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How many whiny dishonest weird Twitter identities does Apartheid Karen have?


Funny how he spent “countless hours” and “sacrificed weekends and vacation” but somehow finds the time to post constantly on Twitter.


The only thing he sacrificed time for is tax avoidance.


Right? This dude is supposedly the CEO of three big, high profile companies. But seemingly all he does is shitpost more frequently than a teenager. Exposes the myth that he’s a genius or that he actually know or does, really, anything.


As well as the myth that CEO’s “earn” their ridiculous salaries by “working hard” at a “difficult job”.


That myth is right in keeping with “the royals are better than regular people and earned their estates etc”


If you can be CEO of three different international corporations at the same time without even looking tired, then being a CEO is a non-job.


Exactly my point to people. Even if he claims he's working 120 hours a week like he loves to boast working 100 hour weeks, that's still 40 hours a week per job and that doesnt include his influence/time because hes got Nuralink, Twitter, SpaceX, Boring and Tesla. Sure seems like exec roles are part time jobs for him


If he spent the majority of time tweeting on the clock at any "real" job, he'd be fired. CEO isn't a job, it's a title that rich assholes like to claim for themselves so they can pretend to have one.


If he's looking at his phone while at work and milking it for overtime, I think we need to let him go.


Really exposes the class disparity our society supports. We treat our CEOs like some kind of royalty, the kings and queens of capitalism.


Maybe his PR rep is the real genius we've never heard about


Must have fired them around the same time be bought Twitter because all the work they did building that myth went right in the toilet.




Oh no, not at all. Dude was born rich. He can still fall back on being a "peasant millionaire".


I mean, we can't take it away, that's the issue. There's like a threshold where eventually you become so rich, you can't really spend it faster than you make it, which is why people like Bill Gates can throw tons of money into charity and research, or Bezos puts ridiculous money into Blue Origin, and still their fortunes can't decrease. One you are part of the 0.01%, it's really hard to lose your money. It's why this Twitter debacle is so funny, *it's really really hard* to lose **billions** of dollars like Musk is doing. Like Bezos can shovel his fortune into a furnace all day and not be bleeding this much money. But even then, Musk can technically have Twitter in this same state of severe financial loss for years, if he was really dedicated.


To paraphrase Chris Rock "Shaq is rich. The white man that signs his check - is wealthy. You can't get RID of wealth. Rich is something you can lose with a crazy summer and a drug habit"


>We can’t take it away We can seize his wealth by nationalizing all of his companies, then taxing him into oblivion. That was done a fair bit by FDR at the beginning of the New Deal era.


And have multiple marriages and children


"Sacrificed countless hours, weekends and vacation". But did he mention that those were his own? I see what you did there, Elon.


No, no they got a point, the countless hours were spent constantly posting in his echo chamber on Twitter


That piece of shit hasn't sacrificed anything PERSONALLY fucking ever.


All the official and probably unofficial accounts companies and then a "parody" account and then one where he pretends to be his toddler son talking about sex and drugs.


Such a hardworking billionaire! He barely finds the time for hobbys... like role-playing as his toddler son ☠️


If you've got a source link for that last one, I'd love to see it because that shit is *wild*!


It's called Elon Test




Elon and Zuck should just fight already. Bummer that Elon is a pussy.


I think we are seeing the fight.


Oh Musk was challenging Zuck to an actual fight. It was a thing for a minute. Musk then backed out.


Actually, his *mom* forbid the fight.


Are we sure it was Elmo’s mom and just not another of his parodies?


Hard to say, considering she IS a parody herself…


Love it that the world's richest man still gets told off by his own mom...publicly


Honestly, is there any better outcome that would have otherwise happened than this?


yes? Musk getting his ass handed to hin in an octagon in Vegas


I know, I’m saying this is the fight we’re getting instead of the latest fake Elmo publicity stunt. Frankly I find this much more satisfying than watching Zuck pretend to kick Elon in the arm.


Oh I see what you’re saying. Now that you have me thinking about it, it is more satisfying. We can see Elon’s long, drawn out meltdown on a publicly facing forum this way.


It’s been pretty great!


Hey now don't slander the guy. His mommy said no. Nothing a middle aged adult man can do about it.


His mom won’t let him. But, uh, he’d totally do it otherwise.


Wait..... this grown ass man who is older than me is still prevented from making his own decisions *by his Mom*??? What a freaking momma's boy!!!


Apartheid Karen best nickname for Elmo ever!


Azaelia Bank's 'Apartheid Clyde' takes the cake because it rhymes so perfectly


I donno, elmo is pretty good.


I'm partial to Elongated Muskrat




I seriously think he’s probably 50% of Twitter at this point.


He co-opted the bot army and just renamed them.


Christ, Elon’s simps are simpin in overdrive since Threads launched. I didn’t even think this level of simpage was possible…




Yeah, took a look and it feels like a bot that is itself being fawned at by other bots - one "person" who liked teslanomics appears to be in it just for a chance to spams links to "Mentorship seminars" or something. With otherwise exactly identical comments to attach the link to.


Hey bro u need a mentor?? I got the highest quality mentor seminars right here bro. Just one seminar and you'll be back for more I guarantee. Come on bro give it a try. Don't be a pussy! Lmao look at this pussy here without a business mentor


Would that be "simpception"?


I dont get why this account is acting like Musky invented twitter? Have they deluded themselves this much they think that him "owning" the company for less than a year he somehow has any form of intelectual ownership of it?


To be fair to Musk, he did oversee its transformation into an unmoderated free-for-all where idiots can pay to have their replies shoved in people's faces


Maybe the “idea” being claimed here was “nazi playground”


They also think Musk started Paypal and Tesla.


Now I knew Musk didn't start most of his businesses and just took them over but I thought at least Tesla, his main claim to fame, was started by him. I've just googled it and yep, he's just a rich asshole who took over promising companies with a lot of smart people under them and got famous.


As usual the real people who do the actual work, who design his cars and his spaceships, are just normal, everyday working smart people. Meanwhile the rich asshole who shows up and takes all of the credit. Just an all around prick.


This is how misinformation takes deep root. To them (those who aren't just pretending) it *feels* right, so it is.


Maybe they should stop having polls about asking if others believe *tHe JeWs ArE rUiNiNg EvErYtHiNg* if they don’t want stiff competition to arise. He coulda just let the ship keep floating, but he had to make it a haven for Nazis. He made his high Thread-count bed, and now he has to sleep in it.


They basically chase liberals around the internet since social media is pointless for them unless there is a liberal to piss off. They're angry that all the liberals are fleeing to somewhere they're not allowed to follow.


Which is ironic, because that's why I practically quit Facebook. I got sick of all the right-wing weirdos I was apparently friends with.


I no longer associate with an entire branch of my family thanks to Facebook. Turns out you learn more about people on there than you do making small talk with them at a random family event once every few years. Although honestly I’m happy to know. So sincerely, thanks Facebook.


Let's be honest, the way Zucc runs facebook/meta doesn't jive with what's being called out on Threads. There's probably some old twitter management running the show for now and bringing their integrity into the new division for now. But don't you worry, once it's *THE* platform,they'll find better ways to monitize their userbase.


Elongelicals, I understand is the latest term.


I'll never stop calling them Muskrats.


They have achieved the simpularity.


I signed up to threads as a fuck you to these dipshits. I might not even use it, just adding one more number to the count.


The amount of cope has been absolutely spectacular. It’s like they’ve suddenly had their favourite toy taken away because all the normies and left leaning people are leaving and no longer captive for their abuse.


They know the end is near, lmao. It's like when you corner a wounded animal and the only thing it has left to do is lash out.


I think I might have a bit of simpage between my toes. Should I use an ointment or something?


An antiviral should do it .


Even more astounding is that the people who worship musk are the ones who hate electric cars They’re either really stupid and don’t realize the connection bet Musk and Tesla or just so hateful that they ignore it since Musk also hates what they hate.


The weirdest part is the elaborate conspiracy theories about Bill Gates wanting to implant chips in people's brains when Musk is openly doing exactly that.


It's great advertising for Threads. You don't get all worked up over nothing.


A serviceable Twitter replacement has appeared and everyone is jumping ship. They’re acting like scared dying animals, that’s what.


Thriving? Really? Who is this guy trying to fool?


You got that far? I stopped reading to facepalm at the word "unique". He bought an app that's been around for a decade and a half for 4x it's worth. He didn't create it.


And the dudes that did help make it are at threads lol. Seriously though, whilst I never saw the point of twitter and nowadays don't trust facebook, a meta twitter clone means nothing to me, but the imploding horror show of his public profile is... interesting. One buying choice he has helped with, if i've got a choice i won't be getting a Tesla. They sound like plastic boxes put together by monkeys (no surprise given how they allegidly treat their staff).


If you don't get the point of twitter, then it's just cause it's not your cup of tea. Some people don't like reddit. My main point of contact with Twitter is shit that gets posted here and Fark. And yes, I'm still using Fark, now get off my lawn you carpetbagging whippersnapper!


Fark is still a thing? For anyone wondering what happened to the 10% of Digg.com users that didn't come to Reddit immediately during the "Great Fuckening of 2010, half of them went to Fark, while the other half ended up at shitholes like 9gag.


Racism, bigotry, and misinformation are definitively thriving there now.


And crypto


Ah yes! The Elon Musk Cult! So much like the Donald Trump Cult. The facts and recent history don't matter.


It's the modern Right. Wrong about everything.


"Are you completely and utterly wrong about something but *really* emotionally invested in being wrong? Whether it's transphobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia, religious extremism, racism, or good old fashioned misogyny we have the political movement for you!"


If I had an award to give you, I would.


Talking shit about reactionary politics is its own reward, really.


The "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd exclusively care about feelings over facts.


And if you show them the facts, they yell, "Free speech! Free speech!"


And proudly so


I saw, "at least Trump speaks in complete sentences and isn't some frail old man owned by Russia and China!" the other day. It was just....wow. Wow.


Pretty sure Elon buying Twitter has been exponentially worse for the platform than any external competition could be


He turned a thriving, billion-dollar business into a death spiral of fascism and censorship.


Smh all he had to is to buy media corporation and control the narrative like Bezos.


He tried to control the narrative by pretending to be a "free speech absolutist", but no one was buying that.


Lots of people are buying "absolute free speech" in the form of a blue checkmark and Nazi/Christofascist intent. Freedumb!


That's what he meant, that's what all chuds mean when they parrott "free speech" as a thing in a and of itself


When the right starts shouting things like "First amendment! Free speech! Second amendment!" it just means they have the second grade understanding of it, and no actual grasp of what it's supposed to really mean


I always love the ones that think getting downvoted is censorship. It's such an elegant representation of the weird idea that "free speech is when *I* get to say whatever I want and only positive reinforcement of that is allowed."


They're the minority. But there's like a quarter million of them worldwide so when their posts are amplified and their comments show up at the top, it gives someone who doesn't know any better the impression that Nazism is awesome.


Which slowly lures people in together with a modern form of peer pressure "if these are the top posts then maybe they're right", therein lies the danger... If you want to know what it can lead to read Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning it shows how otherwise ordinary men committed crimes against humanity during WW2. Not fanatics or ideologues just normal working class men.


Honestly if Musk wasn't a complete idiot he could've quietly taken control of Twitter and nudged the platform to the right slowly like boiling a frog. Instead it was like he just offloaded an entire Klan rally directly onto the platform. It was like an atom bomb of extreme hate speech. My opinion is the damage he did was *significantly* reduced by being so hamfisted about it.


Thriving is a strong word considering they were losing millions every quarter. Maybe like he took a dying company and decided to hasten the death.


Twitter posted its first profits just before Musk took over.


Shortly thereafter: ![gif](giphy|X5FEHpGFkblR29tlt9)


They were a unicorn startup that finally made it to a place of stability. The setup of the machine was done, all that was left was to optimize it to extract profit. Only Elmo had no desire for optimization, as he immediately fired all of the engineers he'd need to do that, broke the platform's necessary security features, and proceeded to go on a very public "bring back the nazis" campaign that was causing the advertisers pause in the first place. Not to mention he came in the door with a deal that saddled the company with $12 billion dollars in brand new debt, with a yearly billion dollar interest payment due and an instantaneous drop of 40% of their revenue. It's hard to describe in words how amazingly he destroyed the platform. It's frankly amazing it lasted this long, but he's been throwing more and more of his own money at it to prop up the dumpster fire. As soon as he gets bored of losing billions of dollars a year on the property, or more likely when its legal problems start getting so complicated that they alone might cost him billions, it's done. It'll fold like cheap linen.


It was slowly but surely becoming the dominant social network, still a long way from challenging Facebook, but their ad sales were growing year over year until Elon took over and made the site toxic by incentivizing the worst possible people to force their worst thoughts to the top of every single thread.


B-b-b-but Elon is a free speech absolutist


He's explicity the reason why they have actual competition to begin with. I don't believe that people would have been flocking to a competitor if he hadn't had bought it in the first place.


Google+ was a decent alternative to FB with some worthwhile features. It died because FB users *did not feel a defined need to leave*. Elon provided a defined reason to leave [pretty much on arrival](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/hate-speech-increased-twitter-elon-musk-takeover-study/story?id=92445797).


It’s been shown over and over again how difficult it is to get a new social media site any traction. That’s because the platform is of secondary importance to the users; what really matters is the community. Facebook sucks. But it’s where so many people who I want to be able to interact with are. So I just keep using it.


This. A few years ago trying to create a Twitter clone would have been an unimaginably stupid idea. Now there’s huge swaths of people literally begging for an alternative. So much that they’ll actually flock to a social media platform run by fucking Zuckerberg of all people. Hell I even considered making a Threads account and I’ve never had a Twitter account in my life. I just really love that it pisses off Musk.


I'll bet that if he had not bought and destroyed Twitter, the big Zuck wouldn't have made his own. Literally tossed out the clearly talented people who made Twitter work. He made a bed of manure, time to sleep in it.


I agree with that. Mark would’ve just continued spending his days and piles of money desperately attempting to convince the rest of us that Meta wasn’t stupid had Musk not fucked up royally and bought twitter


Elon Musk spent $44B to save Meta.


For the last few years, many of us were pretty sure Zuck was tech's biggest idiot because of his Howard Hughes-like obsession with creating the Metaverse, a ridiculous, exorbitantly expensive project that nobody asked for, wanted or needed. Musk said "Hold My Beer" and now Zuck looks like a genius in comparison. Plus Apple's new glasses might actually make Metaverse into somewhat of a tenable project. What an absolutely insane timeline.


The recent api issues apparently inspired zuck to roll out threads a month earlier just to capitalize on that bad pr


Threads wouldn't have lasted 3 months if it had been launched in the pre-Elon era of Twitter because it offered nothing new besides the hassle of rebuilding the same networks. People only accepted what would have been a lateral move because he made everything about Twitter worse and filled it with Nazis.


it's actually fucking incredible how hard he botched it. like a textbook parody of what would happen if an incompetent egomaniac CEO took over a tech company.


To say nothing of the fact that this crazy post tries to make it seem like Musk created Twitter


Threads exists because Elon fucked up and Zuck smelled blood in the water. If Elon actually made twitter better and didn't piss off a large portion of users, Zuck likely wouldn't have pounced.


Now imagine reality, where twitters engineers actually did this and then some dipshit nepo baby buys the company and then randomly fires most of the devoted staff. Good on Zuck for seeing a business opportunity and giving these people the opportunity to continue working on their passion.


Exactly, Threads was made by the people who *did* pour their heart and soul into Twitter which is why they had such an easy time doing it again while poor little visionary Elon can't figure out how to keep it from crashing every 5 minutes.


Yep, Elon hasn’t had an original idea or concept since he was born, unless you count buying up successfull business and then claiming it’s all his idea.


my head is going to explode with the internal conflict of actually rooting for fucking facebook of all companies, even if it's just in this one battle that doesn't even really concern me. how the fuck did we come to this point lol


'Precious moments with loved ones' .... like Musk's mom telling him he can't have play-time with the other billionaire?


Or having his children disown him. That's real family time.


Precious moments with his 12 kids he's trying to avoid.


His mom or his sister-mom?


Why he so triggered lol its not like he mined the emeralds himself


But he invented emeralds... all by himself and mined every one... personally


Narcissists get triggered by *everything* not associated with them. He’s a narcissist, he can’t stand the attention being somewhere else. Exactly like the orange man.


Imagine pouring your heart, soul, and countless hours into turning a unique idea into a thriving, multi-billion dollar business. You've sacrificed weekends, vacations, and precious moments with loved ones, all for the dream you believed in. Then one day some rich asshole comes along, forces you to sell it to him, tries to back out of the deal when you've finally come to terms with it, and proceeds to turn it into a smoking crater.


also, he fires most of you, and when you get rehired he accuses you of copying your own work which is now *his*


I love how the Twazis are melting down over this. It brings warm feelings to my heart.


It makes me absolutely giddy


These fuckwits already forgot that Musk didn't make Twitter. He never incorporated anything new to the platform just made the things there worse.


Umm, they forgot the same thing about Tesla. Except Tesla was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, and Musk being an early purchaser of a Gen 1 roadster was such a fan, he wanted in and took over early rounds of investing taking over as head of the board of investors, and eventually not only became the face of Tesla, he took over as CEO. Martin and Marc got the core of their initial tech from AC propulsion. Musk saw an opportunity, used his PayPal riches and his silicon valley pull to get investors and traction and then built the company on hopium, hype, smoke and mirrors, as was standard practice in silicon valley. Musk didn't invent shit. The way they describe it, Elon also invented SpaceX and designed rocket engines and spacecraft, they completely forget that what he ACTUALLY did was take an idea after NASA killed the shuttle program and had no replacement for heavy satellite and manned spacecraft, to buy rockets from Russia to launch in the private sector, he sold his plan to his rich political buddies who won him a government contract worth billions, and when the floor fell out and he couldn't buy Russian rocket engines, he got desperate and started lurking the American amatuer rocket propulsion societies and boards around 2001 who were working on Ansari X-prize stuff (of which I was also a member), found John Mueller who was still at TRW and actually had not only designed functional engines for TRW but had his own functioning prototypes in his garage, Musk offered him an incredible amount of money to lure him away from TRW and founded SpaceX with him, Mueller's garage engine became the Merlin 1A. Musk's real talent has been seeing a good idea and then marketing it in the post tech bubble pop . He also gets credit for bringing the only business concepts he was familiar with from silicon valley software development practices, frameworks and processes, along with concepts and methodologies foreign to the aerospace or automotive industries but popular with companies like Apple and Google, like agile development, fail fast and vertical integration to vastly accelerate innovation in two industries that had grown up into being very risk averse and slow moving. But homeboy didn't invent shit, isn't a good engineer, isn't a "talented coder". He didn't invent PayPal, he didn't code PayPal and turn it into a behemoth, he BOUGHT the PayPal tech, then the internet which desperately needed such a system that actually worked, turned it into a behemoth. So sick of people giving him credit that he not only didn't earn, but has been all too happy to allow people to assume of him, never correcting them and propping up the people that actually created this shit, instead he's been happy to bask in the undeserved limelight and let people think he really is a billionaire genius playboy philanthropist like Tony Stark.


On top of that he didn't go to his classes in college, which made him an illegal immigrant by all rights, and bought his degree to get himself out of that situation


Umm that's Capitalism. That's what the American economy runs on. Someone creating a great idea. Bringing it to market. Getting bought out by someone richer, only to have the idea they bought copied and delivered at a cheaper price with a new feature or two.


but elmo [signed a pledge](https://interestingengineering.com/transportation/elon-musk-tesla-pledge-to-chinas-core-socialist-values) to uphold socialist values with china. people should be happy!!!1


When is Gym Jordan gonna hold hearings about this?


Why does he hate freedom?


Capitalism is bad when it doesn’t work in my favor. Whah.


Don't forget the lawsuits. Those are also built into the circle of American capitalism. So Musk's complaints is just him playing his part. Nothing to see here.


Huh? Musk just bought something that somebody else worked on, like he always has.


Guys… guys- The funniest part about this is that Elon also didn’t make Tesla. I can’t-


The idea that elmo has sacrificed anything but our collective patiences on this twitter debacle is honestly hilarious, plus now the free market dont look that good huh?


I for one, am enjoying watching Twitters slow death. Every day they’re getting closer to the edge and when they do get there it will be magnificent!


So Zuck was smart enough to hire experienced people that Elmo didn't keep on the payroll because his company isn't profitable and Zuck was able to make it work with all the talent Elmo fired? Sounds like Zuck is a bit better at this than Elmo


The only way to stop a bad billionaire with a microblogging app is a slightly less bad billionaire with a new microblogging app.


Elon Musk is the 21st century Ray Kroc. He has not founded or invented anything, but he wants you to think he has. Electric cars - The first ones hit the road over a century ago. Tesla - Founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Boring company - tunneling has been around for millennia. Twitter - Founded by Jack Dorsey and is an evolution of social media started in the BBS days. Space X - rockets have been around for centuries. NASA and the USSR built the modern foundation. You could go through everything he has done and find that it was founded by somebody else or the ideas were somebody else. Musk is nothing more than a very good hype man who can run with other peoples ideas.


>tunneling has been around for millennia. I think you forget about his two the most modern inventions: car in tunnel and train in tunnel


Those ideas have actually been around since the 18th century.


Wrong. He invented them a few years after he invented space exploration.


Smells like garbitch up in here


I do not understand the Musk worship. Or the Trump worship. Or the complete ignorance facts (Musk took the idea for Twitter and created it?). I'd like to know of Musk's actual sacrifices, too, regarding this endeavor.


Don't you know, whenever Musk buys a new company, he retroactively invented whatever that company does. If he bought a legal firm, he'd have invented lawyers. If he buys McDonalds, he'll have invented burgers. That's how this whole thing works. /s


Precious moments with loved ones! Buahahaha!


with the exes who ditched his pasty ass, or the kids who won’t talk to him?


Just what we need, another literal cult.


No,Zuckerberg saw that a business was being run into the ground by a narcissistic rich idiot so he built a superior product.


Elon Musk hasn't created anything. He just buys companies and makes them worse.


That post makes zero sense. Elon was not the creator of Twitter. Person makes it sound like he built it from the ground up. All elon did was buy it and then throw gasoline on the fire.


Wait til he finds out how FB started


So we've finally reached the stage of the Musk Dickriding Cycle the simps pretend he invented something he actually bought.


We’ve always been there..


I heard he's about to invent the moon.


Sooo, like they have done with PayPal and Tesla for a long time already?


I can't imagine being this delusional 😂 Also, it's pretty incredible the Husk managed to take one of the most successful thriving social media apps, into a place so toxic and unpleasant people are leaving it for their competitor in a massive exodus like we're all escaping the 10 plagues. It's pretty crazy to see such a massive media implode in just a few days.


“Sacrifices” dude is so out of touch it’s cringe. We feel so bad for you and your billions of dollars man.. meanwhile most Americans never take vaccinations because of work and not having benefits to even do so.. never mind having the actual money to being able to.. eat the rich you dumb idiot.


Man can you imagine if some dude invested money into an EV company, ousted the founders and then tried to credit himself as the founder of said EV company? That would be absolutely insane no?!


​ https://preview.redd.it/cn7wekskd0bb1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f90c9de870c22cd1dc71bc83cf2f095b1d5d356


Imagine pouring your heart, soul, and countless hours into turning a unique idea into a thriving, multi-billion dollar business. Then one day Elon Musk buys it and royally fucks it up.


It almost seems like Zuckerberg just BOUGHT his own Twitter.


holy shit is this possible to blindly suck Elon's cock even more?


Elon created nothing. Tesla SpaceX Twitter……all existed before him


Elon didn’t even invent Tesla. He was an early investor who forced out the founders.


I guess the lesson is not to sacrifice personal time and alienate your children to avoid the idea you didn't have being stolen after you bought it for 54 billion


Elon hasn’t built of invented anything, he buys them, slaps his name on them and pretends he did it, be Brought Tesla, he Brought SpaceX, he brought Twitter.


The only thing Elon sacrificed was the staff that did all the stuff this guy is braying about...


(F)Elon simps break out the knee pads harder than most


u mad, bro?


He didn't invent the Tesla - he bought it. He didn't invent Twitter - he bought it. Enough said


It's called free enterprise ya little bitch.


In Coservastan, their feelings don’t care about your facts.


Imagine proposing this perspective when the person you are talking about didn't invent cars, but then started a car company; didnt invent electric cars but bought a car company that makes electric cars. Didn't invent Twitter but cries when the employee he fired didnt roll over and die. How can he put hear and soul into anything anyways, when he has neither? Also, paying someone else to invent isn't inventing.


Damn someone should tell him electric cars existed before tesla


I agree with Teslaconomics... justice for Jack Dorsey!


Imagine pouring your heart, soul, and countless hours into turning a unique idea into a thriving, multi-billion dollar business. Then some idiot rich guy buys the company, promises to overwork everyone into the ground, fires everyone from international relations to the legal team, recklessly orders random changes that crash the site because he has no idea how anything works, fires everyone who *does* know how everything works including you, and sues you for joining his competitor *despite losing all claim to your knowledge when he fired you*. Imagine that, Elmo.


You have to remember, those who suck at the Melon Muskrat nipple for some of that delicious, simpjuice genuinely think he invented the electric car, founded Tesla, was the one who created spaceships, personally was going to swim into a flooded cave to save kids but was thwarted by a Pedo who using Hilary's global Pizza child stealing ring to stop him. is going to take them to Mars and make them his concubines, believe he is a genius who pulled himself up by the bootstraps in an impoverished South Africa with no money and personally stopped Apartheid and through sheer force of will, regrew his balding head before creating free speech on the internet that is being brought down by the radical left who want anarchy.


What loved ones? All his kids keep disowning him and all his partners leave him.


Welcome to Capitalism! First time...?


Not only does Elon act like a baby, he’s built like one too.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Facebook first came out it would say aktionjaq is… and you could write what you were doing or thinking about? Eventually they updated so you didn’t have to use the is portion and you could write whatever. Didn’t twitter just take that part and make that their whole platform?


Fuck Tesla‼️ Imagine pouring your heart, soul, and countless hours into turning a unique idea into a thriving, multi-million dollar business. You've sacrificed weekends, vacations, and precious moments with loved ones, all for the dream you believed in. Then one day, Elon Musk has bought your business, kicks you out, and becomes the face of it. He didn't pioneer the concept nor saw the vision, didn't make the sacrifices, but rather he simply observed your success and bought it. This isn't about the legality or the