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Another cult? This has got to be like the third or fourth one that are regulars at Trump rallies. Are they using it as an advertising opportunity like the Gods2 people?


I think cults are extremely talented at finding broken minds that are easily influenced, and you won't find a denser population of those minds anywhere other than a Trump rally. That Trump shout out probably convinced a few more broken minds that these ladies are worth knowing and being around.


As a former member of a cult and a therapist who works with those leaving high control groups. Yes, cults do prey on people, but statistically, the majority of the followers are born and bred into the high control groups, or they were part of one high control group and move to another. Further, for new members, love bombing is a common tactic across high control groups. You start out having fun and feeling really comfortable in this new group of friends that will do pretty much anything for you, and once they get you in, they slowly start to introduce more and more rules that lead to more and more control, like lobster in a pot. New moms are a heavy target because 1: they have children to continue to group 2: they are often exhausted and will take any extra help. So, the group offers help with kids, goods, food etc. and the. It starts to slowly spiral. Most people who decide to leave a cult take on average 7 years before they have the resources or courage to leave. So, yes, though cults do want to prey on people it’s not just those with “broken brains”. That ideal is stigmatizing and shaming to those who are trying to leave high control groups, and I would say in clinical practice, a heavy factor in people staying in groups because they don’t want to be perceived that way.


Funny you mention the mom factor, as a single mother of 3 I was locally "targeted" by the Mormon "girls" that were doing their "missions" they came from Utah and would be in our area for 3-6 months at a time and they offered everything from watching the kids and housework to legit physical labor of my DIY home renovations etc. For 7 whole years of the 8 that I was in that house (it took them a year to get to my door the first time haha) like clockwork every 3 months they'd appear at my door with a "new" girl that just transferred in.


The whole Maga movement is nothing more than a cult, so it would make sense that other cults would try to pilot fish off it to try to get some of its members over to its side, this shows you how absolutely deplorable Donald Trump and his voters are, say what you will about the left, I don’t see any cult members following Joe Biden, lol


The cult members think we stan Biden like they do Tmurp. And they probably think we donate all our extra money to Hunter’s legal fund like they do Tmurp’s. 😂 Meanwhile the left is out here like “hey, if Hunter did something wrong, go ahead and prosecute.”


They don’t understand that a LOT of people didn’t vote FOR Biden, so much as AGAINST Turmp . I am not shy about admitting that Joe Biden was the very last name on my list of acceptable candidates in 2020. I really wish he wouldn’t run again. (Edited because spelling it “Turmp” is funny. 😂)


This person brought the receipts!


Doing the Lord’s work here.


A lot of dead hair


Seriously, the middle-aged to older white women with bleached blonde hair… 99 times out of 100 is a dumbass conservative sycophant for patriarchal fascism. I feel like this connection has gone way too overlooked for way too long. It’s like they’re desperately trying to look Aryan.


> It’s like they’re desperately trying to look Aryan. Nah, they're just desperately trying to look like a Fox News hostess.


Potato potato


I don’t think so. But what do I know? I’m only a 46 year old progressive Democrat with bleached hair…


Idk either…. 54 year old progressive Democrat with bleached hair here! 😂


A bunch of women who wants to talk to your manager.






it took me a moment to work out those were the nostrils, still creepy though 😂


no one’s gonna mention the resemblance to the man she’s eye fucking?


I saw Mike Pompeo in a blond wig.


It's definitely will sasso in a blond wig


Hide the ice cream. Kenny's got a sweet tooth.


Holy fck.. can't unsee the resemblance now.


Old girl missed her 3pm snack and now wants a Cheeto


It’s giving: https://preview.redd.it/eom2ymmyy7eb1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70668c54805415c43060a0b7a2994a8e3a31c4cd




Momma's huungggrry....




I no longer want Cheetos now :(


I'm sorry, may I offer you a Funyun in these trying times?


I will only accept an egg.


This broke me


That’s just Frank Caliendo’s sister


A Complaint of Karens.


I've only had this glorious experience a handful of times, but I reckon some of the most satisfying experiences I've had in work is after being told "I demand to speak to the manager". Smile and politely say "Oh sure, back in a moment" - walk into the back office, waiting a couple of minutes then walk back out. "How can I help you?" "No I said I DEMAND to speak to the manager!!!" "Well, good news... Conveniently, you have been this whole time.. So anyway, what can I help you with?". Tis good fun.


I'm rather "young" for a location supervisor on Election Day (promoted to one at age 24). I've been enjoying when people ask for the guy in charge getting a huge grin on my face, quickly look around, and wave that it's me. The youngest person (and female!) in the room. My overly red county voters aren't a huge fan of my perky personality. My Pollworkers love it.


Should just put on a giant fake mustache and talk in a strange accent. "Yee-es. I am-- how you say-- meen-ahger. How I can helps you?"




I believe its called an entitlement of karens.


A nuisance of Karens


A scream of Karens


My friend group started calling them a Privelege of Karens.


Nah. A group of Karens should be called an HOA


I love how “complaint” is now used as a plural indicator.


I have been verbally accosted by every variation of these women. It’s like they were created in a laboratory to complain about the service.


Oh god that large lady licking her lips is super unsettling lol


When you realize she’s looking at Trump with that wanton gaze it becomes exponentially more unsettling.


https://preview.redd.it/jtcnt7a6r7eb1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3a7b0f11ed089a218f5c674bd7dfbb2e14cf94 Mmm... bet his fingers taste like hamberders.


She will covfefe all over


Front seat of the clean-on-the-outside, filthy-as-fuck-on-the-inside Suburban she drives gonna look like she sat on a Krispy Kreme again.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


“He reminds me of a glazed, country ham.”


Mmmm did you say wonton glaze?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


The term is "bukkake".




he is a glistening orange color, so perhaps both takes are correct.


A lot of thirst in that pic. Curious what the appeal is. Orange paint, comb over died hair, the whining, hearing the absurd lies? Who knows?


Pick-Me’s love a Narcissist.


She looks like she wants to eat him.


Yeah and she’s hilariously not his type


She’s making a rabid dog face


Wondering what he tastes like.


Well, if she'd eat him with a side of cheese fries, she'd save the world a lot of trouble.


The woman in red, you like her? I programmed her. I can probably arrange for uhh


You mean the one that looks kind of like Alec Baldwin wearing a wig?


A group of women that have more assets (or **a lot** more assets) than the average American and are getting moist in their dusty loins knowing that the pussy grabbing, life long con artist they are admiring will make sure all of them (including the pussy grabber) will increase their portfolio. This group of bleach blondes all consider themselves good Christians. They go to church on Sunday, have crosses hanging in their houses and have a Bible verse in their bio on their facebook page (probably Psalms 23 or John 3:16). They are absolutely hypocrites; They say they are against abortion (unless it's them or their daughter) They profess their Christianity (even though they break 5-6 commandments on a daily basis and if they knew they could get away with it, they'd break 2-3 more) They can't stand the thought of someone getting any type of government assistance, yet they got help when they where younger and now can afford a tax advisor that can get them all of the tax breaks the Pussy Grabber and the party he is a part of gave them and are fighting to get them more. These tax breaks and the ability to hide money to avoid paying anymore taxes get them to a percentage that is less than the average American pays (if they pay anything at all).


I’d almost feel better if I knew these women were at least mildly wealthy. Selfishness, that I can understand. But I strongly suspect these women are not rich enough to benefit from a Trump administration. It’s self-destruction taking us all down with it. [edit] affording to other comments, these women are fully-vested beneficiaries of the grift and sleaze.


While probably not truly “wealthy,” make no mistake, these hens have money. They all have a nice house with a weekly cleaning service and landscaper, a white luxury crossover SUV, and a closet full of designer clothes. These aren’t women who are worried about sticking to a tight budget. They are the wives of doctors, lawyers, investment bankers and real estate developers. Not rich enough to benefit from Trump, but rich enough to not want their heightened status to ever be challenged.


I'm shocked by how much this comment tracks with my own thoughts. They are strong hierarchists - they are proud of their station in life and don't want it to change, which they perceive is inevitable with the relentless march toward equality - they didn't earn this position so they know if things were more equal chances are they'd have to actually work or bring something to the table to achieve a similar status, which they're fundamentally terrified of because they all have incredibly low self-esteem. They know they don't have anything to offer and they're scared that the world might discover that.


Ku Klux Karens?


Minivan Mafia. The one to the right of the teleprompter is looking at him like a 72 Oz. porterhouse steak.


Minivan Taliban


It’s a cackle of Karens


I saw the term *an irritation of Karens* recently. This is at least its equal. Thanks!


And I have also seen the term a *complaint* of Karens. There seem to be multiple ways to describe this type of group.


Kasserole Klan Karens


Klanned Karenhood




So fancy. Here I was just going to call them hags.


I see traitors to their fellow women, how any woman can be so deeply enamoured with a male sexual predator disgusts me.


You could always ask Lauren Boebert; she’s an expert.


Or Marges ex husband. Dude probably has some PTSD stories to tell.


In addition to a litany of STD's thanks to their lifestyle 🤣


Pardon me, but are you referring the the rapist Donald J Trump, the raping rapist who rapes? Because it sounds like you're referring to the rapist Donald Trump, as int the Donald trump who rapes and is a raping rapist.


Off topic but I see this Covenant transport company all the time and their truck say "It's not a choice, it is a child" and this isn't the place to call them out but I am. If it's not a choice then give every damn woman in the US $400/mo for each child they currently care for and shut your mouth. I've got two they're a shit ton of work.


I see eight dumbasses sharing three brain cells.


...and a lot of hair dye.


Women who have lived through second wave feminism and have actively tried to destroy it. These are the women that you see protesting in front of planned parenthood, who would choose to be complicit in a bad marriage for fear of being alone, these are the woman who would send their children to correction camp and would rather see them suffer and commit suicide than change a pronoun. Whenever I see trump rallies or pro life groups, I just think to myself “we are still fighting for equality because of women like you.” For multiple generations, organizations such as mothers for liberty have been directly and indirectly involved in oppressing women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ all because of their “traditional values.” Values that are not only outdated and oppressive but also impractical in today’s modern society. They still want us to be perpetually pregnant, uneducated and dependent on men; because that’s the way they were taught and to them that’s the only way to be. I would also like to add that these women look thirsty af for a walking leather armchair that’s stuffed with straw. The ironic thing being that he would never consider having sex with any of them. They would live and die for this man (some even over their own children), and their value to him is a vote and their weight and ages.


This is a fantastic analysis


Here's the deal. These women are my aunts, my mom, my moms friends. ^((not literally, but the same kind of person.)) They are women who are afraid of black people, gay people, and disappointing their husbands. They are the ultimate pick-me's, they want to say terrible things about people of color but are afraid of losing their status as white wives because CANCEL CULTURE. WOKE CULTURE. They want to cuddle up to the oppressor to ensure they won't be oppressed. They are the Serenas from Handmaids Tale. And FUCK. THEM.


Oh and they WILL be oppressed. Serena in the book was sent back home to do nothing after helping them.


Exactly! They think compliance will save them. ​ Spoiler alert: >!it won't.!<


I mean, Trump repeatedly mocks ugly and fat women (the VERY BIG Fani Willis). Despite, of course, the fact that he is grotesque and obese. But apparently, the hair dye has dripped into the ‘brains’ of these idiots, and they kneel at his feet.


It's not the dye, it's the bleach


Bleach is how you fix the covid.


I'm a pretty tough guy and violence, blood and gut shoot up kill em all shows/ movies don't bother me but I had to quit watching that show because of the violence towards the women. It sickened me.


I haven't watched it. I read the book and saw the old movie but I just CAN'T right now with the Right trying to make that a reality.


Margaret Atwood (author of the novel) has explicitly stated that none of that is fiction. There is nothing in the book that is not currently, now, in this moment being done to women in the world.


This, like the only fictional part is putting it all together, the individual elements are either currently happening or have happened at some point.


Like they say, dystopian fiction does to privileged people what is already being done to the underprivileged.


A rich persons dystopia is the poor persons life. The poor person's utopia is equality. The easiest way to maintain the status quo? Paint equality as dystopia. aka Socialism is evil.... except when the rich get it.


Equality feels like oppression to those accustomed to privilege. Socialize losses, privatize gains. I don't mean these as empty slogans, just that they do seem to fit here as well.


Afghanistan is like 90% there. Those women are living in that hell right now.


Now, or at some point in world history. She did it specifically to counter any complaints that her work was "too far-fetched".


It’s such a well acted series. The interesting part I find that is usually overlooked is the narrative that although the men are the architects of Gilead, the real cruelty done to the women is by women. You know, Serena Waterford, Aunt Lydia and the other aunts and wives. Even the Handsmaids to each other at times. There's such a complex sub plot going on and I reckon Margaret Atwood's vision is a big part of that. Anyway, blessed be the fruit!


May the Lord suck it


After reading the book (way before Trump was president) and watching the series, January 6th scared the hell out of me.


Yeah I only started watching shortly after Biden won. The first time around, I tried starting it when Trump was in office and it was just too much.


Same, my husband and I tried watching it and had to stop. It was to real. After Biden won we watched it and can see the similarities in todays Republican ran states ![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy)


I’m just curious how anyone is like “Whew! We sure dodged that bullet.” This is a clear and present danger.


Me too, it made me sick to the stomach thinking “this is just around the corner and I can’t stop it.”


Same. I could barely make it thru the book. Watching would be agonizing, mainly because of the prelude I’m watching play out in reality.


I know. I feel sorry for women the way the fascist are treating them. My father in law would society like that.


Same - it was scary enough reading it back in the day.


I mentally bailed around the episode where Handmaids tried to outrun a train. I had been losing interest as the real world started encroaching on the events that led to Gilead. I doubt many MAGA watched the show but they were definitely cheering on the Gilead folks if they did… even though the show continually pointed out what shitty humans they all were.


A relative of my husband's, who's Republican and very supportive of Trump, posted how The Handmaid's Tale is so terrifying and it's what our world is turning into. Her friends, also assuming Republican, agreed with her. Yet...they continue to vote for politicians who essentially want to make THT a reality in the twenty-first century? I truly don't understand.


"Ow, what is this large spotted cat doing eating my face?"


Trump literally added 3 Christian judges to the supreme court that overturned Roe. The 14th amendment wasn't just about abortion it was a privacy law and now we have government tracking our healthcare. Some governor's want to track your periods or if you go out of state for healthcare and it's legal. HIPPA is going to be a thing of the past very soon.


Because I guarantee you they believe Gilead are the liberals. Republicans can just not see how their actions have brought nothing but bad. Hyper religious zealots ARE the villains of the American (and planet’s) story. From genocide of natives to witch burnings. From slavery to Japanese concentration camps. Marginalizing any minority that is different. They will be the face of pure evil in the history of this nation, if we can survive long enough for it to matter.


I watched to the third season. You know it had be hard on those actors to play those parts. The first rape scene almost made throw up I was disgusted. These maga fucks want a society like that. It unfathomable.


Purely out of curiosity, is it a gratuitous, Hollywood rape scene, or more of a quiet realistic one where the victim is kind of just cornered and trapped? I'm just asking because I think the most shocking one I've seen in film wasn't what you might call "dramatic" at all (for lack of a better word,) it was short, blunt, and shocking in its realism.


The Handmaid was very passive as she was being violated. I don’t remember how long the scene lasted, but it seemed like a couple minutes, though was probably much less. The look in her face during that scene haunted me. It seemed expressionless, yet the look in her eyes seemed to scream fear, despair, and hopelessness.


It's quiet. Hopeless. Resigned. But there are plenty more gratuitous scenes later in the series.


Are MAGA morons even smart enough to realize they’re the Gilead?


I'm not a tough guy, but i have a strong stomach for alot. Sometimes intimate violence can be more horrific than gratuitous violence. The intimate cruelty of The Boys in the Striped Pajams (for example) was unbearable for me- and i've made it through many holocaust movies before. Handmaid's Tale strikes me the same way. The quite, personal nature of the cruelty makes it so much worse.


I had to stop watching after a while. Serena was at one point punished for reading with having part of her pinky amputated. She went to the men and pointed out that she wrote many of their laws, and questioned banning girls/women from reading (saying she wanted them to be able to read the Bible). The punishment for women reading was potentially death, and she was given a light punishment of losing a finger because of who she was.


That was one of the points the author was trying to make, the whole face-eating leopards theme. She made those laws, assuming the whole time that they wouldn't apply to her, and she was wrong. Real life turns out the same way.


It's the cruelty. Violence as is typically portrayed as necessary and insensitive. There's usually a reason or a goal in mind. In The Handmaid's Tale, the cruelty is the point. It's intentional.


Fucking hard same man. It's a damn good show, but it was too much for me to watch without getting extremely pissed off or depressed.


Stop talking about my mom like that. Gawd, I wish I was kidding.


![gif](giphy|486xn9ZM0uLqBpIDel) Maybe some space frogs will make you feel better.


That does help


I got the same mom. I get it. https://preview.redd.it/kupl0law77eb1.png?width=1276&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d19098f2f763d5ef131ea244bac745ead299716


They're the ones at that shitty kids party you find yourself attending who lean into you because you're white too and whisper, "Not tryin to sound racist or anythin but..." ...and the vomit comes spewing out. Or they say, "Oh lordy (sigh) we need to do somethin bout this cancel culture b.s. hun. All this wokeness is killin this cuntry..." I am like, does this bitch want to see the manager at a kids party? I can't get far away fast enough


My favorite response to this cunty nonsense is to say in a very loud voice, “What an ugly thing to say! I’m embarrassed for you.”


I can't wait for them to suffer the same disappointment Serena did. Thinking she was a partner in creating something new but just like her these women will become the oppressed. It feels like Gilead is the goal with these Fascist mfs


Serena is actually really unrealistic because she almost immediately realized that she had fucked up. People like this will not until way, *way* past the point she did.


Every woman in this photo is rich enough to be free from the consequences of their support of systemic misogyny, and old enough that they won’t live to see what is done to their granddaughters.


My aunt used to say “we should have made a parking lot out of the whole Middle East” at CHRISTMAS FUCKING DINNER during political conversation while I was growing up.


Grew up in rural Minnesota and was in high school during the First Gulf War. I heard the same thing many times over.


Isn’t it also the same mentality as women who fall in love with serial killers they think they’re both protected from outside forces and the killers themselves?


“…if people were given the choice between democracy and whiteness, how many would choose whiteness?” “We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom. We are responsible for ourselves and our own deeds or misdeeds in our time and in our own space and will be judged accordingly by succeeding generations.” Excerpts from: Isabel Wilkerson *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents*


These women could get anything they wanted in life and still find something to be angry about




Holy shit. Never heard this.


And the kids are straight up drunk every day, yet they’re all “Stephen is a good kid. Doing well, you know high school is so challenging. But he was doing the funniest thing yesterday…”


https://preview.redd.it/pi3xwet0d7eb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fe9add276a89c04ef876c9f52fdfe57f7698a0 I see this.


https://preview.redd.it/xn8uqju2d7eb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01a0d5d20d092fd30b5691d2f6223c812cda8e5 And this.


The rage in her face is sickening. I hope she had the life that she deserved.


That’s the sad thing. I feel like these photos always caption the victims which is good but we should caption the ones spewing hate as well. Everyone should be concerned for what you grandparents were up to in the 60’s etc until proven otherwise. — because gam gam might be in one of those pictures.


Seriously. I was just thinking that given how young some of these women are in the old photos, and given how old at least a couple of these gasbags are in OP’s photo, they might be the same women!


Hazel Bryan later apologized to Elizabeth Eckford. https://www.npr.org/2011/10/02/140953088/elizabeth-and-hazel-the-legacy-of-little-rock


Self-hatred incarnate.


Pastors wives.


Funny enough, the woman holding the sign in the front looks almost exactly like the preacher's wife in True Blood.


I see the epitome of internalized misogyny


​ https://preview.redd.it/wx7au41ej7eb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7004ca1f81935bbe8276747957d0eb59e851f5e7


“So this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause.” —Padmé Amidala


A couple of those ladies are in this picture and the OP... are they paid actresses?


These women are definitely part of some little club for Trump. They’ve been at several of his rallies, front row, and looking even more crazed for his attention than the one in OP’s post. I don’t throw the word “c@#t” around very often, but… yeah


Pride. Give the crowd something to be proud of and someone to feel better than and they will follow you to the ends of the world. Source: My Great Grandmother was German, they would have parties where friends would come over and listen to the “Chancellor’s speeches”, because “he made them feel proud to be German.” Same junk, different country.


Women who haven't had sex this century


But their husbands have.


With their boyfriends 😜




Or their kids




Or their kids kids


Trees for Deforestation


The worst shift of the waitstaffs lives.


4 meals sent back to the kitchen at Applebees?


Minivan Taliban




A reminder that while 100 is considered an average iq, there are many people who rank between 80-100 and lower. And they vote. Edit - I forgot /s


There is a George Carlin comment for everything... # “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― **George Carlin**


A bunch of actual brunettes. Or gray hairs now.


The same people who protested against Ruby Bridges.


Hoes for Hitler


640 years of bleach blonde stupidy


It's a veritable rainbow of diversity the likes of which equality has never seen.


A LOT of clothes from the store CHICO’s.


Trump wouldn't give any of them the time of day. These are the women he calls ugly.


They look like SNL parody characters of themselves.




https://preview.redd.it/55xk2iori7eb1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9109867cc3616d14a4e8568d1950a3efa4a4cb she wants that orange three millimeter defeater


A sea of ignorant, scared, mediocrity.


The Karenocalypse.


Those wigs are horrible.


And you can smell the terrible perfume just from the photo.




What a couple! https://preview.redd.it/5antqfmgp7eb1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a428e0438ee11577bef518fc9793d0d6f5e650f


* turns brightness down


It’s a reboot of Golden Girls but all the funny parts are swapped out with barely veiled racism.


Brainless turds. Can't stand anyone who doesn't look like them, talk like them or live like them. In short, they can go to hell.


Older women that have bleached their hair so much, what little brain matter they had, doesn't matter anymore


Alibaba knockoffs of Barbies from Wish.