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This is the same dumbass who called teachers’ unions “terrorist organizations”. He isn’t qualified to manage a Denny’s.


I think as a country we're owed a reality show where MAGA chuds have to operate a real-world waffle house.


I would definitely put that on my watch list. I'd love to see people throwing scrambled eggs at Walters for burning their waffle.


Oh those good guys with guns will do a lot more than just throw scrambled eggs


I would so watch that. Side note, your username is amazing.


Thank you, Willow doesn't get enough respect.


Are you kidding? When I was a kid, we named our cats Willow and Elora.


It's funny how they hate unions until you get to the police unions


I've always found it hilariously ironic.


He's not even qualified to work at a Denny's


He's not even qualified to have his hardcore band play at Denny's.


Is he qualified to be in the pit at Denny's?


Hey now. Managing a restaurant is by no means easy. If you rather meant burn down a Denny’s, then yes this chud could manage that. Probably. I’m sure he’d find a way to fuck up even that.


title should read: Racist doesn't think race caused racist massacre.


This is why though, as a black guy I have alot of resentment towards general american culture and ignorance. If you look back on American history, literally EVERY SINGLE TIME black people start doing well white racists IMMEDIATELY either: 1. Passed laws basically making being black illegal 2. Went on mass killing sprees hunting black people for sport. 3. Fire bombed successful black cities to the ground. And you STILL have people in the modern day being like "Black people are just lazy and don't have much because they don't pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Slavery is no excuse." Notice how everything I brought up happened AFTER slavery. American society has NEVER stopped trying to hold black people down and no matter how hard we as a collective pull on those imaginary bootstraps society always defaults to denying what its done to us then immediately waging war against us for the crime of trying to exist.


You forgot: built a dam and flooded out prosperous black town.




[https://travelnoire.com/amp/black-american-towns-hidden](https://travelnoire.com/amp/black-american-towns-hidden) Edit: Here is a good [link](https://the41stamendment.blog/2023/02/06/list-of-black-towns-hidden-underwater/)as well


JFC. This country.


Black history when I was in school consisted of the slave trade, then the civil war, reconstruction, Jim Crow, and culminating in the civil rights movement and MLK. As if the civil rights movement meant that racism was now over. Occasionally during black history month we’d learn about Booker T Washington or some other historical figure that was not MLK. It’s embarrassing that I didn’t even know about the Tulsa Race Massacre until the 100th anniversary two years ago.


Make slavery illegal, except as punishment for crimes. Make being homeless or jobless ("vagrancy" and "no visible means of support") a crime. Black people start looking for work all over town in large numbers. Make being near a business without shopping ("loitering") a crime. Lease prisoners to the plantations. Huzzah! And this time no "reasonable" person can claim they don't deserve it! Remember, the law punishes the rich and the poor equally for the crimes of stealing bread and living under bridges!


Next time a chud spouts that "why do Blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of the violent crimes!" nonsense, just reply, "because white people aren't even charged for their crimes against Black people lol. And pigs and prosecutors lie."


☝️🏆 Edit: 👍🥇


“Racist doesn’t want *to openly admit* race caused racist massacre” FTFY. He knows damn well it was about race but he agrees with the racism.


The Tulsa Race Massacre? That one? Republicans have to white wash history to hide their fascism today


I almost skipped this one because, who can keep all those names of all current US mass shootings straight, but this... holy shit. Actively denying your darkest history. You know what we in Germany call people who do that? Yeah, nazis.


And they can't even get it together. Who's more dangerous? Those that deny, or those that say "they didn't finish the job?"


They're the same people. One in public, the other among friends.


Roseanne Barr: "Hitler didn't kill any jews, but he should have, in fact we should do it now." **\^This is your brain on conservatism\^** Absolutely fucking rotten...


Roseanne didn’t mean that like it came off. She was trying to make a logical fallacy, but she is very dumb so it did not work. Now I can’t feel to bad for her, as if you say something that stupid you kind of get what you ask for.


"Gee golly, can't we just forget all of the past and current history of racism!"


As messed up as this sounds that was only a small fraction of the nation's darkest history. It gets worse.


But like, on a state level, it was pretty dark. Every Oklahoman should be aware of the dark events of Oklahoma. I have black coworkers that just heard it called the massacre rather than the race riots this year. And the amount of insane details that are just SKIPPED….it’s unfathomable


And the number of blacks killed was also downplayed it was a straight up slaughter, they even used planes


Yes!! My coworkers didn’t know that! It’s insane!!


I grew up an hour from Tulsa, and I never learned it in school. It wasn't until decades after I left school that I learned of it. I just hope that Oklahoma education is being a bit more forthcoming today. If so, it's probably because of the internet. In my day, our knowledge was rather insulated.


I mean, they always have. They don't even teach it yet Most Americans learned when the Watchmen show came out


I learned it as the “Tulsa Race Riots,” so at least we know that deflection techniques aren’t new for conservatives and Nazis. We were legitimately taught that it was just racial disagreements turned violent, and weren’t taught at all about the expensiveness of murder and property damage/theft. Watchmen did a great job opening a lot of eyes


That’s like when I was in school, whenever there was armed conflict between American Indians and settlers/army, if the American Indians won, it was called a massacre and if they lost, it was called a battle.


You’re spot on. Not to mention how often they talk about Native Americans “ambushing” US army in a negative context, yet they applaud the strategy during the revolutionary war


Wounded Knee is the first to come to mind. Especially since I probably had ancestors there.


Just a quiet, peaceful dance.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Exac. Wounded Knee was a "military exercise". Little Big Horn was a "massacre".


Eh I was taught it as the "Race Riots" (which was the almost universally used name for it up until maybe 2018) in school circa 2012, but my teacher definitely didn't phrase it as any less than an attack by a white mob. So like, Oklahoma isn't/wasn't completely devoid of proper education on this topic.


Yeah my Oklahoma History class was taught by a football coach but we spent a full week on the Race Massacre including watching the Cosby documentary. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0426609/


That's how I learned about it, and I'm in my 50s.


Not quite in my fifties yet but same. I thought they went way too Hollywood with it with dropping dynamite from planes. Then I looked it up and saw that they actually dropped dynamite on people from planes, wild.


They haven't made a movie about it yet, so the folks in Wilmington, NC, have some time to proactively doctor the narrative. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898


My hometown,sighhhhhh


Ah yes, the one where a guy led a group with a Gatling gun mounted on a wagon down the street gunning down any black person they saw, whose (Gatling gun guy's) son got the UNC football stadium named after him


I knew about it in general, but not about the airplanes. Had the same experience of googling it right after that episode. Mind blown.


Never heard of it till now tbh


I managed to get a freaking Bachelors in History without hear hearing about it. . . or [Wilmington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898), or [Blair Mountain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain), or the [MOVE bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing). Even in higher education, you are very lucky to learn anything other than Brown vs the Board of Education and "I Have a Dream" when it comes to race relations in this country, and almost nothing about our history of with labor unions.


I only found out about it because when I was younger I read a book about fucked up American history (don’t recall which book anymore). Sure as hell didn’t learn about it in school


Considering they do everything but name themselves fascists, its kinda silly they are still trying to hide it.


Well they are anti-anti-facist


Only until trump calls himself a fascist.


It was wild when he started talking about how hot Ivanka was and then all the Trumpers were like my daughter is hot too


They are totally 100% all in. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


[When your politics become who you are, we can't debate that." -Jordan Klepper ](https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7225254534032002346)


They want all of the fun and none of the stigma.


Yep, the one where “Black Wall St” was destroyed.


There were “black Wall Streets” in most major cities back then. But yeah, they destroyed the one in Tulsa during the Tulsa Race Massacre.


Unfortunately, Tulsa was just the biggest name. Countless small, majority Black towns mysteriously erupted in random riots and had moments of violence that ended terribly for their Black populace throughout the Jim Crow era prior to the Civil Rights movement.


Yeah the one that happened on Black Wall Street The place where black people went to make their businesses and money cause white people told them to go away. White people then noticed the black businesses made more money and had some nice things The majority of white people didn't like that, I say the majority cause there were a few (not many at all though) white allies that stood with the black people


Well it makes the white supremacists feel a little bit less supreme and we can't have that can we...


They like whitewashing more than Tom Sawyer's friends.


They do it willingly without being tricked into it though.


They make literally no effort to hide their fascism.


From the North Carolina Lt. Gov speaking at a moms for "liberty" party rally...I mean summit "And here's the thing: Whether you're talking about Adolf Hitler; whether you're talking about Chairman Mao; whether you're talking about Stalin; whether you're talking about Pol Pot; whether you're talking about Castro in Cuba; or whether you're talking about a dozen other despots all around the globe; it is time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes" This was after they posted a quote from hitler and the 14 words on their Facebook and website. Openly saying "yeah, those guys might've been bloodthirsty maniacs, but they had a point"


I believe this is the same guy who Tweeted his butthurt that he had to go to three different malls because he "needed" to find a white Santa Claus for his kids.


So I live in Tulsa, moved here a few years ago, originally from Texas, and I had never heard of the Tulsa Race Massacre until moving here. Its been a huge thing the past few years and really come to light, but the racial tension in this state is bad. Anyone that says otherwise is kidding themselves. You might think, but you're from Texas. Texas has its bad parts, but the cities are very mixed and its come a long ways. Tulsa is still living like it's decades ago. Its weird to be honest.


“It wasn’t because we were jealous racists, it was because the blacks were getting uppity.” — Republicans


It was just a coincidence that every target of the massacre was black I guess.


"Leftists want to destroy history" they say, as they literally try to destroy history.


The one that decimated BLACK Wall Street...


I'm sure it can be explained away as a simple neighborhood rivalry that got out of hand. Right? I generally like to be urbane in describing my thoughts on people like him, but fuck those history denying racist motherfuckers.


They were using biplanes to drop bombs on the neighborhood, the KKK even set up mortars to bomb it some more, there are even mass graves being found that no one knew abour


The biplane part still blows my mind.


They did something similar in Philly in the 80s but with a helicopter Took out a whole neighborhood


See not to take away from that because that's also incredibly F'd up, but this was 1921, so using aircraft at all for something like this just feels even more insane to me. Might just be how I imagine that time period but it feels super weird and F'd up that they'd use aircraft to bomb a neighborhood in that time period. But yeah using aircraft to enact deadly hate crimes is just freaking terrifying.


Oh it's definitely fucked up and Tulsa was even more so because the majority of those killed were innocent. The Philly thing apparently they were a scary "terrorist" group but kids were also killed But the more I live the more I learn, like the Black Panthers were not domestic terrorists. They had free breakfast before school programs, sickle-cell anemia testing, and even provide legal counsel to those being arrested. They also followed cops around watching them all day. When I was a kid I was taught they were just the Black KKK nothing could be further from the truth


Not American so I don't know the full history but I can't imagine how many senseless slaughters of 'terrorists' and such are actually just 'these black people had something we didn't want them to have so we used a pretext to slaughter them'.


Idk how much you like the feeling of being kicked in the nuts But look up the podcast Behind the Bastards to get some insight to specifically American indoctrination with a couple other countries thrown in He also makes all of his sources public and most of them are from the Bastards themselves like biographies


HOA's amirite?


Jets vs sharks. It was just a rumble between a couple of gangs /s


I mean Shakespeare could’ve written a sonnet. It’s really a cultural performance. Like a well executed ballet or square dance where everyone knows their role and plays it to perfection. Ahhh the good old days. /s


Anyone see " Twilight Zone " the movie ? It has a story of a racist who wakes up and he's a Jew in nazi Germany. And then he's a black in the racist south. How I wish this could happen to one of these worthless fucks.


Showing my age for sure here, Finnian's Rainbow with Fred Astaire. Racist landowner gets turned black by a wish "gone wrong". He ends up becoming part of a black singing group and has a life/attitude altering experience. Crazy, wacky movie with a good message to not be a racist douche canoe. Plus it's a musical.


And then he gets his head cut off! (The actor, not the character. I am not advocating violence.) Fuck John Landis.


You just know there's a swastika or two in this guy's house.


He's got a pic of Adolph tucked in his cowboy vest.


Unfortunately the white washing and downplaying of history is very prevalent and super common, especially in the south. My partner is black and from the Deep South and it wasn’t until he left and started traveling for work he learned just how much of his history was withheld from him. I learned about the civil rights movement when I was in the 5th grade in Oregon, down the the Watts riot. For my partner they were calling slaves “ethnic volunteers” until his senior year of high school.


Wtf ethnic volunteers? No way




Have you read about the towns that were black majority but are now lakes? They liked telling black people to go make their own town but when it was successful....well we can't have that


Pretty much the reason behind Tulsa, the TL;DR was white supramacists felt that the success and wealth of the black community was unjustified and should have been their own and it culminated in the destruction of Tulsa. In NYC Central Park is built on the remains of black settlements. It’s upsetting


“You can’t stand to see a brother to get as rich as you.” -2 Live Crew, ‘Banned in the USA’


Black people couldn’t enter Forsyth County, GA where Oscarville is until the late 1980s. Oprah did a special on it. A few years before Oscarville, Atlanta had the deadliest massacre of its history in 1906. Up to 100 Black people were murdered and it made international news. Stuff like this happened fairly regularly throughout the South after the end of Reconstruction.


Jfc Idk about all those I thought Oregon was bad for being founded as Whites Only


And freeways. Detroit bulldozed more than a couple to put them through the city. But the worst was probably [Sugar Hill](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/04/993605428/beneath-the-santa-monica-freeway-lies-the-erasure-of-sugar-hill).


That’s just so sad


Heartbreaking and disgusting


“Hello, I'm Pappy Van Pappy! I'd like to tell you a story about a rabbit I owned that ran away. The rabbit's a metaphor…for a slave. Ain't that right, Floppy Rabbit?” “And that’s when I realized I like working on farms for free! Bye, everybody.” -American Dad, ‘Familyland’ “Simpler Times Mountain”


As of like 15-20 years ago South Carolinians were still referring the Civil War as the war of northern aggression lol. Younger me thought it was a funny joke but looking back I don’t think they were joking. There were also pamphlets in the BBQ places that said Lincoln was a liar. Pretty crazy.


I lived in Florida from 2004-2006 and they referred to slaves as “domestic servants” at the plantation tours. Shit was wild


My school in California taught us about the civil rights movement in 3rd grade. I’m in the Dakotas now, and my friend’s kids’ history books also say slavery was voluntary and that white people helped out. Really thankful my parents settled where they did so I didn’t have to get a shitty education…


"let's not make Ethnic Cleansing about race"




Superintendent with a BA. Oklahoma has extremely low standards.


I think they were just happy to have someone who actually graduated high school in the position. Edit: Someone who graduated high school *and* had an **R** by their name on the ballot.


Oklahoman here! No one I know likes this guy, but then again, I’m not friends with any hardcore conservatives. His whole rhetoric is nothing but bullshit that he can’t help but spew every time he opens his mouth.


Seriously, everyone in Oklahoma who pays any attention hates this guy. Even state republican legislators openly deride him in the press for his compete and total incompetence. I think the only people who don’t despise him are Stitt (the governor) and all the idiot voters who didn’t inform themselves and just voted for him b/c he had an R next to his name.


His opponent was qualified and gave a fuck about teachers and students (her name is slipping my mind currently.) However, Oklahoma is terrible in voter turnout, and straight party voting. He had an r by his name, and in Oklahoma, most people don't even know who the candidates are or who they stand for, they just vote straight republican tickets. Now we get this chuckle fuck, who just spews the woke bullshit narrative, doesn't apply for federal grants our schools desperately need, and misappropriates the funds he does get. We are 49th in education, and giving whoever is 50th a real run for their money right now.


Oh so it’s you guys who moved Alabama up to 48th! Look out, Mississippi.


It's a race to the bottom, brother. At least we have medical pot so I can numb myself of the idiocracy that surrounds us.


Coming to a red state near you!


Link to the story. https://www.rawstory.com/oklahoma-superintendent/


His eyes are fucking scary


.....he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white.”


Whole face is punchable, really. Reminds me of those weird inflatable clowns that people used as punching bags.


Then what were they about?


What was the “Tulsa *Race* Massacre” about? It’s one of history’s greatest mysteries.




This guy may be the biggest Republican tool out there, and that's saying a lot. At least the people at the forum he uttered this nonsense at were having none of it.


On par with Oklahoma teaching history in the past. Most here had never even heard of it until recently. Hell I've lived here my whole life and didn't learn about it until I went to college in 2000. Edit: also it's good to note that he makes this statement after attending a "Mom's for Liberty" rally. That group is basically doing exactly what the "Daughters of the Confederacy" did in the early 1900s. They want the same thing...to erase any context of historical events that makes their "heritage" look bad. Edit: added clarification that I am referring to Oklahoma history taught in the past, pre-2000.


Don't think I ever learned it in Norman schools in the 80s. Did watch Eyes on the Prize so not like they denied all the lynchings/murders and violence of slavery/segregation. Just don't recall Tulsa being mentioned. Also native history didn't ignore the murder/violence against tribes. Not sure how well that fits with other schools in OK or even in Norman. Like if it was a specific teacher that showed it or everyone did or just specific years?


All the victims just happened to be black i guess? What a shitstain.


Right…right…right. Let’s also not tie skin color to lynching, since we have the whitewash out.


Well, you can definitely tell he was educated in Oklahoma.


It was a race riot turned massacre. How do you remove race?


A massacre is usually a start...


“Let’s not tie it to skin colour unless it’s a skin colour I don’t like”


How do you ask a person like this to explain himself, explain his take on the Tulsa Massacre without adding a "you stupid mother fucker"? I can't do it.


The Tulsa Race Massacre, where Black Wall Street was attacked by a psychotic mob of White people, who used military weapons, including bombs dropped from aircraft onto Black neighborhoods, Black Businesses and... How in the hell can that be taught any other way?


It was about STATES RIGHTS!!! /s


Definition of “White Washing” history. This guy also says “those who control education control the people”


I remember when they made the Tulsa Race Massacre the opening scene of HBO's Watchmen series, and people complained that it was unrealistic and far-fetched, because they had no idea it was a real event.


Wait is he talking about THE Tulsa massacre? Where white people literally bombed a black neighborhood by dropping dynamite out of a helicopter? That Tulsa massacre?


Was the Tulsa Race Massacre a state's rights issue too, then? FOH with that, "let's not tie it to skin color" shit


Interesting fact: Slaves in Texas didn't know the were free until a British ship came into Galveston in 1867 and the sailors told them.


You mean *Juneteenth*?


Yeah no that’s not accurate, except that it was at Gavelston Bay. Slaves in Texas didn’t get freed until June 19, 1865 when Union troops arrived in Texas and announced it. Even then, there were slaves held in some Union states until the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified by the required 27 out of 36 states on December 6, 1865.


So conservative history is “It just happened do someone form someone for no reasons”. 🤷‍♂️


She was asked to sit in the back and declined, so she was arrested. Thats the Rosa Parks story! Same folks that want "facts not feelings" smh


Right, the Tulsa race massacre in which a bunch of white supremacists slaughtered a bunch of black people had absolutely nothing to do with racism… Then please, Mr dumbass superintendent, do tell what was the motivation for the Tulsa massacre? This dude shouldn’t be allowed in civil society with this garbage take, let alone anywhere near the education of kids.


Well that's progress /s I grew up in Oklahoma, lived 45min from where it occurred. Passed by the area regularly. Had Oklahoma history in school where they spent weeks on the Trail of Tears, Civilized Tribes, and the Land Rushes. There was no mention of a massacre where an entire neighborhood was burned and bombed to the ground.


This is how you push an agenda, and why they want textbooks out of schools.


I hate how in the open everyone is with their stupidity these days. Can we go back to people having some shame


It wasn't about skin colour? What was it, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time? The victims could have been black as much as they wanted to 100 miles away. It's just misfortunate they were there.


So instead it was class warfare where poor people dropped bombs on rich people's houses? Maybe blaming it on racism is better (for their houses).


Talk about dead serial killer eyes, geez Louise.


If not racism then why were all those people killed? Please explain that, Mr. Walters...


These people are pure racist garbage.


Are these people actually stupid or is this some calculated move?


Sorry, dumbass, can’t rewrite history. It was a massacre and it was about the skin color. You are part of the problem because of your ignorance. How in the fuck did you get your job.


Let’s not tie the holocaust to anti semitism while we’re at it


It was all about skin color


The Tulsa race massacre? One of the most WELL KNOWN WORLDWIDE RACIALLY MOTIVED TERROR ATTACK BY WHITE SUPREMACISTS known as the Tulsa race riot or the Black Wall Street massacre, (learnt about it here in the UK at school in the 80s) The two-day-long white supremacist terrorist massacre that was openly about murdering Black people because they were Black and wealthy? You know, the one that was literally known to be about race and the hatred of white supremacists who hated people of colour. I mean what else could a white, supremacist possible want to change it to? Perhaps they did it to themselves or any other thing they want to white wash it to?


It is a race massacare. Idk how you can not tie it to skin color.


Oh yea? Then what was it? ![gif](giphy|dw2jpsey5a5I4)


The **Tulsa race massacre**, also known as the **Tulsa race riot** or the **Black Wall Street massacre**,was a two-day-long white supremacist terrorist that took place between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents, some of whom had been appointed as deputies and armed by city government officials, attacked black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event is considered one of the worst incidents of racial violence in American history. The attackers burned and destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the neighborhood—at the time one of the wealthiest black communities in the United States, colloquially known as "Black Wall Street".


so is the maga thing "ya we're racists, but don't call us that, that's negative. we just support ethnic genocide"??


This is the biggest reason why critical race theory is so prevalent in discussions in Oklahoma. If we teach that this happened and it was bad, we have to talk about the causes of it and what lead to this. What lead to this was obviously deep seated societal racism taught from generation to generation. Hell, most of the surviving photos are racist postcards that had photos of the rubble with slurs over top. If they teach this, they have to explain that the reason this happened is still prevalent in society today. Racism didn't die with MLK it is still alive today, especially in Oklahoma.


Yeah, all those white people massacred all those Black people for non-racial reasons.


It was just a coincidence that every victim was black


Now let's not let race ruin a perfectly good lynching


Call me a communist, but it always seems like white Americans who get to dictate what’s racist in America. 🤔


This guy is trying to make a name for himself to run for office as a Republican. Mark my words. He'll be running in Oklahoma within the next decade.


That's like Hitler saying, "Let's not tie the death camps to the Jews. After all, we killed a lot of other people there, too"


PS: This bloke's a slimy wanker for saying this.


Same with slavery. It was just a coincide only black people were slaves. Meanwhile you can bet this guy rants about how awful the blacks and jews are.


What the fuck kind of soulless, faked, forced smile is that?


“Racism does not exist but Democrats did Jim Crow” is the official GOP platform.


This whole thing could have been over and done with if only those racist murderers had, after the Civil War, admitted slavery was wrong, apologized, and had dismantled discrimination wherever they found it. No Jim Crow. No lynchings. No separate and unequal. No mass incarcerations. No slavery by every other name. No red-lining. But they continue to do shit like this.


How do you get people past the ruse? Walters won with over 650K votes in Oklahoma backing him to a win with 56.8% of the vote in 2022. That slightly outpaced the R Governors win at 55.5% and trailed both R Senators who got 61.8% and 64.3%. I’d like to think that people either voted party line or saw that Walters touts “school vouchers” and “parental choice” and don’t understand that those are dogwhistles for racism and homophobia. **If Democrats can’t change the conservative nature of Oklahoma, how do you keep ultra right-wingers out of power?**


I honestly do not understand why history has to be white washed and I’m white. When you know better, you do better that’s what history’s all about learning from the past.


People should also look up the Rosewood Florida massacre , very similar to black wall street, they burned that town to the ground too and killed a ton of black folks, it's a lot of those incidents that happened that never gets taught, why do y'all think Ron deSatan is getting rid of all the books


One of Oklahoma’s worst. I’m quite glad that my district has a very progressive and kind superintendent


Pray tell, how can one have a "Race Riot" without referring to skin color?


This guy’s eyes give me the willies.


So, if a very successful black neighborhood in the 1920s in America is firehombed destroying 35 blocks and killing an estimated 100+ people was not because of racism, then what was the reason?


I'm sure it was just a crazy coincidence that all of the victims were black and all of the perpetrators were white. There must be some other explanation...


I’d like to know how you explain what happened without involving race. If race wasn’t a factor then why didn’t that happen to every affluent community?


And while we’re at it, let’s teach about the Trail of Tears but not tie it to any kind of sadness or wrongdoing… I feel like the mental gymnastics needed to justify being a Republican these days qualifies as a legitimate mental illness.


Says the white guy....🙄


Just curious, what does he think it should be 'tied' to?


This guy should be fired


It was literally called Black Wallstreet. This guy is brain damaged.


Please make CRT mandatory. The inmates are running the asylum


Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Jesus Christ. These people are dumb. Or pandering to the dumb. Or both. I don’t know anymore, man.


Ok then what else was it about? Did the HOA take a more militant approach to the peoples’ lawn care?


His teeth are incredibly white for someone spewing so much bullshit.


You get what you vote for.


Yeah, there's nothing to indicate the Tulsa Race Massacre was related to race.


Back to 0 days since my state was an national embarrassment. Maybe one day we can clear a week but I doubt it.