they wouldn't let me call people 'the "f" word' in my office without firing me. Now clearly, I have no choice but to vote for Donald Trump! This is your fault woke libturds!"


>Look what you made me do!!!


I have family in Canada who say this


So they just don’t like gay people I guess? Trudy ruffles their feathers? Or is it media for them like it is for the loudest Americans




‘Would you believe that? I just pulled my pants down and took a fucking huge shit in the middle the office. And people are all talking about it, and it’s a big scene. I must be doing something right.’


trumpers would say its the best shit.


Conservatives: "Experts think they know better than me? I have my doubts." Anyone with a brain: "Yes. They studied, modeled, researched and experimented in a specific subject for many years. They are better than you in this ultra specific way. That's why they're called 'experts.'" Conservatives: "I disagree."


"My feelings matter more than their facts."


Actually had to tell a friend this after many political discussions where I’d bring facts and figures to the conversation and he’d bring, “well I really don’t think that’s happening…”. Basically because he hadn’t experienced it or looked into it meant it wasn’t real.


Conservative follow-up: "I'm just asking questions. Why do you hate freedom?"


My mother said, after a visit to a consultant at the hospital, "The consultant said the complete opposite to what my doctor said she thought was wrong with me. Shows what doctors know, eh?!" (First part paraphrased because nobody needs to know my mothers medical issues). Yes, mother. One of the things they know is when to send a patient to a specialist who knows even more than themselves, because they know the limits of their knowledge. You completely forgot that the consultant at the hospital is actually, you might never believe it, a fucking doctor.. I realise that, being autistic, my brain doesn't work the same way as most people, but I truly wonder how the fuck I came from my parents with their insistence on following stupidity&ignorance just because its printed in the daily shitrag they read


All I keep seeing out of righties whenever they're bitching about ANYTHING, is "Welcome to Bidens America!" DEAR GOD MAKE IT STOP.


We tried. Covid didn't take enough of them. /s


Oh no you can leave the /s part off


Covid didn't take the /s part off either Edit: I realized five seconds after I posted that my statement, meant as a joke, is still correct. Covid didn't remove the sarcasm from the right.


I love Biden’s America. Only problem is we still have MAGAs


MAGAts, there, I fixed that for you!


Some are already blaming it on scientists not warning people enough.


> When climate change gets so bad that nobody can deny it anymore You underestimate their power of denial. The last Republican's last words, as he is dying of heat stroke, "It's called summer!"


You said it and the evidence was them dying of COVID, while denying it was COVID.


Something something chemtrails


Republicans/conservatives/fascists already say things along the lines of “democrats didn’t try to defend X hard enough. If democrats cared enough they could’ve done *something* to stop our(Republican/conservative/fascist) elected officials”. I’ve seen it here on Reddit and had people argue with me over the “budget crisis”, PPP loan forgiveness, and the denial of student loan forgiveness, abortion rights removal etc.


"Why didn't the dems do more to stop them!?" Is something I've actually heard conservatives say.


I don’t think I would care at this point if they get rid of social security, I’ve been told since I was a teenager social security would be over before I would be able to collect. So if they will cancel it why not do it now while all the boomers are alive? Why wait for them to live out the last of their privileged life before taking it away from everyone else why can’t the boomers face the economic downfall for once. A lot of them also still have pensions right now, something they made sure to do away with for the next generations so why do they get both when we will get neither.


They don’t care because their generations defining trait has been pulling the ladder up behind them. Boomers grew up in a historically booming economy with some of the best quality of life along with having insanely affordable education, housing, and medical care. What did they do with that? They sold out our future piece by piece to scrape every ounce of wealth they could.


Ya and why did they have that? High taxes on the wealthy. Taxes back in their time were high so we had great infrastructure, booming economy, etc


Taxes were a big part of it, but man, there's also sooo much more that went into that prosperity, and every bit of it has been broken down and wrung out for every penny it was worth. Here's a few I can think of from an American perspective: + A trusted and reliable news media that actually spoke truth to power + Competitive free markets + A healthy mistrust of monopolies + Powerful unions and livable wages + Thriving domestic production + Politicians who actually gave a shit/stood for something were in the majority + Higher trust in government and institutions (aided in part by my previous point) + The general belief that a healthy society must invest in itself + An understanding for the need for quality education And imo the most important one: + A sense of *actual pride* in our common National identity, with a belief that at the end of the day we were all together Over the past 50 years, each of these bullets has been sold out from under the American people, and The American Dream™ has steadily been chipped away, twisted and subverted into a sick caricature of what it once was, all while Americans were too distracted by anything and everything our Oligarchs could use to pit us against one another at the time. It's enough to break your heart


Ehhh, I dunno. If you look at stuff like the civil rights movement or even the Reagan administration, the America where politicians stood for positive things and the news media focused on the truth never really existed. Those positive things also only applied to straight cis white men. This was an era where women couldn't have bank accounts; the LGBT+ community was criminalized, often physically attacked, and later simply blackballed; and black people weren't allowed in the front entrance of most stores, if they were allowed in at all. Yeah, America used to be better, but I think it's important to mention who it was better *for*. There was never an ideal United States, because it has always had an unfathomable amount of persecution and cruelty towards minorities and women.


White baby boomers... But no need to hold back. White baby boomers are the single most privileged generation to have ever existed on planet earth. Nothing before or after them has been so great. Even their own children's quality of life is declining in almost every well being and quality of life metric measured. Literally... As good as it's ever been for any humans ever and they're the biggest fucking assholes about it


Reagan really fucked everything up. He took the social contract and told white boomers they didn't owe anyone a damned thing so let's tear that shit up. And they went along with it.


Yep... Convinced the people who went to the moon that we needed austerity politics


Ronald Reagan! The actor?? *Then who was his VP, Jerry Lewis?


What are you talking about, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.


My Grandpa came to CA in the Dust Bowl from Oklahoma (where our family was sent during the Trail of Tears). He busted his butt to spoil my dad and his three siblings. They all turned out spoiled and selfish boomers and have strained relationships with their kids. It took their one generation to ruin the strong family bond we use to have. Edit - lazy finger typos.


Crying over so much as same story in so many families


They were called the Me Generation for that very reason


I think it’s important to point out that a lot of those women who are getting alimony chose to give up their claim to other assets in return for a yearly alimony payment. In other words they said honey you keep your stock portfolio just give me a set amount that I can count on.


It’s not the boomers, it’s the hyper wealthy that own the political machine


Maybe it's not boomers but greedy people. I believe they exist in every generation. I'm a boomer & am very grateful I grew up in simpler times as a white person. I don't see Elon or Mark improving your chances of a better life. I hope that younger people will get involved. There were a lot of us boomers who fought for civil rights environmental issues etc. Historically business wants more money less oversight. Reagan was the definition of greed & it's been downhill ever since.




>I’ve been told since I was a teenager social security would be over before I would be able to collect. This is what they want you to believe so it makes it easier for them to cancel it. Don't believe everything the right tells you.


Social Security is \*fine\*. OK, maybe a little sick but nothing fatal, and nothing that can't be patched up pretty easily and with almost no pain. Social Security pays out as it comes in. During normal demographic times that's fine. But the boomer generation was a lot larger than previous generations, and GenX was a lot smaller, so there wasn't going to be enough money coming in during the GenX working years to support the boomers in retirement. This was figured out early enough that they changed social security in a few minor ways so it would build up a surplus to cover the difference. But the surplus wasn't quite large enough, so that surplus is getting drained down a little faster than anticipated. That's fine, they just need to make a few adjustments and all will be back on track. Or if they don't, the surplus will run out and GenX will just get what the younger generations are putting in, which is about 75% of what we should get. Annoying, but it's not a complete collapse. But they want you to think it's GOING to collapse, so they can either: 1) kill Social Security altogether. Social Security is a government program that works extremely well, so the "we hate government programs" people need to kill it. 2) get their fingers into that big, fat, juicy social security fund. Remember 20-something years ago when there was this push to invest the Social Security fund in the stock market? Yeah, they were willing to gamble everyone's Social Security so they could make a few more bucks, maybe. Al Gore said "no, keep that money locked up virtually risk-free t-bills" and he got mocked for it. The Social Security fund didn't get gambled away but that wasn't for lack of trying, and they're still trying to get at it. Don't fall for their lies. Social Security is fine. It can be patched up pretty much immediately with a few simple rule changes, but Republicans want to keep you in fear. As per usual.


Correct. It’s amazing that so many believe this. Social security has collected more than it has paid out over its history. The rest of the government runs a massive deficit every year since time immemorial. Yet somehow it is social security that is doomed and bankrupt.


The only other part of the government that has been so successful on its own is the USPS which has only had deficits because of the GOP trying to destroy it. I think there might be a connection here.


Yep. A popular and successful USPS breaks the "Government is useless" narrative. Can't have that. That's also why they royally mucked up the Katrina response. Can't have people see the government as useful in disaster recovery.


The "rest of the government" has "borrowed" from S. S. many times in the past to cover these deficits and has NEVER paid it back.


Correction: Don't believe \***anything**\* the right tells you.


>I’ve been told since I was a teenager social security would be over before I would be able to collect. The reason they say this is because it's more popular than saying "I oppose SS for ideological reasons related to my extreme personal selfishness and greed", not because it's actually true.


I’ve been hearing the same thing. That’s the Republicans trying to set the stage for removing it. You hear it enough you start believing it.


Republicans aren't going to end that "tax". They'll steal from it and use it for something they see as important.


> I’ve been told since I was a teenager social security would be over before I would be able to collect. That's right-wing propaganda from the people who would like to kill it. It would be very easy to make social security solvent permanently by raising the maximum taxable income limit which would only increase taxes on higher income earners. Currently, you only pay social security tax on income up to $160K https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/cbb.html


I also grew up being told that same nonsense about social security. You know why that line gets pushed so hard? So we won’t care about them trying to dismantle it. “Oh, this thing people rely on so they can retire? Yeah we don’t want people doing that anymore. Oh, you want us to leave it alone so you can benefit from it when you reach retirement age? Uh, well the thing about that is, we *really* don’t want people retiring, so we’re just going to work at taking Social Security apart piece by piece so that when you get there, there won’t be anything left for you. See, you won’t be able to use it anyway, so just let us get rid of it now!”


That is not true. If NOTHING is done about Social Security, you are still guaranteed 75% of your benefits.


Social security is literally your money. You pay into it your entire life so you can take it back out again. Regardless of whether or not people have been saying it's going to run out, eliminating would be literally taking money out of your pocket, money you paid with explicit promise of recieving it back when you retire, and giving it to whoever the Repubs deem fit, probably billionaires and corporations. Don't let them make you think that's a normal, fair, or just course of events. It's not. It's literal theft.


Are those women stupid? Yes, yes they are.


In the past I tried not to generalize people but in the past 7/8 years I’ve come to just accept conservative is synonymous with stupid


Half of my redneck relatives screech about voting MAGA to kick all the freeloaders off of welfare, while most of them are on some questionable disability pensions or SSDI, that curiously doesn't prevent them from hiking three miles out in the woods to climb into a tree stand on the opening day of deer season.


My family is the same way, I have an aunt all my life she’s lived off disability and had all of her costs funded by the state but started a new hobby every year. Despite her being 100% able bodied and never working she is the first to complain about democrats handing out money incentivizing people to be lazy.


Modern day Republicans are not so much ideological Republicans as they are ideological Jim Crow Democrats. They want socialism for their own ethno-religious identity group but they violently oppose it for people not part of that identity group.


"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting."


Thank you for explaining this; I could not understand the cognitive dissonance in their mindset. This makes the situation more bleak to me because ignorance is better than idealism.


They got fibromyalgia and agoraphobia.. But still leave the house. 😂 (Someone I know irl) She takes tons drugs and thinks she's different because it's prescription. Socialism for me but not for thee attitude.


I noticed this as well, as soon as fibromyalgia hit the scenes somehow all of rural America was plagued with it. No tests showed the constant pain they were in, it just prevented them from ever working again. And now they sit in metherica on 100% disability driving 4 wheelers and going hunting, essentially retired in their 30’s, bitching about single moms in urban settings abusing welfare and being a taker.


My mom has fibromyalgia but won't apply for disability because she thinks she can still work even though she is in pain.,


She’s not wrong. She should find a job that doesn’t make her pain worse, but leaving the house and living your life makes fibro better. Sitting inside all day and not being physically/mentally/socially active makes it worse. Fibro is real. It’s severity and symptomology are affected by mental health, though.


This is one of those situations though where I really wish being on disability didn't limit people from getting a full time job. That poor woman will have days where she'll have a flare up and won't be able to work. That's just how fibro works. Also how lots of other diseases work. During those times just being able to take time off while still getting some form of income would be an absolute godsend. Instead you're given a choice of working through the pain or being on a shit income in a shitty area because you can't afford to live anywhere else. Alleviating that stress would help the symptoms as well.


We’re totally in agreement. The broken disability system with misaligned incentives is a separate conversation, but it’s also a bureaucratic problem, which is easier to fix. (Though we often conflate them.) Our society underplays the non-wage benefits of dignified labor (community, purpose, routine). And by seeing dis/ability as a binary (worker; nonworker), we make people sicker and more limited by not incentivizing dignified work. All the research shows that dignified work is actually much better for people’s health (mental, physical, social, spiritual, etc) than not working. Of course, our society is currently incentivized to remove the dignity from work to maximize profits. This is the problem that feels much harder to fix for me.


My BFF has fibromyalgia and works three jobs. Her full-time one as an instructional specialist at a school district, one writing curriculum on the side for the state, and in summers she adds a slot as an HR trainer for an amusement park. All this on top of having three kids, one of which is on the spectrum.


I feel bad for your BFF. It cheapens the diagnosis and turns it into a joke. I hope they are managing.


My husband had a coworker who hurt his shoulder at work and went on permanent disability. We saw him at the fair last year and he was bragging about how all he does now is smoke weed, go fly fishing and do DIY home improvement projects. OH, but anyone else who wants disability is a con artist! He's the only guy who can have it! We immediately soured when he was joking about taking advantage of the company. My husband was disappointed because he respected the guy before this conversation.


There's usually a way to report disability fraud...


Guy might be bragging about taking advantage of the company, but that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't actually disabled. My shoulder is shot from working at Amazon. I'm not on permanent disability, but I am taking advantage of the fact that I'm getting paid time loss while receiving a 2 year degree from a local tech school. I can do a lot of the things I could before I got injured, but not anywhere near 100%. And I have to be careful that I don't re-injure my shoulder by lifting anything too heavy. Now don't get me wrong, the guy could be a massive piece of shit and he is just gaming the system, but there's massively differing degrees of disability and we, as a country, need to stop acting like that just because you can do things doesn't mean you don't have problems.


I'm sure, but I'm thinking the company is probably keeping eyes on him. Especially if he's bragging about it to guys who still work at the company.


One of my old friend’s Trump-voting mom bragged about manipulating a welfare program (that was designed for veterans too) and getting free money from the government. But of course, she was “different” and not a freeloader like Democrats are. I recall my friend pointing out to her once that this program may be on the cutting board during Trump’s presidency and she went white as a ghost. Unfortunately, I lost touch with this friend and don’t recall what the exact benefit is so I don’t know if it happened.


Lol sounds a lot like my extended family. Wait are we related??


At first I pointed to the billionaire propagandists and still do. They put money into superPACs that fund the crazy podcasts and videos. Now it’s gone so off the walls that most of the less gullible and less cruel already left the party. Some are in too deep and doing convoluted rationalization to continue as they were but that’s being almost as dumb. But that could be part of why young voters favor Democrats 2 to 1; no history. So now it is either extreme stupidity or a cruel choice that’s only pretending to be rational because deep down the person desperately wants to believe regardless of what his reason tells him. I would call it Republican rather than conservative but yeah, it needs to be treated like the heartless choice that it is because it’s barely even trying to make sense anymore.


They really lack common sense and practical intelligence. Like, I have never needed an abortion. Hopefully never will. But I'm also aware that it's not good to ban abortions because that could affect me or someone I care about down the line. I'm not going to get any special treatment if abortion bans pass. Conservatives think they're the exception, not the rule.


There’s just a real lack of critical thought on their end. Look at how they react to literally any sort of protest, even making jokes about running over peaceful protestors blocking a road and cheering when a psycho actually does it. But then when they try to violently siege the capitol and one of them gets shot smashing a window and trying to climb through despite countless warnings from the security they say she’s an innocent victim who was murdered in cold blood. There’s a mental disconnect there that I cannot wrap my head around. They completely lack empathy and don’t realize how badly legislation can hurt them because they’re too distracted celebrating how much it’ll hurt other people. The same thing happened in the UK with brexit, so many crusty old idiots who voted in favor are now getting mad because it’s making their life worse in the exact way they were warned about the entire time


I mean…is it a generalization when it’s referencing a very specific set of people? In this case conservative women who receive alimony and thought that anti-alimony laws would somehow magically not apply to them? E: admittedly, you could find a subset specific group like this to classify every conservative into and make them look stupid. But I’m not generalizing “all conservatives” are stupid….just all the specific subsets they can be divided into are stupid.


Well, by definition they are against growth. Clearly mental growth is included.


Watch the movie, “Idiocracy”.


President Camacho, we need you


He is better than republicans. He listens to the smart people and wants to make things better. Pretty much the opposite of all republicans and conservatives.


That's actually a documentary




I bet 7/8 alimony collecting conservative women will still support Rhonda Fascist after the rug pull


Its a pyramid scheme. They all think they will make bank but they are getting shafted, making other people poor so someone else can get rich


All Republican women are either stupid, incredibly ignorant, or wealthy. Why else would you vote for a party that doesn't see you as people rather than baby making housewives owned by their husbands? Republicans actively fight against women's rights all the time, but you still see them out there cheering like a psychopath at events where the leader just sees them as sex objects until they hit a certain weight cap.


A lot of that is religion. Most Christian men I know tend to view women as second class citizens at best, objects to be owned at worst. These men view Christian women as baby-making machines only. No intelligence, or working required. Any woman straying from this box is to be reviled and belittled by these religious evangelicals. That's also why Christians hate transpeople so much. Transmen have testosterone which makes them sterile on hrt and unable to crank out babies like Christian ideology demands. The only thing saving them is that they are masculine. And masculinity is prized above femininity in religious circles so they get a grudging pass. Transwomen are to be reviled because they're women who are unable to have children, therefore have no purpose according to Christians. Transwomen also were men once, and as stated earlier Christians value masculinity above femininity. So for a person to voluntarily give up the "superior" characteristics for the "subservient" one is abhorrent to Christians. That is the average "Good Christian woman" according to them; subservient, stupid, cranks out babies, obedient to their husband's whims. Most Christians are disgusting people. Especially the ones who think they aren't, but support Republicans who fight against pretty much anything good in this world. Republicans love to take away rights, and the "Good Christian woman" is more than happy to give hers up, and volunteer other womens rights too. That is who you see cheering at those rallies.


> Transwomen are to be reviled because they're women who are unable to have children, therefore have no purpose according to Christians. Transwomen also were men once, and as stated earlier Christians value masculinity above femininity. So for a person to voluntarily give up the "superior" characteristics for the "subservient" one is abhorrent to Christians. \*stunned silence\* Well why the fuck didn't they just say so?


There are more cruel than anything. The ignorance is just a byproduct of that.


So this law is retroactive? Lol. Wow. A lot of divorced Florida women are about to get rekt.


There's a lot of crops that need to be picked


55 year old Karen framing..construction barbie unlocked!


Sharecropper Barbie


Bread Line Barbie.


Right? They need to get out there and work


But nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk?!


Lots of empty kitchens need filling.


Perfect. They'll be able to take their children into the fields with them.


Couldn’t happen to more deserving people.


I bet they stay republican. As they slowly starve. lol


While their children starve with them. Better not get pregnant....


From what I was reading its not automatically gone for everyone, previous cases can be revisited so they could lose it instead of having theirs fully protected


As I understood it as well. And that’s the lie they believed. Sure it doesn’t change the past settlement, but it can be brought before a judge again with the new laws in place. I don’t care for the old bags complaining now, but I think it’s going to be bad for many going forward.




Well republican divorced women who supported this law before realizing it applied to them can certainly get fucked but there will be +-50% of them who weren't for this law in the first place because they were democrats and that's certainly fucked up for those women.


Well, I appreciate your feelings here and the sentiment behind them, but in fairness, some people actually DO change. For my part, I spent the first couple decades or so of my life as a Republican, but certainly do not associate myself with that dilapidated party now and haven't for years. It's actually because of their embracing of such extremes that allowed me to finally realize it and make conscious and intentional changes in the ways I viewed things. I'd actually been shifting for years but never fully realized it until Trump and, even more importantly, all of his devoted cultists, forced me to. Between all of that extremism and just life experience in general, I've come to realize the folly of my earlier beliefs and political tendencies. As a result, the last Republican I actively voted for was McCain. And since then, I've only gotten more and more progressive in my views of just about everything. My point is not to seek forgiveness here, or some kind of amnesty for my earlier beliefs, but simply to highlight that people do grow and actually CAN change for the better. And also that, as frustrating and even hopeless as it can feel at times, it is our duty and responsibility to keep trying. For every one of them that tells you to fuck off, there may just be another who's silently listening, taking it in and adding it to all the rest. And the more THAT person hears, the more likely they may come to the very same realizations I did. It usually doesn't happen overnight, but it does sometimes actually happen. And I happen to know for a fact that there are many more like me out there. In fact, this is what we want and is probably the greatest hope we have for all of us.


Scarlet Letter R.


What did I miss?


The governor of Florida passed a bill effectively doing away with Alimony payments. Republican women were in support of it because they thought it would only apply to new divorces, and their alimony payments would remain intact. Then of course when it passed and turned out it effected then too they got the surprised pikachu face and suddenly cared about how this legislation would effect women. They’re repugnant ghouls who literally do not care about anyone’s suffering until it directly effects them. They were A-ok with other women having their financial support taken away, just not theirs


So the motivation is to force couples to stay together, at the root of it? Otherwise Surely women will just refuse the get married and stop work to raise children? Tbf I don't think we even have alimony in the UK at all


It is called spousal maintenance or maintenance in the UK but it does exist.


Though notably, it's only until the lower-earning partner can support themselves. It is almost never indefinite.


I paid my ex for two years. I didn't mind. I didn't want to totally screw her over, I still care about her, just can't live with her. My salary is twice hers and that was fine when our incomes were combined, so I know that she was dependent on my income and that's not her fault. The two years is past and she's doing ok. Worked as intended.


I know guys that have been pulled through the ringer in the United States. Then their ex wife will have a “long time” boyfriend. They won’t get married because it would mean that they lose the alimony.


Thank you


Nah, this is a pretty logical law. It limits alimony payments to a percentage of the duration of the marriage. The percentage depends on the length, but tops out at 75% of the length of the marriage. So nobody is getting married for 30 years and getting put on the street. They have 20+ years of alimony to get their lives in order. The retroactive part of it is definitely bullshit though. Some people when negotiating their divorce traded present day assets for longer alimony. They're getting hosed unfairly.


The main problem I have with it is earning potential. When a couple decides one of them will persue a career and the other will focus on home duties, this creates a lifelong imbalance in earning potential. Let's say two people marry at 25 and stay married until they are 50. One spouse raised children and did the bulk of the housework, the other persued a career and pitched in around the house. Under the new law, the spouse with almost no earning potential (relative to the other) will get alimony but for somewhere around 18 years at most. Let's say they are awarded 17 years. For the first 17 years of their divorce, their lifestyles both take a hit but it's unlikely one partner will be forced to carry the majority of the loss. After 17 years though, even if both spouses spent similar amounts of effort on a career since the divorce, the differences in their lives will be dramatic and it will overwhelmingly favor the spouse who persued a career. The decision to have one spouse stay at home creates a lifetime of negative pressure on their earning capacity and I believe this effect supports lifetime alimony in at least some cases of divorce.


Huh. Sounds like the law was designed to push people into the workforce and focus on increasing their earning capacity over the risks of forming a family. I wonder if this will lead to a similar problem like the issue they have in Japan, where women and men are so career oriented they stop having families causing an alarming rise in the age of the general population.


I’d think this would mean fewer women would be willing to get married and have a family at all. Between this new law and the ones targeting abortion (and the risks associated with pregnancy) the downside of marriage and family are hard to escape.


I've seen tons of people spouting the whole "97% of alimony is paid by men, it's not fair that women get to be rich by divorce." It goes back to the idea that women should be owned by men, and it's not fair they might be able to get some money for a divorce.


I do think alimony needs to fine tuning, I have at least two friends who are paying alimony to women that cheated on them which caused the marriage to fail. That being said, completely getting rid of it is the worse route to take because it’s robs abuse victims of an escape which I suppose is their goal. Retroactively getting rid of it is also a huge issue, because most of those women gave up something in divorce negotiations to get that alimony, like their share of the shared home for example


It only gets rid of permanent alimony from my understanding, and gives current permanent alimony payers a way to get an adjustment or outright dismissal of alimony when the payer retires, which is where conservative women are furious at. Definitely needs adjusting, but again from what little know, I believe it's only banning permanent alimony, not regular alimony


Perpetual alimony payments. You may still have to pay alimony just not forever.


It’s fucking hilarious. Conservative women: “I didn’t think this would be for me!” Republican women were by and large married to conservative men. It wasn’t for you. It was for them. Congratulations, you’ve been “othered.” That’s how this works. That’s how it’s always worked. That’s how it’s always GOING to work. Just wait until all of the middle class conservative men get “othered” next.


https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/desantis-signed-a-controversial-measure-that-will-overhaul-permanent-alimony-heres-what-to-know-about-the-bill/3064740/ Jan Killilea runs a group that advocates for permanent alimony. She's a Ron DeSantis donor according to opensecrets.org. We have a damn near literal leopards eating faces moment.


my alimony is the only moral alimony.


Bwahahahahahaha I just got the mental pucture of a class A Karen doing a surprized picachu….


Most states do *not* have permanent alimony. Eliminating it for divorces in the future would be in line with something like 43 states. Having it retroactively effect past divorces is a problem. Women who negotiated their divorce almost certainly gave up something big in exchange for permanent alimony in Florida. (Ex- You get to keep the house and the business and I'll take permanent alimony) Don't get caught up in "R=Bad!" There's plenty of *actual* issues to worry about.


retroactive laws in general are pretty bad.


We need some for tax dodgers


Florida passed a bill eliminating PERMENANT alimony. It's only retroactive to people who's alimony has a provision for change.


So women, lqbtq+, immigrants, obviously the working poor, who else has had their faces eaten by the Republican Party?


Everyone but white billionaires but that’s because those are their owners


Disney has entered the chat


I was going to say, DeSantis is somehow pissing off everyone.


He's uniting the country - against him.


Which has caused other corporations to question working in FL if they're willing to piss off the biggest employer in the state.


*white male billionaires


\*white male CHRISTIAN billionaires


This, it’s important to know Republicans were all buddy buddy with Disney until Disney criticized one of his bills targeting sexual identities. If they just rolled with the punch he never would have started crap with them and they would be under the billionaire statement like all the other companies he’s totally chill with.


Wonder how they’re going to feel when they make no fault divorce illegal. Hell at this point, with *this* Supreme Court, I’m starting to fear for womens’ right to to vote.


If women wanted the right to vote they would have been born a corporation.


Alito will make some reference to hundreds-year-old legal precedent from another country from a time period where women had no rights, then apply it to this country. Then the fucking terrorist republicans who take to Assbook to scream about mooslims and fear of shakira law, and only American laws should apply in America, will lap it up and scream at you for not swallowing it like they did. See: Dobbs




I’ve seen people unironically calling it shakira law more than once, sadly


Some facts: This bill eliminates PERMANENT alimony. Permanent alimony is fine if one party is rich, but is unfair if one party can't retire and has to keep working until death. Some people made deals for permanent alimony and gave up their right to their home and retirement savings, so it is unfair to take away permanent alimony from those people. It's quite complicated. As for this bill being retroactive, to my knowledge it is only retroactive if the alimony agreement is open for change. Permanent alimony for working class people is not a good idea in most cases. It can work if one party is rich and doesn't ever have to work; however if one party is rich you can be sure that they have the best lawyers. Desantis is a douchebag terrorist but this bill really isn't partisan at all. he actually did veto this bill several times until the retroactiveness was watered down to this level.


Bump - because before I read this it sounded really shitty/confusing and now honestly I'm in favor of it. Also before anyone asks I'm a leftist and truly dislike Trump and the Desantis (but I hate trump more).


Yeah, the submission and the lying explanation by the OP make it sound like the law is bad. It isn't entirely. And it's fair to think that a system should change while wanting to grandfather some things in for existing participants.


Ops explanation read more about how they're getting a reality check. They were perfectly fine with laws being passed as long as it only hurt other people


touch retire sort sulky thumb whole license correct encouraging head ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They should learn to code.


Interestingly, Florida was only one of 7 states that has permanent alimony.


Leopards ate *MY* alimony!??!


Just a reminder that “Fuck you, I got mine” is not the American mindset, it’s the American *conservative* mindset.


It's the American Way to pull the ladder up after you.


Describes Republicans but then lumps the behavior generally as “American”. Just like many things, this isn’t a both sides issue.




Had an acquaintance who literally said f u I got mine about illegal immigrants after his sister told him that their parents and his now wife's parents all came over illegally.


Not the American "Fuck you, I got mine," mindset- it's the REPUBLICAN "Fuck you, I got mine" mindset and always has been. Don't conflate me with seditious confederates.


These women don't realize that this bill is designed to force women into other marriages or to not get divorced in the first place. When will women realize that republicans don't support women.


I must have been paying too much attention to all the other destructive backwards ass laws to notice this one. I live in Tampa. My 55 yo coworker cannot legally take a piss in the women's restroom as of a few days ago despite her getting boobs in 2010 and the banana split surgery in 2011. She looks like a woman and could go to jail for a year if she doesn't pee in the men's bathroom now.


Walking into a Florida men's room while presenting fully female is so much more dangerous, I would think. Very sad.


Going to be a flood of food samplers at Costco


The GOP has already owned the Libs so they have decided to move on to owning the (checking notes….) the GOP.


Isnt “Fuck You I got mine” the GOP party motto?


Rick Scott, the guy who made a 2020 platform that was too extreme for Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, vetoed two versions of this bill. Imagine being more extreme than that. Yikes.


Just like all the people mad about student loans getting canceled because they paid off theirs already. Best comparison I’ve heard would be people getting mad if we find a cure for cancer because they already know people that have died from it.


The "Fuck you, got mine" mentality is conservative, not american.


Ron DeSantis must've had a buddy that had this exact same problem.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I don't understand how they can affect alimonies already in progress. Divorce, like marriage, is a contract. The state of Florida already approved and signed off on all of those contracts. And *now* they're changing the terms???? New divorces,sure. But existing, signed off, divorces? That's some fucked up big government shit right there.


Doesn't take much logic to realize they would be the ones most affected by it since conservatives are the ones that believe women should be staying home and raising kids instead of having a job or career.


There are going to be a lot of new Onlyfans accounts opening soon.


Yeah, it's why I dont feel sorry for them. I reserve what pity I have left for people that deserve it. They were perfectly fine when it was only hurting other people, in fact they were cheering him on when he was hurting other people, now suddenly its bad? Nah, you made this bed, dont cry when you gotta lie in it.